COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy
Mayor Pro Tem Jon Michael Franks. Members: Michael Richarme, Stephen Apple, and W.
Ralph Evans.
STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager;
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Ron Harper,
City Engineer; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Billy Campbell, Director of
Public Safety; Paul Ward, Building Official; Tom Elgin, City Planner; Kevin Hugman, Assistant
to the City Manager; Analeslie Muncy, City Attorney; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., whereby Councilmembers and City
staff reviewed all agenda items for tonight's meeting.
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Agenda Item #2-A. Executive Session
Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant
to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and
551.076 of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to
pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real
property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the
deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises.
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:01 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 8:15 p.m.
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September 6, 1994
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Agenda Item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
Motion was made to approve the agreement presented in executive session relative to the
purchase of real estate and the settlement of the lawsuit which was discussed in executive
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Richarme, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Motion was made to direct staff to pursue the acquisition of land as discussed in executive
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Richarme, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #3. Auoroval of the Minutes of the Aumlst 16. 1994. City Council Meetinm
Motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 16, 1994, City Council meeting as
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Evans, Richarme, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Reoort
During the Mayor's Report, Councilmember Franks noted that "GRACE" will hold the annual
"kick-off" breakfast in Grapevine, Friday morning at DFW Hilton, Grapevine from 7:30 a.m.
to 10:00 a.m., for fund raising for GRACE. GRACE is a local charitable organization that
takes care of local people in need, for those in Southlake, Grapevine, and Colleyville. The fund
raising will be a nine (9) week project. Packets will be handed out with suggestions on how
an individual or group can help fund GRACE. The goal for GRACE this year is $291,000. For
those interested, the gourmet chief of DFW Hilton has prepared a special breakfast for the
occasion. Please contact Mr. Franks if you are interested in attending.
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September 6, 1994
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Agenda Item #4-A. Continued
Mayor Fickes announced that Items #8-C and #8-D on the agenda will be tabled tonight. Item
#8-C will need a super-majority vote of the Council which is 75% of the vote or six votes, and
tabled as one Councilmember is absent this evening. Agenda Item #8-D will also need a super-
majority of the vote of the Council as 20% of the property owners signed a petition in objection
to the zoning action, also, the applicant asked this item be tabled.
Agenda Item #4-B. City Mana~,er's Renort
No items were discussed during the City Manager's Report.
Aeenda Item #5. Consent Aeenda
The Consent agenda consisted of the following items:
5-C. Award of bid for Street Improvements on North Kimball Avenue from F.M. 1709
to S.H. 114.
5-D. Revisions to the Corridor Study Services Contract.
5-E. Request to advertise for bids for 12" water line improvements on Shady Oaks
5-F. Request to advertise for bids for two sets of Traffic Signals at North Kimball
Avenue and F.M. 1709 and North Kimball Avenue and S.I-I. 114.
5-G. Request to advertise for bids for Bicentennial Park expansion.
Resolution No. 94-43, authorizing the City of Southlake to enter into an
agreement with the State of Texas whereby the City will assume responsibilities
for drainage and maintenance of the State's Drainage Easement on F.M. 1938.
Request for a permit for an Archery and BB Gun Range for Cub Scout #507, in
accordance with Ordinance No. 527.
Motion was made to approve the Consent agenda, items #5-C, #5-D, #5-E, #5-F, #5-G, #9-B,
and #10-A.
Motion: Apple
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Franks, Richarme, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
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September 6, 1994
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A~enda Item #5-A. Consent - Audit Firm A~reement
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance, sent proposals (RFP) for professional audit services to ten
accounting finns. The RFP requested a five-year contract period, with fiscal year 1994 the
initial contract year. The firms contacted were those that had requested to be put on the City's
bid list for audit services plus the major national firms that service municipal clients in the area.
A copy of the memorandum from LouAnn Heath is hereby attached to the minutes.
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, noted with the familiarity of
Weaver and Tidwell, it will take less of staffs time, therefore cost
less in the process. With a smaller firm, if something happens,
the city will be in trouble.
Councilmember Richarme asked if all the firms that submitted
proposals are qualified firms. Ms. Heath replied, yes.
Councilmember Franks stated he feels the firm we were using
would put us in a better position. All CPA's are not created
equal, as all attorney's are not created equal.
Councilmember Farrier also supports the recommendation of the
Finance Director and feels the city would be further ahead with
Weaver & Tidwell.
Motion was made to approve the recommendation of the City staff and select Weaver & Tidwell
for the City auditor with a five (5) year contract.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Award of Bid for Street Improvements- Kimball Road S.H. 114 to F.M. 1709. North
Kimball Avenue from S.H.114 to Southlake Blvd. (F.M.1709) is a new street. It is
designed as an ultimate six-lane divided roadway. The street is to be built in stages.
The first stage, the current bid for consideration, is the construction of storm drains, curb
and gutter on the outside lanes, and the two outside lanes in each direction. The street
will be concrete, and the center will be left as a grassy median. At. S.H. 114 and
Southlake Blvd., North Kimball will transition back to two lanes to match the existing
two-lane streets across each intersection. The engineer's estimate was $321,000 for this
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September 6, 1994
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Anenda Item #5. Continued
project. Actual low bid was $333,984.94 or an increase of $12,984.94. This increase
in costs should be covered in a reduction in the signal costs as Wal-Mart has agreed to
pay for one-half of the signal and installation on Southlake Blvd., saving the City around
$20,000, which had been budgeted for signalization. The low bidder is LL. Bertram,
Revisions to Services Contract for Corridor Studies. The recent increase in citizen
interest in aesthetic controls and sensitivity to development related planning has impacted
the direction and scope of the Corridor Study. It is apparent that we will need to provide
additional opportunities for public input and to expand the services required to deal with
the areas of interest to the citizens and interested public who have attended the Corridor
meetings. This additional work is estimated to be an additional $15,000 for a total not-
to-exceed contract price of $35,000. The main areas of additional work are as follows:
Two additional CAC meetings; One additional public meeting; additional research and
preparation needed to include urban design issues into public meetings and the report;
additional graphic illustrations anticipated in the report to describe concepts and
requirements; to graphically add in the previously excluded portion of F.M. 1709 from
Carroll to Peytonville. This project will extend into the 94-95 budget year, it is
recommended by staff that the 94-95 budget be increased to accommodate the required
$415,000 for this contract expansion. Line item 230, Professional Services.
