1997-08-26CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 26, 1997 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy (arrived at 8:30 p.m.), Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem David Harris. Members: Gary Fawks, Scott Martin, Wayne Moffat, and Pamela Muller. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Lynn Martinson, Budget Officer; Sean Leonard, Court Administrator; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Chuck Ewing, Assistant to the Public Works Director; Ernest Bramlett, Water and Sewer Superintendent; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Johnny Knight, Deputy Director of Police Services; Barry Hinlde, Police Lieutenant; Garland Wilson, Deputy Director of Fire Services; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. WORK SESSION: The work session was held to discuss agenda items by Council and staff. During the work session, Council discussed a Charter Election and possible propositions to be included on the ballot. INVOCATION: Deputy Mayor Pro Tem David Harris. The Regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Ralph Evans in the absence of the Mayor. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Item g2-A. and #2-B. Executive Session There was not an executive session held during this meeting. Aeenda Item #4-A. Mayor's Report Mayor Pro Tem Evans made the following announcements: The final 40th Birthday Celebration will be held on September 27, 1997. Call Tracy Southers for more information. Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee for the Ethics Ordinance Review met on August 20, 1997 and will meet again on September 10, 1997 at 12 noon in the Administration Conference REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 PAGE 1 OF 5 Room. Mayor Pro Tem Evans stated he is serving as liaison between the committee and the City Council. There will be a Joint SPIN and City Council meeting on August 28, 1997 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. Budget work sessions are currently be held. The budget is available for public examination in the Office of the City Secretary. The first public hearing was held on August 19, 1997 and the second public hearing is scheduled to be held on September 2, 1997 during the Regular City Council meeting. The "kick-off" meeting for the Land Use Plan Update will be held on August 28, 1997 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The public is invited to attend. The dedication ceremony for the new water tank on Pearson and F.M. 1709 will be held at 9:30 a.m. on September 10, 1997. A Commercial Developers Round table will be held on September 26, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. Agenda Item #4-B. City Manaeer's Renort Curtis Hawk, City Manager, noted the TIF public hearing is not on the agenda for tonight, but will be on the September 2, 1997 agenda. Agenda Item #5. Consent Agenda The consent agenda consisted of the following items: 5-A. Authorize the City Manger to enter into a renewal contract with Tarrant County for collection of taxes. Resolution No. 97-58, authorize the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation of a sewer easement crossing an unknown party's property, Parcel 29 of the Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System, Phase III. 5-C. Award of bid for sewer improvements in Diamond Circle Estates. 5-D. Request to advertise for bids for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for sewer lift stations. 5-E. Setting the public hearing to consider the property tax increase. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 PAGE 2 OF 5 Motion was made to approve the consent agenda as listed, items A through E. Motion: Harris Second: Muller Ayes: Harris, Muller, Martin, Fawks, Moffat, Evans Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS Since 1982, the Tarrant County Tax Assessor/Collector has collected property taxes for the City of Southlake. The renewal contract has been presented to the City for collection of 1997 taxes, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997. Tarrant County charges $.40 per financial transaction, defined as a payment or refund on an account. This is the same per transaction fee as the previous year, and is a very reasonable charge for the service provided. Southlake would spend far in excess of the $4,000 budgeted in personnel costs alone if we collected our own taxes. Operational costs to staff a tax collection office are estimated at $35,000, plus the capital outlay costs for office equipment and computer hardware and software. Authorizing the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation of a sewer easement crossing an unknown party's property, Parcel 29 for the Denton Creek Regional Wastewater System. The City of Southlake is acquiring the necessary easements for the Denton Creek Wastewater Interceptor Pressure System (DCWIPS), which is being constructed and maintained by Trinity River Authority (TRA). The City has hired a right-of-way acquisition firm, ROWAC, to acquire the properties for the DCWIPS. Award of bid for Sewer and Street Improvements in Diamond Circle Estates. As part of the Neighborhood Sewer Project, bids have been received for providing sewer to Diamond Circle Estates. This project also includes the reconstruction of the streets within the addition and extending a storm sewer along Diamond Boulevard, to pick up storm water from San Miguel Street. Low bidder for the project is Reynolds Asphalt and Construction Company with a bid of $869,025.65. The funding for this project in the amount of $1,286,000 was appropriated in the 1996-97 budget as part of the Neighborhood Sewer Program. Request to advertise for bids for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for Sewer Lift Stations. The system is a computerized control system designed to allow for the remote monitoring of water and sewer systems. The City currently uses SCADA to monitor water tank levels and flow of water through the water system. This proposed system allows the Water Utilities Division to monitor the sewer lift stations remotely as well. Funding in the amount of $70,000 was approved in the 1996-97 budget. 