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1986-01-21 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE . REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 21,1986 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. COUNCIL SESSION: 7:30 p.m. 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: 3. Consider: 4. Consider: 5. Consider: 6. Consider: . 7. Consider: 8. Discussion: 9. Discussion: 10. Consider: Big Bear Creek Basin Sewage Study. Trinity River Authority. Wayne Hunter. Extension of the validity date of the I.B.M. Westlake/Southlake Mutual Boundry Agreement. Resolution 86-7. Calling Municipal Election. Bids for radio operated computer controls for the pump station. Eddie Cheatham. Bid opening for miscellaneous police department equipment. Lakeside Sanitation; transfer of ownership and execution of new contract. Ordinance No. 323. Special Use Permit pertaining to Alcoholic Beverages. Ordinance for Off-Street Parking. Request for a permit to place a temporary Bar-B-Que Stand at Jellico Corner Center. Owner: Jim Martin. 11. Bills for approval. 12. Public Forum. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North carrOlj;jl Avenue Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 10,1986 at 5 p.m. ~J.t: . City Secretary . I. I . I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 10 I ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 21,1986 REGULAR SESSION 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 13. Reconsider: 14. Reconsider: 15. Reconsider: 16. Consider: 17. Reconsider: 18. . Consider: 19. Discussion: 20.. Consider: 21. Consider: ZA 85-51. Request for Special Exception Use Permit for the Motorola Cellular Radio Communications Facility. Site Plan approval for Motorola Cellular Radio Communications Facility. ZA 85-48. Plat approval for Lot 1 Block 1 Carroll Oaks Addition. Owner: Phillip Bressinck. Site Plat for Carroll Oaks Addition. ZA 85-49. Plat approval for Lot 1 Block 1 Southlake Commercial Center. Owner: Noble Craft. Site Plan for Southlake Commercial Center. Impact fees for capital facilities. Resolution 86-8. Authorization to sign contract for White Chapel 20" water line project. Formulation of a city wide emergency plan. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, January 17,1986 at~;(.;!.~ City Secretary ~ 3:: C/) >- < < CITY OF SQUTHLAKE, TEXAS >- tT:l t:x:J 0 0 I t::l n C/) >-3 >-3 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tT:l 0 >-3 tT:l tT:l Z >- t::l t::l MEETING. >-3 t::l H January 21,1986 :I: tT:l Z >- 'Tj DATE: e tT:l t::l tT:l C) 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS I t::l >- :;t:I 3:: 3:: H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, 0 0 Z >-3 >-3 C/) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE H H >-3 NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. I COUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny Westerholm. Davis Bradley, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks. . Mayor Latta announced that Jerry Crowder is hereby appointed Chief of Police. To be effective on this date. Crowder gave a report on the Drug Awareness Program being enacted by the Police Department. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Marion Bone. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS: Rick Stacy and Billy Jon Curb. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Chief; Jerry Crowder, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele and Director of Public Works; Bill LeGrand. INVOCATION: Loyd Eubanks. ~sterholm Wradley McCombs Eubanks x x x x x The Minutes of the January 7, City Council meeting were approved as amended. x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta stated that the City has had some water problems the past few days, due to the fact that the County has cut water lines, contractols have cut lines, and normal water problems. He mentioned that the city workers worked very hard and that the public at large used very abusive language on the city staff as well as those out in the field. The mayor ask that everyone use responsibility on the language that is used. I :s:: en :;.> <: <:: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I :;.> tT:I t7.:1 0 0 t::l n en >-j >-j MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tT:I 0 >-j tT:I tT:I Z :;.> t::l t::l MEETING. >-j t::l I-l January 21,1986 ::r: tT:I z :;.