AUGUST 2, 1994
COUNCIL58EMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier; Deputy
Mayor Pro Tern /on Michael Franks. Members: W. Ralph Evans, Stephen Apple, Andy
Wambsganss, and Michael Richarme.
STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager;
LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Ron Harper,
City Engineer; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning
Administrator; E. Allen Taylor Jr., City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., whereby Councilmembers and City
staff reviewed all agenda items for tonight's meeting.
The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gary Fickes at 7:00 p.m.
A~,enda Item/f2-A. Executive Session
Mayor Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going into executive session pursuant
to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and
551.076 of the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to
pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real
property, and to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding the
deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devises.
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:01 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:35 p.m.
Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was taken as the result of the executive session.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1994
page two
A~enda Item//3. At}nroval of the Minutes of the Aut, ust 2. 1994 Council Meetine.
The Minutes of the City Council meeting held on August 2, 1994, were approved as presented.
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aeenda Item//4-A. Mayor's Reoort
Mayor Gary Fickes announced that Budget Work Sessions will be held at the end of each City
Council meeting until its approval, as well as August 17, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. and August 18,
1994, at 6:30 p.m., and noted the public is invited to attend. The City Manager has filed the
proposed budget with the City Secretary. It is proposed that the tax rate will show a decrease
of 1/2 cent, making the rate $.4500.
Mayor Fickes introduced Kim McAdams as the new Southlake Park Development Corporation
Project Coordinator, adding the City is excited to have her in that position and that she most
recently came from the City of Keller.
Aoenda Item//4-B. City Manaeer's Renort
No comments during this time.
Agenda Item//4-C. SPIN Renort
Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager, noted that as part of the Regular City Council meeting,
representatives from SPIN groups will make reports to Council and the audience of their
activities. Rice commented that the SPIN Standing Committee members recently completed a
Team Focus exercise at IBM in Irving, and that it was a success. Basically, what the city got
was a lot of raw data to compare with information from the Council Focus. Reports were given
to Councilmembers this evening on the Team Focus project.
SPIN Youth Delegate Katie Holzgraefe
Youth Delegate Katie Holzgraefe stated she is a freshmen at the Episcopal School in Dallas.
There are eleven (11) representatives in her group, and they are adding one or two more
representatives from SPIN//16, (Keller I.S.D.). Currently all members in her group attend
Carroll Independent School District. The function of this committee is to act as her
neighborhood group. She takes the information given her at the group meeting and also takes
information to them. They met in their first meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 1994 and there were
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1994
page three
five (5) in attendance. Their next meeting will be held at City Hall on August 29, 1994.
SPIN #10. Betty Springer
Betty Springer, SPIN #10 Standing Committee Chairman for her neighborhood stated her SPIN
area consists of seven (7) subdivisions, mostly built out. They live on sites less than one acre,
to large acreage such as the Milner tract which fronts Highland and SH 114. The residents in
SPIN #10 have lived in Southlake ranging from a few days to many years. They all have one
thing in common, and that is the desire to see the community remain a place that they are proud
to call home. Residents want certain items known to Council and City Staff, in particular.
Residents along the White Chapel-F.M. 1709 corridor would like to be kept informed of the
development plans in that immediate area. This can be accomplished via the agendas and
minutes the city provides to standing committee representatives. They also expressed the hope
that the city will attempt to institute architectural standards which would create a sence of
continuity and blending of structures along F.M. 1709. Office sites along F.M. 1709 are a
concern. They hope not to be bombarded with a sea of overhead lighted signs with different
styles or design concepts. Sign lights throughout the evening are also proving offensive to
adjacent residents therefore, they ask Council to adopt an ordinance designating a delumination
time for businesses. Also, they would like to have an update regarding road improvements.
Lights in Bicentennial Park are proving to be an inconvenience to neighboring subdivisions. A
City timetable and plans for sewer in the SPIN #10 area would be appreciated.
Mrs. Springer stated that SPIN will serve as an enhancement for our community. SPIN #10 will
meet on the first Wednesday of the month at City Hall.
