1999-08-10UNOFFICIAL MINUTES--- NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AUGUST 10, 1999 MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall. Members: Patsy DuPre, Rex Potter, Wayne Moffat. COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Debra Edmondson and Gary Fawks. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Director of Economic Development Greg Last; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson; Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Interim Director of Finance Lynn Martinson; Interim Director of Planning and Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy; Public Information Officer James Kunke; Deputy Director of Public Safety Police Services Gary Gregg; Deputy Director of Public Safety Fire Services Ricky Black; Department of Public Safety Administrative Operations Coordinator Malcolm Jackson; Director of Human Resources Lauren Safranek; City Attorney Debra Drayovitch; and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Mayor Rick Stacy called the Special City Council meeting to order at 5:50 p.m, Agenda Item #2-A, Executive Session Mayor Rick Stacy advised the audience that the City Council would be going into executive session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076 to seek consultation with the City Attorney regarding pending and contemplated litigations, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property, a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, to deliberate the appointments and evaluation of public officials, to confer with one or more employees to receive information from or to question the employees, and to deliberate the deployment of specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Council adjourned into executive session at 5:53 p.m. Council returned to open session at 6:17 p.m. Agenda Item #2-B, Action Necessary/Executive Session Motion was made to direct staffto continue negotiations for the purchase of property on West Dove Road at a price of $680,000, as discussed in executive session. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 1999 PAGE 1 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES--- NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Motion: Kendall Second: DuPre Ayes: Kendall, DuPre, Potter, Moffat, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Ordinance No. 752, 1st Reading~ Project Plan and Financing Plan for TIF Zone Number One. Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer stated Ordinance No. 752 is to amend the project plan and financing plan which as you know the TIF Board met prior to this meeting and did approve the changes in the plans. Ms. Siemer stated the main changes to the project plan include some additional items that have been put into the plan. Amounts have been provided into the plan for educational facilities, and for the library and initial capital expenditures related to the library facility. Also, $1.9 million has been included for the capital maintenance costs related to the Town Hall, which includes site work, and F.F.& E. costs (furniture, fixtures and equipment). Those are the two new items. The school improvement projects have been amended as well, and those were approved by the TIF board. A copy of the memorandum dated August 6, 1999, prepared by Ms. Siemer is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. First Southwest Company Dan Roseveare, stated, the TIF Board met and approved the amended Financing Plan and the Project Plan. He reviewed the numbers in the TIF #1 Financial Projects and Analysis for Council and the audience. A copy of the information provided is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 752, 1st Reading, Project and Financial Plans. Motion: DuPre Second: Moffat Ayes: DuPre, Moffat, Potter, Kendall, Stacy Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #4, Adjournment Mayor Stacy adjourned the meeting at 6:35 M"~r Rick Stacy Sfin~a IJ. LeGrand ~ i ~ ..:x> = City Secretary ~.,, $:\City SecretaryWllNUTESXSpec-cc-min-8-'~l~ ........... SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 1999 PAGE2 .4■ AO 1 The City of f4. -" in N. T :* ` ' p Draft 4 r OUTHLAKE ' -'" Final i I , ! ! S OUTH FORK ---- - ' KIRKWOOD BRANCH Report j ia " 4,,,,,..P- R d r P HASE 2 . l .J th is � � r ' MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN �__ AUGUST 999 ,�' , . �� r ._ MY L 14 •• L r7 _Y.^ G .,r 4 ., - r� A• or A - MI 5• r ! 4 h • ' ). , .i!'�, a` _ { 1 .. • 1 - � s" • • _+�' *'•y' , '- ' `� V') . t4 . . _ .-'a 4� "• _ - � � - ' v — � t . �' �� ill �# 1 R..5 70_, ,,, �'ri 4 } Y j 't t t r 4 } S 1 } „:ur, i • 4 4 `�� FREESE • NICHOLS 1 1 , ._ - 2 k -;---- Q ' Subm b ; ri -' c f , r � 0 F REE S E AND NICHOLS, INC. '� on i all Executive Summary In the City of Southlake's Phase 1 Master Drainage Plan, an inventory ofthe major streams within the City of Southlake was developed and the streams were prioritized for study in greater detail. This Phase 2 Master Drainage Plan provides a detailed study ofthe South Fork Kirkwood Branch, including A an evaluation ofthe watershed hydrology, stream hydraulic characteristics, flood ha zardmreats to existing roadway crossings and inhabitable structures, and erosion and water quali ; : : s along the stream. Recommendations for stream improvements and stream management approaches , . a been developed Ord` to address the problems identified in each of these areas.: 4. The Federal Emergency Management Agency recor% i }sus ig the 100 -year , :.::: €nt as the primary basis for evaluating flood hazards along a stream. Tor ' , :.- 4 ed to enlarge drainage systems in the future, the proposed plans were based on the Ultimate Jevel'; ` 0, ditions ofthe watershed. By comparing the surveyed finished floor elevations:o:, :t.ol es near the •Vii~' ' ''$ ` th the flood elevations during the 100 -year Ultimate Development Sto PA.. : ` ` as':•.09#4,4 no i j. a., itable structures along the stream are inundated. However, the West r � and, Rena 0:Mg P •ks, West Dove, State Highway 114, and North White Chapel Crossings �a' all over durirg`">this event. Beyond minor sedimentation l if em and flow obstructions, one additi flooding 'concern i scated upstream of West Highland where localized nui .since flooding i ':.i§ ; g. In addition, :: ' ted areas of stream bank erosion were identified. recomm d " > for pu improvements proceeding from this study are to upgrade ✓ ` `' f " i'nth venau Shady Oaks, West Dove Road, andNorthWhite existing roadvva:tf�`€s � • s at We ` ° Ra x, Chapel Road tom:;. _,`' »`:. . ear Ultimate Development storm, construct a small earthen channel . f ;- ..v::. strea &fWest Hi • ;, o u r m Elementary, provide additional storage capacity at the Durham p g rY, P g P Y Elementary detention fn reove minor sedimentation and flow obstructions, and provide stream bank g egos pn protection at isol ed areas. The Opinion ofProbable Construction Cost for the recommended At *ma SiiiikManagemeairan is provided in Table 5. Inundation mapping for the stream will be provided once a t made available and should become a valuable planning tool for the City. The plan proposes to obtain the limits ofthe 100 -Year Ultimate Development Floodplain within an easement and provides guidance for pursuing this objective. i South Fork Kirkwood Branch Phase 2 Master Drainage Plan AUGUST 1999 Prepared for: City of Southlake Draft Final Report -0 7 / • CURTIS BLANE BEITEL , -o �• 83213 •: Q by Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109 817/735 -7300 SOL98523 Table of Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Description of Watershed 1 Allir 1.3 Problem Description 2 2.0 ATE R S HED ANALYSIS IS 3 2.1 Hydrology o gY ill. .410" "Vininidigbaiiir W Mg .41F Iihnigilliiiii6.... Aggr atershed H do 1 W ate s . Y 2. 2.2 Stream Hydraulics cs 6 Bridge Hydraulic Analysis 'N'% 7 2.3 g y Y 2.4 Opinions of Probable Construction Coal for $edges 'lir . "11121211. 3.0 STREAM MANAGEMENT MASTZULANNThiGiiiiiik 3.1 Stream Management Apia" c 11 3.2 Improvements Independent of .Streami M Bement Approach 13 3.3 Proposed Stre; Plans;;:r""""' 13 Ale: Air Air 3.4 Opinions o robable Construction, C ost for Plans 16 Arir rn 3.5 Recoe ded Stream.Manag ent Plan 18 0 DETAILS RECOMMENDATIONS - 111111111k,„, - 111111111116, illagimiggrioriti*Witifawadway Crossing Upgrades 19 4.2 :,; ;., �fDrainage Improvements 21 4.3 Inuxo.Mapping of Stream 24 4.4 DrainaeEasement Acquisition 24 Am 4.5 N4 ntenance Recommendations 28 :: Appe n dix A Existing Conditions Profiles A -1 H„ "``Appendix B Proposed Conditions Without Detention Profiles B -1 Appendix C Proposed Conditions With Detention Profiles C -1 Appendix D Hydrologic Parameters D -1 City of Southlake South Fork Kirkwood Branch Phase 2 Master Drainage Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Att, The City of Southlake (City) recently completed Phase =>i fthe Ma e Plan, a city -wide evaluation of Southlake' s drainage infrastructure. This analysialso includ, an ofthe exisg streams and channels in the city, prioritizing them based on hi offlo ' g, number trOpoe public safety, and potential for development criteria. Thro ,$ thi:; ocess, the South or Kirkwood Branch watershed was identified as the fourth highest r. the city. This Phase 2 study is a detailed analysis of each watershed which develops:4a stream m: <,. W g plan to provide flood protection of inhabitable structures and citizen �; > }'a crossin. . s well as address erosion ,000- control and water quality concerns. Three general appro:cl:; ;< " ,.trianagement were developed, and three stream management plans representing a c 3�mbination ofthose approaches were developed for the South Fork Kirkwood Branch. jiiigifieral, sine no inhab structures are flooded by the 100 -year Ali ultimate flood event, the Phase 24tAdy focused 00 : proving the level of protection at the roadway crossings :nd 0reventin <'; s from be g constructed in the floodplain. 3:00Wit NOM* 'w' ? ..<'.` `` R>T`: C "". "aJ -:r'i ' oH3,s50 .t;rn`r�X>.. INAPANIN 1.2 Descripti ldfi atershed. T h e outh Foiitlsytwo Fork Branch watershed originates in Southlake and flows approximately 2.6 d o"' 0111086 milesntiithward to its conf ue c± kith Kirkwood Branch, just north ofNorth White Chapel Road, about Arx 0.%itilles before Kirkwodilf Branch flows into Lake Grapevine. The stream is predominantly a natural c hann el with very few.provements within its banks. The upper half ofthe watershed consists ofmainly 1091gpfogyvAataium density residential, most of which has been developed. The lower half of the watershed. wa6tagttiitigow State Highway 114 is just beginning to experience development, although none ofthe development is encroaching on the stream. The land along State Highway 114 is zoned for mixed use, office, and retail, none of which has been developed. 1 1.3 Problem Description Four recurring drainage problems in the South Fork Kirkwood Branch watershed were identified in Phase 1 ofthe Master Drainage Plan. The existing box culverts at N. White Chapel, West Dove Street, Shady Oaks Drive are undersized, resulting in possible flooding ofthe roadways. The single 36" RCP under West Highland Street is also undersized. 44 AP During the site visit, a number of obstructions to flow in the stream wereiditied. Just upstream of N. White Chapel, in an electric utility easement, there is a srriOftlarn across ii s..< : a 36" CN, P hifir Air outlet which has been completely clogged. This has forced to, around t1 =end offtiOxId0Orpding4kew ofthe channel. Several small beaver dams were also found frothigittOnighway 114 to N. ' : ite .lapel. In f lat addition, there is a sizeable dam on the property immediately of State Highway 114, the outlet ofwhich has not been maintained. Durham Elementary and tie stadium f e unnior high school have been constructed in the headwaters of South Fork Kirke d' anch. ThekijailtiWline The elevation of the is h t a me4g i `h s. some. he overbank downstream, detention pond at the elementary school e. e'vil€1�; .. AP' arkft#111P0 resulting in some nuisance flooding ofbacklards. Thee is Aft:: significant embankment that is located AAP one lot downstream of the detention'od at Durham Eler4tary and likely has a backwater effect upstream. The Ravenaux crossinasexpered sedim with a significant growth of cattails If lagt downstream fthe crossing. ., O1 am ofthe smsolfroDrive Crossing, erosion ofthe stream bank has borrow h o n addition, the bo fn I addt in steel fence. f n existing stee hreaf >`l''�� "`'�` tural integrity o a e , occurred<�. t ; t. ?�.�''n� g Y g ditches aloniAkilirkths are not niitliktg4Mbgh to convey the runoff from relatively frequent storms and ,�:: ..,<.' .< ,fi „ s::�: :<: > > f 8' the lower 2 feet e e i t two , 8: y`' box culverts under S.H. 114 is silted up. in addition to these thegroalaittdrainage problems in the watershed, TxDOT is currently in the design .„0 paapge procOs Construction ofthis project is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2000, and will have an impact on the South Fork Kirkwood Branch watershed. The enlargement aaS: e existin two : ' =b 8' box culverts to four 8' by 8' box culverts will allow more flow to pass under S`H Y _ =s reducin� the detention effects of the existing drainage system. ,.. >.�.; g g g Y 2 2.0 ANALYSIS OF WATERSHED 2.1 Watershed Hydrology The South Fork Kirkwood Branch watershed was divided into 10 subbasins in order to estimate the discharges at several points along the creek, as shown in Figure 1. Two subbasins were delineated upstream of West Highland Street, with additional subbasins for local runoff down tovenaux, Shady AA Air '`' ` Oaks, Garden Court, West Dove, S.H. 114, Future Kirkwood Boulevard >'::< .7 Chapel, xi,' :max..;;:... Chapel, and down to the confluence with the Kirkwood Branch. SO ' " ' ° ` >: d ov do The hydrologic methods used in the original FEMAF1.00d Insuranc Study (f IS included thelOial aramet`' " and Uniform loss method and Snyder ' s unit hydrograph. ' � soil loss p e*� the FIS 1411 4k:i0 for sand and clay soils were also used in this study. Determinatio the sand and clay content of soils were based on the SCS Soil Survey of Tarrant County, and vere u§440', s"MI& the values for initial and uniform losses for each subbasin. The land use for each ` > ` in, for v444 ultimate development dititt"1 40e conditions, was estimated using the City's existiuerial too . field observation, and the City's Land Use Plan adopted in January of 1998. The percent imerviouta;'anization values were estimated Alt F st using recommendations from the SC$)Technical Pher 55 ai guidance from the Corps ofEngineers. Also Zir Lag times for the subbasins were y l ulated ROO the urbanization curves originally used in the FIS. <;. tar rat 116,44 ° Sn der's peaking coefficient ( p.) yalues wefOlibpaiWis those used in the original FIS. The parameters Atm i sc >: ::::. rge .: <.:h b i used for d E program HEC -1 was %tt� " `��;fthe drscb <r��,tes may be viewed in Appendix D. The CO used to develop a ydrog'rap or ach subbasin, and these results are shown in Table 1. 4 WD* VOW The ultla "rent desig`"scharges will also depend on whether improvements are made to the existing detentionDoggPgrham Elementary. A four lane (64 feet) collector street is proposed /If WNW alone northern edge of attention pond. During construction of this roadway, the storage capacity ofthe pond could be incr through additional excavation ofthe pond and modifications to the outlet staure. The low.er`i'scharges coming from the pond would lead to a reduction in the size of drainage WaganiaggeWP structures : , ; p oposed along South Fork Kirkwood Branch, as shown in Table 1. In proposing improvements along South Fork Kirkwood Branch, two alternatives have been provided: an "as -is" condition which proposes structure sizing based upon no detention enhancements at the school site, and another which assumes improvements to the detention facility at the school have taken place. 3 7 , : : It . . �,� ! � < ....-- - - - ' J / "• �7f: ,` !/ fart 7p'•••-"•-•,-22':-.•:-• it. Ni s : --- ; i --- :‘,..4 , :, ; s„,7,,- v. .1.:1,...;\ — . ;•:, or ; , N , / / °° ‘,;----11 ^N, L P. r _ �1 T* 4 :: i A Y/)1 si j ) Ir } f • � . ✓ / / 1 4; . y (1-; \ '.• •� \ " ' ; % „ " 1%.,- f / ■ , mss' • �— . . • � ,/ ` s r f i / 1 ..� ., ♦ t 40 _ • lei iu s 1 . • , � \ ,/s 1 fi /, `a ^° z 1 t A. ti / /� \ f I �' Y /;.::::../.,, . f, '',:!..../f, • h� t , t \ r' 4 1') J --,:L'...'•'''7..,,', i � J i t i /. 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L ` s f s f ::t-*) t \ ' � .7VL o 1r _ O A MN m 1 C � I I A ` \ \ \f� O.79 I MILS �� O 2000 \ 17 Mi15 gm � 1 Figure 1 80 Feet QUADRANGLE LOCATION Drainage Area Map D UTM GRID AND 1981 MAGNETIC NUR7N � ; A Colleriil TX DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET Table 1 - South Fork Kirkwood Branch Summary of Peak Flows At Highland At Ravenaux .... ......: .:..................... . . ...: . .... , .. .: .::.. ....E�143EE�8:.. ,,:.. ..aj+> ... >.>� .<.,cax..:1ri'.:.E.$�( :& v:f ....:.: ::..::: >. .:. : ....... .. s. ..... ..:. . 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' . -' 2 YEAR 582 850 850 2 YEAR 542 867 867 5 YEAR 1067 1150 1150 5 YEAR 1098 1263 1263 10 YEAR 1503 1545 1545 10 YEAR 1573 1533 1510 25 YEAR 1933 2078 2078 25 YEAR 2186 2289 2289 50 YEAR 2410 2361 2337 50 YEAR 2644 2824 2824 100 YEAR 2561 2557 2557 100 YEAR 3013 3192 3191 [SOL98232jY:1Landuse 7/27/99 2.2 Stream Hydraulics The existing 1995 FIS model for the South Fork Kirkwood Branch extends from its confluence with Kirkwood Branch up to the Garden Court culverts. To extend the hydraulic model upstream to Durham Elementary, 30 cross sections were surveyed from Garden Court to the Durham Elementary, as well as 10 cross sections downstream of Garden Court. The existing 1995 F S hydr.., model of the Kirkwood Branch was used as the downstream boundary condition for the IYll* ° R. , ' e peak discharges calculated by HEC -1 were entered at the appropriate points.a : the st rn, Lion, the exist* �g culverts at West Highland, Ravenaux, Shady Oaks, Gardenourt, Do eoad :: %' �'::d N, ` ` to ` . fit` all Chapel were modeled. The resulting profiles are shown in ; : ,e d A. By compar*ng .� e :shied floor elevations ofinhabitable structures along the stream with the 1t < e axinmatewatersurfaceelevations, as shown in Table 2, there are no structures flooded unier 100 - :'" ' <.. ;'. :.t " a ate Development conditions. Table 2 - Inventory of Stru ' th ' :: i Address '' Finished Floor Elef�'` `otii "tlon 100 Year Ultimate Elev. 1816 Shad Oaks Dr. 625.59 .; y = . !'`y`fip 620.36 `': +...� 622.25 1740 Shady Oaks Dr. 62 '''` 9 4? 35 1285 Shad Oaks Dr. 45.32 y .0 +32 640.51 A . e6 `, Man:- , : 122 +12 640.79 1275 Shady Qaks Dr. „,,: ... x , : 45.32 - a : -W ` :::< <:<_ :,, , 124 +86 642.28 1265 Shan: >:5,1>�4 .fix. ,:�.:;;> :,- ���r:::.: ': < " " ' 126 +41 644.25 1255 Shad t 41,s :' 1049 Shady Oaks € '` « T 6$6 41 133 +91 649.36 x`o > : »,,, 656.46 136 +16 651.10 1029 Shad Piks Dr. «f <<:;O655.68 137 +47 651.92 979 Sl ily Oaks Dr. 0:AN ' 50.'avenaux 632.69 109 +50 630.73 � .avenaux A; „, 632.46 107+03 629.60 > 5' venaux di 635.63 109 +50 630.73 ,...', "' ``''' *P 631.78 107+03 629.60 545 W. Highland St. 654.29 133 +91 649.36 601 W. Highland St. 649.58 129 +35 648.04 6 2.3 Bridge Hydraulic Analysis Once the existing conditions model was prepared, the West Highland, Ravenaux, Shady Oaks, West Dove, and N. White Chapel box culverts were sized to provide 100 -year protection with one foot offreeboard, in accordance with the current City of Southlake criteria. The culvert at Garden Court was found to be sufficient to pass the 100 -year ultimate development discharge. To , rt de 100 -year protection at West Highland, it is necessary to enlarge the culve to two 9' `$`' s ' culverts, and raise approximately .5 feet. To provide 100 -year protect i > . t the road a Rav i. < i ; ssary to add once Y P :: z �`�� .: y >: aW additional 10' by 6' box culvert to the three 10' by 6' box culverts already.:: place;`:...... > e _:to raise fhe road approximately one foot. To provide 100 -year prote on at<S ady Oaks Drive, ";�` '�ssary to enlarge the culvert to four 10' by 8' box culverts, and to raise the>>a;: ; 0.75 feet. To provide 100 -year protection at West Dove, it is necessary to add one 10' k:':: 'o culvert, in addition to the , . 4:10::! existing three 10' by 6' boxes. The road must also be r is , : 'roximat ` l iet. To provide 100 -year 4 11. i ,.:Atk,.. protection at North White Cha el it is neces ... - => 1'' « 1 0 ' bo c lverts. The State Highway 1 14 crossing was modeled using a configuration o f4 8 by 8:' t verts, as proposed by the Texas 40,..„ Department of Transportation. These m odificatio n s are sumunarized in Table 3: AV IV 0 Table 30 Invent[ of Streatn Crossings ... W MOO, ,did ` With Detention `. , , :r'�`�� �? » , < : : 1Vo Detention tin in Stream Cross g`' €< %" `:'s ::.;:�, n:.. g )�P g :s:. Culverts Road Elev <y��� ` % %H` '`i�k< A.:;:<v,::::;.: ;<;.;;:.: ;... Proposed Culverts Road Elev Proposed Cul erts %..< i * . < x xu >< :r'< «:O ' Increase Increase :,;, {1... »: `°" ' ? :,;:.>> i ' i` >> 1.5' 2 -8' x 5 1.5 West Highland �;; : �:.k, ' :r < 2 Yew: ' 2 -9 x 7 Ravenaux 3 -10' x 6' Boxes f . 5 3 -10' x 6' and 1 -10' x 6' 1.0' 3 -10' x 6' and 1 -10' x 6' 0.75' Shady Oaks; 1 -8' x 8' Box ' '"= 25 Year 4 -10' x 8' 0.75' 4 -10' x 8' 0.5' Ailki IF Garden Citirti 4 -10' x 8' Boxy No Overtopping No Change — No Change — West DOOM 3 -10' x 6 10 Year 3 -10' x 6' and 1 -10' x 6' 1.5' 3 -10' x 6' and 1 -9' x 6' 1.5' :ma < <k ; : v a y :. •: :> : x : ..: ' Boxes 25 Year State 4 -8' x 8' 4 -8' x 8' Hi "�s��c *'= 4�9�- ; — — N. White Cliape1MP 1 -10' x 8 Box 5 Year 1 -10 x 8' and 5 -10' x 10' — 1 -10' x 8' and 5 -10 x 10' -- 7 Whenever possible, the size of proposed crossings and the amount ofroadway reconstruction necessary was minimized. However, in some situations, such as where tailwater conditions were the controlling hydraulic factor, it was necessary to raise the grade of the existing roadway. In addition to increasing conveyance at the crossing. As described in Section 2.2, if detention enhancements are made to the DurhamEiktnentary pond, the peak discharges could be significantly reduced. The impro ements r. ded in Table 3 are intended to reflect Ultimate Development flow conditions, hotb w th an, < `' A detention Aft enhancements at the Durham Elementary site. With the detention enhancements, e o win • c; . ges could be made to the proposed improvements. The West Hi andcross would o ` yneedtwo 8 x 5 box culverts as opposed to two 9' x 7' box culverts, and the sizttovements required upstream of the crossing would be reduced. Ravenaux would need to b rais- • ikr ° °. ately 0.75 feet instead of 1.0 foot. Shady Oaks would need to be raised only about .' <.-et instead 1 eet. The Dove Road sgatleat crossing would only require the addition of on9'" `'::' < >yert instead of one 10' by 6' box culvert. l There are several private crossings:ng the stream .b : $ , .eebeen evaluated in the hydraulic models. It does not appear that the pr ` ence ofthe crossings creates any existing threats to insurable „Ago structures, however all ofthese crossings are %%topped u er 100 -Year Ultimate Development flow conditions. No recommend � :save been as e-'or t 'ading any ofthe private crossings. Attention is directed t ` ction 44:01fit r eport addressing drainage easement acquisition for a more detailed recommendatio >` or managing p i at r`ossings along the stream. ma x; NOW Once the Opole ox culverts were sized, modifications were made to the channel to model Stream anagement Pl . y = d 3. The Manning 's n -value of the existing stream channel was estimated to be 0.050, while tl ofa gabion lined channel is about 0.035 and that of a grass lined channel Age isOM 0. The width ofthehannel was adjusted to ensure that the flow velocities were less than 8 feet per Bon forPec -Mat ;i 'grass lined channels, and less than 12 feet per second for gabion walled channels. 'Lslt v: Y fi : k: ` o �Fio .F,.::: }.i"::,..,,'.' '' � lti �' btO : detention enhancements at Durham 3fiies for proposed improvements, with and without dete Elementary, are shown in Appendices B and C. The output profile tables for the base model and the two proposed improvement models are also included in these appendices. 8 2.4 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for Bridges The following summary of recommended improvements and associated opinions of probable construction costs assume that enhancements have been made to the Durham Elementary detention facility. All costs include 25% contingencies and 15% for engineering and technical services. Recommendations A . for adjustment of road elevations will require detail study during the project,designpOse and if found 4 i:E: impractical, additional culvert capacity will be required to meet City of � t lake criteria. AgrAVAlto ff.: 2.4.1 Enlarging the West Highland Crossing i w N:2: 74 Improvements include removal of the existing crossing, cragpt the flowlifiatilietiossing approximately 2 feet, installation of two 8' x 5' box culverts$:d1ex. `auction of an earthen channel for 4. approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the crossing. The :mriprove $e: €: call for raising Highland t �rS.�N �` p` +, approximately 1.5 feet which in turn requires reconstructs na I proxima . t "linear feet of roadway. AgegM The proposed culvert length and roadway reconstt action d, ` a :4 'assumed' o match existing conditions. The Opinion of Probable Construction cat for theme imp i:. :- I is $185,000. Ar 's>+Sy;e L Vi n. } '::2':: 2.4.2 Enlarging the Ravenaux Ctssing ;« "`_i u Im rsovements include Sa' t Rtion of o 0j5.4 a x culvert and installation of concrete interlocking ANVIL .4011111 %UMW pavers fo ap rc xi ately 10i o nstream ofthe crossing. For freeboard requirements, improvements 111,041k "Villii4, would also incl t gRavenaux apps ately 0.75 feet. Reconstruction ofRavenaux would include mow::= :' ri µ,. � .c�� a roximatel 3 y'` ° ``" " " feet :;;.;. > .� ofroadway The proposed culvert len h and roadwa reconstruction width were ass 4 ,40* ried to matcliMONtifgonditions. The Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for these Air Wasitrmw imp :.. r < �tements is $245,00(:3: .z:: Aiii ow 0 N ovik 2 Enlarging the °ady Oaks Crossing Imoratomft..004W a; ry 0 '' `'r : 'cnts include removal ofthe existing crossing and installation offour 10' x 8' box culverts. The improvements also call for raising Shady Oaks approximately 0.5 feet which in turn requires reconstruction of approximately 210 linear feet of roadway. The proposed culvert length and roadway reconstruction width were assumed to match existing conditions. The Opinion ofProbable Construction Cost for these improvements is $260,000. 9 2.4.4 Enlarging the Dove Road Crossing Improvements include installation of one 9' x 6' box culvert in addition to the existing three 10' x 6' box culverts currently in place. Recommended improvements anticipate raising Dove Road approximately 1.5 feet which in turn requires reconstruction of approximately 425 linear feet ofroadway. 05U The proposed culvert length and roadway reconstruction width were assumed to match existing conditions. The Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for these improvements is $toggo: 40„ asigatik AO A gftiONN Aie Alir AF ,at i tat*, A 2.4.5 Enlarging the North White Chapel Crossing At Aw Nftiftif), ,04 40 :v > , }24 , 00te „.. alt pow AM "lag 4 : AO " Improvements include installation offive 10' x 10' bOd in addition to t "egOlg:: 0' by 8' ltsfe,a,,„ . box culvert currently in place. The improvements do not antiqiil'ittftsing North White Chapel Road, however approximately 70 linear feet of roadway reconstru '.64051:4,4 be required for culvert reconstruction. The Opinion of Probable Construction tbst for these164ements is $250,000. ealfin.q:::, ' Vit ar Atittg:71 6iii :1:::‘, Nr 4 ,4p , USK Z:VAk 0 ' Ar riimPgrr- ogs SW AV Namowe Ar ite loamy ....0 Aty el * ma if AW:4 i ,Pv. I'Llr ow WW att A" A:, wi AND44,!