12-051 RESOLUTION NO. 12 -051 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO VARIOUS POSITIONS ON THE LIBRARY BOARD, SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION, SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL, SOUTHLAKE BUSINESS COUNCIL, AND SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN) STANDING COMMITTEE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the City Council appoints members of the public to various boards, commissions and committees to serve a two -year term, unless indicated otherwise; and, Whereas, each appointee shall be a citizen of Southlake, unless appointed to serve on the Southlake Business Council; and, Whereas, the membership and qualifications for each board, commission and committee are identified by City Charter, ordinance, or resolution; and, Whereas, on May 15, 2012, Council directed staff to implement bi- annual appointments for Council- appointed boards; and, Whereas, Council desires to appoint members to various positions on the following boards: • Library Board • Senior Advisory Commission • Southlake Arts Council • Southlake Business Council • Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) Standing Committee THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety. Section 2. The following citizens are appointed to serve as board, commission or committee members for the stated terms and until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified by Council. LIBRARY BOARD Name Place Term Expiring Lori Burr Place 1 October 2014 Cheri Ross Place 2 October 2014 Brenda Flores Place 3 October 2014 SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION Name Place Term Expiring Jean Boland Place 1 October 2014 Louis Braun Place 2 October 2014 Charles Boyd Place 3 October 2014 Nancy Sporn Place 5 October 2014 Richard McCauley Place 6 October 2014 Beverly Blake Place 9, Alternate October 2014 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL Name Place Term Expiring Merlene Ingraham Place 2 October 2014 Terri Messing Place 4 October 2014 Miriam Murray Place 6 October 2014 SOUTHLAKE BUSINESS COUNCIL Name Place Term Expiring Tim Moorehead Retail /Franchise October 2014 Mack Zimmerman Professional Services October 2014 Frank Bliss Commercial Developer October 2014 Santhosh Gandhari Technology /Hi -Tech October 2014 Chris Schrobilgen Marketing /Public Relations October 2014 Steve Barry Corporate /National October 2014 J.C. Johnson Realtor /Residential Developer October 2014 Matt Schirle General Business October 2014 (Council changed seat from Restaurant/Local) John Tatum General Business October 2014 SPIN Name Place Term Expiring David Alexander SPIN #2 October 2014 Lou Hillman SPIN #4 October 2014 Mike Terry SPIN #6 October 2014 Matt Schirle SPIN #8 October 2014 Ron Evans SPIN #10 October 2014 David Baltimore Senior Representative October 2014 Michelle Terry Youth Representative October 2014 Paul Venesky Alternate, SPIN #7 October 2014 Milton Blake Alternate, Senior October 2014 Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6 DAY OF NOVEMBER 2012. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS John C. Terrell Mayor ATTEST: „,,,,,,,, \) 1 oT 1 • Alicia Richardson, TRM i v, 5. City Secretary . "sv•