Request to advertise for bids for 12-inch water line improvements on Shady Oaks Drive.
The existing water main on Shady Oaks Drive from Southlake Blvd. to Highland, is a
4-inch line. The City's Water Master Plan based upon the Land Use Plan calls for an
8-inch line to be constructed on Shady Oaks Drive, from Southlake Blvd. to Highland.
With the location of the proposed school on Shady Oaks, their fire flow requires a 12-
inch main instead of the 8-inch main. The City's Five Year Water Capital Improvement
Plan showed the improvement to be placed in Shady Oaks in FY 1996. Staff is
recommending in the FY 1995 Budget, Capital Projects, that the 12-inch main be
constructed with Carroll Independent School District paying for the oversizing from an
8-inch to a 12-inch main. The total estimated cost is $130,000 with CISD's share being
Request to advertise for bids for two sets of Traffic Signals: North Kimball and F.M.
1709 and North Kimball and S.H. 114. To complete the construction of North Kimball
Avenue from Southlake Blvd (F.M. 1709) to S.H. 114, the two intersections with North
Kimball at F.M. 1709 and S.H. 114 need to be signalized. Tx-Dot will not signalize
an intersection that had not been constructed and that a traffic study would need to be
conducted to warrant the signals. When Wal-Mart became a reality and requested
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September 6, 1994
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Aeenda Item #5. Continued
driveway permits from Tx-Dot, then Tx-Dot insisted that the two intersections be
signalized. Staff has negotiated with Wal-mart to pay for one-half the cost of the signals
at North Kimball and F.M. 1709. Tx-Dot has offered the use of any equipment, which
can be utilized from the intersection of Short Avenue and S.H. 114. Council may recall
that the signals at Short Avenue at S.I-I. 114 are to be removed at the request of the City
to abandon Short Ave. The cost is to be $80,000, however, the funds are set aside to
do the project with Wal-Mart paying a portion.
Request to Advertise for Bids Bicentennial Park Expansion Project-Phase I. J.T. Dunkin
and Associates, designers for the Bicentennial Park Expansion Project Phase I are
completing the construction documents and are ready to advertise for bids.
The Texas Department of Transportation is requesting that the City enter into a
maintenance agreement for the drainage easement, which was enclosed across the corner
of Southlake Market Place (F.M. 1709 and F.M. 1938). Tx-Dot policy requires such
a maintenance agreement with the municipality prior to construction. Tx-Dot will not
enter into an agreement with a private individual or company. Resolution No. 944[3,
maintenance agreement between the State of Texas and the City of Southlake for the
State's drainage facility left of station 13+65.54 on F.M. 1938.
A request by David W. Callahan, Boy Scout Pack 507 for a permit to conduct their
annual "Turkey Shoot". Arrangements have been made to hold the event at Camp
Burnett in Southlake on October 8th and 9th, 1994.
Aeenda Item #8-C. Ordinance No. 480-139. 1st readine (ZA 94-803
Ordinance No. 480-139, 1st reading (ZA 94-86), Rezoning request for an 11.76 acre tract of
land situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18 (formerly Tiffany Acres). Current
zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "I-2" Heavy Industrial District.
Owners/Applicants: v.~r. Strand dba V.J. Strand Excavating, Sally and Brad Scribner, Lee Roy
Hess and Chris Cagle dba Prestige Gunite, Inc., Robert Van Til, Individually and dba Orlando
Concrete, and Thomas Poteet. SPIN Neighborhood//15.
Motion was made to table this agenda item with a location and time to be announced.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Farrier, Richarme, Franks, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote (to table)
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September 6, 1994
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Agenda Item #8-D. Ordinance No. 480-144. 1st readins, (ZA 94-88)
Ordinance No. 480-144, 1st reading (ZA 94-88), Rezoning and Development Plan for Coventry,
being a 103.76 acre tract of land out of the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, being Tracts
1, lC, lA, lB, 3A, 3C, llB and Lots 1 & 2 Bradley Addition. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit Development.
Owners: Helen Taylor and Harry J. Bradley. Applicant: PIMA Properties, Inc. SPIN
Neighborhood #11.
Motion was made to table Ordinance No. 480-144, time certain September 20, 1994, with a
place and time to be announced.
Motion: Apple
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Apple, Farrier, Evans, Franks
Nays: Fickes and Richarme
Approved: 4-2 vote (to table).
Agenda Item #4-C. SPIN Renort
Ronald Maness, SPIN #11,420 Ravenaux Drive, Southlake. Mr. Maness stated that SPIN #11
has had two very productive meetings. During their first meeting, thirty-six citizens were
present and twenty-seven citizens were present for the second meeting. This attendance just
goes to show, when there is an issue on the table, the citizens will come out. Mr. Maness stated
he feels the SPIN concept is a very effective tool for communication in the community. SPIN
#11 stated development and quality of growth as major concerns. Traffic and control of traffic
is another. Maness stated he feels no division between the north side and south side of
Southlake. He announced when SPIN #11 meets, all the community is welcome.
Councilmember Ion Michael Franks stated he will be malting a
comment tonight and some people will consider it out of order,
however, Mr. Maness is the representative of the people here
tonight who have come to talk in opposition to the zoning case.
"Council is an elected body, this is a government building, and I
am a practicing attorney who does a lot of litigation work. There
should be order, there should be decorum, and I will tell you this,
people who come in here and crowd a chamber, and yell and
scream and call out some obscenities, make vile threats, and some
obvious threats to the elected officials, and will not listen to the
Mayor or the Chair, who is chafing this meeting gain no points
with me. People who have reasonable responses, stating their
position is fine, if you want to have a show of hands of those here
who oppose the issue, that is fine, but what I see in my mind
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A~,enda Item #4-C. Continued
borders on anarchy. That may be a strong word, but when people start shaking
their fists at Council and threatening applicants and Council, that is not the
American way. Well thought out speeches are fine. If you don't like what
Council is doing, you take care of it at the polls. That is my feeling. I don't like
it, I don't think it is necessary, I think it is childish, for whatever you can do
when we have the meeting on September 20, 1994."
