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REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tern W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Scott Martin. Members: Wayne Moffat, Gary Fawks, Ronnie Kendall, Debra Edmondson. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Shelli Siemcr, Assistant to the City Manager; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation; Lauren Safi'anek, Director of Human Resources; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Dennis Killough, Senior Planner; Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works; Ron Harper, Deputy Director of Public Works; Shawn Poe, Capital Projects Coordinator; Stephanie Sarakaitis, Planner; Charlie Thompson, Deputy Director of Public Works; Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Police Services Division; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Wayne K. Olson, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. WORK SESSION: The work session began at 5:20 p.m., whereby Councilmembers and city staffmembers reviewed items on the agenda. The work session was video taped and a tape recording was made for future reference. The following items were discussed by Council: Agenda Item #5-C, Award of bid to Wright Construction, Inc. for sanitary sewer service connection to the City of Grapevine system for the Raintree area. Councilmember Debra Edmondson had questions regarding this agenda item. Agenda Item #7-J and #7~K, will be tabled tmtil September 15, 1998, at the request of the applicant. Agenda Item #7-B, #8-B, and #8-C, #10-C, gl0-D, gl0-F, #10-H, were moved to consent agenda. Agenda Item #10-F, Professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols for the design of modifications to the Keller/Southlake pump station and design of the 30"/36" portion of the Northeast Tarrant County Regional Water System (NETCRWS). Councilmember Scott Martin had questions regarding the funding of this item. He asked, "Are we so close to the end of this year that we don't need to be drawing upon the funds, if we are releasing Freese and Nichols to start doing the work now before they send in the request for payment?" Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, responded to the question. Martin also asked, "Does ownership go with the maintenance or does ownership of the line stay with the city until the other Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998, page 1 of 33 5A-1 entities pay their share?" Mr. Whitehead stated ownership will stay with the local body until the bonds are paid off. Agenda Item gl0-G, Approval of Medical, Dental, Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Long Term Disability Insurance for City Employees. Lauren Safxanek, Director of Human Resources, introduced Heidi Abler, a representative of RWL Consultants, who worked with the City in evaluating the insurance bids. She stated the analysis of the bids is included in the packets and that they recommend the city remain with our current carrier. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall recommended this item be postponed until some of her questions could be addressed. Agenda Item #7-M, Site Plan for Rustin Park, Southlake Town Square. Sherry Berman, 818 Park View Drive, Southlake. Ms. Berman stated she is a Park Board member however, is speaking for herself and not for the Park Board. She stated when Mr. Stebbins came to talk with the Park Board she was not clear that the city would be loosing park land or grassy area. She is concerned about the safety hazards of the pond and of the band shell being so close to the road. Agenda Item #7-D, Site Plan for Kimball Crossing, (Lowe's Companies). Mr. A1 Suarez, chairman of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Suarez stated he is present representing the Chamber, expressing their support for the Lowe's store being located in the City of Southlake. He stated that they support the store and are in favor of the project and ask the City Council to vote in favor of the requests. The work session ended at 6:00 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Agenda Item #1~ Call to order. Mayor Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance. Agenda Item #2-A~ Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076 to seek consultation with the City Attorney regarding pending and contemplated litigations, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, to deliberate the appointment and evaluation of public officials', to confer with one or more employees to receive information from or to question the employees, and to deliberate the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 2 of 33 Council adjourned into executive session at 6:02 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:10 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No aetiun was necessary as the result of the executive session. Agenda Item #3, Invocation The invocation was given by Dave Boxennan, pastor of Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Southlake, who is serving as chaplain for the month of September. Boxerman stated the church is currently meeting at Durham Elementary School. Agenda Item 04-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Rick Stacy welcomed everyone to the meeting and made the following announcements: ~ September 3, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., the Texas Department of Transportation will conduct the SH 114 and SH 121 Major Investment Study. The meeting will be held in the City of Grapevine Council Chambers located at 200 Main Street, Grapevine. Displays will be available for viewing at 6:30 p.m., with a brief presentation beginning at 7:00 p.m. ~ September 7, 1998, City offices will be closed in observance of Labor Day. ~ September 8, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., the City Council members will continue the budget work sessions. ~ September 8, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., in the Senior Activity Center, SPIN #14 will meet for a presentation on a proposed day care center to be located at F.M. 1709 and Shady Oaks Drive, on the south side of F.M. 1709. ~ September 9, 1998, at 12 noon, the Mayor's Advisory Committee will meet for lunch at the Senior Activity Center. This comm'~ttee is made up of re'misters f~om Southlake churches. ~ September 10, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., a Joint SPIN and City Council meeting will be held. The meeting will take place in the City council chambers. Agenda Item O4-B, City Manager's Report Curtis Hawk, City Manager, reported on Thursday, August 27, 1998, Councilmembers Edmonds#n, Kendall, and Martin met with staff to discuss the bond election for November 3, 1998. Following a good general discussion on a number of issues relat'mg to timing, e.g., closely following the C.I.S.D. election, not enough time to get our Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 3 of 33 message out, etc., and the potential to secure funding assistance from several funding sources (for the F.M. 1709 trail and the cross-street intersections on F.M. 1709 and S.H. 114, it was decided by the committee to recommend to the full City Council that the city delay an election until possible May, to coincide with the City Council elections. This delay will give staff time to fully explore possibilities for funding assistance, and to determine whether or not the city would need General Obligation bonds. The delay will also give staff and Council the time to sort out the priorities for the intersection improvements. Hawk said, "Given the issues outlined, the recommendation of the committee to "sit tight" for now is most appropriate. Meanwhile, staff will continue to pursue the outside funding options and work with the committee to keep the City Council up-to-date." Councilmember Ronnie Kendall stated her motivation in wanting to hold off was to explore our options in getting funding from other sources, which looks like we have a good chance in doing that. She stated she feels we need to take our time exploring other options. Councilmembers Edmondson and Martin stated they concur with Councilmember Kendall's comments. Curtis Hawk stated the construction schedules and the four major projects have been approved for funding, the missing piece is the White Chapel interchange, from Grapevine to 1-35. Mr. Hawk commented that a group from Metroport will be going to Austin on September 24, 1998. Hopefully all Councilmembers will be able to go down to Austin for that meeting. He stated there will be two buses that will go and the two projects that are being looked at are S.H. 114 and U.S. 377. Councilmember Edmondson stated in the meeting last week with TxDot, she felt reassured when they laid out exactly how they are going to work the project; they will have two lanes moving at all times, which is a good thing, and they will do everything they can to minimize the disruption during morning and evening traffic. Hawk commented, if they need to do some closures, it will be during the non-peak hours. Agenda Item #4-C~ SPIN Report No SPIN report was given tonight. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy stated this is the time of the evening when Council votes on several items at the same time. He informed citizens present of the procedure Council follows in voting on the "consent agenda" and asked if anyone had any comments or opposition to express regarding any items listed in this section of the agenda. Mayor Stacy read the consent agenda items into the record: 5-A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on August 18, 1998. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 4 of 33 5-8. Approval of the Minutes of the Special City Council meeting (budget work session) held on August 20, 1998, continuing on August 21, 1998. Award of bid to Wright Construction, Inc. for a sanitary sewer service connection to the City of Grapevine system for the Raintree area. Interlocal Agreement for funding of the Teen Court Program with the cities of Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Town of Trophy Club, the Carroll Independent School District and the Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District. Authorization to bid for realignment of North Carroll Avenue at F.M. 1709. Authorization to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of Continental Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to South Peytonville Avenue. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a developer agreement for Laurelwood Park Addition. Authorization to advertise for bids for the extension of sanitary sewer to the Sabre Building in the MTP-IBM Addition No. 1. Ordinance No. 711, 1st reading, Abandoning portions of South Kimball Avenue between Crooked Lane and the existing portion of South Kimball Avenue in Heritage Industrial Park. Ordinance No. 712, 1st reading, Street name change for Old South Carroll Avenue to Breeze Way. ZA 98-091, Plat Revision for the proposed Lot IR, Block A., White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, being a revision of Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition. Ordinance No. 709, 1st reading, Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99 including the Annual Budget for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. Ordinance No. 480-286, 2na reading (ZA 98-073), Rezoning for SheltonWood, on property legally described as Tracts lA and 1C1A situated in the Joel W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350, and Tract 2B1 situated in the James L. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 348. This item was tabled time certain September 15, 1998 at the request of the applicanL ZA 98-074, Preliminary Plat for SheltonWood, on property legally described as Tracts lA and 1C1A, situated in the Joel W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350, and tract 2B1, situated in the James L. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 348. This item was tabled time certain September 15, 1998 at the request of the applicant. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 5 of 33 8-B. Ordinance No. 480-289, 1st reading (ZA 98-088), Rezoning on property legally described as Lot 2, Cash Acres Addition. 8-C. ZA 98-089, Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 1R, 2R, 4R2R, 5, 6, and 7, Aubrey Estates. 10-C. Authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of a second five million- gallon ground storage tank at Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. 10-D. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with Cheatham and Associates for the design of the foundation and facilities for the proposed second five million-gallon ground storage tank at Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. 10-F. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols for the design of modifications to the Keller/Southlake pump station and design of the 30"/36" portion of the Northeast Tarrant County Regional Water System (NETCRWS). 10-H. Award of bid to ASC Pavement Markings, Inc. for the striping of Byron Nelson Parkway and Southridge Lakes Parkway and the widening of a portion of Byron Nelson Parkway. 10-G. Approval of Medical, Dental, Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Long Term Disability Insurance for city employees. This item set .]'or the continuation meeting to be held on September 8, 1998. Motion was made to approve the consent agenda items as read into the record; on Item #5-C, referencing the Planning and Zoning Commission's motion, and the Staff Review Summary dated August 28, 1998. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Ayes: Martin, Evans, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 5-A. The Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on August 18, 1998, were approved as presented. 5-B. The Minutes of the Special City Council meeting hem on August 20, and continued on August 21, 1998 (budget work session) were approved as presented. 5-C. Award of bid to Wright Construction, Inc. for sanitary sewer service connection to the City of Grapevine system for the Raintree area. As part of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 6 of 33 Neighborhood Sewer Program, sanitary sewer (along with water and pavement improvements) has been installed in the Raintree/Shady Lane area in the eastern portion of the City. As presented in a separate agenda item, the City of Grapevine has agreed to allow the use of its sanitary sewer system for Southlake residents in the Ralntree area. This will provide service to these residents without the need to construct an additional lift station. Low bidder to construct the sewer line was Wright Construction, Inc. with a total base bid of $215,091.75 and an alternate bid of $225,591.75. The alternate amount is the cost of boring for the portion of the line crossing the Dowd property. The Dowd's have agreed to participate in of the additional cost of boring in lieu of open cut. Funding for this project is included in the FY 97-98 CIP budget. Approximately $600,000 was budgeted for this portion of the project to cover the potential cost of installing two lift stations rather than connecting to Grapevine's system. Interlocal Agreement for funding the Teen Court Program. The Interlocal Agreement with the cities of Southlake, Colleyville, Grapevine, Town of Trophy Club, Carroll I.S.D. and Grapevine/Colleyville I.S.D., will provide for the continued funding of the multi-jurisdictional Teen Court program. The agreement establishes the Teen Court Advisory Board, the Teen Court Budget Advisory Committee and describes the duties and responsibilities of each. The total FY 1998-99 amount requested in the City of Southlake annual budget for the program is $94,588. This amount will be supported in part by contributions from the entities listed above. In addition, the cities collect a defendant fee of $20 per Teen Court defendant. A portion of these funds are forwarded to the City in further support of the program. The estimated amount to be received from all cities for the year is $11,700. Authorization to advertise for bid for realignment and reconstruction of North Carroll Avenue, North of F. M. 1709, adjacent to Southlake Town Square. The realignment of North Carroll Avenue has been planned for several years, It was always anticipated that once property for the required right-of-way was available, plans for the construction would be developed. The platting of Town Square, Phase I provided the necessary fight-of-way. As part of the ongoing Town Square Development, the City agreed to relocate and upgrade the portion of North Carroll Avenue adjacent to Phase I of Town Square. Funding for this project will come from several sources. There are funds remaining in the most recent Road Improvement Bond. In addition, this roadway project was identified in the TIF budget as a reimbursable project. The engineer's opinion of probable cost for this project is $810,000. There is $239,000 remaining from the Road Improvement Bond fund and $2,500,000 was allocated in the TIF budget for North Carroll and North Kimball projects, for a total of $2,793,000. Authorization to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of Continental Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to South Peytonville Avenue. As part of the 1992 Street Bond Program, $525,000, was allocated for the rehabilitation of West Continental Boulevard. Dunaway 8: Associates was retained to design the West Continental reconstruction. Due to the large daily traffic volume, which travels Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 7 of 33 along Continental, safety is a high priority. A copy of the memorandum dated August 28, 1998, from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Authorize Mayor to enter into a Developer Agreement for Laurelwood Park Addition. The Developer Agreement for Laurelwood ,Park Addition is a standard agreement with the following additions: · Oil-Site Sewer: The Developer will be installing sanitary sewer for this project. There is no oversizing of this line. Park Fees: The Developer agrees to pay the Park Fee of $1,000 per lot/dwelling unit, in accordance with Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-F, Section 7,0. There are 27 lots/dwelling units in the addition which would bring the total cost of Park Fees to $27,000. Authorization to advertise for bids for the extension of sanitary sewer to the Sabre Building in the MTP-IBMAddition No. 1. In 1988, the City of Southlake entered into an interlocal agreement with Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 (TCMUD 1) to provide water and sewer service to the portion of Solana built within Southlake. This agreement was made with the understanding that eventually City water and sewer service would be extended to the complex. There was no specific timeline for the provision of this service by the City. With the installation of a 12-inch water line within the Kirkwood Addition and the completion of the N-1 sewer line and TRA lift station, the City now has the ability to provide these s~rvices to that facility. With the connection of sanitary sewer the City can bring water and sewer service to the facility at the same time and prevent any confusion for Trophy Club MUD on billing a single service. This will also benefit Maguire Partners as the Trophy Club MUD is charging them twice the rate ora residential unit. The estimated cost for the sewer connection is between $18,000 and $20,000. These funds would be provided from the Wastewater Utility Fund. Ordinance No. 712, ist reading, Street name change from Old South Carroll Avenue to Breeze tVay. Bret and Valeria Boren of I000 South Carroll Avenue are requesting the street name of Old South Carroll Avenue be changed to Breeze Way. This is the southernmost section of South Carroll Avenue that will remain once the proposed new portion of South Carroll Avenue is constructed. Mr. and Mrs. Boren are currently the only residents along the referenced portion of South Carroll Avenue. Ordinance No. 711, ist reading, Abandoning portions of South Kimball Avenue between Crooked Lane and the existing portion of South Kimball Avenue in Heritage Industrial Park. Ordinance No. 711, 1st reading, provides for the abandonment of portions of South Kimball Avenue to allow for the proposed new alignment. This new alignment is for the extension of South Kimball Avenue through the Green Meadow area to the existing portion of South Kimball Avenue Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 8 of 33 7-8. 