2004-07-08 r �
** *Official Minutes * **
Approved by Joint Utilization Committee 8/12/04
July 8, 2004
Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Darla Reed, CISD Board of Trustees
Representative; Virginia Muzyka, City Council Representative; Craig Rothmeier, City
Council Citizen Appointee; and John Terrell, City Council Representative.
Committee Members Absent: Donna Feuchter, CISD Board of Trustees Representative;
Emily Galpin, Parks and Recreation Board Representative.
Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services, Steve Polasek,
Deputy Director of Community Services, Dr. Derek Citty, CISD Assistant Superintendent for
Administrative Services and Todd Thompson, Director of Maintenance, CISD.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
JUC member Darla Reed called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
A quorum of voting members was present.
Agenda Item No. 2A. Administrative Comments: Oath of Office for New JUC Members
The Oath of Office was administered to John Terrell, Virginia Muzyka and Craig Rothmeier to
allow them to officially serve as representatives on the Joint Utilization Committee.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consider: Approval of the Minutes from the April 1, 2004 meetings.
A motion was made to approve the minutes.
Motion: Terrell
Second: Muzyka
Ayes: Muzyka, Reed, Rothmeier and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 4 -0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 4. Consider: Election of Officers for 2004 -05
A motion was made to postpone this item until the next meeting in September.
Motion: Terrell
Second: Rothmeier
Ayes: Muzyka, Reed, Rothmeier and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
July 8, 2004 JUC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3
, i
Approved: 4 -0
Motion carried.
The new members were officially sworn in as related in Agenda Item 2A.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion: Joint Utilization Analysis Report
Ms. Reed shared a brief history of the Joint Utilization Analysis Report that was initiated
subsequent to discussions about use of Town Hall Council Chambers and other related CISD
budget issues to bring the new JUC members up -to -date on the status of the draft report.
In January 2004, City and CISD staff were asked to jointly review and analyze the costs
associated with providing school facilities for joint use for City programs and events. The draft
report under discussion is a draft of their findings. The report provides officials from both the
City and CISD with background information, calculations and financial data, options, and
recommendations to aid in decisions relating to the joint use of CISD and City facilities.
The report was considered at the April 1, 2004 JUC meeting with comments and direction
provided. City and CISD staff met to further evaluate the document and identify other data
necessary for inclusion. CISD staff is presently reviewing their information and is charged with
providing specific financial details for inclusion within the report.
Director Jackson explained the evolution of the report and answered questions.
CISD Maintenance Director Todd Thompson answered questions from the JUC members as he
reviewed a spreadsheet summary of the District's maintenance and operations costs for facilities
and explained the methodology used in arriving at each of the figures. A copy of the spreadsheet
is attached to the minutes.
According to the District's spreadsheet, the amount of maintenance and operations for facilities
costs, excluding utility costs, for the District was about $4.3 million last year. The total days of
operations used in the calculations was 241 days (excluded weekends and holidays).
Suggestions were offered to include the facility use fee amount on the athletic association forms
and to have Jazzercise and computer classes operate their programs directly through the District
instead of operating through the City.
Staff will e -mail JUC members the maintenance and operations spreadsheet in electronic format
to enable them to make a better comparison of it with the draft report.
Once the report is finalized, JUC will be better equipped to determine the "fair share" costs to the
City. CISD will also be looking into consolidation of its facilities and a review which facilities
need to be included as part of the JUC agreement.
3 -2
City staff was directed to provide a comparison of the maintenance and operations spreadsheet
with the first draft of the Joint Use Analysis Report using the actual figures and to supply the
methodology used to determine the number of days of City use. After a meeting is held between
City and CISD participating staff members to review the costs calculations of the spreadsheet
and draft report, their recommendation will be brought back to JUC for consideration.