5-E. The State Property Tax Code, "Truth-In-Taxation" laws outline the steps that a taxing REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 PAGE 3 OF 5 entity must follow when annually adopting a tax rate. These laws require the City to calculate and publish three tax rates: the effective tax rate, the notice-andhearing tax rate, and the rollback tax rate. For the City of Southlake, the 1997 effective tax rate is $.40749 per $100 of taxable value, the notice and hearing tax rate is $.41971 and the rollback tax rate is $.43493. The "1997 Property Tax Rates in the City of Southlake" details these figures, which were published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on August 17. The City will be required to publish a "Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase" that reports taxable value. This proposed tax rate of $.422 exceeds the notice and hearing limit of $.41971, therefore the City must vote to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda at a future meet'mg and schedule a public hearing on the proposal. The notice indicates that the City proposes to increase total tax revenues in 1997 by 3.6%, even though the tax rate will remain the same. This is because of the value growth in the exist'rog taxable properties. The action tonight is to take this vote to place the proposal to adopt the $.422 rate, and to schedule the public hearing for September 2, 1997. Agenda Item #11-A. Discussion: Charter Election Curtis Hawk, City Manager, commented Council discussed possible propositions for the November 4, 1997 Special Election during the work session tonight. Staff will bring back this item on September 2, 1997 for first reading of the ordinance and consideration of the propositions to be placed on the ballot. Agenda Item #11-B. Discussion: FY 1997-98 Budget Work Session Curtis Hawk, City Manager, noted at this time Council will continue with going through the reminder of the departments'proposed budgets in work session. Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance,stated as a result of the discussions with City Council during the FY 1997-98 Proposed Budget work session, August 12-14, department directors have been asked to reduce new requests. Of the ten General Fund positions proposed, three will be retained (Public Safety Officer, one Plans Examiner, and one Building Inspector). The remaining seven positions and their related caption outlay items will be presented to Council for funding at mid- year (April 1998). Additional lease space, the new telephone system, and the wireless remote network are other items being removed as well. Certificate of Obligation proceeds will be reduced according to the reduction in new capital outlay requests, with the intent to fund these capital outlay requests through normal operations. As the result of the work session, it was suggested by Council that the following items be put back into the budget: 1) planner; 2) wireless communication system; 3) computers for the City Secretary and City Manager's Office. The need for park maintenance employee was discussed and staff was to look at alternative ways to provide this service. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 PAGE 4 OF 5 Agenda Item//12. Ad_iournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. by Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans. W~ R~ph ~~~ Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: City Secretary D:\WP-FILES\AGENDAS\CC-8-26-.MIN REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 5 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY (revised) 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 04:29 PM alfndsum.wk4 08/26/97 ' $ Increase / S Increase/ 1995 -96 1996 -97 1996 -97 (Decrease) % Increase / 1997 -98 • (Decrease) % increase/ REVENUES Actual j Adopted Revised Adopted • - Decrease Proposed Adopted - Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes 1 $4,678,411 35,606,556 35,672,556', 366,000 1.2% 36,809,765 31,203,209 21 5 % Sales Tax 2,217,9401 2,771,500! 3,151,800' 380,300 137% 4.075,000 1,303,500 470% Franchise Fees 506,7541 633,897 929,2371 295.340 46 6% 801,030 167,133 26.4 %', Fines 436.5861 353,6001 513,700 160,1001 45.3% 515,300 161,700 45.7% Charges for Services 221.0031 279,850 363,850', 84,000 30.0% 551,550 271,700 97.1% Permits /Fees 2,765,2981 2,349,310 2,268,010 (81,300)] -3.5% 2,314,710 (34,600). -1 5% Miscellaneous 265,180 191,079 251,451 60,372 31.6 %1 205,575 14,496 i 6% water Sales - residential 4,367,522 4,250,000 � 4,250,000 j 0 0 0% i 4,887,500 637,500 15 0% I Water Sales - commercial 576,519 ; 475,0001 610,000 135,0001 28.4%1 701,500 • 226,500 47.7% Wastewater Sales 680,936 590,000 800,000 ; 210,000 35.6% I 920,000 330,000 55.9 % Sanitation Sales 448,336 508.0001 475,000 1 . (33,000) -6.5% 1 534,000' 26,000 5 1 Other Utility Charges 439,275 1 359.0001 359,0001 0 I 0.0% !, 359,000 0 0 0% I Interest Income 344,778' 297 000', 347 300 i 50 300 16.9% 312 744 15 740 5.3% Total Revenues ' $17.948.538 518.664.792 519.991.904 51.327.112 7.1% $22.987.670 54.322.878 23.2% EXPENDITURES City Secretary $255,958 3263,253 5224,577 (338,676)1 -14.7% i 3237,312 (S25,941) -9 9% Human Resources 0 96,0101 135,999', 39,989 ! 0.0% I 168,488 72.478 100 0% City Manager 432,524 446,302 ! 505,358 59,056' 13.2 % ; 346,620 (99,682) -22.3% Support Services 981.311' 1,045,1601 1,261,277 216,117 20.7 %1 1,210,601 165,441 15.8 %' Community Services 0' 01 0', 0' 0 0% 360,113 360,113 100 0% General Gov Total 51.669.793 51.850.725 52.127,211 '. 5276.486 14.9% 52,323.134 5472,409 25.5% Finance 390,664, 381,591 423,5761 41,985 11 0% 410,436 28,845 7 6% Municipal Court 206,2291 219,820, 260,651 40,831 !, 18.6% 277,205 57,385 26 1 Teen Court 1 38 585 !, 50,647 (1 559)] -3.0% 54,609 i 2,403 4 6% I 1 Fi Total 635.478', 653,617' 734,874 • 81.257 1 742,250 88.633 13.6% Fire 901,925. 1,342,264' 1,379,162 36,898 !' 2.7% 1,527,724 185,460 13.8% Police 1,389,060' 2,147,8501 2,210,622] 62,772 2.9 %1 2,611,946' 464,096 216 %I, Public Safety Support 835 717 935 9521 972,363 ! 36 4111 3.9 % 982.8801 46 928 5 0% ! Public Safety Total $3,126.702 $4,426.066 $4,562.1471 5136,081 3.1 %1 55.122.550! 5696,484 15.7% 1 i Building Inspections 351,228, 453,604 509,950! 56,3461 12.4%1 596,727, 143,123 31 6 %; Streets /Drainage I 871,038 896,918 ! 900,793' 3,875 !, 0.4 % i 911,629! 14.711 1.6% Public Works Admin 360.338 723,488 586,050 (137,438)1 - 190 %I, 856,528: 133,040 18 4% 1 Water 3,950,735 3,856,197', 2,983,906! (872,291)1 - 22.6 % 4,044,538' 188.341 4 9% Wastewater 878,360'' 744,873, 774,400 29,5271 4.0 % 803,267 58,394 78 %, Sanitation 393 855 508 000 !, 466 000 ! (42 000)) -8.3% 500.000 (8 000) -1_6% Public Works Total 56,805,555 57,183,080' 56,221,099', ($961,981)1 - 13.4 % 57.712.689 552%609 7.4 %; Parks and Recreation 885,558 1.129,799 1,145,774', 15.975 � 1.4% 1,369.693 239,894 21.2% Community Development 417,495 507,157 488,6641 (18,493)) -3 6% 523,358 16,201 3 2% 1 Economic Development 110 511 114 882 96.427 1 (18 455)1 -16 1% 1142$5 (597, -0 5% Community Dev. Total 5528.006 5622.039 5585.091 I'1 ($36.948)) 5.9% 5637.643 1$ 5,804 2.5% Pay Plan Implementation 0 0 SO 1 0 0 5301,814 301,814 100.0 Debt Service 69 8 7 ! 