2004-01-09 ** *Official Minutes * ** Approved by Joint Utilization Committee 4/1/04 JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE Minutes January 9, 2004 Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Steve Lakin, CISD Board of Trustees Representative and JUC Chair; Rex Potter, City Council Representative; Donna Feuchter, CISD Board of Trustees Representative; Emily Galpin, Parks and Recreation Board Representative; Darla Reed, CISD Board of Trustees Representative; and Tom Stephen, City Council Representative Committee Members Absent: None Guests: None Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services, Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services, and Dr. Derek Citty, CISD Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order Chairman Lakin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum of voting members was present. Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments * Derek Citty, Steve Moore and Steve Polasek recently toured three undeveloped properties owned by CISD and discussed their possible uses. The three sites were located: off of East Highland, east of the CISD Administrative building; on Peytonville Avenue, just north of Southridge Lakes Parkway; and on White's Chapel Avenue, about 3 /4 -mile north of Dove Road. * The CISD school district members were urged to provide input and relative comments about the CISD property off East Highland when the second phase of the Master Thoroughfare Plan Update is considered at the February 3 City Council meeting. * City staff will be meeting collectively and individually with the youth sports associations (softball, soccer, baseball and lacrosse) next month to develop facilities utilization agreements and tour facilities throughout the city looking at opportunities for City properties as well as possible CISD properties where vacant space is available for joint use. * The CISD administration building on Highland Drive may become available for use since CISD plans to relocate those offices to the current CISD administration annex building by end of this year. January 9, 2004 JUC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 3 -1 Agenda Item No. 3. Consider: Approval of the Minutes from the April 10, 2003 and September 11, 2003 meetings. A motion was made to approve the minutes. Motion: Stephen Second: Galpin Ayes: Feuchter, Galpin, Lakin, Potter, Reed and Stephen Nays: None Abstention: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 4. Consider: Election of Officers for 2003 -04 This item was previously postponed at the September 11 JUC meeting. The selection of a Chair and Vice Chair are not addressed in the Procedures of the Joint Utilization Committee, however, it has been the practice of the Committee to fill the positions each year following appointments or in the case of a resignation. The Chair and Vice Chair positions are regularly filled by one representative of the District and one representative from the City. During discussions about the appointment process in 1999, it was agreed by the JUC members that the Chair position should rotate on an annual basis between the District and City. The general responsibilities of the Chair position are to provide direction in establishing the agendas and to lead the monthly meeting. A motion was made to nominate Rex Potter as JUC Chairman. Motion: Stephen Second: Lakin Ayes: Feuchter, Galpin, Lakin, Potter, Reed and Stephen Nays: None Abstention: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion carried. A motion was made to nominate Steve Lakin as JUC Vice - Chairman. Motion: Lakin Second: Stephen Ayes: Feuchter, Galpin, Lakin, Potter, Reed and Stephen Nays: None Abstention: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Joint Use Review 3 -2 This item was placed on the agenda at the request of JUC Vice -Chair and CISD Board member Steve Lakin. Discussion was basically divided between the following topics. Building/field access An issue involving CISD building security and access by unauthorized persons was presented. People are using the CISD facilities that are not part of joint use, but that have keys to the buildings. An example is the use of the CIS and senior high school gyms and indoor workout rooms on Sunday afternoon. One solution would be to change the locks and issue keys to appropriate people. Another solution would be the use of keypad boxes. Another similar conflict is there are joint -use sports players and non-joint-use players using fields when they are not scheduled to do so. An example is soccer using lacrosse fields. Vice -Chair Lakin asked for City staff's assistance to notify all the athletic association officials of the problem and to reinforce the need to use the facilities /fields as scheduled. If a schedule revision is needed, there are procedures that must be followed. CISD will contact their campus administrators to assess their fields and facilities to ensure buildings are secured when they are supposed to be and that people not authorized for use will be questioned when found using the facilities. It was noted that there have been problems at times with individuals using the Durham Intermediate School gym during a time that the gym was scheduled for someone else. City staff handles unlocking and locking of the gyms and facilities as keys are not issued to coaches. User fees Facilities utilizations agreements currently exist between the City and the soccer, girl's softball, lacrosse and baseball associations. All youth sports associations pay an $8 per person user fees that is applied towards the costs involved with electrical, irrigation, mowing, chalking, painting, dragging, and upkeep of the facilities. Peewee football association does not have a facilities utilization agreement with the City; however, officials from the peewee football association are invited to attend the quarterly youth sports association meetings. The City recognizes they will need accommodation for fields at some point either on City property, CISD property, or a combination of the two. According to the JUC CISD representatives, the peewee football association is not currently paying CISD for use of any of their fields. The committee recommended a meeting be held with all the youth sports associations, and the City and CISD to come up with an equitable fee assessment that would include reasonable repair and replacement costs associated with use of the fields and gymnasiums, and to determine current facilities usage and look into future needs of each entity. 