2012-09-19 CITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 76092
3rd Floor Training Rooms in Town Hall
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
Members Present: Steve Barry, Frank Bliss, Peter Ermish, Santhosh Gandhari, Mike
Hutchison, Bret Kidd, Randy McCauley, Tommy Pennington, Chris Schrobilgen, Mike
Tesoriero and Brian Zvonecek
Ex- Officio Members Present: Mayor John Terrell, Councilmember Carolyn Morris,
Southlake Chamber of Commerce President Dana Davis and Director of Economic
Development & Tourism Greg Last
Others Present: Councilmember Jeff Wang, Councilmember Al Zito, Planning &
Development Services Director Ken Baker, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher,
Finance Director Sharen Jackson and Economic Development & Tourism
Administrative Secretary Denise Artho
1. Call to Order
Chairman McCauley called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
2. Administrative Items
A. A motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2012 meeting was made by
Brian Zvonecek and seconded by Mike Tesoriero, unanimous approval.
B. Chairman McCauley pointed out future meeting dates: December 5, 2012;
February 20, 2013; and April 17, 2013
C. Chairman McCauley asked members if they had any questions regarding the
attendance summary and there were none.
D. Director Last noted that the City Council would be making appointments to the
SBC prior to our next meeting. He also noted that elections would be held at
our next meeting for Chair, Vice -Chair and Secretary of the SBC.
3. Board and Commission Orientation
Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher provided members with a Welcome Packet and
presented an overview on Board and Commission Orientation.
Southlake Business Council - Minutes: September 19, 2012 - Page 1 of 2
4. Brief Overview of the City's budget
Finance Director Sharen Jackson presented an overview on the City's budget and
answered questions raised by members.
5. Discussion of ongoing One Minute Business Surveys
Members were provided draft questions for the next two One Minute Business
Survey's. It was decided to use question #2 for the social media question in October
and question #1 on business information in November with the addition of "Local
Magazines" and "Networking Groups."
6. Open discussion on topics of interest to the SBC members
Frank Bliss commented on the design of the cover of the new Shopping and Dining
Guide that they were provided. Mayor Terrell recommended that the SBC be
involved in the design of future guides.
7. Discussion regarding future meeting topics
A. Frank Bliss agreed to provide a briefing on the challenges of education at a
local, regional and state level
B. Director Last expressed a desire to provide an overview on the resources that
the Economic Development & Tourism Department maintains and have
8. Adjournment
A motion was made and seconded at 6:30 regarding adjournment, approved
• Presentation on the Board and Commission Orientation by Ben Thatcher, Assistant
City Manager
• Presentation on the City's budget by Sharen Jackson, Finance Director
• Attendance Summary
Denise Artho, Economic Development & Tourism Administrative Secretary
Southlake Business Council - Minutes: September 19, 2012 - Page 2 of 2