Aaenda Item #5. Consent A~,enda
The consent agenda consisted of the following items:
5-A. Resolution No. 94-37, Concurring with the State's plan for the abandonment of
the excess drainage easement in Southlake Crossing.
5-B. Authorizing the Mayor to execute the 1994-95 contract for inspection services
provided by the Tarrant County Health Department's Consumer Health Division.
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August 2, 1994
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Aoenda Item//5. Continued
Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda items #5-A, and #5-B, as presented.
Motion: Apple
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Apple, Wambsganss, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0 vote
Abandonment of 0.432 acre portion of Drainage Easement in Southlake Crossing
(Southlake Market Place). The portion is the box culvert which enclosed the has
enclosed the TxDot open channel. The box culvert contains the storm water flow
between Southlake Blvd., east of Davis Blvd. to Davis Blvd., (F.M. 1938) south of
Southlake Blvd. The portion of the easement to be abandoned is the 0.432 acre area of
open channel required to provide a slope from the top of the channel to the channel
bottom. This resolution concurs with the State's determination that the drainage
easement is no longer necessary.
The contract for 1994-95 with Tarrant County Health Department's Consumer Health
Division, for inspection services is one replacing the current contract. The contract
contains no new fees, fee increases, or major program changes for the upcoming year.
Agenda Item #6. Public Forum
No comments were received from the audience during the public forum.
Aeenda Item g'/-A. Ordinance No. 480-125. 2nd readine (ZA 94-603.
Ordinance No. 480-125, 2nd reading (ZA 94-66) is a rezoning request for a 0.50 acre tract of
land situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-20A" Single-Family Residential District.
Owner/Applicant: Fred R. Joyce. SPIN Neighborhood #13
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented seven (7) notices were sent to property owners
within 200' and no written responses have been received. The 30' strip is west of SouthRidge
Lakes, Phase VII and will be purchased by Arvida and incorporated via a plat revision into
SouthRidge Lakes Phase VII lots.
No comments were made during the public hearing.
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August 2, 1994
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Agenda Item #7-A. Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-125, 2nd reading.
Motion: Franks
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #7-B. Ordinance NO, 480-134. 2nd rea{line {ZA 94-68)
Ordinance No. 480-134, 2nd reading (ZA 94-68), is a Rezoning and Concept Plan approval for
a 30.4315 acre tract of land in the T.M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. Current zoning is
"AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "CS" Community Service District.
Owner/Applicant: Carroll Independent School District. SPIN Neighborhood #11.
The Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy noted fourteen (14) notices were sent to property
owners within 200' and four (4) written responses have been received from outside the
notification area, including: Robin Jones, opposed; Carita A. Weaver, opposed; Kathryn M.
Marchesano, opposed; and, Gary Fawks, opposed.
Bill Branum, Superintendent, C.I.S.D., was present and introduced Dean Steller, Traffic
Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, Engineer; and, Steve Hayford, Planning and Design.
Dean Steller, Traffic Consultant, stated his task was to address traffic around the new school
site. They addressed traffic from F.M. 1709 to Dove Road, also, the intersection of Highland.
Currently there are 450 cars per day on Shady Oaks in a twenty-four hour period. They
expressed when the school is in place, there will be 810 trips to school on a school day or
1,300 cars per day on Shady Oaks. They recommended a third lane in the area of the school
on Shady Oaks Drive. They are recommending geometric changes to the intersections, giving
more room for school buses to make turns. They are not recommending sidewalks.
A discussion was held regarding the number of curb cuts in front of the school. Greg Last,
Director of Community Development, stated staff does not have a problem with the concept plan
presented tonight. Bill Branum stated they feel it is safer to have the driveways as presented
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August 2, 1994
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Agenda Item #7-B. Continued
Eddie Cheatham, Engineer, presented issues pertaining to drainage on site. He referenced a
detention site being placed on the property due to extensive excavating on the school site.
Cheatham also noted the parking area will be brought out of the pond area. The pond will only
come into play when there is heavy min. The grading is being proposed to bring water from
the east to the west.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, referenced a meeting where the
culvert on Highland was discussed. He noted this issue does not
connect to the detention pond and the detention pond does not cure
this culvert problem on Highland.