Mr. Maness stated he appreciates the comments made by Mr. Franks, and stated he will do
everything in his power to control the emotional level of those who want to participate in this
governmental process. However, when people are concerned about issues, we are human
beings first and democrats second.
Agenda Item #6. Public Forum
Ann Essig, 315 Dove Creek Trail, Southlake. Ms. Essig stated she has been before Council
before to talk about her drainage problems. She noted on photographs, damage from recent
heavy rains. She asked Council for signs to be placed, warning vehicles not to cross the road
during heavy rains. She expressed thanks to City staff for keeping her culvert clean.
Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works stated this fall the street
drainage repairs will begin as per the budget. There are several
low-water crossings.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated he feels guard rails would help
in this situation.
Judy Gilmore- not present.
Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath stated he will table
his comments until the next meeting.
A~,enda Item/F/-A. Ordinance No. 480-141.2nd readinn (ZA 94-8B
Ordinance No. 480-141, 2nd reading (ZA 94-81), Rezoning of a 1.0 acre tract of land situated
in the James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505, Tract 1El. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a request for "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential district. Owner/Applicant:
Southlake 11.4 Acres, Inc., Rich Robbins, Agent. SPIN Neighborhood #14.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted five notices were sent to property owners within the
200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
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September 6, 1994
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Agenda Item g'/-A. Continued
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, was present representing the applicant.
Public Hearing:
Pamela Gagnon, 1005 Southlake Hills Drive, Southlake. Ms. Gagnon stated the property owners
within the Southlake Hills Addition are trying to work with the developer of this addition, in an
effort to stop the traffic through their addition, naming traffic, safety of children and
deterioration to the new street as the reasons for concern. The citizens in Southlake Hills would
like cooperation from the developer. She feels by spealdng tonight, they can get some help from
the City.
Greg Last, Director of Community Development, stated the lots in
James Thornhill Survey, Abstract No. 1505 will front on North
Hills Drive.
John Levitt stated he spoke with Ms. Gagnon this evening, and Southlake Hills Addition is Rick
Robbins' problems. Mr. Robbins has been waiting for direction from the Poe's.
Curtis Hawk commented that the City has not formalized a
developer agreement on a two lot addition, but we can if Council
wishes. The only thing different would be park fees.
Public Heating closed.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-141, 2nd reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Farrier, Apple, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item g'/-B. A 94-94. Plat Showine of Lot 1 and Lot 2. J. Thornhill No. 1505
ZA 94-94, Plat Showing of Lot 1 and Lot 2, J. Thornhill No. 1505. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District.
Owner/Applicant: Southlake 11.4 Acres, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #14.
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September 6, 1994
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ARenda Item//7-B. Continued
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted five (5) notices were sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received. The applicant has
met all the review comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated August 12, 1994, with the
exception of those items addressed in the second Plat Review Summary dated September 2,
John Levitt, Levitt Engineers, commented there has not been complaints relayed to him
concerning drainage problems. Traffic has been a concern, lie does not have a concern with
having a developer agreement for Lots 1 & 2 only. Mr. Levitt asked to table this item until the
next meeting.
Motion was made to approve the Plat Showing of Lot 1 and Lot 2, J. Thornhill No. 1505
Addition, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated September 2, 1994, with the understanding
that a two lot developer agreement will be developed.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Apple
Ayes: Richarme, Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item g7-C. Ordinance NO, 480-0, 2nd readine Amendine Section 22. "C-3" General
Commercial District to hermit Dry Cleanine/Laundrv Facilities
Ordinance No. 480-0, 2nd reading, Amending Section 22, "C-3" Commercial District to permit
dry cleaning/laundry facilities with maximum floor areas of 4,000 square foot.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that the 3,500 square feet approved at the first
reading has been implemented into the ordinance.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-O, 2nd reading with 3,500 square foot.
Motion: Apple
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Council adjourned for recess at 9:40 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:55 p.m.
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September 6, 1994
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Agenda Item/f'/-L. Ordinance No. 609. 2nd reading,. Lone Star Gas Comnanv
Ordinance No. 609, 2nd reading, regarding the Rate Increase for Lone Star Gas Company was
Vernie Henderson, Lone Star Gas Company, presented a letter indicating he filed a rate
increase on May 11, 994, which would amount to $1,920 for the entire City of Southlake,
residential use. This increase amounted to. 11% increase for the City, with most of the impact
from the increase to be from the mid-cities area. He is here tonight asking City Council to
accept a 35 day extension.
Councilmember Richarme asked the City Attorney's opinion
regarding this request, noting, based on the June 16, 1994 Gas
Utility Regulatory Act to table, if we do this it would be the same
effect as an approval.
Analeslie Muncy, City Attorney, commented if Council denied the
rate, the company can still put the rate into effect. The delay of
35 days will be the approved rate.
Motion was made to continue the public hearing on Lone Star Gas Company for an additional
35 days.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: Richarme
Approved: 5-1 vote (to an extension)
Agenda Item/f'/-M. Ordinance No. 623.1st reading. Tax Levv Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 623, 1st reading, Tax Levy Ordinance was presented by LouAnn Heath, Director
of Finance. Ms. Heath stated the FY 1994-95 budget proposed a tax rate decrease of $.006
from $.455 to $.449 per $100 of valuation. Ordinance No. 623 establishes the $.449 rate with
the allocation of $.27285 for maintenance and operations and $.17615 for debt service for the
tax year 1994. Delinquent tax incurs a penalty of 6% for the first month plus 1% for each
additional month up to a maximum of 12%. Interest accrues at a rate of 1% per month on
delinquent taxes. The ordinance also provides a 15% penalty for taxes not paid by July 1, 1995.
Tarrant County serves as the City's tax collector.
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Aeenda Item g7-M. Continued
Councilmember Michael Richarme stated to Mr. Hawk and Ms. Heath, he has
spent a lot of time working with them on the budget. He thinks the budget in
general terms is a good one, he stated he finds it highly disturbing that the tax
rate they elected to choose is the maximum tax rate the city can get away with
without having to notify the public and put it to a vote. He added, this concerns
him. He stated he has four areas he would like the Council to consider for a
possible reduction of this tax rate. Including: twenty new hires proposed in the
budget, every one of them is scheduled to start on October 1. He suggested this
schedule be altered, giving a 1/2 cent tax relief on the ad valorem. Sewer
assessment project budget for $750,000. It has been determined that we will now
issue bonds instead of the sewer assessment program, and the $750,000 is now
going to "unspecified water projects".