3 477,764 3 787 823 310.059 8.9% 5,166 285 1 688.521 48 6 % Total Expenditures 516.343.919 519.343.090 519.164.019 1 (5179.071 -0.9% 523.376.0581 54.032.968 20 Net Revenues . 51.604.619' ($678.2981] 5827.8851 51.506.183 manual Proceeds from C.o.Sale/Other 388,109 5920,000 5842,184 ($77,816)1 3813,000 ($107,000)1 Transfers In 51,293,000 51,732,815 31,767,815 535,0001 $2,666,413 $933,598 Transfers out • (52,589 246)i (31 619 418)1 (52.244.41811 5_0 j ($2 124.639 (5505,221). I Total other Sources (uses) (51 208 137)'1 S1 033 397 ' 5365 581 ! (342 81611 61 354 7741 5321 377 Beginning Fund Balance ' $5,381,791 35,778,273 $5,778,2731 $6,971,738 Reserved Fund Balance 50 ' $0 $0 1 i 1 30 Ending Fund Balance 55.778273 56 133 372 S6 971 738 57 938 124 ' ] ALL FUNDS SUMMARY 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 04.29 PM alfndsum.wk4 08/26/97 $ Increase/ • S Increase/ 1995 -96 1 1996 -97 1996 -97 (Decrease) 1 % Increase / 1997 -98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual 1 Adopted Revised Adopted 1 - Decrease Proposed Adopted, - Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes 54,678,411 55,606.556 55,672,5561 566,0001 1.2% 56,809,765 $1,203,209; 21 5% Sales Tax 2.217.9401 2,771,5001 3,151,8001 380,3001 137% 4,075,000 1.303.500' 470% Franchise Fees 506,754 633,8971 929,237 295,340 I 46.6% 801,030 167.133 26 4% Fines 436.5861 353,600 513,700 160,1001 45.3% 515,300 161,700 45 7% Charges for Services 221,0031 279,8501 363,8501 84.0001 30 0% 372,550 92,700 33 1% Permits /Fees 2,765,298' 2,349,3101 2,268,0101 (81,300)1 -3.5% 2,314,710 (34,600); -1 5% Miscellaneous 265,1801 191,079' 251,451 60,372 31 6% 205.575 14,496. 7 6% Water Sales residential 4,367,522 4,250,0001 4,250,000; 0 0.0% 4,887,500/ 637.500 15 0% water Sales commercial 576,519 475,000; 610,0001 135,000' 28.4% 701,5001 226,500 47 7% Wastewater Sales 680,936) 590,000 800,0001 210,000 35.6% 1 920,000 330.0001 55 9% Sanitation Sales 448,3361 508.000 475,000 (33,000) -6.5% 534,0001 26,000 5.1 Other Utility Charges 1 439.275 ; 359,000 359,000 0 0.0% 359,000 I 01 0.0% Interest Income 1 344 778 297.000 347,300] 50.300 16.9 %i 312,7401 15,7401 53% Total Revenues 817.948.538 518.664.792'1 519.991.904 51.327.1121 7.1% ' 522.808.670 $4.143.878 ! 22.2% EXPENDITURES I • City Secretary $255,958 $263,253 5224,577 (S38,676)1 - 14.7 %1 $237,3121 ($25,941)1 -99% Human Resources 0 1 1 96,010 135,9991 39,9891 0.0% ! 168,4881 72,478 , 100 0% i City Manager 432,524 446,302 ! 505,3581 59,056 13.2% I 346,620!, (99,682); -22 3% Support Services 981,311 1,045,1501 1,261,2771 216,1171 20.7% l 1,585,601 i 540,441 51.7% Community Services 0 0; 0; 0 00 % ' 360.113' 360.113 1000% General Gov Total 51.669.793 51.850,7251 52.127.2111 5276,4861 14.9% 52.698,134', 5847.409 45.8% Finance 390,664, 381,591 423,576 41,985 i 11.0%1 410,436, 28.845, 7 6 % Municipal Court 206,2291 219,820 i 260,651 40,831 1 18 6% 277,205' 57.3851 26 1% Teen Court 38 5851 52.206 50.647 0 559)) -3 0% 54,609 2.403 4 6% Finance Total 635,478' 653.617 734,874 81,257' 12.4% 742,250 88,633 13.6% Fire 901,925 i 1,342,264' 1,379,162 36,898 2 7% 1,621,694 279,430 20 8% Police 1,389,060 2,147,8501 2,210,6221 62,7721 2.9% 2,929,622 781,772' 364% Public Safety Support 835 717 95,9.52 ,1 947 363 11.411 1 1.2% , 1,070,585 134 633' 14 4% Public Safety Total 5 3.126,702 54.426,066 54.537,147 5111.081 !: 2.5%; 55.621,901 51.195.835 27.0% ■ Building Inspections 351,228 453,6041 509,9501 56,346 12.4% 1 579,419 125,815 27 7% Streets /Drainage 871,038 896,9181 900,793 3.875 0.4% r 934,6291 37,7111 4.2% Public Works Admin I 360,3381 723,488! 612,678 (110,810)1 -15.3% 1,031,5261 308,038 42 6 %' Water 4,051,453 3,856.197 I 2,903,051 1 (953.146)1 -24.7% ',! 4,044,1051 187.908 4 9% Wastewater ' 878,3601 744,873 ! 760,379 15,5061 2.1%1 803,267 58,394, 7 8% Sanitation 393 8551 508,000 466 000 (42 000)1 -8 3% 500.00Q (8 000)1 -1 6% Public Works Total 56,906,273' 57.183.080 $6,152.851 (51.030,22911 - 14.3 %' 57.892.946 5709,866 9.9% Parks and Recreation 885.558 1.129.799 1 1.085.774 (44,025)1 -3.9% 1,469.693 339.894 30.1% Community Development 417,495 1 507,157', 488,664 (18,493)1 -3.6% 571,196 64,039 12.6% Economic Development 110,511 1 114,882 96.4271 (18.455)] - 16.1% 114,285 (597)1 - 5% Community Dev. Total $528,006 ! 5622,039 5585.091 (536,948)] -5.9% ll 5685.481 563.442' 10.2 %, Pay Plan Implementation 01 01 $0 0'∎ 01 5162,700 162.700: 100.0 %' Debt Service 2 692 827 3 477 764 1 3 787 823 310 0591 8 9 %'1 5 166 285 1 688.521 48.6% Total Expenditures 1 516.444.637 519.343.090' 519.010,771 (5332.319)11 - 1.7 %' 524.439.390 55.096.3001 26.3% Net Revenues 51.503.901 I '' (5678,298 5981.1331 51.659.431 �. ' f 51.630.720) i Proceeds from C.O. Sale /Other � $88,109 $920,000 $842,164 (577,816)1 $1,590,0001 5670,000 Transfers In $1,293,0001 51,732,8151 51,767,815 535,000 $2,666,413 5933,598', Transfers Out (52 589 246)1 ($1619,418)) (52. 59; l ($2.124.639)] ($505,221)1 Total Other Sources (uses) 1 (51 208 137)1 $1 033 397 5365 5811 (542 816)1 1 52 131 774 i $1 098 377 Beginning Fund Balance $5,381,791 55,677,555 $5,677,555 !� $7,024,268; Reserved Fund Balance $0 50 SO $0 1 Ending Fund Balance L S5 677 555 56 032 654 1 $7 024 268! 1 $7525 3 ?? f CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996 -97 ESTIMATED AND 1997 -98 PROPOSED BUDGET GENERAL FUND Revised as of: 08/26/97 CHANGES 04:35 PM FY 96 -97 FY 97 -98 Description of Changes i Actual Estimated Proposed Budget !Revenues 100- 370.00 ;Revenues for recreation classes underestimated 179,000 • • • • Total Change in Revenues sc2 $179,000 • • • „Expenditures 100- 252.00 ;Move budget from Metroport Cities to Dues /License Renewal (1,000) • 100- 830.00 „Annual dues for Metroport Cities 1,000', 100- 101.00 Move budget out of regular earnings to cover auto allowance (1,000) (2,400) 100- 810.00 ,Auto allowance for City Secretary not budgeted 1,000 2,400 105- 360.00 Remove Additional lease space (45,000) 105- 910.00 Remove City -wide telephone system (200,000) 105- 950.00 „Remove wireless network for remote data terminals (130,000) 131 - 101.00 Remove Education & Prevention Officer (42,772) 131- xxx.00 Miscellaneous reductions in operations expenditures for cut position (4,495) 131- 930.00 Remove Education & Prevention Officer's vehicle j (45,853) 131- 9xx.00 Remove Education & Prevention Officer's furniture (850) 132 - 101.00 IRemove two (2) Public Safety Officers • (90,590) 132- 101.00 Remove one (1) Detective (35,920) • 132- xxx.00 „Reduce miscellaneous operations & maintenance expenditures (52,497) • 132- 901.00 Remove office furniture for Detective (1,000) 132- 910.00 Remove five (5) portable radios (6,500) 132- 930.00 Remove one (1) police vehicle (for PSO), one (1) replacement for high mileage vehicle (used by detectives), one (1) van for combined use by the Community Services Division (131,169) 133- 101.00 !Change in personnel expenditure estimates 25,000 133- 101.00 ,Remove Support Technician (27,555) 133- 950.00 ;Remove one (1) laptop computer for EMS Hazmat Technician (3,250) 133- 950.00 „Remove one (1) laptop computer for Education & Prevention Officer (3,250) 133- 950.00 Remove one (1) presentation laptop (5,000) 133 - 950.00 Remove Forte's pen computer (48,650) 142- 101.00 ;Add back Plans Examiner and related equipment 41,308 142 - 930.00 Remove replacement vehicle for Building Inspector (24,000) • 144- 920.00 ,Remove Concrete Planer (3,000) 144- 930.00 Remove 1/2 ton pickup ! (20,000) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996 -97 ESTIMATED AND 1997 -98 PROPOSED BUDGET GENERAL FUND Revised as of: 08/26/97 CHANGES 04:35 PM FY 96 -97 FY 97 -98 Description of Changes Actual Estimated Proposed Budget 1 145- 101.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates 52,400 145 - 106.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates (temporary labor) 35,000 145 - 101.00 Move budget from regular earnings to auto allowance (4,800 145 - 246.00 Move budget from mowing to regular earnings (27,400) 145 - 810.00 Auto allowance for Parks & Rec. Director not budgeted 4,800 145 - 930.00 Remove 1 ton crew cab pickup for Bob Jones Park (25,000) 145- 930.00 Remove 24 passenger van (45, 000) 145- 930.00 Remove two (2) Pool Vehicles (30,0001 150- 101.00 Remove Current Planner and associated expenditures (41,693) 150 - 950.00 Remove Windows NT upgrade for all computers in department (6,145) Pay Plan Implementation for full year 135,409 Total Change in Expenditures $85.000 ($892.472 NET CHANGE IN GENERAL FUND $85,000 ($1,071,472) GENERAL FUND (revised) 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 3 2 PM alfndsum.wk4 38/26/97 S Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995 -96 1 1996 -97 1 1996 -97 (Decrease) % Increase / 1997 -98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES 1 Actual 1 Adopted Revised Adopted - Decrease 1 Proposed Adopted 1 - Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $2.939,868 53,357,2121 $3,385,2121 528,000 0 8% 54,036,234 5679,022 l 231 %; Sales Tax 1.479.586 l 1,848.500: 2,101,800] 253,3001 1a7% 2,717,500, 869,0001 587 %, Franchise Fees 506.754'. 6 929,237', 295,340 46.6% 801,030] 167,1331 33 0% Fines 436,5861 353,6001 513,7001 160,1001 45 3% 515,3001 161,700 37 0 %: Charges for Services • 221,003 279,8501 363,8501 84,0001 30.0% 551,5501 271,700 " Perm4s /Fees 2,642.353 2.249,3101 2,215,010 (34.300) -1.5% 2,264,7101 15,400 6%' Miscellaneous 129,900 105,1791 158,751 i 53,572 I 50 9% ; 113,975 8,796 6 8 %'. Interest Income 145 810 143 000 l 155.0001 12,000 8.4% 1 155.000 12.000 8 2 %' Total Revenues 58,501,860 $8,970,5481 $9,822,5601 $852,012 9.5% 1 i $11,155,299 $2,184,751 25.7% EXPENDITURES I 1 1 City Secretary $255,9581 5263,2531 224,577 , (538,676)1 -14.7%1 5237,312 (525,941 )1 -9 9% Human Resources 0 ! 9 6,010' 135,999 39,989 0.0%1 168,488 72,478' 100 0% 1 City Manager • 432,5241 446,3021 505,358 59,056 1 346,620 (99,682)1 -22 3 %, Support Services 981,311' 1 045.160 l 1,261,2771 216,117 20.7% 1 1,210,601 165,441 '' 5 8 % Community Services 0', 0' 0 0 1 0.0% 1 360 113 360 113 7 CO 0% General Gov Total $1.669,793' $1,850.725 $2.127,211 $276,486 14.9%1 $2,323,134 $472.409 25.5% Finance i 390,6641 381,591 423,576 i 41,985 1 11.0%1 1 410,4361 28,845 7 6 %1 Municipal Court 206,2291 219,820' 260,651 Municipal 40,831 18.6 %'i 277,205] 57,385, 261 % I Teen Court 38 5851 52 206 50.647 (1 559) -3 0%1 54.6091 2 4031 4 6% Finance Total $635,478 5653,6171 5734.8741 $81,257' 12.4%1 $742,250 $88,633' 13.6%1 Fire 901,925 1.342,264 1,379,162 1 36.898 2.7 %' 1,527,724 185,460' 13 8% Police 1.389.060, 2,147,850 2,210,6221 62,772 29% 2,611,9461 464,096 216 % I Public Safety Support 835 7171 935 952 • 972 3631 36.4111 3 9% 982.880 46.928 5 0 %' Public Safety Total $3,126,7021 $4.426.066 $4,562.147' $136,081. 3.1% $5.122.5501 $696.484 15.7% Building Inspections • 351,2281 453,6041 509,950 56,3461 12.4% 596,727 143,123 31 6% Streets /Drainage 871,0381 896,9181 900,7931 3,875 0 4% i 911,6291 14,711 1 6% Public Works Admin 360 3381 723 4881 586.050 1 7 438 -19.0%1 856,5281 133 040 15 4% 1: Public Works Total 51.582.6041 52.074.0101 $1,996,793 77 217 -3.7% 1 $ $290.874 14.0 Parks and Recreation $623.974 5952,770'1 $1,022,917 $70,147 7.4% $1,323.379 $370,6091 38.9% Community Development 1 417.4951 507.157, 488,664 (18,493) -3.6% ; 523,358 16,201 3 2%1 Economic Development 110 511 1 114 882 96.427 18 455 -16.1% 1, 114.285: (597)1 -0.5% Community Dev. Total $528.0061 $622,039' $585.091 ($36.9481 -5.9%1 $637.643 $15.604 2.5% Pay Plan Implementation ' 01 $0 4 0.0% $285.409 285.409 100 0 Total Expenditures 58,166,557 510,579,2271 $11,029,0331 $449,806' 4.3%1 $12,799,249 $2,220,0222 21.0 %1 Net Revenues $335,303 (51.608.6791' ($1,206.47311 $402.206 ($1,643,950 (51,979.2531 Proceeds from C 0 Sale /Other $88,109. 5920,000 5842,184 ($77,816)1 $813,000 Transfers In 594.606 633 • 633,0001 0 700,000; • Transfers out ($377 287)1 5_0_1 50 $01 541 1 Total Other sources (uses) $305 4 ?8 S1 553 000 $1 475.1841 51 513 000 Beginning Fund Balance 51,712,922 52,353,653 $2,353,653 $2,622,3631 ' Reserved Fund Balance SO 50 SO $0 Ending Fund Balance 1 S? 953 653! 52297974 52 622.363 ( $2 491 413 Fund balance percentage -C/v 28.82% l 21.72% j 23.78% ; 1 19.47%1 GENERAL FUND 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 0140 PM anndsum wk4 08/26/97 $ Increase/ $ Increase/ 1995 -96 1 1996 -97 1996 -97 (Decrease) % Increase / ! 1997 -98 (Decrease) I % Increase/ REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted - Decrease Proposed Adopted 1 - Decrease Ad Valorem Taxes $2,939,868 53,357,212 53,385,212 $28,000 0.8% $4,036,234 $679,0221 23 1% Sales Tax 1,479,586 1,848,500 2,101,800 253,3001 13.7% 2,717,500 869,0001 58.7 %' Franchise Fees 506,7541 633,897 929,237 295,3401 46.6% 801,030 167,1331 33.0 %'. Fines 436,586 353,6001 513,7001 160,100! 