1999-09-07REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 7, 1999 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Debra Edmondson, Rex Potter, Wayne Moffat and Patsy DuPre. COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tern Gary Fawks. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas; Public Information Officer James Kunke; Director of Finance Sharen Elam; Assistant Director of Finance Lynn Martinson; Public Works Manager Michael Patterson; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Deputy Director of Fire Services Ricky Black; Deputy Director of Police Services Gary Gregg; Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek; Administrative Operations Coordinator Malcolm Jackson; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Senior Planner Chris Carpenter; City Attorney E. Allen Taylor Jr.; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. WORK SESSION: The work session was called to order by Mayor Rick Stacy at 5:45 p.m. Councilmembers and staff discussed items on the agenda. The work session was video taped and recorded for future reference. The following items were discussed: Agenda Item #5-B, Resolution No. 99-68, Appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Councilmember Patsy DnPre asked that this item be tabled, as she was not able to contact the applicants due to the holiday weekend and the applicants not being available. She also asked why Council was not going to conduct interviews of the applicants as with other boards and commissions. Other Councilmembers stated they were comfortable making the appointments at this meeting, but agreed to the appointment of an existing member, Martin Schelling, so that a quorum would be present for the September 22, 1999 meeting. Council agreed they would each contact the applicants on their own and make the other three appointments during the next City Council meeting held on September 21, 1999. Agenda Item #5-C, Resolution No. 99-63, "All American City" Award. Public Information Officer James Kunke explained the process and stated the average committee size of other cities range from nine to twenty-one members, with the average being about thirteen members. Most of the committees have one or two Councilmembers on their committee. Councilmembers Potter and DuPre expressed an interest in serving on the committee. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 1 of Agenda Items # 5-G and #5-H, Request for variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, ending the validity of the plats for Southlake Woods, Phase 1 and Phase 2. These items were pulled from the consent agenda as Councilmembers expressed issues with the developer. Agenda Item #9-A, Resolution No. 99-69, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent water line easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a 24" water line. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated, "I know that we have been looking into it, but I think it is time that our city seriously thinks about adopting a right-of- way policy. This is just one particular area we are trying to obtain right-of-way and having difficulty in doing so. I think it would be a very prudent thing for our Council to do in considering the adoption of a policy." Director of Public Works Ron Harper stated they have had an extensive amount of research done for a real-estate acquisition policy and staff is putting some final clarifications on it. He stated they could be prepared to bring it back to Council in two or three meetings from now. Agenda Item #10-A, Traffic-calming devices in Coventry Manor subdivision. Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas stated, "Sometime ago we started working with homeowners in the Coventry Manor subdivision regarding traffic calming. There was concern about cut-through traffic on Coventry Tumberry fi.om Peytonville to Shady Oaks Drive. They also had a concerns regarding speed. We went through a scenario on speed humps and that was when we established a policy. The homeowners made a decision that they were not interested in speed humps but they were interested in cobblestone areas across the roadway. The areas are raised about 1 1/2" in lieu of the 3" that a speed hump is. They are 10-foot wide and they go across most of the roadway. They create a rumble when you cross them and get your attention. They feel it would be effective in slowing speeds. It will not impact on cut-through traffic, and staff recommendation is that if Council wants to pursue it, it would be the recommendation of staff to go forward with the cobblestone. They are made of stamped concrete, therefore would not be a maintenance problem. One of the drawbacks is that they are expensive. They cost about $18 per s.f. or about $4,700 a piece [road section] to do that. Speed humps are about $3,000 a piece [road section]." Mayor Staey asked if this was something Council might require the developers to put into their subdivisions. Thomas replied staff has required Chesapeake Place to put two in their addition. If they are effective, this is something that might be required in the future. Coventry Manor is a test section. Doug Mayor, 903 Turnberry, Coventry Manor Subdivision. Mr. Mayor stated for a long time they have had a traffic problem. Mayor commented, "The greatest traffic calming thing that we have is a traffic officer. But a traffic officer cannot be there all the time." He stated he believes the traffic calming will save a life, which is the intent. "With a speed bump you can loose control and emergency vehicles have a hard time with them." He stated he feels this will be the best thing for them to try. Councilmember DuPre stated for the record, "I am not at all opposed to this; I think we need to do something." Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 2 of DuPre wanted the other Councilmembers to realize that she is also on the bottom of a hill and she gets it all the time. DuPre continued, "With this being a test case, I don't think the others will be happy waiting six months. It makes noise right? Are the neighbors okay with that?" Mr. Mayor stated, "It makes noise, and we don't know the decimal of the noise at this time. We know it has some noise and that is why these proposed areas were chosen for installation." Mr. Mayor stated maybe this would take the place of a police officer and the city would not have to add to the fome. Agenda Item #10-B, Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J.L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc., for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. Dan Shable, Ridgecrest Drive, Southlake. Mr. Shable stated the city has been putting a drainage easement down through his property between his and the property next door. He stated the channel is almost six-foot deep and he is requesting that a box culvert be installed there. Shable said he thinks for appearance, safety and carrying the water, he is sure the box culverts would carry the same amount of water a ditch would. It would also give him his usable property back. He stated the developer has taken twelve trees down. He requests that he be compensated for the nine trees he lost in terms of the trees being replaced. Shawn Poe stated he has talked with Mr. Shable and agreed to give him some trees in the area where the trees were taken down, once the construction is done. Poe said they talked about three trees. Councilmember Edmondson stated she feels "We are requiring something of our developers should do." If the City took out nine of the trees, she feels the City should give him nine trees back. Agenda Item #10-C, Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with HNTB for management of the TMB program (Traffic Management Bond Program). Councilmember Rex Potter said he does not have a problem with putting this item on the consent agenda; he is having a problem understanding how the process will work. Deputy Director Thomas explained the process, which would include the design and construction plan preparation, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation coordination and construction management, including daily construction inspection. The work session ended at 6:35 p.m. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. The City Council meeting was video taped and tape recorded for future reference and made a part of the record. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 3 of Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, and 551.076 to seek consultation with the City Attorney regarding pending and contemplated litigations, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, negotiation contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, to deliberate the appointments, and evaluation of public officials, to confer with one or more employees to receive information from or to question the employees, and to deliberate the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 6:40 p.m. Council returned to open session at 7:20 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session No action was necessary as the result of the Executive Session. Agenda Item #3, Invocation, Dave Boxerman, Lakeside Presbyterian Church The invocation was given by Dave Boxerman, pastor of Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Southlake. Boxerman stated Lakeside Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church of America, and convenes for Sunday services at the Durham Intermediate School at 10:30 p.m. He stated there are about six ministers in Southlake who meet faithfully each Tuesday at Christ Our King Church. The group has invited a guest lecturer on September 26 and 27 to speak at Johnson Elementary School. David Barton will lecture on Early American History. He speaks to issues that are important to our nation today. The public is invited to attend. Agenda Item #4-A, Mayor's Report Mayor Rick Stacy thanked members of the Southlake Fire Department and all the citizens who have responded since his brother Randy's house burnt on Sunday night. The department did an outstanding job and are to be commended. He stated it will take a long time for the building process and he thanks all those who responded. The following announcements were made: Southlake Sister Cities, 1st Anllual September Social will be held on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Senior Activity Center. Come share the experience of Japan and Mexico for fun and refreshments for the whole family. North Texas Commissioffs 29th Annual Membership Luncheon will be held on September 9, 1999 at 11:30 a.m. in the East Tower of the DFW Hyatt Regency Hotel at the DFW Airport. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 4 of TML Region VIII meeting will be held in Watauga on Friday evening, September 10, 1999. The program will be "Watauga Under Water". Councilmember Rex Potter is planning to attend. Southlake Leadership 1999-2000 reception will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Senior Activity Center. Southlake Stake-Out Murder Mystery Dinner, "The Keller Cruise" on Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. at Marriott Solana Village Center. The Southlake Chamber of Commerce sponsors this event. Colleyville Mayor Donna Arp and the Colleyville City Council invited Council to attend an Olympic 2012 Reception with Tom Luce, chairman. The meeting will be held on October 7, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. at the Colleyville Commtmity Center. Councilmember Patsy DuPre stated she and Director of Public Works Ron Harper attended the Texas Transportation Commission "Johnson" reception at the Harvey Hotel. She stated, "I think it is real important that Southlake's name shows up at the transportation events because we have issues and we have concerns that we want to have addressed." Mayor Stacy stated he was at the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon all day yesterday and that is such a rewarding experience for him each year, adding, if it were 'cricket' he would ask all the Southiake citizens to try to participate like the City does with United Way. Maybe between now and this time next year we can put together a campaign whereby every person puts $10 in the hat. I think that would really put Southlake on the map, and it would put $200,000 in the hat and that wouldn't hurt anybody. Public Information Officer James Kunke gave Council an update on the new website for the City of Southlake. Mr. Kunke said when he was first hired, he was given a project that was already underway -- the redesigning the city's website. This past year he viewed over one hundred websites and believes Southlake had a good website before the re- design. Last week the City launched the newly designed website. Mr. Kunke said the City added certain features that other cities do not have. Kunke went on to inform the Council what they will see on the new website. For the record, the new address is www.ci.southlake.tx.us. He stated his goal for the year is to average at lease 100 visitors per day with each visitor going to at least three pages. He invited everyone to visit the site. Agenda Item #4-B, City Manager's Report The City Manager stated he had no report at this meeting. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 5 of Agenda Item #4-C, SPIN Report Roger Hutton, 1900 Shady Oaks Drive, Southlake. Mr. Hutton stated he is the representative of SP1N #11. He reported the prior meeting in August was the joint meeting with the council and Councilmembers Edmondson, Kendall and DuPre were present. He stated SP1N appreciated their attending. The two items currently being worked on by SPIN is the Annual Retreat and the City-wide SPIN meeting regarding the SH 114 construction process. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Stacy informed citizens present of the procedure Council follows in voting on the "Consent Agenda" and asked if anyone had comments or opposition to express regarding any items listed in this section of the agenda. Mayor Stacy read the consent agenda items into the record as follows: Approval of the minutes from the Regular City Council meeting held August 17, the Regular City Council meeting held August 31, and the Special City Council Work Session held August 24, 1999. 5-B. Resolution No. 99-68, Appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. 5-C. Resolution No. 99-63, "All American City" Award. 5-D. Award of bid to Everspan Building Systems, Inc., for the installation of sanitary sewer to serve Dove Acres subdivision. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with J.E. Levitt Engineering, Inc., for the design and construction plans preparation for the Countryside Court sewer and lift station. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement between the cities of Bedford, Colleyville, Euless, Grapevine, Haltom City, Keller, North Richland Hills, Richland Hills, Trophy Club, Southlake, all of Tarrant County, and Trophy Club MUD for centralized recruiting of fire personnel. Request for a variance to Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section .4.01 (I) 2 (Plat Expiration), extending the validity of Case No. ZA 96-153, Final Plat, Southlake Woods, Phase I, 11.737 acres in the T.S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502. 5-H. Request for a variance to Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01 (I) 2 (Plat Expiration), extending the validity of Case No. ZA 97-10, Final Plat, Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 6 of Southlake Woods, Phase 2, 46.073 acres in the T.S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502. 5-.[. 5-5. 8-8. 10-A. 10-B. 10-C. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with HBC Engineering, Inc., for testing services for Town Hall. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with DynaSource for data imaging equipment. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for tax collection services. Resolution No. 99-70, Encouraging Texas Municipal League support of legislative changes allowing a city in two counties the opportunity to hold a local option election. Ordinance No. 755, 1st Reading, Tax Levy Ordinance. ZA 99-070, Plat Revision of proposed Lots 5R and 6R, A.A. Freeman No. 522 Addition, on property legally described as Lots 5 and 6, A.A. Freeman No. 522 Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in cabinet A, Slide 4812, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 3.250 acres. Current zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Area Surveying. Owners: Dan Light and Kirk Lundblade. ZA 99-073, Plat Revision for proposed Lot 6R, Aubrey Estates, on property legally described as Lots 6 and 7, Aubrey Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4514, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 3.003 acres. Current zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Kenny Anderson Construction. Owner: Todd Traey. Resolution No. 99-69, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent water line easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a 24" water line. Traffic calming devices in Coventry Manor subdivision. Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J.L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc., for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional service agreement with HNTB for management of the TMB (Traffic Management Bond) Program. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 7 of Motion was made to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following: Item g5-A, g5-B, amending it to appoint Martin Schelling and to table the remaining three vacancies to be filled at the September 21, 1999 City Council meeting; g5-c, g5-D, g5-E, g5-F, g5- I, g5-J, g5-K, g5-L, g8-B, g8-c, per the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation; #D, per the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation; #9-A, g l0-A, g l0-B, instructing staff to work with Mr. S chable in mitigation of the removal of his trees; gl0-C. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Approval of the minutes from the Regular City Council meeting held August 17, the Regular City Council meeting hem August 31, and the Special City Council meeting held August 24, 1999. The minutes were approved as presented. Resolution No. 99-68, Appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Martin Schelling was appointed with the three remaining positions being appointed on September 21, 1999 during the Regular City Council meeting. Resolution No. 99-63, "All American City" Award. The National Civic League has awarded the All-American City Award each year since 1950, recognizing "exemplary grass-roots community problem solving and communities that cooperatively tackle challenges and achieve results." Cities are judged on such criteria as citizen participation, community leadership, government performance, volunteerism and philanthropy, intergroup and intragroup relations, civic education, community information sharing, capacity for cooperation and consensus building, community vision and pride, and regional cooperation. In addition, three recent community-driven projects are evaluated for significant impact on the community, including one focused on youth. Southlake has applied for the All-American City Award twice before, in 1995 and 1997. The applicant fee for a city Southlake's size was $375. Municipal Judge Brad Bradley has offered to organize the citizens committee and Councilmembers Rex Potter and Pasty DuPre have indicated they are willing to serve on the committee. Award of bid to Everspan Building Systems, Inc., for the installation of sanitary sewer to serve Dove Acres subdivision. Dove Acres is scheduled to have sanitary sewer installed as part of Phase III Neighborhood Sewer Program. This project has been delayed due to the acquisition of two easements. The FY 1997-98 CIP budget appropriated $405,000 for the engineering and construction of sanitary sewer for this project. The City received nine bids for this project, and the low bidder was Everspan Building Systems, Inc., of Mansfield, bid $187,474. Thc engineering and surveying cost is $18,000. Therefore, the total engineering, surveying and construction cost is $205,474, which is below the budgeted $405,000. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 8 of 5-0. 5-H. 5-I. Authorize the Mayor to execute a professional service agreement with J.E. Levitt Engineering, Inc., for the design and construction plans preparation for the Countryside Court sewer and lift station. For the past few weeks the City staff has been meeting with property owners along Countryside Court offNorth White Chapel Boulevard regarding the construction of a lift station and force main along North White Chapel Boulevard to serve the property owned by Countryside Bible Church, Barton House, Christian Men's Network and Wayne Lee. The project was initiated as staff was searching for alternatives to development in that area utilizing septic systems. An agreement has been worked out with the property owner to accomplish the installation of the lift station, force main, and gravity main. The estimated cost of the engineering and construction is $169,000. The property owners have agreed to participate in the following percentages based upon need: Uncommon Care (Barton House) 29.6% $50,000 Countryside Bible Church 20.7% $35,000 Christian Men's Network 20.7% $35,000 Wayne Lee 14.8% $25,000 City of Southlake 14.2% $24,000 The City's participation in the cost of the proposed lift station, force main and gravity main including the cost of engineering is $24,000. The City staff has received a proposal from J.E. Levitt Engineers, Inc., for the engineering design and construction plans preparation for a lift station and force main along White Chapel Boulevard and gravity main along Countryside Court for a fee of $17,650. Authorize the Mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement for centralized recruiting of fire personnel. In 1997, several entities joined in an interlocal agreement to conduct a central recruiting program for fire personnel. The City of Southlake has the opportunity to join this centralized recruiting process in an effort obtain a larger pool from which to select firefighters/paramedics. As part of this project, each entity agrees to develop, implement, and maintain a central recruiting program for fire personnel including an application process, written test, and an agility test. This testing process would develop one or more eligibility lists from which the City of Southlake would be able to select applicants to interview. Another goal is for the eligibility lists to include a broader range of applicants to select from, including women and minorities. The City has the right to select applicants that meet the minimum qualifications for the firefighter/paramedic positions and can select from any order on the list. Removed from consent. Removed from consent. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with HBC Engineering, Inc.,for testing services for Town Hall. Part of the responsibility for Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 9 of the Town Hall project is to retain the testing finn for soil, concrete, and structural steel testing. I-IBC has reviewed the plans for the Town Hall project and has determined the expected types and numbers of tests. They are proposing a fee schedule of $35,623. The fees are based upon estimated quantities of tests for each of the current phases of work. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with DynaSource for data imaging equipment. At the present time the city owns one document imaging system that is broken and can not be repaired. It is housed in the DPS. The manufacturer has gone out of business and there are no replacement parts available. During the FY 98-99 budget process $50,000 was added for this purpose. DynaSouree Company is on the state bid list for approved high technology vendors. We have negotiated with them for a price of $29,860 for the sofavare and hardware. Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract. Since 1982, the Tarrant County Tax Assessor/Collector has collected property taxes for the City of Southlake. The renewal contract has been presented to the City for collection of the 1999 taxes for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1999. Tarrant County charges $.40 per financial transaction. Southlake would spend far in access of the $4,000 budgeted for this service in personnel costs alone if the City collected its own taxes. The working relationship in the Tarrant County tax office has been excellent, and they are responsive to our requests for information. Resolution No. 99-70, Supporting the introduction and passage of legislation which modified the requirements for authorizing the holding of a citywide local option election to allow a city located in more than one county the ability to hold a local option election and encouraging the Texas Municipal League to support this initiative. The attached resolution is the beginning of a more comprehensive approach to impacting a legislative change, gaining the support of Texas Municipal League. Steps in the process appear to be as follows: Request TML approval (The deadline for submitting a resolution to TML is October 4); present the resolution at the resolution committee meeting November 17 in Dallas. Ordinance No. 755, 1st Reading, Tax Levy Ordinance. The FY 1999-00 Budget as submitted to the City Council proposes a tax rate of $.422 per $100 of a property's taxable value. Part of the tax rate, $.13242 per $100, pays for the retirement of debt that is due during the 1999-00 budget year. The remainder of the tax rate, $.28958 per $100 is used to support General Fund operations of the City. State law requires the City to adopt the tax rate in these two components. Tarrant County Appraisal District certified to the City that the total taxable value in the City is $2,201,350,761, which is the value of properties as of January 1, 1999. This does not include the Solana properties, which have been removed fi.om the City's tax roll. ZA 99-070, Plat Revision of proposed Lots 5R and 6R, A.A. Freeman No. 522 Addition, on property legally described as Lots 5 and 6, A.A. Freeman No. 522 Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 10 of IO-A. IO-B. IO-C. Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being 3.250 acres of land. Current Zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Area Surveying. Owners: Dan Light and Kirk Lundblade. This item was approved by the City Council subject to the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. ZA 99-073, Plat Revision for proposed Lot 6R, Aubrey Estates on property described as Lots 6 and 7, Aubrey Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, and being approximately 3.003 acres of land. Current zoning is "SF-1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Kenny Anderson Construction. Owner: Todd Tracy. This item was approved by the City Council subject to the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Resolution No. 99-69, Authorizing the City Attorney to bring a condemnation action for the purpose of obtaining a permanent water line easement and temporary construction easement for use by the City for the construction of a 24" water line. The City is in the process of acquiring several easements in ordm' to construct a 24" water line along SH 114. The water line will feed the pump station of T.W. King that is currently under construction. The water line will extend from Trophy Club along the south side of SH 114 to the pump station. The City has made several attempts to acquire the easement from the property owner, Ms. Rhonda Decker-Chandler to no avail. The City had the property appraised. The appraised value of the permanent and temporary easement is $17,250. Therefore, the City offered Ms. Decker-Chandler $17,250 for the water line easement and the temporary construction easement. Traffic-calming devices in Coventry Manor Addition. A copy of the memorandum from Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, dated September 3, 1999, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. The memorandum contains the background information regarding this issue. Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J.L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc., for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. The reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive includes several drainage improvements. The City has planned the drainage improvements for several years, but were not constructed because no drainage easements existed. Three drainage easements were obtained for these drainage improvements when the Oakwood Pond Addition was platted. A copy of the memorandum from Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer, dated September 3, 1999, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. The memorandum contains the background information regarding this issue. Traffic Management Bond Program (TMB) professional services agreement with HNTB Engineers. On May I, 1999, the voters in the City of Southlake approved the Traffic Management Bond Program to construct intersection improvements along F.M. 1709 and SH 114, construct part of the Trail System along F.M. 1709, Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 11 of and Whites Chapel Boulevard, and provide enhancements to the reconstruction of SH 114 by participating with TxDOT. After reviewing nine "request for qualifications" from local engineering firms and interviewing three presentations, a panel of City staff and two Councilmembers selected a consulting engineering firm, HNTB, to submit a proposal for managing the bond program which would include the design and construction plan preparation, right-of-way, acquisition, utility relocation coordination and construction management, including daily construction inspection. The fee proposed by the consultant is $2,767,000. Agenda Item #5-G and #5-H, Request for variance to Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01 for Case No. ZA 96-153 and ZA 97-10 Final Plat for Southlake Woods, Phase I and II. Request for variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483-G, Section 4.01 (I) 2 (Plat Expiration) extending the validity of Case No. ZA 96-153, Final Plat of Southlake Woods, Phase I, 11.737 acres in the T.S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502; and, Case No. ZA 97-10, Final Plat of Southlake Woods, Phase II, 46.073 acres in the T.S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502. Senior Planner Chris Carpenter, present the request for the two cases as noted above. Brandon Baker, 620 South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Baker stated he is here as a property owner within 200' of The Southlake Woods, and that he is representing four or five of his neighbors. He stated his property is surrounded by The Toll Brothers. He stated they have several issues with the developer and he has contacted their management over the last couple of years. One of their problems is they change their managers often and it is hard to communicate with them. One of the neighbors has a sign in his yard that says, "Toll Brothers does not honor its commitments." Mr. Baker gave several examples of incidents whereby Toll Brothers did not honor their commitments. Bennett Barcus, a property owner on South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Barcus stated trees are the larger issue. He stated he is unclear what is going to be built and what will not be built. Mr. Baker stated when the subdivision was platted there was a landscape easement around the property. Toll Brothers stated they would plant 72 trees adjacent to his property. He would like for the City to ask some serious questions of Toll Brothers about these issues. Tom Murray, 1080 South Peytonville Avenue, Southlake, the representative of Toll Brothers. Mr. Murray stated he has been here since April 1, 1999 and he has never spoken to Mr. Baker. He stated they have changed staff and there are improvements being made. Mr. Murray seemed unclear of the issues regarding the development and issues surrounding the plat not being filed. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 12 of Councilmember Edmondson stated she wants some commitments tonight regarding the issues expressed or she will not support the extension of the plat. Councilmember Kendall also expressed concerns with the lack of knowledge of Mr. Murray. IVlr. Murray requested the two items be tabled until the September 21, 1999 Regular City Council meeting in order for him to bring himself up to speed on the history of the development and issues discussed. Motion was made to table agenda Items #5-G, and #5-H, time certain September 21, 1999. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Edmondson Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, Edmondson, Potter, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Wanda Stowe, 1710 Brurnlow Avenue, Southlake. Mas. Stowe stated she was here to speak about the Pioneer Concrete Plant at 1217 Brumlow Avenue. In checking in Austin concerning this plant, she found that their permit with the TNRCC expired on May 17, 1997. In checking some records at City Hall, she found that their water bill for September 1997 was $19.90. Their highest water bill since that time has been $63.00. The bill for the plant run by the same concrete company at 1968 Bmmlow was $3,000. The pollution from this plant covers everything in their surrounding area with cement dust. The trucks are a significant problem on Brumlow Avenue. This plant has applied for another permit with the TNRCC to operate. Mrs. Stowe stated they would appreciate any help that the City can give in opposing this permit. Also, since their grandfather clause has expired, due to their lack of operation since 1997, they would appreciate the City denying their grandfather status. Timarron is building a beautiful subdivision across the street from this plant and she stated she is sure any resident would not be at all impressed with the cement plant as their neighbor. Councilmember Edmondson asked if she or any of her neighbors have asked for a public hearing with the TNRCC. Ms. Stowe stated they are submitting those requests at this time. The request must be made by September 15, 1999. Councilmember Edmondson stated she has had experience with an issue at the TNRCC a number of years ago and it would be her recommendation to staff to consider submitting a request from the City of Southlake as well for a public hearing. Agenda Item #7-A, Second Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 756, 2nd Reading of FY 1999-000 Budget and revisions to the FY 1998-99 Budget. City Manager Billy Campbell stated Ordinance No. 756, 2na Reading, is the second public hearing for the FY 1999-000 budget and the revised budget for FY 1998-99. This budget summarizes the plan of municipal operations for the fiscal year that begins Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 13 of October 1, 1999. The Council was presented a budget workbook on August 10, 1999. The summary budget information presented and attached to Ordinance No. 756 reflects the detail included in the budget workbook. The summary budget information also incorporates a Capital Projects Budget for FY 1999-00 year, plus anticipated Capital Projects through 2004. The Capital Projects are major water, sewer, street and drainage infrastructure items that are funded through a variety of sources such as impact fees, operating fund transfers, developer fees, bonds, and certificate of obligation proceeds. The proposed budget maintains the current tax rate of $0.422 with total revenues of $32,535,306 and total expenditures of $33,661,288. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall commented to the Councilmembers, "If you will look at exhibit "A" SPCD operating funds 7A-9, you will see that there is a transfer out in this proposed budget for $1,380,000 and I would like for you to keep in mind that the SPDC may come before Council in a couple of months, requesting Council amend that amount. At that time we will have more information and will have completed the budget process. I know there are some requests coming in from the Park Board that will be hard to fund right now. If you also notice the beginning and ending fund balance there is more than what it has been in previous years. It appears there has been some cushion attached. I don't have enough information now to ask you to make a change in this amount. I will need to get a good cost figure from Kevin Hugman on the park requests, and I will need to talk to Jim Sabonis about leveraging the money. And, we need to talk about philosophies about how we want to fund some things. I guess I am just saying, don't be surprised ifI come to Council in a couple o£months and ask to change this amount." PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing, Motion was made to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 756, approving the Budget for the year 1999-2000, and approving the revisions to the FY 1998-99 budget. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Kendall Edmondson Kendall, Edmondson, Potter, Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-B, Ordinance No. 693-B, 2nd Reading, Providing Outdoor Lighting Regulations. Administrative Operations Coordinator Malcolm Jackson presented Ordinance No. 693-B for second reading, providing outdoor lighting regulations, stating he was present to answer questions of Council. He stated this ordinance would include language that will continue to require a plan review process to be considered by both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council and administrative procedures consistent with the Uniform Building Code, including the right to review for variance by the City Council. The City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance at the August 17, 1999 City Council meeting. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 14 of Councilmember Rex Potter had a question regarding Section 2, specifically the exemption from this requirement of single family and two family dwellings. Potter said, "If we have a property on F.M. 1709, which has an arena with lights on 20' polls, does that mean this is not regulated?" Mr. Jackson stated that is correct, it is not regulated by this ordinance. We did address that at one of the work shop sessions and the City Attorney made mention that, first off, we did not experience any specific problems with residential issues to date, and should there be a problem, those property owners could actually go through the courts and address it as a trespassing issue. Mayor Stacy suggested we go forward with what we have before Council and go back and study the issues that were brought forward, as Councilmember Potter has a very good point. Councilmember Debra Edmondson stated there was one issue that she discussed with Mr. Jackson and that is the issue of retrofitting ordinances. Edmondson said, "Many of our ordinances have a retrofitting provision within the ordinance that allows for a building which adds a certain percentage, 20%, 30% when that addition is made. For instance with the landscape ordinance, if an applicant came in under the old landscape ordinance, the new landscape ordinance would kick in and apply to 100% of the site." She stated, "I would like to suggest to Council this evening and ask if you would consider for this ordinance a retrofitting provision of some kind." Jackson stated they were looking at somewhere about 20%. City Attorney stated anywhere between 20% and 50% range, as long as we retain the variance language in the ordinance. Councilmember Potter commented on Section 2-5, Exemptions. Mr. Potter questioned, "Shouldn't that be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission? Aren't we saying that Council wants the latitude if during the development plan or site plan that Council can allow that?" Malcolm Jackson stated the intent behind the discussions was that the Planning and Zoning Commission make a suggestion to the Council and for Council to have the decision authority as to whether or not that was granted. The City Attorney stated the language is to allow the Council the flexibility to disagree with the Planning and Zoning Commission. He stated Councilmember Potter's comments were appropriate. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall commented in Section 2 A2, regarding lighting installed by governmental agencies for public benefit on public property, and asked if this meant parks are exempt? She stated she does not think parks should be exempt. The City Attorney stated they would clarify the language up to make it clearer. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 15 of Councilmember Patsy DuPre commented regarding Section 2-A, and asked if the City can amend that now, if it is some kind of sports courts? Allen Taylor stated they did not have enough information now to address those comments. Councilmember Rex Potter stated regarding Section 5-B, "There may be cases where the 10 days has expired -- there may be a situation that we may want to give them additional time." PUBLIC HEARING: Boyd Dollar, Southlake resident. Mr. Dollar stated he wanted to continue with Councilmember Kendall's thought, in that this ordinance applies to public parks adjacent to residential property. Motion was made to approve 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 693-B, with the following changes: Page 7B-4, Section 2, numbers 8-2 by removing the words "public benefit on public fights-of-way for property" and substituting the words, "traffic safety control purposes"; Section 12, adding the new Section 12 as submitted this evening by Malcolm Jackson; Section 2A-5, to change that by stating, "by recommending" to "may be reviewed"; also incorporating the changes made in Section 10 of the document Malcolm Jackson presented tonight. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Edmondson Potter Edmondson, Potter, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #7-C, Ordinance No. 480-GG, 2"a Reading, Revisions to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, regarding regulations on lighting and glare. Ordinance No. 480-GG, 2nd Reading, Revisions to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, regarding the regulations on lighting and glare was presented by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administration. The Building Department proposed to amend the Uniform Building Code (Ordinance No. 693-B) to incorporate detailed regulations on lighting and glare for non-single family residential properties. The purpose of this amendment is to establish measurable and enforceable criteria with respect to lighting to provide for the protection of the residents and the enjoyment of their property from nff~sance or hazardous lighting and glare. As a result of this change in the Building Code, an amendment of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, is necessary to remove the general lighting regulations from the ordinance and replace them with appropriate references to the new lighting ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public heating. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 480-GG, 2"d Reading, as presented. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 16 of Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter Edmondson Potter, Edmondson, Kendall, Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Malcolm Jackson expressed appreciation to Council for their input and to Councilmember Edmondson for her assistance throughout this process. Agenda Item #7-E, ZA 99-072, Revised Site Plan for The Courtyard at Timarron Mayor Stacy stated the applicant has withdrawn this item and it will not be considered by the City Council. Agenda Item #7-D, ZA 99-066, Revised Site Plan for Southridge Executive Suites ZA 99-066, Revised Site Plan for Southridge Executive Suites, on property legally described as Lot 12, Block 6, Southridge Lakes, Phase C-l, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4596, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, being approximately 0.819 acres. Current zoning is "C-3" General Commercial District. Owner and Applicant: Four Peaks Development. Senior Planner Chris Carpenter presented this item and noted seven (7) notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area and no written responses were received. The Pla~ing and Zoning Commission denied this case on August 5, 1999 because they did not like the carports. David McMahan, 1335 Hidden Glen, Southlake, representing Four Peaks Development in the Site Plan request. Mr. McMahn stated he is not quite certain how staff ascertained that the P&Z Commission simply did not want a carport on this location, as there was not a discussion in that context whatsoever. He stated he is here to request that the City Council approve this action with full knowledge and understanding that if this item is approved, they will have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to get a variance on the set-back. He stated when they first came to the P&Z Commission and the City Council regarding this building, they originally had a carport drawn. At that time the P&Z Commission asked them to remove it as they did not like the design, and they did that, with the promise they would come back later on. They believed at that time the reason they were asked to remove the carport was that it had a flat roof, therefore, they went back and restructured it to include a hip roof, matching the shingles and matching the construction design which they have done so. Mr. McMahan said as relating to review letter Item #lb, they would be happy to comply; regarding Item #Ia, they physically cannot do that because of the location of the park'mg area. He stated he believes that the set-back requirements were written more in line to make sure that solid type structures with walls were not encroaching in that area. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 17 of Mayor Stacy stated he wonders how close this is and if it is a matter of semantics to require it to go to another board for approval because of what we call this building. Mayor Stacy commented, "I think it would be silly to move the parking to accommodate the covered roof over it, if the parking is appropriate." McMahan stated he would be happy to comply with the setback but it is impossible. The building is virtually completed and they should have their occupancy permit within the next two-three weeks. Councilmember Ronnie Kendall asked if there were any buildings completed with any tenants in them. McMahan replied, yes. Mr. McMahan was asked if before they began to occupy the building or before tenants signed their lease, were the tenants told there would be carports? McMahan stated they were told that they would try to get approval of the carport situation, but they could not promise. The tenants wanted him to try and get covered parking, according to McMahan. PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing. Councilmember Rex Potter stated it is his opinion that we should not have carports in commercial buildings. He stated he does not feel that is appropriate and asked where do you draw the line? Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy commented that David McMahan has complied with the ordinance from the aesthetics standards with brick columns. Motion was made to approve ZA 99-066. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Vote Fails: Moffat Stacy Moffat, DuPre, and Stacy Edmondson, Potter, and Kendall 3-3 vote Agenda Item #8-A, Ordinance No. 754, 1st Reading, Amendment to Master Thoroughfare Plan. Senior Planner Chris Carpenter presented Ordinance No. 754, l~t Reading, Amendment to the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan, to provide for a connecting street between White Chapel Boulevard and North Peytonville Avenue. The amendment presented is to amend the currently adopted Master Thoroughfare Plan to incorporate the addition of a collector- level-right-of-way in the vicinity of the Carroll ISD schools between White Chapel and Shady Oaks and the currently undeveloped area south of Coventry between Peytonville and Shady Oaks. He stated the text of the Master Thoroughfare Plan notes that the thoroughfares represented in the plan show only existing roadway networks, with the note that the city may need future rights-of-way at various points between existing roadways where no thoroughfare currently exists on the MTP if development conditions warrant it. In this case, the city would prefer to address the need for potential new rights- of-way in undeveloped areas by actually amending the MTP to show a new thoroughfare. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 18 of Amending the MTP to show a potential thoroughfare accomplishes at least two important objectives: 1) it serves as an advanced notice to property developers that there is a need to accommodate a new thoroughfare in their plans prior to the development of the property; and, 2) it serves as an advanced notice to surrounding property owners and others of possible changes to circulation patterns in the subject area. A discussion was held regarding the alignment. Councilmember Edmondson stated, "I'm sure the people in Cross Timbers would not like that because that was a concern that was voiced over and over again. They were very concerned about Woodbrook if the road would line up and that it would become a cut-through. It would be my hope that Peytonville would not turn into that kind of road." Mayor Stacy stated Peytonville would have a lot of traffic if there is a school on it. All he is trying to do is look at it from a serious safety perspective. Edmondson stated what she walked away from the meeting with, was that they were okay with having the road on the Plan with a more definitive alignment coming forward when all of the knowledge is available for the decision to be made. David McMahan, 1335 Hidden Glen, Southlake. Mr. McMahan stated this road is long over due and should have been on the map along time ago. This probably would not be necessary today. He is probably the only person in Cross Timber Hills that feels it should be put on the map. One of the greatest differences between this and Coventry is sheer distance from Peytonville all the way over to Randol Mill. He would really encourage in the future, to get this road on the Plan now, and worry about the exact alignment in the future. Doug Mayor, Coventry Manor Addition. Mr. Mayor stated he applauds staff and the City Council for taking the time to do this right. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 754, 1st Reading. Motion: Second: Ayes: Nays: Approved: Potter DuPre Potter, DuPre, Edmondson, Kendall, Moffat, and Stacy None 6-0 vote Agenda Item #Il-A, Discussion: Work§roup Plans. Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy passed out the master schedule of 1999 projects, and asked the City Council to fill out the form and bring it back at the next City Council meeting. Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 19 of Agenda Item #12, Adjournment Mayor Rick Stacy adjourned the Regular City Council meeting at 9:25 p.m. ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand C~ty Secretary ~ ! ~o~ 7. '~;" ....... _,x~' ~ Regular City Council Meeting of September 7, 1999 Page 20 of City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 27, 1999 TO: Staff and Interested Parties FROM: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Covered Parking/Carports in Non - residential Districts This memorandum addresses the issue of detached covered parking or carports in non - residential districts, and is intended to establish development standards for construction. In reviewing the ordinance, you will note that covered parking or carports are not mentioned as "Accessory Uses" in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 480 for the non - residential zoning districts. However, each zoning district defined in the Zoning Ordinance permits "Accessory Uses" as follows: "ACCESSORY USES - In addition to those accessory uses specifically authorized in Section 34 of this ordinance, any use may be established as an accessory use to a permitted use when it complies with the conditions for an accessory use as defined in this ordinance." You will also note that the definition mentioned above is as follows per the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2: "ACCESSORY BUILDING OR USE - A subordinate building having a use customarily incidental to and located on the same lot occupied by the main building; or a use customarily incidental to the main or principal use of the property. A building housing an accessory use is considered an integral part of the main building when it has any part of a wall in common with the main building, or is under an extension of the main roof and designed as an integral part of the main building." In examining the definitions provided in the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2, a carport is defined and shall be considered a "Building" and since the carport is subordinate to a principal use it shall be considered an "Accessory Building ": "BUILDING — Any structure built for the support, shelter and/or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or moveable property of any kind. When subdivided in a manner sufficient to prevent the spread of fire, each portion so subdivided may be deemed a separate building." A. The following general standards shall be applied when reviewing an application for Site Plan or Building Permit for a covered parking structure or carport: 1. The structure shall not be located forward of the principal structure. City of Southlake, Texas 2. A structure that is located in the "Rear Yard" of the property, as defined by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, the structure must be located a minimum of 10' from any property lines. 3. A structure that is not located in the "rear yard" of the property, as defined by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, shall not encroach into any side yard or front yard setback as defined by the underlying zoning district regulations. 4. Height shall not exceed one story or fourteen feet (14'). 5. No structure shall encroach into a designated bufferyard. 6. The property for which the structure is to be placed shall not exceed the maximum permitted "Lot Coverage" of the underlying zoning district, inclusive of all principal buildings, accessory buildings and covered parking or carports. B. In addition to the above standards, properties subject to the "Corridor Overlay Zone" as defined by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43 Part II, the following shall apply: 1. All structures having a footprint of 6,000 square feet or less shall be constructed with a pitched. Structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched, parapet, or mansard roof system (enclosed on all sides). If constructed with standing seam metal roof, it shall have a factory- treated, non - metallic, matte finish. Metal roofs with lapped seamed construction, bituminous built -up roofs, and flat, membrane type roofs, which are visible from adjacent public rights -of -way, shall be prohibited. 2. Exposed structural support columns shall be constructed or clad in the same masonry material as the principal structure. 3. In addition to the other factors set out in the Zoning Ordinance, Concept Plans, Development Plans and Site Plans shall be reviewed for: a) Achieving the intent of the Architectural Standards and Site Design Standards of the "Corridor Overlay Zone ". b) Proper site entry identification and site circulation to avoid congestion at ingress and egress points. 4. Horizontal and vertical facade articulation shall be required on any sides of the structure having a wall that is visible from S.H. 114, Carroll Avenue between S.H. 114 and F.M. 1709, or F.M. 1709. City of Southlake, Texas 5. Any walls constructed shall comply with the "Masonry Standards" of the "Corridor Overlay Zone" Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c1(a) and shall be constructed of a masonry material similar to the principal structure. C. In addition to the above standards, structures subject to the "Residential Adjacency Standards" as defined by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43 Part III, the following shall apply: 1. All structures having a footprint of 6,000 square feet or less shall be constructed with a pitched. Structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched, parapet, or mansard roof system (enclosed on all sides). If constructed with standing seam metal roof, it shall have a factory- treated, non - metallic, matte finish. Metal roofs with lapped seamed construction, bituminous built -up roofs, and flat, membrane type roofs, which are "visible" from a residential property line, shall be prohibited. 2. No non - single family residential structure may encroach above a line having a 4:1 slope from any single family residential property. However, a structure may be built up to within 40' of the residential property line, provided that the structure is no greater than one story or 20' in height. Further more, applicable structures, abutting a local street (i.e. residential street or cul -de- sac as defined in the Thoroughfare Plan), shall provide minimum front and side yards equivalent to the front and side yards required for the single family residential property within 400', but not less than the required front and side yards otherwise required in the underlying zoning district. 