2003-09-11 '
** *Official Minutes * **
Approved by Joint Utilization Committee 1/19/04
September 11, 2003
Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Steve Lakin, CISD Board of Trustees
Representative and JUC Chair; Emily Galpin, Parks and Recreation Board Representative; and;
Darla Reed, CISD Board of Trustees Representative; Rex Potter, City Council Representative
(arrived 7:00 p.m.); and Jeff Wang, City Council Citizen appointee
Committee Members Absent: Tom Stephen, City Council Representative, and Donna
Feuchter, CISD Board of Trustees Representative
Guests: City Secretary Lori Farwell
Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services, Steve Polasek,
Deputy Director of Community Services, and Dr. Derek Citty, CISD Assistant Superintendent
for Administrative Services
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
Chairman Lakin called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
A quorum of voting members was present.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
A. Oath of Office — Emily Galpin was administered the Oath of Office as the newly
appointed Park Board representative to the Joint Utilization Committee. The oath
was also administered to Rex Potter later during the meeting.
B. CISD Board of Trustees use of City Council Chambers -- Deputy Director
Polasek commented on the background issues involving the request from the
CISD to hold its school board meetings in Town Hall Council Chambers. At the
April 10, 2003 meeting, JUC Chairman Steve Lakin presented the request. The
JUC recommended that the best course of action would be for Superintendent Dr.
Gary Mathews and City Manager Billy Campbell to meet and discuss the issue in
relation to the City's adopted Town Hall Use Policy. Deputy Director Polasek
noted that any revisions to the current Policy would also require Tarrant County
approval, as they are a minority owner of the building. The present Policy only
allows use of the council chambers by the City Council and the City and/or
County decision - making bodies.
Chairman Lakin presented highlights of the CISD Board of Trustees meeting
regarding the request. The CISD Board voted 7 -0 to pursue the request with the
City Council. One reason given for the request is that all the administrative staffs
from the football stadium and the administration building are being moved to the
September 11, 2003 JUC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6
CISD annex building, which will undergo construction to accommodate the
consolidation by January 2004. That being the case, the current administration
building with the boardroom can be either sold or leased. Chairman Lakin said he
would like to see the CISD Board use the Town Hall Council Chambers on
Monday evenings when it is not being used and suggested the item be taken to the
City Council for their consideration.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consider: Approval of the Minutes from the April 10, 2003 meeting
The JUC members agreed to postpone the approval of the April 10, 2003 meeting minutes
until the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4. Consider: Election of Officers for 2003 -04
A motion was made to postpone the election of officers until the following JUC meeting.
Motion: Reed
Second: Wang
Ayes: Galpin, Lakin, Reed and Wang
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 4 -0
Motion carried to postpone consideration of officers until the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Review of City Election Process — City Secretary Lori Farwell
provided a brief overview of the City's experience with the City's contract with Tarrant County
for the May elections and answered questions from JUC members about the procedures utilized
in the election process. Ms. Farwell explained duties of the City Secretary's Office during Early
Voting and Election Day process. She commented that the experience with Tarrant County
election office was very satisfactory, efficient and the process worked very well. This election
was the first time during early voting in which the ballot box actually calculated the number of
votes, which offers a measure of confidence in the system for voters. Ms. Farwell responded to
Chairman Lakin that it could be feasible for the school district and city to hold joint elections and
enumerated the benefits to citizens as far as cost and convenience. The selection of certified
election judges /alternate judges may be handled as the City and District desire. The City Council
considered the selection with the resolution calling the election. JUC members received a copy
of the contract with Tarrant County in their packets. The next step in consideration of contracting
with Tarrant County election service for District elections would be to meet with Tarrant County
Election Office and City staff and investigate the process further and meet with other cities that
hold joint elections.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Use of vacant CISD land for athletic fields
Deputy Director Polasek explained this item was on the agenda at the request of JUC Chair and
CISD Board member Steve Lakin. Mr. Lakin had previously indicated that there may be an
opportunity for the use of vacant CISD property as interim practice facilities. Currently, the City
and CISD provide practice facilities for all the youth sports associations (baseball, soccer,
softball, and lacrosse). In addition, CISD also provides facilities for youth football. There is a
need for additional practice and game fields due to the growth of these athletic associations.