Steve Hayford, Planning and Design, stated they agree with City staff regarding the landscaping
variances. The north and south bufferyard requirements are to provide six (6) canopies and a six
(6) foot wooden fence, 200' feet long. No bufferyards will be irrigated. There is no bufferyard
along the west side, street frontage. They would like to come up with an "Arboretum" type plan
when citizens donate the plants, do the planting, and use an educational plan. This project to
be completed within two (2) years of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. They requested
a waiver to the required parking, as they want the front of the school to remain uncluttered.
Bill Runyan, 979 North Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mr. Runyan asked when all the traffic
gets on Shady Oaks Drive about 7:00 a.m., how will he get out of his driveway. He has a
concern about the playground fields being so close to his back yard. He would like to see the
one closest to him eliminated, as it is right in his back door. He questioned where the third lane
on Shady Oaks will come from.
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated the City will purchase
right-of-way to make the roadway wide enough for three lanes.
The turn lane will not be in front of his property.
Mayor Fickes commented we have about 1,000 kids who are
playing organized baseball in this city. He noted the city is trying
to provide a service for the citizens by having joint utilization of
the fields. If the field stays there, we need to fence it, according
to Fickes.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1994
page seven
Aeenda Item/fT-B. Continued
Hugh Scherer, 620 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mr. Scherer stated he lives on the southwest
comer of the new school property. He is opposed to the curb cuts, because buses will come out
in his front yard. This school will impact people who live in that comer. Mr. Scherer
expressed concerns with lights coming into his home, as well as "flashing lights" and "ballpark
He expressed that he likes the City and School utilizing the same property.
Mr. Scherer stated a neighbor, Mr. Shelton, asked about the 200' of fence; will it be set right
on the property line.
Greg Last, Director of Community Development, stated he feels
the fence will be set right on the property line with six canopy
Arnold Johnson, 630 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mr. Johnson stated his main concerns
involve the driveway and the buses. He is on the flat part of the hill and will not be able to get
out. He has no problems with the school or the kids.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated he has talked with Mr. Branum
and if there is some way to work with them in regard to getting in
and out of their driveways, they will do so.
Windy Robinson, 610 North Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Ms. Robinson stated safety for the
kids and for herself in getting out of the driveway is her biggest concern. She asked for an
explanation regarding the three lanes, if the third lane is a temporary fix, and is there a
possibility of widening the road.
Betty Runyan, 979 North Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Ms. Betty Runyan stated playing fields
is a concern as well as backing out of her driveway. She asked if a schedule will be made up
of dates and times for use on the field.
Mayor Fickes stated these are practice fields only and will be
available for use on Saturday and Sundays. The fields will also be
used for other things.
Kathleen Sumner, 725 North Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Ms. Sumner stated she has
concerns for the safety of the children there and all over town.
Public Hearing Closed.
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August 2, 1994
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Aeenda Item gT-B. Continued
Councilmember Jerry Farrier asked who checked the validity of
the information on the plat. If this information is wrong, what
else is wrong. Farrier counted 280 parking spaces, not 328 as
required. It was noted the additional parking spaces were parallel.
Curtis Hawk stated staff understands the issues discussed during
the past two meetings and the school will work and continue to
look at two alternatives. They felt that this concept plan would
meet the requirements. They will meet and continue to work on
this issue as City Council still has concerns. They are asking the
Council to vote on this tonight, and they will continue to work on
this plan.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-134, 2nd reading and Concept Plan as
Motion: Franks
Second: Wambsganss
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Wambsganss, Apple, Evans, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Council adjourned for recess at 9:35 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:45 p.m.
Aeenda Item ~-C. ZA 94-77. Preliminary Plat of C.I.S.D.
ZA 94-77, Preliminary Plat of Carroll Independent School District, Shady Oaks Elementary
Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, being 30.431 acre situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract
No. 706. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning on "CS" Community
Service District. Owner: Carroll Independent School District. Applicant: Cheatham &
Associates. SPIN Neighborhood #11.