3 -3 Expenses incurred for joint use programs and options for recovery In view of current CISD financial restraints, Mr. Lakin had concerns about financing the use of CISD facilities — the cost of wear and tear on gymnasiums, of providing class rooms for computer lessons and other recreation programs and cafeterias that have nothing to do with educating students in the classroom. His position is that all organizations using CISD facilities should pay for the usage. He asked the committee for suggestions on how that could work. Chairman Potter recommended that the City and District staff gather cost facts, analyze data and develop recommendations on what would be fair and reasonable costs and ideas to be presented to the JUC at their March for consideration. In addition to looking into the general maintenance costs of providing District facilities, Ms. Reed stressed the need to address the District's additional utility costs that are incurred due to joint use programs. These are expenses that are difficult to quantify. Mr. Stephen has done research into the City's utility costs and reported that on a net bases the City loses about $1 million in utility costs each year. The goal is to "break even" on the recreation programs, but unfortunately most cities have accepted that these activities are a funded cost of their communities. Ms. Reed said those activities are a "City" service and the CISD doesn't have the funds to underwrite those activities. Committee members discussed assessment of use fees and what would be reasonable and fair program costs to offset District expenses associated with non - school activities. Director Jackson offered to share information with the District about the Star Grant Program, an energy - conservation program that could provide energy consultation to the CISD. It was suggested that an investigation into all the joint use classes and programs conducted in CISD facilities be coordinated through Dr. Citty and Mr. Jackson. The investigation should include direct cost figures and gray area costs along with alternatives for each. A list of all activities with their direct costs will be presented at the next JUC meeting. At that time, City staff will make recommendations as to which entity would be the logical choice to handle each recreation program. During the discussion, the issue of how advertisement of the recreation programs would be handled should a program be assigned to the District instead of the City was raised. CISD will approach the City about sharing the cost for the CMS floor that had to be replaced due to flood damage that was not covered by insurance. 3 -4 Joint Use Agreements In reviewing the existing two joint use agreements between the City and CISD, Vice -Chair Lakin wanted to know if the City and District were complying with the provision that requires that a report/checklist be completed after each use of a facility. Ms. Reed confirmed she had been receiving copies until she requested they stop being sent. In an effort to ensure greater accountability, the City has recently implemented two additional quality control measures as a result of the feedback cards and discussion with several school principals. A post -event spot check is done and photos are required to be taken of the facility "before" and "after" the event. Ms. Reed commended staff on the procedures that have been put in place during the last year saying they have made a great difference in the way things are left at the Durham School campus. The checklists and other things have made a world of difference. Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Restructure of Joint Utilization Committee Vice Chair Lakin presented this item clarifying that the discussion was not to restructure the JUC, but to suggest a way in which communication between the City and District could be enhanced through JUC by the participation of other CISD and City staff members that are not currently involved and attending the meetings. He shared a recent experience where he attended a conference in which other City and school district officials /staff were invited to attend joint use committee meetings, such as the police chief or fire marshal. It may be looked at on a case -by- case occurrence as needed. In most cases, if an event is scheduled by the District that would impact City functions, such as a homecoming parade, District representatives coordinate directly with the appropriate City staff well in advance of the event to ensure all proper steps are followed and safety, traffic and code compliance is met. In addition, the City is very responsive to any special traffic need or other issues encountered by the District and the District may contact City staff for attention at any time. Another opportunity for communication and interaction between the City and District would be the upcoming DPS Citizen Academy, which will start in February and run for six week. Director Jackson encouraged District members to participant in the Academy as an excellent way for citizens and the District to learn more about city activities and functions. Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: CISD Project Update There are no projects under construction at this time. The focus of the District is to conserve finances and explore alternatives to generate more revenue to fund District needs. Members heard about the loss of approximately sixty CISD students to the Westlake ISD, however, some of those students are returning to CISD and as well as some students from the Denton ISD. Mr. Lakin will provide figures on the CISD classroom capacity to Tom Stephen. 3 -5 JUC discussed capacity demands on the District and how school finances and economics are impacted. It was announced that the District has approved a minor league baseball (Lone Star League) team this summer, which means the District will probably be installing lights on the girl's softball field at the senior high school. Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: City Project Update Deputy Director Polasek noted the copy of the City Project Update included in the JUC packets. The report contained status information about various City road construction projects. Members were asked to contact Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas (817.481.2175) regarding projects or construction status. JUC members were invited to attend the SH 114 Grand Opening event on February 7 under the bridge at the intersection of SH 114 and Carroll Avenue. Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion: Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals This item was not discussed at this meeting. Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion: Lakin Second: Stephen Ayes: Feutcher, Galpin, Lakin, Potter, Stephen and Reed Nays: None Abstention: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion carried. Rex Potter, Chair Attest/ Steve P asek, Deputy Director of Community Services 3 -6