~ANU~RY 4, ~994
COUNCIL~EMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry
Farrier; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Barry Emerson. Members: Jon Michael
Franks, Andy Wambsganss, Stephen Apple, and W. Ralph Evans.
ST~FF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Rice, Assistant
city Manager; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Bob
Whitehead, Director of Public Works; LouAnn Heath, Director of
Finance; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Karen Gandy,
Zoning Administer; Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer; Wayne K. Olson,
City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, city Secretary.
INVOCATION: Councilmember W. Ralph Evans.
WORK SESSION: The Work Session began at 6:30 p.m., where
Councilmembers and Staff present were able to review agenda items
for tonight's meeting.
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The Regular City Council meeting was
called to order by Mayor Fickes at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item ~I-B, Executive Session
Mayor Gary Fickes advised the audience that Council would be going
into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076, of
the Open Meetings Act, to seek the advice of the city Attorney with
respect to pending and contemplated litigations, to discuss the
purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, and to consider
the appointment and evaluation of public officials, and regarding
the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security
personnel or devices.
Council adjourned into executive session at 7:00 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 7:35 p.m.
Aqen4a Item ~L-C, Action Necessary/Executive Session.
No action was taken by the city Council as the result
executive session.
of the
Regular city Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page two
Aqenda Item #2, ADDroval of the Minutes 12/21/93
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the Regular City Council
meeting held on December 21, 1993.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Franks
Ayes: Emerson, Franks, Farrier, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, MaYor's Renort
Mayor Fiokes informed the audience that he will be moving the order
of items on tonight's meeting agenda, due to the large number of
citizens in the audience for item #8-A.
Aqenda Item #4, city Manager's Report
City Manager, Curtis Hawk, reported on a meeting that was held at
TxDot on January 3, 1994, in regard to State Highways in the city
of Southlake. He stated F.M. 1709 is scheduled for completion in
April, 1994.
Mr. Hawk also reported that the County Repaving Project on East
Continental Blvd. is nearing completion, with the paving being
completed today.
&qenda Item #5, Consent &oenda Items
The Consent agenda consisted of the following items:
Resolution No. 93-68, authorizing the Mayor to execute
the abandonment of utility easements in Lots iR and 8R,
Block 8, Timarron, Phase 2, Section 2, Bent Creek.
5-B. Utility easement dedications for Off-site Water and
Sanitary Sewer for Re/Max Lone Star office building.
5-C. Utility easement dedication for Off-site Sanitary Sewer
Service for The Dominion Addition.
5-D. Right-of-way Dedication to provide Off-site Water Service
for The Dominion.
Resolution No. 94-01, authorizing the addition of the
Assistant city Manager to checks issued on behalf of the
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page three
&qend& Item #5, Continued
Motion was made to approve the items on the consent agenda,
including #5-A, #5-B, #5-C, #5-D, #5-E.
Motion: Apple
Second: Wambsganss
Ayes: Apple, Wambsganss, Evans, Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
5-a o
Resolution No. 93-68. Timarron Land Corporation has
requested the abandonment of the utility easements in
Lots 1R and 8R, Block 8, Timarron, Phase 2, Section 2,
Bent Creek. Development of subsequent phases of Timarron
has eliminated the need for these easements.
Utility Easement dedications for Off-Site Water and Sewer
for Re/Max Lone Star office building. The purpose of
these five (5) easements is to provide sanitary sewer
service for the office building.
Utility Easement for Off-site Sanitary Sewer Service for
The Dominion addition. The purpose of the easement is to
provide sewer to the Addition.
5-D o
Right-Of-Way Dedication. The purpose of the R.O.W.
Dedication is to provide for the extension of water lines
in Continental Blvd., in front of The Dominion Addition.
Resolution No. 94-01, allows for the addition of the
Assistant City Manager to checks issued on behalf of the
city (adding her signature on city checks, with the city
Manager, City Secretary, Mayor, and Mayor Pro Tem).