453% 515,300 161,7001 370% Charges for Services 221,0031 279,8501 363,850 84,0001 30.0% 372,550 92,700 I 41 9% Permits /Fees 2.642.353 2.249,310 2215,0101 (34,300)1 -1 5% 2,264,710 15,400 0 6% Miscellaneous 129.900 105,179 158,751 ] 53.572, 50.9 %' 113,975 8,796 68% Interest Income 145 810 143.000 155 000', 12 0001 8 4% 155 000 12.000 8 2% Total Revenues 58,501,860 58,970,548 59,822,560 I 5852,012 9.5%; $10,976,299 52,005,751 23.6% • EXPENDITURES City Secretary $255,958 $263,2531 224,577 ($38,676) - 14.7 %; $237,312 (525,941)1, -9 9% Human Resources 0 96,010 135,999 39,989 0.0% i 168,488 72,478 1 100.0 %' City Manager 432,524 446,3021 505,358 59,056 13 2% 346,620 (99,682)1 -22.3% Support Services 981,311 1,045,160 1261,2771 216,117 207% 1,585,601 540,441 51 7% Community Services 0 0 0 I 0, 0 0% 360,113 360 113 100 0% General Gov Total 51,669.793 51.850,725 , 52.127,211 • $276,486 , 14.9% 52,698,134 $847,409 45.8% Finance 390,664', 381,591 1 423,576 41,985 11 0% 410,436 28,845 7 6% ■ Municipal Court 206,2291 219,8201 260,651 40,831 18.6% 277,205 57,385! 26.1 %' Teen Court 38 585 52 206. 50,647 (1,559) -3 0% 54 609 2 403 4 6% Finance Total 5635.478 5653,617 5734.874 581.257 12.4% 7S 42,250 8 €88 633 13.6 %'' Fire 901,9251' 1,342,2641 1,379,162 36,898 2.7% . 1,621,694 279,43 20 8% Police 1,389.060', 2,147,850 2,210,622 62.772 2.9% 2,929,622, 781,772', 36 4% Public Safety Support 835,717 935 952', 947,363 11 411 1.2%1 1,070,585 134.633' 14 4 %' Public Safety Total 53.126.702 54,426,066 54,537,1471 5111.081 2.5% 55.621,901 51.195,835 i 27.0% Building Inspections 351,228 453,604', 509,950 56,34 12.4 %' 579,419 125,815' 27 7% Streets /Drainage 871,0381 896.918 1 1 900,793 3,875 0 4% 934,629 37,711 , 4 2% Public Works Admin 360 338 723 488 612 678 (110 810) -15.3%1 1,031,526 308 038', 42.6% Public Works Total I $1,582,604 52,074,010, 52.023,421 ($50,5891 -2.4 %! 52.545,574 5471,564' 22.7% Parks and Recreation $623,974, $952,770 � $962,917 510,147 !; 1.1 %; 51.423,379 $470,609 49.4% Community Development ' 417,495' 507,157 488,664 (18,493)1 -3.6% 571,196 64,039 12 6% Economic Development 110 511 114 882' 96 427 (18 455)1', -16 1% 114 285 (597)1 -0 5% Community Dev. Total $528,006 5,039 5585.091 ($36,948) -5.9% $685.481 563.442 10.2% Pay Plan Implementation $00' $0 $0 0 0 o% 5150.000 150 000 100 0% Total Expenditures 58,166,557'_ 510,579,227 510,970,661 5391,434 i 3.7% 513,866,719 53,287,492 31.1% Net Revenues 5335.3031 ($1.608.679 (51.148.101 5460.578 (52.890.420) (53.225.723) Proceeds from C.O. Sale /Other 388,109 S920,000 5842,184 (377,816) 31,590,000 ' Transfers In 594,606 633,000 633,000 0 700,000 1 f Transfers Out (3377,287) 50 $0 50 4 30 Total Other Sources (Uses) 5305.428 Si 553 000 1' S1 475 184 1 $2 290 000' , 1 i 8eginNng Fund Balance, $1,712,922 32,353,6531 S2.353,6531 i 1 $2,680 735 Reserved Fund Balance 50 50 30 1 $0 Ending Fend Balance 52 353 653 62 297 974 52 680 735 1 32 080.315 ' Fund balance pe tentage C v 28.82% ; 21 72% 24 44% ! 15.00% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE CHANGES TO 1996 -97 ESTIMATED AND 1997 -98 PROPOSED BUDGET UTILITY FUND Revised as of: 08/26/97 CHANGES 04:35 PM FY 96 -97 FY 97 -98 Description of Changes Actual Estimated Proposed Budget Revenues Total Change in Revenues $0! ;Expenditures 147- 101.00 !Change in personnel expenditure estimates 54,227 147- 101.00 !Move regular earnings for Capital Projects Coordinator and Public Works Administrative Assistant from General Fund 26,628 77,630 147- 101.00 1Move GIS Analyst and related expenditures from General Fund 58,403 147- 970.00 IBuilding Improvements are already provided for in Capital Projects budget (135,600 148- 101.00 Change in personnel expenditure estimates 14,021 Pay Plan Implementation for full year 3,705 I I I Total Change in Expenditures 1 $94,876 $4,1381 NET CHANGE IN UTILITY FUND $94,876 $4,138, UTILITY FUND (revised) 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 04 PM alfndsum wk4 08/26/97 S Increase/ S Increase/ 1995 -96 1 1996 -97 1996 -97 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1997 -98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES Actual 1 Adopted Revised Adopted 1 - Decrease Proposed Adopted ' - Decrease Miscellaneous $110,740 ! $85,9001 591,600 i $5,700 6 6% $91,600 S5,700 6 6% I Interest Income 102,7291 68,7501 75,000 6,250! 9.1% 77,000, 8.250, 12 0% Water Sales - residential 4.367,522 I 4,250,000 ! 4,250,000 0 0.0% 4,887,5001 637,500 15 0% 1 Water Sales commercial 576,5191 475,0001 610,000 135,000 28.4% 701,500'•, 226,5001 47 7% Sewer Sales 680,936 590,0001 800,000 210,000 I 35 6% 920,000 330,000 55 9% Sanitation Sales 448,3361 508,0001 475,000 (33,000) -6 5% 534,000 26 000 5 1% Other utility charges 439,275 359 0001 359 000 0 0 0% 359 000 0 0 0% Total Revenues 56,726,057 56,336,650 56,660,600 5323,950 5.1% $7,570,600 51,233,950' 19.5% EXPENSES Debt Service-Revenue Bonds 824,1321 1.448,048 1,448,048 0 0.0% 2,062,490 614,442''. 42 4% Water ' 3,950,735 3,856,197 2,983,906 (872,291) -22.6% 4,044,538 188,341 4.9% I Sewer 1 878,360 744,873 774,400 29,527 i 4 0% 803,267 58,394' 7 8% Sanitation 1 393,855' 508,000 466,000 (42,000) -8 3% 500 000 (8 000)1 -1 6% Pay Plan Implementation 1 0 0 0i 0 0 0% 15.705' 15 705 100.0% Total Expenses 56.047.083, $6.557.118 55.672.354 (5884,764)1 -13.5% 57.426.000 j 5868,882 13.3% Net Revenues 5678.9741 l$2.29-4.0 5988 51.208.714', 5144.600 5365.068 I 1 Transfers In $267,6751 1 5698,170 5698,1701 5834,145 Transfers Out (1 555.556) (633,000) ( (700 000k Total other Sources )uses) (1,287, 881) 65,170 65,170 , 134,145, ■ ■ Net change in wtc components $Q 5.Q 14 1Q I � Beginning fund balance $2,503,3921 $1,894,485 $1,894,485 $2,947,901 Ending fund balance , Si 894 485 $1 739 1871 52 947 901 ! $3 776 646 No of days working capital 114 97 190 1 159 UTILITY FUND 1997 -98 Proposed Budget and 1996 -97 Revised Budget 03:40 PM adndsum.wk4 08/26/97 ' S Increase/ ! S Increase / 1995 -96 1996 -97 1996 -97 (Decrease) % Increase / 1997 -98 (Decrease) % Increase/ REVENUES i Actual Adopted Revised Adopted - Decrease Proposed Adopted l - Decrease Miscellaneous 1 $110 740 $85,9001 691,600! S5 700 6 6 %' 691,600 $5,700 6 6% Interest Income 102.729' 68,750 75.0001 6 250 9 1% i 77,000 8,250 12 0% Water Sales residential 4,367.522 4,250,000, 4.250,000 II 01 0.0 % I 4,887,500 637,500 15.0% water Sales - commercial 576 519 475,000 ' 610,000 i 135 000 28.4% 701,500 226,500 47 7% Sewer Sales 680.936' 590,000' 800,000 210,000 35 6% 920,000 330 000 55 9% Sanitation Sales 448 3361 508,000 475,000' (33 000)1 -6.5% 1 534,000 26 000 5 1% Other utility charges 439 275 359 000 I 359 000 I 0 0 0% 359 000 0 0 0% Total Revenues $6,726,057 $6,336,650 I $6,660,600 ! $323,950 5.1% 67,570,600 61,233,950 19.5% EXPENSES j Debt Service- Revenue Bonds 824,1321 1,448,048 1,448,048 0 1 0 0% 2,062,490 614,442 42.4% Water 4,051.453 3,856,197 2,903,051 (953,146) 247% 4,044,1051 187,908 4.9 %' Sewer 878.360 744,8731 760,3791 15.506 2.1%; 803,2671 58,394' 7 8% ' Sanitation 393 855 508,000 466,000 (42.000)1 -8.3% 00 000 (8 000)1 -1.6% Pay Plan Implementation 0' 0 0 0 1 0 0%1 12.00' 12,000 100 0% Total Expenses 56,147.801 56.557.118' $5.577.478 ! (5979,640) -14.9%1 57.421.862 $864,744 13.2% Net Revenues $578.256 L$22145 $1,083.122 61.303.590 5148.738 5369.206 ' Transfers In � $267,675 - 5698,1701 $698,170 , l $834,145 . , Transfers out L1 555 556)) (633,000)1 (633.000 ! (700,000)1 Total Other Sources (Uses) (1.287 881)1 65,170 , 65.170 , l 134,145 Net change in w/c components IQ $Q IQ $Q Beginning fund balance I 62.503.392, 61,793,767 51,793,767 I $2,942,059 Ending fund balance j Si 793 7 67 61 638 469 62 942 059 ' 33 274 942 No, of days working capital 1 106 911 193 ; 159 , SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) FY1997 -98 TOTAL DEPARTMENT /Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITA GENERAL FUND 100- GENERAL GOVERNMENT 100 -City Secretary/Mayor/ Two 4 drawer lateral fire -proof file cabinets 5 488 0 0 5.488 City Council TOTAL 5,488 0 0 5,488 105- Support Services Heavy duty 3 -hole drill 4,400 0 0 4,400 New sound system for Council Chambers 4.500 0 0 4,500 TOTAL 8,900 0 0 8,900 109 - Community Services Operation of Senior Center 8,700 0 8,700 0 Furniture, appliances for Senior Center 7,700 0 0 7,700 Computer, printer for Senior Center office 1.750 0 0 1.750 TOTAL 18,150 0 8,700 9,450 106 - FINANCE 107 - Municipal Court Computer Upgrades 2,000 0 0 2,000 Computer Hutch 500 0 0 500 Dot Matrix Printer 500 0 0 500 Book Shelf 500 0 0 500 TOTAL 3,500 0 0 3,500 130 - PUBLIC SAFETY 131 -Fire Services Defibrillators 12,000 0 0 12,000 Life Pak upgrade 10,000 0 0 10,000 High Rise Nozzles 4,200 0 0 4,200 Life Pak 11 New 16,500 0 0 16,500 Kiser Sled 2,000 0 0 2,000 150 Ib. Rescue Mannequin 900 0 0 900 Digital Camera 1,095 0 0 1,095 Camera (35) 2,313 0 0 2,313 Hydrocarbon Tester 1,089 0 0 1,089 Emergency Management 7,948 0 7,948 0 Oxygen Monitors 2,100 0 0 2,100 SCBA Compressor 36,000 0 0 36,000 Hose Washer 12,000 0 0 12,000 Vehicles 101,300 0 0 101,300 TOTAL 209,445 0 7,948 201,497 SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) FY1997 -98 TOTAL DEPARTMENT /Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERAL FUND 130- PUBLIC SAFETY 132 - Police Services One Public Safety Officer 45,295 45.295 0 0 Replacement Body Armor 3,000 0 3,000 0 Portable Radios for New Personnel (5) 6,500 0 0 6,500 Six Police Bicycles with accessories 8,555 0 0 8,555 Chairs (4), desks and shelves for offices 2,425 0 0 2,425 Night Vision Device 2,500 0 0 2,500 NE Street Crimes Unit 2,648 0 2,648 0 Charging System for Battery Maintenance 1,900 0 0 1,900 Wireless Video Camera for investigations 2,500 0 0 2,500 Hand held video camera 8mm for Sgt's vehicle 599 0 0 599 Pepper Mace OC Spray for all members 1,890 0 0 1,890 Spare Motorcycle radio accessories 700 0 0 700 Stinger Pursuit Termination Devices 1,800 0 1,800 0 Motorola Vehicle Radio Modem (VRM) 3,500 0 0 3,500 Air Compressor /Minor Tools 1,353 0 0 1,353 Police Vehicles 181,594 0 0 181,594 Replacement in -car video cameras (2) 11.470 0 0 11.470 TOTAL 278,229 45.295 7,448 225,486 133 - Public Safety Support Jail Monitor Upgrade 4,100 0 0 4,100 Vehicle Mounts for Laptop Computer 8,750 0 0 8,750 Office Equipment 3,225 0 0 3,225 Tower PC's (3), Utility Laptops (14) 36,000 0 0 36,000 Presentation Laptops 19.000 0 0 19.000 TOTAL 71,075 0 0 71,075 140 - PUBLIC WORKS 142 - Building Inspections One Building Inspector (w /computer) 33,308 30,808 500 2,000 Plans Examiner 41,308 36,808 500 4,000 Software, desk & chair 1,150 0 0 1,150 Mobil radio 1,500 0 0 1,500 Mobil radio 1,500 0 0 1,500 Monitor 500 0 0 500 Printer 1,500 0 0 1,500 File Cabinets 500 0 0 500 Pickup 24.000 0 0 24.000 TOTAL 105,266 67,616 1,000 36,650 144-Streets and Drainage Letter Labeling System 4,500 0 0 4,500 Dump Truck 42,000 0 0 42,000 Mowing Tractor 16.000 0 0 16.000 TOTAL 62,500 0 0 62,500 SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) FY1997 -98 TOTAL DEPARTMENT /Division ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL GENERAL FUND 140- PUBLIC WORKS 146 - Public Works Admin. GIS software 23,478 0 0 23,478 Computer -UNIX 11,200 0 0 11,200 Office Furniture 2,663 0 0 2,663 Color Printer 3,735 0 0 3,735 Sun Memory 2,700 0 0 2,700 Surface Monumentation 29,400 0 29,400 0 TAD Tape Conversion 1,200 0 1,200 0 WORM Drive 600 0 0 600 Jet Direct Cards 1.000 0 0 1,000 Portable Radios (2) 5,400 0 0 5,400 Computer -City Engineer 2,000 0 0 2 000 TOTAL 83,376 0 30,600 52,776 145 -PARKS AND RECREATION 145 -Parks and Recreation Building Maintenance 21,641 21,641 0 0 Trailer 4,900 0 0 4,900 Software /Computers 12,500 0 5,000 7,500 Safety Net 2,000 0 0 2,000 Library Books 10,000 0 0 10,000 Gang reel mower 15.000 0 0 15.000 TOTAL 66,041 21,641 5,000 39,400 150 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 150- Community Development Corridor Study Ph. 2 Concept Development 15,000 0 15,000 0 HP Laser Printer 1 300 0 0 1.300 TOTAL 16,300 0 15,000 1,300 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 928,270 134,552 75,696 718,022 Capital items to be funded through certificates of obligation, with the exception of Library books in Department 145- Parks /Recreation, to be funded through current operations SCHEDULE OF NEW REQUESTS (revised) FY1997 -98 TOTAL DEPARTMENT/ ivision ITEM AMOUNT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL UTILITY FUND 147 -Water Utilities One Equipment Operator 23,940 23,940 0 0 One Maintenance Worker -Water Dist. 20,122 20,122 0 0 Fireproof file cabinet and four drawer file cabinet 1,000 0 0 1,000 Light tower 4,000 0 0 4,000 Tapping Machine 1,700 0 0 1,700 3/4 ton pickup 27,900 0 0 27,900 Two Maintenance Workers -Fire Hydrant & Inspect. 40,244 40,244 0 0 1 ton utility truck 37,950 0 0 37,950 Air compressor, sandblaster, generator 5,700 0 0 5,700 Four Computers -(1) personal and (3) laptops 10,600 0 0 10,600 Radios 6,800 0 0 6,800 Storz steamer nozzle connection 58,000 0 0 58,000 Vibratory Compactor 3,400 0 0 3,400 Water Meters 101,200 0 0 101,200 Meter Auto Read Equipment 174,000 0 0 174,000 GIS Analyst 58.403 338 528 0 19.875 TOTAL 574,959 122,834 0 452,125 148 -Sewer Utilities One Equipment Operator 23,940 23,940 0 0 One Maintenance Worker 20,122 20,122 0 0 3/4 ton pickup 27,900 0 0 27,900 6" Diesal pump 48,500 0 0 48,500 Auto Crane Hoist 11,025 0 0 11,025 SCBA 3,500 0 0 3,500 Tripod 2,750 0 0 2,750 Two Ventilators 2,400 0 0 2,400 Two Gas Detectors 5,600 0 0 5,600 All Terrain Vehicle 9,500 0 0 9,500 Mobile radio 5,300 0 0 5,300 Laptop Computer 1800 0 0 2800 TOTAL 163,337 44,062 0 119,275 GRAND TOTAL UTILITY FUND 738,296 166,896 0 571,400 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1,666,566 301,448 75,696 1,289,422 N ›" — a w �o HEE o 3 �, U w z M o o Li.