The City Manager stated the $750,000 is in the utility fund and has no bearing
on the tax rate.
Richarme also stated we could operate the budget at 99.5% of the existing budget
level, that does not represent a lot but is does represent 1 cent of tax relief.
Street impact fees also represents a 1 cent. He is recommending the city not go
to a 44.9 cent rate on ad valorem, but acknowledge that growth is starting to pay
for itself in the City of Southlake and we need to start providing relief to citizens
who have stayed with the city during this period of growth. He recommended the
tax rate be taken to $.440, if that is not possible, he is recommending the tax rate
be taken to the City Manager's first proposal of $.4450 tax rate, which would be
about a $35,000 finding.
Councilmember Apple stated for several months the Council and staff have
worked on the budget. He feels the tax rate being proposed is a good one. It
represents a decrease to the citizens, and it may be what we can do without a
public hearing. He added that Council is still a ways from meeting the goal for
fund balance.
Councilmember Farrier commented he defends Richarme's position, and that he
is within his rights to make comments at this time. He supports the rate being
proposed as it allows the Council to maintain the fund balance we need. He is
concerned less about the $.449 tax rate this year, but is concerned about the
Mayor Fickes stated he agrees with Councilmember Farrier, in that Richarme has
worked hard. He asked the City Manager to look into the suggestion regarding
the new hires.
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Agenda Item #7-M. Continued
Motion was made to adopt the tax rate of $.449 per $100 valuation.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Evans, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: Richarme
Approved: 5-1 vote
A~,enda Item//7-N. First Public Hearine on FY 94-95 Annual Budeet
The City Manager reviewed the highlights of the proposed FY 94-95 Annual Budget. (See
Budget letter submitted by the City Manager, dated August 1, 1994, attached to the minutes of
this meeting).
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Aeenda Item//7-0. Ordinance No. 624. 1st reading, FY 94-95 Annual Bud~,et.
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance, reviewed for Council the changes made to the proposed
budget as directed by Council as the result of the budget work sessions held on August 17 and
August 18, 1994. A copy of the letter from Ms. Heath is hereby attached to the Minutes.
Motion was made to approve the 1st reading of the proposed Annual Budget for FY 94-95 as
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the budget.
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
The City Manager stated before the 2nd reading of the budget,
staff will look at the items as suggested by Councilmember
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September 6, 1994
page fourteen
Aeenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-142. 1st readine CZA 94-82L
Ordinance No. 480-142, 1st reading (ZA 94-82) Rezoning of a 3.122 acre tract of land in the
Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, being a portion of Tract 11E and being the proposed
Lot 1, E.C. White Addition. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural with a requested zoning of
"SF-I" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: E.C. White SPIN Neighborhood
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that twelve (12) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and two (2) written responses were received from
outside the notification area: Peter Sporrer, in favor; and Kelcie T. Nance, opposed.
Greg Last commented on the letter staff received from Dallas-Fort
Worth International Airport regarding the Settlement Agreement
between the City and DFW dated 1988, and that it is the intent of
staff and DFW to get an avigation easement that will be agreeable
to both the City and DFW Airport, prior to final plat.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-142, 1st reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-B. ZA 94-83. Prellminarv Plat of Lots 1 & 2. E.C. White Addition.
ZA 94-83, Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 & 2, E.C. White Addition, being 16.968 acres situated
in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474 Tract liE. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural with a request for the proposed Lot 1 of "SF-I" Single-Family Residential District
for 3.122 acres; and the proposed Lot 2 to remain "AG" Agricultural. Owner/Applicant: E.C.
White. SPIN Neighborhood #7.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted twenty-two (22) notices were sent to property
owners within 200' and three (3) written responses have been received from inside the
notification area, including: Emily Sharklin, in favor; Robert Lyford, undecided; Carol
Demlon, in favor. One written response from outside the notification area was received from
Peter Sporrer, in favor.
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September 6, 1994
page fifteen
Agenda Item #8-B. Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-83, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, E.C. White Addition,
subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated September 2, 1994, and with the
understanding of city staff being able to work out an acceptable avigation easement with DFW
Airport and related parties.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Franks
Ayes: Richarme, Franks, Farrier, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #8-E. Resolution No. 94-39 (ZA 94-89). S~ecific Use Permit
Resolution No. 94-39, Specific Use Permit for the development of an indoor baseball facility
and outdoor fields for instruction and entertainment per Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 #11,
on Lots 4 and 5 of Greenlee Business Park, Phase I, and LOt 6, Greenlee Business Park, Phase
II, and approximately 1/2 acres out of the J.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, being a
portion of Tract 6. A variance to the Masonry Ordinance and bufferyard requirements will be
discussed with this Specific Use Permit request. Current zoning is "I-l" Light Industrial
District. Owners: E.L.F.M. Inc., Chris Lamon and The Keller Bank. Applicants: Texas
Baseball Center, David L. Thorne and Robert Walton, Agents. SPIN Neighborhood g"/.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, commented that nine (9) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and four written responses have been received,
including: James F. Lunsford, in favor; E-Systems, Inc., in favor; Arlon C. Washburn, in
favor; Johnny L. and Edna E. Beech, in favor. One (1) written response has been received
from outside the notification area, with the following signatures: Larry and Mary Forbus, C.S.
and Marilyn Johnson, Darrell and Donna Fagile, all opposing the request.
Kirk Williams, Attorney for the applicant, 5400 Renaissance Tower, Dallas. Mr. Williams
asked the people in the audience in favor of the request to stand, and about thirty (30) people
stood up. He addressed parking, lights, and noise. Mr. Williams stated they have placed the
property in "Light-Industrial" zoned area, not adjoining the SF property of Billy Farrar. They
rotated the ballfields along the existing industrial property on South Kimball Avenue. There will
be no stadium, no fixed seating or no public address system. The closest lights are 300' away.