%40/ 4. $ :4ig. P4 "NOW Allgark, l ait : * VONSW *Waft IERMIRM, NOVO* NAM NOOMOW MEOW" deir•flek ' MO " ANVIN (.4. V' :.:09 Vh::awha, me szw;1::*.er .WentNAF Air MN," Ar Mie - mei of *:'... 0 WPRIBEAtmsviae taiga:A:mow ipaglegew 10 3.0 STREAM MANAGEMENT MASTER PLANNING 3.1 Stream Management Approaches The impacts of urbanization along South Fork Kirkwood Branch can be classified into three categories: increased flooding, increased erosion, and environmental impacts. Although in many areas, the increased flooding would be ofprimary concern, the increased erosion is currently of m4oncern along 060; ftir the South Fork Kirkwood Branch. The environmental impact, of the i e: ;ro negi, nts will need to be avoided, minimized, or mitigated during their design, and these: ` oerns ddressed during the Corps of Engineers 404 permitting process. 4110 .. ' ir Three stream management approaches were develo :or> e South Fork Ii` " <.: i ii d ranch, 10,64Mtu, 'VW representing three ways of addressing the flooding and erosi • *; Approach 1 is a nonstructural approach, in which the City would obtain a drainage ease : nt wi o contain both the 100 -year Ultimate Development floodplain and any erosion o the,, which rri `::�:` � • ly occur in the future. Approach 2 consists of obtaining the drainage ease ° n or>... pp ��,:�:; earUl�ateDevelopmentfloodplain g g ''�� 0 and constructing localized erosion protection as need alon_ , "eam. Approach 3 involves channel :.� .:..:.:: R improvements along the stream whic ld alloe City to btain a more narrow drainage easement to contain the 100 -year Ultimate D lopment odplain. ' stream management approaches include crossing im vement recammendations. ”pt sir Str Sti114nageing 1 This a roar addresses the.g concern by containing the 1 00-year Ultimate Development 131 «�.�., . : :; : : . Vi floodplain in a t dr ina h` , � � <� ..,;� nt, whit i ohibits the construction of additional buildings in the floodplain, and pro <. n sion c yes for continua;roston :creep by obtaining additional drainage easement. Any debris or fences WSW withOiiihe stream channel wtgibitie removed, and the drainage easement would allow the City to maintain the eam's flow capacity y periodically removing debris. Buildings which are currently in the floodplain itis � rz. H It °`need to purchase flood insurance policies from FEMA. This approach also has the largest \fir :',o,.:�;t :Y.;�. fir . maintenance eost.since it includes the largest amount of drainage easement. — The nonstructural approach of Approach 1 has the least direct impact on the environment. However, this approach does not include erosion protection for the existing habitat along the stream, but rather simply accepts the negative environmental impacts resulting from higher urbanized discharges. Since the channel banks are not stabilized, they would continue to erode, trees along the banks may be lost due 11 to bank undercutting, and the sediment load of the stream would continue to be high. Since it does not involve the construction of improvements along the stream, the 404 permitting process should be negligible. Stream Management Approach 2 Approach 2 uses several types of soft structural improvements to stabilize the channel and reduce the amount of bank erosion. For long stretches of channel, the channel bank would beaded to a 3 :1 slope, fertilized, seeded, and protected with erosion control matting, owing . _ ow through the mat and establish a stable grass lined channel. Some trees along t abghis wou >be k this process. For Ay localized erosion control at sharp bends in the channel, a sltat gabion short ur bioen i o a 1 al ... tyhe outside of the bend can be used to prevent the bank from troth a urther. Less erOtOppgth e banks reduces the sediment load in the stream, prevents tree loss a ffi $ w. th a n ks, and reduces the amount of deposition in the downstream reaches of the stream. 4 `t'<'> f4 ;' In general, construction of the spot erosion rotes ion will'.:alte :t e channel enough to significantly reduce the 100 -year flood elevations; how r:er t; ...u € eed to be removed from the floodplain. The approach addresses t1, tloodinconcer<taining the 100 -year Ultimate Development floodplain in a drainage ease ent, andbddresses rt erosion concern with "soft" structural .46) improvements. Any debris or fen,Oguithin tb tream cb :, el would be removed, and the drainage easement would allow the cifylgaintain the t t flow capacity by periodically removing debris. 'gin' " ' "'' 's kind' "` v `i '' "` uire a404 ermit from the Corps ofEngineers. these Improvei.,::�':1�'u I��'1:�'eq p IP � eers. However ro ` `"s "` ` ' ` stringent form f rmi in process, thereby requiring types of impro��s,ve normT`ed a less stringe t o o pe tt g p y q g less time and b..::'::;u. : bastabilization work should be able to be covered by one or more of the currently available availabt$IfifibriWide 404 Permits. lower auvw Stream Management ManagemenNApproach 3 Approach 3 seel€to stabilize the channel and reduce the 100 -year Ultimate Development flood IMO elevations through ombination of improvements to improve the flow capacity of the stream. The structural >elemen s included in this category range from gabion lining and riprap to bioengineering. Concrete lining of the channel has been excluded as not being environmentally viable, or acceptable to the City of Southlake, except under extreme conditions. Gabion walls can be worked around the existing trees along the banks to protect almost all of the trees along the channel, resulting in a minimal loss of trees. This approach addresses both the flooding and erosion concerns with structural improvements, and 12 a reduced amount of drainage easement would be required. This approach has the lowest maintenance cost, due to the smaller amount of drainage easement and the low maintenance of the structural improvements. However, due to the larger amount of channel improvements, the improvements may require the more complex Individual 404 Permit. A Q 4.. , 3.2 Improvements Independent of Stream Management Approach < < . ; { 44.00i, °�>. Regardless of what approach or combination ofappr ' Vs is used the development ofthe stream, some structural improvements to the drainage , s tem along ; t uth F ' • + od B ' ch are required. These structural improvements are required t dressf e safety concerns t itc,}' ave been identified at some ofthe roadway crossings in the watershed, as'" Z ,, > Table 3. Conceptual opinions of probable construction costs for these improvementse give , t n 2.4 of this report. 4 3.3 Proposed Stream Management Pla ' <°: F v In general, the South Fork Kirkwo Branchvt ter is; 'e ° el undeveloped, and the most � Y un p effective means of reducing flood darz s is to prevent the cot ruction of structures in the floodplain by Ar tw's if obtaining drainage easement. Hower the improvement t along South Fork Kirkwood Branch will most 4., iir likely consist`of a combinatiptt combination Of different Stie*Matiagement Approaches for several reaches ofthe '' ` M 41111.„‘i ` a roaches for each reach ofthe stream. stream. ...: a nagem bnsists of a combination of app Three stream management plansr er ; d loped for South Fork Kirkwood Branch, as summarized in Table 4. :.:::.:>.,, ,�3t`�"'"'` �� �j�3�� ; mot e c e ofthe stream and watershed, the SouthFork Kirkwood Branch has -Or Wear Aw Based on t charms. been into seven reaches for this study. The characteristics of each reach were analyzed to At dline which approaches maybe appropriate for that reach. The following sections describe each reach Milik OP 4uth Fork Kirk Branch, and the approaches which were considered for each reach. Slat yoga" 13 Table 4 - Proposed Stream Management Plans for South Fork Kirkwood Branch Reach Proposed Stream Management Approach Description Reach S.M. Plan 1 S.M. Plan 2 S.M. Plan 3 No. Headwaters to West Highland 1 1 3 West Highland :: hland to Ravenaux Drive 2 1 { :... �° � 3 Ravenaux Drive to Shady Oaks 3 1 e 4 11Pi . � s 2 dr Shady Oaks to West Dove 4 1< 2 i i ` °`z 5 ��" �' 2 3 West Dove to S.H. 114 fy ::' . S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel 6 1 F a, „ 2 N. White Chapel to Kirkwood Br. 7 `. "` 1 dOtifix S.M. Approach 1 - Non - Structural, S.M. Approach 2 E on`' 1.: 8 .:.;>, - :. Appro Capacity Improvements ,fo,,lgic,,y, 3.31 Reach 1 - Headwaters to West H ighland Le WOO s to The detention facility at Duttalit Elemet: :ry is for a ' ractical purposes the headwaters of the South Fork Kirkwood Branch,„shierabovethiitifilitmeefthe runoffis shallow sheet flow which is not x. containedi ned stream ; ;::.;:; 1, Plan 1 rep Grits the minimum that needs to be done through this ` �;.;<> ... >:.: , <oi _ :::.. h is very shallow and reach, whic o t g suitable 't `� : : $ : .. : , easements. The channel through this reac s ` .l ' : e amou t k erosion that would 'ust' App 2. For this reason, both undefined at time iEit"�3 `tk�. justify PP Nir Plan 2 and P ` i 3 cost ' > „ roach 3 for this reach, described in more detail in Section 4.2 of thus , Q>' gyp..: n., p re ort = ':> AV ige u <lz 1:;x;.: 3 ,..,H. est: H Reach 2 - Wi hland to Ravenaux Drive AY r averaging 1 1 defined, m re c ear r is o Drive the stream r to Ravenaux d downst eam `�� ?fi � h:� ,�� �. ;`` ia an �g about 6 fee amide with 3 to 5 foot banks. Since the stream divides many ofthe properties, homeowners have constructed several crossings to access the other side of their property. Plan 1 represents the minimum that needs to be done through this reach, which is obtaining suitable drainage easements. Given the possibility of some bank erosion through this reach, Plan 2 represents some erosion protection at select 14 locations, as well as a short section of improved channel downstream of West Highland to lower the tailwater conditions at the culvert. Plan 3 consists of more significant channel improvements, which may provide improved access to the other side of the creek for homeowners. 3.3.3 Reach 3 - Ravenaux Drive to Shady Oaks A a r r Af hir The short reach from Ravenaux Drive to Shady Oaks averages abou feet wide, with gently 411141‘. 2.• sloping banks. Plan 1 represents the minimum that needs to be be, "..:`*;. which is obtaining Ar additional drainage easements downstream ofthe lots alon avenaux. Since Otethefeit Ornank,Asion along this reach just upstream of Shady Oaks, Plan 2 and re resent some erosion ection at select locations, as described in Section 4.2 ofthis report. Cap rovements, or Approach 3, does not appear to be necessary for this reach due to the laclf neel the stream. 3.3.4 Reach 4 - Shady Oaks to West Dove. ,, 1 :`` ;; Ar The long reach from Shady Oaks to West Dove clud`es;ocant culvert crossing at Garden Court as well as numerous driveway crossings dovvOream as th creek runs downstream parallel to Shady AtO Oaks. Plan 1 represents the minima that needs to be done through this reach, which is obtaining appropriate drainage easemaltikaqhg the rekkiii4MStnd 3 for this reach would include minor erosion control im> 'tints. < ;„<„::y` 3.3.5 Reach .h5 :- Wes ' e to S > E Aryl , a Fu T reach frome:e to State Highway 114 is currently undeveloped, but is zoned for commercial and retail use .'h upstream half ofthe reach is controlled by a large earthen dam, while the b along the downstrm half range in height from 4 to 10 feet. Plan 1 represents the minimum that oft needs to be done th this reach, which is obtaining drainage easements along the reach during the ' ing - s <" plart�ce'"lan 2 represents some erosion protection along the taller banks o fthe downstream half, with some improvements to the earthen dam. Given the highly desirable highway frontage along this reach, it is likely that the developer will seek to modify the stream significantly, trying to maximize the amount of developable land. For this reason, Plan 3 represents capacity improvements through this reach. 15 3.3.6 Reach 6 - S.H. 114 to N. White Chapel The reach from State Highway 114 down to N. White Chapel is also currently undeveloped, but is zoned for commercial and retail use along the upper third and medium density residential along the lower two thirds ofthe reach. Plan 1 represents the minimum that needs to be done through this reach, which is obtaining suitable drainage easements along the reach during the platting process. The ,c ; a el along this k reach has numerous meanders and averages about 10 feet in width, with 4. =oo "high banks. Plan 2 . `'„` � �:6' F.. represents some erosion protection along the stream at various : ds. Since `` ' �f; Lo: iity improvemer Itte Arr to maximize the amount of developable land will likely be limited to the upper thir 4, am ,tan 3 is also represented by Approach 2. sY''f# // 3.3.7 Reach 7 - N. White Cha , el to confluence with 16? o ark : . l± The reach from N. White Chapel down to ence whit kwood Branch is also undeveloped, and the stream is totally containe . rYt ' e ��� o s of ngineers owage easement for Lake Amao,„:" Grapevine. As such, the City does not have" opportunity tdtra§ignificant improvements along Af this reach, and Plan 1, Plan 2, and Pla"ll reflecthhe same a to the stream, which is to let the Ailw Corps maintain their flowage ease AstgatOlk (MOP' 3.4 0)0010 Opittitasiot rrobable Construction Costs for Plans s.: �.;. rf:.rs =��.,:;on ���� „:..:� {%''rte.,,:::. <fjf.,. . The co "± :�; p inions tot : obal le construction costs for each Stream Management Plan are summarized in Ta:atter to estimate the potential cost of obtaining drainage easement, an average cost of $2 per acresyed. This cost will vary widely depending on the circumstances under which the drainage easemetifigaitained, ranging from donation ofthe easement to fair market value ofthe Agy la ` the City can minimize this cost by obtaining most of the drainage easement as opportunities become a in the build# permit and platting processes, as described in Section 4.4 of this report. It should oggliP b WOW*, t e costs in Table 5 are for the entire implementation of each plan, not a one -time capital expenditure. 16 00mm 00 mrn 0nmm 5' o a) c c c - = 0 SO m a . » m m o D N =° D _ * DJ n W —I C �° m n o c v n N p a ' cQ o -. c o c cs ca o c T v 0' CO < -. c -n N n o c gi (D y o— cD m o A) w = c = fl. w = o = 0. oa - 2 r' 'a c co a + to EA to EA EA EA ._ = to to to to EA tq 0) m to to EA EA to tq 9) = • N 0 .. ' CD 14 Li) ` � a � ° 0' .� � wCDCO CO ° m 0 a N ca CO m 0 CO -o 0) 01 0 CD 0 CO 3 O. o n 0 0 0 i o o N w o 0 0 � o Y) 0 0 0 . o 0 < o O 0 0 0 0 0 n M 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CD 0 0 0 0 0 -= 0 0 0 0 0 O . v W W D k M _ C c ( 0 0 O CDDD VS CI) CD C 0 s o CO 0 y. 3 a o m p 0 CD Cr m 0 • to -69 EA EA EA ' to EA EA EA EA t o E E o EA to M • ` D 3 D c) CD 73 CA O D? W N a W N _ " - .a 0 cn N .=• ...% Oa co 0 ) -a ..4 0 W 0) c0 'O 0 W CO 0 1.• = C == 0 0 0, 0 sp 7 O O 1 0 0 0 0 1 i o co N N 3 (D 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 =- _. 3 (D n 0 0 0 0 �• m 0 3 W 0.) N O M < m o m N m 0 3 ° o 3 -o c �D "t CD CD ET m • to to to EA EA 0) 0 0) 0 X 3 D O � . "•1 0 0 _ N O N N 0 N 0 = IN 0 (D CO - O O i O Ln N O O O O O O n W = 3 0 0 0 0 3- 0 O 0 - 0 o 0 - 0) . N N 3 OD a 0 0 ( 3 - 0 A a. CD = N SI) to EA EA to EA (1) to to EA EA EA 9) to to -69 to EA � 1) (D o. K K K r+ Er ." - c!1 . � -� CD .P N v N f) p W W CO CO "a W W (0 co- 0 1 W N-4 = 0 -0 N O O � 0 0 O O . 0 0 O b . s O n 2) O O O 0 a 0 0 0 0= 0 0 0 (n N 11 N N O O m C ( (D (D n Q o 0 to EA 69 EA 69 9) to . EA - in 02 to to to to EA N p K K K 7a - CD n N - a " -' - "0 n N 'p N _' (3' a 01 (1 O O = G y — 0 co 1 1 - CO 1 1 1 1 0 al Q. , c i i 0 U7 () C7 O 0 = . O O = = 0 0 o W N Q. o 03 to EA EA to EA to EA EA EA EA CP t o EA EA to to 0 0 a) _ D D tu 0) y 00 00 -0 O y CO 00 '0 CO CO 13 0 N ■I Ut 0 O - co i 0 0 . ( 31 i O O i i i n Q) 0 O O =" O 0 0 - 0 0 = -a N N - o n Z v 3 CAD 3 cD (D Eli to EA EA EA EA to to to to EA U) to EA to EA to 9 - - -a 0 o -a o o = 0 y 0 0 0 CO a� ; n o o a 3.5 Recommended Stream Management Plan Three plans have been developed to modify the South Fork Kirkwood Branch channel to allow it to safely pass the increased discharges with minimal impacts on the stream habitat. Although Plan 1 represents the least amount of structural improvements and 404 permitting, it does not prevent continued erosion of the stream, which has indirect negative impacts to the environment. On the other hand, the channelization of Plan 3 would be more appropriate for a highl urban e j "' A ritiv " . At this time, we recommend proceeding with Stream Management Plan 2 wbion nsists o » ,;: . :: uqi.: e:of structural a� �; P g g ��; "/ non - structural approaches. Recommendations based upon a anking of g ' are :` $': - _ j ext .. ion $ 3i`df.�H I of this report for Stream Management Plan 2. This approac T' = ► ; aw e City of Sout,,, ,.' :..> > iriontize improvements throughout the City as other drainage basing <d , 4d ed and rankings established. re S l - A ,p , L �� 3.. i l Nor4taw —0 eit X S•`. .` k *. Z S „t g M 18 4.0 DETAILED RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Prioritization of Roadway Crossing Upgrades One ofthe primary issues addressed by this report is the evaluation ofthe roadway crossings along the stream. In order to determine the city-wide ranking for each recommended upgrade, as shown in Table 6 the numeric ranking system developed in the Phase 1 Master Drainage P1. was mR#ed to include L-4,% 4F" , several additional factors for roadway crossings, as shown in Table 7. The e ,..tnt - , g ofthe box culverts .4%., 4 .14•:' 4P- ZW at State Highway 114 was not included, since TxDOT already Wii leis to co :34 improvement 40 zf oryli"*, ..,.., In evaluating the Total City-Wide Rating applied to different projects„ tete tha v it. 6 gher, the : :'''ng number, the greater priority assigned to that project. Table 6 - Priority of Roadway C i Sing Vip 1 rad es , ;:"Fr'WqStAittalk Ay mmtm f.,„ , Rating Score West v Raven , ,A It., ir West N. White ...„-:.„,..— 1 41 4 ft; Category Range IR 0:20 4, irl 4. '"' Dove Chapel ' fts*.vir 4 Calculated Depth of Overtopping 1 to 5 4 :,:,:- ) gpt‘ l 3 3 4 Observed Overtopping Frequency 1 togY 4 '' " '' - ' '.;.. :,0.. Au 0 2 2 2 ow oW I.:::NNSW A if oy Historical Incidents Incidents 4°14b 5 A! 1 1* 1 1 1 1 :Nia:W op 4.44'$. Guardrail Type / Condition ft: ?: , tir 1 to 541 4 1 5 3 3 ., . .44,1' 4 .,:„.. m .a. vm Channel I/00e CrossingA 1 to .3 sr 3 3 4 2 0 r:, '44,F;:';i:Ec'glt, % 1 oo-Yeit504104ed ' - aptv-Mi to 5 5 2 4 4 5 .':' ■ , vo,,,,,,,,, . : : e.we vonne Damage Potentia*MOP:overty km0dwi 10 2 2 2 2 2 vmsomiom.:,, ,Ot4 T to i n 2 2 2 2 2 Damage Powtittar to :":Ik :rive* -'- ..., 4ger t ar Impacts of Loss of Access tr::::i.,::F:1 1 to 10 4 4 8 8 6 Ay 0.:,...-K.„.> aw 41 V wrg Condition of Structure 1 to 10 8 4 6 6 6 /105 AV Traffic Volume of Roadway 1 to 5 3 1 3 4 3 iRiftWo.,, 4 01i 7 tfiittlitiitatifitrecligi'Cts 1 to 5 3 3 3 3 3 w4ow=”ww,404w weiNfengw St:el:KWH of Need 1 to 10 10 1 3 3 3 Public Opinion of Need 1 to 10 10 1 3 3 3 Total City-Wide Rating 15 to 100 61 28 48 48 45 19 TABLE 7. RATING SYSTEM FOR PRIORITIZATION OF ROADWAY CROSSING UPGRADES Rating Category Relative Score Public Safety 1 2 3 4 5 Calculated Depth of Overtopping < 0.5' 0.5 to 1.0' 1.0' to 2.0' 2.0' to 3.0' > 3.0' Observed Overtopping Frequency Rare Greater Than Once a Year Historical Incidents Minor and /or Severe and /or Infrequent Frequent Guardrail Type/ Condition Excellent Good Fair Poor Deficient Channel Velocity at Crossing < 2.0 fps 2.0 to 4.0 fps 4.0 to 8.0 fps 8.0 to 12.0 fps > 12.0 fps % 100 -Yr Storm Passed >95% 85 70 60 < 50% 2 4 6 8 10 Damage Potential to < $10,000 $10,000 - $50,000 - $100,000 - > $200,000 Public Property $50,000 $100,000 $200,000 Damage Potential to < $10,000 $10,000 - $50,000 - $100,000 - > $200,000 Private Property $50,000 $100,000 $200,000 Impacts of Loss of Access Low Medium High Existing Structural Condition Excellent Good Fair Poor Deficient 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic Volumes Residential Minor Major Arterial Highway Collector Collector Utility Conflicts High Medium Low 2 6 10 Staff Opinion of Need Low Medium High Public Opinion of Need Low Medium High 4.2 Prioritization of Drainage Improvements To accomplish Stream Management Plan 2, two drainage projects have been identified along the South Fork Kirkwood Branch to alleviate existing problem conditions. The first project is the drainage improvements from West Highland to Durham Elementary, and the second project is a short erosion '"Y protection project just upstream of Shady Oaks. Several smaller items which were identified are contained in Section 4.5, Maintenance Recommendations. In order to determine the th4t4Sovide ranking for each recommended drainage project, as shown in Table 8, the numeri i`king system €` :eloped in the Phase p;:r :..,. 3 <k ;:;r +:,•'taizf, ¢ :ta; : FY. "�:: 1 Master Drainage Plan was modified to include several additional factors or drain i t yemeA as as ire shown in Table 9. Oft" lop" fet (: .;s�, ' ` F yn. \ %: ' �:,. , Table 8 - Priority of Drainage Iiuproven ' Ects Rating Score , ' >a rF est Highlant Shady Oaks kith nry f' y � Category Rang �lEtElem�elFitary Erosion Protection RN History of Flooding : Ale to 20 � > ' �'ii 4 O' 6 2 ::::<.._' 1 to 20 Number of Residents Benefitting F '= > >:<::a Alf Erosion Threat to Exist. Structures 1 to ;t Ai > A, re MiadPm. 1 r ; : ;1 1 t'o > 0 ,,.$fond Eas Q::� > :�`. 4 ;' ; : , AMON Threat to 2 Potential for t velopmerit>`e ` .h . : 10:41,0,1:04 5 5 ;' fi opment w' > ` t0 5 Potential for Down 1 € >' > Staff Opiwa nofNeed 1 to 10 10 1 :.... ii f Need y...:::: 1 to 10 10 1 I'ubl ; `£)pnon of > S P kitV 't ronmental Permitting Is Ues 1 to 5 3 5 < otal City - Wi eRating 10 to 100 60 28 teiNgekamoder Viddesse 21 TABLE 9. RATING SYSTEM FOR PRIORITIZATION OF DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Rating Category Relative Score 4 8 12 16 20 History of Flooding None Rarely Occasionally Often Frequently Number of Residents Benefitting 1 - 3 4 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 20 > 20 From Improvements 3 6 9 12 15 Erosion Threat to < $25,000 $25,000 - $50,000 - $100,000 - > $200,000 Existing Structures $50,000 $100,000 $200,000 2 4 6 8 10 Threat to Erode Beyond Easement > 20' 16' - 20' 11' - 15' 6' - 10' 0' - 5' (shortest distance to easement) Opinion of Probable Construction > $400,000 $300,000 - $200,000 - $100,000 - < $100,000 Cost for Proposed Improvements $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 1 2 3 4 5 Potential for Upstream Low Medium High Development Potential for Downstream Low Medium High Development Staff Opinion of Need Low Medium High Public Opinion of Need Low Medium High Environmental Permitting Issues High Medium Low 4.2.1 West Highland to Durham Elementary Drainage Improvements Assuming that the Durham Elementary detention facility is enhanced, the following improvements are recommended for the Highland Road Crossing and the stream reach between West Highland and Durham Elementary. The existing 36" CMP at the West Highland crossing should be replaced with two 8' x 5' box culverts, the flowline ofthe crossing should be lowered about 2 feet, and West>ghland should be raised approximately 1.5 feet. In general, the flowline ofthe stream shoulcltered approximately the outfall of th ' o osed o f ,,. � of the Durham 2 feet for the entire reach of the stream, with :� p ,, i ;.: Elementary detention and being approximately 2 feet lower than the sting d e ` t pond. c (fall Agr structure. This reach would also require uire construction of a l -foo:t ide earthen chaff l €ll 3 : 1 side q slopes. These improvements would limit the 100 -Year Ultimat:.>:lotttent floodplain width in the upper 4. portion of this stream reach to 60 feet. s. " "i i `.`. Ifno enhancements are made to the Durham Element ow ;::. detentio i ite,txe ollowin improvements g rovements P are recommended for the stream reach extending e `i m s > . y Z and to Durham Elementary. Similar to aallebdt the preceding recommendation, the existing West HiAndllootti6line should be lowered about 2 AP"' feet and West Highland should be raised proximat ly 1.5 feet,` ut the proposed crossing should include AO Air % two 9' x 7' box culverts. The flowline f t strea f:: ' ould be d V ered approximately 2 feet along the entire AIMS f Aw• 4 OW reach ofthe stream from West; ,; ..:; :. ;: ;:lad to DuftiMenwitary. Although this alternative does not consider 2�4K ?5 •i' `4Q' +i:i�•C � it?'�:" ;. :. to provide minor and outlet r e�' "' " "` "' aim' nts to tl�i�t� facilit `rt would still be necessary o pond age an�. : Y, rY p >:.:: r ` lower channel with 3:1 side IOW Nair modifications �:€��`clr�o tT�'t�l " the pond. An 18 - foot wide earthen cha e slopes would bgt reach readfifiliKler to limit 100 - Year Ultimate Development floodplain widths in the upper portions o ths : e a reach to 60 feet. xgellar WSW 42.2 Erosion Protection Upstream of Shady Oaks Crossing "">i " <::;Approximatel``200 feet upstream from the Shady Oaks crossing, there is bank erosion which ap pear s t;n the integrity of an existing steel fence constructed along the stream. The recommended alternative for minimizing erosion at this location would include minor excavation to reroute the stream and establish a maintainable slope, in addition to vegetative stabilization of the stream bank along the bend. 23 4.3 Inundation Mapping of Stream Once two -foot contour topography is made available, inundation mapping for South Fork Kirkwood Branch can be prepared. Inundation mapping will include delineating the limits ofthe 100 -year Ultimate Development floodplain along South Fork Kirkwood Branch from its confluence with Kirkwood : Branch up to the detention facility located at Durham Elementary. The inundation mapp' .,`:will provide the City with the information necessary to manage future development within o Plain, in addition to providing a basis for determination of proposed drainage ea limn <:. or 4.4 Drainage Easement Acquisition 1111**, :✓F.'i�' A °f:.A Once detailed inundation mapping has been providedoeam, it is recommended that the limits ofthe 100-year Ultimate Development floodplainbe use. as t e1).*mss. ordef ningdrainageeasement boundaries. There are two critical dimensions in effecti d • lain man. ' ' ;;which can be addressed AIM:balnk Id! through drainage easement acquisition. They include E � construction in flood -prone areas, and Age AP.ltibm maintaining adequate conveyance through througltahe floodplain *g,,,, a ' There are other mechanisms, b:d draina ge easementcquisition, which can work in effectively limiting construction in the floodpl `It may bossible *the City to enact ordinances which require •t..v >a. � �" . � :•<:, fi t resolution offlood lain -relate i es prior o i ance of a building permit. The advantages of this r cl ``�``e t . lative ea i hich it could be incorporated oa �'��. � :<<:: >.�, : rP orated into existing City building permit procedures, and the m nimal ain .�,n » s effort required to enact, as opposed to drainage easement VISINL WOW acquisition. 