8-8. in Heritage Industrial Park. The easements for the new right-of-way are being completed by the developer, Genesis Capital. This right-of-way will also be utilized for the extension of water lines to create a looped system for that portion of the City. ZA 98-091, Plat Revision of Lot IR, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition. Plat Revision for the proposed Lot IR, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, being a revision of Lot 1, Block A, White Chapel Methodist Church Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-024, Page 12, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Tracts 5G, 5Gl, and 5H situated in the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, and being approximately 15.532 acres. Owner/Applicant: White's Chapel United Methodist Church. Current zoning is "CS" Community Service District. Ordinance No. 708, Ist reading, Tax Levy Ordinance. The FY 1998-99 budget as submitted to the City Council proposed a tax rate of $.422 per $100 of a property's taxable value. Part of the tax rate $.11437 per $100 pays for the retirement of debt that is due during the 1998-99 budget year. The remainder of the tax rate, $.30763 per $100, is used to support General Fund operations of the City, such as police, fire, and inspections. State law requires the City to adopt the tax rate in these two components. On July 24, 1998, the Tarrant Appraisal District certified to City management the appraised values of all properties in Southlake. Total taxable value in the City is $2,039,760,183, which is the value of properties as of January 1, 1998. This includes $132,924,648 attributable to the annexation of Solana properties which are still in litigation. Upon adoption of a tax rate upon second reading, the City's tax collector, Tarrant County, will be notified of the adopted rate. Ordinance No. 480-289 (ZA 98-088), first reading, Rezoning Lot 2, Cash Acres Addition, and Tract 3F, Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581. An addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-114, page 612, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Tract 3F situated in the Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581, and being approximately 5.7295 acres. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District with a requested zoning of"SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Owner: Aubrey L. Smith and Rosa Lee Smith, and Virgil Cash. Applicant: Brad Barrington. ZA 98-089, Plat Revision for Lots iR, 4R2R, 5, 6, and 7, Aubrey Estates. Plat Revision for the proposed Lots IR, 4R2R, 5,6, and 7, Aubrey Estates, being a revision of Lot 4R2, Aubrey Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3456, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388- 142, Page 41, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, Lot 2, Cash Acres Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-114, Pages 611 and 612, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and Tract 3F situated in the Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 58, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 9 of 33 10-C. IO-D. 10-F. and being approximately 10.271 acres. Owners: Aubrey L. Smith and Rosa Lee Smith, Ronnie Smith, Tony Tolbert, c/o Interwoven, and Virgil Cash. Applicant: Brad Barrington. Authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of a second five million- gallon ground storage tank at Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. This proposed second tank at pump station No. 1, and the five-million gallon storage tank on T.W. King will increase the City's storage capacity substantially and provide a buffer for emergencies during peak water usage. Until the proposed "loop" (30"/36" from F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114) is complete extreme dry weather, which causes large "peak" days, could require that water usage be controlled. Emergency conditions created by the problems Fort Worth and with the Tarrant Water Supply District can not be anticipated. By constructing the additional ground storage in FY 1999, Southlake will be better able to manage short-term emergency situations. The estimated cost of the proposed tank is $1,686,400. This cost includes the tank, grading, fencing, additional pipe and some engineering. Most of the engineering and the site plan are complete since the proposed tank is essentially the same as the existing tank. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with Cheatham and Associates for the design of the foundation and facilities for the proposed second five million-gallon ground storage tank at Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. The professional service agreement from Cheatham and Associates is for the design of construction plans for the proposed second five million-gallon ground storage tank at Pearson Lane and F.M. 1709. This tank will increase the City's water storage capacity considerably and aid in the continuation of service to residents should water supply from Fort Worth be discontinued for an extended period. The total cost for the design of the facility is $68,594.40. This cost is after a 40% credit as most of the detail sheets and designs for the existing tank can be utilized. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols for the design of modifications to the Keller/Southlake pump station and design of the 30"/36" portion of the Northeast Tarrant County Regional tVater System (NETCRgVS). The Northeast Tarrant County Regional Water System is an association of cities in this region of Tarrant County. The goal of the member entities is to provide for a reliable water supply and distribution system that serves the needs of the individual members, that requires the costs of the system to be allocated based on the efficient use of the system and that minimizes the administration complexities and the opportunity for dispute. The cities that are members of NETCRWS include Southake, Keller, Roanoke, Trophy Club, Westlake, and Circle T MUD's. The proposed line is the easternmost, north-south portion of the NE Tarrant County Regional Water System. The line is proposed to extend from pump station No. 1 at Pearson and F.M. 1709 to S.H. 114 and the ground storage tank on T.W. King. The goal of this water line, along with the proposed 24-inch line extending from Trophy Club, is to ensure a redundant supply of water to the City. The CIP budget includes a Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 10 of 33 total of $3,733,516 over three years beginning next fiscal year. The cost of this proposal is $420,786, which includes $92,018 for pump station modifications and $328.768 for the 30/36-inch pipeline. 10-H. Award of bid to ASC Pavement Markings, Inc. for the striping of Byron Nelson Parkway and Southridge Lakes Parkway and the widening of a portion of Byron Nelson Parkway. The proposed striping will provide more distinguishable driving lanes along the four-lane portions of Byron Nelson Parkway and Southridge Lakes Parkway. The contractor will use a thermoplastic material, which is used on state highways. This material will rema'm for four or five times that of standard paint. Additionally, standard paint on concrete tends to fade and requires repa'mting every year. Funding in the amount of $65,000 is provided in the CIP budget for the aforementioned projects. The low and only bidder for this project is ASC Pavement Markings, Inc. The bid was for the mount of $74,163. Staff recommends Council award the bid as noted above. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Mayor Stacy announced that this item is placed on the agenda to give anyone in the audience an opportunity to address Council about anything that is not on the current meeting agenda and asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak. He also stated if anyone was present to speak concerning an item on the agenda, to wait until the item was considered. Agenda Item #7-A, Public Hearing on Tax Rate Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated the City is required to hold a public heating on the tax rate if the proposed rate ($.422) exceeds the effective tax rate ($.38599). The City is also reqfflred to publish notices in the paper regarding the tax rate, which has already been done. Hawk said, "We have had to do this for the past several years, even though the tax rate has remained the same since fiscal year 1991-92." Mr. Hawk gave an overview stating the $,422 tax rate, of which $.11437 is for debt service and $.30763 is for support of the General Fund operations. Mr. Hawk stated this year's budget will reflect an organizational change, which will add the and Library Division and the Parks and Recreation Division to the Community Services Department. PUBLIC HEARING: Councilmember Scott Martin stated he feels it is great that we are able to keep the same tax rate for all these years. Councilmember Edmondson stated she is happy to see that staff has gone back and looked at the fund balance, and that the City is able to keep the fund balance at the higher end of the policy. Public hearing closed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 11 of 33 Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 709, 1st reading~ Annual Budget for FY 98-99 including the Annual Budget for the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated Ordinance No. 709 is being considered for first reading of the FY 1998-99 operating budget. This budget summarizes the plan of municipal operations for the fiscal year that begins October 1, 1998. He stated the City Council was presented a budget workbook on August 14, 1998. The summary budget information, which is attached to Ordinance No. 709, reflects the detail included in the budget workbook. Hawk continued by saying, "The summary budget information also incorporated a Capital Projects Budget for the FY 1998-99, plus anticipated Capital Projects through the year 2003. The Capital Projects are major water, sewer, street and drainage infrastructure items that are funded through a variety of sources, such as impact fees, operating fund transfers, developer fees, bonds, and certificates of obligation proceeds." Mr. Hawk stated the City Council will continue the budget work sessions on September 8, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., and that this item is a public hearing as set out by state statute. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were received during the public hearing. Councilmember Wayne Moffat stated he has concerns with the budget and feels there are too many frills, especially Sister City Program. He expressed concerns with the program stating, as a taxpayer he does not feel the city should send people to Japan. He is not at all comfortable with this program. Councilmember Edmondson stated she also has had a concern with Sister Cities, and would like to see that organization get more of the city involved. She would like to see it find its way to get the city as a whole involved in the program. She stated she concurs with Councilmember Moffat on this point. Councilmember Kendall also stated she would like for more of the city to get involved in the Sister City program. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 709, 1st reading. Motion: Martin Second: Fawks Ayes: Martin, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-D~ ZA 98-087, Site Plan for Kimball Crossing ZA 98-087, Site Plan for Kimball Crossing, on property legally described as Lot 1R3, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2374, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Tracts 1R3A, 3B2, 3B3, 3B3A, 3B3A1, 3B3B, 3B3B1, 3F, and 3F4, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 12 of 33 situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Lots lC, 1D, 1E, 2B, and a portion of Lot 2A, W.E. Mayfield Subdivision; and a portion of Bluebonnet Drive; and being approximately 17.5354 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Applicant: Lowe's Companies, Inc. Owners: Four Bear Creek Associates, Cavallino Properties, Ltd., Conner Lam; Bluebonnet Road Partners, Ltd.; and Southlake Shopping Village, Ltd. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated that twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and four (4) responses were received within the 200' notification area: Gary Price (Liberty Bank, 2438 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, in favor; Michael Wetzel (Wetzel Family Partnership), 102 Westlake Drive, Suite 106, Austin, Texas, in favor; Sandra Sley (Southlake Kimball Venture Ltd.) 11300 North Central Expressway, Suite 407, Dallas, in favor; I..B. Chapman II, Trustee, 807 Forest Ridge Drive, Suite 104, Bedford, Texas, undecided. One response was received from outside the 200"notification area: Carolyn Morris, 403 Saint Charles Court, Southlake, opposed. Ms. Gandy noted the applicant has met all requirements listed in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated August 4, 1998, with the exception of those listed in Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 28, 1998. Ms. Gandy stated this application is not for zoning, therefore, a super majority is not needed for approval. Jim Meara (The Meara Company) 8150 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, stated that he is a real estate broker who is representing Lowe's Companies, Inc., on the land transaction. He introduced the consultants for this item. Marc Millis (Site Coordinator with Lowe's Companies, Inc.) gave a brief overview of the Lowe's project to the Council, stating that since the original meetings, there have been three (3) major issues that staff and citizens wanted Lowe's to address: the big box appearance, the close proximity to their competition, and the enabling and saving trees and landscape on the site. He stated he believes they have addressed these issues and concerns and hopefully, exceeded them in some areas. To address the bid box issue, he said they incorporated several small peaks across the front to give the appearance of small specialty shops. To address the preservation of trees, he pointed out the areas where they are saving the existing trees. To address the issue of proximity of their competition, he said they have done extensive research in this area. He stated they have approximately fifty stores where they are either across the street from or in close proximity to a major competitor and have turned profits in basically every store. He stated, to his knowledge, Lowe's has never closed a store due to direct competition. Mich Franklin (Lowe's Companies, Inc.) stated they do not intentionally go into a market looking to put anybody out of business or for their competition to put them out of business. He stated they look to see if there are enough households to run their facilities successfully. He stated they do not expect Home Depot to go out of business, but that there will be enough business for both stores. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 13 of 33 Jim Meara stated the structure will be 100% masonry and brick stone, and that this is the first Lowe's, which is completely brick. He also noted they are 100% in compliance with staff requirements. He stated Lowe's agrees to live with all their commitments, and that this building will cost $2.5 million dollars more than the typical Lowe's, and that the design will be a plus for the community. Marc Millis stated the Southlake Lowe's will employee 115 to 200 employees with full benefits. The hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bryan Shamberger, Barton-Ashman, Associates, Traffic Engineers in Fort Worth. Mr. Shamberger stated some of the concerns that they have been looking at is the site access along Kimball Avenue, depending on the driveway, where they are located and proposed, what safety issues are involved, and what are the options in terms of how they are in compliance with the driveway ordinance. He stated he is open for any questions. Council adjourned for recess at 8:40 pm. Council returned to open session at 8:50 p.m. Discussions were held regarding the access points off of F.M. 1709. Councilmember Martin stated the traffic analysis says that what is being planned will provide poor access service. He suggested looking at other ideas. Marc Millis stated the access point off F.M. 1709 will be right-in and right-out only. They are prepared to address the comments in Mr. Killough's letter. He reviewed the comments point by point. Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, explained what they are providing in the way of bufferyards. Ed Snodgrass, Lowe's Companies. Mr. Snodgrass addressed the drainage issues, stating they are working with Freese and Nichols on the drainage issues. TxDOT approved the design of the box type culvert. Councilmember Scott Martin asked for Lowe's commitment to help with the down stream improvements. Mr. Snodgrass stated they are here to be good neighbors, and they will help with down stream drainage improvements. PUBLIC HEARING: Barrie Maher, 612 Dominion Drive, Southlake. Opposed to Lowe's Site Plan request. Carolyn Morris, 403 Saint Charles Court, Southlake. Ms. Morris asked the applicants if they will replace the landscaping and natural foliage when it dies. She commented on the traffic congestion from Dallas during the peak times of the day. Ms. Morris stated this is a unique piece of property on the front door to Southlake. She stated she feels this property calls for a building that is unique. Ms. Morris stated she realizes the "C- Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 14 of 33 3"zoning is not the problem. Another large home improvement center going in is the problem. There are only so many dollars. She referenced the Food Lion Grocery Store and Crown Books, which are both going out of the business. Tim Wetzel, 513 Mack Drive, Euless, Texas. Mr. Wetzel stated he is here speaking for the project and represents Four Bear Creek Development. In some discussions he has heard that the closure of Bluebonnet will be an issue as to whether this goes forward or not. He stated they have no objection to the closure of Bluebonnet. It appears that it has been the City's intent since a barricade has been placed there. Jody Hanson, 1306 Lakeway Drive, Southlake. Ms. Hanson expressed that she is in support of Lowe's because of the major tax dollars for the City and school district. She stated if the City would talk to the people who have businesses in Southlake they are in support as well. She noted the visibility on S.H. 114 will draw people to the store. She also commented that this cannot be compared to Food Lion. She stated she is thrilled that the City has protected the neighborhoods, and the proposed building is outstanding. Ms. Hanson stated she is as concerned as anyone about the traffic but this is Southlake's commercial corridor and if not Lowe's, it will be something else. They meet the city codes. Lowe's has addressed the concerns of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the SP1N groups. Tommy Pigg, 1207 Strathmore Drive, Southlake. Mr. Pigg stated he is concerned about the continuation of our exemplary school district. The developer has evidenced their desire to be a part of Southlake. He stated he is in favor of this project. Dick LaBlanc, 8235 Douglas, Dallas, Texas. Mr. LaBlanc stated Lowe's has positioned themselves to have a quality use for this property. He stated they told Lowe's that Southlake's ordinances and requirement are much higher than any where else. He is happy Lowe's said they will do everything they need to do to comply with our ordinances and requirements. Rex Potter, 303 Waterford Court, Southlake. Mr. Potter stated when he came here tonight he was loaded for bear. He referenced economics, noting, this is a loss as far as he is concerned. What is the retail that we had envisioned for this property. He stated the overall "net" will be a loss for the City. He stated he was at the SPIN meeting and he tried to get them to say they will "exceed" the ordinances. When they went to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting they had over forty variances to the ordinance. He is against the development. If the City Council feels they must support this project, make them exceed the ordinances. Mr. Potter commented on Bluebonnet Drive issues with the ten foot wall. Mr. Potter asked about having accents and curves like Timarron. He commented on outside storage and landscaping issues. Dana McGrath, 17 Parkcrest Drive, Southlake. She stated she is here to speak as a resident of Southlake and an average consumer in Southlake targeted by a variety of businesses including home improvement centers. She referenced the distance between the Lowe's in Hurst and this Lowe's and the distance between them. She stated she feels Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 15 of 33 they are so close and asked why they want to open a store in Southlake when the stores will be so close to each other. She stated she is opposed to this request. Pattie Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Minder