> "Tj DATE: . tT:I t::l tT:I C) 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. t::l :;.> :::0 :s:: :s:: I-l PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z >-j >-j en 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE I-l I-l >-j TEXAS. lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z :z: PAGE: 2 INDEX I I I I I f' I I I I I I Ie I It was noted that the Speed Zone on Highway 114 has been changed to 45 mph from Oak Knoll to White Chapel Road and urged everyone to use caution. The Mayor also announced that a new Building Inspector has joined the cit~ staff. He welcomed Ron Morain. North Peytonville is to be paved in March by County Precinct 3. A presentation was given by Wayne TRINITY Hunter, Manager of Wastewater Plannin€ ,RIVER for Trinity River Authority. He gave AUTHORITY an update on the Bear Creek Sewage PRESENTATIC Basin Study, stating they are ready to talk to Southlake about joining TRA for sewage treatment. TRA is proposing an extension of the TRA.System up the Bear Creek Basin to serve Southlake, Keller, Fort Worth. Total cost of the project is 16 million dollars. Southlake's portion is 33% which is slightly more than 2.7 million dollars. Hunter stated that other areas prefer TRA to finance the projects through bonds. Our annual obligation would be $400,0(0 with a 10% interest rate. The above figures would be to serve approximate y 50% of Southlake population based on COG information. TRAwould like to hear from Southlake within 30 days from this date, and they are prepared to give Southlake a written proposal. Mayor Latta ask what the options are if Southlake does not wish to go with TRA. Hunter answered; septic systems and package treatment plants. I e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON 3:: >- t:::l tTj t-3 ::r: tTj 3:: o t-3 H o Z Ct:l tTj n o Z t:::l tTj t:::l 3:: o t-3 H o Z >- to Ct:l t-3 >- H Z tTj t:::l <: o t-3 tTj t:::l > C') > H Z Ct:l t-3 I January 21,1986 I CITy7b1P sPOlfTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I <:; o t-3 tTj t:::l 'T.l o :;tl CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular CITY COUNCIL x x x x The final date for the IBM Westlake/ South1ake Boundry Agreement was ex- tended until February 21,1986. PAGE: 3 INDEX Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerho1m Bradley McCombs e>anks Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerho1m Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerho1m Aidley 1!PCombs Eubanks x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ~OUNDRY ~GREEMENTI x x x x Resolution 86-7 was approved, calling ~ESOLUTI' the General Election for April 5,1986,86-7 and naming Gary Fickes as Election Judge. x x The bids were considered for the radio operated computer controls for the pump station. Heiley Rudd was low bid at $132,629. x After. discussion, motion was made and approved to accept the low bid. x x x x The bid for the police department equipment was opened. The 1984 Chevrolet police car, as is condition, received one bid. A-1 Brake Shop was approved for $500.00. The microfilm equipment received two bids. High bid was accepted for $950. from the City of Watauga. x x x x Consideration was given to the Lake- side Sanitation Contract. New owner, Oscar O.Bryant stated they are requesting that Southlake continue to operate under the current contract with a change in ownership. x x x x The request was approved provided they provide proof of insurance as stated in the franchise agreement. x x x x A request was made to set up a temporary Bar-B-Que Stand on Jellico Corner. Owner of the center, Jim Martin presented a drawing showing where they wanted to place the temporary structure. Motion was made and approved to grant the request for not to exceed one year from this date. I BIDS I CONSIDEREI I I I I GARBAGEJ FRANCHI AGREEMENT, I I TEMPORAl PERMIT I I . :s: (f) > <: <: I > t1i to 0 0 t::l n (f) >-:3 >-:3 tT:l 0 >-:3 tT:l tT:l Z > t::l t::l >-:3 t::l H ::r: tT:l Z > "Tj . tT:l t::l tT:l C") 0 t::l > :;cl :s:: :s: H 0 0 :z: >-:3 >-:3 (f) H H >-:3 lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON :z: :z: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE January 21,1986 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX 4 I I I Westerholm I Bradley McCombs Eubanks I -- I Westerholm Bradley I McCombs Eubanks