1985-12-03 I It I I I I I I I P I I I I I I b I ...1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 3,1985 CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION 7:15 p.m. (Closed session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17) 1. Personnel. REGULAR SEssiON: 11. Discussion: An Ordinance pertaining to the Sale of Off Premises Packaged Beer. Special Use Permit. 12. Consider: Resolution 85-44. Concerning Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for water service to West Beach Addition. 13. Discussion: Set backs and road right-of-ways. 14. Cons1der: Reconsideration for variance to Ordinance No. 311. Masonry Requirements. Darr Equipment. 15. Consider: Transfer of ownership for Lakeside Sanitation Company and execution of new contract. 16. Consider: Resolution 85-45. Authorization for repairs to the Summerplace Addition sewerage treatment plant. 17. Resolution 85-46. Tarrant County Criminal Justice Bond Issue. Consider: 18. Consider: Bid for radio controlled automatic monitoring system for water line pump station. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake Texas, on Wednesday, November 27~4 p.m. .. ..'lt~ ICity Secretary J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas Country Cable TV Franchise Agreement. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -- December 3,1985 WORKSESSION: 6:30p.m. 1. Discussion: Ordinance No. 311. Masonry Requirements. REGULAR SESSION:7:30-p.m. 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: 3. Discussion: 4. Consider: 5. Consider: . 6. Consider: 7. Consider: 8. Consider: 9. Consider: 10. Public Forum. Resourse Fees. ZA 85-40. Zoning request for a 11 acre tract of land out of the Christopher Dart Survey, Abstract 2003. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the A-3 Single Family District. Location: NE corner of Randol Mill Road and West Dove Road. Owner: Tony Adams. Public Hearing. ZA 85-48. Plat approval for Lot 1 Block 1, Carroll Oaks Addition. Current zoning is Light Commercial. Location: Carroll Avenue and SHl14. Owner: Phillip Bressinck. Site Plan approval for Carroll Oaks Addition. Phillip Bressinck. ZA 85-49. Plat approval for Lot 1, Block A, Commercial Center. Current zoning is Light Commercial. Location: North White Chapel Road at SHl14. Owner: Noble C. Craft. Site Plan approval for Commercial Center of Southlake. Owner: Noble C. Craft. Bills for approval. was posted on the official Carroll Avenue, Southlake, ft1Ui{.6 ;,(,Lkui--I City Secretary I hereby certify that the above agenda bulletin board at city hall, 667 North on Friday, November 22,1985 at 5 p.m. . I I I I I I ~dley I~~ombs Eubanks Bone IBradley McCombs IEubanks Bone I I I I II I I x x x x COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Davis Bradley, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Johnny Wester- holm. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Bill Stoner and Billy Jon Curb. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, Police Chief (acting); Jerry Crowder, Bldg. & Zoning Officer Bill LeGrand, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham and City Attorney; Bill Smith. The Invocation was given. x x x x The Minutes of the November 14, Special City Council meeting were approved as presented. x x x x The Minutes of the November 19, Regular City Council meeting were also approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta read from a letter he received from the State Highway Department District Engineer, approving the FM 1709 improvements. The letter stated as of 11-15-85 the project is underway. The results of the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) election was read, naming those on the board. Chief Steele explained the County Mutual Aid Program and ask Council to approve a new contract. Due to the fact that the contract was just received and must be returned to the e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone e Bradley tCombs banks one ~ t::l tTl -3 :I: tTl :s:: o -3 H o Z x x (f) tTl n o Z t::l tTl t::1 :s:: o -3 H o Z x x ~ OJ (f) -3 ~ H Z tTl t::l < o -3 tTl t::l ~ C":l ~ H Z (f) -3 I December 3,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I <: o -3 tTl t::1 'Tj o :;t:l CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL PAGE: 2 County by December 10, Mayor Latta polled the Council. All Councilper- sons agreed to participate in the program once again and authorized the Mayor to sign the contract. Resolution 85-46 was explained to Council and the audience by Precinct 3, County Commissioner, Bob Hampton. The Tarrant Council Criminal Justice Bond Issue will be brought before the voters on January 25,1986 by an election. x x x x Motion was made and approved to adopt and indorse. Resolution 85-46. Jim Guy Tucker was present to explain the details of installation on the County Cable TV franchise agreement. Richard Eakins stated that the Cable Group have leased a building from them on North Carroll Avenue (across from city hall). Eakins stated he approves of the dish and office space. Latta informed Tucker that they are okay to proceed with the project. x x x x The proposed ordinance on Resourse Fees was discussed, and will be discussed further after the first of the year. ZA 85-40. The zoning request for a zoning change from Agricultural to A-3 Single Family District for an 11 acre tract of land out of the C. Dart Survey, Abstract 