1986-03-18 special Lit C ~ E I I I !t I I I I I I I -- I I I Ie I I I I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 18,1986 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 6 p.m. TO BE HELD ON SITE: Hwy 26 east of the Fina Tank Farm. 1. To consider the annexation request for Donald F. Finn. First Public Hearing for the 19.9249 acre tract of land. T.3. Thompson Survey. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Presentation: 3. Discussion: 4. Discussion: 5. Discussion: 6. Discussion: 7 . Consider: 8 . Consider: 9. Consider: 10. Consider: 11. Consider: 12. Consider: 13. Consider: 14. Bills for approval. 15. Public Forum. loB.M. Trinity River Authority. Wayne Hunter. Ordinance pertaining to Alcoholic Beverages. Ordinance pertaining to Resource Fees. Orinance pertaining to Set-Backs on Hwy 114. Annexation for the North Davis Business Park. Second Public Hearing. Ordinance No. 324. Annexation of the North Davis Business Park. Replat of Lot IB of the Crumbaker Addition. Location: North Shady Oaks Drive. Owner: Daniel R. Ahlers. ZA 86-3. ZA 86-4. Zoning request for Lot 2, Crumbaker Addition. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Owner: Michael Fox. Public Hearing. ZA 86-5. Preliminary plat of Susanna Place Addition. Location: North Shady Oaks Drive. Owner: Fox and Lee. plat approval of Lot 1 Location: Tract 8U and Survey, Abstract 1593. ZA 86-6. Preliminary of the Dowd Addition. SAIC of the J. Whitman Owner: Davis Dowd. Department Reports. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, March 7,1986 at 5 p.m. ~~_~ ~td , 1ty Secretary . NAME OF COUNCILPERSON e Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Bone e ~ t::l tn ~ ::r: tn :s: o ~ H o Z x C/) tn n o z t::l tn t::l :s:: o ~ H o Z x > tx:I C/) ~ > H Z tn t::l <: o ~ tn t::l > C) > H Z C/) ~ <: o ~ tn t::l 'Tj o :;0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING, DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL I March 18,1986 6 p.m. I t:ifix:fi&~ ~~x 6x,iJx~~~, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. ON SITE: Highway 26 east of I the tank farms. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O.Latt~ Jt. Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny esterholm. Bruce McCombs, Loyd Euban and Marion Bone. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: Davis Bradley. OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand and Richard Horn and John Marshall representatives of the property owners. The meeting was called to order at 6 p;m. for the purpose of considering the annexation of the 17.7 acres of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474. Mr. Horn indicated that they wish to come into the city as Light Industrial Zoning. They wish to acquire water service from the city as well as police and fire protection. There were no comments during the firs public hearing. Mayor Latta closed the public hearing and indicated that the second public hearing will be held on April 1 at the regular city council meeting. x x Motion was made x proceed with x annexation. . cn < c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS d n 0-3 SPECIAL t:i o y m rn MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL z a d MEETING , z '71 DATE: March 18 ,1986 tri tZi 7 d y TIME : 6 p .m. 0 0 PLACE : f1 'x x 1.R b*Kxx,c i'hchxGficbal .E Scx 1-3 y 6kRxtbal;031k)(VaMMMAjc),AAM3eilia, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF o o TEXAS . ON SITE : Highway 26 east of COUNCILPERSON z the tank farms . PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd O. Latta, Jr. Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny Westerholm. Bruce McCombs , Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone . COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT : Davis Bradley. OTHERS PRESENT : Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand and Richard Horn and John Marshall representatives of the property owners . The meeting was called to order at 6 p .m. for the purpose of considering the annexation of the 17 . 7 acres of land out of the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract 474 . Mr . Horn indicated that they wish to come into the city as Light Industrial Zoning. They wish to acquire water service from the city as well as police and fire protection. There were no comments during the first public hearing. Mayor Latta closed the public hearing and indicated that the second public hearing will be held on April 1 at the regular city council meeting. Westerholm x McCombs x x Motion was made and approved to Eubanks x x proceed with next st p for Bone x annexation. Ma La to City Secretary c c CITY OF SOUTH'I.,AKP , TEXAS r.-; to .0 0 M o - rn rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL r d c MEETING . d z Y PATE : March 18 , 1986 7 d d H • Po TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 L 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE ,I ME OF o o a TEXAS . ,UUNCILPERSON z Z PAGE : 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT : Mayor ; Lloyd 0 . Latta Jr . Mayor Pro Tem; Johnny . Westerholm. Bruce McCombs , Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone . COUNCILPERSON ABSENT : Davis Bradley arrived after Agenda Item #11 . PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS : Rick Stacy and Bill Stoner . CITY STAFF PRESENT : Director of Public Works ; Bill LeGrand , Police Chief ; • Jerry Crowder , Fire Chief; R. P . Steele , City Engineer ; . Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney ; Bill Smith. INVOCATION: Marion Bone . Nstersolm x x The Minutes of the Special City Council meeting held on March 4 , IBonenks x x were approved as corrected . Westerholm x The Minutes of the Regular City 1Euban- McCombs x x Council meeting held on March 4 , were Bone x x also approved as corrected. MAYORS REPORT Fire Chief, R.P . Steele announced that the annual Volunteer Fire Depart- ; ment Fish Fry will be held on Monday, • March 24 from 5 until 9 p .m. Tickets will also be available at the door . Mayor Latta read a letter dated March 17 , 1986 from Dr . Greg Gist , commend- ' ing the fire department on a good job . Mayor Latta read a proclamation stating "' sterholm x April 17 thru April 23 is being Combs x x observed as "Volunteer Week" . Eubanks x Motion was made and approved to support , Bone x x the proclamation . CITY OF SOUTILAKL , TEXAS to o p • rrn o r ri MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL e a v MEETING . �� rzn o DATE : March 18 ,1986 t7 P x TIME: 7 : 30 p .m. o a z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS a 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , . SOUTHLAKE SAME OF o o TEXAS . :OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 2 INDEX • The Southlake Airport Noise Awareness Committee will be meeting on March 20 , according to chairperson, Loyd Eubanks . Ed Walts , attorney for I .B .M. introduc- I .B .M. ed members, also present °for the meetingPRESENTAT' when a very informative presentation was made to the citizens of Southlake. They include : Jim Smith, Rick Gilcrist , Greg Packker and Peter Waltin. Construction will start on the facilit- ies of the complex in August 1986, Phase I will be ready to open during the first quarter of 1988 . It was noted that I .B .M. will transfer • 2 ,000 employees from I .B .M. mostly from the Dallas facilities . The first phase office space for I .B .M. employees will be completed near the end of 1988 and then Village Center will be completed next . A discussion was held by Wayne Hunter , TRINITY Manager of Wastewater Services , Plann- RIVER ing for Trinity River Authority. • AUTHORITY After answering many questions for the council and citizens , he formally requested a response within 60 days from this date . The terms were spelled out in a letter to the Mayor and City Council , on this date . Mayor Latta. asked Bill Stoner to conduct public hearings for the public and Citizens Select Committee and have a recommendation for Council • consideration on May 6 . Bill Smith gave his opinion, when • • asked , if Southlake had a sewer • system, it would lesson rationale for large lots and no multi-family. However , Council will have to change the zoning ordinance in order to 7 y CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS y 7 rz: 0 0 d o a r-i 0-3 rn MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z • r= r MEETING . z Y DATE : March 18 , 1986 rr' d Cri 11/ TIME : 7 : 30 m. 7 ~' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS czn. 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE AME OF o a TEXAS . LOUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : INDEX 3 change our standard for one acre lots . Mayor Latta will make public , the letter to Mayor and Council from TRA dated March 18 , 1986 . Loyd Eubanks ask to have it on record that he strongly feels the sewer issue should go to a vote of the citizens before a decision is made to • go with sewer . ,A discussion was held concerning an ordinance or ordinances pertaining to the sale of alcoholic beverages . City Attorney, Bill Smith stated there will be two ordinances , one for each type of sale . Off-premises packaged beer and one for private clubs . Westerholm ask the city to make recommendations on where districts should be . Mayor Latta ask that Eddie Cheatham, Mike Monroe , Bill Stoner, Bill LeGrand and Charles Curry work on this with Stoner serving as chairperson. The ordinances are to be placed on the next agenda for consideration. When an ordinance for Resource Fees was discussed, Charles Curry stated that the worksessions on the subject were not complete enough for a recommendation . A proposed ordinance for Set-Backs on Highway 114 and FM 1709 were discussed. Mayor Latta asked Mike Monroe to come up with a formula to determine building heights and spacing . c y 1 < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS y r = o 0 o a n r MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z d d MEETING . x d z y DATE : March 18 , 1986 rn d e Pz, TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 cn 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE SAME OF o o TEXAS . :OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 4 INDEX A second public hearing was held concerning the request for annexation of the North Davis Business Park. • The 19 . 9249 acre tract of land is being developed by K.J. B . Investments . They requested the land be brought • into Southlake as Light Industrial Zoning. • There were no comments during the public hearing . Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to close McCombs x x the second public hearing . Eubanks x Bone x x Ordinance No . 