I I I I I let I . x x x x x During the public hearing, Joe Bentle~ had questions concerning codes for temporary structures. Resolution 86-8, authorizing Mayor Latta to sign a contract for the 20" water line on White Chapel Road as soon as the last easement is in hard and recorded. Low bid was from J.L. Burtram and Company at $433,905.90. ~ESOLUTION 86-8 x x x x Motion was made and approved to adopt Resolution 86-8 for the White Chapel Road 20" water line with a 7 day limit or at which time the contract will be put in effect. x x x Consideration was given for a City Wide Emergency Plan. Approval was given for the city to hire a consultart to help with the formulation of a City Wide Emergency Plan. Chief Crowder explained the he worked with a Dr. Bowsell at NTSU and that a student will be doing the consultin~ for a fee not to exceed $2,500. ZA 85-51. Reconsideration was given to the request for a Special Exceptior Use Permit for Motorola Cellular Radio Communications Facility. Joseph Ganzel, manager, explained thai they are suppliers for Metroplex Communications. He also explained that he was ultimetely responsible for the erection of the tower before proper approval from the city. (Council recessed into an executive session where they discussed the lega ramification in connection with the Special Use Permit requested by Motorola. They discussed fees in question and residences in the area). e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks e Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks e :3: >- t:::I tTJ ~ ::r: tTJ :3: o ~ H o Z x x x C/) tTJ n o z t:::I tTJ t:::I 3: o ~ H o Z x x x >- ttI C/) ~ >- H Z tTJ t:::I <: o ~ tTJ t:::I >- C') >- H Z C/) ~ I January 21,1986 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I <: o ~ tTJ t:::I 'T:l o ~ CITY OF SOUTHi...AKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE CITY COUNCIL PAGE: 5 Upon returning, Mayor proceeded with the public hearing. All who spoke opposed the tower, they include: Jim Burger, Pamula Muller, Aloa Payne, Jim Wooll, Joe Bentley and Dennis Mender. Most all are from Woodland Heights Addition. x x x x After further discussion by Council, motion was made and approved to not reconsider this issue. Mr. Ganzel agreed to pay $7,400. in fines for proceeding with no build ing permit. The site plan will not be considered for Motorola Cellular Radio Communica tion Facility. x x x x ZA 85-48. Request for plat approval for Carroll Oaks Addition was approve for reconsideration, as the facts become available. x x x x ZA 85-49. Request for plat approval for Southlake Commercial Center was approved for reconsideration as the facts become available. It was determined that the impact fees for capital facilities will be further discussed in a worksession. Discussion was held in regards to an ordinance pertaining to Special Exception Use Permits for Alcoholic Beverages. The idea was disclosed that possibly the area for the permit~ be specific to a given area, which has not been determined. Public comments: Charles Curry- define problems before trying to put in a particular area. Pamula Muller- no problems, just not in her area. INDEX I I I I I ZA 85-48 I I ZA 85-49 I I I I I I I . ~ (/) ~ <: <: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I ~ tTl t::d 0 0 t::l n (/) ., ., MINUTES OF THE Regular tTl 0 ., tTl 1:11 CITY COUNCIL z ~ t::l 0 MEETING. ., 0 I-l ::c 1:11 Z ~ "T1 PATE: January 21,1986 II 1:11 0 1:11 C') 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. 0 ~ ::0 3: 3: I-l PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z ., ., (/) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTH LAKE I-l I-l ., I NAME OF 0 0 TEXAS. ~COUNC fLPERSON z z PAGE: 6 INDEX I I I I I i' I I I I I I ~ I im Wooll- local option election in rder. aniel Tanner- no problem, but not all in one area. oe Bentley- no problem, but not all in one area. 'ity Attorney at that time suggested hat a worksession is needed before the contents of an ordinance can be arrived at. An ordinance for off-street parking was discussed. It was suggested that an ordinance giving the police chief the authority to deem hazard areas be considered. Public comments: Jim Burger, Gary Fickes, Pamula Muller and Jim Wooll. Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks x x x x x The bills presented were approved for payment. x The meeting Latta. I