Item #8-&, Ordinance No. 480-99, 1st readina (SA 93-90).
Ordinance No. 480-99, 1st reading (ZA 93-90) is a rezoning and
Concept Plan request for Chapel Village, being a 4.399 acre tract
of land out of the Hiram Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tract
lC. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning
of "C-2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owner: E-Systems, Inc.
Pool Trust; David C. McMahan, agent.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted that eight (8) notices were
sent to property owners within 200', with four (4) written
responses received in opposition within the 200' required
notification area. An additional twenty-eight (28) written
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page four
Item #8-&, ¢on~inue4
responses were received in opposition from outside the 200'required
notification area. The applicant has met all the review comments
of the previous reviews. The owners agent presented a letter
offering to deed restrict the property against certain "C-2" uses.
Due to the opposition of 20% of the land area within 200'
surrounding this request, a super-majority vote will be required to
approve any request. Mr. McMahan has submitted a letter changing
his request to "C-i" Commercial District.
David McMahan, was present representing E-Systems, Inc. Pool Trust,
and PIMA Properties, the proposed developer. Mr. McMahan stated
they were asked for "C-2" zoning, however, changed their request to
"C-I" after hearing comments from staff and residences in the
vicinity. He stressed that he will deed restrict against any
gasoline sales, drive-thru restaurants and washaterias.
McMahan noted that the southeast and southwest corners of
Continental Blvd. and White Chapel Blvd. share more intensive
zoning than he is asking for. There is no commercial at this time,
and they do believe that the market place will dictate when there
is too much commercial. They do not believe there will be a impact
on neighbors in the area. This is a major intersection, planned
for two 84' thoroughfares, which makes a desirable location for
their center.
MaMahan addressed the issue of zoning this property residential.
He stated he feels it is not economically viable to make smaller
residential tracts on this property. They are not making a
precedent with this request as many other subdivisions have
commercial at the intersections. There is no assurance that the
other corners will be developed by the present owners.
Mayor Gary Fickes stated this is not a Public Hearing, however, he
will allow everyone who wishes to speak for or against this zoning
request to speak.
Joe Smith, 1345 Bent Creek Drive, $outhlake. Mr. Smith stated he
represents the "Coalition of Neighborhoods" who are in opposition
to the effort to rezone four-plus acres of land situated at White
Chapel Blvd. and Continental Blvd. The coalition consists of
citizens from Timarron, Monticello, Chimney Hill and others, and
adding, it is the intent of this organization to be a positive
force in future matters of the city.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page five
&qen~& Item ~8-&o Continued
Mr. Henry E. Kerry, attorney with the firm of Kerry & Forderhase,
1701 River Run, Suite 900, Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Kerry stated he
will represent the Coalition of Neighborhoods, who are in
opposition to the effort to rezone four-plus acres of land at White
Chapel and Continental Blvd.
Mr. Kerry referenced a petition signed by over four hundred (400)
citizens, with 90% of the citizens within 200' of this property
signing the petition. He expressed the purpose of a neighborhood
center, adding: tractor trailer trucks unloading; dumpsters for
trash; large waste disposal trucks; gasoline pumps; trash in the
area; schools nearby (not all children ride buses, but walk, ride
Connie Coolie, 603, Vicksburg Court, Southlake. Ms. Coolie stated
most citizens of Southlake are not new to the challenges Southlake
has ahead, stating she is here on behalf of "mothers", who want to
keep the traffic at a safe level near their homes. Most of the
children wait for buses in the area. Most mothers do not want
their children to have to encounter large, trucks and traffic. She
would appreciate keeping Continental Blvd. as it is.
Mr. Kerry expressed that once "C-l" zoning is granted, there is
nothing a city can do. Visual is going to be the reality. What
about noise pollution-- are they going to turn out the lights once
it is dark---many stores are open 24 hours per day. The purpose of
the center is to serve the immediate neighborhood. What if the
immediate neighborhood does not want the convenience?