The Zoning Administrator noted that fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within
200' and one response has been received from within the 200' notification area from Koba
Skelton, 587 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. One written response has been received from
outside the 200' notification area from Larry K. Abernathy, 640 Truelove Trail, Southlake.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1994
page nine
Aeenda Item gT-C. Continued
Motion was made to approve the Preliminary Plat of Carroll Independent School District, Shady
Oaks Elementary Addition, subject to the July 29, 1994, Second Plat Review Summary, adding
item//3, which will add 5', making 35' right-of-way dedication from center line.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item g7-D. Ordinance No. 480-135. 2nd reading ZA 94-69).
Ordinance No. 480-135, 2nd reading (ZA 94-69), Rezoning request for a 4.7 acre tract of land
and a 4.742 acre tract of land situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18. Current
zoning is "I-l" Light Industrial District. Requested zoning is "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential
District. Applicant: City of Southlake. SPIN Neighborhood//15.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, stated fifteen (15) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and six written responses were received within the 200'
notification area: Jerry Summy, in favor; William H. Lippincott, opposed; Leslie Hughes,
opposed; Mark Stanfield, opposed; Morris & Billie Farmer, in favor; and Opal White, in favor.
Three written responses were received from outside the 200' notification area: A.W. and June
Haney, in favor; Perry and Vera Vargas, in favor; B.J. and Marg Couch, in favor. One verbal
response has been received from Thomas Poteet, opposed.
The City is seeking to rezone this property to insure compliance with its Land Use Plan, as there
is no established industrial use or industrial structure on this land.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-135, 2nd reading as presented.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Richarme, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1994
page ten
A~,end~ Item #7-E. Ordinance NO. 480-136, 2nd reading iZA 94-70).
Councilmember Apple stepped down for this agenda item.
Ordinance No. 480-136, 2nd reading (ZA 94-70), Rezoning request for 9.836 acres, being three
(3) tracts of land out of the R.P. Estes Subdivision situated in the T.W. Mann Survey, Abstract
No. 1107. Current zoning is "I-l" Light Industrial District, with a requested zoning of "AG"
Agricultural Zoning District. Applicant: City of Southlake. SPIN Neighborhood #11.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, reported that nine (9) notices were sent to property
owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses have been received.
The City is seeking to rezone this property to "AG" rather than commercial or residential due
to its close proximity to the MTP4BM joint venture developments. IBM is currently the sole
owner of the subject property. No industrial use or structure is established on this property.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-136, 2nd reading.
Motion: Richarme
Second: Wambsganss
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Councilmember Apple returned to the Council table.
Agenda Item #8-A. Ordinance No. 480-140. 1st readine (ZA 94-73)
Ordinance No. 480-140, 1st reading (ZA 94-73) is a Rezoning request for a 15.534 acre tract
of land situated in the H. Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581. Current zoning is "AG"
Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "RE" Single-Family Residential Estates.
Owner/Applicant: Lemoine Wright. SPIN Neighborhood #14.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted nine (9) notices were sent to the 200' notification
area and two (2) written responses have been received: Marzio Zanaboni, undecided; and, Bill
Casner, opposed.
Mr. Lemoine Wright was present for the meeting.
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August 2, 1994
page eleven
Aeenda Item gS-A, Continued
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-140, 1st reading as presented.
Motion: Franks
Second: Richarme
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Franks, Richarme, Evans, Apple, Farrier, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aeenda Item g8~B. ZA 94-76. Plat Showine of Lots 1 and 2. Thomas M, Hood NO. 706
ZA 94-76, Plat Showing of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Thomas M. Hood No. 706 Addition, being 6.09
acres situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706. Current zoning is "SF-1A"
Single Family Residential District. Owners: Kathleen L. Sumner and F.L. Bailey. Applicant:
Don Blackburn. SPIN Neighborhood #11.
According to the Zoning Administrator, nine (9) notices were sent to property owners within
200' and one response from Don Weeks, was received opposing this request responded.
F.L. Bailey, Kathleen Sumner and Don Blackburn were all present for the meeting.
Councilmember Richarme said they have met all the issues
expressed at an earlier date.
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-76, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated July
29, 1994, eliminating item //2 regarding Highland Avenue along the southern line of the
property, as noted on the Thoroughfare Plan.