1-9 :e 't .s pproachr : fires a vigilant effort to ensure that floodplain- related issues are fully and < adequately addtegifOlitiqr addressed to issuance ofthe building permit. In addition, the City will assume agegi the p rnary burden for approving the location of structures in relation to the floodplain. Once a building p is issued, it is uncertain what recourse the City may have if a mistake has been made. :e The City would also be advised to enact floodplain fill ordinances which would require a permit b laeea of fill within a floodplain area is allowed, or to exclude placement of fill in floodplain area " Placement of fill would not necessarily be limited to placement of soils, but would need to be extended to placement of any other materials, including debris, garbage, sheds, and fences. The primary disadvantage ofthis approach is that the City has little ability to perform maintenance within floodplain areas to remove debris and obstructions. During large storm events, most streams operate under backwater 24 conditions, which means that appropriate hydraulic performance of one portion ofthe stream is influenced by the characteristics ofthe stream at a downstream location. This "interrelatedness" ofthe various parts of a stream means that debris obstruction on one property along the stream may have a significant negative impact on other properties along the stream. It therefore becomes important that proper conveyance along AN the stream be maintained. The City serves as the best and most likely candidate for this i n managing floodplain areas, however this role is diminished ifthe City has little:legal claintaining floodplain i ° ASK. AM" '414MaRgt areas. `" 'OX fiv Ar � , The primary advantage of obtaining the 100- year.ltimate De: �o p m m e > 4 :. o ain wi n a drainage easement, over other alternatives for floodplain ragement, is that the Cit<adefensible, WEAN vamp legal, property claim for performing and limiting certain drainage-related activities within the area defined as the drainage easement. The City would have greater ability to aceet. !odplain area, maintain and improve the area, and minimize activities which wollIdifettively would impact ';4064: A recorded easement is a publicly accessible document with clearly dirt des. With easement language limiting a.; nt t e .; _ effective) construction and fill placement within the dr ease , 1eY y shift a p ortion ofthe burden for floodplain management to the property *tier. The property owner would have clear limitations ar on construction taking place within those easemettboundaries' If construction or fill activities took place within the easement boundar ts and the City s tig to challenge the activities, there would be a strong case for e rse. cas e a�.: NO NA ,:"%fir: <:... `x.1110 A driiiiigg.004ent draina wcitilAgiigNshe would City the right to maintain floodplain areas. Maintenance 14111", NUM, within a flood eas, :t` c d, . eneral er to the City clearing major obstructions to flow, when initiated by a citizOK report. UnldWaltiOise Unless agreed to by the City, maintenance would not include mowing, WWWSPY clearing of small obstructioorxtrash, health or sanitation concerns, or periodic inspections ofthe floodplain opg artThe City's commitment to maintenance would extend solely to removing obstructions which have 0 si gnifica nt impactsoconveyance through the floodplain area and which cannot be feasibly removed by inift:00:0000rtfOwners. It is important that individual citizens understand that they still will be required to perform these regular maintenance efforts along the stream, and that any concerns regarding obstructions will need to be reported to the City in order for action to be taken. In addition, an easement does not transfer the title ofthe property. The easement would still remain the property of the individual property owner and still extend to the property owner all basic property 25 rights, except for those specifically excluded in the easement language. The easement simply gives the City the right to convey the 100 -year Ultimate Development floodplain, access the property and perform those activities necessary to provide that conveyance, and to construct future flood conveyance improvements. These activities are those and only those which are specifically defined in the easement document and agreed to by the owner, which would include the following: ,,>e 1. Limit construction in the Easement - The property propeqrfier woul no ` : ° llowed to build or' unless approved by th ,Y . This v ld me u ebut be. ci ted place fill in the easement, pp <. :. e to building pools, walls, fences, and placing sto 1040 City woul • Si allow > tt ::: activities which do not present significant obstructs "4.10. t like minor landscaping features, gardens, etc. It the City requested a feature be remo ` € ::" a easement, the property owner would be required to comply, o the City could hat ' tructure removed. NeP ow + ' 2. Provide Limited Maintenance gthe Ease ment = mould have the right to enter the fitegoP drainage easement in order' t o remov obstructidt s to flow. ASO or Olf sor Ameggwoftwe 3. Construct Drainaarovements Mssary - The City would be allowed to construct pp�' ^'7'�. rainag 411001111, ;'.+i:..�:' nts which :xkk %7%` . ;;. ' :de r e ti•would be necessary to alleviate flooding problems. These it rov is may .E :; adin , stone or gabion wall construction, erosion protection ::adin pope bridges. fi x". g I�' ar n a° City activities outsz eofthose clearly defined in the Easement document would not be allowed. Fxample, the City would not be allowed to construct a sanitary sewer within the drainage easement, :e easement dlcument included verbage covering utility construction. The easement would not be cicept:cproperty or Right -of -Way. The general public would not be allowed access to the property.' The only people allowed access to the easement would be those individuals performing work specifically covered in the easement document for the City of Southlake. Any other activities performed within the easement could be considered trespassing, with the individual property owner retaining the right for legal protection and action under the law. 26 An issue that needs to be addressed ifthe City chooses to pursue acquiring drainage easements, is the City's responsibility for the private crossings along South Fork Kirkwood Branch. All ofthe private crossings are overtopped by the 100 -year Ultimate Development storm. However, under existing geometric conditions and ultimate flow conditions for the stream, it does not appear that any ofthe private crossings create backwater effects which endanger any homes. Given this considero , and that it appears that several of these crossings provide access to homes and:< r at `> property, it is not ��: F es;: . : ..,.,, recommended that the crossings be removed or upgraded. t: ever the C t 3 ,3: learly define a. : MV obligations in terms ofthese private crossings. It would be y visable. forte City to e:: ` `.:. tat at it will assume no responsibility or liability for the hydraulic performan "or structural irate any ofthe pr crossings, though they would be located with the n g cement. The individual property owners would be wholly responsible for maintaining the private cros 4, 'ty would most likely want to remove obstructions caused by the private crossings: "However, the hoe!., , should understand that they would be responsible for any damages to their own 4 . m dud' ff g" amages resulting from the ... .. l .f. 1.'''a : City attempting to remove obstructions. Exiging Existing private >cross gs :. o uld be effectively "grandfathered", I" of however, construction of new crossingsithin thedrainage easement should be limited. If homeowners wish to construct new crossings, it ould be re o amended hat the City follow the appropriate FEMA co mom Air '`' ' '`"'o n a ' " ructures in the flood lain. permitting p ; edures concur ; <the consti g tOtt flo 101114,, Viter Ap, VIM ANC lik got .ogr PIMA „Ay MISIVIONIZer nollogger odplain. 4.5 Maintenance Recommendations Maintenance recommendations include specific recommendations for existing problems, in addition to providing generalized recommendations for an ongoing maintenance program for the South Fork Kirkwood Branch. tY: 4.5.1 Remove 36" CMP and Embankment at Utility Easement u0, < _`' Win. As noted previously, a 36" CMP has been installed fo ul road irik ` utility easement approximately 200' upstream of the North White Chapel Pad crossipgIFT he 3'O. ::,:< ' . >.co .tel Y clogged with sediment and debris, forcing water around the:::: '::.e fth auls road and a. s., ::. osion of gg f g ....:.. v' the stream banks around the crossing. The haul road is located nis ��.;., ed area and creates no apparent backwater problems for any structures or crossings. It i reco q owever, that the pipe and embankment be removed and the channel banks be out to st e . "d ts to minimize erosion. da: No AP Air Iritite: 4.5.2 Remove Sediment at Crossings: _:. " 'A The Ravenaux and existing Stt crossings have notable sedimentation which can ap 10 reduce the conveyance and propericiperation ofthe cross*. Sediment should be removed from these A Of crossings. In ddition, sedime nt removal and gr e" ` e upstream and downstream approach conditions .. '_ :;::V3: ..f from the crossing. be dect :: `:#p ensurdp$M ; :drainage away g. z :n , \:::.,may $ f.ry >�f ': >,,: y ;a�. :�'i� X14::: 1, %::: � �;, 4.5.3 Vegetation = fi om Cel The earthen channeam ofthe Ravenaux crossing has a significant amount ofvegetation gro ° which may hinder e y raulic performance ofthe channel in this area. Increased backwater due tcktlitS condition may trigger localized nuisance flooding, and may lead to overtopping ofthe Ravenaux .�_.: i t471 n at a greaterfirq uency. It is recommended that the channel be cleared of vegetation and lined with ?'; =s ?> < =:s;, =<> :r \` *:;:fie:::?'' interlocking ri t con r�ete interlocking pavers such as Tri-Lock or a comparable product to prevent growth of Ilk; <> < ' €:: >:' PO nuisance vegetation in the future. This lining would facilitate maintenance and would allow growth of grasses and other desirable vegetation while limiting the establishment of unwanted vegetation. 28 f y ` AV 4: 4amimftt • Appendix A > << <. ..: ; :pry <:: <> ,. 2 -Yr, 5 -Yr, 10 -Yr, 25 -Yr, 50- Yr,}<n� 100Yr Profiles `<? <' nzwow for €`''` ' '` Existing Stream Conditions and Ultimate D v e t pin t gydrology .�'3.`b.,:.'s :`'"..'.'tF ice: °%:i (No Detention Enhancement ; nr ham E Off::::: x;>:>` >: ,HM As AD *00POW Ake MWMP"' a if ., Air me At Mr 40.4 ¢' .y: c:y .., AIM ` ::s :.. tea` 1: to Ewa' .vS::nS',o(:..0 . ti . {. , iyA yy . °� :, ^ ?% " > '° 5?h :.`f,.d,,.',.,s...�,.a,, cam` y&i�`. a" ` , .,: F ,` .pia .`.`. a l , .47: may 7n Ntwtk. 4 `" VelgiaVr d • u ' 6 u I I C l A N N N 'c i 3 F- -J J O Of _j J D D I D 1 D D 0 , • OZ Z 6 uolpaS -Xz C l c 0 ) \ \\ 1 Syg9 uoRoaS-X-- \ \\ : , OL98 UOI O S -X % a}enud - sNe0 APeLIS 0061.1 \./`\\ ; ; : 1 CO ZLZ9 uolpaS - X0 DUN uolpaS -X wou pa000 - 09Z9 uolpaS -X -0808 NOI103S - X SId-- paslnab - 0981. uolpaS -X woj; paldo0 - 09L1 uo!peS ; ; 0£91. 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I+ 9Z l (pue14 •M to wee4suMoO.9ZZ) 99 +bZ lL 1 , 7 , : : : I ;ZLZZL uolloaS •Z£OZ L uoRoaS - )( -- 1 9L9LL uopoaS -X I 17Z9l L uolloaS - X wou paldo0 - C991 L uo!PaS - X V o V0171,1: uolPeS c - ,.-: -- - -- 61. l L L uo!l - X" n- °' `.\ 1 , O • o �' 09601. uolloas -X > } t N z .. ; SOLO L uo!PeS I N \ ",,s\ Z8b0 L uo!lo X- d �! 1 \ 6L101 uopes - X ,' c -,, o \\ 'OZ96 NO1103S Sid m a o 9£t 6 uogo o i L. L -UZZ6 U0!PaS-X c E . I L Y o Sb88 uo !l oa s - X ° o ` 01.98 uo !l oa S X m LL •- \ a lenud - s�le0 'Pe4s 006L_ w �\ elenud - s�leO LPe4S 096 L 00 co g G ,- 0909 NOI103S SIJ-- 0 ! 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F.C+ El >:.: > >SIs� �ett�lnt i'�r�t�a:.....:.�P �::::,,,a�n;:::::::. � .::::.:.:::.. .�. »:.:.: ,.::::::: �..,..,.,.. ». t ...... tom::,,.::::::. ::::......_ � 81.70 0.55 �5��.ku�7atl:: > *��E};; <"s 867.00 547.80 555.68 553.45 556.03 0.005007 4.74 1 8 3 .22 **�rkitisi l .:: #_: :: s.;:< " :r 1263.00 547.80 556.58 554.49 556.94 0.005003 4.82 268.12 107.84 0.51 • jt E<< tyQ allit 1533.00 547.80 557.07 555.61 557.44 0.005003 4.90 329.88 162.65 0.49 4 *l `r` 2289.00 547.80 558.04 556.46 558.43 0.005002 5.21 545.36 255.49 0.46 ,r r li ; 33L1>: :: : :::,: :��i`:€ t • 282400 547.80 558.55 556.90 558.96 0.005008 5.42 684.03 283.28 0.45 <> $r' { m >'t'° 1.M 3192.00 547.80 558.87 557.32 559.28 0.005007 5.55 775.15 300.14 0.44 $ 0 Ail.R fl ` 867.00 550.67 556.82 557.49 0.012798 6.55 133.12 66.13 0.79 S ' . : •i'> ':; ` 1' M 1263.00 550.67 557.63 558.32 0.010970 6.71 193.94 84.84 0.73 '" '''`' 1533.00 550.67 558.07 558.80 0.010392 6.91 235.04 102.04 0.70 ; ' , . >': #'%? &:.,;;,:;; SF.S4 ;, >� : 2289.00 550.67 558.94 559.84 0.010522 7. 77 338.25 135.81 0.69 S1z14fkYltt<$g >: :. :8€ 2824.00 550.67 559.39 560.41 0.010888 8.36 402.32 144.61 0.70 t04 >a ::::.::: >::; ::; - 464 . 7 k 4:;a';g. >: >:: „ „3. 3192.00 550.67 559.67 560.76 0.011182 8.75 442.55 149.88 0.72 iligNia MA U. 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S {4jl N H 1 :::t0 cf : 2289.00 553.53 560.79 562.24 0.015235 10.11 280.10 95.66 0.82 "°i ''`';9:':7Ap s +fir 2824.00 553.53 561.26 562.94 0.016156 11.03 327.02 103.98 0.85 :..dx; "; s o *7:7:4 3192.00 553.53 561.55 563.38 0.016684 11.60 358.09 109.14 0.87 < r " ""':' "'a' 867.00 556.40 561.77 561.77 563.25 0.018635 10.58 112.96 51.36 0.87 � . ` < l; 1263.00 556.40 563.34 563.34 564.13 0.008546 8.73 311.72 210.24 0.62 A)P2 1533.00 556.40 563.63 563.63 56444 0.008820 9.15 375.86 225.20 0.64 Si�N 41 € 2289.00 556.40 564.20 564.20 565.12 0.010354 10.50 512.78 254.19 0.70 ' 7: ` ` ''" ` ' � � ` " ' 2824.00 556.40 564.32 565.56 0.013978 12.33 541.97 259.96 0.82 ;' ... --... i,., 3192.00 556.40 56478 565.75 0.011000 11.41 668.88 277.70 0.73 S(p����,,t;: ��3�{?C „,c;:;� 867.00 556.90 563.75 563.86 0.001372 3.26 457.82 171.97 0.25 g . " 3 / c°: 1263.00 556.90 564.50 564.64 0.001622 3.86 600.20 211.40 0.27 ll' #- 4 ` " " 41t,Al "` 1533.00 556.90 56482 564.99 0.001870 4.28 671.74 228.69 0.30 4::: ''''"".', `t...6 }; ' € ::� °' . 2289.00 556.90 565.57 565.81 .0.002407 5.23 858.16 266.60 0.34 tl ' E iiiik ''` 2824.00 556.90 566.10 566.35 0.002536 5.62 1003.72 288.79 0.35 ff .7.7 4# 1; 3192.00 556.90 566.23 566.53 0.002958 6.14 1042.72 293.77 0.38 ' :: ::`..,.n a y 'y'': c 4 .:$lW.Y :'.gf�i5^.'9'- .ii :.- S�wI��fld.�. 'f;:•€�8;�r��&.. 867.00 556.80 563.16 562.96 566.05 0.021596 13.63 63.61 119.74 0.95 Skf?''13 r 1263.00 556.80 568.20 568.20 568.21 0.000221 1.25 1631.53 362.50 0.07 • SE ? a 338 F 1533.00 556.80 568.20 568.20 568.22 0.000326 1.52 1631.53 362.50 0.08 • 5 it ": °' s ' :, • : • „ t ; 2 289.00 556.80 568.21 568.21 568.24 0.000724 2.27 1634.23 362.76 0.12 is 'fig; %m'° 2824.00 556.80 568.21 568.21 568.26 0.001102 2.80 1634.23 362.76 0.15 '' ; 8 ' : 3192.00 556.80 568.21 568.21 568.27 0.001408 3.16 163423 362.76 0.17 # : ,` t Culvert v\ � . � ; ; > s o � .: ;: � `� 867.00 556.80 567.71 561.02 567.72 0.000141 0.97 1459.61 346.02 0.05 t " $ A' `as` 12 556.80 569.57 561.51 569.58 0.000100 0.91 2150.66 391.61 0.05 ? :...9.a 4 ..< f : 1533.00 556.80 569.77 561.76 569.78 0.000133 1.06 2227.80 396.25 0.05 `�" 2289.00 556.80 570.22 562.43 570.23 0.000237 1.45 2407.99 406.89 0.07 a9 d :p�or :$� ' } 4 ; ;�+ ; � � f�,:`�:�c",�>�; 2824.00 556.80 570.49 562.96 570.51 0.000318 1.71 2517.92 413.24 3192.00 556.80 570.68 563.18 570.71 0.000372 1.86 2598.70 417.84 0.09 867.00 556.80 567.72 567.73 0.000090 1.03 1541.86 346.34 0.06 k 1263.00 556.80 569.58 569.59 0.000070 1.03 2232.32 391.78 0.05 L[SF a' s''' 't # 1533.00 556.80 569.78 569.79 0.000095 1.21 2310.38 396.47 0.06 El!.: .:f: a a ; , k 2289.00 556.80 570.24 570.25 0.000172 1.67 2493.63 407.27 0.09 ','9�0 : ::i e - a. ;,, „ : ;: 2824.00 556.80 570.51 570.54 0.000232 1.97 2605.95 413.76 0.10 `SF34 ..i:'E`:�''' `" 3192.00 556.80 570.71 570.74 0.000272 2.16 2688.42 418.45 0.11 ;-S : { : 41:1:0s 7 867.00 557.80 567.73 567.80 0.000766 2.78 571.80 164.97 0.17 51"€ ": £" ' ': ':y:`� . 1263.00 55780 569.58 569.64 0.000541 2.67 935.81 232.19 0.15 E+ ,: 14 1 ` ' :; , 1533.00 557.80 569.78 569.86 0.000713 3.10 982.78 240.00 0.17 k `s. ' 2289.00 557.80 570.24 ,: 570.37 0.001232 4.20 1097.27 257.90 0.22 w t`f''' { "'' et4 "��" 2824.00 557.80 570.52 570.69 0.001609 4.88 1170.27 267.88 0.26 F :::: � " ws "' " " >� `%" 3192.00 557.80 570.72 570.92 0.001843 5.29 1224.97 275.13 0.28 ...a, {: {.Ci.`��,, i s �...... ' ? 5`#£ ' >. 867 00 559.40 568.16 568.30 0.001282 3.29 370.40 121.99 0.22 I£ir v 8 '`.; ` iit a ' 1263.00 559.40 569.88 569.99 0.000886 3.19 665.49 199.43 0.19 S� "k,3fkYi�o�tF "``' ` : _::,::.,: "tom: ,� ; :.,. ` ? s .• 1533.00 559.40 570.17 570.31 0.001094 3.62 723.76 207.76 0.22 �;, :..: >: >: HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (ntinued) yy �,.�,^ .:: z;: > .�:zf���:�..'�::: ?': � '�i::� : :i;:�;i'�,;.a�x .. ...:�� >.�.�'f�.El0?:�� ":..::. .....,�.:..__�:::k`.A;': . Si" 4 t. % 2 i. < 2289.00 559.40 570.88 571.09 0.001604 4.62 878.18 228.37 0.27 559.40 571.32 571.58 0.001900 5.19 982.95 241.36 0.29 :::Z ........((..(.::::::......:.:::: ' : ' : <.: „ ` s` ?; 3 192.00 559.40 571.62 571.91 0.002061 5.51 1057.08 250.14 0.30 , ?? `t: . 867.00 561.80 568.64 569.33 0.018369 6.64 130.64 47.72 0.71 ( r i�. Xy J 1 C _ F e 1263.00 561.80 570.15 570.70 0.010750 5.97 217.32 69.22 0.55 w; ,�: a <.xa >;kc: 1533.00 561.80 570. 571.16 0.012195 6.57 242.32 74.63 0.59 x . :: :Rip* 2289 00 561.80 . 571.35 49 572.27 0.014971 7.82 311.87 87.96 0.66 IF.,.... .rN::; >,: >.;�t �,� ; o ' < a x' % " ;l . 2824.00 561.80 571.87 572.94 0.015996 8.48 82 364 16 119131.38 08 0.68 .)< • . .� ,k 3192.00 561.80 572.21 573.36 0.016188 8... 0.69 f F • e74 867.00 566.73 573.77 574.37 0.009155 7.03 179.31 73.06 0.54 $s "` ° " ; ' a s :;: :<» 1263.00 566.73 574.41 575.24 0.011593 8.54 230.11 87.92 0.62 ''' 9 � > 1533.00 566.73 574.98 575.83 0.010960 8.84 285.51 104.01 0.61 Sj , ,':; ;, 4!!:::n:':.: ;?<;: 2289.00 566.73 576.23 577.07 0.009813 9.41 436.76 138.74 0.60 sJ i�?fw "''t 2824.00 566.73 576.92 577.76 0.009333 9.72 539.44 158.03 0.59 iS is "•: t !: -. r :.: a : ` ....< 3192.00 566.73 577.32 578.17 0.009208 9.95 604.61 169.14 0.59 E s s 667.00 570.78 577.53 577.68 0.004556 3.16 296.79 108.30 0.29 �a a ''j "> 1 263.00 570.78 578.48 578.66 0.004106 3.. 128.49 0.28 ":z:;<: 1533.00 570.78 578.97 579.17 0.004115 3 .73 474.72 40965 138.80 0.29 228900 570.78 580.06 580.31 0.004269 4.31 639.92 164.81 0.30 2824.00 570.78 580.68 580.97 0.004379 4.65 747.34 179.53 0.31 .: , ':..: ::.r,tt:tc, 3192.00 570.78 581.07 . p.�::a 581.37 0.004438 4.85 818.75 188.67 0.32 4: • w c...:„:::1 , 867.00 573.99 578.93 578.93 579.84 0.056753 7.67 114.48 68.39 0.98 l� a+ 1263.00 573.99 579.51 579.51 86 581 580. 58 0. 04758 9 8.39 158.59 83.22 0.94 S p a ::. .. :. ; . �. t 'y ;;i.'9;a �-a « 1533.00 573.99 579.86 579.. 0.043472 8.76 189.37 92.16 0.92 "'` ' ' 2289 00 573.99 580.66 580.66 582.00 0.037959 9.66 271.33 112.57 0.89 . >. ,.zs. • ti! ;: ",. . � s : <.'<y < s 2824.00 573.99 581.14 582.58 94 00.035782 031609 10.17 .. 0.88 >:;' -; '�' 3192.00 573.99 581.53 582.. 10.17 379327.56 45 113264:8598 36 12488 .59 0.84 a x •:. 867.00 577.20 582.87 583.43 0.016062 6.26 163.46 98.43 0.68 • "` • ` a a °v ' . 1263.00 577.20 583.42 584.11 0.017180 7.10 222.73 117.22 0.71 ' ! :. "t " »' "'< ` ..N, .`:` %Y. 1533.00 577.20 563.73 584.49 0.017743 7.57 260.78 127.84 0.72 : 125.:. $ .••, t '':9 a'a a'. ii ' • 2289.00 577.20 584.47 585.38 0.018341 8.55 364.66 153.12 0.74 5 , :. :. e" #4# . 9DO;:;: &(a : ,t<:.,:a> 2824.00 577.20 584.91 585.90 0.018460 9.07 435.42 168.18 0.74 3d<: 3192.00 577.20 585.11 586.20 0.019713 9.61 469.95 175.06 0.77 5 j C,4' °; >;; 850.00 578.81 586.59 586.76 0.002775 3.93 326.67 . 0.31 me >:.:: } . a : '' 1150.00 578.81 587.37 587.55 0.002732 4.29 0.31 •L..2.;......,::!.-•....; t.t : • s" '',041 1545.00 578.81 587.91 588.14 0.003117 4.86 571.33 452.34 211392949409837 0.34 i" `' . 9 a'.. 2078.00 578.81 588.72 588.93 0.002778 4.97 788.14 289.69 0.33 ;` "` 9 a d a flh 2361.00 578.81 589.14 589.34 0.002495 4.89 913.29 304.40 0.31 t:Z; � ` "^'. ` , 9;ao `: g:. "E«:z.: >':: 2557.00 578.81 589.43 589.61 0.002319 4.83 1002.28 314.43 0.30 .,...9 „a " '`y 850.00 583.51 588.82 589.69 0.016458 8.52 144.84 69.87 0.74 S#f "::` " "'oe':4: "''S ,ak.f 1150.00 583.51 589.49 590.47 0.016159 9.34 202.64 110.10 0.76 "' " " ". "' '': a,d c 591 1545.00 583.51 590.24 591.71 0.013141 09 0.013122 9.28 302.30 148.97 0.70 i4i " "'' -' " #.fir. >;f,< 2078.00 583.51 590.82 . 9.93 394.83 170.33 0.71 a' `' „ ' c. %'s`'.?> 2361.00 583.51 591.04 591.98 0.013686 10.38 433.91 178.59 0.73 a. :•;,...,,, `a o;. ,.,: a." "." 2557.00 583.51 591.19 592.16 0.013899 10.63 461.98 184.29 0.74 : :. , : '` ::raa „ fit. „: : i e s s ; sam::, 429.00 584.52 590.89 588.90 590.92 0.001228 1.60 287.69 144.89 0.17 f . ;;:e as :'`; 979.00 584.52 591.79 589.57 591.88 0.002338 2.61 425.15 192.86 0.24 �' 1302.00 584.52 592.34 589.91 592.45 0.002438 2.89 511.68 207.08 0.25 w .: :': IN :r 1641.00 584.52 592.94 590.23 593.06 0.002335 3.07 606.54 222.66 0.24 :; 4 - . . 9....- a ; t;. ; a 1990.00 584.52 593.28 590.53 593.43 0.002651 3.41 660.40 240.45 0.26 S ' ' .... :' 2316.00 584.52 593.51 590.68 593.71 0.003028 3.75 698.07 249.68 0.28 $E 9 , ,s;{;>: -s` 429.00 584.80 590.93 587.53 591.20 0.002148 4.19 102.32 147.92 0.30 aaa;fa r "> 7iii??>.tt.i 979.00 591.75 8.43 116.11 191.96 0.56 "- " "" _' ; >: ,; .:` <o% ? ::. 1302.00 584.80 584.80 592.16 590.52 589.53 592.86 0.007339 593.90 0.010735 10.59 122.92 202.55 0.69 ifii }` •. 1641.00 584.80 592.56 591.49 595.05 0.014302 12.66 129.59 212.90 0.80 SF1 %kwtsrOd ;;:;;: »< g;r >i 1990.00 58 592.65 592.41 596.23 0.020227 15.18 131.11 215.27 0.95 tut7Cd A#!7" 2316.00 584.80 593.22 593.22 597.43 0.021658 16.46 140.69 238.45 1.00 #. : 44 an >vn Culvert HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) iil=,. >:.::.:::. :. .. . .:. .. .....::::::..., �...:::. ,.. :. 1 ;:::::::: ><: >Rel::. ::1::: >::<s'.... tea................: �::., i:.:::.......................... .::.:..... >>< � 41t tem: 429.00 586.76 591.22 589.49 591.73 0.006209 5.76 74.42 165.57 0.48 ig'::,.�f�:''!�.:s >;�'<:: >zz: >= 979.00 586.76 594.38 591.49 595.30 0.005403 7.69 127.29 281.30 0.49 k 1 W _ '% 1302.00 586.76 595.98 592.48 597.09 0.005071 8.46 153.94 343.04 0.49 g'ai: <.jkaW 1641.00 586.76 598.63 593.45 598.64 0.000088 1.25 2639.40 478.32 0.06 ,,. 0:44. ' ? f % ;< 1990.00 586.76 598.23 594.35 598.24 0.000155 1.62 2449.68 457.09 0.08 " »:. ., ���''�``��''''n� C�`:<�g�Y: 2316.00 586.76 599.47 595.16 599.48 0.000150 1.70 3103.91 714.10 0.08 • ��?' < i .:.: :- �:� ::;psi ` i >`t` ::::;WW ,r z .". SFy t $ _; g ^, >.a an n 429.00 586.70 592.02 590.14 592.16 0.003908 2.96 144.87 75.7 4 0.38 `' "" "' '` ' 979.00 586.70 595.47 591.79 595.53 0.000842 1.91 558.83 330.13 0.16 • ' ° . : .:::....);,. t. :::: ''�'�3 r ::c ';"3;t €� > 1302.00 586.70 597.24 592.23 597.28 0.000456 1.68 871.90 396.25 0.12 t0.0,; �: �# »c ;;;; . >,: 1641.00 586.70 598.63 592.61 598.66 0.000348 1.65 1118.10 445.53 .1 �u 'a.<..::' <:'. 1990.00 586.70 598.22 592.98 598.28 0.000627 2.14 1045.09 • 430.91 0.14 � . :01040::: 4060 *WOW 2316.00 586.70 599.46 593.27 599.51. 0.000475 2.05 1266.19 486.09 0.12 =MAO* . ii " "' "'' " "'" slain. 429.00 590.50 593.60 594.06 0.023026 5.46 78.57 50.72 0.77 o' ," : wa �?:.<., 979.00 590.50 595.71 596.02 0.006439 4.47 224.95 92.28 0.46 OM 1302.00 590.50 597.34 597.53 0.002403 3.65 417.78 161.36 0.30 "` ▪ } O "' ? O '%"'^ " 1641.00 590.50 598.69 598.83 0.001320 3.21 690.85 243.25 0.23 ::s: �"� 1990.00 590.50 598.34 598.59 0.002520 4.26 609.32 219.76 0.32 <. '' ' ' 01. 2316.00 590.50 599.55 599.72 0.001439 3.67 927.38 306.84, 0.25 e';:3 , . 429.00 591.82 595.78 595.94 0.004405 3.48 158.09 95.41 0.37 �.. �.< ;..:p.....: 979.00 591.82 597.00 597.27 0.005203 4.84 298.96 156.32 0.43 t: ,;_ c. , E 1302.00 591.82 597.94 598.16 0.003470 4.56 477.09 221.58 0.36 .::.,, -. � r e ° 1641.00 591.82 599.03 599.17 0.001923 3.88 754.23 280.93 0.28 '4.0 j' ` °;a a': '"' '; 1 v , 1990.00 591.82 598.97 599.18 0.002996 4.81 736.15 277.81 0.35 5 ; `;' ? ; : 2316.00 591.82 599.92 600.07 0.001826 4.15 1024.20 324.14 0.28 cileK.F.Ai MOM. • <: l • ':1 >'>: 429.00 592.50 597.64 597.88 0.007433 415 121.90 82.03 0.46 E;, *��', 4 e -ns :n <:;y� 979.00 592.50 598.96 599.31 0.006703 5.23 266.50 142.71 0.47 ��.,.� a $.:*. �;�.,. 1302.00 592.50 599.45 599.85 0.007033 5.80 346.65 186.01 0.49 ,a 9 i:�.:.. 1641.00 592.50 599.96 600.36 0.006541 6.02 451.81 230.81 0.48 . FE : u ;. oo# r:ii:;%a 1990.00 592.50 600.29 600.71 0.006683 6.36 532.32 249.50 0.49 . ... ...:N: S -iial: <>' 6.00 2316.00 592.50 600.78 601.14 0.005526 6.14 659.87 275.68 0.46 .:'::::::::0:::04:::::::::::::::W . ... . , yt..:..:::::i. 00 ' gib: did.: .: .a::: t ,. i.3,�.c: :: �:.� 3.a> ";:fin.; 429.00 594.40 599.63 599.63 600.34 0.018980 7.15 81.52 78.64 0.73 O 4 :';: ,a 9 :; :# } "' 979.00 594.40 600.71 601.49 0.018264 8.62 201.90 144.71 0.75 :liirar••> 1302.00 594.40 601.23 601.91 0.015538 8.61 285.48 176.59 0.71 `' ' i 1641.00 594.40 601.61 602.28 0.014739 8.85 358.15 196.94 0.70 a�::; s e v..,K: ^ 1990.00 594.40 601.96 602.61 0.014095 9.06 428.71 212.58 0.69 > e *v:'.74 2316.00 594.40 602.20 602.88 0.014437 9.44 481.13 223.88 0.71 �'�' ili Si ; `' 429.00 596.48 601.59 601.71 0.003306 3.39 210.60 145.92 0.33 $4 A» ' `use "x` -. 979.00 596.48 602.77 602.92 0.003597 4.32 435.72 237.31 0.36 0 .i:: . # 1302.00 596.48 603.17 603.3.4 0.003903 4.76 535.02 261.50 0.38 S ° x , �. }y .> .1 �; >':. 1641.00 596.48 603.53 603.72 0.004090 5.11 634.80 283.74 0.39 mks •a . w..: ; .,: 1990.00 596.48 603.86 604.06 0.004232 5.40 729.21 300.22 0.40 . :$`�.< i`ii`�',4° 2316.00 596.48 604.14 604.36 0.004281 5.61 816.56 313.73 0.41 ,„ :, Pgril k ilt ' .. a 9 .r.> ,.: , 40, r1p: 429.00 599.30 603.86 604.05 0.008181 488 171.49 189.71 0.52 » tf'x • ' : ' w. a �' r 979.00 599.30 604.79 604.94 0.005420 4.82 375.69 243.96 0.44 .. e!t` iT. : :', 4' . i ra j' Vii � a ; IMO! 1302.00 599.30 605.20 605.35 0.004927 4.92 478.53 263.61 0.43 ' .`.` "' 1641.00 599.30 605.56 605.71 0.004593 5.02 574.98 27471 0.42 § t; : ..); , 9;: ..M 0: 1990.00 599.30 605.88 606.04 0.004397 5.15 664.46 282.49 0.41 j`j,S�,.,. ;.4yss,;. 2316.00 599.30 606.15 606.33 0.004293 5.27 742.02 289.07 0.41 SW '" a a a'i . ; a':>:': :'Q: 429.00 599.78 604.07 601.49 60420 0.001435 2.97 144.43 208.32 0.25 ,:, �:1�, :•: 979.00 599.78 604.91 602.74 605.41 0.004105 5.66 172.86 249.57 0.44 t :. iu1 � "'. �y7� j'` :,� 1302.00 599.78 605.26 603.36 606.03 0.005811 7.04 184.81 266.76 0.53 • %fJ :.yam ± s:3,'>i;3: , a :: $:. :::.........„.:.:....,...::•::; .,-•,,,• `i c ':: �' `n' 1641.00 599.78 605.55 603.96 606.65 0.007802 8.44 194.38 274.51 0.62 >K "' ":'9' >a :'3 ` >i 1990.00 599.78 605.78 60455 607.28 0.010083 9.85 202.06 280.03 0.71 t „s ' f 2316.00 599.78 605.94 605.04 607.87 0.012454 11.15 207.73 284.11 0.79 AMOttailakiMUSS i 00460: \ W 4r Culvert ;!: ,;0 sh'' #< 423.00 600.28 604.19 601.97 604.35 0.001898 3.21 131.70 214.21 0.29 gifiti.604:4N iitiklidg 1095.00 600.28 605.72 603.47 606.27 0.004227 5.98 183.26 278.63 0.45 HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) ;.::l::ii':::ii: "<::::::::;t: ;iii; ",v':::::: ;::: : ::: 1 : �:;::<.: ;c':<:.:x:!< :t.:;:. <.::::: >i;:v ::. ; ::.:::.::.. .:. :::.:::::.:,.:.:::: .:: ;:.::: iii: <x:i;::>:::x:::;::::: . <.:::::::::: <:: <z;:..;:.;:. .:.. ..;:.;:.;:.;:..::.;:.;: «.:�:.:. :: <,:. ;; ;:..:.::.:...... .. ..............:. :mti33:::=::::im<:c:i::::;:'. S i df d i mama 1383.00 600.28 607.19 604.01 607.21 0.000208 1.23 1304.57 340.00 0.09 ,'.... ..7: " el 1699.00 600.28 607.86 604.56 607.68 0.000202 1.31 1544.96 379.57 0.09 fti 3 '< <;M;'; 1956.00 600.28 607.99 604.98 608.02 0.000247 1.46 1594.36 387.20 0.10 a _ : ; , �ftStl0t. 4,,,:, >. „.:;::' 2245.00 600.28 608.56 605.44 608.59 0.000232 1.50 1824.07 420.88 0.10 i ': I MINFORE5 " g ' � 9 O ^::::i<<i? 604.69 0.011977 5.95 131.97 134.07 0.58 �. SI" � ......... .... »::: 423.00 600.00 604.39 Ijf:g::.;S..a 111 ,t�€y# 1095.00 600.00 606.48 606.57 0.002576 3.82 513.75 221.32 0.29 $k(j�a; 1383.00 600.00 607.19 607.27 0.001939 3.60 681.15 251.62 0.26 wawa* :`�zc`5.0 1699.00 600.00 607.86 607.93 0.001577 3.48 859.71 280.79 0.24 :' ' ,' 9 *: t0:::' 1M 1956.00 600.00 607.99 608.08 0.001877 3.85 896.40 287.28 0.26 W . : : : $. j r. 2245.00 600.00 608.56 608.64 0.001544 3.68 1067.63 310.56 • 0.24 w.c ;T. a o; ows : 423.00 602.30 607.85 608.16 0.005457 5.36 142.22 105.12 0.44 r 7" 9 a a 16 �1�.;,��}.M,; 1095.00 602.30 608.23 609.43 0.021598 11.25 185.26 121.50 0.89 Wj4.;k.,,: `7 1383.00 602.30 608.86 608.86 609.69 0.014847 10.09 267.86 141.28 0.75 ":' " "`'' ""` "' kotL. ..