Mr. Kerry stated the Monticello Addition property owners are going
to buy the commercial property in Monticello and probably give it
to the city.
Terry Wilkinson, 601 Vicksbury Court, Monticello, Southlake. Mr.
Wilkinson stated due to the concerns of the property owners, they
are going to purchase the property and give it to the city, or down
zone the property for open land use.
Mr. Kerry stated those opposing this zoning case represent one
(1) billion dollars in property, and have invested more than
money into the area. Investments include; families, schools,
and they are registered voters.
Regular city Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page six
Aqend& Item #8-A. Continued
Paulette Blackwood, 1101 E. Northwest Parkway, Southlake. Ms.
Blackwood is with ReMax Lone Star Real Estate. She stated she has
grown up in this area, adding, she knows how people feel when they
want to move to an area. If they wanted neighborhood strip
centers, they would move to Plano or other areas. She asked that
city Council protect their City.
Lois Webber, 220 Silverwood Circle, Southlake. Ms. Webber is also
with real estate sales in the area, stating, she choose $outhlake
for many reasons. It is easy to sell Southlake, however, she
stated the commercial will depreciate the area around it. She
asked that Council think long and hard before putting in more
commercial in that area.
Mr. Kerry referenced a report from a former Tarrant Appraisal
District employee in regard to property values. Kerry read from
the City of Southlake goals and objectives of the Land Use Plan.
Art Hobbs, 1404 Chimney Works Drive, Southlake. Mr. Hobbs stated
Chimney Hill Addition has joined the "Coalition of Neighborhoods".
Where they do not adjoin the property in question, with a door to
door survey of Chimney Hill Addition, 99% did not want commercial
in this area.
Gary Hargett, 1125 South White Chapel Blvd., Southlake. Mr.
Hargett stated, on behalf of the Coalition of Neighborhoods, he
thanked the City Council for their time, and also thanked Mr.
McMahan for his time, and feels the initial concerns have been
Pat Saunders, 503 Vicksburg Way, Southlake. Passed.
Keith Turner, 1027 East Continental Blvd., Southlake. Mr. Turner
stated he remembers four or five years ago when he came before the
city Council because he did not want Timarron. He asked Council to
give the applicant the zoning they wish.
Ed Shiller, 1015 Diamond Blvd., Southlake. Mr. Shiller stated a
few years ago his neighborhood was concerned about the Food Lion
going in across White Chapel from them. He feels the property
owners tonight are worrying about something they do not need to
worry about.
James Hollstein, 1201 Oakwood Trail, Southlake. Mr. Hollstein
stated he moved here eighteen (18) years ago, and the closest 7-11
Convenience Store is too close to him.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page seven
Agenda Item ~8-A, Continued
David McMahan addressed the issue of devaluation of property. He
referenced an article in the Colleyville News & Times and noted the
Food Lion Grocery Store in Southlake has not affected home sales at
all. He made the following points:
He is deed restricting against all gasoline sales.
The City can limit the times and number of trucks.
They will keep the lights away from residences, like they
did in Crossroads Square Center.
If commercial is such a detriment to the sale of
property, why did Timarron and Monticello originally zone
property in their additions to commercial.
Developers sell land, Builders build homes.
He has lived in Southlake since 1981 and has developed a
lot of land here. The dollar amount that he owns is more
important to him, than Timarron is to Mobil Land
Mayor Fickes stated the City Council and past city Councils are
very proud of Southlake. There has been a lot of efforts made to
make Southlake what it is today. They have set a goal to have
"quality" growth in Southlake.
Councilmember Barry Emerson stated he has been in contact with Gary
Hargett and congratulated him for his professionalism during this
issue. He referenced the new "SPIN" program that the City is in
the process of implementing, adding, the people here tonight are
the kind of people the City is trying to reach for the program.