Committee members will be notified of the next meeting date.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: CISD Project Update
There are no projects under construction at this time.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: City Project Update
A copy of the July 2004 City Project Update was included in the JUC packets. The report
contained status information about various City road construction projects. Contact Deputy
Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas (817.481.2175) regarding projects or construction
Staff will confirm that City Public Works Department is sending construction information to the
CISD Transportation Depaitment.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals
There were no topics for discussion at this time.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Terrell
Second: Muzyka
Ayes: Muzyka, Reed, Rothmeier and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 4 -0
Motion carried.
Att st: "7" 7 24e,
• eve Pol ek
t P Y De ut Director of Community Services
Attachments: Item 4. Joint Utilization Analysis Report — CISD Maintenance and Operations spreadsheet
3 -3
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CISD: Estimated Joint Use Costs for 2002 -2003
Electricity 1 Annual
Heated and Cooled Square Footage by Total Costs per Total Gas Gas Costs Joint Use Dally Utility Annual Utility Total Annual Maintenance Daily Maintenance Annual
Campus Electricity Square Foot Costs for per Square Square Annual Utility Costs for Days Used Cost for Joint Maintenance Cost Cost Per Sq Fl Cost Per Sq Ft for Maintenance Cost
Costs for 2003 for 2003 2003 Foot for 2003 Footage Costs for 2003 2003 for Joint Use Use for 2002 03 for 2002 -03 2002 -03 for Joint Use
arroll Elementary Total _ _ -- $ 67,467.42 $ 0_93 $ 8,317.43 - 0.11 7000 $ 7,308.29 0 $ 224,02045 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
- -- 70
_.. _ r - _ Subtotal 00 $ -_. _
D Durham Elem /Int Total 136375 $ 139,477.97 $ 1.02 $ 13,230.05 $ 0.10 $ 420,879.33 $ _ 3.09 $ 0.0128
I mOffice 700 $ 784.00 $ 3.25 96.6875 $ 314.54 $ $ 866.32
1 ' I Elam Gym 7000 $ 7,840.00 $ 32.53 100.5 $ 3,269.38 - $ _ - $ 9,004.80
Exercise Room
-- _ __. - -__ ._ __ 900 $ 1,008.00 $ 4.18 0 $ - $ $ - -
- --
- - - -- � -- 5000 $ 5,600.00 $ 23.24 49.625 $ 1,153.17 $ - $ 3,176.00
-� -- _ 900 $ 1,008.00 $ 4.18 1.875 $ 7.84 - -_ -_ $ $ 21.60
'13 Room Reading - -- - -
F - 900 $ 1,008.00 $ 4.18 26.8125 $ 112.15 $ - $ 308.88
_ Activity Room
Computer Lab _ 900 $ 7,008.00 $ 4.16 3 $ _12.55 $ - $ 34.56
- _- - Subtotal 16300 Subtotal 5 4,869.56 $ - $ 13,412.16
Johnson Elementary Total 76437 $ 69,67 $ 0.91 $ 12,226.82 $ 0.16 7000 $ 7,500.14 0 $ 235,89 $ 3,09 $ 0.0128
- - Subtotal 7000 $
Old Union Elementary Total 69664 $ 94,833,67 $ 1.36 $ 15,999.75 $ .0 .23 $ - - $ 214,996.43 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
l._ -