stated she is opposed to Lowe's, noting she has been in Southlake for fifteen years and has driven to Highway 26 and all she sees is a sea of concrete. She stated that by allowing Lowe's it will take away from the tax base that is already here. She stated if this is approved, she is hopeful the City Council will tie down the details that were missed with Village Center. She asked the City Council to not consider Lowe's at this location. Bill Flaraty, 101 Broadwick Court, Southlake. Mr. Flaraty stated he is here to speak in favor of Lowe's and is pleased to see the upgrades that they are making to their standard building. He remembers Wal-Mart and the issues when they wanted to come to Southlake. He expressed that once again the City Council is faced with very important issues. He feels as a consumer, give them as many choices as possible. As a citizen of Southlake he asked the City Council to approve this request. Schuyler Marshall, 6321 Westchester, Dallas. Mr. Marshall stated Lowe's has said they will not stack merchandise above the wall. The landscaping is irrigated and he is very impressed with their willingness to comply with what they are asked to do. For 2,500' of frontage, one full access is not bad. Public hearing closed. A discussion was held regarding the Lowe's track traffic. Jim Meara, stated they intend to keep the track traffic out of the parking lot and away fi.om the customers. They restrict all the track traffic to the back of the building for loading and unloading. There is a right-in-right-out on S.H. 114 where track traffic will travel. Mr. LaBlanc stated they agree to dedicate a deceleration lane. He commented when asked, that they have not focused on the pad sites in fi.ont of the building. They will own the sites and lease them at a later time. Councilmember Martin asked the applicants to define for Council the cross access easement that they are providing to the east to the property that is undeveloped. The easement will be placed at the rear of the building and far enough from the intersection so that there will not be confusion for the truck access into Lowe's. They also have additional access on the east side of Liberty Bank. Motion was made to approve ZA 98-087, Site Plan for Kimball Crossing, pursuant to Staff Review Letter No. 2, dated August 28, 1998, accepting the applicant's commitment on Item #2a to relocate the west bufferyard to the most adjacent easterly planting bed (either in the parking lot or along the stacking lane); on Item #2b, accepting the bufferyard as shown on the common drive between this property and Lot 1R1, Block 1, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 16 of 33 W.E. Mayfield; on Item #3, granting the 10% reduction in the parking to allow 665 spaces and accepting the applicant's commitment to preserve the southernmost row of native specimen trees as well as adding the minimum of four (4) parking islands (equating to six parking spaces in each island); allowing the 92' stack'mg depth on the temporary drive (Drive E) at the intersection with S.H. 114; noting the applicant's agreement to alter his note on the R.O.W. on the existing full access drive; accepting the applicant's agreement on Item g4b (1) to make the F.M. 1709 drive access a right-in, right-out only; on Item 4b (2), regarding the southernmost drive on North Kimball Avenue, waiving the 200' minimum distance from the intersection at F.M. 1709 and accepting the applicant's agreements to dedicate additional R.O.W. from the comer for a right turn lane on F.M. 1709, and to do the tapered paving for the southernmost drive entrance on North Kimball Avenue for safety sake; on Item #4b(3), accepting the 464' distance from the temporary access drive to the northeast service drive as shown; accepting the applicant's agreement that all outside storage will be contained within the garden center walls and shall not be stacked in excess of the height of the exterior walls of the garden center as shown on the plans; and accepting the applicant's agreement to add the clay tile roof system to the "bump out" locations: three (3) on the north and two (2) on the south elevations of the buildings; accepting the applicant's agreement to add some articulation to the easternmost screening wall along the rear bufferyard, including some sections of tube steel. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Councilmember Fawks commented, in light of the comments made by Councilmember Martin about the use itself, that he is not going to support this project this evening. He complimented the folks at Lowe's for the work they have done on the building and the concessions they have made, but is not happy with the treatment of the site, and is not at all happy of the use of pad sites on Kimball Avenue. He is disappointed to see this center include the pad sites. The five driveways concern him and he thinks that it is inadequately buffered and he thinks the citizens will be real disappointed with the way it looks from S. H. 114 and he is disappointed with what we have on S.H. 114 now, including the back of Krogers, the side of Home Depot and the side of Lowe's. Ever through they have made some concessions, it is still going to be a flat wall with some indentions on it. He is not happy to see it going that way. He wishes that if they want a regional center, they would have faced it on the regional highway. Ayes: Evans, Moffat, Martin, Stacy Nays: Fawks, Edmondson, Kendall Approved: 4-3 vote Council adjourned for recess at 10:35 p.m. Council returned to open session at 10:50 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 17 of 33 Agenda Item #7-G, and #7-H, ZA 98-058, Site Plan for French Square Office Complex, and ZA 98-083, Plat Showing for Lots 12, 13, and 14, O.W. Knight No. 899 Addition During the recess the applicant for ZA 98-058 and ZA 98-083, Mr. David Ford, asked to have these items tabled, time certain September 15, 1998. Motion was made to table ZA 98-083, and ZA 98-058, time certain September 15, 1998, at the request of applicant, continuing the public hearing. Motion: Martin Second: Moffat Ayes: Martin, Moffat, Kendall, Edmondson, Evans, Fawks, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-M, ZA 98-090, Site Plan for Rustin Park Motion was made to table ZA 98-090, Site Plan for Rustin Park, at the request of the developer, time certain September 8, 1998, continuing the public hearing. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Ayes: Martin, Evans, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-E, ZA 97-142, Plat Revision for Kimball/1709 Addition ZA 97-142, Plat Revision for the proposed Lots 2,3,4, and 5, Block, 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, being a revision of Lot 1R3, Block 1, Kimball/1709 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 23374, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; Tracts 1R3A, 3B2, 3B3, 3B3A, 3B3A1, 3B3B, 3B3B1, 3F, and 3F4, situated in the Samuel Freemen Survey, Abstract No. 525; Lots lC, 1D, 1E, 2B, and a portion of Lot 2A, W.E. Mayfield Subdivision; and a portion of Bluebonnet Drive; and being approximately 17.5354 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Applicant: Hanover Development Company. Owners: Bluebonnet Road Partners, Ltd.; Cavallino Properties, Ltd.; Four Bear Creek Associates, a Texas Joint Venture; Conner Lam; and Southlake Shopping Village, Ltd. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated that twelve (12) notices were sent (1st notification) to property owners within the 200' notification area and one (1) response was received from Michael Wetzel, 102 Westlake Drive, Suite 106, Austin, in favor of, saying, "Let them build and take tax pressure off residential property and provide more shopping for the area." For the 2nd notification, twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification and one (1) response was received from: Gary W. Price, (Liberty Bank), 2438 East Southlake Boulevard, Southake, in favor, stating, "As an adjoining property owner to the site relating to the above referenced Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 18 of 33 case, Liberty Bank is generally in favor of the revised site plan as presented." One (1) response was received from outside the 200' notification area: Carolyn Morris, 403 Saint Charles Court, Southlake, opposed, stating, "Citizens have concerns with the building appearance; with the number of home improvement centers in the City, traffic congestion, and the amount of outside storage requested by Lowe's." Jim Meara, 8150 North Central Expressway, Dallas. Mr. Meara stated they have no problems with the Plat Review Summary #4, dated August 28, 1998. Councilmember Scott Martin stated in regard to the southern driveway on Kimball Avenue, that they not build the south most driveway until they are certain that they have double users for Lot 3 and 4, as opposed to the possibility that they have one big user and may not need the through drive. Wayne Olson, City Attorney, stated, "We had an issue that was addressed about the dedication instrument from Conner Lam and the fact that access was being agreed to by the City." It is his understanding that this driveway shown on the plat is in lieu of that access that was agreed to in the dedication instrument. He does not know if this has formally been addressed by the applicant. Dick LaBlanc, commented, "As stated at the Planning and Zoning commission meeting, they agreed that if this drive should be granted in the location specified on the plat, it would be in lieu of prior Lam agreements for a location on Kimball Avenue." Motion was made to approve ZA 97-142, subject to the Staff Review Summary No. 4, dated August 28, 1998, adding a comment regarding the addition of a 12' deceleration lane to be dedicated along F.M. 1709 (south of Lot 4) for a right turn lane and accepting the applicant's comment not to construct the southernmost drive on Kimball until it is known which pads are to be developed, in case of a single tenant user; and noting that the southernmost drive configuration on Kimball Avenue satisfies the City of Southlake's agreement with Conner Lam. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Ayes: Martin, Evans, Moffat, Stacy Nays: Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall Approved: 4-3 vote Agenda Item #7-F, Resolution No. 98-61 (ZA 98-082), Specific Use Permit for Outside Storage of Plants and Other Greenery for Lowe's Resolution No. 98-61 (ZA 98-082), Specific Use Permit for outside storage of plants or other greenery as part of a retail operation, per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (29), on property legally described as a portion of Lot 1R3, Block I, Kimball/1709 Addition, an addition to the City of Southake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2374, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Applicant: Lowe's Companies, Inc. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 19 of 33 Owners: Four Bear Creek Associates; Cavalino Properties, Ltd.; Conner Lam; Bluebonnet Road Partners, Ltd; and Southlake Shopping Village, Ltd. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, commented that twenty (20) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and four (4) responses were received from: Randy Perry (Southlake Kimball Venture, Ltd.) 11300 North Central Expressway, Suite 407, Dallas, in favor; Gary Price (Liberty Bank), 2438 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, in favor; Michael Wetzel (Wetzel Family Partnership), 102 Westlake Drive, Suite 106, Austin, in favor. Jim Meara, Lowe's, was present to answer questions. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 98-082, Resolution No. 98-61, subject to the motion made on ZA 98-087, and further providing that no outside storage/sales shall extend beyond the Garden Center and that no outside storage shall be stacked above the height of the exterior walls enclosing the Garden Center area. Motion: Martin Second: Evans Ayes: Martin, Evans, Moffat, Stacy Nays: Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall Approved: 4-3 vote Agenda Item #7-I, Ordinance No. 704, 2nd reading, Sign Ordinance Stephanie Sarakaitis, Planner, presented the Sign Ordinance No. 704, stating the ordinance was presented during the first reading by the City Council on August 18, 1998, and that draft #9 (in the packets) is a "clean copy with Councilmember Scott Martin's recommendations to be addressed during the meeting tonight." Ms. Sarakaitis went through the changes as presented in the memorandum dated August 28, 1998, attached to the minutes of the meeting tonight. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. A discussion was held regarding the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission that lighted signs only be luminated during posted business hours. Councilmember Scott Martin expressed concerns and stated the signs should not be used for security lighting. Director of Public Safety, Billy Campbell, expressed a concem from the crime prevention stand point, that the signs could be used for security lighting. A discussion was also held regarding the measurement for monument signs and the material bordering the masonry signs. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 20 of 33 Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 704, 2nd reading, incorporating staff recommendation #B for measurement of monument signs; and requiring that masonry trim be a minimum of 6 inches; taking the recommendation of Director Campbell regarding leaving luminous signs on after hours. Motion: Fawks Second: Martin Ayes: Fawks, Martin, Edmondson, Evans, Kendall, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #7-L, Ordinance No. 707, 2nd reading, Amending Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code, designating the speed limit as 25 miles per hour for Neighborhood Streets in Timber Lake, Southridge Lakes and Coventry Manor Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated state law dictates that streets within the confines of a city limits that are not signed will have a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. The state also recognizes that the City has the fight to post whatever speed limit, within reason, on any of the city-owned and maintained highways. Representatives of the Timber Lake subdivision have recently contacted Council and members of the Southlake Department of Public Safety Police Services, referencing the speed limits in their neighborhood. Approximately one year ago, members of Southridge Lakes contacted Council about this same issue. Councilmember Kendall has also observed traffic patterns throughout the city with Department of Public Safety personnel for several shifts, to include this specific issue. The Department of Public Safety, Police Services, along with Councilmember Kendall support the changing of the speed limit in their two neighborhoods fi.om 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour in order to assist these neighborhoods in what they perceive as a problem. There will be a nominal cost factor of approximately $55.50 for each sign and pole, with the Department of Public Works installing these signs. The actual amount of signage necessary will be determined by the Department of Public Works. Councilmember Kendall stated for the record, "We are doing this because of special hazards that exist in these three neighborhoods, and the hazards include cut-through traffic and curvilinear streets." PUBIC HEARING: Rex Potter, 303 Waterford Court, Southlake. Mr. Potter stated he knows that Stone Lakes would like to have the speed limit reduced. He asked if there is an opportunity down the road where they can request the reduced speed limit for his neighborhood. He was informed of the policy that is in place whereby neighborhoods can ask for reduced speed limits or signalization. Public hearing closed. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 21 of 33 Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 707, 2nd reading, amending Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-79 Southlake City Code, designating the speed limit as 24 miles per hour for neighborhoods in the Southridge Lakes subdivision, Timber Lake subdivision and Coventry Manor subdivisions, due to the special hazards that exist in these neighborhoods. Motion: Kendall Second: Edmondson Ayes: Kendall, Edmondson, Evans, Fawks, Moffat, Martin, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 480-288, 1st reading~ ZA 98-062, Rezoning and Site Plan for Park Place Pet Hospital Ordinance No. 480-288, 1st reading (ZA 98-062), Rezoning and Site Plan for Park Place Pet Hospital, on property legally described as Lot 1R2, Block A, Commerce Business Park, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2552, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 0.78 acres. Current zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial District. Amended Zoning Request "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with the "C-2" Local Retail Commemial District use listed in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 21.2.17 (small animal hospital) only. Owner and Applicant: Park Place Pet Hospital. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and three (3) responses were received from: H.K. Mavin, 3105 West Arkansas Lane, Suite BI, Arlington, Texas in favor; Stephen P. Anderson, 2915 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 100, Southlake, opposed; Sandra Lee Armstrong, 2915 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200, Southlake, opposed, stating, "In my opinion, an easement being placed through my parking area puts my patients and myself at great risk for injury from motorists who commonly do not proceed through parking lots cautiously." Ms. Gandy stated on August 20, 1998, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved ZA 98-062 (7-0 vote) subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 14, 1998, accepting Item #la (stacking depth) and Item #lb (driveway spacing) as shown; accepting the applicant's agreement to eliminate two (2) parking spaces on the west side; accepting the applicant's agreement to remove the west drive and leave the west side as green space; accepting fire lane 'A' as shown on tonight's submission; and accepting the applicant's request to amend this request to "S-P-l" Detailed Site Plan District with the use listed in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 21.2.7 (small animal hospital) only. The applicant has met all requirements in Site Plan Review Summary No. 1 dated July 17, 1998; Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated July 31, 1998; and Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated August 14, 1998, with the exception of those listed in Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated August 28, 1998. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 22 of 33 Dr. Tom Holbrook, 2100 }Vest Northwest Highway, Ste. 207, Grapevine. Dr. Holbrook was present to answer questions of Council. He stated he is owner and operator of the Park Place Pet Hospital, and has been there for approximately 10 years and they are land locked in that location, therefore, they hope to move to this location. He stated he is purchasing the property from Randy Pack. He stated there has been concern from Dr. Armstrong as she is a pediatric dentist and expressed concerns for her young patients. He noted the cross access was the only complaint fi.om the area. Mayor Stacy stated he is concerned because he knows what a dangerous intersection that is, as he lives there. Motion was made to approve ZA 98-062; pursuant to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated August 18, 1998; accepting as shown Item #la, Item #lb; recognizing the applicant's agreement to grant a common access easement through his property to either the south or the west to connect openly to Commerce Street. Motion: Martin Second: Edmondson Ayes: Martin, Edmondson, Evans, Kendall, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Conncilmember Gary Fawks was out of the room and did not vote. Agenda Item #7-N, Ordinance No. 646-A~ Amending Ordinance No. 646, Parks and Recreation Board, Relating to Youth Park Board Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated Ordinance No. 646 defines the Youth Park Board as an advisory board to the Parks and Recreation Board. As such, they are not an advisory board to the City Council, and therefore, appointments to this board should be the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Board. The changes to Sections 6 and 7 of this ordinance will accomplish this. This ordinance amendment was considered by the Park Board at its July 13, 1998 meeting, and unanimously recommended for approval. The City Council considered and passed the Ordinance No. 646-A, on first reading at its July 21, 1998 regular meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public heating. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 646-A, as presented. Motion: Kendall Second: Moffat Ayes: Kendall, Moffat, Martin, Edmondson, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Councilmember Gary Fawks was out of the room and did not vote. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 23 of 33 Agenda Item gl0-A, Sign Ordinance Appeal for 2100 W. NW Highway, Park Place Councilmember Gary Fawks stepped down for this agenda item citing a conflict of interest. Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety, stated Cencor Realty Services manages the Albertson's property on Northwest Highway in which the building is in the confines of the Grapevine city limits and a portion of the parking lot for this business is in Southlake. Director Campbell stated, "They have requested a business sign and we have denied that permit because our ordinance requires that a sign may be permitted on a "site" defined as a lot, tract or pad site. The denial is referenced more because the building is in one city and the sign would be in another city. Mr. Michael J. De La Vega is appealing the decision of the Building Inspections Department with the understanding of the city limits issue, however, he would like the City of Southlake to use a single lot interpretation. If not for the city limits, the sign would be allowable by ordinance." Michael J. De La Vega, Development Associate, Cencor Realty Services, 3102 Maple Avenue, Ste. 500, Dallas. Mr. De La Vega stated although this property is situated in the Cities of Southlake and Grapevine, the property lot has been viewed as one lot by the City of Southlake and Grapevine for eveI3~thing except taxes. "We also request that the City of Southlake allow us to submit our sign application using a single lot interpretation." Motion was made to grant an appeal for sign ordinance at 2100 West Northwest Highway, with the stipulation that the sign will be enclosed with masonry. Motion: Kendall Second: Martin Ayes: Kendall, Martin, Edmondson, Evans, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Councilmember Fawks returned to the council table. Agenda Item gl0-B, Sign Ordinance Variance for 1721-1725 Woodland Heights Addition Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety, stated in a memorandum from Paul Ward, Building Official, dated August 28, 1998, Mr. Ward stated his agreement with Bootstrap Investments on the sign at East Southlake Boulevard and Westwood Drive. In reviewing the memorandum, they have agreed to relocate the sign to its original location prior to moving it on June 3, 1998 and provide a survey of the property to indicate sign location from the property lines. The fifteen foot setback location will be the only variance to the sign ordinance. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 24 of 33 Jim Monday, owner, stated within two weeks, he will be able to have the sign moved four feet to the south. Mayor Stacy asked Mr. Monday to comply with the sign ordinance as approved tonight. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Pattie, Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Minder stated, "Lets cut this out and put the sign back the way it was originally." She stated the neighbors in Woodland Heights do not want a two faced sign, and they want it back the way it was. Public comments closed. No action was taken on this item as Mr. Monday was told that he should comply with the sign ordinance as approved tonight. Agenda Item #II-A, Discussion: Ordinance No. 480-BB, Impervious Coverage Councilmember Gary Fawks stated Ordinance No. 480-BB, was considered by members of the Impervious Coverage Work Group, which was comprised of Councilmembers Gary Fawks (chair), Scott Martin and Debra Edmondson; Commissioners Creighton, Murphy, and LeVrier; Developers Wilkinson, McMahan, Drews, Yetts, Kuhlman, Wright, Schelling and Myers and staff members Karen Gandy and Greg Last. He noted the discussions on this topic began last summer in combination with residential adjacency. Five meetings, beginning in May, 1998 have been specifically dovoted to impervious coverage (although the developers held several additional meeting to work on their proposal). Mr. Fawks stated this ordinance will be going to the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 3, 1998 for consideration and then on to the City Council. Fawks stated if there are any questions by Council please let Ms. Gandy know prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Councilmember Scott Martin acknowledged the excellent leadership shown by Councilmember Fawks on this very difficult project, stating, "We brought it to a close, everybody gave like they should, everybody understood each others position." He stated one thing that was accomplished was that everybody sat down and discussed the issues and came to closure through the compromise process at the direction of Councilmember Fawks. A copy of the memorandum from Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, dated August 28, 1998, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Motion was made to continue the City Council meeting until 5:00 p.m. on September 8, 1998 at this location. Motion: Martin Second: Fawks Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 25 of 33 Ayes: Martin, Fawks, Kendall, Moffat, Edmondson, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote to continue the meeting on September 8, 1998. CONTINUATION OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 SEPTEMBER 8, 1998, 5:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans; Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Scott Martin. Members: Wayne Moffat, Rome Kendall, and Debra Edmondson. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Gary Fawks. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Shawn Poe, Capital Improvements Coordinator; Lauren Safranek, Director of Human Resources; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Police Services Division; Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation; Garland Wilson, Deputy Director of Public Safety, Fire Services Division; Michael Patterson, Water Superintendent; Ben Henry, Project Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department; Debra Drayovitch, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #I, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting of September, 1998 back to order at 5:10 p.m. on September 8, 1998. Agenda Item #10-E, Approval of a paint concept for the Miron elevated storage tank Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, stated staff has conducted several public meetings to present different paint concepts for the proposed Miron elevated storage tank. Prior to taking action, it was suggested by City Council that residents have the opportunity to provide input and discuss the different options. Two SPIN meetings have been conducted for public input from residents near the tank site. Residents of SPIN No. 3 requested additional ideas after the first presentation and during the second meeting appeared to be divided as to the final selection of a concept. Residents of Oak Tree Estates requested to have a separate meeting to review the design concepts but never contacted staff to do so. The proposed structural enhancements do not appear to be a popular alternative. Based upon the input received to date, staff believes a solid, light blue color for the tank portion of the tower appears to be the consensus. Council should keep in mind that this color tends to fade to a chalky white and demands more maintenance over time. Painting the tank white would require less maintenance and less Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 26 of 33 initial cost. The cost for either the solid blue color or the traditional scheme with green stripes and Southlake logo is $185,000. If blue is used, the contractor would be purchasing paint that could not be utilized for anything other than this proposed tank. If a solid white color is selected, the cost of painting may be lower. The estimated cost of architectural enhancements is $278,700. This amount would be in addition to the $185,000 paint cost for a total of $463,700. The low bid approved by Council for the Miron elevated water tower is $1,485,000 of which $185,000 is for the painting. If Council approves a single color format, there will be no impact on the approved bid amount. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Pamela Muller, 214 Westwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Muller stated she would like for the water tower to be a neutral color that will blend in with the neighborhood. Laura Roach, 1319 Westmont Court, Southlake. Ms. Roach stated if the city can afford special paint scheme on the Pearson Tank why can't the City afford it on this tank. If you cannot hide it, make it as attractive as possible. She asked the City Council to revisit the color, asking, "Is there a middle ground?" Mayor Stacy commented that the City Council has not ruled out anything. The City received an award for the Pearson tank and would like this tank to look good also. Pattie Minder, 223 Eastwood Drive, Southlake. Ms. Minder stated the Morgan's want the tower as neutral as possible. They thought the tower would be painted from top to bottom. Whether the bottom can be painted or not painted, the Woodland Heights neighborhood did not have a problem with Southlake being on the tank if it is facing Southlake Boulevard. They do not want the name to be facing the homes. Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, stated he does not recommend painting the stem of the tower. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall asked if it is possible to have a shorter tower or a tank. Bob Whitehead explained the reasons for the need for a tower of that height in that location. Councilmember Scott Martin stated we should make it clear that there is not $275,000 budgeted for this project, it would be an extra expenditure and was never in the project. The City would have to come up with the extra money somehow, and stated, "I guess it would be from you and me (taxpayers)." If you want to brick the stem it would be another $200,000. Councilmembers stated the city water towers should be uniform. A discussion was held regarding coloring the concrete of the stem of the tower. It is possible to add color to the concrete and it would be impossible for the colors to be even with the different batches of concrete. According to Councilmember Martin, the colors added to the cement would have to be dark color, and the fading would be a problem. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 27 of 33 Ted Dragon, 1212 Westmont Drive, Southlake. Mr. Dragon stated he would not like to see blue or white; it is not neutral, but draws your eyes to it. He would like to see "Southlake" on the tower, located on the F.M. 1709 side. The more ornate things would look good. He would like to see a "sandy" color on the tower. Laurie Swanson, 1210 Westrnont Drive, Southlake. Ms. Swanson stated she also would like to see a "sandy" color. The two tone color was her concern, and one color would be her choice. Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, stated we must have a decision by mid- October. Councilmember Debra Edmondson agreed to go with Ms. Roach door to door and talk with the property owners in the area of the tower, in an effort to get an opinion poll. They will take the color renderings of the water towers with them when talking to the residents. Motion was made to table the decision on the paint scheme for the Miron water tower time certain October 6, 1998. Motion: Kendall Second: Edmondson Ayes: Kendall, Edmondson, Moffat, Martin, Evans, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote (to table) Agenda Item #8-I, Ordinance No. 710, 1st reading, Abandoning Bluebonnet Drive Ordinance No. 710 provides for the abandonment of Bluebonnet Drive in its entirety declaring that such property is unnecessary for the use by the public. The developer for the Kimball/1709 Addition has petitioned and met all requirements and paid all fees. The exhibits presented in the packets represent the existing plot as well as the proposed new development and proposed area of abandonment. Councilmember Scott Martin asked if the city has come up with a value of the property being abandoned. Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works stated, they have not had the property appraised as of this time. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated, "Roadways are difficult and we are not required to have it appraised, however, it would depend on the value of square footage of the land." Dick LaBlanc, Hanover Property. Mr. LaBlanc stated the right-of-way was donated as fee simple with a value of 84 cents per foot. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 28 of 33 Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 710, 1st reading, Abandonment of Bluebonnet Drive, adding the stipulation that the property owners and City Council through their representative shall determine an appropriate payment to be made prior to the issuance of the abandonment documents for said right-of-way. Motion: Martin Second: Moffat Ayes: Martin, Moffat, Evans, Stacy Nays: Edmondson, Kendall Approved: 4-2 vote Agenda Item #7-M, ZA 98-090, Site Plan for Rustin Park, Southlake Town Square ZA 98-090, Site Plan for Rustin Park, Southlake Town Square, on property legally described as a portion of Tract 3 situated in the Richard Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, and being approximately 0.94 acres. Current zoning is "N-R-PUD" Non-Residential Planned Unit Development District to include "C-3" General Commercial District uses. Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. Owner. Southlake Venture West, L.P. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reviewed where we are to date on the Town Square Project, noting this is a Site Plan approval for Rustin Park, Phase I, Town Square and is 0.94 acres, on the north side of F.M. 1709 approximately 750' east of Carroll Road. Fourteen (14) notices were sent to property owners within 200' and two (2) responses were received from: Juergen Strunck, 200 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, in favor, "It looks like a good plan for this project. I hope the music played there will be of equally good taste and sound." Alton Rape, RR 3, Box 20, Pittsburg, Texas, undecided. Ms. Gandy stated the Planning and Zoning approved this request on August 20, 1998, (6- 1 vote) subject to the Site Plan Review Summary No. 1, dated August 14, 1998, deleting Item #lb (masonry material for structure support columns) and recommending the applicant consider placing a post and chain fence around the pavilion area. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated this request is for the band shell located at the south end of Town Square adjacent to F.M. 1709. The Commission's discussion focused on the size of the detention area, the limited area of green space on the north end of the band shell and the close proximity of the band shell to the adjacent north street "Fountain Place." Councilmember Scott Martin expressed concerns with staff taking the point of view of the developer rather than the City Council on matters concerning Town Square. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated, "We are in an agreement with the developer to develop the Town Square under a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIF) District. We have a part in this project which is Town Hall. We have a person from the staff that we have assigned to this project is to make sure that all the things that need to be done by the developer to comply with our plans and development regulations are adhered to." The original site plan that was Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 29 of 33 approved by the City Council recognized that this particular band shell would come back to City Council for action. Hawk stated, "One of the things we have had to deal with at that site, (remembering when the developer first brought the concepts to Council for that site, it was for a "C-3" comer) Council did not like that use during the discussions, and we did something differently. When we made a decision to participate in the investment zone for Town Hall, he came back to look at a different concept to give the look from F.M. 1709 to the Town Hall. When the Town Square parks first came through, they were going to be private parks. Because of the concern on the part of the staff and Council to have ultimate control over the two blocks, staff convinced the developer that these need to be made public parks. These two squares had nothing to do with the park dedication requirements of the developments. The developer has dedicated the six acre park and the five acre parks far exceeds anything he is required to do. Regarding the issue of the band shell, the developer was going to put it in near F.M. 1709. The City had a lot of concerns with that location because of the ambient noise from F.M. 1709, so he decided to put the band shell closer to the center, and his original Site Plan showed the band shell being in the center of the property. He showed the provisions for two possibilities of how to handle the water. The first dealt with the retention portion and the second portion dealt with the detention portion of it. The detention is for the water that was detained on a temporary basis because of rain and the retention is for the water that will be retained at all times. Mr. Hawk stated he felt that the location of the band shell would create a hazard during had heavy rains, therefore, the developer was asked to take another look at the location of the band shell. Greg Last, Director of Community Development, reviewed overhead films for Council showing the differences between detention and retention ponds. Brian Stebbins, 904 Independence Parkway, Southlake. Mr. Stebbins walked the Council through the proposal being presented tonight, going back to where the vision of the project began, showing the original slides that were presented at the beginning of the project presentations. Councilmember Scott Martin asked the Director of Public Works'where the water that is being retained and detained is coming from. He asked, "Is it coming from the park land or from the general development?" Mr. Stebbins responded that it was coming from the streets and parking lots. Martin stated, "why is the City dealing with building detaining ponds from a development that does not deal with water from our property?" He stated, "I did not like the "mud-hole" from the very first. This plan is just as bad, if not worse." Martin tried to express that the development plan is different from the original concept plan. The new plans do not fix the problem but in fact make the situation worse. Councilmember Kendall stated she does not want the developer to call it "Rustin Park" because it is not a park anymore. She stated she would rather not consider it a park and just move on. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 30 of 33 Councilmember Edmondson stated, "When this whole issue came up of the change in the size of the lot, when it had been changed, one of the things that was mentioned, since we essentially lost usable space f~om an acre of park that was support to the city's, that we would need to get something else in return for the loss of usable space." She stated she understands what has happened here. It was discussed earlier that there was going to be brick crosswalks in this development. What she would like to propose, rather than having Mr. Stebbins fill in the pond, is having him pay for brick pavers. Originally, it was tmderstood that Mr. Stebbins was going to pay for the pavers, then it turned out that he was not going to pay for the pavers. Ms. Edmondson stated she feels this would be a trade off. Mayor Stacy stated, "The proposal that we are looking at tonight, isn't it a better band shell pavilion than the original plan?" Councilmember Kendall commented on where people are going to sit. Stacy commented that there is an area between the band shell and the street. Councilmember Martin stated he has no problem with the structure itself. It looks nice, and he is glad they worked with the band and made modifications to the band shell. He stated he never said anything about the band shell, he is only dealing with the extent of the usurpation of the public area for something that really benefits the developer and doesn't benefit the citizens, other than trying to call it an aesthetically pleasing element. Councilmember Edmondson stated there was a change, and according to Ron Harper, the change was necessary. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Motion was made to approve ZA 98-090, subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated September 8, 1998; on Item #la, accepting concrete steps with brick base around the band shell pavilion; on Item #lb, waiving masonry mater/al being placed on the structure support columns on the band shell pavilion and allowing the steel columns with wood sheathing as shown; allowing copper shingles on pavilion roof, and further accepting the applicant's agreement to place brick pavers in the 18 crosswalks surrounding the Town Square. Motion: Edmondson Second: Moffat Ayes: Edmondson, Moffat, Kendall, Evans, Stacy Nays: Martin Approved: 5-1 vote Agenda Item #10-G, Medical~ Dental~ Life~ Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Long Term Disability Insurance for City Employees Lauren Safranek, Director of Human Resources, presented for Council consideration the proposals for insurance coverage for City employees. She stated these proposals have been reviewed by an independent third party consultant, RWL Benefits, Inc., and the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 31 of 33 summary of their evaluation was included in the Council packet. Ms. Safranek stated on August 31, 1998, a committee consisting of Mayor Rick Stacy, Councilmembers Evans and Martin, the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath met to bring forth a final recommendation to the City Council. Additionally, the committee considered a recommendation for the City to contribute to retiree medical coverage for employees retiring from the City of Southlake. Retiree insurance is not currently provided by the City of Southlake. Retiree insurance would allow employees that retire the opportunity to opt for medical insurance until they reach age 65 and are eligible for Medicare. Ms. Safranek stated the recommendation from the consultant was to stay with the City's current insurance carriers, Aetna, TML, and BMA. During the meeting they also discussed the significant rate increases the City received and the cost of these increases for both employees and the City. Mayor Stacy and Councilmember Martin requested that we discuss with Aetna some plan options that may help reduce costs. The desired result was for the employees to see a 0% increase in the employee's dependent insurance premiums on the HMO, since 80% of our employees have HMO coverage. Three options were presented to Council for consideration. A copy of the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Motion was made to approve the insurance for city employees, using the current carders (Aetna, TML and BMA); approving Option -1, with the understanding that staff will come back with changes for Option #1. Motion: Moffat Second: Evans Ayes: Moffat, Evans, Kendall, Martin, Edmondson, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Continued Mayor Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076 to seek consultation with the City Attorney regarding pending and contemplated litigations, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, to deliberate the appointment and evaluation of public officials, to confer with one or more employees to receive information from or to question the employees, and to deliberate the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:50 p.m. Council returned to open session at 8:10 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the executive session. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 32 of 33 Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the continuation of the Regular City Council meeting at 8:10 p.m. May~ ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary M:\WP-FILES~IINUTES\CC-min-9-1-98.doc Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1998 page 33 of 33 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 28, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorization to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of Continental Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to South Peytonville Avenue Background As part of the 1992 Street Bond Program, $525,000 was allocated for the rehabilitation of W. Continental Blvd. Exhibit 1 is a breakdown of the factors used to calculate the $525,000 allocation of the voter approved $4.5 million bond election. This estimate was based on the current year prices. Obviously, the cost of materials and labor has increased significantly since 1992. Dunaway & Associates was retained to design the W. Continental reconstruction. Due to the large daily traffic volume, which travels along Continental, safety is a high priority. Presently, Continental is narrow, especially at bridge crossings. Furthermore, two large hills present sight distance problems which staff feels should be cut down to minimize the sight distance issues. The intent in the preliminary design is to provide a safe roadway, yet minimizing the expense. Another issue is drainage. In order to provide a safe width of roadway, the existing culverts should either be replaced or extended. Exhibit 2 is an up to date cost estimate in order to construct Continental as recommended by Dunaway & Associates. The major highlights of this $1,705,784 estimate are outlined below: • 26' wide pavement, 38' wide at intersections of public streets, at Carroll Elementary, and the intersections of White Chapel & Davis. The asphalt is proposed to be 4" thick. • Concrete reverse curb on each side of pavement (comparable to E. Continental through Timarron) • Cutting down the two large hills to provide adequate sight distance • Replacing the existing major drainage structures with the ultimate box culvert I ' • Realignment of Continental at Peytonville • 6' wide concrete trail (SPDC has committed to fund this portion) 5F -I The box culvert at Peytonville is required to be extended due to the road realignment. Funds were escrowed for the construction cost to construct the ultimate culvert by upstream developments prior to the implementation of impact fees. The amount escrowed for the critical drainage structure at Peytonville is $9,674. Similarly, for the critical drainage structure between Monticello Estates and the Timberlake Addition, $62,806 has been escrowed for the construction of the ultimate box culvert. Furthermore, per the Developer Agreement for Southlake Woods, the Developer proposed to contribute to the City the amount of $75,000 to cover the cost of additional improvements and to allow the City to construct these improvements in conjunction with the W. Continental Blvd. reconstruction. Applying these existing funds for the drainage structures and SPDC funds for the concrete trail, the net amount required for the previously described reconstruction is estimated to be $1,401,904. As you can see, this is nearly triple the amount that has been funded. Exhibit 3 is an anticipated estimate for the reconstruction of Continental without some of the items shown in Exhibit 2 in order to lower the construction cost. The major highlights of this $850,483 estimate are outlined below: • 24' wide pavement, 36' wide at Carroll Elementary and the intersections of White Chapel & Davis. The asphalt is proposed to be 4" thick. • Cutting down the two large hills to provide adequate sight distance • Realignment of Continental at Peytonville • No improvements to existing drainage structure, except at Peytonville for the realignment. Again, if you apply the existing funds for the drainage structure at Peytonville, the net amount required for this option of reconstruction is estimated to be $765,809. Another option to lower the construction cost is to repair the failures along Continental and apply a two or three inch overlay. This option would not incorporate lowering the hills. It could incorporate extending the box culverts, but not replacing them with the ultimate culverts. Also included in this option is a third lane in front of Carroll Elementary. Exhibit 4 lists the anticipated cost for this option. The project could be phased into two phases in order to build the preferred roadway comparable to E. Continental through Timarron. Phase One would begin at Davis Blvd. and end at Peytonville Ave. Consequently, phase two would begin at Peytonville Ave. and end at White Chapel Blvd. The different phases could be financed over two or more years, with Phase one utilizing the existing funds. Exhibit 5 outlines the anticipated costs for the two phases. As you can see, the estimated cost for phase one is $507,297, which is within the budgeted amount. Once you apply the escrowed amount for the Peytonville culvert and the Developer of Southlake Woods' contribution, the construction cost incurred by the city will be reduced by $84,674. 2 Therefore, phase one could be built this year and phase two could be added to the CIP budget to be funded in subsequent years. Phase one reconstruction will involve acquiring right -of -way from the property owner on the south side of Continental near the intersection of Davis Blvd. if the left turn lane is built. Staff recommends reconstructing Continental with two lanes at this location and building the third lane in the future once the right -of -way is obtained upon the platting of the aforementioned property. All other necessary right -of -way has been obtained for reconstructing phase one of Continental Blvd. The phase two costs are more than twice the phase one costs. This is due the length of the section of street (approximately twice that of phase one) and more drainage improvements will be necessary. Recommendation Staff recommends Council authorize advertisement for bids for the reconstruction of Continental Blvd. from Davis Blvd. to Peytonville Ave. Please place this item on the September 1, 1998 Regular City Council Agenda for City Council review and consideration. B W /sp Attachments: Exhibits 1 -5 3 Exhibit 1 Pay Item! Description lApproi. Qty.! Unit; Unit Price ! Total Price 1 14" Asphalt Overlay! 9350 ! LF ! 332.33* 1 5302,285.50 2 Culvert Extensions ; LS i 3150,000.00 i 3150,000.00 j ( Subtotal 5452,285.50 I ! ! Contingency (15 %) 567,842.83 ! { i Total 5520,128.33 i ! Use 5525,000 * Based on recommendation from Bond Construction Committee for a Section A tvoe roadway, which is a 22' section of roadway, 4" thick asphalt 5F-4 1 y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE h CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD Exhibit 2 DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS 1501 Merrimac Cirde, Suite 100 ` Estimate - Option 1 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 -6572 Phone (817) 335 -1121 Fax (817) 335 -7437 Metro (817) 429- 2135 Pay Descri tion 1 Approx. Unit Q1Y Unit Price 1 , Total Price Item p I - 1 Project sign 2 EA IS 325.00 $ 650.00 2 Pavement milling, mixing with cement and compaction 38,000 SY 1 $ 3.00 $ 114,000.00 { 3 Unclassified excavation 20,524 CY IS 3.00 I $ 61,572.00 4 Disposal of unclassified excavation 3,7101 CY 1$ 3.00 j $ - _ 11,130.00 5 Cement @ 30 # /SY 560 TN ; $ - 95.00 ! $- 53,200.00 6 2 -in HMAC surface course (Type `D') 4,230 ■ TN I $ - 35_0 $ 148,050.00 - - I 4,230 TN $ 35.00 $ 148,050.00 7 2 -in HMAC (Type 'B') -_ -___ 8 Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway 2,971 SF I $ 1.50 $ 4,456.50 50 - 2,971 SF j $ 4.25 $ 12,626.75 9 1 Replace 6 -in concrete driveway 2, -_ _ - -T- 10 6 -in reinforced concrete curb 18,300 LF $ 12.00 j $ 219,600.00 - 11 I 4 -in reinforced concrete bike path, 6-ft wide 9,200 LF $ 17.00 j $ 156,400.00 12 Water meter box adjustment (to include all incidentals necessary) 2 EA $ 35.00 j $ 70.00 13 Water valve adjustment ! 11 ' EA ' $ 250.00 $ 2,750.00 14 Manhole adjustment 6 EA $ 350.00 $ 2,100.00 15 12 -in. R.C.P. 350 LF $ 29.00 $ 10,150.00 '6 12 -in standard Type 'B' headwall 20 EA $ 380.00 $ 7,600.00 ' ' 15 -in R.C.P. I 50 LF $ 35.00 $ 1,750.00 - --------- - - - - -- 5 '. l5 -in standard Type `Q' headwall 2 EA $ 410.00: $ 820.00 19 18 -in R.C.P. 350 LF $ 40.50 $ 14.175.00 -- 20 18 -in standard Type `B' headwall 1 10 EA $ 450.00 j $ 4,500.00 21 42 -in C.M.P. . 80 LF S 75.00 $ 6,000.00 - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- 22 42 -in headwall 2 EA S 720.00 S 1.440.00 23 Five 10 -ft x 7 -ft precast concrete box culvert including two headwalls 1 EA S 2 86.500.00 S 2 86.500.00 (TxDOT type wing - parallel type), metal guard rail, concrete rip -rap` Two 4 -ft x 7 -ft precast concrete box culvert, 90 LF long, including two • 24 1 headwalls (TxDOT type wing, parallel), metal guard rail, concrete 1 EA S 105,000.00 5 105.000.00 riprap _ 5 -ft x 5 -ft precast concrete box culvert, 75 LF long, including two 25 headwalls (TxDOT type wing - parallel), metal guard rail, concrete 1 EA $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00 riprap - - - ' - 26 Hydromulch /seeding _ - _ _ -- 41,000 SY $ 0.70 5 2 8.700 -0 27 Roadway markings, including painting, marking, reflectors, and 1 LS $ 20,000.00 j $ 20,000.00 buttons 28 Silt fence for pollution prevention, as directed by Inspector 2,000 , CY 5 2.50 ' $ 5,000.00 29 i Hay bale dike for pollution prevention, as directed by Inspector 400 ; LF $ 5.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal $ 1,483,290.25 Contingency (15 %) $ 222,493.54 Total $ 1,705,783.79 • Cheatham & Associates Cost Esimatc FW/9610500 Cost Est _Op l _061798_130 wPd 5F -5 . - - - — - Jur I,' ASSOCIATES PAGE n2 CITY OF SOUTTIL.4.KE 'Now CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD Exhibit 3 DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, INC- ENG1NEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS 1501 Merrimac Circle. Suite 100 Cost Estimate - Option 3 Fen worth, Texas 76107-6672 Phone (617) 335-1121 Fax (817) 335-7437 Metro (81T) 42- Z135 ---.......... — . _ • Description Pay , Approx. ! Unit Unit Price i Total Price Item ; Qty. • . 1 j Project sign 2 ' EA ' S 325.00 ! $ 650.00 .... ..... _ ....._ ,__._ 2 c 6" Pavement pulverization and cement stabilization 30.182 ; SY S 3.20 ! $ --1--- 96,582.40 .__ _i____ • - -•—• --- 3 ! Unclassified excavation _ 24,500 ! CY S 3.00 I S 73,500.00 • 4 I Disposal of unclassified excavation 5,900 j CY S 3.0 17,700.00 — _...— 5 I 2-in HMAC surface course (Type 'D') 1 3,720 . TN 5 35_00 13020000 6 ; 2-in HMAC (Type `13 _ ') 3.720 . TN S 35.00 !. S 130,200.00 • - . 7 ; Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway 2,971 j SF S 1.50 i S 4,456.50 _ _ .. _ .. .. ....._ _ 8 Replace 6-in concrete drivewa 2,971 SF S 4.25 ; S 12,626.75 _ 9 ; Water meter box adjustment (to include all incidentals nece _ ssary) 2 EA S 35.00 . 5 70.00 . . _ 10 ■ Water valve adjustment 11 ! EA 5 25o.00 j5 S 2,750.00 _ . --- —. -- —. ---- 11 1 Man.hole adjustment 6 • EA 5 350.00 IS 2,100.00 • --- -- - - ----- • - • • t 2 i Adjust :2' waterline - 1.200 i LF S 36.00 ; S 43.200.00 . .. . 13 I" Air relief valve with vauit - . - 2 . EA S 1.100.00 I S .L__ 2,200.00 14 i 12" Gate valve with box _ 2 EA S 1,000.00 IS 2,000.00 15 . Replace S.D. inlets 2 • EA 5 S 2,000.00 ' . 4,000.00 15 1 18-in R.C.P. 1,650 1.,F S 40.50 S 66,325.00 . . 17 1 18.In standard Type 'B' headwall 33 EA S 450.00 ! S 14,350.00 18 j 42-in C.M.P. . 60 : 1,F 5 75.00 ; 5 4,500.00 - 1 9 I 42-in headwall 2 . EA $ 720.00 1 5 1,440.00 . _1 • ..._. . . •. _ _. _ . .. ... . . . .. _... .. •_ .. _ ___ •••- – • - – -- --- -- • — ------ Two , t-rt ' 7.12 precast concrete box culvert, 60 LF Jong. including two , 20 j headwalls (TxDOT typc wing, parallel), metal guard rail. concrete 1 ' EA S 84,000.00 :. 5 84,000.00 , rtprap ! - 21 ! Hydromuicbisseding 41,000 ! SY S 0.70 : 5 28, .__ Roadway markings, including painting, markine, ;electors_ and _ 22 1 • LS 5 10,000.00 • S 1 0.000.00 . button 5 - — - - - - • • - • 23 Silt fence for polluttor . preventim as directed by inspector 2,000 CY S 2.50 , S 5,D00.00 _____ __ .•--••-•---- •----- •- - - - - _ _ .. . ___ ....._ . •• - - - ---• • ---- • --- • 24 Hay bale dike for pollution prevention, as directed by Inspector 400 LF 5 5.00 , 5 2,000.00 Subtotal ', $ 759.550.55 . Contingency (15%) IS 110,932.60 Total i S 850,43315 fw 1 oi ) estEel 1 tos_00..pd 5F-6 Exhibit 4 Pay Item Description !Approx. Qty.JUnit1 Unit Price Total Price 1 Project Sign ! 2 i EA 1 3325.00 5650.00 2 2 -in. 1D,LAC surface coarse (type "D ') 4230 ; TN ' 335.00 5143,050.00 3 Lfanhole Adjustment 6 I EA 1 3350.00 32,100.00 4 ; 12 -in. RCP 350 1 LF 329.00 310,1.50.00 5 1 12 -in. standard Type "B" headwall j 20 1 EA 1 $380.00 37,600.00 6 15 -in. RCP j 50 l LF 1 335.00 31,750.00 7 15 -in. standard Type "B" headwall ! 2 1 EA ' 3410.00 3320.00 8 i 18 -in. RCP j 350 1 LF 1 540.50 314,175.00 9 13 -in. standard Type "B" headwall i 10 EA 3450.00 34,500.00 ' 10 • 1lvdromulch/seeding 41000 SY 30.70 528,700.00 11 1 Roadway markings 1 ; LS 1 520,000.00 520,000.00 12 Erosion Control 1 1 1 LS 1 55,000.00 35,000.00 _ 13 1 Pavement Repair & Replacement 1 1600 SY j 335.00 356,000.00 14 1 Right of Way Clearing 3 AC 1 316,000.00 348,000.00 15 . ype "D" 1-D/L-kC (for pavement levelingi 3200 SY ' 529.00 392,800.00 16 Drive Reconstruction 1 1500 SY : 312.00 318,000.00 Subtotal S458,295.00 • Contingency (15 °A) 563,744.25 i Total 5527,039.25 DRAINAGE EMPRO`' EM NTS ALTERNATIVE Pay Item' Description ;Approx. Qty.lUnit; Unit Price , Total Price 1 Culvert Extension - Double 7' x 4' Box 1 40 I LF 3400.00 316,000.00 2 Double 7' x Headwall 2 ' EA 53,000.00 36,000.00 3 Culve:- Extension - Double 8' x 5' Box 40 LF 5450 00 518,000.00 4 Double S' x 5' Headwall 2 EA 53,200.00 56,400.00 5 : Culvert Extension - Double 15' x 4' Box' 40 ! LF 51 ,000.00 540,000.00 6 Double 15' x 4' Headwall 1 2 EA 34,000.00 38,000.00 7 ulvert Extension - Double 4 - 8' x 5' Box 40 ( LF ; 51,000.00 540,000.00 8 1 Double 4 - 8' x 5' Headwall 1 2 ( EA ' 34,000.00 53,000.00 , Subtotal 5142 400.00 Contingency (15 ° /:,) 321,360.00 • Total 3163,760.00 5F -7 EXHIBIT 5 'RASE ONE (PEYTOYVILLE TO DAVIS) Pay Item Description Approx. Qty., Unit Unit Price Total Price I Project Sign 2 EA 5325.00 5650.00 2 av_ment Milling. mixing with cement and compactia 12400 SY 53.00 S37.200.00 3 Unclassified excavation 7000 CY 53.00 521.000.00 4 Disposal of excavation ' 850 CY 53.00 52.550.00 5 Cement ez 30 lbs /SY 185 ' TN S95.00 517,575.00 6 2" HMAC surface coarse i 1300 TN 535.00 54:.500.00 7 2' HMAC binder coarse 1300 • TN . 535.00 545,500.00 3 Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway 1000 SF 51.50 51.500.00 9 :Replace. 6" concrete driveway 1000 SF 54.25 54.250.00 10 6' reinforced concrete curb 6100 LF 512.00 S73,200.00 11 4' reinforced bike path. 6' wide 2800 LF 517.00 547.600.00 12 Water meter box adjustment 1 EA 535.00 S35.00 13 Water valve adjustment 4 EA 5250.00 51.000.00 14 Manhole adjustment ' 2 ; EA 5350.00 5700.00 15 12" RCP I 110 LF 529.00 S3,190.00 16 12' standard Type 'B' headwall 6 EA 5380.00 • 52,280.00 17 15' RCP 0 : LF 535.00 S0.00 13 1 5 ' standard Type 'B' headwall 0 ! EA 5410.00 50.00 19 18" RCP 115 • LF 540.50 54.657.50 20 13'' standard Tvpe 'B' headwall 4 EA 5450.00 51.800.00 1 42' CMP 80 LF 575.00 56.000.00 22 42" headwall / • EA 5720.00 51.440.00 23 Two 4'x7' precast concrete box culvert 1 EA 5105,000.00 5105.000.00 24 Hydromulch ! seeding 13500 ' SY 50.70 59.450.00 25 Roadway markings 1 • LS 56,700.00 56,700.00 26 Silt f nc_.Hay bate dikes for erosion control 1 LS 52.350.00 52.350.00 Subtotal 5441.127.50 Contingnecy (15%) 566.169.13 TOTAL 5507,296.63 1 1 of2 5F -8 EXHIBIT 5 PHASE TWO (PEYTO`.VILLE TO WHITE CHAPEL) Pay Item Description Approx. Qty., Unit: Unit Price Total Price 1 Project Sign 2 EA • 5325.00 5650.00 2 avement Milling. mixing with cement and compacrid 25600 • SY : 53.00 576.300.00 3 Unclassified excavation 13524 CY 53.00 540.572.00 4 Disposal of excavation 2360 CY 53.00 58.530.00 5 Cement a; 30 lbs1SY 375 • N • 595.00 535.625.00 6 • 2" ELM LAC surface coarse 2930 • TN 535.00 5102.550.00 7 2" HMAC binder coarse 2930 TN 535.00 5 102.550.00 j 3 Demolish and remove reinforced concrete driveway_ 1971 SF i 51.50 52.956.50 ■ 9 Replace 6" concrete driveway 1971 SF 54.' 53.376.75 10 6" reinforced concrete curb 12200 • LF 512.00 5146.400.00 , 11 4" reinforced bike path. 6' wide 6400 LF S 17.00 5103.300.00 12 Water meter box adjustment 1 EA ; 535.00 535.00 13 Water valve adjustment 7 1 EA ! S250.00 51,750.00 14 • Manhole adjustment 4 i EA 5350.00 51.400.00 15 12" RCP 240 LF 529.00 56.960.00 16 12" standard Tvpe 'B' headwall 14 • EA 5380.00 55.320.00 17 15' RCP 50 LF . 