If the City Council would have done what area residents asked a
couple of years ago, the new folks would not be here tonight.
Councilmember Wambsganss asked the applicant, David McMahan, to
explain what the development would look like, if approved. McMahan
stated the structure would be brick with residential type window
dressing, it will have dormers on the roof. There would be berms
around the perimeter of the property, to separate the property from
Princeton Park Estate. He plans to use heavy landscaping, as they
did in Crossroads Square.
Councilmember Jon Michael Franks asked the applicant if they would
consider coming back with a B-1 or S-P-1 Zoning District. Mr.
McMahan replied that they would not consider this suggestion.
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page eight
&aenda Item ~8-&. Continued
Motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 480-99, 1st reading, subject
to the third Plan Review Summary dated December 30, 1993, for C-1
Commercial Zoning.
Motion: Wambsganss
Second: Evans
Ayes: Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: Franks, Farrier, Emerson, Apple
Denied: 3-4 vote
Mayor Fickes stated this item was denied, therefore, it
will not come back for second reading.
Council adjourned for recess at 9:00 p.m.
Council returned to open session at 9:10 p.m.
&aenda Item #$. Public Forum
No comments were received during the public forum.
Aaenda Item #7-A, Ordinance No. 480-101. 2nd readina CZ& 93-102)
Ordinance No. 480-101, 2nd reading, (ZA 93-102), is a rezoning
request for 1.00 acre being situated in the Harrison Decker Survey,
Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B10A, 1B6Cl, 1B10C, and 1B6C2. Current
zoning is "MH,' Manufactured Housing, with a requested zoning of "I-
1" Light Industrial District. Owner: Alice Turner. Applicant:
Sam Hughes dba Sam's Automotive. Public Hearing.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted thirteen (13) notices were
sent to property owners within 200' and to date one favorable
response has been received from Charles R. Young, 1700 Stoneway
Drive, Grapevine. This area was annexed into the City of Southlake
in 1987 and rezoned to "MH" with the adoption of Ordinance No. 480
in September 1989. On Tracts 1B10A and 1B6Cl, there exists a legal
nonconforming auto repair service. On Tracts 1B10C and 1B6C2,
there exists a legal, conforming mobile home.
Public Hearing: Mr. Keith Turner signed up to speak but passed.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-101, 2nd reading.
Motion: Apple
Second: Emerson
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Apple, Emerson, Farrier, Franks, Wambsganss, Evans, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page nine
Aaenda lte~ #7-Bo Ordinance No. 480-102, 2nd readinq (Z& 93-103).
Ordinance No. 480-102, 2nd reading (ZA 93-103), is a rezoning
request for 5.00 acres being situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey,
Abstract No. 500, being a portion of Tract 3Al. Current zoning is
"AG" Agricultural, with a request for "RE" Residential Estates
District. Owner: Joanne Thompson. Applicant: Brandon and Kay
Baker. Public Hearing.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted eight (8) notices were
sent to property owners within 200' and no responses have been
The applicant was not present for the meeting.
received during the public hearing.
No comments were
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-102, 2nd reading.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of Ordinance No. 480-102.
Ayes: Farrier, Franks, Emerson, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aaanda Item #7-C. Ordinanoe No. 480-103. 2nd readina CS& 93-104).
Ordinance No. 480-103, 2nd reading (ZA 93-104), is a rezoning
request for 4.806 acres being situated in the W.R. Eaves Survey,
Abstract No. 500, being a portion of Tract 3A1. Current zoning is
"AG"Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A" Single Family
Residential District. Owner: Joanne Thompson. Applicant:
Brandon and Kay Baker. Public Hearing.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator noted the same eight (8) notices
were sent to property owners within 200' and no responses have been
Councilmember Apple referenced the conversation which
took place during first reading of the ordinance, in
regard to Goode Airport and the possibility of expansion
of the airport and the noise with take-off of aircraft.
