(December 4, 2012)
To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager
From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works
Subject: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with TranSystems
Corporation for design services for the FM1938 Phase 2 Utility
Relocation project in the amount of $328,500
Requested: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with TranSystems
Corporation for design services for the FM1938 Phase 2 Utility
Relocation project in the amount of $328,500.
FM 1938 is a joint project with the Cities of Southlake and Keller,
the Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT), and the Regional Transportation Council
(NCTCOG — RTC). On August 23, 2007, the Texas Department of
Transportation executed Minute Order #111060 designating FM
1938 onto the state highway system from the intersection of
Southlake Blvd (FM 1709) to the intersection of State Highway 114.
This action allows available State and Federal funds to be used for
construction of the roadway.
This Professional Services Agreement with TranSystems is for the
design and construction services associated with water and
sanitary sewer relocations for the FM1938 Phase 2 project for both
the City of Southlake and the City of Keller. The Local Project
Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT for the FM1938 Phase 2
project requires the cities to certify that all utilities within the TxDOT
right of way are cleared, or are scheduled to be cleared prior to
beginning construction on the roadway. This clearance includes
any private and public utilities such as electric, gas, telephone,
cable, etc. Also included in this agreement with TranSystems is
the coordination with those utilities to facilitate the design and
implementation of their relocations, as well as staking and
inspection of the relocated lines. The coordination has already
begun, and the city has received preliminary engineering plans
which are being reviewed by TranSystems for conflicts with the
roadway design.
The cities of Southlake and Keller will share the cost of the utility
relocation project, based on the percentage of relocation for each
city's water and sewer lines. The cities will also share in the cost of
the utility coordination based on the percentage of frontage on the
FM1938 roadway. Preliminary estimates indicate that Southlake's
share of the cost of this contract approximately $265,689 and
Keller's share will be approximately $62,811. An Interlocal
agreement with Keller will require future Council approval to include
the cost sharing of this project. Keller has agreed to the terms of
this contract, and will take the Interlocal agreement to their Council
as well.
Considerations: The City Council authorized $930,000 in utility funds in the
FY2005 -06 CIP for the relocation of the 12 -inch water line on
Randol Mill Avenue from the intersection of FM1709 up to the
Randol Mill bend. The relocation of the 12 -inch water line at the
Randol Mill bend was completed in preparation for the FM1938
Phase 1 construction. Remaining monies are available to fund the
$328,500 for this agreement. Additional funds will be requested in
future CIP budgets for the construction of the utility relocations
within the City of Southlake.
Strategic Link: The construction of FM1938 Phase 2 Utility Relocation Project links
to the city's strategy map relative to the focus areas of
Infrastructure and Performance Management and Service Delivery.
The specific corporate objectives that are met by the construction
of this sewer and street infrastructure include: Providing High
Quality Customer Service and Investing to provide and maintain
high quality public assets.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: N/A
Legal Review: N/A
Alternatives: The City Council may approve the Agreement or deny it.
Documents: Location Map
TranSystems Agreement
Recommendation: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with TranSystems
Corporation for design services for the FM1938 Phase 2 Utility
Relocation project in the amount of $328,500.
Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director
Gordon J. Mayer, Jr., P.E., City Engineer
Cheryl Taylor, P.E., Civil Engineer
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l7 �
Revised November 19, 2012
Gordon J. Mayer, JR., P.E.
Department of Engineering
City of Southlake
1400 Main Street, Ste. 320
Southlake, TX 76092
RE: Proposal
Utility Relocations for FM 1938 from Randol Mill Rd to FM 1709 and at FM 1709 intersection
Dear Mr. Mayer,
We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for your consideration. Attached please find the
scope of services for utility coordination, water and sewer relocation design and construction verification for
utilities along FM 1938 from Randol Mill Rd to FM 1709. We propose the following services for your
Water and Sewer Relocations
Construction Plans and Specifications (Water and Sewer) Lump Sum $190,000
Plans shall be prepared in accordance to City of Southlake and City of
Keller Standards. Particular efforts will be made to incorporate Operational
and Maintenance input.
a. 30% plans - The conceptual alignment will be advanced to a 30%
design. Surveying and base mapping will be completed to show
utilities, topography, existing and proposed pavement, and existing
right -of -way. This preliminary design will be coordinated with the
City of Southlake, City of Keller and Franchise Utilities. Updated
Opinion of Probable Construction costs will be prepared and
broken out between Southlake and Keller.
b. 60% plans — During the development of the 60% plans we will
begin to look at the vertical location of water and sewer lines.
Vertical details will be prepared as needed for crossings. Vertical
profiles will be developed for all sewer lines and 12" diameter and
greater sized water lines. Updated Opinion of Probable
Construction costs will be prepared and broken out between
Southlake and Keller.
c. 90% plans - As the project advances toward final design we will
finalize location of manholes, valves, vaults, thrust blocking and
crossing details. Final specifications, construction sequencing and
erosion control be completed. Updated Opinion of Probable
Construction costs will be prepared and broken out between
Mr. Gordon Mayer, P.E.