�� O 0 a t ,Q 0.) ) 6) w a CZ g g g al W . . - 'o z C U U U Q U U a. 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G1 c � `' - C U • 4' ate, C!2 7 v� _ N o 7r E . . o ° . o a H � , to k cd M„y N ` o " c o a E W .o o s O ^C a o a c,, n a ; 0 o L. o. o ° © C a ` i a a c?, U ^�i 2a >� w ��1 b w H w 0 W a F a A a = EE. •,,,,`:1' v� O [ c H U a ' U o a� o F� O w > u U W `ID A O o U o 00 °o o 0o U U v o o c o M rr - V1 ` o W o0 00 00 0o c` . a • 0 GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended July 31, 1997 with Comparative Actual amounts for the period ended July 31, 1996 (fiscal month 10 - 83.33%) Revised Percen Actual Percent Mont Year to Date 1996/97 Collected; Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 7/ 199_6192 Budget x. n • • 7/31/96 9/30/96 Expended Ad Valorem Taxes $85,972 $3,431,395 $3,357,212 102.2% $2,937,326 $2,939,869 99.9% Sales Tax 171,813 1,348,394 1,846,000 73.0% 1,042,094 1,476,709 70.6% Franchise Fees 16,546 849,299 763,397 111.3% 503,981 509,630 98.9% Fines 53,159 417,256 353,600 118.0% 345,552 435,537 79.3% Charges for Services 29,709 288,740 279,850 103.2% 172,232 222,052 77.6% Permits /Fees 207,914 1,986,600 2,249,310 88.3% 2,204,550 2,642,353 83.4% Miscellaneous 19,061 139,195 105,179 132.3% 73,030 115,859 63.0% Interest Income 3.,463 137.608 143,000 96.2% 121,277 159 851 75.9% Total Revenues 3587,637 $8,598,487 39,097,548 94.5% 37,400,042 $8,501,860 87.0% EXP_ENDITURES City Secretary 334,441 $210,152 S263,253 79.8% $179,293 $255,958 70.0% Human Resources 16,495 115,151 128,505 89.6% 0 0 0.0% City Manager 49,456 415,111 480,565 86.4% 354,578 432,524 82.0% Economic Development 9,922 71,442 114,882 62.2% 93,397 110,511 84.5% Support Services 142.444 975.061 1.045.160 93.3 % 832.146 981.311 84.8 % subtotal - General Govt. Dept. 252.758 1_186_912 2 87.9% L45_9_,414 1.280304 82.0% Finance 36,571 366,946 381,591 96.2% 328,487 390,664 84.1% Municipal Court 26,620 198,826 249,514 79.7% 155,257 206,602 75.1% Municipal Court -Teen Court 5,210 37.829 5.2.06 72.5% 31.843 38,212 83.3% subtotal- Finance Dept. 68.,401 603,601 681311 88.3% 515.587 635,47.8 81.1% Fire 263,143 1,153,345 1.452,264 79.4% 708,096 901,925 78.5% Police 253,782 1,846,899 2,188,966 84.4% 1,076,575 1,389,060 77.5% Public Safety Support 125.382 811.910 935.952 86.7% 674.149 835.717 80.7% subtotal - Public Safety Dept. 642.307 3.812.154 4.5771.82 83.3 % 2,458.820 1126.102 78.6% Building 66,291 394,845 511,928 77.1% 286,330 351,228 81.5% Streets /Drainage 68,094 594,418 896,918 66.3% 663,830 871,038 76.2% Public Works Administration 69,326 541,744 754.678 71.8% 276.452 360.338 76.7 % subtotal - Public Works Dept. 203.711 1.511 007 2.163.524 70.8% L226,61" 1682,604 77.5% Parks and Recreation Dept. 145 871 795.709 995.861 79.9% 479.547 623.974 76.9% Community Development Dept. 41363 378 .971 537.157 70.6% 121.901 417.495 77.1% Total Expenditures 51 356 411 S8 908 359 S10 989.400 81.1% $6.461 881 SR 166 557 79.1% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures ($768,774 ($309,872) (31,891,852) 3938,161 3335,303 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Proceeds from C.O. Sale (net) 30 3842,183 5920,000 30 388,107 Transfer In -Other Funds 0 0 633,000 594,607 594,607 Transfer to Infrastructure 0 0 0 (377.288) (377.287) Total Other Sources /(Uses) 30 $842,183 31,553,000 3217,319 3305,427 Excess (deficiency) of Revenues /other sources over Exp. e: • 5512 311 (Sll8 852) S1 155 480 $640 730 FUND BALANCE OCT 1 32,326,534 S2,326,534 31,689,294 $1,689,294 Change in reserved fund balance 30 30 (33,490) (33,490) ENDING FUND BALANCE $2.858.845 S1 987 682 S2 841 284 52.326.534 fund balance percentage J8 1 % 2$.5� 08/21/97 page 1 JUL97.WK4 4/19 WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended July 31, 1997 and July 31, 1996 (fiscal month 10 - 83.33%) Revised Percen Actual Percent Mont Year to Date 1996 -97 Collected,- Year to Date Total Collected/ REVENUES 7/ /• 1996 -97 Budget x. - . • - • 7/31/96 9/30/96 Expended Water Sales - residential $469,866 $2,940',399 $4,250,000 69.2% $3,362,884 $4,379,575 76.8% Water Sales- commercial 67,229 464,049 475,000 97.7% 442,272 576,519 76.7% Sewer Sales 78,084 639,230 590,000 108.3% 548,053 680,936 80.5% Sanitation Sales 54,668 423,908 508,000 83.4% 372,289 448,336 83.0% Other utility charges 0 334,170 359,000 93.1% 370,437 439,275 84.3% Miscellaneous 31,347 78,144 85,900 91.0% 104,463 168,453 62.0% Interest Income 2_162 58,596 68.750 85.2% 88,417 102.729 86.1% Total Revenues $703,356 $4,938,496 $6,336,650 77.9% $5,288,815 $6,795,823 77.8% EXPENSES Water $31,816 $2,295,015 $3,922,642 58.5% $2,487,236 $3,539,021 70.3% Sewer 75,210 722,768 744,873 97.0% 1,424,644 533,178 267.2% Sanitation 20,710 312,256 483,000 64.6% 290,615 393,855 73.8% Debt Service - Revenue Bonds 77.195 1.341,718 1.448.048 92.7% 5_216,51 1.835.341 28.4% Total Expenses $204,931 $4,671,757 $6,598,563 70.8% $4,723,152 $6,301,395 75.0% Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenses . 9 424 $266 _7.39 0261.413.1 $5.65 66 $494,428 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Transfer In -Other Funds $58,181 $581,808 $698,170 $306,566 $367,879 Transfer Out -Other Funds 0 0 (633,000) (239,262) (1,555.556) Total Other Sources /(Uses) $58,181 $581,808 $65,170 $67,304 ($1,187,677) Excess (deficiency) of Revenues and other sources over Expenses $556.606 $848.547 fS196 7431 $612 967 fS691 2491 08/21/97 page 2 JUL97.WK4 1./A V _O O V M O V V 0 0 00 0 ` A - 1 YY 0) (0 0) 0 - NO O C CO 0 r� r C - y N o('4 N O m E m O Q� 1 0 `7 0 N. 