They are not asking for a variance on the lights, as they will install lights at $65,000 per field.
It was noted the changes were accepted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Williams referenced the City conceptual Park Plan, Section #10, which shows the city
proposes a park on the site planned for this use. They propose 100 parking spaces; 60 with the
first phase; 40 spaces with the second phase; and 20 with the third phase. Staff stated they are
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 2, 1994
page sixteen
Agenda Item #8-E. Continued
asking for 120 parking spaces at the ultimate build out. There will be no bands, no half-times.
Parents will bring their own chairs to watch the kids. There will be no consumption of alcoholic
beverages, no adult softball facility. They will train repeat clients as the kids will pay for
private instructions. They will have a small pro-shop and a small office area.
Mayor Fickes stated he brought up the lighting and the building
when this item first came to Council. He hopes this building will
not look like the gymnastics building on Highway 26 in
Colleyville. He stated he has concerns on the height of the
building. The Mayor also expressed concerns with buffering and
the area next to residential.
Councilmember Apple stated he has concerns with light spillage.
Mr. Williams stated they are willing to install shields on the lights.
With 75 foot polls, the shields on the fixtures will eliminate light
Councilmember Richarme stated he is more concerned with people
in Woodland Heights than for homes that are not built as of this
time. The applicants moved the property down and moved the
fields to the south.
Mr. Williams stated they do not have a problem with additional landscaping on the northwest
corner against residential property.
Billy Farrar, 600 W. Park Row, Arlington. Ms. Farrar stated she decided she would speak for
her own property. She has had two to three developers tell her they would not risk purchasing
the property with a ball park in the area. She is the major owner of property most affected.
A major owner in the 160 acres the City just recently zoned from Industrial to Single-Family.
There are sixty-one (61) bail parks in Arlington and only four (4) with lighted fields. The
people in the area are not in favor of this use. She is not against the concept, only the location.
She is asking Council to consider the people who now own the land. No one will purchase a
home next to a ball park. She stated she could have had a room full of people here tonight, but
in respect of the Councilmembers time, she spoke for them.
Theran Ragan, 1312 Rainbow, Southlake. Mr. Ragan stated he has a problem and has not
figured out how to hide a lighted field. He feels it is devastating to have this use next to their
property recently zoned Single-Family by the City. His real concern are the lights.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page seventeen
Aeenda Item #$*E. Continued
David Yelton, 1346 LakeView Drive, Southlake. Mr. Yelton stated he is on the Board of the
Southlake Baseball Association and on the Southlake Park Development Board. He was involved
with the 1/2 cent sales tax election, where the money will be used for parks. The Baseball
Association is very aggressively supporting these facilities. At the rate the population is
increasing, we need this operation. He would appreciate and encourage Council support on this.
This is the type business we want to encourage, not discourage.
Don Lovelace, 415 Highland Oaks Circle, Southlake. Mr. Lovelace stated he is also involved
with the baseball association. His son attends a similar park in Addison. It is positive and a
quality facility. Woodland Heights people will not be effected by what goes on with this
property, as he walked the property. The Light Industrial zoning is not desirable for anyone
who has residential next to it. There is a crying need for this facility in Southlake now.
Applicants have made many concessions to try and accommodate residential property.
Kirk Williams stated regarding buffering on the north property line that he suggests the use of
bradford pears.
After several motions resulting with fie-votes, motion was made to table this item until the next
City Council meeting (September 20, 1994) and continue the public hearing, as requested by the
Motion: Richarme
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Franks, Richarme, Apple, Farrier
Nays: Evans and Fickes
Approved: 4-2 vote (to table)
Aeenda Item #S-F. ZA 94-90. Plat Revision for Texas Baseball Center
ZA 94-90 Plat Revision of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Greenlee Business Park, Phase I, and Lots
6 & 7, Block 1, Greenlee Business Park, Phase II, and 9.177 acres of land out of the John A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, and being revised to Lots 4R and 8, Greenlee Business
Park, Phase I. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Owners: E.L.F.M. Inc., Chris
Lamon and The Keller Bank. Applicant: Texas Baseball Center, David L. Thorne and Robert
Walton, Agents. SPIN Neighborhood #7.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page eighteen
Agenda Item gS-F. Continued
Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated four (4) notices were sent to property owners within
200' notification area and one written response has been received from Johnny and Edna Beech,
in favor. One written response was received from outside the 200' notification area with the
following signatures: Jerry and Mary Forbus, opposed; C.S. and Marilyn Johnson, opposed;
Darrell and Donna Fagile, opposed. Three signed petitions were received at the August 18,
1994 Planning and Zoning Meeting. Petition gl, eight signatures, opposing. Petition
eighteen signatures, opposing; and Petition g3, eight signatures, opposing.
Kirk Willliams, representative for the applicant stated they do have the property to the north
under contract, however, they do not plan to purchase property to expand the SUP.
Motion was made to approve the Plat Revision, subject to the second Plat Review Summary
dated September 2, 1994.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Farrier
Ayes: Rieharme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Mayor Fickes stepped down for item g8-G
Agenda Item g8-G. Resolution No. 94-40 (ZA 94-91) SUP for Alcoholic Beveranes
Resolution No. 94-90 (ZA 94-91) Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages per
Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (1) and 45.6 on Lot 2, L.B.G. Hall No. 686 Addition.
Current zoning is "S-P-2" Site Plan District. Owner: PIMA Properties, Inc. Applicant: Nuri
Kabu. SPIN Neighborhood gl0. Public Heating.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted nine (9) notices were sent to property owners
within the 200' notification area and one written response has been received from Robert and
Suzane Harvey, opposing the request. One written notice from outside the notification area has
been received from Betty Springer, in favor.
David McMahan, 1335 Hidden Glen, Southlake, representative of PIMA Properties was present
to represent the owner Mr. Nuri Kabu. McMahan stated the request is for beer and wine only,
on-premises consumption. He would prohibit off-premises sale of mixed drinks. Seating in the
restaurant is for 64.
Public Hearing:
Dennis McGrath, 2403 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake. Mr. McGrath suggested giving the
owner the option for mix drinks.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page nineteen
Agenda Item #8-G. Continued
Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 94-40, the Specific Use Permit for the sale of on-
premises consumption only.