�,;;� s 1699.00 602.30 609.15 609.15 610.03 0.015604 10.71 310.62 149.38 0.78 a r" ":i, / <i 1956.00 602.30 609.21 610.31 0.019297 11.99 319.78 151.60 0.87 � ���� :`,,,, '� �f a�%%% %� {'` >' : : 2245.00 602.30 609.50 610.60 0.019100 12.31 365.53 170.90 0.87 .:.,di . „, d ,".. , e:_ ?'7 , - :. :1 :. .,.. J , SF'''` a<�,,'.':'ga':�a >�v` : : 423.00 602.70 608.59 606.46 608.99 0.004285 5.12 82.54 45.10 0.41 ..4t.'4'.',:.!.-f- a o i y�. i'.:i 1095.00 602.70 610.62 609.62 610.86 0.002802 4.92 415.88 202.60 0.35 11" " ' `` `' r:; ., 1383.00 602.70 610.68 609.95 611.04 0.004190 6.05 428.04 205.97 0.43 ti ? s ;` g :� 1699.00 602.70 611.07 610.28 611.43 0.004216 6.32 512.48 228.02 0.43 $t; � : � . -� �� 1956.00 602.70 611.50 610.44 611.85 0.003982 6.40 618.44 269.44 0.42 4 a ?.....6_0 ; 2245.00 602.70 611.78 610.65 612.14 0.003982 6.57 697.31 285.55 0.43 $ f L. .E Bridge �:. a :.., :. . • / �� c / ;::' 423.00 602.60 609.06 606.93 609.40 0.005071 4.78 100.28 132.24 0.42 ° :�� :' 1095.00 602.60 610.97 609.92 611.17 0.002855 4.62 438.91 220.64 0.33 `-, a ^ >:'n < 1383.00 602.60 611.21 610.21 611.45 0.003495 5.25 493.46 235.97 0.37 `" � , " ' p q? t. z',J' k= '1111.r°#' 1699.00 602.60 611.59 610.50 611.86 • 0.003769 5.67 592.35 274.70 0.39 I 'a ':a: ° . tilliiht 1956.00 602.60 612.00 610.71 612.23 0.003260 5.49 707.47 297.51 0.36 , ,, - � 2245.00 602.60 612.27 610.89 612.50 0.003271 5.64 790.56 312.93 0.37 tee:'; ;'': ":.�:. S :` ` i Oad` i 423.00 603.35 610.04 608.02 610.24 0.003230 3.93 147.00 93.39 0.35 �fks3vo 1� `T$� : }•:� `A S %r! r1 ; $...:o: >,:.': 1095.00 603.35 611.54 610.38 611.79 0.003537 5.08 365.49 194.87 0.38 ask:::<; i <x:. i Sa �,.'iA,` ���;. - a;x . �;::;iai 1383.00 603.35 611.87 611.00 612.15 0.003815 5.48 433.20 211.50 0.40 6 :1 "' "`'" ' .:;:;; . .:.r::i<. •; 3:j:: :: 1699.00 603.35 612.28 611.27 612.56 0.003686 5.64 523.45 231.81 �I�f ,, � : 1956.00 603.35 612.61 611.48 612.88 0.003499 5.68 601.76 248.10 0.39 : .;:Z:. , ,.; a £':'je. 2245.00 603.35 612.88 611.64 613.16 0.003534 5.87 671.47 261.74 0.39 , fix; `,, • a ;, "1 O: 0116 Bridge '1. ; '`.'.,�. A` OWE �3 <i;, 423.00 603.35 610.56 608.02 610.67 0.001711 3.10 200.98 121.56 0.26 .p ;� ,; s? 1095.00 603.35 611.54 610.38 611.80 0.003522 5.07 366.17 195.04 yam. :• '; 1383.00 603.35 612.15 611.00 612.36 0.002806 4.85 493.74 225.33 0.35 , •,^'x " 1699.00 603.35 612.53 611.27 612.74 0.002860 5.10 582.06 244.10 0.35 ��f�qt`��, : :: 1956.00 603.35 612.83 611.48 613.05 0.002822 5.22 657.69 259.10 0.35 $1?: `I�R.�;w. c» 2245.00 603.35 613.10 611.69 613.33 0.002890 5.42 729.22 272.53 0.36 .7 w - a::: zzH,t 423.00 604.90 610.66 610.86 0.004211 4.29 149.58 117.42 0.39 • • • : . 1 • 9 a . '> < -9 ";' 1095.00 604.90 611.77 612.06 0.005375 5.75 315.04 165.89 0.46 SE; : , ':'`:9;. > : ' '. : 1383.00 604.90 612.32 612.57 0.004325 5.53 409.97 181.98 0.42 $,A. .A 1699.00 604.90 612.69 612.95 0.004311 5.77 479.76 192.96 0.42 ;` ,- .i WORM ? 1956.00 604.90 612.98 613.25 0.004227 5.90 537.41 201.58 0.42 t(Wgptj,,1rQ . Mt ' < ` .3 2245.00 604.90 613.25 613.54 0.004293 6.12 592.52 209.49 0.43 }} fi �. ' .i a: ,;�:�� > ?� >: � "'• �' � 423.00 606.10 611.42 611.61 0.002697 3.80 164.48 114.92 0.32 ,:. "i i ? Q '> ` 1 095.00 606.10 612.76 613.04 0.003692 5.31 373.37 193.81 0.39 *0(��1 $��z: 1383.00 606.10 613.18 613.48 • 0.003809 5.65 465.80 243.85 0.40 '- ';7 <:F;:: 1699.00 606.10 613.56 613.85 0.003775 5.85 563.45 269.98 0.40 , ' "` ,i: """`%z 1956.00 606.10 613.84 614.12 0.003689 5.95 640.97 283.40 0.40 0114. '.`': 08* : 2245.00 606.10 614.12 614.40 0.003636 6.07 722.52 296.86 0.40 gaillb.:, WWII, :Wi \:#10.001k= 423.00 606.10 611.43 611.39 612.55 0.024323 8.69 53.38 25.76 0.88 ** tigt C1 '''i <,':0 1095.00 606.10 613.64 613.64 614.37 0.011253 8.41 230.14 145.55 0.66 . $ . 60440,06 - .V $1 00;,.,, 1383.00 606.10 613.92 613.92 614.72 0.012281 9.11 272.00 152.86 0.69 - HE C -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) .>:.:::.:.»: 9.::.::;:::: tt .:9:.ii;.:;:t.:.. :�..::.::<.;� <t<t:.;;:. >'::.::':.;.:<: t : ::.::::. ::. .:::::::::: t.,;;:...:: i<: t:::.;; :.;:.:.:::.;;t.:t.:;. >:.i::•> ......::..:...........:........ ,t. >:::. ............ , .:::.. ,...: .:....:::::... :.:::.. ...::_.:t...:..: :::::..::,......:.. ;;::..:::..:. :... .:.,:`t` a ?tis�dtfi: €::> « >::Frrstade:: #::�h! >'- ,t;; ......:.....:..:::9::.,... :: t.;;:�:.::.:.::. ..:;; ::.;:. ...::.:..:..:::::..: .::.. :: ;;_:t::.. .. 1N�>;:.;: 9:.:::;..... f' s<:. E1mu:.;,:.;:. E: �t Sla. s..:>::..:, : ...��rt.J��a.:.. . ., : vp:, 'C'+r. \::.5" ip\ ww��. -.- - ,....>n. n: . :�v::n ... ,,.. ::.�:;n::':iAi::::ir: !t�::.; NOW NO ..... .. �... .... .. � esnFiY. i:. isi :::: ?::::.:::iiYii(:..i'.i:.i S 0405,:etiena 1699.00 606.10 614.21 614.21 615.05 0.012741 9.61 318.48 160.60 WWII 1956.00 606.10 614.38 614.38 615.30 0.013914 10.23 344.80 164.81 0.75 ,f "` ^' °.;;:�'. trip(#3: O.' 2245.00 606.10 614.54 614.54 615.55 0.015084 10.86 373.04 169.22 0.78 r boo;: . . .'9 a :;. >; itd# 423.00 606.08 613.27 610.88 613.40 0.002039 3.19 200.64 130.57 0.26 r 6 < 1095.00 606.08 614.81 613.24 614.97 0.002373 4.15 466.26 200.13 0.29 $) ' ` 4. : ', :'." (; r ; �'z 1383.00 606.08 615.19 613.58 615.37 0.002602 4.52 544.98 212.18 0.31 ' 1699.00 606.08 615.54 614.01 615.74 0.002858 4.90 620.09 223.07 0.32 s � :;;: ;;� 1956.00 606.08 615.83 61422 616.04 0.002942 5.10 686.08 232.22 0.33 ";� ?; , ''. a a 9 $• y., ,,,;. 2245.00 606.08 616.13 614.43 616.35 0.003020 5.31 757.33 241.71 0.34 5 r r ' ..x cfo W .t ; , :. Bridge A:,`,: .f:.:,:. ap . 74:* 423.00 606.08 613.45 610.88 613.55 0.001643 2.94 225.21 141.49 0.23 *` :Wilke 1095.00 606.08 61494 613.24 615.08 0.002075 3.93 493.32 204.35 0.27 t .9 ta"„.`y:. °i` ..r �' Ptft: 1383.00 606.08 615.33 613.58 615.49 0.002277 4.29 575.55 216.68 0.29 0 1699.00 606.08 615.69 614.01 615.87 0.002495 4.64 654.79 227.93 0.30 :: ` ` " 4; .F.,§ #1 ` , y 1956.00 606.08 615.98 614.22 616.17 0.002582 4.85 722.60 237.13 0.31 w cam: 2245.00 606.08 616.28 614.44 616.48 0.002663 5.05 795.76 246.67 0.32 OfAt 6 ' ' `9,9• .:<i. �V 423.00 608.93 614.06 612.37 614.69 0.014051 6.48 76.09 56.91 0.52 ,.• * 23 . F ; ",9,p; :. * 1095.00 608.93 615.70 615.39 616.18 0.011574 7.12 269.55 153.21 0.49 4 1383.00 608.93 616.14 615.70 616.59 0.010701 7.15 340.79 168.33 0.48 t; . a 9 , < • . r . 1699.00 608.93 616.55 615.97 616.98 0.010160 7.24 412.51 182.28 0.47 - 73 . 9 `� ' � ;Q ,.�. �? 1956.00 608.93 616.86 616.17 617.27 0.009743 7.28 469.90 192.72 0.46 9 a'4 "A •t 2245.00 608.93 617.17 616.36 617.58 0.009373 7.34 532.74 209.37 0.46 E ": ..P' < = Culvert s,t • , s �?�y'S�'' 423.00 609.79 613.84 613.44 614.92 0.028404 8.39 55.12 39.77 0.75 • �''"' s ; 4 161 1095.00 609.79 615.98 615.51 616.33 0.009488 6.42 303.21 162.77 0.46 1383.00 609.79 616.37 615.77 616.72 0.009358 6.65 368.45 175.90 0.46 9 a 9 .9 s 7;.: u`` 1699.00 609.79 616.72 616.00 617.09 0.009386 6.90 433.18 188.04 0.47 i ,. ean: 1956.00 609.79 616.98 616.18 617.36 0.009408 7.09 483.20 196.92 0.47 SI"' 3 ;'..9 , 9fES 2245.00 609.79 617.25 616.37 617.64 0.009405 7.27 538.60 214.34 0.48 •0 0 423.00 609.43 615.58 615.70 0.001598 3.02 206.20 134.80 0.24 y �� ;....f..;;.:,.: ° 4...::. „°`. , ; y"` 1095.00 609.43 616.89 617.10 0.002711 4.59 421.57 183.90 0.32 "i,` '1• .. 1383.00 609.43 617.29 617.52 0.002962 5.00 497.15 194.04 0.34 SF ' K : e`o: t 's a 1699.00 609.43 617.67 617.93 0.003194 5.39 572.76 203.67 0.36 9 ° 86O : `�> ...e 1956.00 609.43 617.95 618.22 0.003358 5.67 630.24 210.70 0.37 .: ,: >, €a6i9d9 �E3'r,> # 2245.00 609.43 618.23 618.53 0.003530 5.96 690.89 217.88 0.38 is "'n 41 " t 423.00 611.44 615.85 612.90 615.93 0.000983 2.28 185.70 61.17 1095.00 611.44 617.32 61419 617.62 0.002531 4.43 247.38 67.91 0.32 g , ..9,, ; >`.Y. ..*:: at >: 1383.00 611.44 617.77 614.65 618.18 0.003158 5.19 266.32 69.98 0.36 .�:.' "> ,:,, s . >;;,.,V " ?;:w:;: 1699.00 611.44 618.19 615.12 618.74 0.003842 5.98 28411 71.92 0.41 #0.*:':..,.,......... �:r,,�,: 1956.00 611.44 618.49 615.49 619.17 0.004396 6.59 296.92 80.84 0.44 0Mi. 2245.00 611.44 618.80 615.88 619.62 0.005022 7.24 309.89 88.60 0.47 �t,, , : , f ... Culvert 9 ;+ 382.00 611.60 615.91 612.96 615.98 0.000868 2.11 181.32 61.66 0.18 . ..9: - .:, ... . 989.00 611.60 617.53 614.17 617.78 0.002000 3.96 249.75 71.44 0.29 1: -- .0 � t� : 1217.00 611.60 618.07 614.55 618.38 0.002265 4.47 272.51 75.32 0.31 • _;i� a :a��' 8$i %.; 1496.00 611.60 618.62 614.99 619.01 0.002616 5.06 295.40 79.26 0.34 :; : ' f MA. 1737.00 611.60 619.02 615.34 619.50 0.002931 5.56 312.27 82.16 0.36 trill : . 1973.00 611.60 619.73 615.68 620.00 0.001788 4.18 504.06 103.19 0.27 €{1t i L: : 'f` r : } 2 ',.0.. :. :. 382.00 611.92 616.30 616.77 0.009887 5.58 73.84 32.80 0.55 ;', :4 989.00 611.92 618.39 619.14 0.009269 7.53 171.16 60.18 0.57 : >i"'"":'':'ih' #nr;?": 1217.00 611.92 619.04 619.80 0.008515 7.78 212.74 68.63 0.56 . ^ ;� ?yr�3 1496.00 611.92 619.72 620.50 0.007893 8.05 262.70 77.57 0.55 ) l ( ig i # i <�: f < 1737.00 611.92 620.24 621.03 0.007500 8.25 305.11 84.42 0.54 04.0. tillai tagning 1973.00 611.92 620.36 621.32 0.008978 9.13 315.01 85.94 0.59 SF K t po g oga ' 382.00 612.31 618.05 618.33 0.005492 4.70 111.17 55.66 0.41 §F000 4400i!: 989.00 612 .31 620.20. 620.57 0.004951 5.95 252.94 79.83 0.42 b HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) ;::.:: >> r't: ' ;;:: .€ €'': ':.:,; :: <; ' :''' ;_: ; " > >s '; ;; " "':' »;'. , ::;.`tide:: #>ih)I >' ;:.. >:::..:t:. %,:::.:: Ra�S� :: dTs�tat i�mL4�t... : Ytf�.E;reir 4rtkYV<S:t.:::. h. EG3< Ets +r: >:, >:81c�pe�:,: ��I:>nl. ;.. ;:.f= �a+rrAreai> , » , ;£::Frr� O "°'"'.' ° """'' "'435: >: °; "' "' 11 612.31 620.77 - 621.17 0.004918 301.40 89.19 0.43 ® ::.:::.: q% .• 1104:61 0.43 :�_': a'� 1737.00 0.004803 1 1 1 • te, % 11 ��_® 0.004875 ® ® ®® xz: s �rf,�: is bhl','.': :.. , . a >. ,, **SOW 0600MMEit 382.00 614.6o 619.43 619.89 0.013429 5.43 70.29 2910 0.62 NW 'elsS •:• 11 61 IIHI 11 0.69 f.aa .. i1 0.015542 1: 185.24 47.25 1 ' 382.00 616.03 620.63 61/3.48 620.98 0.004060 4.75 80.40 47.39 0.39 .. : .vo >'° r .:,:::' ktMV.ii 989.00 616.03 622.84 620.65 623.91 0.007348 8.31 119.07 63.83 0.56 .. , :�.i k .. ..., : } • �: � .:t•'.:•• r : 1i' s 11 1 0.002707 • 1 s " ";.'.�°' mss.,/ �:.;:." >;x" 01 / / 111 :1 / . k` : � 66E00 616.42 623.79 620.10 624.26 0.002851 1 : :' , C' . 11116 spgilliwpottoi4. fove 1466.00 616.42 627.04 622.67 627.13 0.000645 2.42 640.53 148.43 0.16 :k"..'. • `..,ye:;E,.vev } 665.00 1 11 /• 1 t ..c 00. t: �ti' :t: '`.Gn°�t. 1305.00 0.002576 1 1 fir;.`: }: 1466.00 618.25 627.32 627.56 0.002765 5.56 522.75 165.60 0.34 '•a. :..a'is 1 e tas • ::: 282.00 621.14 625.01 0.006273 1 40.32 1 n .. ': : ,»s. }* .. >r 1123.00 14 0.007178 5.09 229.54 67.06 1 5 £ii }:. a 11 11.: 11 5.47 285.08 84.41 1 11 111 / 5.° ;'. x 1466.00 622.76 629.60 626.83 630.32 111' 103.57 1 $.PACW,14910,5.‘na Culvert , " t#.'' � i . : : . , , o •.i. `e }...'c 1 1 622.78 625.98 624.05 626.08 1 11 100.37 / ° } 1067.00 629.26 626.07 629.69 0.003122 5.25 203.41 86.09 0.36 72 "' "" 62278 63015 62640 63031 0001368 319 42508 12759 023 _ •s 11 622.78 630.55 626.68. 630.71 0.001350 3.31 480.57 164.43 0.23 W °, ; 100 255.00 623.80 626.68 626.68 627.36 0.035528 6.99 40.49 29.21 0.96 " e " "" " "^ , 4 631.00 623.80 628.49 629.09 0.016068 6.68 105.53 42.50 0.70 »;fir; «: �;; :;::, :"•M .•. .x a 827.00 623.80 629.28 629.85 0.012535 6.53 141.41 48.29 0.64 z• 1067.00 623.80 630.13 630.68 0.010154 6.45 184.88 54.48 0.58 **O.:: 1233.00 623.80 630.36 631.01 0.011244 7.01 198.07 57.52 0.62 ,,, "Kiii*Od :> *AM '?: 1379.00 623.80 630.73 631.41 0.010512 7.19 220.36 63.39 0.61 10,1801 ppm* pose*q '`,:,a� ammo 255.00 627.84 631.19 631.50 0.010814 4.52 59.40 32.72 0.55 opoiiiioomtioc:it 631. 627.84 632.27 632.96 0.017633 6.86 100.38 43.48 0.73 Sggi 6 : :g11 tI' ' >' 827.00 627 84, 632.65 633.521 0.020180 7.72 117.93 47 .35 0 .79 HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) .. : . :...::::::..:.::�:. >:::..:::. �Q. &1 Vei .. :.:::,,_ �..:..:::: EI.::.::::1tsF.�',.: Elea. ......: �^ rtE�ltt:.'# :.:::::::.........................:...:..::.......::.::::.'. ....:.:...:::.::::.:.::::....:. ................::.:::..:,,.::.::. :.....:::.::::::::::: ::::::.:::.:::::::::::::::::::. . :...,.w.. � .:.:....:.:::: Spa .:...:::::,.�.�;:>.:::::;,,:: iu) En. C: i�.......:.::: ::..:...:..:..::.:......:.::... .:...: . :::..:.::. .:... :::.::.:..: .. t : : ::::.::.::: :. :::.:.::::::::::::.:.::: :: ....:::::':� ::::. r.: . Avon Ffj :.. 1067.00 627.84 633.08 634.13 0.022260 8.54 139.46 53.02 0.84 E'. ;; 079 1233.00 627.84 633.48 634.54 0.020748 8.62 161.67 58.46 0.82 �'ir.(iyy °% 1t1 a 1379.00 627.84 633.72 634.84 0.021155 8.93 175.86 61.69 0.84 <u z' 3 ' :I hi`'`'s:<'. #<'. "n.'M::a.' >' ig SF" .f > <1`: >v<'"> 255.00 629.72 633.62 633.98 0.011283 5.08 57.98 29.73 0.57 • . $N004601,• RI 631.00 629.72 635.41 635.89 0.010346 6.13 123.82 43.96 0.58 SFK rl " "` " "`" ^;i, Ma % 5' >. 827.00 629.72 636.06 636.60 0.010174 6.49 154.38 49.18 0.58 ;!4iad... "ry. ;?€;c =? 1067.00 629.72 636.73 637.27 0.009758 6.75 216.77 169.70 0.58 �tg''11il"`a'z;`r;; 1233.00 629.72 637.13 637.78 0.010876 7.44 305.05 272.69 0.62 ' w.:;; c :.: . . : :. ;:.:.::: ::::::::::.: :: . S �. 1379.00 629.72 637.35 637.93 0.009920 7.34 370.94 319.41 0.59 ::; ;' ,.83`:.7. ' :>: 255.00 630.58 635.52 635.52 635.58 0.001532 2.59 145.33 53.76 0.22 #1,0*. � .7:36116::: 631.00 630.58 636.79 635.52 636.96 0.003617 4.75 269.15 135.37 0.36 Fi' :, , , _ : tOyiee 827.00 630.58 637.44 635.52 637.59 0.003068 4.72 367.27 165.20 0.34 . z :fiig<t �; 1067.00 630.58 638.05 635.52 638.20 0.002780 4.79 476.64 193.70 0.33 ' • g ,:.: 0 ` ft.-Am 1233.00 630.58 638.58 636.42 638.70 0.002280 4.57 586.56 220.55 0.30 S j i%opi ' '(`1?; 63. :: 1379.00 630.58 638.71 636.61 638.85 0.002547 4.88 615.11 227.01 0.32 W''':' : '.:;4s>5';''t >. s? :' 593 . Culvert INSINaill:: WOK. s 'eio?r g t' i `` i .' ;;;: 255.00 630.58 636.99 635.52 637.02 0.000472 1.76 297.60 144.65 0.13 o!K; % >7 631.00 630.58 637.86 635.52 637.92 0.001174 3.05 439.57 184.12 0.21 '"a`r '. 9 i.. '. 4 1.1 *t 827.00 630.58 638.10 635.52 638.18 0.001594 3.65 486.25 196.19 0.25 0 ` ...c':: 1067.00 630.58 638.41 635.52 638.51 0.001997 4.20 549.05 211.77 0.28 4 1'l • - . �� 1233.00 630.58 638.70 636.42 638.81 0.002054 4.38 612.89 226.51 0.29 : O'+ V• :• 1379.00 630.58 638.79 636.64 638.92 0.002409 4.78 632.58 233.37 0.31 ��;: ; .:> a o :.,� m�,� � 255.00 631.66 637.13 637.19 0.001448 2.11 120.81 39.40 0.21 A is : 6 631.00 631.66 638.19 638.41 0.004050 3.75 168.65 57.14 0.36 gF;''tEflditft; nek.:.; 827.00 631.66 638.54 638.84 0.005090 .4.42 192.97 82.11 0.41 '?! ;k °, > " 1067.00 631.66 638.94 639.33 0.005962 5.05 229.42 99.18 0.45 1 4.0.400_,,,Jii:i : ,x 'E$ ''..k,. a# 1233.00 631.66 639.24 639.66 0.006156 5.33 261'.05 111.48 0.46 1 1379.00 631.66 639.40 639.88 0.006698 5.66 280.07 118.26 0.48 . W#0#10.4: % •tia.ti : >a`>` Bridge " `. cam'» !ti,501. S , `_. n" : ", t t> v ;< 255.00 631.66 637.23 634.32 637.30 0.001321 2.04 125.01 40.07 0.20 AKibtli t ,... 631.00 631.66 638.57 635.74 638.75 0.002872 3.34 195.92 84.22 0.31 17.. :` :` : `a ; 827.00 631.66 639.06 636.28 639.28 0.003227 3.77 241.73 104.14 0.33 S . t ; 0.0.1S.Xiii 1067.00 631.66 639.73 636.84 639.96 0.003069 3.97 320.47 131.51 0.33 ,r). '``' 1233.00 631.66 639.81 637.18 640.10 0.003846 4.49 330.85 134.70 0.37 ' . . fit ,:: �` ° �' ' o`.�"°�'' 1379.00 631.66 639.88 637.48 640.23 0.004537 4.91 340.71 137.67 0.40 SF ,�' " "` i� '��,::' &«'„`s• 255.00 632.73 637.45 637.48 0.000841 1.46 184.86 90.48 0.16 631.00 632.73 638.97 639.03 0.000951 2.02 354.51 131.98 0.18 ,.$_ - `"`'.' 827.00 632.73 639.50 639.58 0.000988 2.25 428.00 141.32 0.19 <'' <s,e ' ; 1067.00 632.73 640.17 640.25 0.000953 2.43 525.12 152.79 0.19 .' '' xxr; ;. a� .04;x .• 1233.00 632.73 640.34 640.44 0.001110 2.68 552.85 155.91 0.21 9 ` % " 1379.00 632.73 640.51 640.62 0.001233 2.89 578.17 158.71 0.22 `' : p 255.00 633.40 637.67 637.78 0.003682 3.25 120.28 84.82 0.33 a''* 631.00 633.40 639.20 639.32 0.002767 3.72 284.89 126.62 0.31 A: ;; " ' ° .' -k 827.00 633.40 639.74 639.87 0.002634 3.91 356.65 137.59 0.31 5 ' : " 2 s 1067.00 633.40 640.39 640.52 0.002364 4.02 450.30 150.71 0.30 010004: .: ,"'� f; s .: 1233.00 633.40 640.60 640.75 0.002619 4.34 483.13 155.05 0.31 0.git fI _.;:�;`."` 1379.00 633.40 640.79 640.95 0.002798 4.58 512.67 158.85 0.33 .. '4F : _,:aws 255.00 635.02 638.34 638.34 638.83 0.022303 6.19 58.45 73.88 0.77 . pow i" 631.00 635.02 639.56 639.87 0.010445 5.84 186.93 131.60 0.57 ; ' :', 1 827.00 635.02 640.08 640.34 0.007823 5.58 260.68 151.60 0.51 ads; 41xw� '':�':':fa 1067.00 635.02 640.69 640.90 0.005648 5.24 359.34 170.73 0.44 • i4 ' :: :; ' a< ; . 1233.00 635.02 640.94 641.15 0.005581 5.41 401.68 176.67 0.44 *#(tt'.�!; x; ; 1379.00 635.02 641.14 641.37 0.005491 5.52 438.82 181.73 0.44 SF r O :04$61:191 255.00 637.25 640.39 640.50 0.005624 3.11 101.60 57.41 0.39 :''*24$$55; 5>' 631.00 637.25 641.26 641.54 0.010378 4.89 154.89 65.82 0.55 Iiii0 q ?iO40..5.31 "' 827.00 637.25 641.56 641.93 0.012563 5.62 175.27 68.76 0.62 [s0K l iiNafi iii :i`i 1067.00 637.25 641.87 642.36 0.014980 6.40 197.26 71.80 0.68 HEC-RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) c ::. ::.::.>;> �: �>::. �: �> �. o: < t.>::::::.: �:.>:.:::::.:>::;:: �_:::::>::<:::;::: t;:•::>:. e:>:;:::>::::>:: �: t::>;:::: t>:?':" �: R:: i:: i?;::' �: t>:...:;:>:':` t k;; . si%,,::; r:> �.:..>'." �:::>::>: f�,:': �? �' �Y: ��: �:'"`:'::>:: s�::: I�::":.:::: ��;: �:: a? �! .»::: E": �`:: �`;' s;..; �>::>^:: �:.[><: �"':: �:: > z::z:�: :[ ;:: ":::x:':: >� "; :::til ::.:. «..�rrlslrl: " a . 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Vi z`'" .,.s g jf{ ti f WOW % 255.00 640.48 646.46 646.46 646.47 0.000124 0.72 393.69 1 41.32 0.07 wir,./ 631.00 640.48 646.47 646.47 646.51 0.000754 1.77 394.74 141.60 0.16 4#004 ;�' "''<,*" kI': ' a 827.00 640.48 646.47 646.47 646.55 0.001295 2.32 394.74 141.60 0.21 SS ` '. :4 : :Mims: 1067.00 640.48 646.47 646.47 646.60 0.002155 2.99 394.74 141.60 0.27 °'`o a o,1,. : a' tt.W 1233.00 640.48 646.47 646.47 646.64 0.002878 3.46 394.74 141.60 0.32 9 71A < M 1379.00 640.48 646.47 646.47 646.68 0.003600 3.86 394.74 141.60 0.35 ` 0 �� �� �ct,a� ,_: $ ' , ,yn bra ::: r:y:.' Culvert St Via.. • .' ' ..; ' "' S� ' iik:* ' j.. 113.00 641.20 647.13 644.74 647.13 0.000046 0.55 376.10 164.61 0.04 ;7e!`l��ilY0:� <h >s: 217.00 641.20 647.41 646.46 647.42 0.000128 0.94 424.62 177.27 0.07 r ""s 94 296.00 641.20 647.62 646.47 647.63 0.000194 1.19 463.35 186.76 0.09 385.00 641.20 647.77 646.47 647.78 0.000286 1.47 490.83 193.21 0.11 "' ``7';•:. A 400.00 641.20 647.80 646.47 647.82 0.000300 1.51 497.20 19467 0.11 . , "''% 507.00 641.20 647.97 646.47 647.99 0.000412 1.80 530.86 202.24 0.13 S : ' '' o a o 3s' .: ; ' + > {. 113.00 641.66 647.14 647.14 0.000073 0.57 301.30 157.28 0.05 ".y ^' 'a 217.00 641.66 647.43 647.44 0.000189 0.97 350.24 170.55 0.08 $ 3^ '` s 296.00 641.66 647.66 647.67 0.000273 1.20 389.68 180.86 0.10 �"�" "::.a t kz ,. 9 ^ 111t>.;. 385.00 641.66 647.82 647.84 0.000388 1.47 419.35 188.25 0.12 4 +)2, 400.00 641.66 647.85 647.88 0.000403 1.50 425.97 189.86 0.12 ' '' '&fv3bt'iS x...?� . 507.00 641.66 648.04 648.07 0.000532 1.77 462.60 198.53 0.14 ; `r� ;r t 113.00 643.04 647.15 647.16 0.000333 0.98 176.68 149.62 0.10 SF ; , ''': „ „.'tfk «.,;mk 217.00 643.04 647.47 647.49 0.000701 1.52 227.98 171.63 0.15 SF kw `AC';z ; ;. 296.00 643.04 647.71 647.74 0.000881 1.79 270.77 186.36 0.17 '"''`' ; ` ` ` 385.00 643.04 647.89 647.93 0.001127 2.09 305.37 197.46 0.19 N 400.00 643.04 647.92 647.97 0.001149 2.13 312.84 199.78 0.20 ' F< . :: . : . :::; . x. ‘`,t.:.: 507.00 643.04 648.13 648.19 0.001362 2.41 356.13 213.10 0.22 V." ¢`•` a'•' era: .? 024 00# t 113.00 645.03 647.22 647.32 0.008553 3.00 55.03 99.51 0.46 te. $S`':"; i t 8 .' 1 > =< 217.00 645.03 647.65 647.75 0.007053 3.28 107.14 141.11 0.43 : a ,a ' .: : . n . : : :.. ">;` t 296.00 645.03 647.93 648.02 0.005708 3.25 149.15 158.72 0.40 .. ; < :. , .. j o r SE` .... : q ;� ,�., :�`?_ >. 385.00 645.03 648.15 648.25 0.005388 3.39 187.20 173.13 0.40 4'.9s " 3 400.00 645.03 648.20 648.30 0.005281 3.40 19433 175.71 0.39 :. `Z ` v ' F ` ` 507.00 645.03 648.44 648.54 0.004951 3.52 239.21 191.09 0.39 .. ;. . Y_J :: K � iio ° ;,, €s "'9'a< `s�s�1� `�'�. °,: 113.00 646.73 648.46 648.49 0.006150 2.12 81.37 140.35 0.37 !F ` , &., r ',: ; 217.00 646.73 648.77 648.82 0.006364 2.58 129.74 168.12 0.39 e Nis ?e 296.00 646.73 648.93 649.00 0.006862 2.90 158.45 180.04 0.42 :M' "�'9`' < ,rs " " 385.00 646.73 649.13 649.20 0.006789 3.13 194.78 197.50 0.42 f ::. .c . w: S`:4( ':' �'° • ����`�:.t: �» 400.00 646.73 649.16 649.23 0.006798 3.16 200.61 200.39 0.43 ,� ° • : .. '. ' 507.00 646.73 649.36 649.44 0.006710 3.38 242.65 220.11 0.43 #0.f.: ''.aa. a'au_` 113.00 647.00 649.25 648.99 649.33 0.014157 2.64 5473 86.67 0.46 `s "f''' " .' . , 4 ., : g < j'! ;A: 217.00 647.00 649.60 649.69 0.015735 3.10 97.82 160.64 0.50 7n & +. 296.00 647.00 649.77 649.87 0.014717 3.22 127.36 18450 0.50 ' "$'" ,, 4M ?` a:``" 385.00 647.00 649.93 650.03 0.013739 3.35 157.19 200.12 0.49 °;' ;'�`.,.`9:a. °":`:« " "< } � „'r? > 400.00 647.00 649.96 650.06 0.013430 3.36 162.86 202.97 0.48 F.;,...1.'4:::::::.- " 1 e SSr " 507.00 647.00 650.12 - 650.24 0.012568 3.48 197.67 217.68 0.48 %Z .ryS a,'Eti fix Lr. `':? *'Z'> _--- - - - - -- e Winn ; 113.00 647.27 649.96 649.99 0.004373 1.64 81.41 92.11 0.26 i eh ; fti z>M`? ?�< ; 217.00 647.27 650.38 650.43 0.004993 1.83 124.24 108.71 0.28 ,f00,rkxi, woiggp 296.00 647.27 650.59 650.65 0.005805 2.04 147.21 116.69 0.31 SOW4ge !iAntO ; ':; 385.00 647.27 650.77 650.85 0.006672 2.25 169.28 123.87 0.33 ISO-40404A ,13Q ;": ,` 400.00 647.27 650.80 650.88 0.006823 2.29 172.62 124.92 0.34 1770:11. f 1314 µ ` , 507.00 647.27 651.10 651.19 0.009468 2.88 215.69 209.40 0.40 t" HEC -RAS Plan: Exist Geom - River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) C i ::.::::::..::.::: {:..,..:::,,:. ,.:::.::: .:.,.::.:. ......::,,:. �::. ..:..:::: ..:.: :: z.:::.:.. , :. :::::......:..:... �::.. 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S n i Append x B< .:. >. NMEMONW 2 -Yr, 5 -Yr, 10 -Yr, 25 -Yr, 50 -Yr, and 000 Profiles for <'' Proposed Stream Improvements and: T ti ate Development ydrology (No Detention Enhance ii iii" i I J»i ii 1 C . Elementa i'Y) C; ma ............:............ ::...:...... :.:x.:cxta..'. . t;;lt;: i0� izt>` `yx\ .p ii.: S:`f E:" e :: t i£: ti. t <.0 .: Q �p tam � E't` ft \ \a: • Ii o'14 A, o! >- > - : }.>- ›T r ' O O 0. 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(0 2 CV 0 g in (g) uoReAal3 HEC -RAS Plan: pg -nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood :.. ..::.:.. F�na . :. ,�ti C�7r3ta4. 4h En :�1rt= �t�* ;. • E.G Flea "E� Slape Ve1L�ni "' : Fi�rz : �r�a' "'� ? Erou���hi: • L E $I d d > 39 0 867.00 i 547.80 555.68 553.45 556.03 0.005007 4.74 183.22 81.70 0.55 `wkw '! iiiiiii )' ii � 1263.001 547.80 556.58 554.45 556.94 0.005002 4.82 268.15 107.85 0.51 ,� f(�ppd ,, 30 , ,.,_,, , ,, ; 1533.00 i 547.80 557.07 555.61 557.44 0.005003 4.90 329.88 162.65 0.49 `76 trktivood 390 2289.00 547.80 558.04 556.46 558.43 0.005002 5.21 545.36 255.49 0.46 Si f$Fd4k 39E1 `? ":i i :>'." > 2824.00 547.80 558.55 556.94 558.96 0.005009 5.42 683.96 283.26 0.45 SE: Atiniiiiniliii 3192.001 547.80 558.87 557.32 559.28 0.005007 5.55 775.15 300.14 0.44 1 66.13 0. 79 > a > <:i:: 6.55 133.12 SFaK[rkvivd >: >' 57#tt: >: <<`:; >?:;a:< <.:: 867.00 550.67 556.82 557.49 0.012798 " : »' 1263.00 550.67 557.63 558.32 0.010970 6.71 193.94 84.84 0.73 SFKtF[tti? sorJi >i 57 i.:.1 1533.00 550.67 558.07 558.80 0.010392 6.91 235.04 102.04 0.70 S F:1tlad ::';;' : 5711;"^';`': <'.a. 2289.00 550.67 558.94 559.84 0.010522 7.77 338.25 135.81 0.69 SF' 4tdi>>?>i57ii<'ad ; 2824.00 550.67 559.39 560.41 0.010888 8.36 402.31 144.61 0.70 '": i;: i:>"'i €>» 7 560.76 0.011182 8.75 442.55 149.88 0.72 $0411. .90.0 j `.§int, :; ;.:;::;;:; 3192.00 550.67 559.6 Piiiiiellikkingigiiiii ?`^<: 6.71 8.43 62.55 0.69 S 13 .. F,; �£ rcktiiyorcl ,; ; ;<::75A ;: : ;:;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; > 867.00 553.53 559.00 559.68 0.011619 SE} 4Er( ttivoad ., >,,,,,,,;;; 1263.00 553.53 559.61 560.54 0.013026 7.89 180.33 73.69 0.74 Fi(grkti s d <> 75fl `i'?s r 1533.00 553.53 559.96 561.04 0.013806 8.58 207.23 80.02 0.77 5F< rfkNOVd, ` t': ; ,;,,: i i i i i i r: 2289.00 • 553.53 560.79 562.24 0.015235 10.11 280.10 95.66 0.82 FSF' K k i >s> z75 .': ' ' %f < " "': 2824.00 553.53 561.26 562.94 0.016155 11.03 327.02 103.98 0.85 SF:100 ±v00RAPO'»''' 3192.00 553.53 561.55 563.38 0.016684 11.60 358.09 109.14 0.87 ▪ "' E`i' 867.00 556.40 561.77 561.77 563.25 0.018635 10.5 112.96 51.36 0.87 ; . - iii' piiii;Fii 1263.00 556.40 563.34 563.34 564.13 0.008546 8.73 311.72 210.24 0.62 $6F jd y ( " j� V 1533.00 556.40 563.63 563.63 564.44 0.008820 9.15 375.86 225.20 0.64 $F'[:` ,; .: 93' 0 x. >: "': 2289.00 556.40 564.20 564.20 565.12 0.010354 10.50 512.78 254.19 0.70 : :5:• 00.09* :.::: .. ...........:..�:, .:.::: 000, 93 >" .. " " %, 282 556.40 564.32 565.56 0.013979 12.33 541.95 259.95 0.82 3192.00 556.40 564.78 565.75 0.011000 11.41 668.88 277.70 0.73 ": ?:.. <.k;<:i: ":::`:i:� SF g' 1 t!`7t#; :;,,,;;z;:,z;:c; 867.00 556.90 563.75 563.86 0.001372 3.26 457.82 171.97 0.25 °' "£" ` " a' ` "7 :. -: ;,,, `" 1263.00 556.90 564.50 564.64 0.001622 3.86 600.20 211.40 0.27 SE �rkwoad '1n7E `<, 1533.00 556.90 564.82 564.99 0.001870 4.28 671.74 228.69 0.30 1001.t0.00::::::::::::::: 1 4 : : :.... ' ::;:.. 2289.00 556.90 565.57 565.81 0.002407 5.23 858.16 266.60 0.34 k i d ''''''?li171 2824.00 556.90 566.10 566.35 0.002536 5.62 1003.72 288.79 0.35 £4t kd' wto1ri70 3192.00 556.90 566.23 566.53 0.002958 6.14 1042.72 293.77 0.38 5F Ft :: _,;:::, 113 ;;,_;.:: a : 867.00 556.80 563.90 558.56 563.96 0.000749 1.88 461.64 173.39 0.12 it o d : ' 11 g: <' c :::::::: 1263.00 556.80 564.66 559.07 564.75 0.001134 2.47 510.84 215.88 0.16 ' SF:; f( gdii iiii 1S iii i ' 1533.00 556.80 565.00 559.38 565.12 0.001453 2.88 532.71 235.06 0.18 SKiggi. waod' {: ii:: `1 =138< :<€ "'i3 2289.00 556.80 565.73 560.17 565.98 0.002429 3.94 580.76 272.86 0.23 " i18 ;i''ai 2824.00 556.80 566.26 560.67 566.59 0.003051 4.59 615.16 295.04 0.26 SF Kirkii 8 <" € #::i` ' # 3192.00 556.80 566.42 561.01 566.83 0.003687 5.10 625.54 300.97 0.29 i i::.> ::::>:::::: SFX rk ot4€1i3' >'< lit.50011iIiiiili 11 Culvert ai °`: l.# `''i € '1tt3 <Mw s�> 867.00 556.80 563.95 558.56 564.00 0.000347 1.87 464.50 175.86 0.12 $F3'": kx afJ ?; itil. S3" 'f< >u 1263.00 556.80 564.74 559.07 564.83 0.000519 2.45 515.81 220.18 0.15 SF3 >":1'; xe 1533.00 556.80 565.10 559.38 565.23 0.000658 2.84 539.62 241.19 0.17 SF j iid i i1 40* : :"s'.<: °: >." : 2289.00 556.80 565.95 560.17 566.18 0.001061 3.85 594.72 282.88 0.22 .: SF:: �4irta�3 . 2824.00 556.80 566.57 560.67 566.88 0.001297 4.45 635.00 306.37 0.25 SF ilii „ni i'I iMii eY;,< 3192.00 556.80 566.81 561.01 567.18 0.001529 4.91 650.53 315.22 0.27 z;; ;,.'.••,psi; > >::,.,:.. >:.:: k . •:::::::::..: >< SF' tf ? aii" " flid `: 'il g, 867.00. 556.80 563.99 564.06 0.001108 2.71 519.10 184.27 0.20 S 1<'1;#' `:t 1263.00 556.80 564.81 564.90 0.001291 3.13 689.00 228.03 0.22 SF Kttl(woad 116 1533.00 556.80 565.21 565.32 0.001435 3.40 785.22 250.00 0.23 SF<K rk tali l <'. <t g ii1` 6.VI S i' &r 2289.00 556.80 566.19 566.32 0.001629 3.88 1050.22 292.18 0.25 F K 0. ' 728(3 2824.00 556.60 566. 567.03 0.001558 4.03 1267.88 318.33 0.25 S F'Kiwood 1.28e :.::::: 3192.00 556.80 567.22 567.36 0.001636 4.23 1370.30 329.08 0.25 r 0 �� [ SF 563.83 563.37 565.13 0.020291 9.45 105.37 61.69 0.78 i4tftwooti 1541(3 867.00 557.80 I tKiKitiii • .e A 6.11iMm 1263.00 557.80 564.66 566.09 0.019556 10.39 173.67 87.25 0.79 SF K k woad.... _,. Vii 1533.00 557.80 565.12 566.55 0.018788 10.76 215.46 95.85 0.79 fkwtsad' ..; 150(! ; :......: :, 2289.00 557.80 566.16 567.61 0.017422 11.57 333.52 130.93 0.78 I rkWOOd ' 1 S 50 2824.00 557.80 = 0' r.F1firkwaod 141Q 3192.00 557.80 • % • : • 159.63 [SF Kirkwood 0 2 t 867.00 559.40 567.43 567.64 0.002094 3.90 292.00 97.63 0.28 SF3t{rkwood :' Z006. 