No comments were received during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-103, 2nd reading.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Franks
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Franks, Farrier, Evans, Apple, Wambsganss, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page ten
&qenda Item ~7-D, Ordinance No. 480-104, 2nd readina (SA 93-106).
Ordinance No. 480-104, 2nd reading, 9ZA 93-106), is a rezoning
request for 0.49 acres being situated in the Hiram Granberry
Survey, Abstract No. 581, being a portion of Tract 5. Current
zoning is "AG" Agricultural, with a requested zoning of "SF-1A"
Single Family Residential District. Owner: William S. Gilchrist.
Public Hearing.
The Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy, noted eight (8) notices were
sent to property owners within 200' and two favorable responses
have been received in writing from: Gary Hargett, 1125 S. White
Chapel Blvd., and Ralph V. Williams, 120 E. Continental Blvd.
Mrs. Gandy stated the applicant must zone this portion of Tract 5
in order to combine it with Tract 4 of The Glory Place to the
The owner was not present for the meeting.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-104.
Motion: Farrier
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Farrier, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Franks, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Aaenda Item #7-E, Ordinance No. 480-M, 2nd readina.
Ordinance No. 480-M, 2nd reading, revisions to the Zoning Ordinance
regarding terminology and exhibit requirements (i.e. concept plans,
site plans, development plant), and screening requirements for
trash receptacles, and bufferyard procedures. Public Hearing.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, noted the changes have been made
as suggested at the first reading, in Section 3.
The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 480-M,
subject to staff recommendation.
Motion: Emerson
Second: Apple
Mayor Fickes read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Emerson, Apple, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Franks, Fickes
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
January 4, 1994
page eleven
&aenda Item $11-~. Discussion: Weed Lien Ordinance
This ordinance was not discussed this evening, but will be brought
back to Council in the near future for discussion.
Aaenda Item #12, A~4ournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Motion: Apple
Second: Franks
Ayes: Apple, Franks, Evans, Wambsganss, Farrier, Emerson, Fickes
Nays: None
Appr. o~e~; 7-0 vote
%~.. ..'
'... ....
~LeGrand '
City Secretary
/~yor Gary- Flckes~
City of Southlake, Texas
f Y'
i ,;PIMA
Mama PROPERTIES Inc. p rr'rii ir
JAN 041994
January 4, 1994
Council Member
City of Southlake
Southlake, Texas
RE: Zoning Request
NWC White's Chapel & Continental
Southlake, Texas
Dear Council Member;
Tonight the captioned zoning request comes before the Council after
being tabled (at our request) in November. The purpose of this
letter is to make sure that you are aware of certain aspects of our
request as well as why we feel it is a proper request and zoning
for the property.
We had originally requested C -2 zoning for the property. However,
after meeting with the City staff and with our prospective tenants
we have decided that we can live with C -1 zoning which was
unanimously recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Moreover, we are also willing to further restrict the property from
any gasoline sales, washaterias and "drive -thru" restaurants such
as McDonald's, Burger King, etc.
We are aware that there is a significant amount of opposition to
this zoning by the residents in T.imarron and Monticello. In fact
I met with their representatives in early December to show them
what type of facility we were contemplating. I was asked at that
time if we would be willing to restrict the property from gasoline
sales and I responded that we were not. However, after meeting
with my tenant we have decided that we can restrict the property
from this use.
One of the concerns voiced at the meeting was that there was too
much commercial property at that intersection and that it could not
be supported by the immediate vicinity. My response is that there
is not any commercial activity at that location even though two of
the other three corners are zoned C -2 and C -1 with no restrictions
as to uses in these categories. The market place will determine
what is viable and what isn't; moreover, there is no assurance that
either of the other two corners will ever be used for what they are
now zoned. However, we are prepared to go forward with a
development that will add tax base to the community without adding
further a burden on our already heavily taxed school system.
