2012-10-25 CITY OF
Location: Southlake Council Chambers
1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Members Present: Chair Shawn McCaskill, Vice -Chair Phyllis Lambert, Board Members Paul
Venesky, Lisa Amend, Nicole Smith, and Daniel Kubiak
Members Absent: Board Member Dustin Andrews
Staff Present: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director of Planning & Development Services; Richard
Schell, Planner II, and Stacey Buller, Board Secretary
Agenda Item No. 1 — CaII to Order: Chair McCaskill called the work session to order at 5:40
Agenda Item No. 2 —Board and Commission Orientation:
Shana Yelverton, City Manager presented New Boards and Commission Manuals and
explained the BBA members responsibilities and function on the board.
City Attorney Steve Wood began the Orientation at 5:55 p.m.
Chair McCaskill adjourned the work session at 6:55 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 1 — CaII to Order: Chair McCaskill called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 — Approval of the Minutes: Chair McCaskill opened the discussion of the
minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on August 30, 2012.
Vice Chair Phyllis Lambert requested a correction be made to the August 30, 2012 minutes.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on
August 30, 2012, as corrected.
Motion: Venesky
Second: Kubiak
Ayes: McCaskill, Lambert, Venesky, Kubiak, and Smith
Nays: None
Abstain: Amend
Vote: 5 -0 -1
Motion: Carried
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes - October 25, 2012
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Agenda Item No. 3 — Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Planner II, announced that
the next scheduled ZBA meeting is November 15, 2012 and that there were no submittals for
that meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4 — ZBA -627, Variance to Rear Setback: Variance to Ordinance No. 480,
Section 11.5(d), requiring a rear yard setback of not less than forty (40) feet. The request is
being made by the applicant, Michael Basler, for property located at 1617 Heatherbrook Ct.,
Southlake, Texas, and described as Lot 5, Block 1, Heatherwood Estates, an addition to the
City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. The current zoning is SF -1A — Single - Family
Residential District.
Richard Schell, Planner II, reported nineteen (19) notices were mailed out within two hundred
(200) feet with eight (8) responses received. The eight (8) responses received: Carl and Lisa
Lapiska, 1612 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In Favor, Timothy and Susan Larrabee, 1615
Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In Favor, Walter Nichols, 1613 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake,
TX, In Favor, Anthony Patrick and Claude Walters, 1616 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In
Favor, John C. and Diane B. Rollins, 1614 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In Favor, Joel and
LeeAnn Alspaw, 1611 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In Favor, Chuck and Ronda Carnahan,
1618 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, In Favor, Randy and Laura Buehler, 1616 Heather Ln.,
Southlake, TX, In Favor.
The applicant, Michael Basler, 1617 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, Texas, once sworn in, stated
that he is requesting the variance due to the current ordinance requiring a distance of 40 feet
from the back of the property line. The homeowner is requesting the variance to build at a
minimum of 15 feet from the back property line. The applicant stated the unique shape of the lot
and placement of the existing house requires a variance to the ordinance.
Walter Nichols, 1613 Heatherbrook Ct., Southlake, TX, once sworn in, stated that he supports
the variance requested. Nichols agreed that the homeowner is under undue hardship because
of the irregular shape of the lot.
A motion was made to approve ZBA -627
Motion: Lambert
Second: Kubiak
Ayes: Amend, Kubiak, Venesky, Lambert, McCaskill
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 5 -0
Motion: Carried
Agenda Item No. 5 — ZBA -628, Special Exception for Servants or Family Quarters: Special
Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12(1), for a servants or family
quarters. The request is being made by the applicant, Greg Wright, for property located at 1209
Costa Azul Ct., Southlake, Texas, and described as Lot 7, Block 1, Villas Del Sol, an addition to
the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. The current zoning is SF -1A — Single Family
Residential District.
Richard Schell, Planner II, reported that twelve (12) notices were mailed out within two hundred
(200) feet with two (3) responses having been received, Dalpat and Vipul Barbaria, 1212 Costa
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — October 25, 2012
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Azul Ct, Southlake, TX, In Favor, Merideth A. Maietta, 1204 Costa Azul Ct., Southlake, TX, In
Favor, Misty and Brian Lantier, 2003 Preston Brook Dr., Keller, TX, In Favor.
The applicant, Greg Wright, owner of Providential Custom Homes, once sworn in, stated that he
is requesting a special exception use to build an addition to the home to provide space for a
family quarters.
A motion was made to approve ZBA -628.
Motion: Lambert
Second: Amend
Ayes: Amend, Venesky, Lambert, McCaskill, Kubiak
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 5 -0
Motion: Carried
Agenda Item No. 6 - Meeting Adjournment: Chair McCaskill adjourned the meeting at 7:45
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Shawn McCaskill
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acey Buller
Board Secretary
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — October 25, 2012
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