1263.00, 559.40 568.46 568.72 0.002272 4.51 411.28 154.63 0.30 ESF kwood I230t3 1533.00' 559 .40 568.96 569.25 0.002374 4.83 494.60 172.70 0.31 HEC -RAS Plan: pg-nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) 1g :::. . 0 1 ' S.:. <.>:igo Eleu»;;:::.E. , S1 ..:..:. .e1 c iti :: ; ;.':Ffow.Area 1::::1 ap 4 ; ,. Froi . F�e�ch �E!lEf S2a . >:::: « >:� 7 : <: >�:. �kEn t �{ i�tt,x� >: � ..:..CrEf �l ,.�.. , tom: ?? fit. ::_">i::: SFKtrknsod Q 2289.00 559.40 570.07 570.40 0.002589 5.53 703.61 204.92 0.33 `rk opd ;;;; i 20 tt;;s r <` ` 2824.00 559.40 570.64 571.01 0.002799 6.00 825.01 221.49 0.35 Aititizpod 40.0 3192.00 559.40 571.02 571.41 0.002870 6.24 911.77 232.62 0.36 1 867.00 0 561.80 568.32 569.19 0.024887 7.51 115.41 45.06 0.83 SS Erkwtod i ; 7Q <;`< ; 1263.00 561.80 569.39 570.26 0.019929 7.50 169.41 57.44 0.74 S SS ;;Ktrkwood ; ; ; :;;:: X2713:::;:.; <;;' 1533.00 561.80 569.90 570.83 0.019278 7.79 200.46 65.32 0.73 S.F 00.ad. i ;i :li :.: 227 Q. . ;:iii, is 2289.00 561.80 570.99 572.11 0.019034 8.57 281.63 82.43 0.74 SFKwkwisa00 01,0° ' 2824.00 561.80 571.60 572.83 0.019347 9.06 334.38 91.93 0.75 a : 2:ggpoma. 227 3192.00 561.80 571.97 573.27 0.019126 9.36 376.21 122.55 0.74 0. 1 444 0.0 5 7 573.90 574.44 08084 6.72 189.48 74.79 566. 3 867.00 SIEr0iad ':i:i `2s1,0 ^3i' 1263.00 566.73 574.74 575.41 0.008941 7.78 261.30 97.30 0.55 SS`Kiik ad::` :12ge(# <: :i 1533.00 566.73 575.24 575.95 0.009041 8.24 312.89 111.10 0.56 ; : , .. SF tf€r oA d =? > 287(t`: s: i >'sf 2289.00 566.73 576.38 577.15 0.008840 9.04 457.91 142.93 0.57 S rkw ad > �: 2S7f# :.<: E; < ": 2824.00 566.73 577.05 577.83 0.008594 9.42 559.52 161.53 0.57 SF:Ktr:(wpod:::< :> tO.Na 3192.00 566.73 577.44 578.23 0.008552 9.68 624.50 172.38 0.57 ;;7... . S ;r�4lF(t�iiigad? ?`;y 3 867.00 570.78 577.49 577.65 0.004732 3.20 292.69 107.49 0.29 0: 3.t.i 3 »:`:k ?' ': 1263.00 570.78 578.41 578.60 0.004354 3.55 400.64 126.99 0.29 SF t)tNroa4 :: : <>:: 320a> 1533.00 570.78 578.92 579.12 0.004295 3.78 466.95 137.61 0.29 S K4(F[modggi 40 :figs 2289.00 570.78 580.03 580.28 0.004353 4.34 635.07 164.12 0.31 SF; trkwood ; 32{:l(3 '%i'::"; : 2824.00 570.78 580.66 580.94 0.004449 4.67 742.66 178.91 0.31 PF "'""'' F 42.04:::::::::::::::0E: 3192.00 570.78 581.05 581.35 0.004497 4.87 814.52 188.14 0.32 3 <s <<3'' F;i jrkwoad tio ii: 867.00 573.99 578.86 578.86 579.70 0.065495 7.36 117.74 71.17 1.01 :Olitiiiiiigaii% WORM < '; 1263.00 573.99 579.40 579.40 580.36 0.062671 7.86 160.72 87.58 1.01 SFi £1tkw od`n i *Me * #.''z 1533.00 573.99 579.70 579.68 580.74 0.055713 8.19 188.41 95.22 0.98 akkgii0 2289.00 573.99 580.74 581.72 0.032030 8.06 300.46 121.31 0.79 SF K1rkw ,d 333c * 2824.00 573.99 581.34 582.32 0.026078 8.16 377.89 136.45 0.74 4F1 fk t sti:< 400.. €> ?::€ < 3192.00 573.99 581.71 582.70 0.023450 8.24 430.91 145.91 0.71 '' "`:'3't3 "'':?:) < >': > i': AEEk YVaod� :„ 867.00 577.20 582.93 583.33 0.015262 5.10 169.86 100.62 0.69 KErkwaod 34 6Q 1263.00_ 577.20 583.50 583.97 0.015367 5.50 233.19 120.24 SF KErl ood .. 3460 1533.00 577.20 583.79 584.33 0.016036 5.87 269.60 130.20 0.65 ,;: $E 4 3460_...,_' :; 2289.00 577.20 584.28 585.07 0.020960 7.22 337.33 146.93 0.73 SF Sgtkitkilkiffittg Manaditi 346 2824.00 577.20 584.59 585.54 0.023437 7.98 383.80 157.38 0.77 40Kirtrxd:: 345f3: 3192.00 577.20 584.79 585.85 0.024555 8.41 416.93 164.43 0.79 SF 0r woof AWNS 850.00 578.81 586.53 586.71 0.002906 3.99 319.38 125.83 0.31 SE:100.4601140t0010 1150.00 578.81 587.28 587.47 0.002943 4.40 435.21 186.64 0.32 SFKtr oei4,;, za E <:<. 1545.00 578.81 587.82 588.06 0.003385 5.01 548.18 231.34 0.35 §Eigtwoom 419.7§ §fog 2078.00 578.81 588.67 588.89 0.002907 5.06 773.62 287.94 0.33 SFK tkw od> sa> {O73::" ': ?; ;`li 2361.00 578.81 589.11 589.31 0.002560 4.94 903.98 303.33 0.32 F< i£ Etfvoa3 '<` %`'AQ7?3: <,:.::.::.:; <li:�::> g s? 578.81 589.39 589.58 0.002395 4.89 989.49 313.01 0.31 MIMENNI 0.6,111 2557.00 $ igi ; n 850.00 583.51 588.84 589.70 0.015977 8.43 146.70 70.34 0.73 $04V.104402 W.MNIM 1150.00 583.51 589.53 590.48 0.015412 9.19 208.01 113.64 0.74 SFiKEfkig6tya <. :a`455Q:'' > ` 1545.00 583.51 590.28 591.10 0.012470 9.10 309.48 150.73 0.68 1SF000ad =<:><' iA5513_` <` > "_ >«^ 2078.00 583.51 590.84 591.71 0.012788 9.83 399.62 171.36 0.70 S If€ 0.40d>;a ;'11:5 'i'> =>t >a:'.'. 2361.00 583.51 591.05 591.99 0.013503 10.33 436.48 179.12 0.72 S ::;i4 €040,94 u?` r4.5t3:;: : E: : = e ` 2557.00 583.51 . 591.21 592.17 0.013701 10.58 464.86 184.87 0.73 :MBRINESSINIMIE ES "` 'wo c > 'd . €i 8 6...... < . '' 47.'< 590.72 587.10 590.78 0.000649 2.04 209.88 132.62 0.16 SFKtrfiuvoag i::..:.: ' 429.00 585.60 SF 1£ttk .IN 78 K " : ni 979.00 585.60 591.67 588.20 591.91 0.001919 3.94 248.72 189.72 0.28 sK kwood: :: : . 478 <s :.: 1302.00 585.60 592.20 588.75 592.56 0.002568 4.81 270.42 203.46 0.33 'S 24trkw di "':08.04 <`:::n < ?< 1641.00 585.60 592.83 589.26 593.31 0.002999 5.53 296.55 220.00 0.36 SF00400'7.33<:i ><<`i':; 1990.00 585.60 593.12 589.77 593.76 0.003882 6.46 308.13 231.92 0.42 1.0,00009414:::: :4786 ii ? ±» ; z ^;' 2316.00 585.60 593.24 590.21 594.09 0.004969 7.39 313.41 239.20 0.47 ;$50 Culvert {Cirkw660 :5i33Q 429.00 586.52 590.87 588.02 590.96 0.001116 2.41 178.34 140.05 0.20 4 Kit*iiitod 530 979 00 586.52 592.23 589.12 592.50 0.002345 4.18 234.18 203.10 0.31 SF100.0od ' 5630.1:::::::::M::::::::::: 1302.00 586.52 593.06 589.67 593.43 0.002640 4.85 268.18 225.06 0.33 SF Ktrkwoad 5O3Q 1641.00 586.52 593.97 590.18 594.42 0.002718 5.37 305.45 265.36 0.35 $F Kwkwood 5O3Q 1990.00 586.52 594.70 590.69 595.24 0.002931 5.94 335.22 293.46 0.37 SF K :: %$.0 2316.00 586.52 595.36 591.13 596.00 0.003059 6.39 362.50 319.19 0.38 HEC -RAS Plan: pg -nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) R :: dc1e #ih .... :.;::.:.;:.::. < >:.;:.;:;.,. , ;.;... :.:. . ::.::.::::::::.: 7rsfa#:.;:.;: :. :.. tktn.: Et::.::: �,:. 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' : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::::.:.:.:•:.: S01W0040: 70700106: 2245.00 602.60 612.26 610.89 612.50 0.003303 5.66 787.43 312.37 0.37 IMARIVENOINNIEN $00440 Isom 423.00 603.35 610.05 608.02 610.25 0.003212 3.92 147.42 93.59 0.34 •040 1095.00 603.35 611.46 610.38 611.74 0.003895 5.28 350.23 190.92 0.40 : :;E1000ti8OMN . 7Th 08g0:]iN 1383.00 603.35 611.86 611.00 612.14 0.003878 5.52 430.16 210.78 0.40 1 ik0•664:::::::::::i:i:/1601§6:::::::::: 1699.00 603.35 612.28 611.27 612.56 0.003686 5.64 523.48 231.82 0.40 irWOCO:::!iiiiii:i: TIACtiii::::::::::ini:ii:::: 1956.00 603.35 612.56 611.48 612.84 0.003648 5.78 591.40 246.01 0.40 idakiiitriM: !rletrgi4i:M 2245.00 603.35 612.87 611.64 613.15 0.003552 5.88 670.13 261.49 0.40 INNININ AiligiMEN Wooaitil 1moms:a Brid 1111,11911161111101 :..giii.6805::: 7777 ess 423.00 603.35 610.57 608.02 610.68 0.001691 3.09 202.16 122.91 0.25 ...,........,..........::•:....:::::: :-..::.:::::::•:::::::::::::::.::::::::::.,:: $Figitogoop.: 7777 lim;::: 1095.00 603.35 611.51 610.38 611.77 0.003682 5.16 359.05 193.21 0.39 $F10 7.07 4811::': 1383.00 603.35 612.14 611.00 612.35 0.002830 4.87 491.96 224.93 0.35 tRkiiiiiaier: Mradll 1699.00 603.35 612.53 611.27 612.74 0.002860 5.10 582.06 244.10 0.35 $K teratin 1956.00 603.35 612.80 611.48 613.02 0.002902 5.27 650.12 257.64 0.36 $R:10•14.6603.k :tdragn 2245.00 603.35 613.09 611.69 613.33 0.002900 5.42 728.22 272.35 0.36 NAINISM Aliebta ;$004,140ft tkogotte 423.00 604.90 610.67 610.87 0.004156 4.27 150.59 118.60 0.38 gigitiowitm 788 in 1096.00 604.90 611.75 612.04 0.005556 5.83 311.01 165.17 0.46 ii4kiiiiN tatiriMm: 1383.00 604.90 612.31 ........ ......................................-- ....:..., : . ::: .:,..::::::x:::::::::::: 612.56 0.004356 5.55 408.85 181.80 0.42 .............,......................,...............„..,..„ ...............,....:..::,„,„:„:::::,„ AF;$1004000M TAP01::::::::::::::0R 1699.00 604.90 612.69 612.95 0.004311 5.77 479.76 192.96 0.42 ARKitOWNN 85 00;:iii::!::1;:iia 1956.00 604.90 612.96 613.24 0.004330 5.96 532.60 200.87 0.42 S„F.: 04668.: : _ JAI ! 75 ti:61115: 2245.00 604.90 613.25 613.54 0.004306 6.13 591.87 209.40 0.43 NagelE0 Ofinni: §0000.4 . 8.00,01: 423.00 606.10 611.43 611.62 0.002693 3.80 16461 114.97 0.32 §50440.0a0180004,01. 1095.00 606.10 612.76 613.04 0.003692 5.31 373.40 193.82 0.39 SF100400::::::::: '8.000miaiiiiim 1383.00 606.10 613.18 613.48 0.003815 5.66 465.44 243.68 0.40 `$Et 00411Milit 1699.00 606.10 613.56 613.85 0.003775 5.85 563.45 269.98 0.40 $00#06001: Koselmil 1956.00 606.10 613.83 614.12 0.003721 5.97 638.69 283.01 0.40 $04..A gli 00:011111 2245.00 606.10 614.12 614.40 0.003639 6.07 722.23 296.82 0.40 MiSINIRIMIINIIIIIIII ,,AF$iii4i:ioi:iiiiiii owgi 423.00 606.10 611.43 611.39 612.56 0.024302 8.69 53.40 25.77 0.88 i$PK1t44028.: 84 ge:::::]::::::.ii 1095.00 606.10 613.62 613.62 614.37 0.011559 8.50 227.36 145.05 0.66 $0Sif*iing 000.igin:::::1 1383.00 606.10 613.92 613.92 614.72 0.012281 9.11 272.00 152.86 0.69 ti*Oti:::::::::::::: 4 0:::::::iiiiiiiiiiii::::: 1699.00 606.10 614.21 614.21 615.05 0.012741 9.61 318.48 160.60 0.71 r.kwood:: OlaCk;:;;;:;::::::::::::::::::::: 1956.00 606.10 614.38 614.38 615.30 0.013914 10.23 344.80 164.81 0.75 2245.00 606.10 614.54 614.54 615.55 0.015084 10.86 373.04 169.22 0.78 ing.90•51:::::ii Ii;:::::::::::Reii: ! S2 423.00 606.08 613.27 610.88 613.40 0.002039 3.20 200.60 130.56 0.26 -SFV*000:00:: PVIROmil 1095.00 606.08 614.82 613.24 614.98 0.002340 4.13 469.03 200.57 0.29 i-.5F:100diddMii:: OtOngia;: 1383.00 606.08 615.19 613.58 615.37 0.002602 4.52 544.98 212.18 0.31 HEC -RAS Pian: : g -nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) E ; p . ::: >: >::ili!*.hiiiLtii i': . 3tlf +: Et4: :!: :giO4YYt.°:V ;. ;E:Cs Eiev 8 V et.-ttci::'..: "#'o If z m: lti:::; Fmude E. > 11i t ea ch �tivei Sta � 7afal...<. � �', " :. ' R ...::.. .: :;.;;:;:. ;; >::.;> iii::' ss::::> i;: , ; ; ;::::.:.:<:,:000iiii: %o ;; ,;: ;iiii � :c;;: »:. ;; ?:iiiiiii:� ��: : >::i::i ?::�::! <:z:i: . �: i si;` E:>. �< 3 "s!i�:::� % " ;...� ; ;: ?: >:: >::; ;; ;:.;:.;:.::::: ...... __. >`',�'. ?��'ti %� : gs }:. >ii : .. ... .... .. .. ... .. SF Kirk 828 1699 00 606.08 615.54 614 01 615.74 0.002858 4.90 620.09 223.07 0.32 . "'i' . ''' ' .. &2...' - :': 1956.00 606.08 615.83 614.22 616.04 0.002942 5.10 686.08 232.22 0.33 il40.0d .. 828Q ' ::; 2245.00 606.08 616.13 614.43 616.35 0.003020 5.31 757.33 241.71 0.34 t$Bi €g.0. dgt.; a2 <i <!F + Bridge 8 1 141.48 0.23 1 .88 613.55 0.0016 44 2.94 225. 9 ": 72 i`:.iii 'z >' >!' 423.00 06.08 13.45 6 6 6 0 . '; ku oarl`` 8:17VmON 1095.00 606.08 614.95 613.24 615.09 0.002051 3.92 495.69 204.72 0.27 SF> (trk :; ;;:;::;;; <;' 1383.00 606.08 615.33 613.58 615.49 0.002277 4.29 575.55 216.68 0.29 iSF : kifiiiia[i.: > ;18272 ; :,. ; ;. ;; :, . 1699.00 606.08 615.69 614.01 615.87 0.002495 4.64 654.79 227.93 0.30 ::. r SF;kt�.f�oad;.; >t;; $�7� ; ;;;;; <�: 1956.00 606.08 615.98 614.22 616.17 0.002582 4.85 722.60 237.13 0.31 S : [ ( irliii <€ iiii 2245.00 606.08 616.28 614.44 616.48 0.002663 5.05 795.76 246.67 0.32 423 1 00 608.93 614.06 6 2 .37 614.69 0.014052 6. 48 76.09 56.90 OS 2 . SF'(rkWW'ii „' F1' <' 1095.00 608.93 615.70 615.39 616.18 0.011518 7.10 270.13 153.34 0.49 1383.00 608.93 616.14 615.70 616.59 0.010701 7.15 340.79 168.33 0.48 SFi rkvzood < 8482• '` <:s< • 1 699.00 608.93 616.55 615.97 616.98 0.010160 7.24 412.51 182.28 0.47 .::Y. .:: :::::: .: .. 5;Sl4rtturoad <'' >8'd92> " <;��k 1956.00 608.93 616.86 616.17 617.27 0.009743 7.28 469.90 192.72 0.46 SF ``'ta' >1»i1i8'43H <'<z<: ='.r`<' 2245.00 608.93 617.17 616.36 617.58 0.009373 7.34 532.74 209.37 0.46 [5 ; trfi aait 9. : H > Culvert S (Sin i<i; 85.p'c ii..::>.s.>..: " .,.,<. 423.00 609.79 613.84 613.44 614.92 0.028411 8.39 55.11 39.75 0.75 SF�trfitiNORt1,,,......8ati5,,, ,,,.. 1095.00 609.79 615.98 615.51 616.33 0.009469 6.42 303.46 162.82 0.46 :' i';t tiad':':`'c< 85E161'`:> >i' '< a 1383.00 609.79 616.37 615.77 616.72 0.009358 6.65 368.45 175.90 0.46 $' " " "` ' 88 1 ' ``' "' '' 1699.00 609.79 616.72 616.00 617.09 0.009386 6.90 433.18 188.04 0.47 SF "" 1 ooc1 ; 8 (j 1<'i i` `< 1956.00 609.79 616.98 616.18 617.36 0.009408 7.09 483.20 196.92 0.47 SF 0rkwc : 8 § :::;;, ?' 2245.00 609.79 617.25 616.37 617.64 0.009405 7.27 538.60 214.34 0.48 k # id; >!g ^s? arO 0.24 .7 0.001 598 3.02 2 06.20 134.80 4 615.58 615 0 423.00 609. 3 S•i[`t `i 8878'i111 "` 1095.00 609.43 616.89 - 617.10 0.002711 4.59 421.60 183.91 0.32 ''` Er" '' '' € >`:' 88?tr ?'i`''i`:>''. 1383.00 609.43 617.29 617.52 0.002962 5.00 497.15 194.04 0.34 rkuk?od '.: {:867ta`i `'. 1699.00 609.43 617.67 617.93 0.003194 5.39 572.76 203.67 0.36 ; irk , 88 a i :: 1956.00 609.43 617.95 618.22 0.003358 5.67 630.24 210.70 0.37 SF €irftryood.. 8676.: _ r: „z 2245.00 609.43 618.23 618.53 0.003530 5.96 690.89 217.88 0.38 . . 3 <. -- - - - - -- SF:II : d; :::,;;8$45: t' „,; ri 423.00 611.44 615.85 612.90 615.93 0.000983 2.28 185.70 61.17 0.19 SF ideV. ugad :; 8845, : ," 1095.00 611.44 617.32 614.19 617.62 0.002531 4.43 247.39 67.91 0.32 E E;SF`Kit 4ditit ;; ' i 084 i ? 1383.00 611.44 617.77 614.65 618.18 0.003158 5.19 266.32 69.98 0.36 iSF; 4i[ Ji od i<" :" 045<'`i': ? < 1 1699.00 611.44 618.19 615.12 618.74 0.003842 5.98 284.11 71.92 0.41 Sl4Fr(sadri;1 a�845; >`;t ' #' 1956.00 611.44 618.49 615.49 619.17 0.004396 6.59 296.92 80.84 0.44 ;SFiKirkwsodi`''''': 8851"i`1i 2245.00 611.44 618.80 615.88 619.62 0.00502 7.24 309.89 88.60 0.47 . Culvert SF> fi0vi)0[d'��< :887(x' " >1r1r` > '> S;" �El " >:?? 8$9�.Y ;a ':� , ` �,::z : : 382.00 611.60 615.91 612.96 615.98 0.000868 2.11 181.32 61.66 0.18 Vi _:: ,SFitkwortd:"ii88 WO, 989.00 611.60 617.53 614.17 617.78 0.002000 3.96 249.76 71.44 0.29 "SF Kirk[isr oad < 8895 1217.00 611.60 618.07 614.55 618.38 0.002265 4.47 272.51 75.32 0.31 '" '`'' 1496.00 611.60 618.62 614.99 619.01 0.002616 5.06 295.40 79.26 0.34 ESFiK�:4fffiti?oi?d >':'•. <p;; i8�395<::�``i >ra? E$F�4iFi:<y; $$9:�i�� >!!<;:'ri'a<' 1737.00 611.60 619.02 615.34 619.50 0.002931 5.56 312.27 82.16 0.36 [SF <. 0959_<::??. "i; 1973.00 611.60 619.73 615.68 620.00 0.001788 4.18 504.06 103.19 0.27 '. ^ < ' '>.;iai: »: SF Kit•{�wod 9�2Ct 382 611 616.30 616.77 0.09887 5.58 73.84 32.80 0.55 0 :SF 3ti kwood > <' ;8 22{3::'> " < 1' 989.00 611.92 618.39 619.14 0.009268 7.53 171.17 60.18 0.57 ,iSF)4 €r oad"'i°ii'. $22C€:'` "<' 1217.00 611.92 619.04 619.80 0.008515 7.78 212.74 68.63 0.56 ISF<Kwkwoad:;.;:.:: 620.::::: IM ;; 1496.00 611.92 619.72 620.50 0.007893 8.05 262.70 77.57 0.55 Si= )4t €kSNOpty.: #.V2(g ?z' 1737.00 611.92 620.24 621.03 0.007500 8.25 305.11 84.42 0.54 SF ff23t , ::.,,,. 1973.00 611.92 620.36 621.32 0.008978 9.13 315.01 85.94 0.59 kiligNINNON Mitann iSF13�irkwdad� <<`: >'� {1rti�x'><zza: 382.00 612.31 618.05 618.33 0.005492 4.70 111.17 55.66 0.41 I SF i > `wkw "d >` «s " ' 620.20 620.57 0.004951 5.95 252.94 79.83 0.42 ---- - 8435 " " s M: 989.00 612.31 :.; `#irfwoad 8435 ?. >; 1217.00 612.31 620.77 621.17 0.004918 6.29 301.40 89.19 0.43 4 kikwoad „ G435.. ` 1496.00 612.31 621.39 621.81 0.004860 6.63 359.32 99.23 0.43 14Etku?opd 943�s .. 1737.00 612.31 621.86 622.31 0.004803 6.87 408.39 107.01 SF Kirkwood .. 9435 1973.00 612 622.25 622.72 0.004875 7.15 450.71 113.28 0.44 SF Kirkwood 962& 382.00 614.60 619.43 619.89 0.013429 5.43 70.29 29.10 0.62 SF Kirkwood is 942I3 989.00 614.60 621.36 622.16 0.014954 7.18 137.79 40.75 0.69 H EC -RAS Plan: nd River: .. S Fork Kirkwood Reach: Kirkwood Continued) 9 t ...:::: ::::....: SF .:. .; :. »:.; ( :.:.;r ..:.....: t=1ey :.::. a 6 :> Ie1. L' hnl. Efow �t�a.....:. ..:.. :.::.:.:. . . . . ... >;::._:: ;. :.;:.; > ::..:::.; ,,,;;;,;;,;;;,;; ; ;;:.;:.::.;:.;it kin a�; �t.::::::: �1tE �:;.: � tl(€ 1:• �:: �: �. G:: :::.:. : :.. T afat Re Rtver St � � . ''';:(d iopdi'?1;':922t#'''!': 1217.00 614.60 621.89 622.79 0.015194 7.61 160.0 43.91 0.70 waod;<l'':: 962 01 >;' `:'< <: >f 1496.00 614.60 622.44 623.45 0.015542 8.08 185.24 47.25 0.72 <: 8.45 205.68 49.79 0.73 ipd g62 1737.00 614.60 622.86 623.97 0.015850 F kwoad :.;.;,,, g . >'< 1973.00 614.60 623.22 624.43 0.016266 8.80 224.11 51.97 0.75 1 62 6 62 1 2.13 179.47 61.95 0.18 382.00 6 6 . 03 0.35 17.41 0.43 0.00088 SF'; tfk d:;':;':'s778'. <'. . 989.00 616.03 . 622.76 618.63 622.95 0.001353 3.54 279.25 73.32 0.24 S ;KtrI M od 0773 1217.00 616.03 623.40 619.01 623.65 0.001512 3.98 305.90 76.36 0.26 SF SF;€ €ds�oad;. . ::.; ff7 ?3,, 1496.00 616.03 624.08 619.45 624.39 0.001702 4.48 334.13 79.58 0.28 SF ;z d g Siii ..:;.;; 1737.00 616.03 624.60 619.81 624.97 0.001863 4.88 355.67 82.03 0.29 SF !Strk ood 9773 1973.00 616.03 625.06 620.14 625.49 0.002019 5.26 374.75 84.20 0.31 Culvert S . SF 14€rkwoad 4?83 282.00 16.42 620. 6 41 617.54 620.45 0.000629 1 70 165.50 59.60 0 .15 SF_14trk3n o6 :iili ; ' .,:,>,::` 665.00 616.42 622.92 618.41 623.01 0.000688 2.47 269.60 74.75 0.17 • SF i 922 :ii':' ::::,;<> 878.00 616.42 623.59 618.82 623.73 0.000862 2.95 297.69 78.84 0.19 SF,K!€I ood: ».:: f 82" 1123.00 616.42 624.32 619.24 624.50 0.001022 3.43 327.84 83.23 0.21 SF> 4 �k w od > " `:< %::> <? 1305.00 616.42 624.91 619.54 625.12 0.001087 3.71 352.13 86.79 0.22 gtowa, #4:22M ad ,, 1466.00 616.42 625.44 619.79 625.68 0.001120 3.92 374.27 90.09 0.23 ::: o` ,.�k iii'' ` > >" '�" "' " " "" " "> "" 1 621.51 622.52 0.028747 8.31 38.51 22.30 0.89 S iiialU < <;2; ^l#;1§i iiii 282.00 618.25 621.5 SF#4�rkandt[7g; 665.00 618.25 623.16 623.16 624.47 0.022606 10.15 86.67 36.02 0.86 SF itkw od:< ?> ; i ' : `:::::::: 878.00 618.25 624.13 624.13 625.21 0.015791 9.71 136.54 94.83 0.74 SF' r y A 1O79 > v l; 1123.00 6 624.27 624.08 626.07 0.024927 12.41 150.33 100.40 0.94 . $5 0..04. 0 4 , ., < € 1305.00 618.25 625.35 626.10 0.010228 8.97 264.62 110.81 0.62 Sg>tk�Oat( <'' ";f'1*~ES73 1 „,. ;>'.;";a 1466.00 618.25 625.98 626.53 0.007142 7.97 336.53 116.89 0.53 SFs ttltwood % : 1t : a iiii >< 282.00 621.14 625.29 625.41 0.004538 2.80 100.60 42.67 0.32 5 Ciii( oad= F <; 46482 :n << ; 665.00 621.14 626.95 627.16 0.004482 3.67 185.36 59.70 0.35 SF 14tr0464 11482 878.00 621.14 627.49 627.75 0.004989 4.16 218.79 65.34 0.37 rk od "' €7(!0)18 `1;3 #; 1123.00 621.14 628.40 628.67 0.004006 4.19 284.66 84.22 0.35 r ond::. 1 4 4 6Y ;::. : :: : :;. y': 1305.00 621.14 628.16 628.57 0.006562 5.18 265.24 74.72 0.44 , irk .+ w € '1 ood 0482 1466.00 621.14 628.26 628.75 0.007639 5.67 272.98 78.64 0.47 :: SF K rkttioad: W703 282.00 622.76 625.88 623.88 625.95 0.001403 2.15 131.16 54.89 0.21 SF €�(d.,:<;.:1t1Z03;: :;;:,:: 665.00 622.76 627.61 624.73 627.78 0.001785 3.26 204.18 59.88 0.26 SF 14trkwood { 1170 878.00 622.76 628.23 625.13 • 628.45 0.002090 3.82 230.07 61.64 0.29 SF. irkuR ciii 'l'663- .... ___ . _ . ; : 1123.00 622.76 629.03 625.56 629.32 0.002158 4.25 264.11 79.37 0.30 SF 0000004 :'.: > >. e 1305.00 622.76 629.12 625.85 629.49 0.002788 4.88 267.63 82.96 0.34 . R :Kirk , oac : > 1070 3!. ': : : s:. #: 1466.00 622.76 629.36 626.10 629.80 0.003099 5.27 278.02 93.55 0.36 Vii` >::;; :ONe:i SF'#4rkCrioad ; ,t.'1g73 '<':` Culvert �1 .;,:.`:::"' ;:: ��u ""?: 1t�76`�s::�s: >< >::; 255.00 622.78 625.93 623.82 625.99 0.001110 1.93 131.91 53.53 0.19 SF14itdiwagd" 113768 ' <" 631.00 622.78 627.72 624.69 627.67 0.001511 3.05 207.09 59.53 0.24 'SF'i£ilt ad<>i < •U76 a iii 827.00 622.78 628.38 625.07 628.57 0.001712 3.52 234.62 61.73 0.26 r(t opd` ": r I. 7 > i'f %±': :,. : 1067.00 622.78 629.28 625.49 629.52 0.001734 3.92 272.31 86.67 0.27 :S F1f€rkw4.°15<;,:1t :. ..: ; 1233.00 622.78 62946 62577 62976 0002113 4.41 279.90 94.67 0.30 S 1 765 ,,, 1379.00 622.78 629.83 626.00 630.17 0.002207 4.67 295.47 112.31 0.31 I S ' F trkYtoad 1450 255.00 623.80 626.66 626.66 627.36 0.036583 7.06 40.06 29.10 0.97 S F €tk 113950 ' *'� 7 631.00 623.80 627.86 627.86 628.91 0.033821 8.78 80.18 37.88 0.99 SF K ir w f 109511 '" 827.00 623.80 628.67 629.56 0.022772 8.15 113.32 43.82 0.84 ESF �k :00.9Miiiii1 1:':: <::; : 1067.00 623.80 629.64 630.39 0.015166 7.49 159.22 50.92 0.71 ESFI4tdwo6dON :'.i tatiNgig 1233.00 623.80 629.93 630.76 0.015894 7.90 174.25 53.04 0.73 €SF;K d ii:: : :.. 109`50 . :: e.: 1379.00 623.80 630.33 631.16 0.014377 7.89 196.51 57.08 WINNOW NINIEN: SF Ktrkws.d' s 11179 ' ` 255.00 627.84 631.20 631.51 0.010671 4.50 59.72 32.81 0.55 SF<14 tkw od "' '':. i'111;'}'9. '. 631.00 627.84 632.67 633.16 0.011611 5.87 118.48 47.47 0.60 SF rllvkootl 1:1179 :i 827.00 627.84 633.00 633.67 0.014404 6.81 135.27 51.93 0.68 O lrk od 1:1179 ', 1067.00 627.84 633.31 634.20 0.018069 7.90 151.94 56.14 0.77 trkk 000 1:1179 ><, 1233.00 627.84 633.68 634.60 0.017546 8.09 173.21 61.10 0.76 f Iftrkwood . 1.1179 >:: 1379-0° 1 627.84 633.90 634.89 0.018207 8.43 187.06 64.12 0.78 SF Kirkwood 7:1404 255.001 629.72 633.61 • 633.98 0.011349 5.10 57.85 29.69 0.57 SF lttrkwod 1!.1404 631.00 629.72 635.23 635.79 0.012104 6.51 116.35 42.58 0.62 SF Kii6Ood . 1:1404 827.00' 629.72 635.90 636.50 0.011581 6.82 146.69 47.92 0.62 HEC -RAS Plan: -nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) Reath River Ste ... tE 7atat ... : n t :::: V : + eiii : :::: :: gtE:W N iigi..e04:: 1 : ,.E C I a a -::. '> <.:9el : F ril:' := i#40: Kiii : > ' .6.#1011 ; Faii1 .... z. ;.:: ;;: ESIMERNME 7:::;i0040 Miggliffig 1067.00 629.72 636.63 637.22 0.010685 7.00 201.15 145.40 0.60 ms;;;': : : 00 ">< 1233.00 629.72 637.06 637.77 0.011954 7.72 286.81 252.21 0.64 4044"`:<::: 1':fid'klild ": 1379.00 629.72 637.29 637.93 0.010841 7.60 352.26 311.07 0.62 5 0 #; >? 05.00, 83':1; € >it'ei': 255.00 630.58 635.52 635.52 635.58 0.00 1 532 2.59 145.33 3.76 22 , SF j wtx,d <`ii 1 X58'3 _<'?: 631.00 630.58 636.77 635.52 636.95 0.003678 4.78 267.15 134.69 0.36 SF �rkvJrsod €'!!15 :iii 827.00 630.58 637.42 635.52 637.57 0.003147 4.77 363.27 164.09 0.34 SF (rkyJo d i< fittitainii 181067.00 630.58 638.06 635.52 638.20 0.002771 4.78 477.29 193.87 0.33 .. .........:.:::.:.....::: : : %: : :: .......... SF >�1�[�pjjd; ><y=. 1_��83'a; 0 1233.00 630.58 638.62 636.42 638.74 0.002206 4.51 594.78 222.43 0.29 « S.0F(4i{;;; «z:;a`; 1379.00 630.58 638.75 636.64 638.88 0.002467 4.82 624.07 229.55 0.31 $ >' >116G3v >11 N Culvert 'I4;fktie�stztli`�i.,.. x.. 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' � i tosa i<fz 1067.00 631.66 638.91 639.31 0.006089 5.09 227.01 98.18 0.45 u.�;;::; ;:::: a ::. ..:.:::.:.:::::::?.,.:.:::.:-...,...:;ii.:.:::..::::.:...:-..: Ii 1233.00 631.66 639.24 639.66 0.006175 5.33 260.64 111.33 0.46 ; a ; 1 ? ;<`:011 1379.00 631.66 639.43 639.90 0.006577 5.63 28265 119.15 0.48 ki?in el BUMS `[1:.rnr`°f > =14 Valk Otatla .At[ v a ii `:'I1ift0i ":' #iii 255.00 631.66 637.23 634.32 637.30 0.001321 2.04 125.01 40.07 0.20 SF €rfi;i<117 ;>;;i.' >::. 631.00 631.66 638.56 635.74 638.73 0.002911 3.36 194.64 83.55 0.31 '"`'(''tt(tVVUad 1195?s :0d 827.00 631.66 639.06 636.28 639.27 0.003233 3.78 241.50 104.05 0.33 #454:4124 '"l 5? :: spo 1067.00 631.66 639.73 636.84 639.96 0.003069 3.97 320.47 131.51 0.33 iriOidd ; ,. ;; =,.;1i1$rsl_,,..,,,, ;; < ;; 1233.00 631.66 639.80 637.18 640.10 0.003853 4.49 330.54 134.61 0.37 SF 14frkwood' " 5ya;: t' "` 1379.00 631.66 639.87 637.48 640.22 0.004551 492 340.17 137.51 0.40 to 255.00 632.73 637.45 63 . 7 48 0.000841 1.46 18486 90.48 0.16 fit# Rkt 0 ' ; own: : 631.00 632.73 638.96 639.01 0.000961 2.03 353.10 131.80 0.18 SF" iViii'' <ii1:3atii:i`:iiiaii::': 827.00 632.73 639.50 639.57 0.000989 2.25 427.80 141.30 0.19 4P,Er:{d11j4ii' >;;_;;;.i 1067.00 632.73 640.17 640.25 0.000953 243 525.12 152.79 0.19 10110 . "' "` : ` >?1'> 12f13 " #'`:.11111n 1233.00 632.73 640.34 640.44 0.001111 2.68 552.62 155.89 0.21 gEMOOORMIA.SliNgiii 1 1379.00 632.73 640.50 640.62 0.001235 2.89 577.81 158.67 0.22 tiONRVIIN BMW me z "`` "'.. > ; = >a on 255.00 633.40 637.67 637.78 0.003682 3.25 120.28 84.82 0.33 $Fi ood ollon 631.00 633.40 639.19 639.31 0.002794 3.73 283.85 126.46 0.31 Sx1rI(ii8aa> >g:142e'.' >fs;: 827.00 633.40 639.74 639.86 0.002637 3.91 356.50 137.57 0.31 l<k:iii: $i�j�llo44?< >''1"1;�<; 1067.00 633.40 640.39 640.52 0.002364 4.02 450.30 150.71 0.30 ikik iii7ad ? `: i '1;C;i 1'';` R 1233.00 633.40 _ 640.60 640.75 0.002622 4.34 482.95 155.03 0.32 fSF:a4 lion f` <<a'.<:` 1 212 ;'' ai 1379.00 633.40 640.79 640.95 0.002802 4.58 512.38 158.81 0.33 E �::it is i "•.`iii�::; ...:: a ::r: ;;;ms's $5$10010::::::M 40:10011g 255.00 635.02 638.34 638.34 638.83 0.022303 6.19 58.45 73.88 0.77 SFc 'r'''' :,,K. . .rf:: : 2'. fy : * > 631.00 635.02 639.56 639.87 0.010529 5.85 186.33 131.42 0.58 .. .:,...::. .< f::::. : $F` (r c ad Ri ::N:'i; ; 1 i a 827.00 635.02 640.08 640.34 0.007830 5.58 260.58 151.57 0.51 SF briar BeYef < <t' 1231 is >`r i:;; 1067.00 635.02 640.69 640.90 0.005648 5.24 359.34 170.73 0.44 •SFiX1r k rddidi '` 12311 i;!' H : 1233.00 635.02 640.93 641.15 0.005587 5.41 401.53 176.65 0.44 [49q400.040:: ?1 **WI ' I 1379.00 635.02 641.14 641.37 0.005499 5.52 438.59 181.70 0.44 R 'i € .:::.::.....:: ".::: >::::: i1': IV'1i` >ri't !'o: 1 FO*K i :040l3i' 1, 255.00 637.25 640.39 640.50 0.005624 3.11 101.60 57.41 0.39 F >l sadzi "''i (12486 i' 1 > >>' 631.00 637.25 641.26 641.54 0.010347 489 155.06 65.84 0.55 `•SF Kitlii oodl::: li 12A :::: 827.00 637.25 641.56 641.93 0.012561 5.62 175.28 68.76 0.62 i.F.30Wiiti.::).iiiiiii i:0 Aiiii ; ; < 1067.00 637.25 641.87 642.36 0.014980 6.40 197.26 71.80 0.68 01.6460....,. ;1Z 0:::..i 1233.00 637.25 642.10 642.65 0.015992 6.81 213.59 73.98 0.71 Ng.dd 12480 1379.00 637.25 642.28 642.89 0.016832 7.14 227.11 75.73 0.73 S .410 g o d . .12641.. ; 255.00 637.85 641.41 641.64 0.009390 3.80 67.02 37.41 0.50 SF Kitfwoad 12641 631.00 637.85 642.73 643.10 0.009579 5.00 134.56 65.77 0.54 ( SF Kirkw88d ;12841 827.00 637.85 643.17 643.61 0.009374 5.48 166.65 79.28 0.55 SFKtrkwootl ,.._,;'!2841 1067.00 637.85 643.63 644.14 0.009198 5.96 206.58 93.40 0.56 HEC -RAS Plan: P9 -nd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) .. . . ;.: >: ::`::' ::::::> ::. :::SI >::.::.:< lei. tt1 ::::: ><' :::........... t��::::::�:.. s <i: :Frs3ude. :.::. ,:::,::: ::::::::.:.::. :::::itkEn ..�'�3't.Ei::.::: :::114<�� >: Eiev. ::..::. �artEYV :.... :..::::::: :.,.:.::::::.:. ::.::::..:..!? PQ'............ .................._............ . Rya lc ... .........::..................... ....... ....................<......... .... . SF 060:01 1641 1233.00 637.85 643.92 644.47 0.009089 6.24 234.46 102.43 0.56 . zood'<1::1: 4; :;:;;_< 1379.00 637.85 644.15 644.73 0.008960 6.44 259.68 110.40 0.56 , 7 5 11. iw; od 127111 255.00 638.68 641.87 640.45 642.14 0.005172 4.21 60.58 41.36 0.42 SF lOPad '' 1 71# y ::i i >- 631.00 638.68 643.25 641.92 644.07 0.009513 7.26 86.90 75.45 0.60 SF'KEekrootl <'t?it3> _ >:::'<: >` 827.00 638.68 643.68 642.56 644.86 0.012119 8.70 95.06 82.72 0.69 .SF ;127 )t1 r , : i 1067.00 638.68 644.09 643.27 645.76 0.015499 10.37 102.88 89.68 0.79 " 1233.00 638.68 644.32 643.74 646.38 0.018022 11.50 107.24 93.56 0.85 .S00 d>± >` 12.1 j iid 1379.00 638.68 644.50 644.13 646.91 0.020390 12.48 110.52 96.48 0.91 ::4 0` 111:11 < Culvert 1 2 47 21.20 0.21 >'i'�7 '`' 7 113.00 639.20 642.12 640.23 642.18 0.001362 04 55. SF: jr d <' #x;;7.2757: >a # <! 217.00 639.20 644.04 640.79 644.13 0.000933 2.36 91.93 55.14 0.19 ?SF:K kwood : >''[1`:.37571:::# 6 296.00 639.20 644.81 641.15 644.93 0.001059 2.78 106.62 77.41 0.21 •SF }£ Ek kd> s` :127 a ` :: 385.00 639.20 645.71 641.53 645.86 0.001094 3.11 123.61 103.17 0.22 SE04.*01:0i '! 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SF : gt o.0: 19. 507.00 643.03 647.25 647.47 0.003799 3.81 150.63 102.67 0.38 "' "' *:' i `3 `" ' <4 ?` 113.00 644.20 645.99 646.10 0.005165 2.70 41.78 28.74 0.40 641.04014€ra«< 217.00 644.20 646.72 646.90 0.005434 3.36 64.57 33.17 0.42 SF rk oad 'ys:11 '1 $ : 296.00 644.20 647.06 647.29 0.006374 3.90 75.94 35.25 0.47 j €101>x1'13041e3;. 385.00 644.20 647.41 647.70 0.006700 4.34 89.30 38.68 0.49 Wittit.44iiiiallgl t*A1 111 ><In 400.00 64420 647.55 647.83 0.006134 4.27 94.49 39.08 0.47 o :: : SF1�ff 13381 3�:: 507.00 64420 647.98 648.31 0.006008 4.59 111.90 40.40 0.48 �'' ' >'; $.g10.0041140.50$111111: ' 113.00 644.73 646.56 .64 42.84 28.94 0.38 646.66 0.004798 2 S5:I4trkYitY60`> *:. ?:1: "1:380O'4 t 217.00 644.73 647.32 647.49 0.004938 3.25 66.75 33.52 0.41 « ; :.s::5:::.:; : ::: t ::>::: . 