November 19, 2012
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Southlake and Keller.
d. Final Plans - Major Components of the Plans will include:
• Cover Sheet
• General Notes
• Construction Sequencing
• Location Plan
• Control Sheet
• Plan and Profile Sheets
• Details
• Erosion Control Plans
• Special Provisions as may be needed for the project
e. Submittals- Plans will be submitted for interim reviews (30 %,
60 %,90% and Final) with adherence to agreed upon schedules.
These plans will be and coordinated with the City of Southlake,
City of Keller and Franchise Utilities
2. Construction Related Assistance (Water and Sewer) Lump Sum $15,000
We will provide the following assistance to the City in regards to
construction of Water and Sewer facilities:
a. Preparation of Contract Documents for bidding or coordinating
with TxDOT for inclusion into TxDOT letting package for FM
b. Preparation of Addendums as may be necessary during bidding
c. Preparation of Bid Tabulation and recommendation of award
d. Attendance of pre- construction meeting
e. Review of Shop Drawings as needed
f. Occasional site visits as needed to resolve questions.
2. Supplemental Surveys Lump Sum $ 3,500
Additional surveys to cover utilities that fall outside current roadway
3. Reimbursable Expenses Invoiced at Cost
Total Water and Sewer Design (not including reproductions) Lump Sum 208,500
Utility Coordination
1. Utility Coordination (Water, Sewer and Franchise) Hourly estimated $ 20,000
a. Monthly Meetings — monthly meeting will be held with utility
companies to discuss utility relocation designs, schedules and
issues. Meeting notes and be maintained based on input from
Utility Owners. (based on 15 mtgs)
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b. Review of Utility Plans - Each utility relocation package of plans
will be reviewed for compliance with Utility Accommodation Rules
(UAR) and the proposed roadway construction.
c. Scheduling - A master schedule will be prepared and maintained
based on input from Utility Owners. This will be a normal
discussion item at monthly meetings.
Utility Relocation Concept Plans (Water, Sewer and Franchise) Hourly estimated$ 25,000
We anticipate working with the Utility Owners within this project corridor to
identify and resolve conflicts in establishing a concept plan for utility
a. Identify Utility Conflicts — review of existing SUE and proposed
utility locations to determine possible conflicts between other
utilities and roadway improvements.
b. Utility Conflict Resolution — preparation of exhibits for each utility
owner showing potential utility conflict(s). Coordination with utility
owner to resolve conflict for final relocation design.
c. Conceptual Layouts — based on utility coordination and resolution
of conflicts a conceptual layout will be prepared showing all the
utilities, dimensioning to right -of -way and dimensioning between
utilities and major roadway construction components.
d. Sequence of Construction — upon completion of the concept plan
a sequence of construction will be prepared with each utility
construction activity identified and sequenced. This sequencing
will be coordinated with Utility Owners. This effort will determine if
the utility relocations will be built as part of the roadway contract
and which utilities will be relocated prior to construction.
4. Franchise Utility Plan Review Hourly estimated $ 35,000
As utility relocation plans are developed they will be submitted to the City
for review. We propose to review these plans as they are finalized and
provide comments back to the Utility Companies. These reviews will be
coordinated with other utility relocations as wel as the roadway plans.
5. Utility Construction Verification (Water, Sewer, Franchise) Hourly estimated $ 40,000
A Pre - Construction (Utility) meeting will be scheduled for each utility
adjustment. Each utility adjustment will be field verified to determine that
the new facilities are located according to plans and the Proposed Utility
Layout. This service shall include survey ties and right of way staking as
needed to clear the proposed construction. The Utility Owner retains all
responsibility for inspections related to compliance with Utility Codes,
Industry standards, and design of the Utility Facility. An electronic file will
be created that will reflect final relocations with field changes surveyed.
Total Utility Coordination (not including reproductions) Hourly NTE $120,000
Estimated Total Water and Sewer Design & Utility Coordination $328,500
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This proposal is based on the following assumptions:
• Attachment A — Preliminary Map depicting Utilities that are be addressed in
this proposal
• Attachment B — Preliminary Opinions of Probable Cost (water and sewer)
based on Attachment A
• Attachment C — Proposed Prorated split of fees between Southlake and
• Coordination with Franchise Utilities is included; however final design of
Franchise Utilities will be performed by the Franchise Utilities or their
• One set of plans and specifications will be developed for the combined
water and sewer relocations for both the City of Southlake and City of
• Construction staking is not included and is assumed to be provided by the
• City will perform construction inspection; however verification of utility
installation is included in this scope of work.
• No additional right -of -way or easement documents are included in this
• No additional geotechnical investigation is included or utility deholes.
If you have should have any questions please feel free to give me a call at
817.334.4427 or on my cell at 817.313.7362.
TranSystems Corporation Consultants
Raul Pena III, PE
Detailed Scope of Services
Construction Costs
G: TW07105011ProjectMgmtlProposallntility amendmentlsubmitted to city on 2012- 11- 19.docx