5655 Lindero Canyon Road Suite 321 Westlake Village. California 91362
818 i 889 -0440 800 / 633 -3458
5215 N. 0 Connor Suite 200 Irving, lexas 75039
214 / 444 -8322 817 % 329 -6996
Another question or comment was that the property should be
developed as single family residential. This simply is not
economically viable. I have included a site plan for 7 lots and
the cost estimate as well as a profit and loss estimate for this
type of development. You can see from these numbers that the cost
of developing such a small piece is simply too great. In order to
break even we would have to sell the lots at $75,000 each and in
order to make a fair profit for a venture of this type the lots
would be priced in the $100,000 category. This is ludicrous. We
would have no amenity package, no golf course, no trees and the
lots would back up to a busy intersection.
In summation, we feel we have been very flexible in our approach to
trying to ease some of these residents' concerns. Even though two
other corners which are closer to these folks are now zoned C -2 and
C -1, we have voluntarily restricted our uses to eliminate what
seems to be a major cause of concern for these folks.
The subject property, due to its size, shape and location should be
commercial. The existing zoning of the other two corners bears
this out. We realize how difficult it is to go against a group of
residents and the emotional ties involved; however, we sincerely
hope that you will keep in mind what is in the best interest of all
citizens of Southlake and what is fair and equitable as it relates
to the subject property.
Thank you,
David C. McMahan
Executive Vice President
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IO•J r... T .".•:- c• ::::::.:: 4. 4 T 17-1 SoX.N. I .• •=4 A C. I ii 'i p'■ 0. '. A -1 4 ,..
7 $55,000 $385,000
Commission @ 4% 15,400
Closing Costs @ 1% 3,850 (19,250)
NET INCOME $365,750
LESS COST ($519,979)
LOSS ($154,229)
SEVEN 20,000 S.F. LOTS
4.399 ACRES $297,000
Water 10,040
Sewer 9,780
Paving 71,493
Landscaping 13,272
Screening Wall 66,560
Sub -total 171,145
Eng /Survey 4,900
City Fees 2,070
City Inspection 6,800
Soil Testing 3,500
Legal 4,500
Title Costs 2,500
Appraisal /Environmental 5,000
Developers Overhead 9,000
Construction Interest
60% balance on cost
for 6 mos at 8.5% 13,564
Sub -total 51,834
TOTAL COST $519,979
6" DR18 W.L. 100 LF @ $ 10.75 $ 4,300.00
1" Water Service 7 EA C' 250.00 1,750.00
Fire Hydrant 2 PA 0 1,020.00 2,040.00
6" Gate Valve 2 FA ( 375.00 750.00
Connect to Exist W.L. 1 EA iii 1,200.00 1,200.00
Water Subtotal $10,4040.00
STD. Conc. 14,H, 2. EA 0 1,050.00 2,100.00
STD. 4" Survice 7 EA 0 210.00 1,470.00
6" 0R35 S.S. 460 LP 0 12.50 5,750.00
Trench Satety 460 LF 0 1.00 _ 460,00
Sanitary Sewer Subtotal $9,780.00
Uncl. Excavation 2,600 CY @ 1,75 4,550.00
Mod. Subgrade 3,726 SY @ 2.30 9,115.00
6" Canc. Paving 3,432 SY @ 1.6,20 55,598.40
Adjust Manhole 2 EA @ 210.00 420.00
Adjust Wator Valve 1 EA. @ 210.00 210.00
Erosion Control LS 1
Paving Subtotal :;71,493.40
Hydromulch 25,450 SF @ 0.05 1,272.50
Screening Wall 1,644 LF @ 75.00 123,300.00
Landscaping LS 1.2,000.00
Landscaping Subtotal $136,572.50
Construction Subtotal $227,885.90
Engr. /Survey. 9,800.00
City Fees 2,070.00
city inspection 6,800.00
TOTAL $246,525.90
Prepared hy: JEL
Checked by: JEL
Date: 12-30-93