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'13747 400.00 646.99 649.72 650.15 0.012420 5.25 76.28 41.16 0.65 1 F fOrl ed ;;'13747 507.00 646.99 650.11 650.58 0.011369 5.53 95.77 59.54 0.64 S>r% N ":<. i. n 0 015 ::** iiiia. „der iM .::k. .:%:: {{ Appendix {.. tea,::. 2 -Yr, 5 -Yr, 10 -Yr, 25 -Yr 50 -Yr and 10 »: iles for: > >> <:<: <: >> %" { '{ < < <r,: , - - WW fix. , , Proposed Stream Improvement � d U l ti at .Develop ent Hydrology ` �� ... (VVith Detention Enh cemen:ts rh ''at D , a 1�,m m en ta i.1%. o % f<f T. %A. l:s: AY a a te' >' 6. �`k Lx >7-,>-' >- >- >- 2 8 ,s! N I 0 In N C F- §O m i_ J J J J J■ J D DI DI D _ 0 u01 a 11` III 9488 to \ S \ ; OL98 uol}oaS -X �� a ;enud sNe0 APe4S 0061= $ uoi a uol a wog aldo uol a $ ZLZS to S ❑ZLZB 3o S X 1 P 0 0928 to S X \\ 0808 N01103i - X Sid - \° paslnad - OS8L uolloa9 -X woJl paldo0 - 09LL uo!PaS - X 0£SL uo!PaS - X OL£L :::::z::::0169 1 o 11101MMIllil 09L9 N01103S X SIB cu 00 99 uolpaS -X m 0 \ 0019 N01103S SId 1( , 2 \ \,\ 0069 NOI103S Sly N y N E \ - . 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E `1'� 2 8 0 , ' A -; 51788 uolpaS -X - o �',� 02.9 uo!paS U) § ;,s alenud - smeO APeLIS 0061_ °° a a ;enud - WO IPeLIS 0961 ro \ \ L 0909 N01103S Sid:. 0 ��■ O99L NOI.O3S SId � , \ i �-- i \ O£SL uo!peS-X OLCL NOIIO3S Sid V\\ \ t 0169 NO11035 Sld \-\\; 091.9 NOILO3S Sld' 00£9 uolpaS -X ro _\ ,_ 0019 NOIi23S Sld - s\ 0069 NOI103S Sid s 0999 uo!PaS � O17£9 NOI!O3S Sid (0 0 m 0 0 co (g) U042/1 a0 HEC-RAS Plan pg -wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood Reath RwetSta + C] Tatat Mt10 EI . W S Etev Crtt W 3 EG E1ev E Cx 51ape V'eE Cttn4 Flo., Area Top Widt€i Frauds #Chi toa3 >.:. (7 .:...:. t 1 . € .... 3 .. III::: .. tft).:..:.:: .. t 7...:.. t . £Sq. L:;:: ift iSF000 od 3941 :: 867.00 547.80 555.68 553.45 556.03 0.005007 4.74 183.22 81.70 0.55 ,y" "qcki+vppd 390 1263.00 547.80 556.58 554.45 556.94 0.005002 4.82 268.15 107.85 0.51 wood 3E1 1510.00 547.80 557.03 555.59 557.40 0.005010 4.89 323.54 155.59 0.49 kwood •32EI 2289.00 547.80 558.04 556.46 558.43 0.005002 5.21 545.36 255.49 0.46 E SF Kirkwood 39E1 2824.00 547.80 558.55 556.90 558.96 0.005008 5.42 684.03 283.28 0.45 SF t<trity sod 3241 33 3191.00 547.80 558.87 557.32 559.28 0.005007 5.55 774.92 300.09 0.44 LI s [S, wood 57#1 867.00 550.67 556.82 557.49 0.012798 6.55 133.12 66.13 0.79 SFAtkW Od 57.0' n$rn 1263.00 550.67 557.63 558.32 0.010970 6.71 193.94 84.84 0.73 ESF )00rsort 09. 1510.00 550.67 558.04 558.76 0.010427 6.89 231.53 100.69 0.70 ISF24trkwoo0 57#1 2289. 550.67 558.94 559.84 0.010522 7.77 338.25 135.81 0.69 [$FKirkswotd SZ#1 . ; "':; 2824.00 550.67 559.39 560.41 0.010888 8.36 402.32 144.61 0.70 1§0 0 Erkwood 574:010 „c < ?<: < "> 3191. 550.67 559.67 560.76 0.011182 8.75 442.44 149.86 0.72 ' i :: �:2' i is C^'+,h, �,f; �'A _ � : 5 MO SF lrkuroOd 711 867.00 553.53 559.00 559.68 0.011619 6.71 138.43 6255 0.69 SF 41.0 Cd .; Tag^' ' 1263.00 553.53 559.61 560.54 0.013026 7.89 180.33 73.69 0.74 ESE 4td0.40,0 :: 5.0• „;:; «.' >: 1510.00 553.53 559.93 561.00 0.013748 8.52 204.95 79.51 0.77 ittidifikaiiiM 75f1' M':': 2289.00 553.53 560.79 562.24 0.015235 10.11 280.10 95.66 0.82 SF'Kiri4 ad 3.60efi ar 2824.00 553.53 561.26 562.94 0.016156 11.03 327.02 103.98 0.85 `.SFItiikt4€<75E1*i`': 3191.00 553.53 561.55 563.38 0.016682 11.60 358.01 109.12 0.87 giglinginai 09.81M E SFKirkwaod gad 867.00 556.40 561.77 561.77 563.25 0.018635 10.58 112.96 51.36 0.87 SF4£1¢kw064 93Ei` c 1263.00 556.40 563.34 563.34 564.13 0.008546 8.73 311.72 210.24 0.62 SFKtr#090 P.0.4:41:0:::::::::: 1510.00 556.40 563.61 563.61 564.41 0.008759 9.10 371.42 224.19 0.63 SF 04010.M M 2289.00 556.40 564.20 56420 565.12 0.010354 10.50 512.78 254.19 0.70 SF'KitI 8dd 9a0' z `:" 2824.00 556.40 56432 565.56 0.013978 12.33 541.97 259.96 0.82 S [f.( bad :! :: g3{} F » 3191. 556.40 564.78 565.75 0.011007 11.42 668.54 277.68 0.73 0, .. xr4 SF: K : tOpmpoc ; -;;; 1 r >: 3�r, .._ z 867.00 556.90 563. 563.86 0.001372 3.26 457.82 171.97 0.25 SF ,,,'l0 fi 1263. 556.90 564.50 56464 0.001622 3.86 600.20 211.40 0.27 SF t.F.0040f , 1Z3 0.0 1510.00 556.90 564.80 56496 0.001851 4.25 665.62 227.23 0.29 °••000ovd •Mgqiiikaim 2289.00 556.90 565.57 565.81 0.002407 5.23 858.16 266.60 0.34 kWoitt :::: :: :1p7ftM> ".`:: 282400 556.90 566.10 566.35 0.002536 5.62 1003.72 288.79 0.35 1100 1070 ht ' 3191.00 556.90 566.23 566.53 0.002957 6.13 1042.60 293.75 0.38 1 SFKtrku 113 d 8 : 867.00 556.80 563.90 558.56 563.96 0.000749 1.88 461.64 173.39 0.12 OP.VOROOPirgillgOaffir 1263. 556.80 564.66 559.07 564.75 0.001134 2.47 510.84 215.88 0.16 ISF Kirkwood 1,138 1510.00 556.80 564.97 559.35 565.09 0.001425 284 530.93 233.48 0.18 [S03£1065d . 1;t38 sus; 2289.00 556.80 565.73 560.17 565.98 0.002429 3.94 580.76 272.86 0.23 ISF10k4v600•1,49 0 8 ;> 2824.00 556.80 566.26 560.67 566.59 0.003051 4.59 615.16 295.04 0.26 ISF KRK.4!ooff : ,1138 :: ,,.: : > .z iii ;i) 3191.00 556.80 566.42 561.00 566.83 0.003685 5.10 625.51 300.95 0.29 1 SF K+.1r1r xis *Waken Culvert .5p,441rity,660 1183 .1:. : 867.00 556.80 563.95 558.56 56400 0.000347 1.87 464.50 175.86 0.12 °SONtiliwoo0.41 :483 p iN 1263.00 556.80 564.74 559.07 56483 0.000519 2.45 515.81 220.18 0.15 €4F24itiOiSod" Ii8Atian 1510.00 556.80 565.07 559.35 565.19 0.000646 2.81 537.66 239.45 0.17 ESFKTrkwaad` ' 1I£3 "r 2289.00 556.80 565.95 560.17 566.18 0.001061 3.85 594.72 282.88 022 lSF K rl wo d.;,.,: : :: it 53 . <? 2824.00 556.80 566.57 560.67 566.88 0.001297 4.45 635.00 306.37 0.25 E .00 Kirkwood 1183 3191.00 556.80 566.81 561.00 567.18 0.001529 4.91 650.49 315.20 0.27 E1;''y; O+::c ,SF141rkwood, 125L1 " '" 867.00 556.80 563.99 56406 0.001108 2.71 519.10 184.27 0.20 • OF 4£lr OOPi:E ? :WOVEN 1263.00 556.80 56481 564.90 0.001291 3.13 689.00 228.03 0.22 SFKirkiw8ad\S 128d f 1510.00 556.80 565.18 565.29 0.001425 3.38 776.87 248.17 0.23 40:01000•128 f#;:: " : :: 2289. 556.80 566.19 566.32 0.001629 3.88 1050.22 292.18 0.25 SFKirkvvoad t280 2824.00 556.80 566.90 567.03 0.001558 4.03 1267.88 318.33 0.25 SF KIrkw00d 1260 " 3191.00 556.80 567.22 567.36 0.001636 4.23 1370.02 329.05 0.25 • SF 0rirwrmd ;15f1t4 ... 867.00 557.80 563.83 563.37 565.13 0.020291 9.45 105.37 61.69 0.78 Sfi44irkwood „,'1„ia0�....... . ,�:r� 1263.00 557.80 564.66 566.09 0.019556 10.39 173.67 87.25 0.79 SF 3( . 1.:.:.:.i..:.:.........:.:.:;:::::.::: 5iCk .,. 1510.00 557.80 565.08 566.52 0.018835 10.73 211.97 94.72 0.79 ° 10i.iii iO Ot 2289. 557. 566.16 567.61 0.017422 11.57 333.52 130.93 0.78 :40.000 . ,M .15500 2824.00 557.80 566.89 568.20 0.015097 11.51 437.08 155.31 0.74 trkwood '1500 3191.00 557.80 567.25 568.57 0.014789 11.76 495.16 159.62 0.74 SF Kirkwood 2000 867.00 559.40 567.43 567.64 0.002094 3.90 292.00 97.63 0.28 SF Kirkwood .. 1263.00 559.40 568.46 568.72 0.002272 4.51 411.28 154.63 0.30 SF Kirkwood ' 2')00 1510.00 559.40 568.92 569.20 0.002367 4.81 487.68 171.53 , 0.31 HEC -RAS Plan: pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) iMORi4eKiiigie River Sta: Q 1.00. Min tit Fi S OOk Crk Ytt 3 EG Elev E Q Siape Vet PON F3owA fea Top +f 0 F00 Chi : . #cfs).:;. ,(lt) ... (ft# ....:...# (tt). .. s ..... tuft). �...: ::Mi . ; .. #s.1I : #li1 .... iSF lf�rkwood . 2kQ 2289 00 559.40 570.07 570.40 0.002589 5.53 703.61 204.92 0.33 J' kv o d 2090 2824.00 559.40 570.64 571.01 0.002799 6.00 825.01 221.49 0.35 wood 2DOQ 3191.00 559.40 571.02 571.41 0.002870 6.24 911.58 232.59 0.36 €SF Kirkwood 2270 867.00 561.80 568.32 569.19 0.024887 7.51 115.41 45.06 0.83 SF4t040 7t# 1263.00 561.80 569.39 570.26 0.019929 7.50 169.41 57.44 0.74 iSF 14trkwaod 2270 1510.00 561.80 569.86 570.79 0.019310 7.77 197.88 6470 0.73 €SFi d 22 0 2289.00 561.80 570.99 572.11 0.019034 8.57 281.63 82.43 0.74 SF . Ktrkwood ... g270 2824.00 561.80 571.60 572.83 0.019347 9.06 334.38 91.93 0.75 ,SF Ktrkwoad 247Q 3191.00 561.80 571.97 573.27 0.019126 9.36 376.10 122.52 'S0Ktrktti od gozoStga 867.00 566.73 573.90 574.44 0.008084 6.72 189.48 74.79 0.51 i 1263.00 566.73 574.74 575.41 0.008941 7.78 261.30 97.30 0.55 SFKtrkwoad 2fflt� iS0Kirk; 3, 2370# 1510.00 566.73 575.20 575.91 0.009038 8.20 308.48 109.99 0.56 SF Ktrkvvoati 2174, 2289.00 566.73 576.38 577.15 0.008840 9.04 457.91 142.93 0.57 14500060d, 26Th s 2824.00 566.73 577.05 577.83 0.008594 9.42 559.52 161.53 0.57 SE0009010 2 & 7f� %' 3191.00 566.73 577.43 578.23 0.008552 9.68 624.33 172.36 0.57 rSF X1.0*. d 32£10 ' . 867.00 570.78 577.49 577.65 0.004732 3.20 292.69 107.49 0.29 15F Kirkwood 32op}' 1263.00 570.78 578.41 578.60 0.004354 3.55 400.64 126.99 0.29 SFKukuvoad 32Qf} _.,, ;: 1510.00 570.78 578.88 579.07 0.004298 3.76 461.46 136.76 0.29 SF ££gktivood 3224 2289.00 570.78 580.03 580.28 0.004353 4.34 635.07 16412 0.31 i SF KErkw 341£5 .... , a 282400 570.78 580.66 580.94 0.004449 4.67 742.66 178.91 0.31 °S0Kitkwoad . 32{1O a 3191.00 570.78 581.05 581.35 0.004497 4.87 814.32 188.12 0.32 1 4 r jod : #" 00 867.00 573.99 578.86 578.86 579.70 0.065495 7.36 117.74 71.17 1.01 SOkleoha Z3€ 3(M 1263.00 573.99 579.40 579.40 580.36 0.062671 7.86 160.72 87.58 1.01 14941100000 333'' , ,' 1510.00 573.99 579.67 579.65 580.71 0.057182 8.21 185.02 94.32 0.99 iSF Kirkwood 333fz ti n 2289.00 573.99 580.74 581.72 0.032030 8.06 300.46 121.31 0.79 SF:: ktrkw :d::: b33f#Ata: 2824.00 573.99 581.34 582.32 0.026078 8.16 377.89 136.45 0.74 SFKtrkwoo 3330.`' `1`o 3191.00 573.99 581.71 582.70 0.023457 8.24 430.76 145.89 0.71 hwoad 3460. - 867.00 577.20 582.93 583.33 0.015262 5.10 169.86 100.62 0.69 31164. 1263.00 577.20 583.50 583.97 0.015367 5.50 233.19 120.24 0.65 N SF Kirknvoad 3460 1510.00 577.20 583.78 584.30 0.015859 5.82 267.44 129.63 0.65 SF Kirkwood $464 2289.00 577.20 584.28 585.07 0.020960 7.22 337.33 146.93 0.73 °SF )£tr000 3460 ;: 2824.00 577.20 584.59 585.54 0.023437 7.98 383.80 157.38 0.77 SF S4trkwoad 3460 3191.00 577.20 584.79 585.85 0.024551 8.41 416.85 164.41 0.79 i l t SFKirkwoad e A75 - 850.00 578.81 586.53 586.71 0.002906 3.99 319.38 125.83 0.31 [0:00.40.011R 4tl? .,.,;,,.,.:„ 1150.00 578.81 587.28 587.47 0.002943 4.40 435.21 186.64 0.32 C (*) 000:808 15 578.81 587.80 588.04 0.003443 5.05 543.47 229.65 Siric.it.4 10.04 >:, < : ; ,:, :gt17r5,ss,:: ; <:;,;:: 2078.00 578.81 588.67 588.89 0.002907 5.06 773.62 287.94 0.33 � $P24trkyio a» ;400.11n a¢�, 2337. 578.81 589.10 589.30 0.002528 4.90 901.13 303.00 0.31 L SF0t..10040' : Mint'' bt 2557.00 578.81 589.39 589.58 0.002397 4.89 989.30 312.99 0.31 SF Kirkvbad X54 <: 850.00 583.51 588.84 589.7b 0.015977 8.43 146.70 70.34 0.73 SF K7ttvPod Wiiikiiii 1150.00 583.51 589.53 590.48 0.015412 9.19 208.01 113.64 0.74 SF Kirkwt d , 4554: '' { 1545.00 583.51 590.29 591.10 0.012342 9.07 310.95 151.09 0.68 SF Kltkivoad . 0 A554'0x ;>: 2078.00 583.51 590.84 591.71 0.012788 9.83 399.62 171.36 0.70 $0 00040:0:: gown s '? 2337.00 583.51 591.02 591.96 0.013622 10.34 430.94 177.98 0.73 SF Kir ... 45 2557.00 583.51 591.21 592.17 0.013699 10.58 464.89 184.87 0.73 z S Kirkwood +M17$f; g : * 429.00 585.60 590.72 587.10 590.78 0.000649 2.04 209.88 132.62 0.16 SF Ktrksribad 4798 973.00 585.60 591.66 588.19 591.90 0.001897 3.91 248.66 189.68 0.28 SF > Ktrkwood, ; ....1785 : ;,,...,; 1273.00 585.60 592.19 588.70 592.53 0.002462 4.71 270.18 203.30 0.32 SFKirkwoadk• 4796: „i 1590.00 585.60 592.84 589.19 593.28 0.002810 5.36 296.74 220.12 0.35 SF KirJ oott !4196' ..<`.. 1911.00 585.60 593.11 589.66 593.71 0.003585 6.20 307.99 231.70 0.40 SF KtilWadct m: 4786 40 2237.00 585.60 593.26 590.11 594.05 0.004594 7.12 314.24 239.99 0.45 sRmoodmig mamas Culvert tw oo. .....d » ... ...: >: >:. ..........:.............:5tf34<;;;:.. ; 429.00 586.52 590.87 588.02 590.96 0.001116 2.41 178.34 140.05 0.20 ...... tk 5030 973.00 586.52 592.22 589.11 592.49 0.002328 4.16 233.84 202.88 0.31 S Ktr*od 5034 1273.00 586.52 1 593.01 589.62 593.37 0.002584 4.78 266.28 223.42 0.33 SF Kirkwood 5034 1590.001 586.521 593.90 590.11 594.331 0.002638 5.26 302.42 262.50 0.34 SF KirI ood °: 5030 1911.001 586.521 594.56 590.581 595.08 0.002861 5.80 329.57 288.12 0.36 SF Kirkwood 503,0i::::::::::::::::::::: 2237.001 586.52 595.21 591.03 595.82 0.003020 6.28 356.39 313.42 0.38 .• HEC-RAS Plan pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) Reacfr River 6:4 LtTofiat M t fi. .:W S 00. Crtf si E.0s 0 . ; E C3 51ope Vel gtio ; 00ti urea Top V 4. Fruude # Ch1 efa). fft) } .;: 71 t :: # ) , . f#fs_ {sq f€j ; tt) 400d 54:1[3 429.00 586.70 590.66 590.12 591.38 0.019772 6.79 63.18 24.85 0.75 { 511 973.00 586.70 592.46 591.79 592.91 0.012633 5.41 179.80 105.37 0.66 ::6„...4,076 5116 1273.001 586.70 593.36 592.20 593.72 0.008961 4.80 265.42 180.15 0.53 € 5110 wi od 6i t(3 :; 1590.00 586.70 594.36 592.55 594.63 0.005437 4.23 389.14 282.57 0.40 fSF Ktrftivead Offtaggiiiiiiii 1911.00 586.70 595.13 592.88 595.38 0.004152 4.07 503.41 316.36 0.35 1S00040ad, 00. 2237.00 586.70 595.89 593.21 596.11 0.003265 3.94 630.43 346.89 0.31 €SF KtrfMiad 53,.4Q 594.18 - 594.41 0.009235 3.88 110.67 60.20 0.50 SF)£lrk4od 5340 973.00 590.50 595.24 - 595.68 0.011428 5.31 184.22 80.08 0.59 SF KtrI ood 01.00 1273.00 590.50 595.61 - 596.17 0.012246 6.02 215.80 89.68 0.63 [SF Klrkwoad 0.40i.:::8 4:6::i: 1590.00 590.50 595.93 - 596.62 0.013358 6.74 245.30 97.81 0.66 ,S0 I£u*od 53403 1911.00 590.50 596.32 - 597.09 0.012856 7.14 285.46 107.89 0.66 ISFKtrkwo6d oortoNtij 2237.00 590.50 596.76 - 597.57 0.011579 7.33 336.33 122.73 0.64 SF34tr 556.3 429.00 591.82 595.68 595.86 0.005066 3.65 149.53 93.37 0.40 SF36rk46d:;::,. 5$60 ...... ....... 973.00 591.82 597.00 - 597.28 0.005091 4.80 300.38 156.94 0.42 $Riklifrioadialll 5$60alaili 1273.00 591.82 597.52 - 597.82 0.005090 5.20 390.17 192.52 0.43 OF)£gkw a 5560. 1590.00 591.82 597.99 - 598.31 0.004897 5.46 489.40 225.39 0.43 S0 K 44Pad 55603. 1911.00 591.82 598.40 - 598.72 0.004741 5.66 585.79 250.43 0.43 1 .: K rkwoad 656f 2237.00 591.82 598.77 - 599.09 0.004525 5.78 683.07 268.47 0.43 S0W ;rte Q(y 429.00 592.50 597.67 - 597.91 0.007069 4.08 124.58 83.31 0.45 ,SF'004.od• 000 973.00 592.50 598.95 599.29 0.006727 5.23 264.37 141.38 0.47 SF" t(ii.0n411 :1- : 64iift.:,,•,. :'..l 1273.00 592.50 599.46 - 599.83 0.006692 5.66 347.45 186.39 0.48 SF%3ri ti >:' tlitat'al 5th' 1590.00 592.50 599.87 - 600.28 0.006687 6.02 433.34 223.59 0.49 SE K1ris ; ;590(3 1911.00 592.50 600.23 - 600.64 0.006584 6.27 517.02 246.35 0.49 `18F K)rk ?oad`r 59Ot r 2237.00 592.50 600.54 - 600.96 0.006500 6.48 596.60 262.29 0.49 SFKirkv oad_:.::.:::. 51ot},. ;:.; >.,:; 429.00 594.40 599.63 599.63 600.34 0.019001 7.15 81.47 78.60 0.73 SF:;r4trk_ 61003... 973.00 594.40 600.70 - 601.48 0.018295 8.61 200.52 144.12 0.75 I 5 1273.00 594.40 601.17 - 601.88 0.016061 8.68 275.37 173.05 0.72 . 0,:....• Olttiallat 1590.00 594.40 601.56 - 602.23 0.014759 8.80 348.49 194.70 0.70 f-Oki)40:::::aiblilalea 1911.00 594.40 601.88 - 602.54 0.014272 9.02 412.42 209.07 0.70 tSF Kirkwood 64003 2237.00 594.40 602.17 - 602.83 0.013964 9.25 474.03 222.37 0.69 F SF Kirkwood 63003 429.00 596.48 601.59 - 601.71 0.003305 3.39 210.62 145.93 0.32 ,SF Ktrkwoad , 630 973.00 596.48 602.76 - 602.92 0.003593 4.31 433.64 236.77 0.36 [SF KirkW od 630(3 1273.00 596.48 603.14 - 603.31 0.003856 4.71 527.76 259.81 0.37 `SEtrfad ; 634f) 1590.00 596.48 603.48 - 603.67 0.004069 5.06 619.98 280.55 0.39 ,SF44}.rk ,_ . 6300 1911.00 596.48 603.79 - 603.99 0.004203 5.34 708.53 296.93 0.40 `":$0 01.40.640 od 5300' . *: 2237.00 596.48 604.07 - 604.28 0.004291 5.58 794.22 310.33 0.41 :sP.MiiiiiiileittiM 1.6 „ ' 429.00 599.30 603.86 - 604.05 0.008181 4.88 171.49 189.71 0.52 SF 34trad 67 5 f# O, 973.00 599.30 604.79 - 604.93 0.005433 4.82 373.70 243.57 0.44 1S..F Kiii4lady : 67.60Alliita 1273.00 599.30 605.16 - 605.31 0.004971 4.91 469.26 261.90 0.43 €SF`Kirkvvoad l:l;lilAill: oomen 1590.00 599.30 605.51 - 605.66 0.004632 5.00 561.26 273.50 0.42 ESF Karkwond 065(alaal 1911.00 599.30 605.81 - 605.97 0.004432 5.12 644.84 280.80 0.41 SFKirkwoad . . 7 ll <� 2237.00 599.30 - - 606.26 0.004312 5.24 723.72 287.53 0.41 - - - -- SF Ktr :68 429.00 599.78 604.10 601.25 604.19 0.000876 2.33 183.77 210.21 0.20 SFKrkwo d i141/7014W 973.00 599.78 604.91 602.31 605.22 0.002555 4.47 217.86 249.41 0.35 ISF.34i6400d. 6807M1 1273.00 599.78 605.26 602.80 605.73 0.003492 5.46 233.08 266.77 0.41 SF 34lrkiiiiobd salVEME 7 1590.00 599.78 605.57 603.28 606.22 0.004536 6.46 246.25 275.14 0.47 SF Kkl waad 6807 1911.00 599.78 605.83 603.74 606.69 0.005658 7.43 257.33 281.46 0.53 SF Ku(swoad 680k7 2237.00 599.78 606.06 604.18 607.15 0.006854 8.38 267.03 286.99 0.59 SFK rkw7ad *NOM Culvert --- - - - - -- OMBEEN ---- - - - - -- E-PENt.***8 0001100t 423.00 600.28 604.17 601.73 604.27 0.001216 2.56 165.16 213.12 0.23 SF Kirkwood` 6633 1094.00 600.28 605.28 603.01 605.69 0.003512 5.15 212.46 267.48 0.41 ' ,6'833 1375.00 600.28 605.82 603.46 606.35 0.003948 5.84 235.29 281.01 0.44 kwood 6833 1675.00 600.28 606.37 603.91 607.02 0.004269 6.47 258.73 294.37 0.46 „ktii+0111 6 633 1907.00 600.28 606.67 604.25 607.43 0.004712 7.02 271.52 310.30 0.49 SF Kirkwood 6833 2166.00 I 600.28 607.31 604.59 608.13 0.004416 7.25 298.83 347.13 0.48 - - - - - -_ 1 .SFKtrkwood • 691(3 423.001 600.00 604.11 I 604.63 0.020817 7.54 99.08 99.35 0.76 :SF/00 63103 1094. 600.00 605 .88 606.05 0005473 5.14 388.84 198.50 0.42 HEC-RAS Plan: pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) Reathg:::::::p :::::FRIv4isti: ::IN:;:catifilt:IM: . l 'ici:,timiisimpi.;::i.:;::: • ]800::Ist•e4:::::::: iiiii;!:.idityckkiig:: ggtik:Sley:; 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":7' $.9 2166.00 600.00 608.32 608.40 0.001754 3.84 993.49 302.04 0.25 1$50 423.00 602.30 608.03 608.27 0.004244 4.85 161.84 112.88 0.39 i$FikOdaiii:i!iliiiiiii i7.4.7.4:i:iiiiiii:;!i!:::::::!iti:i 1094.00 602.30 608.81 609.36 0.009913 8.20 260.75 139.89 0.61 i.s00000.400::: 73.70 ;::::;:!:.;;;!g::g: 1375.00 602.30 608.95 609.68 0.013087 9.58 280.82 143.78 0.71 $0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :7:3Th iiiiiiiiiiidliilii 1675.00 602.30 609.10 610.01 0.016119 10.82 303.03 147.98 0.79 i.:BR10100001::MK:74700IN 1907.00 602.30 609.28 610.26 0.017185 11.40 329.95 156.09 0.82 ..;$004.40.0digiii$737*:4101 2166.00 602.30 609.44 610.52 0.018820 12.14 356.15 167.12 0.86 :BFitie4464. 423.00 602.70 608.65 606.46 609.04 0.004107 5.06 83.60 46.28 0.41 $044rAkiidirga roaCtaiMi 109400 602.70 610.06 609.62 610.52 0.005296 6.35 308.22 184.34 0.47 tgRifiailialiia753 6.8ilini 1375.00 602.70 610.59 609.94 610.98 0.004570 6.26 409.62 201.12 0.44 $E:10100.00:ig 751(0:::1 1675.00 602.70 611.06 . 610.22 611.42 0.004113 6.24 511.66 227.81 0.43 $00 nIoNgs 1907.00 602.70 611.36 610.41 611.71 0.004025 6.35 581.90 251.96 0.42 SFEittriidd 0 idt07530 2166.00 602.70 611.70 61 ..,....„...:, : ... : ,... ... ..,..,..,........,.. ... .::„....„.„:„.,„:: 612.05 0.004027 6.56 672.85 280.65 0.43 fflanataNi:SlitgiiitiNi g:igiir.44.`64 Bridge $024i.$4454tni i7570 sini::: 423.00 602.60 609.10 606.93 609.43 0.004857 4.70 105.74 142.77 0.41 tRkir1lial: 7570:ialigg:M: 1094.00 602.60 610.78 609.92 611.03 0.003531 5.04 399.09 209.25 0.37 $0*.i.t.4.4ant 753.00iat 1375.00 602.60 611.17 610.20 611.42 0.003585 5.30 485.26 233.44 0.37 5040.iiiiiKli :t:§7Q iiiiktin 1675.00 602.60 611.58 610.48 611.84 0.003733 5.64 587.61 273.72 0.39 $0410A6CM: 76702 AN 1907.00 602.60 611.85 610.68 612.11 0.003598 5.69 665.21 289.34 0.38 sOdiiiWiiige . 1.5a:Mbi4;~F'. 2166.00 602.60 612.19 610.84 612.43 0.003284 5.61 766.64 308.57 0.37 amagemmoosas ,§p:xii*iion.ne0 kaat::: 423.00 603.35 610.05 608.02 610.25 0.003213 3.92 147.41 93.58 0.34 .W6444:ta 7.7.#0::iiikiiiMii::: 109400 603.35 611.46 610.38 611.73 0.003894 5.28 349.99 190.86 0.40 `SF40.1.44aiiiin:taVia:::::!ii:id 1375.00 603.35 611.85 610.99 612.13 0.003871 5.51 428.35 210.35 0.40 7....:76.6.6iii0i1i 1675.00 603.35 612.26 611.26 612.53 0.003669 5.61 518.29 230.70 0.40 ::•:I 73.-"..Wikieik 1907.00 603.35 612.51 611.45 612.79 0.003652 5.75 578.78 243.43 0.40 •••'''''= titdiiinOgiiii: 2166.00 603.35 612.81 611.58 613.08 0.003534 5.82 652.02 258.01 0.39 iiiiiiiNiginSilig: tRifiiMMI $0k1;(000.60M 00,i186.0 Bridge i$0:01.04.60M777T IliSii 423.00 603.35 610.57 608.02 610.68 0.001692 3.09 202.10 122.84 0.25 i5E:10040aglig: 17130M:: 1094.00 603.35 611.51 610.38 611.77 0.003678 5.16 358.92 193.18 0.39 F1iiikailitito vp..,.0.0 1375.00 603.35 612.13 610.99 612.34 0.002823 486 490.03 224.50 0.35 i.$0416400,!77700:SAii` 1675.00 603.35 612.50 611.26 612.72 0.002845 5.07 576.45 242.96 . 0.35 ,;.0 7770Efig 1907.00 603.35 612.75 611.45 612.97 0.002894 5.24 637.40 255.17 0.36 t$0:Nit.44:gigii:#00;ilai 2166.00 603.35 613.02 611.64 613.25 0.002878 5.37 709.43 268.88 0.36 KNOMONEN MORN 'SP)difitiiiiian OgagAitigni 423. 604.90 610.67 610.87 0.004159 4.27 150.53 118.54 0.38 i$00:0466Eing *MEM 1094.00 604.90 611.75 612.04 0.005553 5.82 310.85 165.14 0.46 $0:03.06.641/1 :. ;:t(.0NiliNg 1375.00 604.90 612.30 612.55 0.004350 5.54 407.24 181.54 0.42 1$500641S .78563 age2 1675.00 604.90 612.67 612.93 0.004296 5.74 475.25 192.27 0.42 :•80054idiNi7850. 1907.00 604.90 612.91 613.18 0.004324 5.92 522.77 199.43 0.42 '841ktiWa4i in5taingia:;: 2166.00 604.90 613.18 613.46 0.004281 6.06 577.45 207.35 0.42 SEtrili4040thi:i80.00 WW:i 423.00 606.10 611.43 611.62 0.002694 3.80 164.60 114.97 0.32 'giii 8080 1094.00 606.10 612.76 613.04 0.003690 5.31 373.13 193.66 0.39 i-,:igioloiii4mi::: , i.,0041204::i 1375.00 606.10 613.17 613.46 0.003811 5.65 463.02 242.50 0.40 ,PF10000'..fia:13060:enbil 1675.00 606.10 613.53 613.82 0.003777 5.84 556.47 268.74 0.40 Sgkre.W20iift 8086.MNN: 1907.00 606.10 613.78 614.07 0.003729 5.95 624.65 280.63 0.40 :$0 0040 iRRON 2166.00 606.10 61405 614.33 0.003656 6.04 700.04 293.21 0.40 iiiRgageniiii iNONIMM :$5til*d :8190:iiiir:iiiii 423.00 606.10 611.43 611.39 612.56 0.024303 8.69 53.40 25.77 0.88 SFKtrkwrad i6.106.: 1094.00 606.10 613.62 613.62 614.37 0.011560 8.50 227.15 145.01 0.66 SE*kiiata 51a0 egn 1375.00 606.10 613.91 613.91 614.71 0.012255 9.09 270.90 152.68 0.69 (Vdditi'N;i;i; 8.1906iiigkiii 1675.00 606.10 614.14 614.14 615.03 0.013478 9.81 307.48 158.80 0.73 61 1907.00 606.10 614.35 614.35 615.25 0.013675 10.11 340.13 164.07 0.74 81Wiiiii'.:::::iiii:iii:E;E:i:i 2166.00 606.10 614.49 614.49 615.49 0.015014 10.76 363.12 167.69 0.78 Figt.1400.driir 8260 :!:!:!:::00iili 423.00 606.08 613.27 610.88 613.40 0.002039 3.20 200.60 130.56 0.26 SOctlite 1094.00 606.08 614.82 613.24 614.98 0.002338 4.12 468.80 200.53 0.29 •SFKkkiltktitftn 82A0P.' 1375.00 606.08 615.18 613.58 615.36 0.002596 4.51 542.871 211.87 0.31 HEC-RAS Plan pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) t eact Rive SYa Q htat5 Mtn. h EE W S Et t CntW S EG Elea . E W3 Slope 11e0nt.. y . FtowArea Top Wtdtft . Froude # Chi . E ; (crs) (ft) ..... MO.;, . (3 «t) :.. .... 1 3:. , ( . {sgft) ., 0 ;SFt 826& 1675.001 606.08 615.54 613.97 615.74 0.002758 4.81 621.92 223.33 0.32 '' ' ocd S2fi(t r 1907.00 606.08 615.77 614.18 615.98 0.002930 5.07 673.45 230.50 0.33 r .. +ood 8266 2166.001 606.08 616.06 614.39 616.27 0.002974 5.24 740.67 239.52 r>, .SF Ktrk itior3 8265 Bridge [.SF Ktrkwoad g22 423.00 606.08 613.45 610.88 613.55 0.001644 2.94 225.19 141.48 0.23 ISFiiktildliiiiiiiiiii id7i2NiiiiiiiiMi 1094.00 606.08 614.95 613.24 615.09 0.002050 3.92 495.44 204.68 0.27 t 1SF K4rkwslar 0#2iiiiiiigiiii 1375.00 606.08 615.32 613.58 615.48 0.002271 4.28 573.37 216.36 `SF KtrkwoQd 8:212 1675.00 606.08 615.69 613.97 615.86 0.002421 4.57 655.23 227.99 SFK;0{*ar} 822 1907.00 606.08 615.93 614.18 616.11 0.002569 4.81 709.66 235.40 0.31 `EESF K rkwgod . 8272 :: 2166.00 606.08 616.21 614.39 616.41 0.002623 4.99 778.21 244.42 0.32 S F)4{rkwiyprt ; M 2' ; 4. 423.00 608.93 6106 612.37 614.69 0.014052 6.48 76.09 56.90 0.52 ,SFKi[kwt7od 8482 1094.00 608.93 615.70 615.39 616.18 0.011521 7.10 269.88 153.29 0.49 rSF Klrkwood 8482 ; 1375.00 608.93 616.13 615.70 616.58 0.010720 7.15 338.88 167.94 0.48 t S0.Kirkttiotad: 84B 1675.00 608.93 616.53 615.96 616.95 0.010086 7.20 408.97 181.62 0.47 i-PFiiiKit*OdiS 8482 1907.00 608.93 616.80 616.13 617.22 0.009818 7.28 459.04 190.79 0.46 I$FiKitiaitaii, alliiiniligiiiiiiiiii 2166.00 608.93 617.09 616.31 617.50 0.009438 7.31 516.24 204.24 0.46 1`, {Cgs:"... 1SFKd[kwood 0-40.,, 5 Culvert 1SF_otimoads; .<.:; 85115<,>.::;>;' ii " 423.00 609.79 613.84 613.44 614.92 0.028411 8.39 55.11 39.75 0.75 'SFKit 115 8 .0 1094.00 609.79 .615.98 615.51 616.33 0.009469 6.42 303.24 162.77 0.46 r Filditiwt7exE� 85EQ6 1375.00 609.79 616.36 615.77 616.71 0.009326 6.63 367.25 175.67 0.46 F 10100oc ` 88Q6 1675.00 609.79 616.70 615.98 617.06 0.009291 6.86 430.09 187.47 0.47 SE�liW41:d 8505 , x 1907.00 609.79 616.93 616.15 617.31 0.009402 7.05 473.86 195.28 0.47 Sfrkw k . 855t15 v:: 2166.00 609.79 617.18 616.32 617.56 0.009362 7.21 524.49 210.08 0.47 FSF KtrkwoR d 8870 423.00 609.43 615.58 615.70 0.001598 3.02 206.20 134.80 0.24 SF Ktrkwaod 81370 1094.00 609.43 616.89 617.10 0.002710 4.59 421.33 183.87 0.32 ON 1375.00 609.43 617.28 617.51 0.002954 4.99 495.24 193.79 0.34 w .:: > wood OZOiiiiiiiiiaiiigi 1675.00 609.43 617.64 617.90 0.003173 5.36 567.61 203.03 800iiiiiiiiiiiligiiiiiii 1907.00 609.43 617.89 618.17 0.003328 5.62 619.53 209.41 0.37 SFKtrk ood 0.7001:]:::: 2166.00 609.43 618.15 618.45 0.003482 5.89 674.84 216.00 0.38 SFKttktie o d $84 • 423 611 615.85 612.90 615.93 0.000983 2.28 185.70 61.17 0.19 1SF Kttkwoad . g8A5 . 109400 611.44 617.31 614.19 617.62 0.002529 4.42 247.32 67.90 0.32 ISFIKEtWitijeViiii1i1iii 6846iiiiiiiMitiiiii 1375.00 611.44 617.75 614.64 618.17 0.003140 5.17 265.84 69.93 0.36 FSF Kirkir ood 8845 1675.00 611.44 618.16 615.09 618.70 0.003788 5.92 282.89 71.79 0.40 iiSFigitii*Olfiii 884%0 1907.00 611.44 618.44 615.42 619.09 0.004290 6.47 294.58 76.87 0.43 k 1 :.;j :::: n» >» E$)= jrkyy�t#?`�«;:8gq�_;;? 2166.00 611.44 618.72 615.77 619.50 0.004849 7.07 306.50 87.58 0.46 iiNglate.ii > vl;;e €: tSF1 rkvvrsod 44:< >.;:88'7f)::,.;.:<.:.. ._.: Culvert i .. ,... :id .. , :. ..: w.�Y SEKIfkftiti w§4 8888` ' ,, , 382.00 611.60 615.91 612.96 615.98 0.000868 2.11 181.32 61.66 0.18 ,SF KtrksNOOSfi , 8895` 989.00 611.60 617.53 614.17 617.77 0.002003 3.96 249.67 71.43 0.29 1SF £1Ekwood 8895 1207.00 611.60 618.06 614.54 618.37 0.002243 4.44 271.95 75.22 0.31 SF'lltt40od' 8895 1458.00 611.60 618.58 614.93 618.96 0.002527 4.96 293.89 79.00 0.33 SPKitkwttiod,_ 8$96. * 1664.00 611.60 618.95 615.23 619.40 0.002776 5.38 309.32 81.65 0.35 5F40 ,._ 8895.. > 1879.00 611.60 619.61 615.54 619.86 0.001721 4.05 492.21 87.97 0.27 • / .7 $0 9220 h9 382.00 611.92 616.30 616.77 0.009887 5.58 73.84 32.80 0.55 SF 14410.0.0 k : , 9 989.00 611.92 618.39 619.14 0.009276 7.53 171.11 60.17 0.57 ,, SF101.40itgitiiii 9220 1207.00 611.92 619.01 619.78 0.008516 7.76 211.21 68.33 0.56 SF tkwoatl: iiii 822tt,t. ; 1458.00 611.92 619.65 620.42 0.007877 7.99 257.18 76.63 0.55 SF,4itktivood`; .,.:822tt,; 1664.00 611.92 620.11 620.89 0.007498 8.15 294.17 82.70 0.54 scfosiocRi wocaligi 1879.00 611.92 620.20 621.15 0.009004 9.01 301.80 83.90 0.59 SF,10 935 382.00 612.31 618.05 618.33 0.005492 4.70 111.17 55.66 0.41 989.00 612.31 620.20 620.57 0.004942 5.94 253.14 79.87 0.42 S�Ktrkti?RSnd ff�i35 r ... ^rad 9635 <: ;; 1207.00 1 612.31 620.75 621.15 0.004919 6.28 299.31 88.81 0.43 40 9435 1458.00 612.31 621.31 1 621.73 0.004863 6.59 351.66 97.97 0.43 }ic vioatl 943 1664.001 612.31 621.73 622.16 0.004811 6.80 393.94 104.78 0.43 SF Ktrkti od 9435 1879.001 612.31 622.091 622.55 0.004881 7.06 432.79 110.67 0.44 1 SF Kirkwood 9620 382.001 614.60 619.43 I 619.89 0.013429 5.43 70.29 29.10 0.62 SF Kirkwood 9620 989.001 614.60, 621.361 1 622.161 0.014951 7.18 137.801 40.75 0.69 HEC-RAS Plan pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) Reach Ett Ste ! ti Tatat Miar C1t EE -; U. S Eiev Cut Y�1 S E E G Eiex E C Sl ope lel £hrii Ftow r a j `€'op Width Fmude # Chl €c£sj< : 1 # 1 . :.. ...;: .... :ei: €ft).. ...... ( (4) {tits} €8C1> .. . t) SF 4trkwood 962(3 1207 001 614.60 621.87 622.76 0.015182 7.59 159.09 43.79 0.70 S''' ', N Od.. 0024060 1458.001 614.60 622.37 623.37 0.015491 8.01 181.92 46.82 0.72 0r600 9620 1664.001 614.60 622.74 623.82 0.015750 8.34 199.64 49.05 0.73 ' _ , li;iiticd .. 