Motion: Franks
Second; Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Mayor Fickes returned to the Council table.
Aaenda Item #8-H. ZA 94-93. Plat Revision- SouthRidee Lakes Phase VH.
ZA 94-93, Plat Revision of Lots 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, Block 5, SouthRidge Lake Phase VII, and
incorporating 0.50 acres of land situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, being
revised to Block 5, Lots 3R, 4R, 5R, 10R, llR, and 12R, SouthRidge Lakes Phase VII.
Current zoning is "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District. Owner/Applicant: Arvida/JMB
Partners, L.P.-II. SPIN Neighborhood//13.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that the applicant has met all the review
comments of the first Plat Review Summary dated August 12, 1994, with the exception of those
items addressed in the second Plat Review Summary dated September 2, 1994.
Councilmember Farrier stated in reviewing the issue concerning
the trees on the easterly property line, the reason the road couldn't
be moved to the west is that it impacted the lots on the west side
of it. Had the cul-de-sacs been able to be expended to the west,
the depth of this new addition, those lots still would have been
buildable and that tree line to the east could have been saved. It
is a mute point as those trees do longer exist, and he is very
John Levitt, Levitt Engineer, stated they will plant the trees as agreed earlier.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty
Agenda Item #8-H. Continued
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-93, subject to the Plat Review Summary dated September
2, 1994.
Motion: Apple
Second: Richarme
Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Evans, Franks, Fickes
Nays: Farrier
Approved: 5-1 vote
Agenda Item #10-B. Develoner Agreement for Oak Tree Estates
Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works addressed the Developer Agreement for Oak Tree
Estates Addition, stating the agreement contains the standard requirements for the provision of
water, sewer, and streets. Usual requirements relating to performance and payment bonds,
maintenance bonds, inspection fees, and park fees are included in the Agreement. A few
conditions are unique to this addition, which resulted in revisions to our standard agreement,
Page 9, Off-Site Draina~,e: "Developer is installing a culvert and will be due Pro
Rata for the drainage structure as per Section 6.06-A. Adjacent Down Stream
Structures of the Drainage Ordinance No. 605.
The Developer also agrees to share the expense of the box culvert in East
Continental Blvd., according to Drainage Ordinance 605, Section 6.06-B.
Page 10, Section C, Park Fees: the Developer has agreed to pay park fees in
conformance with Ordinance No. 483. There are 123 lots in Oak Tree Estates
making a total park fee of $61,500.
Page 10, Section D, Perimeter Street Ordinance: Oak Tree Estates Addition
abuts South Carroll Avenue approximately 1,269.28 feet. The Developer agrees
to pay the Perimeter Street of $12,020.
Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Oak Tree Estates Addition, Phase
I, with the conditions added above.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Franks
Ayes: Richarme, Franks, Farrier, Apple, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-one
AI!enda Item #10-C. Develooer Aereement for White Chaoel Place
The Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead, led the discussion regarding the Developer
Agreement for White Chapel Addition which is located east of Pine Drive and south of Lilac
Lane. White Chapel Addition is a replat of Lot 2 of White Chapel Place with the existing house
to remain on Lot 2R1. This agreement contains standard requirements for providing public
infrastructure; water, sewer, drainage, and streets. The following conditions are unique and
need to be called to the attention of Council.
Page 9, Section A. Off$ite Sanitary. Sewer: Because a sanitary sewer is available
within 500 feet of this Addition, Council did upon plat approval, strongly suggest
to the Developer that the sewer be extended to the Addition. The off-site sewer
would need to cross three properties. The Developer has told staff that two of
the three have agreed to an easement, however, one property owner is not
cooperating with the Developer.
Page 9, Section C. Park Fees[ The Addition is creating five new lots as the sixth
lot will contain the existing home. Therefore, the Park Fee will be for five lots
at $500 each for a total of $2,500.
Page 10, Perimeter Street Fee: There is no perimeter street fee as the Addition
only abuts Pine Drive at the intersection of Pine Drive and Lilac Lane, and the
Developer will be reconstructing that intersection.
Mr. Whitehead noted that the lots have successfully passed the percolation test for a septic
Steve Bressner, 910 Lakeview, Richardson. Mr. Bressner asked to have septic systems in the
development. There are only four houses on ten acres. He has attempted to get all the
easements, however, one person refuses to give an easement.
Councilmember Farrier stated he feels Mr. Bressner has done
everything he can toward getting the easements for sewer system,
however, is not able to get them all.
Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement of White Chapel Place Addition, with
the use of septic systems.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Evans
Ayes: Farrier, Evans, Apple, Franks, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-two
Agenda Item #10-D. Develover A~reement for Brenwvck Phase 2. Timarron
The Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead, commented that the Agreement contains the
standard requirements for the provision of water, sewer, and streets. A few conditions are
unique to this addition, which resulted in revisions to our standard agreement, including:
Page 9, Section A, P~rk Fees: The Developer requested that the City of
Southlake grant a 50% waiver of the park dedication fee. The Park Board
considered this request at the August Park Board meeting and recommended to
reject the 50% credit.
page 10, Section C, Off-Site Draina~,e: The Developer agrees to pay a share of
the culvert expense for the basin serving East Continental Blvd.
Steve Yetts, Timarron, stated he is asking for an exception to the Park Board recommendation
asking for 50% credit based on prior phases.
Motion was made to approve the Developer Agreement for Brenwyck, Phase 2, Timarron, with
a 50% credit for the 112 lots.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Farrier, Evans, Fickes
Nays: Richarme
Approved: 5-1 vote
Councilmember Farrier asked Mr. Yetts to realize that Council
supports the Park Board and Council thinks they made a value
judgement that is probably appropriate, and Council will look very
hard at the next phases and the next developments and what is
being done for those people there too, and how they can be
incorporated into the green spaces.
Agenda Item #10-E. Award of Bid for Sanitary Sewer. N-4 Wal-Mart
The Director of Public Works, BOb Whitehead, stated that bids were opened and read aloud on
August 24th for the Sanitary Sewer Improvements for N-4 Gravity Spur Force Main and Lift
Station. The N-4 Gravity Spur, force main and lift station will serve an area from north of
Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) to the north side of S.I-I. 114 and from just east of Kimball Avenue
to approximately a half mile west of Kimball Avenue. This area includes the Wal-Mart site.