324 was approved, annex- ORDINANC: Westerholm x - x ing the North Davis Business Park No . 324 x x into the City as Light Industrial Combs _ __banks x Zoning. Bone x ZA 86-3 . The replat of Lot 1B of the ZA 86-3 Crumbaker Addition was discussed. Owner , Daniel Ahlers was not present for the meeting. Westerholm x x Motion was made and approved to table McCombs x the item due to the information not Eubanks x x being complete . Bone x Mayor Latta broke the tie-vote • with a vote in favor of tabling the item. ZA 86-4 . Lot 2 of the Crumbaker ZA 86-4 Addition was considered for A-3 Single Family Zoning District . February 25 , the P Z recommended the zoning change as requested. There were no comments during the public hearing . _ Westerholm x Motion was made and approved to cCombs x x approve Zoning as requested . ::ubanks • x Bone x x y r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , TEXAS o m r MINUTES Regular CITY COUNCIL r, o OF THE z r e d MEETING . March 18 , 1986 d z • DATE : rn r� d Y o 7 : 30 p .m. TIME : o o PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAI;E, COUNCI L CHAMBERS 0 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE NE OF o z TEXAS . JUNCILPERSON PAGE: 5 INDEX 1 Davis Bradley arrived for the meeting . ZA 86- 5 . The preliminary plat of ZA 86- 5 Susanna Place Addition was discussed . Owner , Wayne Lee was present for the meeting and answered questions for the council . Motion was made to approve the Westerholm x preliminary plat of Susanna Place Bradley x Addition contingent upon the replat Bradley x x of Lot 1B of Crumbaker Addition being . McCombs correct and available to go back to Bonenks x x council before April 1 for approval . ZA 86-6 . The preliminary plat of Lot 1 ZA 86-6 of Dowd Addition was discussed. • Salley x Motion was made and approved to table x x the item until the proper information McCombsCombs x is obtained. Eubanks x -Bone x x A discussion was held concerning the HUNTERS Hunters Ridge Addition drainage problems . RIDGE Wayne Key and Chuck Powers from HuntersDRAINAGE Ridge Addition spoke to Council , askingPROBLEMS for relief from their drainage problems Bill Smith, City Attorney, explained that the problem is proving who owns the 30 ' strip behind Hunters Ridge Addition . It appears there is no dedication of the strip of land . Smith indicated he will continue to research the problem. . An amendment to the franchise agree- GARBAGE 1 ment for Lakeside Sanitation was FRANCHISE considered. Oscar O 'Bryant , new owner AGREEMENT requested that any garbage left on the curb over two , 30 gallon cans and four bags of grass be an additional charge cf 50¢ per bag . cn y r l CITY OF SOUTH AKE , TEXAS • t-r: 0 H ram, r-n MINUTES OF THE Regular • CITY COUNCIL z > t: b MEET? NG . := d z > i DATE : March 18 ,1986 r" d d y TIME : 7 : 30 p .m.. . ~' PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE - ME OF o a �A TEXAS . :OUNCI LPERSON z z • PAGE: 6 INDEX Motion was made to amend the franchise agreement to read that grass will not Westerholm x be picked up as part of the regular Bradley x x garbage pick up but that arrangements • McCombs x must be made between Lakeside Sanitation Eubanks x and the property owner for grass pick • - Bone x x up . The street repair priority list was - discussed. Director of Public Works , Bill LeGrand is to organize the list of priorities submitted by the council and also submit the costs involved and bring information back to the council . It was determined however , that North Peytonville Avenue is the highest - priority. Westerholm • x Approval was given to the amendment to Resolution 85 -35 , to reflect costs/ Bradley x changes in the scope of the 1 . 5 million McCombs x gallon water tank. The new amount Eubanks x x should be $34 ,429 . Bone x x Westerholm x Resolution 86-24 approving a change RESOLUT: Bradley x x order for the 20" water line project 86-24 . McCombs x for $6 , 800 . The additional costs Eubanks x are due to boring under two large Bone x x cedar trees . Resolution 86-25 .Authorization was RESOLUT: Westerholm x given for Mayor Latta to move funds . 86-25 Bradley x x from City Administration Fund to Park McCombs x Fund in order to make up the approximate- Eubanks x ly $21 ,000 . additional dollars to Bone x x complete the Bicentennial Park project of the Concession Stand/Restrooms . • Westerholm x x Ms . Barbara Harris addressed Council Bradley x x in her request to have annexed into Combs x Southlake , Tracts 1 - 2 , Block 7 of 'Lubanks x the C .A. Sweet Addition. Bone x - Motion was made and approved to proceec with her request for annexation . cn y CITY OF SOUTH LAKL , TEXAS tz o O d o a m h MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL z y d C MEETING . d z a DATE : March 18 ,1986 �' oo TIME : 7 : 30 p .m. 0 o z PLACE : CITY OF SOUTHLARE , COUNCIL CHAMBERS . -3 ti 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE , SOUTHLAKE ME OF o o TEXAS . ,UUNCILPERSON z z PAGE : 7 INDEX The Department Reports were reviewed by the Council . . Niesterholm x The bills presented, were approved for !c.Combs x x payment . (attached hereto and made Eubanks x apart hereof) . Pone x x The public forum was held. The meeting was a ' urned by Mayor Latta. � Ufa r atta 11/ ATTEST . /446/e, e.ee_. City Secretary