535.00 51.750.00 13 15" standard Type 'B' headwall 2 EA 5410.00 5820.00 19 13" RCP 235 r LF 540.50 59.517.50 20 13" standard Tvpe 'B' headwall 6 EA • 5450.00 52.700.00 21 42" CMP 0 LF 575.00 50.00 22 42" headwall 0 • EA 5720.00 50.00 23 Five 10'x7' precast concrete box 1 EA 5286,500.00 5236.500.00 24 5'x5' precast concrete box culvert 1 EA ' 555.000.00 555,000.00 25 Hvdromulch ! seeding 27500 SY 50.70 519.250.00 26 Roadway markings 1 • LS 513.300.00 513.300.00 27 Silt ence.'Hay bale dikes for erosion control 1 LS S4.650.00 54.550.00 I Subtotal S1.042.812.751 Contingnecy (15%) 5156.4' 1.91 1 TOTAL 51,199.234.66 2 of 2 SF_A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT w STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § I, /I C1 /b as a member of the vt �n c � � , make this affidavit g interest in of business entity or real roe as defined in and hereby on oath Mate the followin I have a substantial >n ty property rtY Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code, and a vote is to be taken or a decision is to be made that will have a special economic effect on this business entity or real property. The agenda item affecting this business entity or real property is: /0 COMPLETE (A) or (B): The business entity is frt c o r g (name); or The real property is located at: I have a substantial interest for the following reasons: (check all which are applicable) Ownership of 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity. Ownership of 10% or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10% of gross income for the previous year. Real property is involved and I have an equitable or legal ownership of the property with a fair market value of at least $2,500. A relative of mine est-rn the business entity or real property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity or real property and from any further participation on this matter by discussion or debate. Signed this / day of , 199f. The State of § County of ./.1 ' § �/ f QBefore me WV% s f � 11.4 .4 /1 <�> on this day personally appeared ,4 4t- 1"L IL4__ known to m; • et - . . •• • :: • or • - - - ' e . e • : • : - • ' • _ :: l • - ) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this / day of j . (SEAL) Notary Public in and for the State of Texas H:\ LIBRARY.. unicipal\ MERGE \ConflictoflnterestA ffidavit.wpd City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 28, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Stefanie E. Sarakaitis, Planner SUBJECT: SECOND READING - SIGN ORDINANCE No. 704 Sign Ordinance No. 704 was approved as presented during first reading by the City Council on August 18, 1998. The attached draft 9 is a "clean" copy with Councilmember Martin's recommendations, to be addressed during the second reading, in the : W1 formatting. A few issues remain from the Planning & Zoning Commission's public hearing August 6, 1998, which the Council may wish to address during the second reading discussion on September 1, 1998: • Number of attached signs: The current language of the ordinance would allow each tenant in a multi -story building to have an attached sign. Language has been added to this draft to limit the number of attached signs to within the first story of a main exterior entrance of a building or lease space (§ 16.A.4). • Illumination of attached signs only during posted business hours: Director of Public Safety Billy Campbell recommends allowing nighttime illumination due to concerns of crime and vandalism (§ 16.A.7). • Area measurement for monument signs: This issue arose due to the addition of a required border around the text / graphic elements of the sign. A graphic analysis showing various alternatives is attached. (Staff recommendation is `A' or B'.) (§ 16.B, Appendix A) • Garage / yard sale signs: The regulations in the attached draft only address residences within a subdivision (this issue arose after the P &Z public hearing) (§ 22.E). • Non - conforming signs: The Commission showed interest in requiring existing signs to conform to Sign Ordinance No. 704. According to City Attorney Wayne K. Olson, Section 216 of the Local Government Code provides guidelines for compensation, and that the current draft complies with these guidelines (§ 24). Two (2) written responses have been received: • Bruce Roberts, Greater Fort Worth Builders Association, 6464 Brentwood Stair Rd, Ft. Worth, TX 76112, regarding a proposed 18 month phase -out period for subdivision marketing signs (see attached letter). • Bill Kemp, 400 Southridge Lakes Parkway, Southlake, TX 76092, proposing further modifications to the Sign Ordinance (see attached proposal). Each of the recommended changes is listed in the following table. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 481 -5581, ext. 753. L:\ CITYDOCS \ORD\DRAFPSIGN\704 \CCMEMO2.DOC August 28, 1998 � — I Page 1 of 4 City of Southlake, Texas Falk: gq , s:ao+ g-f ad`s RCC ie tea i� i _r . 1 -4 1 Definitions Definitions modified: Gross surface area; Logo; Sign, banner; Sign, business; Sign, development; Sign, directory; Sign, ground; Sign, menuboard; Sign, special purpose; Sign, subdivision marketing Definitions added: Civic organization; Public property; Sculpted aluminum panel; Sign, builder; Sign, bulletin board; Sign face; Sign, gasoline pricing; Sign, institutional; Sign, subdivision entry Definitions deleted: Sign, construction; Sign, entry; Sign, freestanding; Sign, tradesman 4 3 Sign permit required Language added for requirement of building permit prior to sign permit. 4 5.B (new) Fees — annual renewal Provision added to provide for annual renewal fees to all applicable temporary signs 5 6.0 Conditional sign permit: Per Building Official, language changed to reflect the current fee fees schedule adopted by Council. 5 6.D (new) Conditional sign permit: Provision added to provide for annual renewal fees to all applicable annual renewal fees temporary conditional signs 6 11.A Removal of obsolete signs Language added for removal of obsolete temporary and permanent signs. 6 11.0 Removal of signs on Language clarified for removal of signs on utility poles. utility poles 6 11.D Removal of signs in Language has been added for the removal of signs upon public rights -of -way property. 6 11.E (new) Removal of illegally Language has been added for the removal of signs which are erected signs illegally erected, constructed or displayed 8 16.A.2 Attached sign: The minimum letter / logo height to be no less than 6 inches. minimum / maximum Maximum letter / logo heights modified. Language has been added letter / logo height for lease spaces which do not front on a street. 8 16.A.3 Attached sign: Provision changed to reflect 0.75 s.f. for every one foot of building maximum area or lease space width. 8 16.A.4 Attached sign: Provision modified to allow for one sign per lease space along each number of signs street frontage. Provisions added for secondary attached signs at public entrances on another side of building from primary sign placement; secondary sign not to exceed 25% size of the primary or permitted sign, whichever is more restrictive. Sign shall be located within the first story of the main exterior entrance of a building or lease space. 8 16.A.5 Attached sign: Language added to include lease spaces whose facades are sign width horizontally articulated. 8 16.A.6 Attached sign: Requirement modified to limit vertical distance of sign to roof eave roof line limitation or overhang. Also, allow for signs on continuous plane fascias, not to project above or below the fascia, must be located on a canopy supported by columns of similar masonry as principal building. 8 16.A.7 Attached sign: Language added for illumination of attached signs only during illumination posted business hours; exterior letters with exposed neon lighting not allowed. 9 16.B.2 Monument sign: The minimum letter / logo height to be no less than 6 inches. (new) minimum letter /logo height 9 16.B.3 Monument sign: The maximum height is being reduced to four (4) feet; base height is maximum height being reduced to eighteen (18) inches. 9 16.B.4 Monument sign: Sign face is being reduced to fifty (50) square feet, not to exceed maximum area one hundred (100) square feet total. 9 16.B.5 Monument sign: Language added to clarify that signs be located along each street number of signs frontage; may be no closer to each other than five hundred (500) feet L:\ CITYDOCS \ORD\DRAFI\SIGN\704 \CCMEMO2.DOC August 28, 1998 Page 2 of 4 City of Southlake, Texas 9 16.B.7 Monument sign: Language added for sign structure to be constructed or covered with material requirements the same masonry material as principal building, or stone, or brick. Sculpted aluminum panels will be allowed. Text and graphic elements of sign limited to allow for border. 9 16.B.8 Monument sign: Illumination modified to internal lighting for sculpted aluminum illumination panels and ground lighting where light and source are not visible from public ROW. 9 (16.C) Freestanding sign Section deleted due to recommended prohibition. 9 16.C.3 Ground sign: Sign height is being reduced to three (3) feet. maximum height 9 16.C.4 Ground sign: Sign face area is being reduced to four (4) square feet, not to exceed maximum area eight (8) square feet total. 9 16.C.5 Ground sign: Number of signs decreased to one (1) sign per site. number of signs 10 17.H Prohibited signs: Provision modified to include signs projecting on/over public right - projecting on/over public of -way and on public property. property 11 17.I Prohibited signs: Language added to prohibit signs projecting above an existing roof signs fascia. 11 17.J (new) Prohibited signs Signs on utility poles added. 11 19.B.2 Menuboard sign Min. letter height N /A; location limitation modified to provide for eighteen (18) foot separation between menuboard signs; internal lighting permitted. 11 19.C.2.d Subdivision entry sign Provision added for allowance of entry signs on medians per Council approval. 11 19.D (new) Bulletin board sign Provisions added for bulletin boards. 12 19.E Directory sign Minimum setback changed to seventy -five (75) feet from the driveway entrance at right -of -way. (Councilmember Martin) 12 19.F (new) Institutional sign Provisions added for institutional signs, which incorporate readerboards, due to frequent variance requests by institutional uses. 12 19.G (new) Gasoline pricing sign Due to frequent variance requests by gas stations, provision added for gasoline pricing signs, which display changeable prices per gallon. (also, Councilmember Martin) 12 19.H (new) Directional sign Provision classified permanent sign requiring permit from previous classification as exempt. 12 20.A (new Permanent signs exempt Section added for home occupation signs (as outlined in Zoning section) from permit: home Ordinance No. 480, section 4.2). occupation sign 13 21.A Banners, pennants, and Pennants and streamers prohibited; banner area reduced to 0.5 sf per streamers one (1) foot building or lease pace width; duration reduced to maximum fifteen (15) days, twice per year, with sixty (60) day separation for permits. 13 (20.B) Balloons and other Section deleted due to recommended prohibition. floating devices 13 21.B.2 Model home sign Ground sign modified to allow five (5) foot height; area reduced to thirty-two (32) feet per sign face 13 21.C.2.c Special purpose sign Placement time limited to twenty-one (21) days, to be removed within three (3) days after event ends. (Councilmember Martin) 13 (20.E) Search lights Section deleted due to recommended prohibition. 1 13 (20.F) Construction sign Section deleted due to revision of development signs. 13 21.D.2 Development sign Height modified to five (5) feet; area modified to thirty-two (32) s.f. per sign face; duration modified to removal after one (1) year or upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy on commercial or COs issued on seventy-five percent (75 %) of lots for residential. L: \CITYDOCS \ORD\DRAFIISIGN\ 704 \CCMEMO2.DOC August 28, 1998 - 7 V- 3 Page 3 of 4 City of Southlake, Texas 14 22.A Subdivision marketing Provision modified to reflect one (1) sign for every twenty (20) lots, sign not to exceed four (4) signs. Duration reflects from subdivision approval to one (1) year or until COs issued on seventy-five percent (75 %) of lots. 14 22.B Builder sign Section changed from tradesman sign 14 22.0 Real estate sign Min. letter height N /A; ground sign modified to allow five (5) foot height; area reduced to thirty-two (32) feet per sign face; limited to one (1) per site. 14 22.D Window sign Area reduced to fifteen percent (15 %) of window area, measured and located within ten (10) vertical feet from at -grade exterior entrance to lease space. 14 22.E Garage / yard sale sign Limited to two (2) signs/sale, one (1) sign at subdivision entrance, one (1) sign internal to subdivision; limited to twice per year. 14 (22) Off -site development sign Section stricken due to modification to subdivision marketing signs. 14 23.A Exempt signs: Language added for allowance of bumper stickers. vehicular signs 15 23.B Exempt signs: Directional sign deleted from provision due to recommended directional signs regulation of directional sign. 15 23.0 Exempt signs: Provision modified to reflect signs be legally required or necessary government signs to the essential function of govemment agency. 15 23.E Exempt signs: Provision stricken due to recommended prohibition. signs not visible from off (Councilmember Martin) the site 15 23.G Exempt signs: Provision modified for political signs not within public right -of -way political signs or on public property which are affixed to the ground, or in any location which are not affixed to the ground or any grounded structure. (Councilmember Kendall) Please place this item on the September 1, 1998 City Council agenda for consideration. SES enc. Monument sign area measurement analysis Response letters Draft # 9, Sign Ordinance No. 704 L:\ CITYnocsl oxD\Dxni•ItSIGN\7oa \CCMEMO2.DOC August 28, 1998 Page 4 of 4 Q CO 1 ; , a 1, - a _ (� cm L , F — — 4 1 E 1 N vi s C c2) V ii 0 4 icy ic) Q) - (1) I i 1 ! ' , �n _En � 1 L o - m j 1 4 _ O M N Q� � . ^ 1_ I _ Z ( V .•• X13 L Z • d' sl . L O I I i �, N r - II d � X ; i a I X (t5 j a) , ca I X E ea N i a) c O N Ca • (n .' 4 CD - CD Q' 1; 3 _ _ ' '� Q Q ___ CO �/ 3 i3 13 zrr E o Co r 7 -S Monument sign area measurement analysis Page 1 U 0 , t9 ' L . 4- CD 0 73 z — E ' 4 _ N.. l � 4-a > �,, N N a) N i ` E L w , N to 1 1 CU N O 1111 n N O ' ` • o o0 O i ; CA .0 11 ' �. u7 II X i Q. CU N , , F CU ca N >, U f ' d 3 , , N >'03 11 •a) : X .L . 11 �I€ E a 0 O- 'J Ci3 1i �' a) O — Ca i Q '— N c c i 3j C. • ... _ o.Y).2 11 1 1 N ti, Co • M 'CO I 4. l ' ry 3 I C6 4 1 O s 3 1 In z3t' 1 O E 1 � ,, co zzr zt 00 Monument sign area measurement analysis Page 2 W LL i4 -�� 3, 1,3 it T 3 _ d 0 , 3: 0 � I C61i € � a:, I •T I ts g l ° { a�-+ (n II _ O i p p N I io - p +•' N II o 141 - o _� i� r U II N U — ti N H' � L (; L (L) CD L ' i �� co �sl� • €! cu X p � • CO • _ � 1 F3 - , kr vim^^ ^' .x .. - 9 I ( € O 1 ' r 98 1 i t ` 00 1 ' '' . :0 g-:' • ti M pp t[) '7 y -7 Page 3 L:\ CITYDOCS\ ORD\DRAFT\SIGN\7O4\MONUMENT2.VSD Monument sign area measurement analysis 07 -01 -1998 02:00PM 817 488 6796 P.01 • G REATER FORT WORTH raft Wares, To. 761 t2.2242 BUILDERS ASSOCIATION 017-457-2504 Fat 017-457-2500 July 1, 1998 ay of Attention Greg Usk Director of Community Development 667 North Quell l Avenue Soathiske, Tams 16092 Dam Greg: • Regadiog ye a pmposed "Si Ordinance' : In &.dais on this ssbject daring the nod two aaksplesse r®bdthe Soniblake City Came !br our swocisyatm dale b de a cp *phase out protease fix the builders cans: timid tips. I sensed from the coma meeting lag 111 months would be . acceptable time *nese to phase out sod am anxious t4 work cut the wedge death with Pew deep a waged phased out, meth* avant reduce the amber at! e sign piaconm ' as us . the la month s -.speriod. U ertvarady Onsnally wise fortunate tlar me. as I will be co mention amts: my t'lr eidch d<an), I will be out of own WO the 2ri of July. I veal hqm the council will continue to consider the phae as pe+apos*t and wW snow me wadi my Mum to develop with yai the dda s of the proposed 'phase our plea with J ...00 '"App.3 Bruce Roberts • • 0 7 Ak\1 MEMBER: * i& tar '� NetionalAseociation afH Home Ruiners - Tease Ann o t taker*, ma RECD JUL 011998 TOTAL P.01 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO SOUTHLAKE SIGN ORDINANCE Prepared by Bill Kemp July 18, 1998 While commercial development is important to Southlake, most residents desire that commercial development be compatible with the residential, open (and decreasingly semi- rural) environment that characterizes Southlake. Commercial signage should be strictly regulated in order to achieve that objective. I have visited Germantown, Tennessee, which has strict limitations on signs and which can serve as a model for Southlake. Many of my recommendations are based on the Germantown experience. Ms. Nancy Boatwright, the director of urban planning in Germantown, expressed the view that a top priority of a growing city like Southlake should be asserting strict controls over commercial signage. My comnents are aimed at accomplishing that objective. I have many photographs of signage in Germantown which illustrate what we too can accomplish. ' Section 3. In order to finance the enforcement of the ordinance, an annual renewal fee should be required for each sign. The following sentence should be added to this section: All permanent signs, including existing signs, shall require an annual renewal fee. Section 11. What happens to a sign that is illegally erected? Can the city take it down? This section does not appear to address this specific situation. Section 14. Variances should be granted only in special circumstances. The reference to "practical difficulty" should be deleted. A variance in the number of signs should not be permitted. Section 16A(2). The letters in the Ebby Halliday sign have received many comments from residents. One of the issues is that they are too large. The maximum size of letters under the present ordinance can be as high as 60 inches. By way of contrast, the Westlake ordinance has a maximum height of 12 inches. The maximum heights in the chart should be reduced to one -third the present heights. Section 16A(3). The present ordinance allows much larger attached signs than Germantown, Tennessee or Westlake, Texas: Southlake lesser of 1.5 sq. ft. for every foot or 400 sq. ft. Germantown lesser of .5 sq. ft. for every foot or 50 sq. ft. Westlake lesser of .4 sq. ft. for every foot or 24 sq. ft. The Germantown size limitations allow for signs that adequately identify businesses. The Germantown limitations should be adopted (possibly with a maximum of 100 sq. ft.). It would be useful in making this decision to know what the area of the present Home Depot sign is and what it would be if the letters were reduced from 5 ft. to 1 ft. 8 in. Pagel p("D JUL L Z 01998 Section 16A(4). The proposal to allow a secondary sign is misguided. The purpose of signs should be to identify what business is at a particular location, not to provide free advertising to a commercial business. One sign is adequate to identify the location of the business. See the discussion below regarding the many signs that are permitted on one location under the proposed ordinance. Section 16A(5). The proposal to enlarge the sign width is misguided and should not be adopted. Section 16A(7). Illumination of signs with internal lighting is not in keeping with a residential environment. Illumination of attached signs should be allowed only in specified districts. These should include SH 114, within 1000 feet of the FM 1709 intersections at Carroll, Whites Chapel and Davis, and within the Village Center. Interior illuminated signs should permit only translucent letters and not translucent background. Signs should be permitted to be illuminated only when the business is open for business. Section 16A. A provision regarding permissible sign content should be adopted. The Gremantown ordinance provides that commercial signs are restricted to the name of the business. the address, hours, instructions, and primary products and services. Logos shall not exceed ten percent of the allowable sign area, only one logo may be used on a sign, and any logo must appear as a secondary element of a sign. Section 16B(2). The proposed ordinance significantly reduces the size of monument signs but still allows larger monument signs than Germantown or Westlake: Southlake 50 sq. ft. per side Germantown lesser of .5 sq. ft. for every foot or 50 sq. ft. per side Westlake lesser of .4 sq. ft. for every foot or 24 sq. ft. (per side ?) Many residents have commented that the Holt Dental/Southlake Eye Care sign is too large. The measurements of this sign are 6.25 ft. high and 16 ft. wide, resulting in a sign that is 100 sq. ft. on each side. The proposed ordinance would reduce this area to 50 sq. ft. The Germantown ordinance would limit the sign to 47 sq. ft. The proposed 50 sq. ft. limitation should be adopted with the addition of the .5 sq. ft. for every foot of building frontage limitation. If freestanding signs are prohibited, it may be appropriate to permit