Originally Greenway Investment Company desired to extend the sewer out of Southlake Blvd.
Their engineers designed a sewer line extension and requested an add alternate to be added onto
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-three
Aeenda Item #10-E. Continued
the N-4 Gravity spur Force Main project. The add alternate bid amount is for $28,199.05,
making the total sewer extension $471,753.80. On Friday morning, September 2, their agent
notified City staff that they needed to withdraw from the project. Therefore, the cost of the
project will be $443,554.75 as seen on the bid tabulation. Funding for the N-4 Gravity Spur
project will be provided from Sewer Impact Fees. Staff recommends that the City Council
award the bid to the low bidder, Southern Mechanical, for $443,554.75.
Motion was made to award the bid to Southern Mechanical, low bidder for $443,554.75.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
A~enda Item /fT-D. Ordinance No. 615. 2nd reading. Reeulating the Abatement of
D nero Bm'ldin
Ordinance No. 615, 2nd reading, Regulating the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings was
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 615, 2nd reading.
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item gT-E. Ordinance No. 616. 2nd readino. Amending, Ordinance No. 568.
Contractor Licensine Requirements.
Ordinance No. 616, 2nd reading, amending Ordinance No. 568, Contractor Licensing
Ordinances, and amending certain licensing requirements.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-four
A~enda Item/fT-E. Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 616, 2nd reading, as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item/f'/-F. Ordinance NO. 617. 2nd readine. Uniform Plumbin~ Code. 1994
Ordinance No. 617, 2nd reading, Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition, was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 617, 2nd reading, as presented.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Evans, Franks, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item //7-G. Ordinance No. 618. 2nd readine. Uniform Mechanical Code. 1994
Ordinance No. 618, 2nd reading, adoption of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition, was
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 618.
Motion: Apple
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Richarme, Farrier, Franks, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-five
Aeenda Item/f7-H. Ordinance No. 619. 2nd reading. Uniform Building Code
Ordinance No. 619, 2nd reading, Uniform Building Code, 1994 Edition, Volume 1, 2, and 3,
was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 619.
Motion: Richarme
Second Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Richarme, Franks, Farrier, Apple, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #7-I. Ordinance No. 620 2nd reading. National Electric Code.
Ordinance No. 620, 2nd reading, adopting the National Electric Code, 1993 Edition, was
There were no comments during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 620, 2nd reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Richarme, Farrier, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item gT-J. Ordinance No. 621.2nd readim,. Uniform Administrative Code
Ordinance No. 621, 2nd reading, Uniform Administrative Code, 1994 Edition, was discussed.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 621, 2nd reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-six
ARenda Item//7-K. Ordlnnnce NO. 622.2nd readln~. Creatine a Buildine Board of Anneals.
Ordinance No. 622, 2nd reading, Creating a Building Board of Appeals was discussed.
No comments were received during the public hearing for this ordinance.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 622, 2nd reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Farrier
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Evans, Apple, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Aeenda Item/t2-A. Return to Executive Session
Mayor Fickes announced that Council would be returning to executive session pursuant to
Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 with respect to the appointment
and evaluation of public officials.
Council adjourned into executive session at 2:15 a.m.
Council returned to open session at 2:30 p.m.
A~enda Item g9-A. Aooointment to Board of Adjustments.
Resolution No. 94-41, was approved, naming Lloyd O. Latta Jr., to the Board of Adjustments,
to fill an unexpired term, expiring in May, 1995.
Motion: Franks
Second: Evans
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Apple, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
September 6, 1994
page twenty-seven
Aeenda Item//12. Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Gary Fickes at 2:45 a.m.
,~Vlayor ~(ry Fic~e~ ~/ --
$~ndra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
444;) .
� / 1 1 ' , /
�i L as a member of the q4(1 c 1J J
h s .Afiiavit and hereby on oath state the following: I,
and /or a • -rson or persons related to me, have a substantial
interest in a business entity t at ould be peculiarl affected by
I a vote or decision of the ,J 9c./, qv as
those terms are defined in Chap er 71, Texas Local Gpvernment Code.
The business entity is / 1 'f)" 4 -i i "t L._
I (name and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
1 Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
II Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
1 1 Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
1 A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
I business entity and from any further participation on this matter
1 ti
Signed this day of � . i) , 10 .
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�' and on oath stated that the
facts her nabo a stated are true to the best of
nowledgefor belief. /
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19 day of
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NOTARY PUBLIC the State of Texas
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1 City of Southlake, Texas
1 DATE: 94 - 41 it
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I 11111 PIMA
1 September 6, 1994
Ms. Karen Gandy
1 Zoning Administrator
City of Southlake
667 N. Carroll Ave.
1 Southlake, Texas 76092
RE: ZA94 -88 Coventry
Dear Ms. Gandy;
Please accept this letter as our request to table the captioned
zoning action from tonight's Council agenda. Our reasons for
r equesting this action are:
1) In order to allow our engineer adequate time to complete
r) the changes as requested from the City in their review
letter number two which we received last Friday.
2) In order to allow our engineer to complete the new
drawings depicting the further reduction of lots and the
addition of more open space to the plan.
1 3) It has come to our attention that there will not be a
full council at tonight's meeting. Moreover, there is a
possibility that passage may require a super majority
vote due to the opposition within 200 feet being greater
than 20 %. This appears to be in keeping with the
existing Council policy of allowing an applicant to table
under these circumstances.
For t hese reasons we respectfully request the tabling of this
action until September 20, 1994.
1 Sincerely,
g, 9,1/17074te,"\,_
David C. McMahan
10 Executive Vice President
5655 Lindero Canyon Road Suite 321 Westlake Villa . California 91362
Y e
818 / 889 -0440 800 / 633 -3458
5215 N. 0' Connor Suite 200 Irving. Texas 75039
''� 214 / 444 -8322 817 / 329 -6996
City of Southlake, Texas
Lek , .