Motion: Franks
Second: Evans
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Richanne, Farrier, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
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August 2, 1994
page twelve
A~enda Item #8-C. ZA 94-78. Plat Revision of Lots $0R and 51R. Block 2. Monticello.
ZA 94.78, Plat Revision of Lots 50R and 51R, Block 2, Monticello, Phase III, being 14.712
acres situated in the William E. Crooks Survey, Abstract No. 295 and the M.M. Freeman
Survey, Abstract No. 533. Current zoning is "R-P-U-D" Residential Planned Unit
Development. Owner/Applicant: Hills of Monticello, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood//14.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted no notices were required to be sent.
Motion was made to approve ZA 94-78, subject to the second Plat Review Summary dated July
29, 1994.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes; Apple, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
A~,enda Item #10-A. Southlake Women's Club donation.
Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager, stated that the Southlake Park and Recreation Board
recommended a donation policy to provide guidance to staff when an individual or group offers
to make a donation to the park. Council approved such as policy on July 19, 1994. The
Southlake Women's Club, Inc. has notified park staff that they are interested in making a
donation to the park for the pumhase of an activity sign to be placed at either the existing
entrance to Bicentennial Park or the proposed entrance on F.M. 1709. A copy of a completed
donation form is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting.
Councilmember Jerry Farrier stated he feels Council should be
aware of the cost of the gifts prior to acceptance to the City as a
general role of thumb.
It was noted power for the sign is located at White Chapel Blvd.,
and there is no power available at the F.M. 1709 entrance.
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August 2, 1994
page thirteen
Agenda Item #10-A. Continued
Motion was made to accept the donation of a sign at Bicentennial Park, provided the sign is
installed within a one year time frame. It appears the cost does not include electricity, therefore,
by accepting the gift, the city will pay for electricity.
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Farrier, Richarme, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aeenda Item #11-A. Possible CRv Charter Amendment.
The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, stated he placed the discussion of a possible Charter
Amendment election on the agenda for this meeting, adding, the City Charter was last amended
in January 1991. In the three years since, staff has noticed several areas in which Charter
language could be strengthened or provisions revised to allow for more effective and efficient
operation of the City. Mr. Hawk stated he will come back to Council at the next meeting with
an outline for a possible Charter Election and suggestions for appointment of a Charter Review
Aaenda Item #11-B. 1994-95 Annual Ooeratine Budeet
Curtis Hawk stated Budget recommendations for the 1994-95 Annual Operating Budget are
required by Charter to be fried with the City Secretary's Office by August 1; therefore, the
budget was field with the City Secretary by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 1, 1994.
Hawk stated in his letter dated August 2, 1994, to the City Council, that in accordance with the
Texas Local Government Code and the Charter of the City of Southlake, the proposed Annual
Budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1994 and ending September 30, 1995 is submitted
for your consideration. The budget proposes a tax rate of $.4550 per $100.00 property
valuation, a half cent (.005) decrease from the current rate of $.4550. This will mark the fourth
consecutive year with no tax increase. The calculated Effective Tax Rate for the FY94-95
budget year is $.43912. The Effective Tax Rate is the rate that will generate the same amount
of property tax dollars as the previous year, excluding new construction, when the two years are
compared. The budget preparation requires a comparison of the anticipated revenues with
proposed programs, and priorities are established based on service demands or prior
commitments to projects.
A copy of the Budget letter is hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting.
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August 2, 1994
page fourteen
Aeenda Item #2-A. Return to Executive Session.
Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections
551.071,551.072, 551.074 and 551.076, Mayor Fickes noted the City Council will return to
executive session at this time to seek the advice of the City Attorney with respect to pending and
contemplated litigations, to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property and
to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officials.
Council returned to executive session at 10:47 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 12:05 a.m.
Agenda Item #2-B. Action Necessary/Executive Session
No action was necessary as the result of the executive session.
Aeenda Item #12. Adiournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 a.m. by Mayor Gary Fickes.
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
1, S72, �P,,) L,, as a member of the �, 7 C v�(
make tlis affidavit and hereby on oath state the/ following: I,
and /or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial
interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by
a vote or decision of the as
those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code.