Three large vacant tracts of land owned by the CISD, each containing approximately 17 -25 acres
have been identified for potential use. The properties are located off of North White Chapel,
East Highland, and North Peytonville. Aerial photographs with general site locations and acreage
information are attached to these minutes. No site reviews have been conducted to assess each of
the properties in regards to access, topography, safety issues, improvement requirements and
development costs.
Chairman Lakin clarified that this item had not been presented to the CISD Board, but was
merely being considered by JUC to determine if there was an interest in pursuing with the CISD.
A site visit of the three locations may be arranged with Dr. Citty.
Rex Potter arrived at this time.
Mr. Polasek said there is a great opportunity to use these properties and that staff would
appreciate the opportunity to look at the sites and discuss in greater detail with Dr. Citty and
CISD staff, with the intension to take a proposal before the District to review.
Chairman Lakin said he would enthusiastically endorse a proposal for the use of the vacant
properties and address it to the CISD Board.
The steps involved in a proposal are: A site visit with Dr. Citty of the three properties;
presentation to Park Board and then to City Council and the CISD Board of Trustees. JUC will
be kept updated on the progress.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: Joint Use of CISD unoccupied school facilities
Deputy Director Polasek recalled that the Joint Utilization Committee had discussed at their
April meeting the recommendations of the Task Force for Building Capacities, which included
the District closing Carroll Intermediate School this year for renovations. Following the
renovations and the reopening next year, Durham Intermediate School would then be closed
down for modifications.
The City continues to need additional classroom and gymnasium space for daytime activities
geared toward pre - school age and adult citizens, and evening programs for citizens of all ages.
Should some school facilities become available as a result of the changes in the District's future
operations, joint use opportunities for City programs may be an option. A map of the various
CISD and City facilities is attached to the minutes.
Ms. Reed said she could see the City using Carroll Intermediate School and the CISD
administration building this year, but felt that for security reasons Durham Intermediate School
would not be viable. There are possible measures that could be used, such as gates in the
hallways, to section off the portion used for City functions.
Within the next few months the Task Force will be developing a configuration plan for the
renovation of Durham Intermediate School into a K -6 facility and the potential use by the City of
unused areas can be discussed.
Chairman Lakin shared some long -range plans for the Carroll Intermediate and Durham
Intermediate schools. Ms. Reed commented that the District's current plan is for the pre -K
program to move into part of Durham along with the diagnosticians and director of special
Mr. Polasek summarized the discussion saying that CISD is open to consider a proposal so long
as the security issue can be addressed with Dr. Citty and CISD administration to ensure the
safety of the children and the campus and that any City uses would not interfere with the current
or future plans that the District has for that facility.
City staff will pursue the possibilities of using vacant CISD land for athletic fields (agenda item
6) and use of CISD unoccupied school facilities and will report back to JUD at a later date.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: CISD Project Update
Dr. Citty reported the District does not have a lot of activity at this time but is currently working
through their capital outlay list. The general contractor for the District is currently investigating
ways the district could cut electricity expenses. Dr. Citty commented the Carroll Middle School
gym looks fantastic and the District is very proud of it. Deputy Director Polasek thanked Dr.
Citty and others for the quick notification and the cooperative efforts in trying to accommodate
the programs when the gym was destroyed.
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion: City Project Update
Deputy Director Polasek noted the copy of the City Project Update included in the JUC packets.
The report contained status information about various City road construction projects. Members
were asked to contact Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas (817.481.2175)
regarding projects or construction status.
Deputy Director Polasek shared that construction is ahead of schedule for the SH 114
construction project with completion expected in December.
