1998-10-13SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS OCTOBER 13, 1998 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBER PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Scott Martin. Members: Ronnie Kendall and Debra Edmondson. COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Rick Stacy, Councilmembers Gary Fawks and Wayne Moffat. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Shawn Poe, Capital Projects Coordinator; Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of Public Works; Chuck Ewings, Assistant to the Public Works Director; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Police Services Division; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order The Special City Council meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans. Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Pro Tem Evans announced that there will not be an executive session tonight. Agenda Item #7, Discussion: Amendments to the Sign Ordinance Concerning Special Purpose Signs The City Manager, Curtis Hawk, led the discussion regarding the need to amend the Sign Ordinance to accommodate "Special Purpose Signs." Hawk noted this item was placed on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Ronnie Kendall. He stated the most recent request for a sign variance was from the Southlake Newcomers Club, which has an issue worthy of reconsideration for a special purpose sign. Another issue that needs to be looked at is the "garage sale" sign. Mr. Hawk asked for ideas fi.om Council. Councilmember Scott Martin stated another example of a special purpose sign is the Chamber of Commerce "Mystery Night" sign. He asked, "Should we consider signs for non-profit events and organizations?" He noted garage sale signs are different. Mr. Martin referenced the examples that Bill Spivey gave at the last City Council meeting. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 Page 1 of 7 Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated garage sale signs are special and she feels four signs should be permissible if not in a subdivision. Bill Spivey, Randol Mill Road, Southlake. Mr. Spivey stated he feels permits for signs are great! Whenever you get the garage sale permit, the City gives you the signs. He stated he wants to see the City have a fair garage sale sign policy in ordinance form. He stated he feels a directional sign is needed. He does not think subdivisions should be able to place signs in the rights-of-way. Spivey expressed, "A person could get anywhere with four signs; three directional and one in the yard." He liked the idea of garage sale signs being placed on Thursday for a long week-end garage sale. He stated he does not feel Code Enforcement should be diligent until Monday morning. Curtis Hawk commented concerning the issues with different roadways such as with state highways. He thinks the City should come up with something that is uniform. It was noted there will not be as many special purpose signs as garage sale signs. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated she has never noticed there were too many garage sale signs. She stated she is concerned about what happened to Mr. Spivey's garage sale over the weekend whereby his signs were taken up and it killed their sale. She stated she supports making the process as simple and painless as possible. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, commented on the frequency of garage sales, stating, "Many communities between Fort Worth and Dallas have what is called professional garage sales." Councilmember Kendall stated in this town, the neighborhoods police themselves regarding garage sale signs. Councilmember Scott Martin commented that the garage sale signs should be in the general vicinity as the garage sale and not placed all over the highways. Greg Last, Director of Community Development, commented on special purpose signs and stated they used to be allowed to be constructed as flee-standing (poll signs) signs. This was accidently eliminated altogether in the last draft of the sign ordinance. By default it became attached to the ground sign section. He stated if Council is neutral on this issue, he suggests vertical signs at two per event. He stated if Council allows the provision to increase the sign size, he suggests dropping the number from four to two off- site signs. Two off-site signs and one on-site. Agenda Item #3, Policy for Speed Humps and Other Traffic Calming Devices Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety, led the discussion and presented the facts concerning speed humps. He noted the draft policy is presented for Council review and consideration. It is based upon the studies, reports, and policies from other cities which have previously been disseminated to Council. The following issues were covered during the presentation: Speed Hump Policy, Evaluation Procedure, Design Standards and Placement, Prioritization and Cost, Speed Hump Removal Criteria, Traffic Calming Devices, Traffic Circles, Chokers- Curb Extensions-or Chicanes, and, Mid-Block Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 page 2 of 7 Medians or Islands. A copy of the information outlined in the presentation is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. During the discussion, Director Campbell stated he would like to go talk to the Coventry Manor Addition neighborhoods. If no one can host the meeting in their home, the meeting could be held at City Hall. If Coventry Manor Addition residents want to have speed humps installed as a "test case," the City will get information on the subject. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated, "This is a safety issue and Council needs to determine the impacted area." Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated most cities use the formula of 2/3 of the impacted area to calculate the implementation of speed humps. Councilmember Edmondson stated she feels within 600 feet of the impacted area is a better measurement that using a percentage. She stated she sees a speed hump as a self protector for her street (Plantation Drive). With only fourteen homes, it would not be wise use of taxpayers dollars to have an officer sit on the street to catch speedem, and that a "speed enforcement device" could help. She suggested in a neighborhood with less than 500 cars per day, the City pay 50% and the homeowners pay 50%, of the cost adding, she would like Cotmcil to add something like that to the policy. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Tom Ward, 2481 Greenbough, Southlake. Mr. Ward noted he is SPIN Representative for SPIN #6, and at every SPIN meeting they have had someone from the Public Works Department come and speak about the hazards of Shady Lane, with no traffic control devices. He asked that Shady Lane be a high priority for street traffic control devices. He stated they are currently having street work done and suggest speed hump installation be done at the same time. He commented regarding the homeowners paying 50% of the speed hump cost, and stated he thinks that the further the people live from the impacted area, the less they should pay. Jennifer Antricht, 2810 Rolling Lane, Southlake. Ms. Antricht said they did a survey in her neighborhood to see what residents think will help their situation on Shady Lane. She noted Shady Lane is a cut-through street for people looking for Lake Grapevine. It is a narrow roadway and not lighted for high speed traffic. The street is also a bus stop route for school bus traffic. She stated her neighborhood would be a great "test case" area but they would not be able to pay 50% as they have been hit hard by sewer hook-up fees. Pete Sheratin, 420 Shady Lane, Southlake. Mr. Sheratin said traffic is mind boggling. He stated he does not feel residents should pay for the speed humps. He stated he has called the city and the police department on numerous occasions and no one has come to their area to observe the traffic situation. He stated he realizes they are not a priority. Stephen Apple, 2819 Rainforest Court, Southlake. Mr. Apple asked who is speeding? He said that during the past ten years, he has never seen anyone speed on Shady Lane. He is not sure speed humps will do any good. His neighborhood has not been given a survey to Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 page 3 of 7 sign. He asked, "How much will a fire track have to slow down, and what will this do to response time?" Mr. Apple expressed, "Cost is an issue and it is not proper to ask people who have no choice, as they are the people who feel speed humps are not the thing to do. They are as impacted and should have a choice." Mr. Apple stated he feels property values will go down. Director Campbell stated they will put the speed "trailer" back in that area. Tim Miller, 2509 Rolling Lane, Southlake. He stated he just arrived and asked if there is a process the city will go through before putting in speed humps? He noted there are kids on Shady Lane every day and it is dangerous with all the traffic and high speed. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated she discouraged people from coming to the meeting tonight to speak out but there may be several people from Timarron and also Coventry Manor. Because the people are not at the meeting, does not mean they are not concerned about this issue. She stated she feels the policy is reasonable. A policy is needed and that is what is on the agenda tonight; not Council action in a particular area. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated there is a lot of interest in the metroplex in this type of policy. There are a lot of issues and the staff needs direction from Council. Mr. Hawk stated he feels there is a need for an extension of the policy as suggested by Councilmember Edmondson. This issue is not something just in our area, but in other counties as well. Councilmember Scott Martin stated he would like to see a pilot program done so that Council and staff can determine if in fact speed humps do what we want to do. He stated he wants to try it. He feels this is a process we can follow now and proceed with a pilot program, while continueing work on the policy before it is approved. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall proposed starting the program with Coventry Manor Addition and the Shady Lane area. She asked Director Campbell to proceed with this issue. Council adjourned for recess at 8:35 p.m. Council returned for open session at 8:50 p.m. Agenda Item 04, Schedule of Prioritized Projects Greg Last, Director of Commtmity Development, stated this agenda item is intended to allow time for a review of the schedule of projects prioritized by City Council on June 26, 1998. There are two schedules, one for Community Development and the second for all other departments. He noted some projects will involve "workgr0ups." Over the past several years staff has used the prioritization process to help guide staff in the implementation of Council's priorities on a variety of projects. The program charts will show Council the anticipated timing on those projects and show Council staff's attempt to bring those projects forward in a timely manner based Council's priorities. Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 page 4 of 7 The Sign Ordinance changes suggested during this Special City Council meeting will be included in the scheduled priorities as an amendment to the Sign Ordinance. During the discussion the following Councilmembers committed to work with the following workgroups as Council representatives: Septic Ordinance- Park Dedication Fee Justification Study - Smoking Ordinance - Commercial Dumpster Ordinance- Debra Edmondson Debra Edmondson Debra Edmondson Scott Martin Councilmember Scott Martin stated he appreciates staff for being flexible with the priority items. Agenda Item #5~ Discussion: Private Road Issues (Including ROW Dedications, Utility Provisions, and Road Construction) Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, led the discussion regarding the private road issues, stating, "As the City of Southlake's boundaries have grown, so has the number of private streets existing within the City. These are streets that were dedicated as access easements rather than right-of-way and, therefore, were the responsibility of the residents along those streets to maintain." Mr. Whitehead stated, "There has been concern raised by the residents along these streets as to the poor condition of the streets and possible intervention by the City to help bring them up to standard. This is possible but would require that the City acquire the streets as rights-of-way and budget accordingly to bring them up to standard. The streets could then be prioritized and rehabilitated over a period of time." Mr. Whitehead expressed that this project could be similar to that of the Neighborhood Sewer Program and phased over several years. The prioritization would be based on the City's ability to acquire ROW, overall condition of pavement and drainage facilities, number of utilities located along the roadway, and overall cost of the rehabilitation. Funding of a "Neighborhood Street Program" would require reprioritization of the capital improvcnnent budget. During this work session Mr. Whitehead presented a map showing the potential street projects and pictures of some of these streets. He presented a map which included private streets located in private subdivisions, which could become an issue in the future as far as maintenance responsibility is concerned. The following is a list of four potential rehabilitation projects and estimated costs: ( Marantha Way $ 361,600 (for paving improvements) Our Lane $ 383,400 ($180,000 for water and $203,400 for streets) Michael Drive $1,027,750 ($260,000 for water, $95,000 for sewer, and $672,750 for streets and drainage) Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 page 5 of 7 I ~ Loadstar $353,320 ($220,000 for water, $104,500 for sewer and $248,600 for streets). Mr. Whitehead asked for direction from Council on how to proceed. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall read from the memorandum from Bob Whitehad, that "funding of this neighborhood street program would require a reprioritization of the capital improvement budget." She asked if he had anything in mind. Mr. Whitehead stated he does not at this time. If Council wants staff to look at reprioritization, they could bring back suggestions at the next meeting. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated that is a five year program and there are things budgeted up through the next several years. He said, "Each year, as staff looks at the growth that we experience from one year to the next, will allow staff to look at these priorities." Hawk stated they are trying to be closer with the estimates than they have in the past. Mr. Hawk referenced Michael Drive. Mayor Pro Tem Ralph Evans stated regarding Michael Drive, staff needs to talk to the people that are down there. It seems like there is some interest by them on trying to do some improvements and possible share some cost on the improvements, as it will benefit both them and the City. Councilmember Scott Martin stated he feels the City needs to treat commercial streets differently than residential streets. He noted we might consider creating creative financing for Michael Drive, such as a pavement assessment program. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated if it does not get started, it will never get done. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Barbara Claffey, Claffey Pools, Grapevine. Ms. Claffey stated Michael Drive is in limbo. She stated they tried to get all the property owners together to build the road. They cannot proceed at this time due to funds, and asked if the City is willing to help. She stated the property owners are willing to donate some funds, but cannot do it all. She asked if the City is willing to help. She noted Claffey Pools is buying four of the ten lots. Councilmember Scott Martin asked what kind of participation will the land owners provide? Water, sewer, road, etc. Bob Couch, 2535 Union Church Road, Southlake. Mr. Couch stated anything the City can do to get this going, would be an asset to the City. Bill Spivey, 1520 Randol Mill Road, Southlake. Mr. Spivey commented on Marantha Way and Brown Lane property. He asked the City to take into consideration the people Special City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 page 6 of 7 who donated the right-of-way to make the road. He asked if there was any help the City could give and commented that those people are paying taxes to the City. Councilmember Scott Martin asked that staff consider Michael Drive, Marantha Way and Our Lane. He wants to see the City Council improve the access to these properties. "If staff can determine the standards for the street at this time, we have a good start for clean up of their property." Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated he will meet with Ms. Claffey to get the numbers together to try and find a solution for Michael Drive. Agenda Item #8, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pm Tern W. Ralph Evans, at 10:05 p.m. ATTEST: ~andra L. 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