2003, was approved, when public hearing resulted with no comments from citizens with~n 200'. The proposed addition will be called Dove Acres, Phase II. INDEX I I I I RESOLUTI1 85-46. I I I I RESOURSE I FEES. ZA 85-40.1 ZONING APPROVED I I I I - I . lAME OF OUNCILPERSON I I I I I ,- Bradley IMccombs Eubanks Bone IBradley McCombs Eubanks Bone I I I Bradley I McCombs Eubanks Bone 1i.....Bradley : Combs ubanks I Bone I :s:: :x:> t::I tTJ ~ :i tTJ :s:: o >--'3 H o :z: x x x x en tTJ n o :z: t::I tTJ t::I :s: o >--'3 H o :z: x x x x :x:> t;;:1 en >--'3 :x:> H :z: tTJ t::I <: o >--'3 tTJ t::I :x:> C) :x:> H :z: en >--'3 < o >--'3 tTJ t::I 'TJ o ::0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: December 3,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS &67 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 ZA 85-48. The request for Plat approva for Lot 1, Block 1, Carroll Oaks Addition was discussed. Phillip Bressinck, owner, was present and answered questions for Council. Bressinck stated he objects to giving additional right-of-way on Highway 114 until the State Highway Department develops the land. The Cheatham review letters were re- ceived. Harold Knight ask to be put on record as saying that Mr. Nick Novac said the study made on Hwy. 114 is a private study and that no person~ should wait to develop along the highway. Billy Jon Curb-opposed. x x x x Motion was made and approved to table the item until January and give council time to study Highway 114. x x x x Site Plan for Carroll Oaks Addition was also tabled until the first meeting in January. ZA 85-49. The request for Lot 1, Block 1, Southlake Commercial Center was discussed. Steven Harrison, attorney for owner, Noble C. Craft, answered questions for council. Public Hearing: Billy Jon Curb- opposed, without additional R-O-W. x x x x x x x x Motion was made and approved to table the item until first meeting in January. The Site Plan for Southlake Commercia Center was also tabled. INDEX ZA 85-48. PLATTING CARROLL OAI SITE PLAN TABLED ZA 85-49. PLATTING SL. COMMER. CIAL CENTEl e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON :s:: >- t:::J tTJ -3 ::r: tTJ :s:: o -3 H o Z en tTJ n o Z t:::J tTJ t:::J :s:: o -3 H o Z >- to en -3 >- H Z tTJ t:::J <: o -3 tTJ t:::J >- CJ >- H Z en -3 <:: o -3 tTJ t:::J 'T.l o ;;0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I December 3,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: PAGE: 4 INDEX Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone e x x Bradley McCombs aubanks .one --- ste ped dovn-- x x x x x x x x x Resolution 85-44 was explained in RESOLUTI regards to a Certificate of Convenien<e 85-44 and Necessity for West Beach Addition I I I I I I After discussion, motion was made an approved that Southlake not take any action at this time, but have city attorney petition for duel certifica- tion. City Attorney, Bill Smith stated he feels Council would have a chance to respond. A short discussion was held concernin~ set backs and road right-of-ways. Karen Hodges states she feels we should have buffer yards beside city streets in the area of schools. Darr Equipment ask that reconsidera tion be given to the masonry requirements (Ord. 311) for their building on Bank, Street. Councilperson Bradley stepped down as he has a vested interest in the property. DARR EQUIPMENt I I I I I I I McCombs led the discussion, requestin they be given further consideration due to hardship and because they are expanding an existing building. Mayor Latta recommended that consider - tion be given to the above concerns. Motion was made and approved to grant the variance by allowing them to add on to the existing building without masonry with the understand- ing that all further buildings be as per city ordinances. . :s: en >- <: < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS >- tTJ OJ 0 0 Regular I t::J n en 0-3 0-3 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL tTJ 0 0-3 tTJ tTJ Z >- t::J t::J MEETING. 0-3 t::J t-I ::r: tTJ z >- 'T.l DATE: December 3,1985 It tTJ t::J tTJ c;) 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. t::J >- ::0 :s: :s: t-I PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 Z 0-3 0-3 en 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE t-I t-I 0-3 TEXAS. lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX I I Bradley I McCombs Eubanks Bone I x x Bradley I McCombs Eubanks alone I"adley McCombs Eubanks I Bone I I I I I .......... .. I x x x x x x x x x x x x . Lakeside Sanitation Franchise Agreement was discussed. Jo Williamson was present and ask that the item be tabled until her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Savage can acquire legal council. Attorney for Oscar O'Bryant spoke in his behalf, stating he is new owner of Lakeside Sanitatio . LAKESIDE SANITATIO: x x x x Motion was made and approved to tabl the item. Resolution 85-45 was approved, authorizing repairs to the Summerplac Addition sewerage treatment plant. RESOLUTION 85-45. The bills presented, were approved for payment. Public Forum--- Jim Martin wants to go on record as being opposed to the site plan ordin- ance. He feels it should not be tied to zoning. Mayor indicated that the easements are not in hand for the N. White Chapel Road water line project. He said when they are, he will come to council to sign a Resolution letting the bids. The meeting Latta.