The business entity is /?/j
(name and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 100
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2,500.
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
business entity and from any further participation on this matter
Signed this ;2_ day of �, , 19 9y.
Signature of off cia
Ti le
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
�� / ) hP /.t and on oath stated that the
facts h reinabove t ated are true to the best of /AZ
knowledge or belief. l
Sworn to and subscribed to Wore me on this 2.. day of
Wiry tr , 19 qf .
4 titiu ' / 1 te#/ipt4).
4 "'P`% SANDRA L LEGRAND Notary Public in and for
a ;�� * NOTARY PUBLIC the State of Texas
%!, State of Texas 1
My Commission " °� es • Comm. Exp. 02.04 -97 4dri h, 6ra,y
4 )-1q-) Type /Print Notary's Name
.. = K
L i...,ii Parks & Recreation Division
outh ak' Donation Form
Proposed Donation: Donor:
Activity Sign Southlake Women's
Club, Inc.
Proposed Donation Description
(Please include a complete description of the proposed donation and, to the extent applicable, pictures
and /or detailed drawings. Attach additional pages as necessary.)
The Women's Club voted to earmark $3,050 from proceeds from the annual
Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser held on February 25, 1994 for a sign to be installed at
the park entrance -- either old or new. The want the City to purchase a 2 -sided sign
with interchangeable letters, lighted for visibility at night. The sign would be used to
advertise upcoming park programs, or provide other information about park activities
to those citizens passing by the park.
Estimated Value: Preferred Stipulations:
$ 3,050.00 At either entrance "Donated by Southlake Women's Club"
of Bicentennial permanently affixed in print similar to
Park heading, but much smaller,
Installation within one year
:>:«:::>:::>::>::::>:<: >:: >::::;:::: >::;:<::::: : >::>
:::: .
:::. . .
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City of Southlake
August 2, 1994
Gary Fickes
ayor ProTem:
Jerry Farrier Honorable Mayor Fickes and
)uncllmembers: Members of City Council
ichael Richarme City of Southlake
irk. Ralph Evans
Stephen W. Apple Sr. 667 N. Carroll Avenue
Michael Franks Southlake, Texas 76092
'drew L. Wambsganss
City Manager:
^urtis E. Hawk Dear Mayor and Councilmembers:
5sistant City Manager:
Shana K. Rice
ty secretary: The et ose
ro d FY94 -95 Annual Budget presents in financial terms the plan for
andra L. LeGrand p p g p p
accomplishment of municipal objectives during the forthcoming fiscal year.
In accordance with the Texas Local Government Code and the Charter of the City
of Southlake, the proposed Annual Budget for fiscal year beginning October 1,
1994 and ending September 30, 1995 is submitted for your consideration. The
budget proposes a tax rate of $.4500 per $100.00 property valuation, a half cent
(.005) decrease from the current rate of $.4550. This will mark the fourth
consecutive year with no tax increase. The calculated Effective Tax Rate for the
FY94 -95 budget year is $.43912. The Effective Tax Rate is the rate that will
generate the same amount of property tax dollars as the previous year, excluding
new construction, when the two years are compared. The budget preparation
requires a comparison of the anticipated revenues with proposed programs, and
priorities are established based on service demands or prior commitments to
667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092
(817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 488 -6796 or Metro (817) 481 -0036
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 2
In all operating funds, the proposed FY94 -95 Annual Budget of the municipal
corporation presented for your consideration projects expenditures of
$13,943,610. These expenditures are accounted for in six (6) separate funds:
General Fund; General Obligation Debt Service Fund; Utility Fund; Special
Revenue - Parks /Recreation Fund; Southlake Parks Development Corporation
(SPDC Operations Fund, and SPDC Debt Service Fund. The General Fund and
the G.O. Debt Service Fund together account for the distribution of the
expenditures of the revenue generated by the proposed $.4500 tax rate.
In addition, this budget proposes to establish a Capital Projects Fund, separate
from the operating budget, which will provide funding for the City's major public
works infrastructure improvements. In this fund, $654,326 will come from
General Fund transfers.
General Fund Summary
The General Fund supports all municipal operations with the exception of the
water and wastewater utility operations and the operations of the SPDC.