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Q O(OMO P O) n! c'o u 0) 0 c Y V P c cc 'p Vi r N (n r �a o L 0) c p Q a0) V H «).0 as G' q 0 0 M O . o) V C� C.) 0 0 0 0 0) L .1 m 2. MM(')M M 3 V w 3 m W CO m U 2 Q r�r�r�r�r�r�r�n o J = m 0t-> c a U m m m m m m m m 0 0 c m 0) 010) 0 ,- - n ' Q 0 0) CO-"". N 0 c O N 0 m a' V (0 (0 c V OI W a p 0) N 4 ) m (O V (h r V y 0 y m (O 0-:°-- 0 c . p N C O ow m pQ)0 m �ayxy T:0 aom v x 0) L c N W t o - • V F F HQ (i.0 m t � > 5.0 W LL 4143 -3 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 22, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance SUBJECT: Setting Public Hearing Date to Consider Property Tax Increase The State Property Tax Code "Truth -In- Taxation" laws outline the steps that a taxing entity must follow when annually adopting a tax rate. These laws require the City to calculate and publish three tax rates: the effective tax rate, the notice - and - hearing tax rate, and the rollback tax rate. Comparing the proposed tax rate to these three rates determines which truth -in- taxation steps apply. For the City of Southlake, the 1997 effective tax rate is $.40749 per $100 of taxable value, the notice and hearing tax rate is $.41971, and the rollback tax rate is $.43493. The "1997 Property Tax Rates in the City of Southlake" details these figures, which were published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram August 17. A copy of the schedule that was published is attached. The preliminary FY97 -98 budget proposes retaining the current tax rate of $.422 per $100 of taxable value. This proposed tax rate of $.422 exceeds the notice and hearing limit of $.41971, therefore the City must vote to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future meeting, and schedule a public hearing on the proposal. The City will be required to publish a "Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase ", that reports the vote by the Council on the proposal to set the date. A draft of this notice is attached. The notice indicates that the City proposes to increase total tax revenues in 1997 by 3.6 %, even though the tax rate will remain the same. This is because of the value growth in the existing taxable properties. The schedule also shows a comparison of average home values for this year and last year, and the change in tax with the proposed tax rate. The action before the Council on August 26 is to take this vote to place the proposal to adopt the $.422 rate, and to schedule the public hearing for September 2. After the Council holds the public hearing on the tax rate on September 2, the City will be required to publish a second notice "Notice of Vote on Tax Rate". The final adoption of the tax rate will then be set for September 16. LAH Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The City of Southlake will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in 1997 by 3.6 percent. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The public hearing will be held on September 2, 1997, 7:00 p.m., at Southlake City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue. FOR the proposal: AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: The statement above shows the percentage increase the proposed rate represents over the 1997 tax rate that the unit published on August 17, 1997. The following table compares taxes on an average home in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average home this year. Again, your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. Last Year This Year Average home value $226,548 $244,125 General exemptions available (Amount available on the average home, not including senior citizen's or disabled person's exemptions) $0 $0 Average taxable value $226,548 $244,125 Tax rate $.422/$100 $.422/$100 Tax $956.03 $1,030.20 Under this proposal taxes on the average home would increase by $74.17 or 7.7 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would not change by $0 per $100 of taxable value or 0 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. 1997 Property Tax Rates in the City of Southlake This notice concerns 1997 property tax rates for the City of Southlake. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes $3,262,649 Last year's debt taxes $2,253,086 Last year's total taxes $5,515,735 Last year's tax base $1,307,046,299 Last year's total tax rate $.42200/$100 This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property) $5,492,111 This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property) $1,347,788,609 = This year's effective tax rate $.40749/$100 x 1.03 = maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearing $.41971/$100 This year's rollback tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for transferred function) $3,248,675 This year's adjusted tax base $1,347,788,609 = This year's effective operating rate $.24103/$100 x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate $.26032/$100 + This year's debt rate $.17461/$100 = This year's rollback rate $.43493/$100 SCHEDULE A: Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will probably be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance General Fund $2,680,735 General Obligation Debt Service Fund $607,556 Utility Impact Fee Funds $2,006,000 SCHEDULE B: 1997 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long -term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues. Principal or Contract Payment Interest to be Paid from to be Paid from Total Description of Debt Property Taxes Property Taxes Payment 1990 Series G.O. Refunding Bonds $185,000 $6,197 $191,197 1990 Series Tax /WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 40,000 13,555 53,555 1990 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 50,000 86,945 136,945 1990 TRA- Southlake Sewer System Contract Revenue Bonds 45,000 72,275 117,275 1992 Series Tax /WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 45,000 72,350 117,350 1992 Series General Obligation Bonds 50,000 81,032 131,032 1993 Series Certificates of Obligation 70,000 3,080 73,080 1993 Series Public Property Finance Contract Obligations 145,000 10,550 155,550 1993 General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds 185,000 263,510 448,510 1994 Note Payable 173,600 27,342 200,942 1994 TRA- Denton Creek Revenue Bonds 135,000 330,013 465,013 1996 Series Certificates of Obligation 0 15,950 15,950 1996 Series Tax /WW and Sewer System Revenue Certificates 110,000 117,110 227,110 1997 Series Certificates of Obligation 45.000 731,113 776,113 $1,278,600 $1,831,022 $3,109,622 Total required for 1997 debt service $3,109,622 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A $426,862 - Excess collections last year $0 = Total to be paid from taxes in 1997 $2,682,760 + Amount added in anticipation that the City will collect only 100% of its taxes in 1997 $0 = Total Debt Levy $2,682,760 This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at the Southlake Administrative Offices, 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas 76092. Name of person preparing this notice Lou Ann Heath Title Director of Finance, City of Southlake Date Prepared August 13. 1997