1985-11-19 I ", 6G7 North Carrol 1 AVIo'nU(' Southlllk(', Tpxa~ REGULAR CITY COllNClL ME[TlN(~ I November 19,1985 WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: 7:30 p.m. AGENDA I I I I I I. II I I 10. 11. I I I I Ie I I 1. Mayors Report. 2. Consider: l ck1u.Lt ZA 85-47. Replat of Lot 3A-3B, Block 1 Cedar Oaks Addition. Lloyd Tompkins. 3. Discussion: Resource Fees. 4. Consider: ' Final site plan for Vibra-Whirl &: Co., Inc. , ~L.-Location: 1675 S. Brumlow Avenue. C>1'fj vvet, ' Owner: Lanny S. Garner. Consider: Request for variance to Ordinance No. 311. Masonry Requirements. Vibra-Whirl &: Co, Owner: Lanny S. Garner. Consider: ~inal site plan for GF Associates. -t.,.:.{- ~ Location: 250 Bank Street. AAA;\~ Owner: Gar, Fickes. ("--f\ . Cons1der: Request for variance to Ordinance No. 311. Masonry Requirements. GF Associates. Owner: Gary Fickes. 5. 6. 7. 8. Consider: Final site plan for Darr Equipment. ~ Location: 401 Bank Street. 1'~- ,.,..,...-tCL-- Owner: Darr Equipment , Irving. r yJ~ '1' \,/\,' \.. ~~sider: Request for variance to Ordinance No. 311. Masonry Requirements. Darr Equipment. Owner: D2sr Equipment, I!:ving. 9. Consider: Resolution 85-42. Establishing a committee to hire a City Ad~inistrator. Consider: Annexation of a 195.83 acre tract of land out of the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract 1015, ~. Medlin Survey, Abstract 1958, R.D. PricE Survey, Abstract 1207. Reque~l made by I.B.M. Second Pul>Jic HEaring. . ",-> (J' 'l\--l["---- 0-f:2; ) ~' ' , 12. Consider: OrdinanCE' of land. ~; (l. 3] ~l . J . B. ~,: . Annexa1ion of 195.83 acres 13. Discussion: HI'por1 on \";,1er. Citiz('n~; Advi~{,ry Commi1teo. 14. Bi]]~: for Approva]. 1 fL. Pul,] j c Forum. I hl'r<'l,~- 'TJ"1i1y 111;11 1111 ;t\".,,',. ;q" 11.1:t w;".; )"",1t.d Oil 1h,' oj f j('ja] !lul]p1ill 1>,,;11'11 ;11 ('it\' 11,,11, I:(~i; \"1'11, t';'JTII11 A""lI\1'. S"ulhlakl, TI'X;IS, "II FriC!;.,. N""'IIlI" J ~:,I~l~:' ;" 1 p.lIl. /, ______j__...:~f _.__L _~i'.__/__ _.:.:.../_Lf ( j t \ ~ ; I . (' l' ~ . 1 it '" '.. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE . 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 19,1985 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 16. Ordinance No. 320. Varying the side and rear yard requirements for a 5.887 acre tract of land out of the T. Easter Survey, Abstract 474. Owner: R.G. Lyford. Consider: 17. Consider: Bid for 20" water line to be installed on North White Chapel Road to the water tower site. City Engineer: Eddie Cheatham. . I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, November 15,1985 at ~1 a.m. ~;{.L~ 'City Secretary . l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. :s::: C/) >- <:: <: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I >- tT.l tx:l 0 0 t::l n C/) -l -l MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tT.l 0 -l tT.l tT.l Z >- t::l t::l MEETING. -l t::l H November 19,1985 ::c tT.l z >- 'T.l DATE: lit tT.l t::l tT.l C':l 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. t::l >- ~ :s::: :s::: H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 Z -l -l C/) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE H H -l TEXAS. lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 1 INDEX I I I I Westerholm Bradley I McCombs Eubanks ~one I I I I I COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny WesterholD, Davis Bradley, Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, Police Chief (Acting); Jerry Crowder, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele Bldg.&Zoning Officer; Bill LeGrand, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham. INVOCATION: Marion Bone. x x x x x x The Minutes of the October 15,1985 City Council meeting were approved as corrected. x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta announced the resignation of Director of Public Works, Louis Johnson. He added that Bill LeGrand will fill in until a new person is employed to fill the position. IWesterholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks line I I x Mayor Latta read from a letter written to Gib Lewis from the State Highway Department stating they are in the process of preparing recommendations to the city for revisions in the speed zone on Highway 114, which will reduce the speed zone to 45 mph in the area between 1709 & N. Carroll Avenue. They also plan to signalize the Carroll Road intersection. They also intend to install signals at SHl14 and Kimball Road, and SHl14 & FM1709. x x x x x x Agenda Items #10,16,14 were approved under consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON e Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone - :s: )> t::l tn ~ ::c: tn :s: o ~ H o Z x x en tn n o z t::l tn t::l :s:: o ~ H o Z x x )> t:d en ~ )> H Z tn t::l <: o ~ tn t::l )> GJ )> H Z en ~ I November 19,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I <: o ~ tn t::l 'Tj o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular CITY COUNCIL Motion was made to approve the annexation with acceptance of a mutual boundry agreement with the City of Westlake. The agreement must be executed by December 31,1985. The description must include all three sets of metes and bounds descriptions of the property. 195.83 acres, 1.67 acres and 12.33 acre tract of land, totaling 209.83 acres of land. . Ordinance No. 319, annexing the I.B.M. ORDINANCBI Property was approved with the condi- NO. 319 tions as stated above. PAGE: 2 10. Resolution 85-42. Establishing a Committee to hire a City Administrator. 16. Resolution 85-43. Varying side and rear yard requirements for a 5.887 acre tract of land out of the T. Easter Survey, Abst. 474. 