The proposed FY94 -95 Annual Budget projects $6,700,490 in General Fund
revenues, which is an increase of $1,854,316 or 38.3 % from the FY93 -94
Adopted Budget.
The largest single revenue source in the proposed budget is the ad valorem
(property) tax. The budget as proposed will provide $2,325,950 in revenue for
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 3
the General Fund maintenance and operations budget, an estimated increase of
$121,752 or 5.5% from the FY93 -94 Adopted Budget.
The second largest General Fund revenue source in the proposed budget is
derived from the municipal permits and fees charged for various development
activities, such as fees for zoning, platting and building permits. The proposed
budget of $1,941,350 projects an increase of $853,350 or 78.4% over the current
year. For FY94 -95, the City is projecting 650 permits to be issued. The City
estimates 610 permits for the current year, ending September 30, 1994.
The third largest General Fund revenue source is the municipal sales tax. Sales
tax revenues are projected at $1,233,000 in the proposed budget, an increase of
$531,500 or 75.8% over the FY93 -94 Adopted Budget. Consistently over the
past several years, the City has experienced double digit growth in sales tax
receipts. During FY92 -93, the City's first major retail center, Crossroads
Square, opened. Two other major retail centers are scheduled to open in the latter
part of FY93 -94 or early FY94 -95.
Based upon current collections, the sales tax revenue for the 1993 -94 fiscal year
is estimated to be $865,000, an increase of $163,500 or 23.3 % over the amount
projected for the current year.
The other major revenue sources for the General Fund are franchise fees
($418,040) from the private utility companies operating in the City, municipal
fines ($242,400), and transfers ($328,000) into the General Fund from the Utility
Fund. Franchise fees are projected to increase by $81,640 or 24.3 %, while
revenues from fines are expected to increase $10,960 or 4.7% from the amount
budgeted in FY93 -94.
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 4
Charges for services are estimated at $80,000, which includes $49,000 for the
Special Services Program. This is the interlocal contribution from the
Grapevine /Colleyville and Carroll Independent School Districts to the City's
D.A.R.E. program, as well as the Special Resource Officer in the C.I.S.D.
Other charges for service are for recreation class fees and Fire Division related
Miscellaneous income is projected at $41,750, an increase of $23,810 over the
prior year.
The proposed budget reflects $90,000 in interest earnings, the an increase of
$40,000 from the amount estimated for the current year when the budget was
The proposed General Fund budget proposes $6,485,565 in expenditures to
accomplish municipal objectives. The proposed expenditures represenit an
increase of $622,798 or 10.6% over the current year. The budget also includes
$654,326 in major capital improvement expenditures, that will be accounted for
in a capital projects fund.
The bulk of the total increase for FY94 -95 is in Public Safety, $539,470 (24.7 %).
The largest increase for new programs within the Public Safety Department is in
the Police Services Division, increasing approximately $224,281 (21.9 %). This
increase reflects the commitment made by the City to implement the consolidated
Public Safety operation by adding four (4) new Public Safety Officers (required
to be certified and operate as both fire and police). A new detective position is
also proposed in order to meet the work demands.
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 5
The proposed budget reflects a decrease of $759,380 within the Streets /Drainage
Division. The FY93 -94 budget included $431,000 in new equipment and
vehicles. This proposal includes $119,500 in new equipment and vehicles. In
FY93 -94 the budget provided $253,045 in Public Works capital projects. For
FY94 -95, the $654,326 in capital projects within this division are funded through
a transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.
One new Drainage Maintenance Worker is scheduled for an October 1 hire date,
an estimated $22,675.
Personnel Highlights
The proposed budget reflects the pay and classification plan, implemented in
January 1994, for a full twelve months. The General Fund will support a total
of 115.5 positions in FY94 -95.
