1985-11-14 TO BE HELD ON SITE: HIGHWAY 114 AT THE WIDE SPOT, GOING WEST. NORTH SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY. [ c m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 14,1985 6 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider the request for annexation of 195.83 acres of land out of the U.P.Martin Survey, Abstract 1015, W. Medlin Survey, Abstract 1958, R.D. Price Survey, Abstract 1207. Request made by I.B.M. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, on Friday, November 8,1985 at 4 p.m. J/I}J)k ~I tL lt Secretary . ~ en >-- <:: < CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I tTl t:d 0 0 t:l n en ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE Special CITY COUNCIL tTl 0 ~ tTl tTl Z >-- t:l t:l MEETING. ~ t:l H . :r:: tTl z >-- 'Tj DATE: November 14,1985 tTl t:l tTl G) 0 TIME: 6 p.m. t:l >-- :::0 3: 3: H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ~~ 0 0 z ~ ~ en 33~xN~R~Hx~~ SOUTH LAKE H H ~ TEXAS. ON SITE: HIGHWAY 114 AT THE lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z WIDE SPOT. loB.M. PROPERTY. PAGE: 1 INDEX I I I I COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Johnny Westerholm. Bruce McCombs, Davis Bradley, Marion Bone, Loyd Eubanks. ABSENT: Mayor Lloyd O. Latta Jr. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bill LeGrand, Building & Zoning Officer. OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Walts, l.B.M. CITIZENS: Barbara Bone, Jim Wooll and Susan Heinemieier. The meeting was held on site, Highway 114 at the wide spot. Westerholm called the meeting to order and explained the reason for the meeting on site is to comply with the state statues on annexation. I I I The 195.83 acres will be brought into the city as heavy commercial zoning, if approved by council. Westerholm explained that by being annexed, they would be entitled to police and fire protection and they will be eligible for city water. Bradley I McCombs Eubanks Bone x The first of two public hearings resulted with no opposition. x x x x x The meeting was adjo by Councilperson motio I I " I I