9520 1879.001 614.60 623.08 624.25 0.016128 8.67 216.75 51.11 0.74 SF Ki _ 5773 382.00 616.03 620.35 617.41 620.43 0.000881 2.13 179.47 61.95 0.18 1 S9Ktrkwa0d 5773 1 989.001 616.03 622.76 618.63 622.95 0.001353 3.54 279.25 73.32 0.24 iSF1040400ir5773 ter 1207.00 616.03 623.37 618.99 623.62 0.001505 3.96 304.81 76.23 0.26 ISFt4t*000, 5773 1458.00 616.03 623.99 619.39 624.30 0.001676 4.41 330.52 79.16 0.28 SF Ktrkir and 8773 1664.00 616.03 624.45 619.70 624.80 0.001814 4.76 349.39 81.31 0.29 sFKtrkwOd WORE 1879.00 616.03 624.88 620.01 625.29 0.001958 5.11 367.35 83.36 0.30 I SFt£t'kwood 8798 Culvert 1.SF 1(kk o d ff822 282.00 616.42 620.41 617.54 620.45 0.000629 1.70 165.50 59.60 0.15 1.0 Krrf 8822 j 658.00 1 616.42 622.92 618.40 623.01 0.000673 2.44 269.63 74.76 0.17 .S0 Kirkwood 9822 821.00 616.42 623.57 618.71 623.69 0.000761 2.77 296.76 78.71 0.18 SFKirkwaod .. £#822 ii 1020.00 616.42 624.23 619.07 624.39 0.000874 3.15 324.25 82.71 0.20 SF) <trk ...6 9822 1189.00 616.42 624.74 619.35 624.92 0.000964 3.44 345.28 85.77 0.21 SF Kirkwood }822 1361.00 616.42 625.23 619.63 625.45 0.001042 3.72 365.78 88.83 0.22 1 S71 . 1 . i odrf 11179 282.00 618.25 621.51 621.51 622.52 0.028747 8.31 38.51 22.30 0.89 SFKirkwrmd '111178 pa. 658.00 618.25 623.14 623.14 624.44 0.022658 10.12 85.83 35.83 0.86 S 1.Q17'9 821.00 618.25 623.63 623.63 625.03 0.022024 10.73 104.40 39.90 0.86 0:Kirkt .,::.':i.PS73 ? 1020.00 618.25 624.17 624.04 625.58 0.020473 11.11 140.36 96.71 0.85 S FKIfkWDod ,�1O1'7 � '` 1189.00 618.25 625.06 625.89 0.011499 9.22 23129 107.97 0.65 $.81 kM o¢ 1 179 0' . ".' 1361.00 618.25 625.71 626.30 0.007849 8.15 305.44 114.30 0.55 SF Kirkwood 111482 s: 282.00 621.14 625.29 625.41 0.004538 2.80 100.60 42.67 0.32 $FKtrkwoort 1048 ,, 658.00 621.14 626.93 627.13 0.004482 3.66 183.92 59.44 0.35 SFKirkwt�ad 15482 821.00 621.14 627.46 627.70 0.004449 3.91 217.18 65.08 0.35 " "'4irk�w� 1ti482 1020.00 621.14 627.98 628.25 0.004620 4.24 251.991 70.50 0.36 .tcvaod 50482 1189.00 621.14 628.02 628.38 0.006070 4.89 255.19 70.98 0.42 .„A*,iia 10482 1361.00 621.14 628.14 628.58 0.007284 5.43 263.38 73.74 0.46 [ SFK00ocd logiosiON 282.00 622.76 625.88 623.88 625.95 0.001403 2.15 131.16 54.89 0.21 D SF1060660 '111703 " 658.00 622.76 627.59 624.72 627.75 1.001777 3.24 203.13 59.80 026 . iSF Ktdcwo0d 9p7t13 ...: 821.00 62176 628.13 625.03 628.33 0.001939 3.63 226.00 61.37 SFKir060d\ 111703 1020.00 622.76 628.67 625.39 628.93 0.002173 4.10 248.77 63.72 0.30 SFKtrkwrmd .1#3703 .- 1189.00 622.76 628.91 625.67 629.24 0.002586 4.59 258.88 74.03 0.33 1. 11SF Ktrkwoizrt ' 10703 `:'` 1361.00 622.76 629.19 625.94 629.58 0.002929 5.03 270.45 85.84 0.35 SONEMOIIMPIOOMIE ;4M0 100t00. .<;., Culvert 8Fi(ukxcor€ 150765 ' 255.00 622.78 625.93 623.82 625.99 0.001110 1.93 131.91 53.53 0.19 SF d 1x3765 626.00 622.78 627.70 624.68 627.84 0.001514 3.04 205.97 59.44 0.24 r` F rkwood 10765 781.00 622.78 628.27 624.98 628.45 0.001634 3.40 229.91 61.36 0.26 SF Ktrkwoad 10765 954.00 622.78 628.93 625.30 629.15 0.001664 3.70 257.82 77.08 0.26 SF Kirkwood :,:. 10765. 1111.00 622.78 629.16 625.57 629.43 0.001995 4.15 267.51 83.50 0.29 I.P01 1268.00 622.78 629.56 625.82 629.87 0.002131 4.47 283.91 99.21 0.30 tSF Ktrk;lvo0d ` .10950. -i 255.00 623.80 626.66 626.66 627.36 0.036583 7.06 40.06 29.10 0.97 i S5 Kirk ood 109513 626.00 623.80 627.85 627.85 628.89 0.033856 8.77 79.68 37.78 0.99 E SFKirj w od i0950.. ^?4 781.00 623.80 628.53 629.42 0.023662 8.15 107.09 42.76 0.85 ESFKirkwt .4; 10950 ..,: 954.00 623.80 629.26 630.03 0.017047 7.60 140.27 48.11 0.74 .. SF-1.W..a0d . 1}0950 €? 1111.00 623.80 629.59 630.43 0.017209 7.93 156.54 50.53 0.75 SF Kirkvaogd ,;109511 1268.00 623.80 630.03 630.86 0.015442 7.88 179.85 53.80 0.72 i fax` SF Kirkwood U 179 255.00 627.84 631.20 631.51 0.010671 4.50 59.72 32.81 0.55 SFKlrftuvood '11179 : :>. : 4 626.00 627.84 632.65 633.15 0.011604 5.85 117.76 47.32 0.60 1SF Ktikwood 11179 781.00 627.84 632.91 633.55 0.014065 6.65 130.34 50.62 0.67 ` road 71179 954.00 627.84 633.13 633.94 0.017095 7.53 141.77 53.61 0.74 dad 11179 1111.00 627.84 633.47 634.34 0.016972 7.79 161.171 58.34 0.75 ,+krkwood 1 1268.001 627.84 633.73 634.67 0.017755 8.18 176.391 61.81 0.77 S F Kirkxaotl 71404 255.001 629.72 633.61 633.98 0.011349 5.10 57.851 29.69 0.57 S F Kirkwriod ' ,11404 626.00 629.72 635.22 635.771 0.012095 6.49 115.651 42.45 0.62 SF"Kirkwood :71404 781.00 629.721 635.76 636.35 0.011613 6.74 140.051 46.801 0.62 HEC-RAS Plan: pg-wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) + .. 'Reach Ri S ta: ; ., : . . Q Tofat Mn t it Eri , : :::: . :**PO441:::;:$: MCrtt t S` o Elev E.0 Slope.. ;,?tet £toil F A ea Top Mdtfi Fronde ft Chl : SF £ftrkwood 11404 954.00 629.72 636.32 636.93 0.011032 6.92 168.09 70.18 0.61 :r ' +avood 1:1404 1111.00 629.72 636.69 637.30 0.010935 7.12 210.89 160.98 0.61 *od AlOgigna 1268.00 629.72 637.12 637.81 0.011665 7.70 302.27 269.67 0.64 SFKirkOv......................................... 3 ,.:.> 255.00 630.58 635.52 635.52 635.58 0.001532 2.59 145.33 53.76 0.22 ,SFKirktivo0d 11583 . 626.00 630.58 636.76 635.52 636.93 0.003692 4.78 264.78 133.88 0.36 S5Kiiii*Pod 11583 781.00 630.58 637.28 635.52 637.43 0.003258 4.78 340.47 157.61 0.35 SF Kirkwood 1!4583 954.00 630.58 637.79 635.52 637.94 0.002854 4.73 428.23 181.28 0.33 SF Kirkwood 1:1583 1111.00 630.58 638.14 636.24 638.29 0.002770 4.83 494.22 198.24 0.33 SF KErkwoort M. 1268.00 630.58 638.66 636.48 638.78 0.002262 4.58 602.50 224.18 0.30 t SF t4trkiuood . 1 5G3 Culvert i SF Ktrfnv Iii 11624 255.00 630.58 636.99 635.52 637.02 0.000472 1.76 297.60 144.65 0.13 SF Kakikiiie 1:1624 626.00 630.58 637.85 635.52 637.90 0.001168 3.04 437.55 183.62 0.21 SF Kirkwood 41:62+:*:.*::::::::: 781.00 630.58 638.04 635.52 638.11 0.001511 3.53 473.70 192.93 0.24 E SFKlr kvm osf 1624 :' 954.00 630.58 638.27 635.52 638.37 0.001812 3.95 520.25 204.77 0.27 cb#40.044diffiiil 1162431 € «!€ ; 1111.00 630.58 638.46 636.24 638.57 0.002068 4.30 559.79 21432 0.28 t ( Kirkwood '11624 1268.00 630.58 638.73 636.48 638.84 0.002119 4.46 619.22 227.92 0.29 SF Kirkuuoad : :: 11816 :: 255.00 631.66 637.13 637.19 0.001448 2.11 120.81 39.40 0.21 I SF Ktrku oad 1,:1818 626.00 631.66 638.18 638.39 0.004031 3.73 167.95 56.26 0.36 iSF'KIr(sciFl; >ai >: ;'118'45::;<; ; :a 781.00 631.66 638.45 638.74 0.004892 4.29 186.30 76.08 0.40 SF KErkwoad 11815 ; • 954.00 631.66 638.76 639.11 0.005577 4.77 212.19 91.79 0.43 SF k od 11416 1111.00 631.66 639.01 639.41 0.006103 5.15 236.09 101.90 0.46 . S. F �tkWmnd1?,,,,. ;181 ,,,:... < 1268.00 631.66 639.28 639.72 0.006279 5.41 265.86 113.23 0.47 7 ::t 1 Bridge SF'KttietivbaQ 11837 9 isgg FE, , . , .. : . 41., ,, ...M1010. frin:Mini$1 eosiiiiiiii 11857 255.00 631.66 637.23 634,32 637.30 0.001321 2.04 125.01 40.07 0.20 S> r iCrktivaP 1,4857 >:,�;: >': 626.00 631.66 638.56 635.73 638.73 0.002865 3.33 194.65 83.56 0.31 ° ck0400 , , 1':1857 781.00 631.66 638.94 636.16 639.15 0.003188 3.69 229.64 99.27 0.33 4 vi6ad iiii6tmAg 954.00 631.66 639.68 636.59 639.87 0.002558 3.61 313.80 129.42 0.30 F1887 1111.00 631.66 639.75 636.93 640.00 0.003264 4.11 323.57 132.47 0.34 'SF Kirkwood 14857 1268.00 631.66 639.83 637.25 640.13 0.003998 4.58 333.70 135.57 0.38 8FKtrkvoad 12032 255.00 632.73 637.45 637.48 0.000841 1.46 184.86 90.48 0.16 SFKtrkwoad 1.2,£132 626.00 632.73 638.95 639.01 0.000951 2.02 352.38 131.70 0.18 SF Kirkwood 12£132 :: 781.00 632.73 639.38 639.45 0.000985 2.20 410.36 139.14 0.19 SFKtt'ktivoad 12132 z 95400 632.73 640.05 640.11 0.000837 2.24 507.00 150.72 0.18 (SF Kirk4vonrk : 12£!32 y ; 1111.00 632.73 640.21 640.30 0.000995 2.50 532.68 153.65 0.20 t 1SFK.1,d ...1M4 :... <: 1268.00 632.73 640.39 640.49 0.001139 2.73 559.24 156.62 0.21 a . IS . t:. 255.00 633.40 637.67 637.78 0.003682 3.25 120.28 8482 0.33 °SF Kirtiwoatf W 112 ' 626.00 633.40 639.18 639.30 0.002775 3.71 282.86 126.30 0.31 1 F Kitkwdad. y '12212 R 781.00 633.40 639.61 639.74 0.002674 3.88 339.53 135.06 0.31 i S)Kir4066 1 d:.......1212 95400 633.40 640.24 640.36 0.002156 3.77 428.55 I 147.77 0.28 `SFKErkuvood 12212 1111.00 633.40 640.45 640.58 0.002434 4.11 459.18 151.90 0.30 ittRatafa iigiRMIO 1268.00 633.40 640.65 640.80 0.002661 4.39 490.481 156.00 0.32 SF ...... 12312 255.00 635.02 638.34 638.34 638.83 0.022303 6.19 58.45 73.88 0.77 SFKt :12312 626.00 635.02 639.55 639.86 0.010552 5.85 184.961 131.02 0.58 SF Ktrktieiood ` :12312 781.00 635.02 639.96 640.23 0.008332 5.64 242.93 147.03 0.52 SE.111:0 vot7d' ..;:12312 l 954.00 635.02 640.52 640.72 0.005652 5.11 330.55 166.57 0.44 SF Ktrkwoad t2312 1111.00 635.02 640.76 640.97 0.005627 5.29 370.79 172.36 0.44 SF Ir( umod ,.,. 12312 ,,.. ' ` 1268.00 635.02 640.99 641.21 0.005552 5.43 410.841 177.94 0.44 i �Kij; S rkwocd "12486; "' 255.00 637.25 640.39 640.50 0.005624 3.11 101.60 57.41 0.39 SF14 wad ... , ;. > 626.00 637.25 641.25 641.53 0.010304 4.87 154.42 65.75 0.55 SFK1 kvoad ;12486 , .-;' 781.00 637.25 641.49 641.84 0.012098 5.46 170.58 68.09 0.60 SFKaktivoatl 12486 954.00 637.25 641.71 642.15 0.014260 6.11 185.42 70.18 0.66 " - i00 >1248E 1111.00 637.25 641.94 642.44 0.015259 6.51 201.681 72.39 0.69 xid 12486 1268.00 637.25 642.14 642.71 0.016204 6.89 216.86 74.40 0.71 S5.Kirkwod 12845 255.00 637.85 641.41 641.64 0.009390 3.80 67.021 37.41 0.50 iSF Kirkwood . '12645 626.00 637.85 642.71 643.09 0.009597 4.99 133.651 65.40 0.54 SF Kiikivoad 12645 761.00 637.85 643.07 643.50 0.009421 5.38 159.011 76.28 0.55 • 1SFKirkwood L 12641 954.00 63785 643.43, 643.91 0.0092311 5.741 188.111 87.15 0.55 • HEC -RAS Plan: pg -wd River: S Fork Kirkwood Reach: SF Kirkwood (Continued) Re ach Kivu Sia.,. Q 7ntat Minith Ei . W S Etev CntXV S g Elev E G:Slope . Vei O n1 FfawArsa 70p 4th Frovde # Chl t cfs .:::::811 . 1111 .. . . . (ft) f R) itfs {s. : .:.. . : it �SFKukwood 12 &42 ,i 1111 00 637.85 643.71 - 644.23 0.009172 6.04 213.90 9576 0.56 r +aid 12641 l 1268.00 637.85 643.98 - 644.53 0.009058 6.29 240.48 104.39 0.56 [ Rr ,rtcwood 12710 255.00 638.68 641.88 640.52 642.19 0.005666 4.42 57.69 41.47 0.44 .§9, *.po 1271x3 . - 1 626.00 638.68 643.25 642.02 644.15 0.010477 7.61 82.22 75.36 0.63 f SFKtrkriood 127111 781.00 638.68 643.59 642.55 644.80 0.012814 8.84 88.39 81.15 0.70 SF Krrkyzoad ,. 1:271(! 954.00 638.68 643.91 643.10 645.50 0.015545 10.14 94.06 86.48 0,78 S F 1trckw od 12710 1111.00 638.68 644.14 643.58 646.12 0.018242 11.31 98.23 90.40 0.85 SF Kirkwood 1.2710 126800 638.68 644.33 644.03 646.74 0.021136 12.46 101.74 93.70 0.92 .' 11111111111111111011 1$#.10014641111111111111111111004=11111 Culvert --- - - - - -- SFKir 12757 1 113.00 639.20 642.17 640.27 642.24 0.001435 2.11 53.45 21.22 0.22 •SFKtrkwoad 12757 191.00 639.20 644.13 640.71 644.20 0.000758 2.15 88.69 57.70 0.17 SF)010,5.6d 4275mine 217.00 639.20 644.80 640.85 644.87 0.000639 2.15 100.75 77.00 0.16 ,00.30 12757 266.00 639.20 645.52 641.09 645.60 0.000642 2.34 113.72 97.76 0.16 SFt0kvaoad 1:2757 336.00 639.20 646.17 641.41 646.28 0.000737 2.68 125.50 122.06 0.18 SF Kirkwood 1;2757 407.00 639.20 646.84 641.70 646.98 0.000797 2.96 137.57 151.97 0.19 NNONOSENII l$ Krkvtoad 12935 11j 113.00 639.66 642.47 - 642.53 0.001836 1.97 57.32 28.84 0.25 SF Kit.0 1 191.00 639.66 644.29 - 644.33 0.000693 1.59 119.94 39.79 0.16 SFKir0000. , .12935 217.00 639.66 644.94 - 644.97 0.000503 1.47 149.95 70.38 0.14 SF Kvrkwoad ]2935 266.00 639.66 645.66 - 645.69 0.000371 1.44 210.61 98.27 0.12 SF Ktrkwoad 1 336.00 639.66 646.34 - 646.37 0.000317 1.47 286.61 125.22 0.12 SF K irkwoad 4Za.n.mm 407.00 639.66 647.04 - 647.06 0.000257 1.45 382.87 152.99 0.11 S0 ` tt oo 13074 'i 113.00 641.04 642.86 - 643.06 0.009484 3.54 31.90 22.96 0.53 .S FKirki k684:..,.1304.... *....4 191.00 641.04 644.41 - 644.52 0.002527 2.56 74.70 32.27 0.30 SF Ktrkioad 1: 217. 641.04 645.02 - 645.10 0.001666 2.27 95.48 35.93 0.25 S0004.e04 1:3074 ` 266.00 641.04 645.72 - 645.79 0.001272 2.18 122.25 46.29 0.22 SF Kir oa 1307A rY 336.00 641.04 646.38 - 646.46 0.001028 2.21 168.94 98.55 0.20 k vioad 430774::::::;:i:::::::: 407.00 641.04 647.07 - 647.13 0.000732 2.09 253.58 146.17 0.18 13219 113.00 643.03 644.59 - 644.88 0.016849 4.33 26.07 21.39 0.69 SF N4trkwoad ' 13219 191.00 643.03 644.97 - 645.44 0.021636 5.53 34.54 23.65 0.81 SF Kirkwuoc _,. , IA..01 p1111111141111111111 217.00 643.03 645.35 - 645.73 0.014086 4.92 44.07 25.96 0.67 SFKtr 13219 266.00 643.03 645.95 - 646.25 0.008721 4.39 60.62 29.55 0.54 [$0004006 ote 336. 643.03 646.55 - 646.83 0.006608 4.23 79.45 33.16 0.48 SF Ktrkwtiod 13219 407.00 643.03 647.16 - 647.40 0.004502 3.93 117.45 94.07 0.41 SFKtrki oad 13391 113.00 644.20 646.30 - 646.44 0.005561 2.93 38.54 24.64 0.41 $F11100 191.00 644.20 646.97 - 647.15 0.005526 3.39 56.26 28.64 0.43 SF KtrI o .. looktiomm 1 217.00 644.20 647.07 - 647.28 0.006137 3.66 59.33 29.57 0.45 SF.Klikwoar#, 133s 1., gi:;.< 266.00 644.20 647.30 - 647.55 0.006641 4.02 66.48 32.35 0.48 • 44itk±aotf,:. ; ..1..339,....,.`.. ;' 336. 644.20 647.67 - 647.96 0.006538 4.33 78.68 33.46 0.48 SF KttkYVr7ad 133$1 407.00 644.20 648.02 - 648.34 0.006444 4.58 90.33 34.50 0.49 3«: »> ?::11 ::rz! ;i! >'ss' 3 1 S F Kir((waad )35(33 5 113.00 644.73 646.91 - 647.03 0.004889 2.80 40.34 25.06 0.39 St1(tr F kwaad 1.35(3 5' 1 :1 191.00 644.73 647.58 - 647.74 0.004973 3.27 58.43 29.08 0.41 SF N�jrkw od 1354355 1 ' 217.00 644.73 647.74 - 647.92 0.005152 3.43 63.27 30.06 0.42 ESFKirkwod 135035' " 266.00 644.73 648.03 648.24 0.005391 3.69 72.15 31.78 0.43 FSFKtrk 03 1355 336.00 644.73 648.39 - 648.64 0.005376 3.98 86.03 44.33 0.44 SFKirkwoad 1 .:.....„„...... 5035. 407.00 644.73 648.73 649.00 0.005155 4.20 102.28 53.60 0.44 SF Kirkwood 1;3 113.00 645.27 647.46 - 647.59 0.005080 2.90 39.00 23.56 0.40 ESF Kirkwaad 1:3618 191.00 645.27 648.14 - 648.32 0.005213 3.40 56.21 27.14 0.42 iSF Ktrki and 1;3616 217.00 645.27 648.32 - 648.52 0.005315 3.55 61.20 28.09 0.42 ` 1..3616 266.00 645.27 648.63 - 648.86 0.005469 3.79 70.17 29.73 0.43 SFKirl oad 1 336.00 645.27 649.01 649.27 0.005640 4.12 82.30 46.16 0.45 SF Klrkvzoad 1:3518 407.00 645.27 649.32 649.62 0.005546 4.40 98.39 56.75 0.45 *On 13747 11 111 113.00 646.99 648.49 - 648.75 0.016036 4.10 27.55 23.79 0.67 trkvaad 13747 191.00 646.99 649.10 649.40 0.012701 4.40 43.37 28.17 0.63 ir'ki:46; d 13747 217.00 646.99 649.27 - 649.58 0.012063 4.48 48.41 29.43 0.62 SF Kirkviood 13747 266.00 646.99 649.571 649.90 0.011177 4 - 62 57.60 31.61 0.60 :SF Kirkwood 1 3747 1 336.00 646.99 649.931 650.29 0.010222 4.85 70.97 46.03 0.59 iSF Kirkwood 1 3747 'i:pl 407 00 646 .99 650 .21 1 650.61 0.009783 5 .08 85 .80 54.84 0.59 , • : : ' Y kC • : , .: ` .>k: ,a, -..„4:::::• `5> x ; 3 1: :::::::::::::::::::::B0•••• ` "` A dig D ::: :,. 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V I - 0401 I- �N .-� L E. E O.- CV N�.-N .-.- Di C E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c y E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID 0 7, f on000mmmm 6 c onmoommm(o Z H . 0 . Ncc, h. 0 0 (o« N C E ON(o noo c00 i an d i :: °::°: m J v J 2 a : :°::::: C O N o W A P .. 600000006 50 IA 600000000 U 1- UO 4- 0 O _ 0 0 W W A pp W O >( f co O )� o V 1-Qm ,-O � ! 7 m O O CO ,- o CO .- Ff a 000000000 HH yL 000000000 0 F- H (7 N ~ g5 g wi o W Q W N -NmOt0 o7 CO W� W O .-Nm Q 10 g 0. CO O)° (O Q - (O W H ol ID F 0 F 0 TABLE D-6. COMPOSITE LAG TIME DETERMINATION ULTIMATE DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Area Designation Tp(clay) Tp(sand) % % Tp(composite) (sm) (hour) (hour) Sand Clay (hour) 1 0.19 0.36 36 64 0.25 2 0.11 0.21 55 45 0.17 3 0.10 0.18 46 54 0.14 4 0.14 0.26 67 33 0.22 5 0.11 0.20 85 15 0.19 6 &7 0.08 0.15 77 23 0.14 8 0.16 0.31 70 30 0.27 9 0.11 0.20 44 56 0.15 10 0.10 0.18 21 79 0.11 TABLE D -7. COMPOSITE LAG TIME DETERMINATION EXISTING CONDITIONS Area Designation Tp(clay) Tp(sand) % % Tp(composite) (sm) (hour) (hour) Sand Clay (hour) 1 0.23 0.43 36 64 0.30 2 0.16 0.30 55 45 0.24 3 0.14 0.27 46 54 0.20 4 0.16 0.30 67 33 0.25 5 0.11 0.22 85 15 0.20 6 &7 0.10 0.19 77 23 0.17 8 0.18 0.33 70 30 0.29 9 0.11 0.22 44 56 0.16 10 0.10 0.19 21 79 0.12 TABLE D -8. Block and Uniform Soil Losses by Subbasin Sub Basin 1 % Sand = 36 %Clay= 64 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.72 0.22 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.48 0.18 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.26 0.15 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.08 0.13 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 0.93 0.11 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.80 0.08 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 2 % Sand = 55 %Clay= 45 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.83 023 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.58 0.19 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.33 0.16 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.14 0.14 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 0.98 0.12 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.83 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 3 % Sand = 46 %Clay= 54 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.78 0.23 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.53 0.18 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.29 0.16 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.11 0.13 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 0.96 0.11 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.82 0.08 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 4 % Sand = 67 %Clay= 33 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.90 0.24 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.64 0.19 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.37 0.17 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.18 0.14 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 1.01 0.12 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.85 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 5 % Sand = 85 %Clay= 15 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 2.01 0.25 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.73 0.20 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.44 0.17 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.25 0.15 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 1.06 0.13 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.88 0.10 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 TABLE D-8. Block and Uniform Soil Losses by Subbasin Sub Basin 6 &7 % Sand = 77 %Clay= 23 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.96 0.25 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.69 0.20 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.41 0.17 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.22 0.14 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 1.04 0.12 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.87 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 8 % Sand = 70 %Clay= 30 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.92 0.24 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.65 0.20 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.39 0.17 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.20 0.14 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 1.02 0.12 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.86 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 9 % Sand = 44 %Clay= 56 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.76 0.23 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5 -Year 1.52 0.18 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.29 0.16 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.10 0.13 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 0.95 0.11 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.82 0.08 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 10 % Sand = 21 %Clay= 79 Composite Losses Clay Losses Sand Losses Initial Hourly Initial Hourly Initial Hourly 2 -Year 1.63 0.21 1.50 0.20 2.10 0.26 5-Year 1.41 0.17 1.30 0.16 1.80 0.21 10 -Year 1.20 0.15 1.12 0.14 1.50 0.18 25 -Year 1.02 0.13 0.95 0.12 1.30 0.15 50 -Year 0.89 0.11 0.84 0.10 1.10 0.13 100 -Year 0.78 0.08 0.75 0.07 0.90 0.10 Al • 1 • . , t' 111 h IF , 3 1 1 y J � • " ' � + � .-"1 . � • , - r I r ' a --• P — .04 6 ' . z Y _ s i t 4 t .1p: : i o `�C f. r .$ F} • j I N 1 ■ i'.1.,,IR X5-1 1 R ' �r -, ` ,,, -"' eli -- n , - - -- :11 ` - 4: i t L _ - - .' r -. ' �_ ' I - - -...-v--• ' kith iY! 3 r+ i a Y ��l { f r I t.% r j W --1 1 ei: - i -. -. : 6 a, f _ - - - _ : �Y r C 1. , • - 34 -4"0:,5, I N {a : 4y , ...d I, i t , r f.' • t * .. III C � • p`r'y 4+,d "`�� �. 3 ,. i ...,_..„.......,..,„ if g :. 1 Yn .r . .✓ . - - r : . } - - � ,, . •: -,: - l - : e ` `_ j �i - ,,,,, _J•c - 7 f - . gy p `- . 0 , it G i r $ - ` ., i � ' . L � Y t�f'4i . ��;,.. ` ` y 0 :, T - - d - , __ _ - • t" 14'-m _- i `d i. URAV -c: - i -*- R " '" .,,,,, ' 1 1 J, 1 I 111 1 _. , Y� I .:3y 1 i t , 7 :. ' i = -I,. � 136: " - L ' rEFt �r . << tee„ ,� _ >< u s roa L 1 4 `w �� _ � � 1 i I • r � � Y Jx . L Ai' .r.� �— ~ ' L - { 1 S r . ¢.'. .a- �/ { ' ,- w 0 . k t 2 pi ; — Wy k , .. j 1 44 ry - bP - -- � ti ,i,r .. r4;.m..._._...._ „.. 1. .. ... :_,.,..: , :cLi. ...... ,:::,::.i:. ,,....... , , ,,,..,, , 4. _ .,...:::,r, :.,,,4. 1:11,.........„H.„7.4.1;. . ., . viiiiii. ... 41.. ,•. 0, 14L , ,,,. - i '-' i: r.):::: 1 !...', ...;. ' I ''' - fi - _. ry :........z3 r,+ . . _ N��. {f Y 1 ,•„--*---- FREESE • NICHOLS : ' i FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SUITE 200 7-1 FO RT WORTH, TEXAS 76109-4895 , : ' -. r� plo '� 8171735 - 7300 • : "� FAX 817/735-7491 j' , k' r ._ WWW, FREESE. C OM ` ' t City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM August 6, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 752, Amending the Project Plan and Financing Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Osuthlake, Texas; and resolving other matters incidental and related thereto. Action Requested: Consideration of Ordinance No. 752, on first reading, to amend the project plan and financing plan for the Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. Background Information: This ordinance amends the Project Plan Financing Plan to reflect the participation of the CISD in the Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. The TIRZ Board will meet to consider these amendments prior to the City Council. In order for the CISD to participate in the TIRZ, these amendments must be approved by City Council prior to August 31, 1999. This is the first reading of this ordinance, with the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for the August 17, 1999 meeting. Attached to my memo is an updated spreadsheet of the project plan. A revised project and financing plan are not included with this memo, however the document will be distributed and explained at the City Council meeting. A summary of the revisions in the project costs are as follows: • Revised costs for school projects will be increased to $61.7 million. • The costs for the operation of the schools located in the TIRZ Boundaries are increased to $51.5 million. • Revised costs for the infrastructure for school projects is now estimated at $15.47 million. • Included in the plan are the initial capital costs for the Library, which is estimated at $1.13 million. • Included are additional capital costs for Town Hall: site work, and furniture, fixtures and equipment including the common areas (ie: City Council Chambers, Courtroon, etc) $1.97 million. Billy Campbell August 6, 1999 Page Two Financial Considerations: These projects will be funded through the TIRZ. A representative with First Southwest will present at the meeting to discuss the financial plan with the City Council during the Special City Council meeting on August 10, 1999. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The TIRZ Board with consider the amendments to the Project and Finance Plan prior to the City Council meeting. They will forward their recommendation to the City Council for consideration of these amendments. Legal Review: The city attorneys have been involved in the TIF process and can respond to any legal questions or issues which may arise during the meeting. Alternatives: Not applicable. Supporting Documents: Ordinance No. 752. Proposed Capital Improvement Program (Exhibit C -1 & C -3) Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends placing this item on the August 10 Special City Council meeting agenda to consider the amendments to the Project Plan and Financing Plan. Approved for Submittal to City Council: City Manager's Office City of Southlake, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 752 AN ORDINANCE amending the Project Plan and Financing Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas; and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City ") passed Ordinance 682 creating a Reinvestment Zone as authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 311 (the "Act ") on September 23, 1997; and WHEREAS, the City, after public hearing, passed Ordinance 682 -A expanding the Zone boundaries from 256 acres to 408 acres on December 2, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors approved the Project and Financing Plan on December 12, 1997 and the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas passed Ordinance 690 approving the Project Plan and Financing Plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Ono on December 16, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors approved amendments to the Project Plan and Financing Plan on August _, 1999; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 311.011 (d), the City must approve a final reinvestment zone project and financing plan containing information relating to the estimated project costs of the zone, the kind, number and location of all proposed public works or public improvements in the zone, an economic feasibility study, the estimated amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, the methods of financing all estimated project costs and the expected sources of revenue to finance or pay project costs, including the percentage of tax increment to be derived from the property taxes of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real property in the district, and other data; a copy of such reinvestment zone project and financing plan being attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Project Plan and Financing Plan feasible and conforms to the City's Master Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage on the date shown below. PASSED ON FIRST READING, August _, 1999. PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ADOPTED, this -- day of August, 1999. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (City APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: City Attorney Exhibit C -1 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program General General General Educational School Imprvt ype of Allowable Project Costs Infrastructure A Infrastructure B Infrastructure C Infrastructure Projects' Public Buildings and Facilities Joint City /County Facility $ 12,000,000.00 Educational Facilities $ 1,139,000.00 $ 61,700,000.00 Parking Facilities $ 5,000,00600 Public Parks $ 1,134,154.00 $ 1,572,465.00 Land Acquisition Special Structures Landscaping Trails General infrastructure Water Utilities $ 548,380.00 $ 881,682.00 $ 652,000.00 Sewer Utilities $ 216,148.00 $ 350,234.00 $ 1,370,000;00 Storm Water $ 399,669.00 $ 1,010,522.00 $ 300110:00 Streets and Curbs $ 1,329,972.00 $ 1,925,905.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $13,150,000:00 Traffic Control $ 1,000,000.00 Sidewalks /Streetscape $ 3,484,739.00 $ 4,907,623.00 Demolition & Excavation Earthwork/Grading $ 302,540.00 $ 488,585.00 Engineering /Contingency Total Development Infrastructure $ 7,281,448.00 $ 9,564,551.00 Developer Infrastructure $ 2,912,579.20 $ 3,825,820.40 Operational and Maintenance Capital Maintenance $ 1,973,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 Operation Costs $ 51,500,000.00 Other Incremental Costs Professional Services $ 1,940,000.00 SUB -TOTAL COSTS $ 21,098,733.20 $ 6,398,285.40 $ 7,500,000.00 $15,472,000.00 $113,200,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 163,669,018.60 1 The costs categorized as "educational facilities" include initial capital expenditures related to the library facility for resource materials, library automation system, and furnishings. 