larger monument signs on SH 114. It would be useful in making this determination to know the dimensions of the Las Colinas sign discussed at Section 16C below. Section 16B(4). The Home Depot has three monument signs. This building and the attached sign on it can clearly be seen from all nearby streets. There may be situations where a second monument sign is warranted, but a variance should be required to allow such an additional sign. The purpose of a sign should be to identify the location of a business or building, not to provide free advertising. A second sign should be allowed only pursuant to a variance from City Council. Page 2 Section 16B(7). Illumination of signs with internal lighting is not in keeping with a residential environment. Illumination of monument signs also should be allowed only in specified districts. These should include SH 114, within 1000 feet of the FM 1709 intersections at Carroll, Whites Chapel and Davis, and within the Village Center. Interior illuminated signs should permit only translucent letters and not translucent background. Signs should be permitted to be illuminated only when the business is open for business. Section 16B. As noted with reference to attached signs, a provision regarding permissible sign content should be adopted for commercial monument signs. The Germantown ordinance provides that commercial signs are restricted to the name of the business, the address, hours, instructions, and primary products and services. Logos shall not exceed ten percent of the allowable sign area, only one logo may be used on a sign, and any logo must appear as a secondary element of a sign. Sections 16A and 16B. The maximum total signage for attached and monument signs potentially is 1100 sq. ft. [400+400+100+100+100J. A better approach is that of Germantown and Westlake whereby the combined signage is limited. Germantown limits attached and monument signs to a total of 100 sq. ft. ( where a double sided monument sign is used). Westlake limits attached and monument signs to a total of 24 sq. ft. A maximum total signage limitation should be included which limits total signage to 200 sq. ft. Section 16C. Monument signs are adequate even along freeways, as evidenced by the monument sign in Las Colinas at SH 114 and O'Conner for three restaurants. Suggest that alternative 'A' be adopted. By way of comparison, Germantown allows freestanding signs only for shopping centers and only to identify the name of the shopping center, with tenants names not allowed. Section 16D(5). The number of ground signs should be limited to one. Section 17. A provision should be adopted that prohibits any signs showing pictures of human figures, animals, or food except for logos that have been approved by the City Council or a sign commission. Section 17. All off site signs should be prohibited. See discussion at Section 22. Section 17. Signage on vending machines should be prohibited (better yet, vending machines should not be permitted only in the interior of a business). Section 17G. Interior illuminated signs should permit only translucent letters and not translucent background. This would permit signs such as the Prudential sign at FM 1709 and Whites Chapel, but would prohibit the signs with a white illuminated background and dark letters. 7V Page 3 0 Section 17J. Subdivision marketing signs detract from the aesthetics of the city. The content is generally ignored by the public, and they arguably serve no real purpose. They are a continual source of negative comments from residents. The new city council can make a statement by banning them immediately. There is no valid reason for an 18 month delay. Most of the signs are old and in poor condition. Any new ones can be used in other cities. • Section 19B. Only one menuboard per site should be permitted. We should discourage, not encourage, fast food restaurants. Section 18C(2). There does not appear to be a valid reason for having a subdivision directory sign in addition to an entry sign at every street entrance. Section 18D. Recommend that Alternative A be adopted. Section 18E. Service stations present a somewhat unique situation from a signage perspective. The proposal of section 18E evidences this situation in Southlake. Germantown's approach is to have a separate section that regulates signage for service stations. The Germantown approach should be studied. See section 17 -30 of the Germantown Ordinance. Section 20A. These items are purely advertising and have little to do with identifying the location of a business. These items should be prohibited with the exception of banners for new openings or reopenings under new management. Pennants and streamers should be prohibited. , Section 20B. Balloons and floating devices should be prohibited. The gorilla over the roof of Paradise Tanning is not what Southlake is all about. Section 20C. Model home signs should be ground signs only. A ground sign serves the purpose of identifying the model signs just as a real estate sign identifies a home that is for sale. Section 20D. The concept of a special purpose sign is very vague. To the extent that they are allowed, they should be tightly regulated and should require approval by a sign commission or by city council. The present limitation is four. How does this conform with the limit on attached and freestanding signs? In any event, only one should be allowed. Section 20F. The development sign permitted under section 200 adequately identifies a commercial or residential development. There is no need for an additional construction sign (a typical example is a bank financing sign). Construction signs should not be permitted. Section 21C. The maximum number of signs should be one per street frontage. - 1T - 0- - Page 4 Section 21D. The coverage allowed should be further reduced to not occupy more than 15% of the window opening. This would adopt the rule in Germantown. Sec. 17- 48(c)(5), Germantown Ordinance. A window sign should be defined to include anything within three feet of a window. See Sec. 17 -1, Germantown Ordinance. Section 22. Off -site development signs should be prohibited. Germantown prohibits them. Section 17 -4(5). Austin prohibits them. Section 13 -2- 863(1). Confirm They are not intended to identify a place of business but rather are advertising. Section 23(1). Signs on vehicles should be prohibited where they are intended to be stationary advertising signs. The 72 hour reference in this section is too long considering the incentive to use vehicle signs on "race days." This reference should be changed to 28 hours. Furthermore, it should also be prima facie evidence if the vehicle is parked within 30 feet of the right of way for more than 8 hours. - Section 24. The reference to permit renewal suggests that this language was taken from an ordinance that required annual renewals of sign permits. Southlake ordinance presently does not require renewals. Is it possible to require amortization of nonconforming signs. My recollection is that Houston has such a requirement. Example of Potential Signage under Proposed Ordinance. Consider a fast food restaurant at a corner on FM 1709. Two attached signs are allowed. Two monument signs are allowed because there are two street frontages. Two ground signs are allowed. Two menuboard signs are allowed if freestanding signs continue to be allowed. Window signs can cover 25% of the surface of the windows. Two banners' are allowed. An unlimited number of pennants are allowed. An unlimited number of streamers are allowed. One big balloon is allowed. An unlimited number of small balloons are allowed. Query whether special purpose signs are also allowed. Is this the proper approach to maintain the residential character of Southlake? Page 5 to 1 CERMANTOWN CODS Sec. 17 -30. Service stations. :-?, • (a) General. This section shall apply to only those properties solely engaged I in the retail petroleum and petroleum products business. • (b) Allowable signs: . 1. One (1) ground- mounted or wall- mounted brand identification sign per street frontage. 2. One (1) non - illuminated permanent price sign per street front. 3. Two (2) non - illuminated self - service or full- service signs per pump island. 4. Federal and state stamps, octane readings, pump use directions, no . smoking signs as required by federal, state and local authorities. • ' 5. Temporary signs as approved by the design review commission. (c) Size: I • 1. Brand identification signs: a. Wall signs shall have a maximum total sign area of fifty (50) square I feet, or one -half square foot for each lineal foot of building frontage on a public street, 'whichever results in the smaller sign t - area. ... • -- b. Ground- mounte sig shall be limited to a maximum of forty (40) . square feet per face. - • 2. ?rice signs shall have 'a maximum total sign area of sixteen (14`� . - square feet and'no more than ten (10) square feet per face. . 3. Self- service signs and /or full- service signs shall have a maximum total area per sign of one hundred sixty (160) square inches. 4. Federal and state stamps, octane ratings, pump use directions, no smoking signs and. other mandatory signs and stamps shall be as required by the.governing authority. (d) Location: - 1. Brand identification signs: a. Wall signs shall be face- mounted on the building wall unless approved otherwise by the design review commission. Wall- mounted signs shall not project more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building. Signs shall not project above the roof line or be mounted ` on'any part of the roof. - _ b. Ground- mounted signs shall be set back a minimum of thirty (30) feet } from face- 6f•curb or edge of pavement of any street. The height of t the sign shall •be a maximum of six (6) feet as measured from surrounding grade. Where a sign is orientated parallel to the street •and is three (3) or less in height, the design review commission may allow a setback of less distance than the above requirement. 2. Price signs shall be set a minimum of ten (10) feet from face of curb or edge of pavement of any street and in all cases behind the side. walk and no closer than sixty (60)' feet from any two intersecting street face of curbs or edge of pavement. The total height of the :.. . � sign shall not exceed four (4) feet as measured from surrounding grade. • . . • a (3) Self -serve signs shall be located on the ends of the pump islands with sign face perpendicular to the street right-of-way. They are to be affixed to canopy support poles, end pumps, or affixed to the canopy. Self - service signs are to be located at a height not to exceed seven (7) feet as measured from surrounding grade. (4) All no smoking signs, federal'and state stamps, octane ratings, pump use directions shall be placed on the body of the gasoline pump. (e) Content: (1) Brand identification signs shall contain only the accepted logo or brand name. (2) Price signs shall identify fuel products only, cash, self -serve and /or full serve. Letters and /or numbers on price signs shall be a maximum of ten (10) inches in height but not less than three (3) inches in height. Background shall be dark and letters light in color. (3) Trim, to include company slogans, the use of decorative logos or trademarks, and striping, shall be located and be of such size and content as approved by the design review commission. (4) All lighted exterior signs shall be extinguished when the service station is not open for public business. (5) Self - service signs and full- service signs shall have a maximum letter height of three (3) inches). Backgrounds shall be dark and letters light in color. (Ord. No. 1976-5, sec. 4- 602(2.5), 2- 15 -77; Ord. No. 1982 -11, 9- 27 -82; Ord. 1985 -20, 1- 13 -86) Sec. 17 -31. Office Parks. (a) Generally. This section shall apply to all office parks. Office parks are defined as follows: 'A property intended and designed as a unit for occupancy by several tenants requiring office space as opposed to space for retail or other uses, and having drives, parking areas and other facilities as may be needed by such tenants. (b) Allowable Signs: (Office parks only) (1) Building Identification Signs - A building identification sign mounted flat against the building wall provided said wall contains the main entrance. a. More than one wall sign may be allowed with approval of the design review commission when there is more than one main entrance. • • 1074 r. 1 § 17 -3 GERMANTOWN CODE 1 • Sec. 17-3. Nonconforming signs. 1 (a) Any sign which is found to exist in violation of this section shall be removed after thirty (30) days' notice. If the owner or lessee fails to remove the subject sign in the allowed II time an independent contractor shall be secured and the charge assessed to the owner. See section 17 -7(d) for sign removal. (b) Any sign which lawfully exists within an existing office park at the time of enactment 1 of this chapter shall be allowed to remain until such time as the sign is substantially altered or changed or until such time as another sign is proposed in lieu of the existing sign, such sign to be in conformance with all other provisions of this chapter. 1 (c) Any sign which lawfully exists within the OG district at the time of enactment of this ' chapter shall be allowed to remain until such time as the sign is substantially changed or altered or until such time as another sign is proposed in lieu of the existing sign, such signs to be in conformance with all provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 1976 -5, § 4 -605, 2- 15 -77; Ord. No. 1986 -23, 12- 24 -86; Ord. No. 1986 -32, 12- 24 -86) 1 Sec. 17.4. Prohibited signs. The follo•, ng types of signs are prohibited under this chapter: 1 (1) . Signs which show pictures of human figures, animals, or food, except for design :_ review commission approved logos, and signs which contain characters, cartoons, or !. -@.- • , I statements of an obscene, indecent, or immoral character which would offend public . =•. morals or decency; (2) Signs which contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal or contain 1 the works "stop," "go slow," "caution," "danger," "warning," or similar words; (3) Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner or illu- mination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal; (4) Changeable copy signs with interchangeable letters, except that changeable copy ' 1 signs are allowed for secondary schools and churches as provided under section 17-28; (5) Signs which advertise an activity, business, product or servide not conducted on the 1 ...) premises upon which the sign is located; (6) Signs which have any moving parts; , (7) Changing signs (automatic or flashing); including all changing exterior signs and any changing interior signs that are visible from outside the building within which the . signs are located; , 1 (8) Signs which contain or consist of street banners, pennants, ribbons, balloons, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners or other similar materials and devices illuminated or .. nonilluminated, that are used to attract the attention of clients, potential customers .. and/or the general public are prohibited, except when allowed by special permit by the - _ board of mayor and aldermen; 1 Supp. No. l 71Z-- /L 1064. 1 SIGNS Sec. 17 -48 • 7 d. Banners shall not be installed more than fifteen (1S) days before an event and they shall be removed within two (2) days after the termination of the event. In no case shall any' banner - be allowed for a period of more than thirty (30) days. (10) Posters advertising charitable or nonprofit events and other events which serve to inform the public about an event of general interest. (11) New Project Real Estate Sign. One (1) sign per street frontage for a a maximum period of one (1) year. (c) size: (1) Construction signs shall have a sign area not to exceed fifty (50) square feet. (2) Real signs shall have a sign area of one (1) face not to exceed twenty -five (25) square feet. In no case shall the total sign area exceed fifty (50) square feet. (3) Street banners shall be as approved by the board of mayor and aldermen.* (4) Signs announcing openings-shall have a sign area of one (1) face not to exceed twenty -five (25) square feet and the total sign area not to exceed fifty (50) square feet, except that the design review commission may allow a larger sign area for multiple tenants if warranted. (5) Show window signs shall not occupy -more than fifteen (15) percent of the window opening. . • (6) Seasonal or special occasion signs shall have a area of one (1) face not to exceed eight (8) square feet, and the total sign area shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet. (7) Real window signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet. ' (8) Reserved. (9) Banners: a. Street banners as approved by the board of mayor and aldermen. b. Other banners: Maximum size shall be sixty (60) square feet. (10) Posters shall not exceed three (3) square feet. *Editor's note - Refer to paragraph (9) within the pertinent subsection for further provisions relative to banners in general. 4 . 1079 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 28, 1998 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Discussion Item, Ordinance No. 480 -BB, Maximum Lot Coverage and Maximum Impervious Coverage Attached is a summary chart of the proposals considered by the Impervious Coverage Work Group and their final recommendation. This group was comprised of Councilpersons Fawks (Chair), Martin, and Edmondson; Commissioners Creighton, Murphy, and LeVrier; Developers Wilkinson, McMahan, Drews, Yetts, Kuhlman, Wright, Schelling, and Myers and staff members Gandy and Last. Discussions on this topic began last summer in combination with residential adjacency. Five meetings, beginning in May, 1998, have been specifically devoted to impervious coverage (although the developers held several additional meetings to work on their proposal). This ordinance amendment proposes changes to certain districts' maximum lot coverage regulations and establishes regulations for maximum impervious coverage in all non - single family residential districts. The amendment provides a variance procedure to allow increased impervious coverage (+ 5% max.) if additional bufferyard depths, larger parking islands, or increased interior landscaping areas are provided in the front or sides of the proposed buildings. Still open for discussion is the requirement for berming along public rights -of -way. The zoning ordinance currently provides the following bufferyard requirement in Section 42.9 b: "Hedge/Berm locations: Hedges and /or berms as required herein shall be placed adjacent to all parking areas along a public R.O.W.; however, in no instances will the required hedge/berm cover less than seventy -five percent (75 %) of the length of the property line to be buffered." The following requirement is found in the Corridor Overlay Zone, "Exhibit 43 -B ": "Where parking is provided between the building setback line and public R.O.W., shrubs obtaining a mature height of three feet (3') or greater must be planted at a minimum spacing of thirty inches (30 ") on center continuous along all paved edges of the parking or drive areas. Included with the summary chart are several comparison charts of site data for some of the existing commercial developments. This summary provided lot area, building area, floor area, parking, interior landscape and perimeter bufferyard areas, open space and impervious coverage. You will note that the chart is a representative "mix" of zoning districts (such as, C -3, C -2, 0-1 and CS). Only limited data was available for industrial sites because most industrial development can be constructed without site plan approval by the Commission and Council. Of those sites evaluated, Southlake Church of Christ and Huckabee Dental Clinic closely matched the recommended 65% maximum impervious coverage with 64% and 65% impervious coverages, respectively. (IA -( Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager August 28, 1998 Page Two Plans for Shady Oaks Center, zoned C -2, reflected 75% impervious coverage and those for Southlake Center at Kimball, zoned C -3, reflected 68 %. The recommended maximum impervious coverage requirement for both of these sites would be 70% and 75 %, respectively, under the current proposal. During previous discussions, the Commission asked Staff to provide additional exhibits for certain uses given the following criteria: all lots should be an acre in size and should attempt to maximize the lot coverage while providing the required number of parking spaces, bufferyards, interior landscaping and maintaining the proposed impervious coverage. The Commission requested that staff look at both a single - story and a two -story office building, a retail center, and an industrial building. Conclusions drawn from this exercise were that required parking drives the layout of a site and that, as a result, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for a site to be developed at the maximum lot coverage permitted by each of the districts reviewed. These results were evaluated by the work group and considered when making their final recommendation. Recall that the work group's objective for drafting this amendment was to preserve natural areas and /or create areas of open space in an effort 1) to lessen the impacts of parking areas, 2) to increase the survivability of existing native trees by keeping the critical root zone open for water and gas exchange, and 3) to lessen the impact of drainage run -off. Three (3) definitions which are pertinent to this discussion are as follows: "IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE - the combined area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings, structures, and paved parking, sidewalks, and driveway areas." LOT COVERAGE - the percentage of the total area of a lot occupied by the base (first story or floor) of buildings located on the lot. OPEN SPACE - an area of a lot either left in a natural state or receiving permeable vegetative landscape treatment (e.g., ponds and lakes, either natural or manmade, and water features, grass, shrubs, flowers, trees, ground cover, etc.) (As approved with the adoption of ordinance No. 480-Y)" This item was tabled to the Planning and Zoning Commission's September 3, 1998 agenda. At this time, the Commission will hold its public hearing and consider the proposed amendment. Should you have questions regarding any of the above of the attachments, please call me at (817) 481 -5581, extension 743. KPG att Summary Chart of Impervious Coverage Work Groups' Recommendation Comparison Charts of Existing Southlake Developments and their Concept/Site Plans Comparison Chart of Other Cities' Impervious Coverage Regulations 11 - 2-- .:::. . • 4 : " .. . ... -;> »: : :: ° ::: ° > > >:"" > <": >: <>::::: >: >::;:: »:::«:::::Im .ex�?lt±�ll�� €<�ve : e.