Rockenbaugh E lementary Total 80273 $ 68,512.65 $ 0.85 $ 11,401.84 $ 0.14 _ _ $ 247,737.83 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
11 GYm __- - 7000 $ 6,930.00 5 28.76 0 -.- $ - _ $ _
1 3 Classrooms 2700 $ 2_673.00 $ 11.09 20,8125 $ 230.84 $ $ 719.28
0 Cafelorium 5000 $ 4.950.00 $ 20.54 _ 20.8125 $ 427.48 _ $ -_ $ 1,332.00
Subtotal 14700 Subtotal $ 668.31 $ - $ 2,057.28
rroll Intermediate School Total ' 63851 $ $ 57 452.66 $ 0.90 $ 10,569.90 $ 0.17 i ___$ 197,056 40 $ -,_ 3.09$ 0.0128
m Exercise Rm _L _ - _ 900 $ 963.00 $ 4.00 16 E 63.93 _ -_ _ _ $ - $ 184.32
11 Activity Rm 900 $ 963.00 $ 4.00 - 15.625 $ 62 A4 $ - , $ 180.00
- 7000 $ 7,490.00 $ 31.08 68 $ 2,113.36 $ - �$ 6,092.80
Subtotal 8800 ' Subtotal $ 2239.731 ' $ _ $ 645712_
Eubanks Intermediate iota/ 93478 $ 128,864.92 $ _ 1.38 $ 38,680.96 $ , _ 0.41 T _ $ 288,490 99 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
G ym -,- 7000 $._- 12 530.00 $ 51.99 20.5625 $ 1,069.08 _ $ ' $ 1,842.40
Choir Room
-- - - - _ - -- 900 $ 1,611.00 $ 6.68 0.75 $ 5.01 $ - $ 8.64
_ - - -- -
- Subtotal 7900 Subtotal $ 1,074.09 $ - $ 1851.04
Carroll Middle School Total 129345 $ 138 769.47 $ 1.07 $14,874.46 $ 011 $ 399,183.41 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
-_- - - - - - 8000 $ 9,440.00 39 17 9.25 362 32 - - -- $ _ - - $ 947.20
_ Competition Gym _ _ _ _ _. $ - � $ - - -
Joint Use G_Ym _ _ _ _ _ _ 7000 $ 8,260.00 $ 34.27 100.125 $ 3,431.67 _ _ $ - -_ $ 8,971.20
Subtotal 900 $ 1,062.00 $ 4.41 3.75 $ 16.52 $ - $ 43.20
Activity Rm -. - - -
Gym Office_ _ 700 $_. 826.00 $ 3.43 _ 0 $ - $ - $
- -- -- - -- - 16600 Subtotal $ 3,810.52 $ $ 9,961.60
Carroll Senior High School - Total 233125 $ 263,330.65 $ 1.13 $ 14,075.14 $ 0.06 ; $ 719,468.34 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128
Computer Lab 900 $ 1,071.00 $ 4.44 - 3 $_. 13.33 $ $ 34.56_
Subtotal 900 Subtotal $ 13.33 � $ - $ 34.56
A_quatics Center :Total 39876 $ 130,169.75 $ 3.26 $ 21,827.70 $ 0.55 39876 $ 151,997A5 $ 485.61 25 $ 12 140.37 $ 123,064 96 $ 3.09 $ 0.0128 $ 12 760.32
Aquatics Center Total Water $ 29 842.08 -_- $ 29,842.08 5 25 $ 2 383.55
$ 9 34 - -
.11 Subtotal 39876 _ Subtotal $ 14 ,523.92 I__ S 12,760.32
Total sq Ft 995012 119076 i Grand Total $ 27,189.47 $ 3,070,797.34 ' $ 46,528.08
ve all Grand o $ 73,717.55
- - -- - -_. -- - Expenses - --- -- -- - -- - _. -- - - - - -- -
Total District Sq Ft 1,396,937 I - - -_- _
Total District Operational wlo J -
Tota - _ -. -- -- -- •
L. UtlliOes Da y for s of 2002. eration 03 = E4,371, 241 214 76 4 - _ - __ _- _ _ -. - -- -- -- - - -- - --
P -- - -T - _ -- - - - -- 7 -- - --
-- - -i - _ - - - _ -- - --
Maintenance & Operations Expenditures
• 2002 -2003 Actuals
Maintenance Department Operational
Maintenance Department Personnel Budget
Utilities $479,910.60
Water $414,749.11
Telephone $1,390,352.80
Electricity $198,812.75
Gas $138,286.0
Total $6,795,040.02
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