The proposed budget projects an increase of twelve (12) full time and two (2) part
time positions in the General Fund. These positions are needed to enable the,City
to maintain effective management of service demands. The positions are:
one (1) Full time Assistant to the City Manager
one (1) Full time Police Detective
one (1) Full time Special Resource Officer
four (4) Full time Public Safety Officers
one (1) Full time Project Engineer
one (1) Full time Street/Drainage Maintenance Worker
two (2) Full time Park Maintenance Workers
one (1) Full time Planning Technician
one (1) Part time Recreation Clerk
one (1) Part time Court Clerk
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 6
Other Expenditure Highlights
• City Secretary /Mayor /City Council - $17,000 SPIN program; $20,000
Codification of Ordinances
• Economic Development - $30,000 Marketing plan
• Support Services - $44,000 Consulting fees ($24,000 computer; $20,000
other); $31,275 upgrade and expand telephone system.
• Fire Services - $51,000 Signal changers; $35,500 brush truck chassis;
$10,000 water rescue craft.
• Police Services - $75,000 four (4) replacement vehicles; $31,500 vehicle
video cameras
• Public Safety Support - $28,355 tape logger
• Building Inspection - $43,000 Demolition Fund; $13,000 truck
• Streets /Drainage - $30,000 Flat Bed Truck; $449,330 Street
Infrastructure; $17,000 Chipper; $205,000 Drainage Infrastructure;
$72,500 800 mhz radio system (1/2 in Utility Fund)
• Public Works Administration - $105,000 GIS System; $20,000 Pavement
Management System
• Community Development - $45,000 Street Impact Fee Study; $20,000
Trail System Master Plan
Fund Balance
The proposed budget reflects a decrease in the undesignated Fund Balance, with
a projected beginning of $1,569,172 and ending at an estimated $1,129,771. This
Fund Balance represents 17.42% of estimated expenditures, within the 15 %
minimum but less than the 25 % established by the City Council as the target level
in our Fund Balance Policy. The proposed level is sufficient to ensure the fund's
financial integrity.
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 7 -
Debt Service Fund
Debt service expenditures have steadily escalated over the past several years,
reflecting the debt issuance required for major infrastructure projects. The FY94-
95 budget reflects an increase in debt service of $284,678 over last year.
Tax Rate
The proposed budget reflects a total taxable value of $808,385,458 in tax year
1994, an increase of $124,442,932, or 18.19% over the taxable value currently
on the rolls. The 1994 taxable value reflects $102,246,937 in new improvements
since last year. The proposed budget reflects a proposed tax rate of $.4500 per
$100 valuation, of which $.27385 is for general operations and maintenance and
$.17615 is for debt service. The portion of the tax rate available to support
maintenance and operations is decreased by $.02747, or 9.11% from last year.
The $.43912 effective tax rate in the 1994 tax year is down from the $.45558 in
the 1993 tax year. The rollback tax rate for the 1994 tax year is $.49022.
Utility Fund
The Utility Fund revenues are projected at $4,963,600 for an increase of
$1,698,068 or 52.0% in the proposed budget. Expenditures are projected at
$5,248,887 for an increase of $1,846,832 or 54.3% over the FY93 -94 Adopted
Budget. The proposed budget does not includes any increase in water or sewer
rates. The budget includes one (1) Utility Maintenance Worker, two (2) Utility
Operators, and one (1) Project Accountant. The proposed budget includes an
allocation of $775,000 to establish a neighborhood sewer assessment program.
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
August 2, 1994
Page 8 -
Special Revenue Fund -Parks and Recreation
The proposed budget includes the special revenue fund to account for revenues
and expenditures dedicated for park use. These funds are derived from the Park
Dedication Fees charged to new development. The proposed budget reflects
revenues of $100,000 in park dedication fees from developers, and $7,500 in
interest income. Joint Use projects scheduled with the Carroll Independent
School District total $23,680. Other expenditures programmed from this fund
total $39,670.
Parks Development Corporation
The SPDC is projected to receive $616,500 in sales tax revenue and $12,500 in
interest earnings. Expenditures are projected at $47,680 to fund the Park Project
Manager. SPDC Debt service for FY94 -95 is projected at $252,310.
The proposed budget represents progress toward a proactive approach to the
operation of the City of Southlake. The scheduled equipment purchases and
additional personnel provides the framework for addressing the service needs.
Planning for anticipated growth drives the budget process.
Sin -rely,
1 110 Cu
. Hawk
City Manager
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