Construction is due to start on the extension of South Kimball to the transportation facility on
Continental Boulevard in January.
Dr. Citty said the District appreciates the "heads up" they have received from the City during the
past several years on the various construction projects.
Agenda Item No. 10. Discussion: Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals
Chairman Lakin presented the following:
1. There have been no complaints or problems related to joint use facilities since the
beginning of the school year, which is great! He commended both the CISD and City
staffs for their efforts in running the activities.
Mr. Wang left the meeting at this time.
2. The City was invited to contact the District if they would like to use a bus for senior
field trips. Mr. Lakin asked Dr. Citty to check with Steve Bonner, CISD
transportation, to determine the feasibility, availability and cost for a bus to help the
City with senior trips.
3. CISD Board recently approved allowing paid parking at Dragon Stadium and have
hired Ace Parking of Dallas to manage the parking lots in an effort to keep citizens
from parking on the streets. Signs will be posted. The parking fee will be $3.00 per
4. Next year the CISD natatorium will host a major swim meet event at the CISD
Natatorium. Any promotional literature from the City and Chamber of Commerce
would be good to have for visitors to showcase Southlake and its recreational
programs and special events. Perhaps a special event could even be arranged during
the same time at Town Square to draw people. CISD will notify the City of the dates
and will coordinate with the economic development staff to obtain promotional
5. Natatorium Use — Dr. Citty extended an offer to Mr. Potter and other members to visit
the natatorium, talk with John McGouge, and see the various programs and uses of
the center. The City is very pleased with the events and programs from a parks and
recreation position. Mr. Potter said he has heard many compliments on the facility.
Ms. Reed said the only thing that would make the Aquatics Center better — is if it had
a drive that went all the way around!
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments
Chairman Lakin returned the meeting to consideration of the administrative comments section to
allow for the oath of office to Rex Potter and further discussion of the CISD use of City Council
Rex Potter was administered the Oath of Office as the City Council representative to the Joint
Utilization Committee.
Chairman Lakin briefed Mr. Potter on the request by the District to use the Council Chambers
for Board of Trustee meetings twice a month. He asked how the District should proceed with
their request to the City Council. Mr. Potter related that the Town Hall has meeting rooms
available to the public; however, the Council Chambers have been reserved for specific use by
City Council and the other decision - making boards. One consideration is the wear and tear of the
facility and the issue of where to draw the line on its use. Mr. Lakin said he disagreed on the
issue of wear and tear and related the District's tolerance of the wear and tear on CISD property.
The District would probably be willing to pay the City for any additional costs incurred in the
use, which would still be less than the costs of building and operating a stand -alone facility.
Ms. Reed contended that if the City's concern was about opening the facility up for unlimited
use, the problem could be managed with legal language allowing the City control on a individual
basis. She said she sees using the Council Chambers as an efficient use of a taxpayer facility.
A lengthy discussion continued with both sides presenting their ideas. Mr. Potter said the item
could be placed on a Council agenda for further consideration; however, it was his personal
opinion that the request was not feasible. Mr. Potter suggested that there be a City Council /CISD
Board of Trustee work session on this issue, as well as other topics related to joint use.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:52 p.m.
Motion: Potter
Second: Reed
Ayes: Lakin, Galpin, Potter and Reed
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 4 -0
Motion carried.
Ste e Laki Chair
Attest: /
Z.! -�-
Steve P. . sek, Deputy Director of Community Services
Attachment: Agenda Item No. 6 — Unused CISD property for athletic fields
Agenda Item No. 7 — Map of CISD /City facilities /parks
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Joint Use Committee 00
September 2, 2003
Page 3
Overview of Locations
North White Chapel
North Peytonville
*East Highland' _
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Joint Use Committee
September 2, 2003
Page 4
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September 2, 2003
Page 5
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September 2, 2003
Page 6
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September 2, 2003
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