�'r4 �s«< :::>::»:;<:<:::>:«:::>.:::<>:<::<;:::: : > :::::::::::::: >'::::::::::::: '::. >: > > .. :.. :«:<.:.:::._.. .�i� li:::::::::: >::: >:: > S :a. >:s :: ; ::;;::. Ca n . .. '. �:..:.: .:............. ..... ............... ........ . . ;:: > .:>: .> ;.....:. . ::.;:.:.. ::: >::l�ta r�3,�ac:�av' .:: :::<.:;:::: lE�a t:'S?� :: /'r . .:: ..:..::: :::::::::::::::: ::.:::::.:.:...... ..............:.. ri� ... �f .:._._ ::..... :: .......... :: i : . : . : . : :: : : ...... : : :.::; ;Reeoo . .. ........ • !:::::'"":::"""""""""I''':::."'::-."i'''.-Mi.:-..:::':''..1::::.'i:-.: ;'' Bi'd : >; .. .. :.: �o rub c: efi t�� �t,�re . : ;ire ..:.:......:.:...: ..::..: ::;::::: : .. . . : : c5 . : .... ; 50 65 65 No Recom. No Recom. 65 `.1.` ;.:.?; :.:.:: 30 40 40 No Recom. No Recom. 40 F 2 :`: ' 50- (40) 50 50 No Recom. No Recom. 50 ......... ............................... ;k::<::::::: 50 65 65 70 75 65 > > ' 1;� : '.. ' : 50 65 65 70 75 ...... ............................... ..... ............................... :: -2: ;:;;:;::;< r 50 65 70 75 80 70 <:;:;G 3..:.::::::::::: 66 (50) 65 75 80 N/A 75 G4':> >; >< > » > >': 60 70 75 80 NSA 75 :B:1;:; ::::;;::;s P&Z,CC A„aly at 65 70 70 75 70 tLu...,f Sit., Pla,r (50) P&Z /CC A„al .,ia at 65 7 B'. »: 70 70 75 7 y 70 : .: t,,,,.. Vf Sit., Pla,r (50) `10 ::: <: :..: Ili CV,,.,,pt Pl... at 65 70 70 N/A 70 ti,,, .,f Z.,ui „g (50) Area At Area B$ ; E : t : ; : :: 50 70 80 80 85 Area A: 80 Area B: 85 : . ; j' :..... ;::: 50 70 80 N/A 85 Area A: 80 ......... ............................... Area B: 85 d4 t 0 t : «.. N/A N/A N/A In front buffe ry require uire For all noted districts ,;_RG P ..t#t 1... landscape berms and double except I -1 and 1 -2: the number of canopy trees. Variances may be granted to increase the impervious coverage up to a maximum of 5% if the w folio in g criteria is met for each 1% of impervious coverage granted, the applicant shall add an additional 2 feet to the depth of the required bufferyard(s) adjacent to any street and an additional 1 foot of depth to the required P 9 sideandrearbuff ards Area 1: The property adjacent to Southlake Blvd., Highway 114, Davis Blvd. and East of Carroll Ave. between Southlake Blvd. & Hwy 114. Area 2: All other property. j' Area A: The areas more likely to have residential traffic nearby. $ Area B: Property shown on the Land Use Plan as Industrial: East of Brumlow and South of Continental Blvd. and a line extending East to Hwy 26. Ii -3 Analysis of Impervious Coverage Impacts CS Developments Site: Data Sautl lal e Cj rch cif 7 8 9 Schoch Average C 9 ©c2 97 O33 CS PUD with CS uses 387 1,928,140 562 1,157,851 66,280 Ph.1: 136,950 139,86 Ph.2: 76,500 ................ ............................... . ................ ............................... Total: 213,450 17% 11% o ................. ............................... ................ ............................... ................. ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... 6,155 Ph. l : 200,300 197,478 Ph.2: 108,500 X00 Total: 308,800 800 397 420 409 ; ................ ............................... 397 474 436 Recd Herb 19,884 / 5% 64,035 /3% 41,960 / 4% . ............... .......:....................... ................ ............................... ................. ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... d': tt or 104,952 / 27% 57,655 / 3% 81,304 / 15% 1 azadsea:e! 4rea? > > >: f &fie ofat << .......:...:.:.. ............................... ................ ............................... 35 310 / 9% 33 000 o * 63,645 / 7 /o 26,800 * 32.180 * 91980/5% 0 0 140,262 /36% 1,613,462 / 84 /0 876,862 / 60 /o (ervivis > >« »> ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... 47 0 213 2 64 /0 7 300 / 45U toot p Tints 2 9,575 / 40% 98.400 paved area acc.bld s. 0 311,850 / 16% * Represents 20' bufferyard width L: \CITYDOCS\ORD \DRAF RZONING\48OBB.CH2 (Draft 3.4/27/98) tIA -q IIII 1811:1H0 �O H0dnH0 I �I �I �l I !At a�biFunos �� � l �� 11 V ; ilt v I 1 y I . 1 e q� r q t -L U / /_Q i i i;9V 1 9 R i 4 (/ 'P Ni eQ 0 L661 o f iV a3�a , iii 5 I 1 v i I a Pi 3i 1 Apo M 1 q }§ t , 4 ;41 iLRq =i I 1 1 41 1 1 5 ,i J_1_ t@ 1 4 Y Y Y b It gg 1x - ik -- i - -- II — t i iiril 1 1 y , , k iti alk II = . 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I -1 I -1 163,568 123,710 143,639 59,400 40,000 49,700 (FEit (10 buildings) (single building) 0 32% 34% 36 /0 32 /° 4 ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................. ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... ................ ............................... 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CI C ca ca . n N -o 3 : ►a as Cpl a O L � O ad CJ: ' P. -0 -0 0 i , a �. .+ ' •. z o C/a C U u2::: m o 0 G U U - .-a z E. ti z -4 b: F o - U L t] 5 - - c �" ° 0 U U U— i W O L °' F- ° II A-26 August 28, 1998 L1u� ° mu of SECRETARY City of Southlake Director of Public Works /Traffic Dept. 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Sir: I would like to complain about the cycle of the traffic light at Carroll Road and Southlake Boulevard (1709). Heading from State Highway 114 to FM 1709 on Carroll Ave., when the light turns green, only 4 cars can pass through the light before it turns red. On the side of 1709 heading toward Hwy 114, at least Eight cars can pass through the light before it turns red. This situation has been occurring for the past week. I must travel this direction every day just after 5pm and it is very frustrating. Between the hours of 12:OOam and 5:OOam, I'm sure the Four car cycle is perfect, but in daylight hours it does not work. I abide by the sign which says to "Stop Here on Red ". Is this what is causing the light to cycle too quickly? Also the cycle at State Highway 114 and Kimball Road heading toward Grapevine only lets about 4 cars through if the traffic does not move at an even pace. Is there any way to adjust the sensors? I pass this way every day as well, and there are many frustrated drivers at this intersection who can't make the light because one car does not move in sync with the others. I appreciate the great job the Public Works Department is doing in Southlake with all the growth we have experienced in the past few years. I hope you can find a way to help the traffic flow more smoothly on Carroll Ave. and Kimball Road. Sincerely, 6L6 , :its2,_ 0 6)\0 Alice O'Leary Venture Construction Company 758 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 817/421 -5566 Revised Articulation Evaluation No.2 Case No. ZA 98 -087 Date of Evaluation: 09/01/98 Elevations for Kimball Crossing (Lowes) Received: 09/01/98 Front - facing: West Wall ht. = 35 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 105 89 -15% Yes 105 94 -10% Yes Min. artic. offset 5 6 20% Yes 5 5 0% Yes Min. artic. length 15 15 0% Yes 2 8 300% Yes Rear - facing East Wall ht. = 30 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 90 82 -9% Yes 90 82 -9% Yes Min. artic. offset 5 5 0% Yes 5 5 0% Yes Min. artic. length 19 20 5% Yes 19 20 5% Yes Right - facing: South Wall ht. = 25 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 75 75 0% Yes 75 75 0% Yes Min. artic. offset 4 5 25% Yes 4 5 25% Yes Alin. artic. length 19 21 11% Yes 19 21 11% Yes Left - facing: North Wall ht.= 30 Horizontal articulation Vertical articulation Required Provided Delta Okay? I Required Provided Delta Okay? Max. wall length 90 90 0% Yes 90 85 -6% Yes Min. artic. offset 5 5 0% Yes 5 5 0% Yes Min. artic. length 20 22 10% Yes 7 21 200% Yes { L iS <VAL trtkis.QCi Highway 114 Status Report vuja,ZonA. 1»( CtACtiv 'Claw The State will begin construction on Highway 114 next summer and will likely continue through the fall of 2003. The table below shows a status report on the project including the level of completion of construction plans, the acquisition of right -of -way, the estimated schedule for bidding the project and expected construction schedule. a' � . .7— aka .4,-,- , .* ' g .., ` #-S + -, c " ^' ,� v as' F if,F,L,,-0., ,,, :i .....1 3,;:74... A ,--,,,,,::::„ q4: il, .10 ;:bii tc,..,L 4 ' L" ° ' Kimball Interchange 60 -70% 91% May 1999 August 1999 - (service roads from Village complete complete January or August Center to Wall St.) 2001 Dove Road Interchange 50% complete 83% Summer Winter 2000 - (service roads from Dove Rd. complete 1999 Spring/Fall 2001 east 0.6 miles) Carroll Road Interchange 20 -25% 91% Summer Winter 2000 - (service roads from Highland to complete complete 2000 Spring/Fall 2002 Village Center) White Chapel Interchange* N/A 91% Summer Winter 2001 - service roads from 0.6 miles complete 2001 Spring/Fall 2003 east of Dove Rd. to Highland) *On September 24, 1998, the Metroport Cities Partnership will ask the Texas Transportation Commission to approve the White Chapel Interchange project for Priority 1 status. These projects were allocated for funding by the Texas Transportation Commission in September of 1996. This funding was a result of an intense lobbying effort by the Metroport 114 Partnership. The Texas Transportation Commission gave top priority to four of the S.H. 114 projects and Priority 2 status to another project, totaling more than $66 million in state funding over a three year period for the improvements along S.H. 114. All the projects listed above, except the White Chapel interchange, were considered Priority 1 status for construction. The White Chapel interchange, with service roads received a Priority 2 ranking, which authorized the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates, and right -of -way acquisition. On September 24, 1998, the Metroport Cities Partnership will petition the Texas Transportation Commission to allocate additional funds to the construction of State Highway 114. This includes funding requests for the White Chapel interchange, main lanes on S.H. 114 between Kirkwood Boulevard and S.H. 170, and S.H. 377 from Keller to S.H. 170. The Metroport Cities Partnership is a non - profit corporation which is comprised of eight cities, two school districts, area chambers of commerce, public utilities, large and small business enterprises, and other related organizations. The purpose of the partnership is to work collectively on public and private initiatives affecting economic development and quality of life in Northeast Tarrant County (Metroport) region. The wide -area support provided through Metroport has enhanced the ability to receive state funding for state roadways through Southlake. 8-31 —1 998 12.38PM FROM SOUTHLAKE COM DEv 8174889370 P.2 08130/1998 21:25 8174614074 FOUR PEAKS DEVELOP PAGE 02 FOUR PEAKS DEVELOPMENT, INC, 726 COMMERCE ST., STE. 109 SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS 76092 (8171 329-6996 FAX (817) 481-4074 August 28, 1998 3 1998 Mr. G Last Director of Planning A miL A Cray of Sotalilake O FI' ICLOFkCITY 667N. C.7� Ave. SFi;?FT; -hY __ Svuthlakc, Texas 76092 RE: Qua No. 98-073 Case No. 98474 Dear Greg; please accept this as ow formal request so table the captioned zaniog and platting issues Sams the City Council meeting of September 1, 1998 to September 15, 1998. The reason for this remit is tlnt ow engineering studies concerning the drainage for this project we not t on plete. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Shy, 44. G i ferry" -- , David.C. McMahan Vice President REG') AUG 1998 8 - 31 -1998 3 :20PM FROM SOUTHLAKE COM DEv 8174889370 P.2 Aug -31 -98 03:29P . P.03 J. E. LEVITT ENGINEERS, INC. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 724 COMMERCE • SUITE 104 • SOUTMLAKE. TEXAS 74042 • (817) 4S* -3313 Odff [1 1 � .2. 7- 1998 Di Mr. Crea Last. Director OFFICE OF CITY Community Development SECRETARY City of Scuthlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Tcxas 76092 Re: ZA 09 -058 French Square Dear Mr. Last, On behalf of our client, Mr. David Ford, we resooctZully request that items ZA 98 -058 and ZA 98 -083 be tabled until the September 15, 1998 meeting. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated. s nc = v loh• Levi t, P.E. nc: Mr. David Ford rEr. t p.0 u : 1998 • • \ 0009:1C0:100 'MUO4d 0C111 4 •4 18 '0900C MOO 'O d ® ® ,1,'w.r ` 01111 4M111'LIIJ •4M1 IIMB ••M10 11.41,3 M11MWY 10t0 ___„:1011! e - ' ONI SSI�,NSdONd SSIIOILS NUOIUSINV V NV1d SIIS e•j� ••11111111 _my 11 r. , I n J y ,,. J Il N 0 z < < • < < < Y N ►- Fir F D n y • y y y I < „ N A N M- O s a h e1 N < n n n n W W W W W 1 < � u • u u = n aea !I:. < r N e ry < v1 a w la 01 Z X 1 /7/ • CO ---- t7 o n o Q { \ t -- AVM IN0 F" o "� r o J e t` N N • W ■ �'� AVM 311 w • I ry ? `i V W UJI W cD 'n J rn <�� i = AVM 3N0 —� I U ..1. - .J l I Wilt LULU J a 1 A" 3N0 1 U U U •d o fL [> ¢ ¢ F N �_ _ <<<< O Ye o 3A111. 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N D . , N ; . o bb 1 it,,, ig ( ----1 ,„..,...., ...........,s. * NMI Q i'll a o gill - I rH rj x b b d il& d o b _.. _ 0 04 0 N 4 pp g t" � ° 7c L I to w k 6 p W „ . o h� N s tE ho + r.., a r �+ �� / '\ J `.- / t . a 1 o .. 00 . �o o w .. o s Ks --s..,2., H b b .9¢ . s° /E i v1 j O N •.t f. f, EN LL �0 2 1 1 . i 1.a, *n s t stpr t SEP 1 `J t7 bC'4C rK HLJCKI5VfY0 KC VVVO Oi r ...+00 1 • • As AlbectsoriV August 31, 1998 Mr. Mike De La Vega Development Associate Cencor Realty Services, Inc. 3102 Maple Ave., Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75201 RE: Signage at Park Place Shopping Center Albertson's #4145 Grapevine/Southlake, Texas Dear Mr. De La Vega : Albertson's authorized Mike De La Vega to act as our Agent in gaining approval from the City of Southlake to construct a pylon sign on our property located in the Park Place Shopping Center. Mike will be acting as our Agent as it relates specifically to this one sign issue, and shall terminate this agency on October 15, 1998. Final approval of any signage must be approved, in writing, by Albertson's. If you have any questions, please call me at 817/568 -3958. Sins: - • ' 0 A Rob. S. Rissing Senior Real Estate Man. . - Northeast Texas, North ouisiana, and Mississippi Albertson's, Inc. RSRJjIb • ALBERTSON'S. INC. / REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION / 7580 OAK GROVE ROAD / FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76140 R17.SRA. 1 FAX R17- CAR.1gR1 ** TOTAL P A G . ®® 1 12' -0" 24" p. n / Al /�%Alb , , n „_, zs, N 0 c...... .:..... :: :: ES HaMa A HBHHB ,:i E •. eo MIN r:I 2 161 9A^ ;s 21,1 .,MM 23.21122 ; LHLLHE @ 1 ;: f. 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RUM MIMINS NMI , 2 EIHLHI 222112 89 H9 i i i , ;:.11 NI IMO gommg 222111 MIL MN 2221122212 MINN 1222 NSW Mt ii If MNIM2 . -i.i:- 2 IH ' ; ■ ltd PRIM OMR 122121; EMI gyp, ( 2 22221 .. ammo ago WM 22212214122 MN NNW We 1 . • .,,,,,,r,„ ,, .._,,.,.. ..._, ,, a P/F PYLON SPECIFICATIONS: 1].090 24" Peep Aluminum Cabinet w/ 3" Retainers & Dividers to be painted 313E Pk. Bronze 2]Tenant Panels to be 3/16" Thk. 7328 White Plexiglas w/ Translucent Vinyl Graphics per Tenant Artwork . k 3]Cabinet internally illuminated w/ [12]96T12 PHO Sign Lamps installed vertically 12 "o.c.; Two P Magnetek Ballasts #256- 696 -000 0 5amps each required = Total 10amps 4]Two 6- 5 /8 "o.d. Steel Pipes required through Brick Columns and Cabinet r 5]i3rick Columns to match Shopping Center Brick li e' Construct 8 Install Using Only U.L Listed Components Total Square Footag • & M Accordance w/ National Hechical Sign Code 8' -3" x 12' -0 "= 99 Sq. Ft. U/L LABELS REQUIRED .. ...—_-- 70 , CUSTOMER Park Place Electrical Requirements: LOCATION 2100 W. NW Hwy [1]20amp 120v circuit StarliteSign CITY,STATE Southiake,Tx of Denton, Inc ART J. Wilson 7923 E. McKinney Denton,12 76208 SALES Rick Sutton APPROVAL (940) 382-8850 fax(940) 387-0429 SKETCH # 9808 -014 This drawing is the property of STARIITE CUSTOMER DATE SIGN of DENTON, INC and all lights to its SCALE 3/8 " =1' repoduction and display we reserved by LANDLORD DATE STARIITE SIGN of DENTON, INC. DATE 8 - - 1998 r ill • A 12' -O" 24" ■ N Alb ertsons I .. . CC) N r n . A 1 - V A IIIMISEIN Ma CM ENE . r- ERE ma a ME E it _ti7 ::,:, : _r a EIt MEE IEEE11E. E! E IMEE amni N NM MEM; ' NM MEW 11344 NM NM 3214 NM ii 'i MINN ME MEI ME BM MEE NM 18 MIIIIk MEM I RI OM MIME _ EMU ME I III o , X 11 I : .,.! NUM MN it ENE NOM EM r IL! CEiiillRd� I i I'; El a: OM MOO O NM MO 13343 SAN EiiiE maws MHO 131MIN MINA nos Na114,311311 MS UM MS MS 313133 3333 • 1.38 , 3 sa 135831,36302 s i at ':I: • 6E IE IEEE E M SEEM EMI 68 VI NE NE Mtn NNE INIMIT NEW BNB _ MIN ME 3 1441.43 NM X NA 53NO N33144 N won 41411012 .1 MIN MINII 01314 MR 143P31 KIM NMI MIN M4111 MR .4 IN , >R IN MR 1 ICI€IUN:iiilli - 11'- HMI ROM I II MEM MEM Et IE 1 11 IliiillE 3/31113 MO 411143 R3140 1,1416 NM INNNIE MS 1 ON Ii Olin - a IR IN N': i NM 344M MS D 3 P99EI91 I M _ 13 33113 11334 3 X18 MO CHM 311133 inn . REM Mt 11311313 Illian MEM 2334 KM 1118EE66611101E AEI Mal '?6EEE II CIUI6666EI !166EIRM `A M VIRE NMI N 4i 41140 "' ME E66EEE E 61G66�i;; '' it IC EMU 1 11 MEM NMI E' MEM EMOTE R MN REMO ® E MEP IEEE a a' Id PEE • E!i I °, char • • s , , 1 ,1, rr:',:' s E MEI MEE IIE Di. SEM itEM i I D/F PYLON SPECIFICATIONS: 1].090 24" Deep Aluminum Cabinet w/ 3" Retainers & Dividers to be painted 313E Dk. Bronze p 2]Tenant Panels to be 3/16" Thk. 7328 White Plexiglas w/ Translucent Vinyl Graphics per Tenant Artwork 3]Cabinet internally illuminated w/ [12]96T12 DHO Sign Lamps installed vertically 12 "o.c.; Two Magnetek Ballasts #256- 696 -000 0 5amps each required = Total 10amps 4]Two 6- 5 /8 "o.d. Steel Pipes required through Brick Columns and Cabinet i i 5]Brick Columns to match Shopping Center Brick Tota 15 ua re Footage: C & Install Using Only U.L. Listed Components r • q g & In Accordance w/ National Electrical Sign Code 11 8' -3" x 12' -O "= 99 5q. Ft. U/L LABELS REQUIRED I .. . ... ,� CUSTOMER Park Place E lectrical Requirements: _ LOCATION 2100 W.Nwl , 1 2Oam 120v circuit CITY,STATE Southlake, C ] p StarliteSign ors. ART 1. Wilson 7923 E. McKinney Denton, TX 76208 SALES Rick Sutton APPROVAL (940) 382-8850 fax(940) 387 -0429 SKETCH # 9808 - 014 I This drawing is the properly of STAREITE CUSTOMER DATE SIGN of DENTON, INC and [IN tights to its SCALE 3/8"= 1' repodadion and d are reserved by LANDLORD DATE STAROTE SIGN of DENTON INC DATE 8 -6 -1998 • . . x .., . i f s 1= ,, * 4 . ;:: II J #, 1 r .i m i eat . r irp ...., .,,k ,, „. .,. ,,,,.. ,.,.„. i k■•,:' . ''' '• a: : ii s, i 1 40100 . 0 .w ° 1 1 x i • F 1 .t .., . ..., . , I . . t 4, ..• '''' . ... ,. . , ..A ..... . • C i .1 p. ■ I ' 1 1. ; . t I I t 1 l I II - 1 * ,., ,i „ 1 . .4 . , ... 1 1 1 , . „. .. . 4 . 4 . 1 , s'allialli F 1041i ,..,. 1 ._,. .! 1 1 y > Ln, t \ • ■ All f All 0 . \ , II 11114 • 1 • 0 r' • , 1 1 I . „ Mill .1. 1 , -- . . , at! ' . . 1 i 1 , 1 . i i 1 1: • . I ' , 1 1 ' •,,,,. .. ‘.. 10 k ;1 , •,1 . , . ,, 1 , . ', 1 i . „z• . •., Ili . . ',, „ 1 1 • a 1 111, 1 1 - i 1