3. Horizontal and vertical facade articulation shall be required on any sides of the structure having a wall. 4. Any walls constructed shall comply with the "Masonry Standards" of the "Residential Adjacency Standards" Ordinance 480, Section 43.13a and shall be constructed of a masonry material similar to the principal structure. D. Covered parking or carports attached to the principal structure shall be considered a part of the principal structure, and shall comply with all regulations and standards applicable to the principal structure. Should you have questions regarding the above, please call Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, at (817) 481 -5581, extension 787. DKK L: \COMDEV\WP- FILES\SOPACC BLDG.WPD r v' C 6) C E 8 r U /° 0 A.' 1 i v . () O O O O G I 1hI • CC) 0 t.. w? 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C. up 41 a) 0 0 0 u u A City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 3, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shawn Poe, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J. L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc. for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive Action Requested: Approve Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J. L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $29,863.50 for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. Background Information: The reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive includes several drainage improvements. The City has planned the drainage improvements for several years but were not constructed because no drainage easements existed. Three drainage easements were obtained for these drainage improvements when the Oakwood Pond Addition was platted. The drainage easements are required to convey the drainage from the land west of Ridgecrest to the creek that is east of Ridgecrest (see exhibit 1). The original design of the drainage improvements within these three drainage easements was to construct earthen channels that would extend from Ridgecrest to the creek. An additional drainage easement across the Shelton property (on the east side of Oakwood Pond) was also needed to grade -to -drain to the creek from drainage easement #2 (see exhibit 1). At this point, the creek is farther east of the Oakwood Pond property. Mr. Shelton would not voluntarily grant the easement unless the drainage was contained in a storm drain pipe within drainage easements #1 & #2. The City acquiesced to Mr. Shelton's demands and the storm drain was included in the original bid for the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive. The drainage improvements within drainage easement #3 remained an earthen channel due to cost considerations. The amount of drainage that is conveyed in drainage easement #3 is substantially more than what is conveyed in drainage easements #1 & #2, resulting in a larger storm drain structure. Construction began on the channel within drainage easement #3 in August 1999. There were several trees removed to construct the channel. During construction of the channel, it was determined that more trees would be 10B - 1 City of Southlake, Texas required to construct the channel as designed. The channel was designed with side slopes having a 4:1 ratio. In other words, the channel sides would slope down one vertical foot for every 4 horizontal feet. I have included pictures as the channel exists currently on exhibit 2. The channel as shown in the pictures has side slopes with approximately a 2:1 ratio. If a box culvert is installed in lieu of the channel, several trees can be saved and the property owner can maintain the drainage easement more effectively and easier. Financial Considerations: On November 17, 1998, the City Council approved the bid with J.L. Bertram for $311,560.56. On March 2, 1999, the City Council approved Change Order No. 1. The change order was to repave Southlake Park Road. Southlake Park Road was the only street not repaved in 1996 . in the Hilltop and Kidwell Additions because the funds for that project were depleted (see exhibit 1). Change Order No. 1 totaled $28,479.75, which brought the contract price to $340,040.31. _ • Change Order No. 2 totals 29,863.50 (see attached). This is to construct a box culvert from Ridgecrest Drive to the existing pond east of Ridgecrest Drive within drainage easement #3 (see exhibit 1). • The current project cost, including engineering and surveying, is $370,640.31. • Therefore, the project cost, including engineering, surveying, Change Order No. 1, and Change Order No. 2, is $400,503.81. This is $44,927.81 above the budgeted amount of $355,576. The additional funds can be obtained using existing funds that remain from past or ongoing projects. Attached is exhibit 3 that is the current CIP Project Cost Ledger that includes the additional cost of Change Order No. 2 for the Ridgecrest project. Citizen Input/ Board Review: Mr. & Mrs. Schaible reside at the residence where the proposed box culvert is located. Obviously, the Schaibles are concerned about the removal of any additional trees on their property within the drainage easement. They would prefer the box culvert in lieu of the channel. Legal Review: None Alternatives: The only alternative rather than installing the box culvert is to build the channel as designed so that the drainage can be conveyed and the property owner can adequately maintain the channel. To do so, several trees within the drainage easement would have to be removed. IOB -2 City of Southlake, Texas Supporting Documents: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Change Order No. 2 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve Change Order No. 2 to the contract with J. L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc. for the installation of a box culvert associated with the reconstruction of Ridgecrest Drive for the amount of $29,863.50. Please place this item on the September 7, 1999 Regular City Council Agenda for review and consideration. SEP /sep Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office m: \wd- files\memos\ridgecrest co2.doc 10B -3 E XHIBIT _t ,d �� . � s ea E � 3 31 ; r \ 4 •,: • I /�� ✓ % / r r r x le Ay x {r %` mkm \i a 4 . ^�'� s %? , � \\ `^�, . , . ya Y\ux !' 'i,f .• :, :. y u � a�t> k^ \ a \ a �.' ate: s; i W " :1 . k 'aM 4 h a ,' - nw ,� 9 � Al a .. \ e .€'�'� x 47 r. / ke g r ' / h / v . 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" .: , ` l . ., i4 .s / 'x9 • R '" 4s �ks .. g " o ;z ( '•�� r , , � y ... / � , a+a •$� '% w a S a£Y a ' .s �^ : z� Ridgecrest Channe (Loo e ast fr R idgecre st Drive) ax 3.,:.,3...,, f ' 4 S 4 5: .^` i.,.„ R �f"f 9f• ' ,,, 1 , . s , K SJ 'R ; s ` .'yam !"` k,�'�a ]G • a; gy p, �. � 5 ) ; 9 i ` Y dJffi'^3 y `Y wme erw '1\ ` . .< h' �c . \ \`W ,. , F i e ,' 's z s / r,: ,� % �• �./ �aE�� v� \` \ ��ia` � \� � \ ° f ,do- `. ;t '. sas - F a y !~'' ,/ 6 ;''C, zu`°i`y` 'v g i �eZ \ \ \ . \ a a Mdl�-' ".t`, 33 s./ c , 7 <"" � d i y s.r• R"`. s'yuzir x \r '� g ag �^'• r x .�. � A `r ; _.� y am .'.•• '� erg¢ d - s ... , e : _�. h rc i< w....W � >t sn Y ..zw - a x�rr. . �' 4 s ,s i �aw"1 4� • q - • 4 ti a l ax '°! . 4 a R k ' •x s• i r . T " ' % %'.9 /.' _ \ " . 3s 4 yF ae :�. :9 * 9 s: �'� .s>.. ° .d 3 � ga ° *ac >2 a__ R. $ ak tx3¢'a s" s / h ' � u i ryq°„ `m'a t i \ 1 : 4 ai j s6D f "a ' �'a• x ,� „� '` z �.� , \ mo o. / w s s ���,� y , sR + 1 9" h a sh • ' x ' ' `' ` '.`�Z. - a a Ai j : xiri s �'s a�j,��i,�3 z �� �sY�'� �� �� �f°�.c ,�"' �y �" �t,,�p � °4' h S' , s `r 4 ��s ws Y'yR •a* wrrr� m. a.a r, Ridge Cha ( west from p ond toward Rid g ecrest Drive) 5 1OB — EXHIBIT 3 CIP PROJECT COSTS LEDGER A 1 B C D 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION I BUDGETED AMOUNT BID / FINAL COST { DIFFERENCE 2 1.5 MGD MIRON ELEVATED TOWER * i $1,860,000 $1,832,0001 $28,000 i- 3 20" WATERLINE ALONG FM 1709 8641,000 8638,408 __ 82.592 4 24" WATER LINE ALONG N. WHITE CHAPEL 8850,000 $826,455' 823.545 5 BRUMLOW 8112,700 8111,000∎ _ 81,700 6 BURNEY LN. - REHAB CUL -DE -SAC ∎ $57,000 864,523 ! (87.523) 7 BYRON NELSON STOP LIGHT 840,000 $65,000 j (825.000) 8 BYRON NELSON STRIPING $65,000_ $74.163 (59,163) 9 COMMERCE TRAFFIC LIGHT* 8100,000 548,405; 851.595 10 DIAMOND CIRCLE STREETS & SEWER $1,286,000 S990,1611 8295,839_ 11 DOVE ACRES SEWER * 1 $405,000 $205,4741 S199,526 12 DOVE FORCE MAIN* $1,747,500 82,080,3181 (S332.818) 13 DOVE/HIGHLAND PAVING* 8611,480 8778,533' (S167.053) 14 DOVE, SH 114 WATER LINE RELOCATION 8339,200 8280,424 S58.776 15 FLORENCE TOWER TANK PAINTING 8105,000 8152,200' (847.200) 16 FM 1709 TRAFFIC SEQUENCING * 1 8120,000 842,000, 578.000 17 HILLWOOD SEWER* $95,000 $82,415. 