2004-09-09 ** *Official Minutes * **
Approved by Joint Utilization Committee 10/13/04
September 9, 2004
Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Donna Feuchter, CISD Board of Trustees
Representative; Emily Galpin, Parks and Recreation Board Representative; Virginia Muzyka,
City Council Representative; John Nussrallah, CISD Board of Trustees Representative; Craig
Rothmeier, City Council Citizen Appointee; Erin Shoupp, CISD Board of Trustees
Representative, and John Terrell, City Council Representative.
Committee Members Absent: None
Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services, Steve Polasek,
Deputy Director of Community Services, Dr. Derek Citty, CISD Chief Personnel Officer, Todd
Thompson, CISD Director of Maintenance, Harry Ingalls, CISD Director of Finance, and
Darla Reed.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
JUC member John Terrell called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
A quorum of voting members was present.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments:
A. Oath of Office for new JUC Members — Erin Shoupp, John Nussrallah and Donna
Feuchter were administered the Oath of Office.
B. Carroll /Continental Boulevard Roundabout — The suggestion from the last JUC
meeting concerning safety issues regarding pedestrians crossing near the roundabout
have been forwarded to the Department of Public Safety to explore the possibility of
extending the sidewalk along Continental Boulevard from Carroll Avenue back
toward Old Union School.
C. July 8, 2004 Minutes — A copy of the revised minutes were included in JUC packets.
Agenda Item No. 3. Consider: Approval of the Minutes from the August 12, 2004 meetings.
A motion was made to approve the minutes as read.
Motion: Muzyka
Second: Rothmeier
Ayes: Feuchter, Galpin, Muzyka, Nussrallah, Rothmeier, Shoupp, and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 7 -0
Motion carried.
September 9, 2004 JUC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3
Agenda Item No. 4. Consider: Election of Officers for 2004 -05
The Commission nominated John Terrell for Chair and Erin Schoupp for Vice - Chair.
The Commission voted unanimously to approve John Terrell as Chair and Erin Schoupp
for Vice - Chair.
Agenda Item No. 5. Consider: Joint Utilization Analysis Report and Options
Option 3 of the Joint Utilization Analysis Report was revised as directed at the August 12, 2004
JUC meeting to include 1) continuation of consideration for minor and major maintenance cost
sharing as stipulated in the existing interlocal agreement, and 2) to account for future joint use of
City facilities (Bicentennial Park, Bob Jones Park and Southlake Sports Complex) on the
The CISD Board of Trustees will vote on adoption of the Report at the October 18, 2004 meeting
with City Council considering it October 5, 2004 after adoption of the new budget. Final
revisions to the Report will be made as provided by CISD and City Council at time of adoption.
A motion was made to approve Option 3 as revised and submitted in the Report as part of
the Joint Use Agreement.
Motion: Rothmeier
Second: Galpin
Ayes: Feuchter, Galpin, Muzyka, Nussrallah, Rothmeier, Shoupp, and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 7 -0
Motion carried.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: CISD Project Update
CISD Aquatics Center will host three Olympic stars at a special event on September 27. Tickets
went on sale today with only 75 remaining out of 1,000.
The District is negotiating with ESPN and Disney for national broadcast of the Carroll High
School Dragon/Denton -Ryan football game on October 14.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: City Project Update
A copy of the September 2004 City Project Update was included in the JUC packets. The report
contained status information about various City road construction projects. Contact Deputy
Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas (817.481.2175) regarding projects or construction
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The City will host a Girls Softball Tournament at the Bob Jones Park softball 6-plex facility this
Combinations of activities are planned for the official Grand Opening of the softball complex at
Bob Jones Park, in conjunction with HarvestFest and Arbor Day is scheduled for Saturday,
October 23.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals
Two suggestions were presented: 1) appoint a Joint Maintenance Advisory Committee to address
issues such as water conservation and other opportunities for cost savings and public relations
and 2) form a joint mowing/landscape committee to explore possible sharing of resources and
CISD and City staff will meet to discuss these suggestions on October 14 and will bring
information back at a future JUC meeting.
Other Items:
The next Joint Utilization Commission meeting was rescheduled for Wednesday, October 13,
6:00 p.m. at Southlake Town Hall to accommodate the special ESPN broadcast of the Carroll
Dragon football on October 14.
Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Motion: Nussrallah
Second: Muzyka
Ayes: Feuchter, Gaipin, Muzyka, Nussrallah, Rothmeier, Shoupp, and Terrell
Nays: None
Abstention: None
Approved: 7 -0
Motion carried.
—,21_ . 4A
John Terrell, City Council Representative
Ste e P / asek, Deputy Director of Community Services
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