14. Bills for approval. A second public hearing was held in regards to the request for annexation of a 209.83 acre tract of land owned by I.B.M. There were no comments during the public hearing. x x x x x x x x x x The property will be brought into the city as heavy commercial zoning. City engineer, Eddie Cheatham will amend the city map to reflect the annexation Eddie Cheatham revealed the bid re- suI ts for the 20" water line project which will be layed from the existing well site to the new tower site on East Dove Road and North White Chapel Road. Cheatham indicated the bids were opened on November 15,1985. The bids were made under Plan A, where the water line will be layed down the center of the roadway and Plan B, which is primarily in the easement. He added that if Council chooses to go in the easement, all easements are either signed or committed. INDEX . . I I loB .M. J ANNEXATI I I I I I I WATER LII BID 20" LINE. I I I . I It 8-JAME OF aOUNCILPERSON :s:: ::> t:::l tT:l -3 ::r: tT:l :s:: o -3 H o Z 'J) tT:l n o Z t:::l tT:l t:::l :s:: o -3 H o Z ::> to 'J) -3 ::> H z tT:l t:::l <:: o -3 tT:l t:::l ::> CJ ::> H z 'J) -3 <: o -3 tT:l t:::l 'T.l o ::0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: November 19,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX I I Westerholm IBradley McCombs Eubanks IBone I ., I IWesterholm Bradley IMccombs Eubanks Bone IWesterholm Bradley I McCombs Eubanks Bone I .. I I x x x x x x x x Mayor'Latta recommended that the line be layed down the center of the roadway as in Plan A. He strongly feels Southlake should stick to one contractor and meet all the specifica- tions as outlined. x x x x x After extensive discussion, motion was made and approved to go with Plan B and to use J.L. Bertram Construction. Latta reminded Council that if genera] fund money is needed to repair the roads, it will cause other road repairs to not get accomplished. ZA 85-47. The replat of Lot 3, Block ZA 85-47 1, Cedar Oaks Addition was discussed. Davis Bradley reviewed the actions taken by the P & Z Commission. Lloyd Tompkins, owner of the property, was present for the meeting. Mayor Latta referred to a petition from property owners within the Cedar Oaks Addition. x x x Motion was made and approved to disapprove the request for replat. x x x x x The final site plan for Vibra Whirl was approved as presented. Lanny Garner was present and addressed council. Vibra Whirl also requested a variance to Ordinance No. 311, masonr requirements, by requesting a permit for a metal building to match the existing building on the site. He indicated it is tan metal with stone front on it. Garner said it is currently not economically feasible to build a 100% masonry building. SITE PLAN APPROVED e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone Wterholm ombs Eubanks Bone Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Bone Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Bone e :s:: >- t::l tT.l 0--3 ::c: tT.l :s:: o 0--3 H o Z x x x x C/) tT.l n o Z t::l tT.l t::l :s:: o 0--3 H o Z x x x x >- O;:j C/) 0--3 >- H Z tT.l t::l <: o 0--3 tT.l t::l >- GJ >- H Z C/) 0--3 x x x x x x <: o 0--3 tT.l t::l '"rj o :;:0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I November 19,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. I 4 Regular CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING, DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE PAGE: INDEX Westerholm moved to disapprove the request. Motion died for lack of a second. I I I Motion was then made to approve the request with the condition that the front and south side of the building be masonry. Motion was approved. Councilperson Davis Bradley stepped down for the items involving Bank Street in Bank Place Addition. SITE PLAJ APPROVED I I I I I x x x x Final Site Plan for GF Associates was considered as presented by Gary Fickes, owner. The property is located on Bank Street. Motion was made and approved, to approve the final site plan. A request for variance to Ordinance No. 311, masonry requirements was also considered. Fickes stated his existing building is metal and blown on stucco, and he wishes to build a matching building on Bank Street. x x x Motion was made and approved to grant the variance as requested. SITE PLAIiI APPROVED. x x x x x A Final Site Plan was considered for Darr Equipment as requested by Ken Foreman with CI Construction. The property is located on Bank Street. Mr. Foreman ask for a varian e to the side yard requirement, from 15' to 10'. Motion was made and approved to approve site plan with a 15' side yard as required by ordinance. A request was also made for a varianc~ to the masonry requirement for Darr Equipment Building. The new structur~ will be an addition to the existing building. I I I I After discussion, motion was made . :s:: Ul ~ <: <::: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I ~ tTJ 0:1 0 0 ~ n Ul >--'3 >--'3 MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tTJ 0 >--'3 tTJ tTJ Z ~ ~ ~ MEETING. >--'3 ~ H November 19,1985 ::r: tTJ z ~ 'Tl DATE: . tTJ ~ tTJ CJ 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ :::0 :s:: :s:: H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 Z >--'3 >--'3 Ul 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE H H >--'3 TEXAS. lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z PAGE: 5 INDEX esterholm McCombs .ubanks l130ne x x x x x to grant the variance on the conditio that the entire front of the building (both old and new) must be masonry. x '..". I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I Charles Curry, chairperson for the Citizens Advisory Committee informed council on the recommendation the committee has for the water availa- bility problems. The report is hereby attached to the minutes. A draft of a ordinance on Resource Fees was discussed by council. City Attorney, Bill Smith was instructed to draft an ordinance for each lot that has not had a building permit issued on it. The fee is to be charg d at the time a building permit is issued or water tap applied for. Two fees were suggested, one for water and the other for streets. With no further business, the meeting was adjou ed. .