812.586 18 HUNTWICK ESTATES SEWER 5200,0001 S276,I23 (S76.123) 19 JELLICO SEWER * j $500,000' 8419,723, 580.277 20 KIRKWOOD WATER LINE - S326,000 - S266.159 S5,84i 21 LAKE DRIVE WATER, SEWER, PAVING * 8364,5001 8376.991 (812.491) 22 LILAC LN. WATER, SEWER STREET * $234,6001 S286,782 (S52.182) 23 MISSION HILL SEWER S430,0001 S489,099! (859.099) 24 N. WHITE CHAPEL - COUNTY LINE TO LAKE * S340,0001 8470,970 (5130.970) 25 N. WHITE CHAPEL - DOVE TO COUNTY LINE , $181,850 $177,010' S4,840 26 N -3 & N-4 LIFT STATIONS* S1,000,000 51,009,500 (89,500) 27 PEARSON GROUND STORAGE TANK NO. 2 * 81,687,400 $1,545,247'11 $142,153 28 PINE SEWER* I $200,000 5183,368I S16.632 29 PLANTATION SEWER $110,400 584,676∎ 525.724 30 PUBLIC WORKS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS* $405,600 $472,580 (866.980) 31 PUMP STATION NO. 2 * $3,110,000 S3,146,800 � (S36,800) 32 RAINTREE SHADY LN WATER, SEWER, PAVING 81,925,995 S1,615,029! S310.966 33 RIDGECREST * $355,576 S400,504', (844,928) 34 SABRE SEWER CONNECTION - SOLANA j $25,000 S21,700 j S3.300 35 SHADY OAKS TRAFFIC LIGHT * 8100,000 $91,0001 S9.000 36 SOUTHLAKE / KELLER PUMP STATION MOD. S300,000 S294,000 86.000 37 TIMARRON - BENT CREEK REPAIR * j $726,986 8699,315; S27.671 38 TROPHY CLUB 24" WATER LINE * S1,511,000 S1,440,693, S70.307 39 W. CONTINENTAL RECON. - PHASE 1 * $640,424 $640,096', S328 40 W. DOVE RECON. - PEYTONVILLE TO SHADY OAKS $259,680 S298,397 (S38.717) 41 WATER & SEWER TO MIRON ADDITION $196,781 $262,535 (S65,754) 42 TOTAL $23,566,672 $23,239,774 43 TOTAL (OVER)/UNDER BUDGET 1 S326,898 44 I 45 *Project not yet complete. Cost shown reflects contract bid price & engineering, surveying costs j 46 1 47 j I , 48 1 8/31/99 10B -6 CHANGE ORDER No. 2 Date: August 31. 1999 OWNER'S Project No. 97 -3005 ENGINEER's Project No. 001 -229 Project Paving and Drainage Improvements, Ridgecrest Drive OWNER Citv of Southlake Contract for Paving and Drainage Improvements Contract Date: December 9, 1998 To: J.L. Bertram Construction and Engineering, Inc. Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: City of Southlake Owner By: Date: , 1999 Nature of the changes: Construction of 1 — 5' x 3' precast or poured in place box culvert in lieu of an open channel. See attached proposal tabulation. These changes result in the following adjustment of contract price and contract time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $ $340,640.31 Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order $ $29,863.50 Current Contract Price Including this Change Order $ $400, 503.81 NSPE -ASCE 1910 -8 -B (1978 Edition) 108 -7 Contract Time Prior to this Change 140 Calendar Days _ (Days or Date) Net (Increase) (Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order 60 Calendar Days (Days) Current Contract Time Including this Change Order 200 Calendar Days (Days or Date) The above changes are recommended: City ofSouthlake Owner By: Ronald J.. Harper, P.E. Date: , 1999 The above changes are accepted: J.L. Bertram Construction & Engineering, Inc. Contractor By: Date: , 1999 10B -8 Aug -16 -99 10:46A J_L. BERTRAM CONSTRUCTION 2613044 P_02 PMPOSALSCHEDELE ITEMS DELETED ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION & PRICE IN WORDS PRICE IN FIGURES NO. AND UNIT UNIT TOTAL 1. (15.) 80 L.F. 42" dia. CLIII reinforced concrete pipe culverts, installed complete in place, to include pipe, excavation, installation, embedment and backfill for the sum of One Hundred Twenty Two Dollars No Cents per linear foot S 122.00 S 9.760.00 2. (21.) 1 EA. Furnish & install Tex -Dot CH -11 Type A endwall on double 42" dia. RCP storm drain pipe, complete installation for the sum of • Thirteen Hundred Ninety Dollars No Cents per each $ 1.390.00 $ 1.390.00 3. (22.) 7 Unclassified channel excavation to lines and grades called for in the plans, complete for the sum of Th e— Dollars Ste Cents per cubic yard $ - 3 - "67 - g fl 4. (23.) 1,600 S.F. Furnish & install 6" thick reinforced concrete rip -rap where shown in the plans, complete installation, for the sum of Four Dollars Eighty One Cents per square foot $ 4.8L S 7.69600 5. (24.) 2,500 S.F. Construct 6" thick reinforced concrete channel lining where shown in the plans, complete installation, as detailed and/or as specified, including necessary excavation and grading, for the sunTi of Four Dollars Eighty One Cents per square foot S 4.81 S 12.025.00 P -1 10B -9 Aug -16 -99 10:46A J_L_ BERTRAM CONSTRUCTION 2613044 P_03 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION & PRICE IN WORDS PRICE IN FIGURES NO. AND UNIT UNIT TOTAL 6. (27.) 72 L.F. Furnish & install 2' x 2' "stone gabions" across waterway where called for in the plans, including necessary filter cloth., complete as detailed and/or as specified, for the sum of Thirty Three Dollars No Cents per linear foot $ 33.00 $ 2.376.00 ITEMS DELETED TOTAL: $ -33 Z `f 7 ITEMS ADDED 7. 245.50 L.F. 5' x 3' Concrete box culvert 1-1-20 TxDOT design; complete in place including excavation embedment and backfi[1 for the sum of Dollars Air) Cents per linear foot 5 z $ 5 6 '4 — 8. (23.) 550 S.F. Furnish & install 6" thick reinforced concrete rip -rap where shown in the plans, complete installation, for the sum of Fnur Dollars Eighty One Cents per square foot $ 4.81 5 2.645.50 9. 1 EA. 10' x 5' Drop inlet; complete in place for the sum of Dollars Cents per each $ 4c-er> ' $ — ITEMS ADDED TOTAL: $ 43 //o " Fill one blank only: DIFFERENCE INCREASE: S Z'4.3 DIFFERENCE DECREASE: $ __ P -2 10B -10 h II Exhibit 1 11 v NI _ .. F ....Er G soKE 11111■ Mi E s S I1 , ,,. � � At Scheduled for Overlay as Change Order No. 1 — f , 111 Overlayed in 1996 r . — eR I I \ /__ <`, • ARK RD _ .ARBOR • pP aria , O 11 2...Jam:taw. i _ 1 . RB ,,,00,..„,0-,‘ II ` ,_,, II al ° PN °R E S1 P EE II 1 11 1 , .. II) . II li►� D • = KS f i F � OP t_- II > T PEE :"` f" . • • Exist' l: , � ' , W I Creek ■ ■ D \� Dr� Easement # 3 gill CARR LL Drainage Easement # .. i ., a r. •`• 11 MID LE ` Shelton D ainage u 1' S HOOL • I I : 1' . a Ea :emert # II A .. 1 1 1 F � Drainage Easement # 1 - 40' au • _ Drainage Easement # 2 - 40' Drainage Easement # 3 - 50' No Scale I I <;eogtaphic Information Systems 1OB -4 City of Southlake, Texas -- i MEMORANDUM September 3, 1999 To: Billy Campbell, City Manager From: Charlie Thomas, City Engineer Subject: Coventry Manor Addition — Traffic Calming Action Requested: Consider approving the installation of "raised cobblestone strips" in the Coventry Manor Addition. Background Information: For several months, the City staff has been working with the homeowners in Coventry Manor Addition regarding "traffic control devices ". After the City staff met with the homeowners, a study of possible traffic calming devices such as speed humps and landscaped islands was done by the City staff. This was then presented to the homeowners. The homeowners had two traffic concerns. One was speeding and the other was cut - through traffic. The homeowners determined that they did not want speed humps and the landscaped islands would not allow the Fire Department adequate space to set up the equipment for fighting fires; therefore, the islands were disregarded. The homeowners submitted a petition requesting "raised cobblestone strips" (that they had seen in other subdivisions). They also asked for increased enforcement of the speed limit in their neighborhood. The Public Safety Department has been doing increased patrol in the neighborhood and that has had a definite impact when the patrols were present. The City staff has investigated the "raised cobblestone strips" suggested by the homeowners. It is a strip of "stamped concrete" ten -feet wide placed across the street. The strip is raised approximately 1-1/2 inches above the pavement which is only half as high as normal speed humps. The strips definitely get the 10A -1 drivers attention and is a good reminder to the driver to be aware of their speed. The strips are aesthetically pleasing and are not nearly as intrusive as speed humps. It is the City staff's opinion that the raised strips could be effective in making drivers more conscious of their speed without being a nuisance in the neighborhood. It is my opinion that the raised strips would have no impact on cut - through traffic. The City staff has identified the need for at least three locations. Prior to installation of the raised strips, the Homeowner's Association should approve the locations recommended by the City staff. Financial Considerations: The cost of the raised cobblestone strips is estimated by an area contractor to be approximately $4,700 per strip. This includes removal of existing pavement and construction of the raised cobblesu.ac strip. Funding could come from unused CIP funds or be budgeted in the 99/00 budget for street maintenance. Citizen Inputi Board Review: Homeowners of Coventry Manor have submitted a petition requesting the raised cobblestone strips. Legal Review: None. Alternatives: Approve the installation of raised cobblestone strips or disapprove the installation. Approve the City paying 100 % of the cost or require the Homeowner's Association to pay for a portion of the cost. Supporting Documents: Map Exhibit Pictures 1 OA-2 Staff Recommendation: Place this request on the September 7, 1999 Council agenda for Council consideration and approval. de•ZPe Charlie J. Thomas City Engineer Approved for Submittal to City Council: (1 City Manager's Office 10A -3 . _. _. ..... out -_ .. can ., the talk of the town. 1 t `a 1 4. 1 \ : 1 t ! t 1. ' —' ( ' i 3 - • Y 1 t < A rte b ‘ R+- \ a_ I I II maniie cast-in-place architectural v 'i.ret. taiviti is ate perfl par'Ar snhrtion for all your umui,cipal prltrct:ts_ With 25 stanalanl cl lon.= attii ttttrre than 9O ;realive patterns t o choose from, I3ninanitc cornhines L your die durability of r coner until the ant�,� of ntt makv,'ri1I 1 K_ .Vla iyour iii x ti7llll7<]j)it4 ?r?i�ji. t LltIllilitLL a quality paving p i1i.ct. call your Iv*..•11 tae ?maitlte contractor, ' 13 The Paving Innov - , 10111-4 1 1 c ......... 1 ,,, .. 1 .e i ing �`tnc va to 1. L 1 . , ,.. f ..,. J.% 3�w . , • ..,,,.• , ,. . 1 e4; s I Y _:mot ,.. -._ -„ -- -_ , , u ms r+s= .—�. " a - � ' yaw` , �y.' , ts ..t�'? � ` r .. - r ,, ` - � - . `': � .r �a'>' '" .,,....,,,...•••• , '.,. , ; : itrie'' " '=' . ..- ✓ 'YM °�tl" • ^ gy m ` �'„ '. zm �s , y ' ,` r �TMl `" ' a & : t � F�§ rte, , - _.� r .. .a � ' * - • E ''' '' ‘: '" ' '. ' ''' ' ' ' - " ' :-., '.'''' 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