2 These street costs include road improvements to Carroll Ave. and Kimball Ave. They are either on the periphery of or exterior to the Rialto Development and thus the costs are covered 100% by TIRZ revenues. 3 All projects in this phase are to be funded with CISD contributions only. ° Capital Maint. Costs described in "General Infrastructure A" includes site work costs associated with construction of Town Hall ($500,000), and FF &E costs for Town Hall ($1,473,000) Professional services includes ($200,000 for services fees; $1,200,000 for Architectural fees; $390,000 for Construction Management fees; and, $150,000 for Technology for Town Hall including AN, sound, computer networking, etc.) Exhibit C -2 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program To be funded with CISD and City of Southlake Contributions Only Educational Infrastructure School Site (Continental Blvd) South Carroll Avenue Road Construction from 1709 to Continental $4,740,000.00 Brumlow Road Construction from Continental to SH 26 $2,470,000.00 Drainage Improvements for 16 acre school site on Continental $300,000.00 Subtotal Infrastructure for Continental School Site $7,510,000.00 School Sites (South Kimball Ave) South Kimball Avenue Road Construction from 1709 $3,960,000.00 South Kimball Avenue Road Construction from Crooked to Heritage $1,980,000.00 Construct a 12" waterline along Kimball $652,000.00 Sewer for S. Kimball School site $370,000.00 S -7 Sewer Line for 42 acre site on S. Kimball $1,000,000.00 SubtotalInf!astructure for South Kimball School Sites $7,962,000.00 Total Educational Infrastructure $15,472,000.00 Educational Buildings and Facilities Middle School $ 19,500,000.00 Intermediate School $ 15,000,000.00 Elementary School $ 11,000,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 1,600,000.00 Stadium $ 14,600,000.00 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities $ 61,700,000.00 Operating Costs TIF Administrative Costs $ 75,000.00 Middle School $ 800,000.00 Intermediate School $ 500,000.00 Elementary School $ 500,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 200,000.00 Stadium $ 500,000.00 Annual Operating Costs $ 2,575,000.00 Cost for 20 years $ 51,500,0000 Total Educational $ 113,200,000.00 TOTAL Contribution including Educational Infrastructure $ 128,672,000.00 and Educational Facilities and Operating Costs CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE #1 AMENDED PROJECT AND FINANCING PLAN August 10, 1999 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE #1 AMENDED PROJECT AND FINANCING PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Amended Project Plan 1) Existing Uses and Conditions of Real Property and Proposed Improvements to and Uses of That Property 2) Proposed Changes of Zoning Ordinances, Master Plans, Building Codes and Other Municipal Ordinances 3) List of Estimated Nonproject Costs 4) Statement of a Method of Relocating Persons to be Displaced as a Result of Implementing the Plan Amended Financing Plan 1) Estimated Project Cost of Zone, including administrative expenses 2) Statement listing proposed public works or public improvements in the zone 3) Economic Feasibility Study 4) Estimated amount of Bond Indebtedness 5) Time When Related Costs Or Monetary Obligations Are To Be Incurred 6) Description of Financing Methods 7) Current Total Appraised Value of Taxable Real Property in the Zone 8) Estimated Captured Appraised Value of the Zone during Each Year of its Existence 9) The Duration of the Zone Exhibits A Legal Description and Map of The Reinvestment Zone B Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Analysis C Proposed Capital Improvements D Listing of Properties and Appraised Taxable Real Value E Resolution No. 97 -43 Setting A Public Hearing On The Creation Of the Reinvestment Zone and Public Notice Of A Public Hearing on The Creation of A Reinvestment Zone F Concept Plan Town Center - Phase I Town Center - Phase II G Interlocal Agreements H Developer's Agreement AMENDED PROJECT PLAN Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Southlake, Texas In June 1997, the Southlake City Council began the process of creating the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone by setting the public hearing. In September of 1997, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 682 establishing the TIRZ boundaries and creating a Board of Directors. In December of 1997, the City Council approved the final project and financing plan. The City of Southlake established a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One for the purpose of y dedicating the tax revenue generated within the zone to a comprehensive infrastructure and facility development plan. The area consists of approximately 408 acres and is more fully described in the map and legal description presented in Exhibit A. The City created this zone to encourage quality commercial development along the Highway 114 corridor. The area is primarily undeveloped and the City intends to capture the anticipated incremental tax revenue increase to apply to targeted public improvement projects that benefit all the overlapping taxing jurisdictions. This TIRZ zone represents an area that will develop fully at some point in the future, however active business /commercial development occurring to the west of the proposed zone may affect the zone's immediate development. With the creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, property tax revenues in excess of the current appraised taxable value will be used to finance public improvements within the TIRZ Zone. The TIRZ will exist for the next twenty years or the date when all project costs are paid and the debt is retired, whichever comes first. This amended project plan and financing plan includes changes based on the CISD's ability to participate in the TIRZ and includes school educational facilities as consistent with the State statutes. As set forth in Section 311.011 in the Tax Increment Financing Act of the Tax Code, the Project Plan for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 1, Southlake Texas must include the following elements: 1. A map showing existing uses and conditions of real property in the zone and a map showing proposed improvements to and proposed uses of the property. The boundaries of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone ate shown in Map 1. The majority of the TLRZ area is open and undeveloped. Approximately 139.94 acres, or 41.5%, receives an agriculture deferral designation by Tarrant County Appraisal District. The far southeast corner of the area is in the 75 `LDN' noise contour of Dallas /Fort Worth International Airport, while the remainder is within the 65 `LDN' noise contour. `LDN' is the abbreviation for the average day /night sound level calculation methodology used by airport operators to determine noise levels. The current zoning districts approved in the Reinvestment Zone are C3- General Commercial, NR -PUD- Non - Residential Planned Unit Development, R -PUD - Residential Planned Unit Development, AG - Agricultural, SF20A and SF20B- Single Family Residential, and CS- Community Service. The current approved zoning districts are included on a map designated as Map 2. The City of Southlake Land Use Plan adopted in June 1993 designates this area as Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential, and Industrial. Map 3 shows the Land Use Plan for the TIRZ area. Map 4 shows the current uses within the TIRZ area. This is not an exhaustive display, but is intended to provide a feeling of the current area and the possibility of expansion. The TIRZ has some existing development including Southlake City Hall, Walmart, Kroger, Home Depot, Blockbuster Video, and several other retail commercial units. Business areas, such as Village Center, have the opportunity to include more tenants, and this development is included in the incremental tax calculations. The final map, Map 5, shows the phasing of the development within the TIRZ based on what is anticipated to occur. It emphasizes the stages of the Southlake Town Square development, and is more indicative of the projected revenue streams from the order of development. It is not intended to be a definitive statement of all projects and developments which may occur on the TIRZ area. The contents of the maps are as follows: Map 1 of 5 Boundaries of the Reinvestment Zone Map 2 of 5 TIRZ Zoning Map 3 of 5 Land Use in the TIRZ Map 4 of 5 Current Uses and Conditions of Real Property in the TIRZ Map 5 of 5 Anticipated Phases of Development within the TIRZ Area 2. Proposed changes of zoning ordinances, the master plan of the municipality, building codes and other municipal ordinances. No changes are anticipated to any city codes or ordinances by the creation of the Tax Increment Finance Zone. This does not preclude, however, the possibility of planning and zoning changes subject to the standard planning and zoning process and procedures. 3. A list of estimated non - project costs. Non- project costs within the TIRZ zone are those development costs not paid for by the TIRZ. These will include, but are not limited to, $360.5 million in improvement costs for the Southlake Town Square which comprises 140 acres or nearly one third of the total land area of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. This provides a conservative projection of assessed value growth and the potential funds available for public improvements. No information is available at this Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 2 August 10, 1999 time on the potential value of projects arising from the other non - developed property or from the value of expanding uses currently within the TIRZ Zone. 4. A statement of a method of relocating persons to be displaced as a result of implementing the plan. In the process of developing Southlake Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One it may be necessary to relocate individuals and businesses. In the event that this is required, the City will follow the procedures that would be used in the development or construction of other public improvements outside the zone. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 3 August 10, 1999 AMENDED FINAiNCING PLAN Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Southlake, Texas The Amended Financing Plan provides information on the projected monetary impact that the formation of the TIRZ could have on the property described in Exhibit A. It will also describe how that impact can be utilized to enhance the area and region through leveraging the resources of each entity who participate in the project. Since the approval of the original project plan and financing plan, in December, 1997, additional contractual information has been incorporated into this plan. These items include (1) the interlocal agreements with the overlapping taxing entities between Tarrant County, Tarrant County Hospital District, and Tarrant County Junior College, and the City; and, (2) development agreement between the primary developers and the City. Upon approval of the amended project plan and financing plan, the participation agreement between the Carroll Independent School District and the City will be incorporated into this plan. The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Analysis, prepared by First Southwest Company, is included in its entirety in Exhibit B. The allowable "project costs" by the municipality establishing a reinvestment zone, as set forth in Section 311.011 in the TIF Tax code, are as follows: • acquisition and construction of public works, public improvements, new buildings, structures, and fixtures; the actual costs of the acquisition, demolition, alteration, remodeling, repair, or reconstruction of existing buildings, structures, and fixtures; and the actual costs of the acquisition of land and equipment and the clearing and grading of land; • financing costs, including all interest paid to holders of evidences of indebtedness or other obligations issued to pay for project costs and any premium paid over the principal amount of the obligations because of the redemption of the obligations before maturity; • real property assembly costs; • professional service costs, including those incurred for architectural, planning, engineering, and legal advise and services; • imputed administrative costs, including reasonable charges for the time spent by employees of the municipality in connection with the implementation of the project plan; Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 4 August 10, 1999 • relocation costs; • organizational costs, including the costs of conducting environmental impact studies or other studies, the cost of publicizing the creation of the zone, and the cost of implementing the project plan for the zone; • interest before and during construction and for one year after completion of construction, whether or not capitalized; • the cost of operating the reinvestment zone and project facilities; • the amount of any contributions made by the municipality from general revenue for the implementation of the project plan; and • payments made at the discretion of the governing body of the municipality , that the municipality finds necessary or convenient to the creation of the zone or to the implementation of the project plans for the zone. The specific capital improvement projects anticipated to be undertaken in the TIRZ #1, Southlake are included as Exhibit C. As set forth in Section 311.011 in the Tax Increment Financing Act of the Tax Code, the Financing Plan for the Southlake, Texas Reinvestment Zone Number One must include the following elements: 9• 1. Estimated Project Costs of the Zone, including administrative expenses; and, 2. A statement listing the kind, number and location of all proposed public works or public improvements in the zone. Total Project costs are estimated at approximately $163,669,018. Specific project cost estimates are included in Exhibit C. The proposed public improvements in the zone fall into five general categories: public buildings and facilities, public parks, general infrastructure, operational and maintenance, and other incremental costs. In addition, the TIF will reimburse the Carroll -4 Independent School District for its project costs listed in Exhibit C -2, which are located in the TIRZ boundaries. The participation agreement between the City of Southlake and the Carroll Independent School District details the School District's level of participation in the TIF. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 5 August 10, 1999 The costs of each item and a brief description of the project components are as follows: Public Buildings and Facilities: ° TownHall- City /County Facility - $12,000,000 The proposed "Town Hall" will be a shared facility between the City of Southlake and Tarrant County with the goal to bring together in one central location, the many civic offices of the City of Southlake and Tarrant County. Town Hall will be located in the heart of the Town Square development, and will be the focal point of the new downtown. The facility will be approximately 80,000 square feet with approximately 12,000 square feet dedicated for Southlake's first Public Library. The offices for Tarrant County include the County Commissioner, Constable, Justice of the Peace, County Clerk offices, and Tax offices. The City of Southlake will include administrative offices, finance, municipal court, utility billing, planning, economic development, public works, and a public safety sub - station. Parking Facilities - $ 5,000,000 The public parking facility will provide parking for the Town Square development and could provide the TIF an optional revenue source by maintaining the right to charge parking fees. Educational Facilities - Library Capital Costs- $ 1,139,000 The Library facility is located within the Town Hall. The initial capital expenditures related to the library facility include the purchase of resource materials needed for the library collection, a library automation system, and library furnishings. Capital & Operational School Improvement Project- $113,200,000 As part of the TIRZ, the CISD will be paid a portion of project costs and operations for the educational facilities described in the project plan. The public improvements include a Middle School, Intermediate School, Elementary School, Transportation Facility and Multipurpose Stadium. The sites for these facilities are within the TIRZ boundaries and will benefit the community by attracting individuals and businesses desiring to relocate to the area with an exemplary school system which provides quality academic and athletic facilities. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 6 August 10, 1999 Public Parks: $2,706,619 The TIRZ project plan includes costs associated with the development of public parks within the Town Square development including the development of Rustin and Fountain Place parks and a future six -acre park. These costs include land acquisition, structures, landscaping and trails. General Infrastructure: $24,710,400 The public improvement projects include streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm water drainage systems. The project plan separates the general infrastructure into four categories designated as General Infrastructure A, B, C, and Educational Infrastructure. General Infrastructure A and B projects include costs associated with reimbursing the developer for 40% of the infrastructure costs within the Town Square development. General Infrastructure C costs include costs associated with road improvements to Carroll Avenue and Kimball Avenue, which are located on the periphery of the TIRZ boundaries. The Educational Infrastructure costs include water, sewer, drainage, and road construction to service the educational facilities located in the TIRZ. These projects will be funded with CISD and City of Southlake Contributions only. Operational and Maintenance: Capital Maintenance - $2,973,000 Capital Maintenance includes site work costs associated with construction of Town Hall and furniture, fixture, and equipment (FFE) costs for Town Hall. FFE includes such construction costs associated with building the dais for the Council Chambers, the bench for the Courtroom, etc. These funds will also include furnishing the common areas of the Town Hall, and for furniture and equipment for City of Southlake and Tarrant County offices. The capital maintenance costs includes $1,000,000 designated for large capital expenditures related to the building maintenance of the Town Hall facility. Other Incremental Costs: $1,940,000 Professional services costs associated with the TIRZ project plan include the architectural fees, construction management fees, and technology for the Town Hall facility. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone {/1 Southlake, TX Page 7 August 10, 1999 3. Economic Feasibility Study. The fiscal impact of phased development is outlined in the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Analysis (Exhibit B). Not reflected in this analysis is the anticipated sales tax and personal property tax revenue which would be in addition to the real property tax. These revenue streams would not be designated to be used specifically in the zone. 4. The estimated amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred. The total principal amount to be issued for project costs is estimated at $53,600,000 for Public Improvement Projects and $ 61,700,000 for School Improvement Projects. 5. The time when related costs or monetary obligations are to be incurred. It is anticipated that debt will be issued in phases to fund a portion of the public works improvements that the corresponding real property development will require. Please refer to Exhibit C for the details regarding the type of improvements. Exhibit B provides an estimated timeline for issuance of debt. 6. A description of the methods of financing all estimated project costs and the a expected sources of revenue to finance or pay project costs, including the percentage of tax increment to be derived from the property taxes of each taxing unit on real property in the zone. Project costs will be financed through the issuance of debt instruments or through use of tax increment funds received. The revenue source will be the real property taxes captured by the TIRZ District, which will account for 100% of revenues used to retire the debt. For the Amended Financial Plan, the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Carroll Independent School District, Tarrant County Junior College District and Tarrant County Hospital District are illustrated as participating at 100% in the TIRZ. The Carroll Independent School District is participating in the TIF with 100% of its M &O rate in the TIF district. The TIRZ, active through the City, will make annual payments to the School District in an amount necessary to offset any negative financial impact on the School District, as a result of its participation in the TIF, relating to State funds that would otherwise be received by the School District under school finance legislation or relating to amounts that must be paid or contributed by the School District under school finance law. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 8 August 10, 1999 7. The current total appraised value of taxable real property in the zone. The total appraised value of the taxable real property in the zone using the 1997 base year values provided by the Tarrant Appraisal District is $32,123,017. The taxable value of those same properties is $23,217,804, after deducting a total of $8,805,213 for agricultural deferrals and tax exempt properties. A listing of properties is included in Exhibit D. The total taxable value of all properties on Southlake is $1.573 billion based on 1997 preliminary Tarrant Appraisal District Values. The 1999 total appraised value of the taxable real property in the zone provided by the Tarrant Appraisal District is $54,949,664. The 1999 taxable value of those same properties is $54,874,664, after deducting a total of $75,000 for agricultural deferrals and tax exempt properties. 8. The estimated captured appraised value of the zone during each year of its existence. The estimated appraised value of the improvements in the zone per year is listed in the following table. The estimated value of the zone assumes an annual growth in the appraised value of 3%. This is less than the historic average annual growth of 5% in assessed values in Southlake since 1992. Incremental Incremental Fiscal Year Taxable Assessed Fiscal Year Taxable Assessed Valuation Valuation 1998 $8,600,000 2009 $366,870,903 1999 $58,065,769 2010 $399,706,830 2000 $89,798,134 2011 $433,482,835 2001 $139,624,890 2012 $468,227,118 2002 $149,951,655 2013 $503,968,732 2003 $188,118,189 2014 $507,147,815 2004 $215,861,534 2015 $510,377,271 2005 $244,392,179 2016 $513,658,612 2006 $273,733,744 2017 S515,158,612 2007 $303,910,557 2018 $516,658,612 2008 $334 Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 9 August 10, 1999 9. The duration of the zone. The zone was created in September 1997, with an effective date of January 1, 1998. The zone exists for 20 years with the termination of the zone set at either September 30, 2018 or the date when all project costs are paid and all debt is retired, whichever comes first. Amended Project and Financing Plan Tax Increment Zone #1 Southlake, TX Page 10 August 10, 1999 • Exhibit C -1 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program General General General Educational School Imprvt Type of Allowable Project Costs Infrastructure A' Infrastructure B Infrastructure C Infrastructure Projects' "Public Buildings and Facilities • Joint City /County Facility $ 12,000,000.00 Educational Facilities $ 1,139,000.00 $ ?61,700,000.00 v „ Parking Facilities $)5000 000.00 Public Parks $ 1,134,154.00 $ 1,572,465.00 Land Acquisition "Special Structures Landscaping Trails General Infrastructure -Water Utilities $ 548,380.00 $ 881,682.00 $ " 652,000.00 Sewer Utilities $ 216,148.00 $ 350,234.00 $ 1 3706000' ""Storm Water $ 399,669.00 $ 1,010,522.00 $ '300,07441P Streets and Curbs $ 1,329,972.00 $ 1,925,905.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $13,150,000.00 Traffic Control $ 1,000,000.00 a „Sidewalks /Streetscape $ 3,484,739.00 $ 4,907,623.00 Demolition & Excavation Earthwork/Grading $ 302,540.00 $ 488,585.00 Engineering /Contingency "Total Development Infrastructure $ 7,281,448.00 $ 9,564,551.00 of Developer Infrastructure $ 2,912,579.20 $ 3,825,820.40 - Operational and Maintenance Capital Maintenance $ 1,973,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 "'Operation Costs $ 51,500,000.00 Other Incremental Costs -Professional Services $ 1,940,000.00 SUB -TOTAL COSTS $ 21,098,733.20 $ 6,398,285.40 $ 7,500,000.00 $15,472,000.00 $113,200,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 163,669,018.60 1 The costs categorized as "educational facilities" include initial capital expenditures related to the library facility for resource materials, library automation system, and fumishings. 2 These street costs include road improvements to Carroll Ave. and Kimball Ave. They are either on the periphery of or exterior to the Rialto Development and thus the costs are covered 100% by TIRZ revenues. 3 All projects in this phase are to be funded with CISD contributions only. 4 Capital Maint Costs described in "General Infrastructure A” includes site work costs associated with construction of Town Hall ($500,000), and FF&E costs for Town Hall ($1,473,000) Professional services includes ($200,000 for services fees; $1,200,000 for Architectural fees; $390,000 for Construction Management fees; and, $150,000 for Technology for Town Hall including AN, sound, computer networking, etc.) Exhibit C -2 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program To be funded with CISD and City of Southlake Contributions Only Educational Infrastructure School Site (Continental Blvd) quo South Carroll Avenue Road Construction from 1709 to Continental $4,740,000.00 Brumlow Road Construction from Continental to SH 26 $2,470,000.00 Drainage Improvements for 16 acre school site on Continental $300,000.00 Subtotal Infrastructure for Continental School Site $7,510,000.00 School Sites (South Kimball Ave) South Kimball Avenue Road Construction from 1709 $3,960,000.00 South Kimball Avenue Road Construction from Crooked to Heritage $1,980,000.00 Construct a 12" waterline along Kimball $652,000.00 Sewer for S. Kimball School site $370,000.00 S -7 Sewer Line for 42 acre site on S. Kimball $1,000,000.00 Subtotal Infrastructure for South Kimball School Sites $7,962,000.00 Total Educational Infrastructure $15,472,000.00 Educational Buildings and Facilities Middle School $ 19,500,000.00 Intermediate School $ 15,000,000.00 Elementary School $ 11,000,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 1,600,000.00 Stadium $ 14,600,000.00 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities $ 61,700,000.00 Operating Costs „ TIF Administrative Costs $ 75,000.00 Middle School $ 800,000.00 Intermediate School $ 500,000.00 Elementary School $ 500,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 200,000.00 Stadium $ 500,000.00 Annual Operating Costs $ 2,575,000.00 x�Y Cost for 20 years $ 51,500,000.00 Total Educational $ 113,200,000.00 TOTAL Contribution including Educational Infrastructure S 128,672,000.00 and Educational Facilities and Operating Costs Ti ' � 0 o et C c `e rn n ., o III W X ;, c Clit 19 CIMI e 5 4111 PEW • - o• "I I N 0 �• CM et o 1 t M Pim CA 0 y `c �. - ititei it VZ 0 T, - n J w N p - x --1 - U A .. 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