1 September 2, 1994
, i
TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager
FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance
' n
SUBJECT: Audit Firm Recommendation
At the first of August, the Finance Department sent Requests for Proposal (RFP) fo r p rofessional
audit services to ten accounting firms. The RFP requested a five -year contract period, with fiscal
year 1994 the initial contract year. The firms contacted were those that had requested to be put
on the City's bid list for audit services plus the major national firms that service municipal clients
r I in the area. It was hoped that national firms would express an interest in proposing, however,
four firms submitted proposals as listed below:
Rutledge Crain & Company, Arlington $14,950
Patillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P., Waco $16,900
Day & Wagner, Dallas $18,200
Weaver & Tidwell, Dallas $18,500
All of the firms submitting proposals met the technical requirements. The following additional
criteria were considered in the Staff's evaluation process.
1 1). Compliance with GFOA standards. Southlake participates in the Government Finance Officers
Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement award program, and has won this award for its
I FY90, FY91 and FY92 audits. The FY93 audit is still under GFOA review. These audits are
reviewed by GFOA affiliate and associate peer members of the Special Review Committee. Audit
firms must be familiar with the program criteria to prepare statements that conform to the
' requirements.
2). Size of the firm and its reputation in the municipal finance field. Firms with numerous
1 municipal audit clients, especially those with cities that are growing and dynamic, have a broader
experience base and familiarity with the issues unique to cities. Southlake's financial complexity
will continue over the next several years, and there will be continued interaction with the rating
agencies. A firm must have an adequate work force and resources to respond to the City's needs
over the next several years.
3. Client references. An interview was conducted with one of the firms, and references were
contacted on all.
. 1 . 5-iq/
lic Curtis E. Hawk
Audit Firm Recommendation
I September 2, 1994
page 2
1 The firms submitting proposals are well qualified, however, Weaver and Tidwell excels in several
areas. Weaver and Tidwell represents 15 north central Texas municipalities, as well seven school
I districts. They are headquartered in Texas, have been in business 40+ years and have a staff of
over 80 professionals. The engagement partner, Jerry Gaither, is a member of the GFOA Special
I Review Committee. The fine served as the City of Southlake's auditor for fiscal years 1989
`E 1 through 1993. They assisted Southlake in receiving the GFOA Certificate of Achievement. Staff
recommends that Weaver and Tidwell be awarded the audit contract for 1994, with the City's
option to renew for an additional four years.
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City of Southlake, Texas
I. In accordance with Ordinance No. 527, Section 4, the City
Council finds that the applicant represents a responsible
• organization and that the request for a permit is reasonable
and is in the best interest of the public.
II II. A Permit is hereby granted for the Archery and BB Gun Shooting
Range at Camp Burnett, subject to the following specific
requirements and special conditions:
1. The applicant shall receive permission from Camp Burnett.
1 2. The applicant shall comply with any down -range safety
requirements established by the Director of Public Safety
for the City of Southlake.
1 3. This permit shall be for October 8 and 9, 1994.
III. This permit shall become effective on the date of approval by
the City Council.
1 \ % CITY OF ! -THE
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1 y May•`%'Gar Fickes
andra L. LeGrand
II City Secretary
f lis) b:PRRMIT2.BB /ORD /RSS /kb
1 , ' ' City of Southlake, Texas
September 2, 1994
' TO: Curtis Hawk, City Manager
h' g
FROM: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary
SUBJECT: Request for Variance to Ordinance No. 527
I Firearms. Cub Scout BB Gun Shooting Range.
91 Mr. David W. Callahan, Boy Scout Pack 507 has requested permission for a permit to conduct
their annual "Turkey Shoot ". A permit was granted last year during this time frame. Instead
1 of holding the "shoot" at the Intermediate School, this year they have made arrangements to hold
the event at Camp Burnett in Southlake, on October 8th and 9th, 1994.
1 I have attached for your review a copy of the letter the City received from Mr. Callahan as well
as drawing of the area where the shoot will be held.
1 If you have questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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RANGE IMMEDIATELY. This includes adults.
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CODE .. .
R I • Treat every gun as if It were loaded and ready to
IP • Never carry a gun into your home, camp or public
place loaded or cocked.
1 • Always be sure your gun barrel is clean and not
• Carry your gun so you can control the direction of
1 the muzzle, even if you stumble.
• Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger.
• Never point a gun at anything you do not want to
1 • Guns not being used should always be unloaded.
• Never climb a tree or fence or jump a ditch with a
I loaded gun.
• Never shoot at a flat, hard surface or the surface
1 of water.
• Respect other people's property.
, 1
I F i
August 15, 1994
IQ David W. Callahan AUG 1 5
Pack 507, BSA
II Southlake, TX 76092
II Mr. Curtis Hawk
Southlake City Manager
667 N. Carroll
Southlake, TX 76092
Dear Mr. Hawk,
II I live in Emerald Estates and belong to Cub Scout Pack 507 of Johnson Ele-
mentary School. I am the Pack's, Boy Scouts of America trained, BB gun Range
II Officer. Under the advice of Mr. Malcolm Jackson, I am writing you concerning
Ordinance No. 527. Specifically, under Section 4, we wish to solicit a permit
II to operate a Cub Scout BB gun shooting range.
On October 8th and 9th, 1994 we wish to conduct our annual "Turkey Shoot."
II I have arranged space, on the open grounds,at Camp Burnett for those days. I
will erect my range in a secluded area on the northern portion,facing north.
It will be arranged to allow participants an entry and an exit from the south.
I am enclosing a diagram and literature pertaining to location, construction
and operation of a Cub Scout BB gun range.
II I consider myself trained and experienced. I have the mindset that if an
activity cannot be done safely and well, that I will pack up and go home. I wish
to offer our scouts a fun activity and responsible training.
In conclusion, Mr. Hawk, I thank you and the council's kind consideration
II in this matter. If you wish me to be present at your next work session please
call me at 488 -4646. Due to work I may not be available for the September
! II council meeting.
II Sincerely yours
David W. Callahan
1 September 1994 SEP 1 3 1994
1 Karen Reynolds
1860 Hunter's Creek
Southlake, TX 76092
Dear Mayor and City Council,
Please accept my resignation from the Board of Adjustments effective immediately. I
111 regret that I am unable to serve the full term to which I was appointed and hope my
resignation does not disrupt the business of the Board or inconvenience the City Council.
' I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to serve the City and look forward to the
opportunity to serve again in any other capacity.
Sin ely,
. Karen Reynolds