1985-10-01 J P I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I b I ~. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 1,1985 WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Presentation by Texas Highway Department represen- tative on Planned Improvements on FM 1709. Public Hearing. Discussion: 3. Consider: Reaffirmation of cities desire of signalization and traffic control on State Highway 114. 4. Consider: ZA 85-28. Preliminary plat approval for Chivers Business Park. Developers: The Highland Group. · 5. Consider: Designating "Development Area" for the purpose of the developer obtaining Industrial Development Bonds. Henry S. Miller Company. 6. Consider: Bills for Approval. 7. Public Forum. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 20,19~_ at 4 p.m. ~~t/~ / City Secretary J CITY OF SOUTHLAKE . 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA October 1,1985 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 8. Consider: Resolution 85-38. Passing new Texas Water Plan. 9. Discussion: Study on Big Bear Interceptor Line. 10. Consider: Petition for annexation. loB.M. 11. Discussion: Petition for zoning change. loB.M. 12. Consider: Resolution 85-39. Relocation of Sam School/T.W. King Road. . I hereby certify that the above supplement to the city council agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, 0 Friday, September 27, 19 5 at 4:30 p.m. .' ... " " """" ,,"",' filii ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .J 3:: C/) >- <: <: I >- tTJ 0; 0 0 t::1 n C/) --3 --3 tTJ 0 --3 tTJ tTJ Z >- t::1 t::1 --3 t::1 H lit :I: tTJ Z >- 'Tl tTJ t::1 tTJ G") 0 t::1 >- :;0 3:: 3:: H 0 0 Z --3 --3 . C/) H H --3 lAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z I I I I I {tsterholm McCombs Eubanks Bone I I I I I I Ia I Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Bone I x x x x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: October 1,1985 7: 30 p.m. .. CITY OF$QUTHI,AKE,CQUNC;U~.CHAMBPRS 667 NORTH CARROLt:'1\VE-NUEr:cSOUTHL.AKE' ... TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny Westerholm. Bruce McCombs, Loyd Eubanks and Marion Bone. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Davis Bradley. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Bill Stoner. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, City Attorney; Bill Smith. DPW; Louis Johnson, Fire Chief; R.P. Steele, and Police SGT.j Jerry Crowder. INVOCATION: Loyd Eubanks. x x x x The Minutes of the September 17, City Council meeting were approved as presented. x x x x The Minutes of the Special City Council meeting of September 26, were also approved as presented. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Latta gave a recap of the status of the traffic signals on Highway 114. He referenced ta', lette from Jack Johnson, Superintendent of Carroll Independent School District. Westerholm reported he had attended a C.O.N.E.T. meeing on this date. He gave a report on the plans for upcoming projects. Mayor Latta reported that we are very close to having all easements to place the 20" water line upgrade on the east side of North White Chapel Road. The following items were approved under a consent agenda: :s:: Ul :>> <: <: :>> tT1 t:x:l 0 0 t:::l n Ul >-3 >-3 tT1 0 >-3 tT1 tT1 Z :>> t:::l t:::l >-3 t:::l H e ::r:: tT1 Z :>> 'T1 tT1 t:::l tT1 C) 0 t:::l :>> :;0 :s:: :s:: H 0 0 Z >-3 >-3 Ul NAME OF H H >-3 0 0 COUNCILPERSON z z CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL I THE October 1,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY.QF SOUTH1AI\E,.CQUNGILCHAMBEBS .............. 667 NOR THCARROLL"AVENUE:P' SOllTHLA'KE ,~H~_ TEXAS. I x x x x #3. Reaffirmation of cities desire of signalization and traffic control on Highway 114. #6. Bills for approval. #8. Resolution 85-38. Passing new Texas Water Plan. PAGE: 2 INDEX Westerholm McCombs Eubanks Bone x x e e #11. Petition for zoning change. I.B.M. A presentation was made by Mr. Gary Frietsch, of the State Highway Depart mente He referred to the Minute Order which relates to FM 1709 in Southlake. He stated the 5 year plan includes the widening of FM 1709, from 2 to 5 lanes and added that the projects are updated every 2 years. Two proposals are being considered for FM 1709. 5 lanes at 160' ROW will include bar ditch with shoulders and 5 lanes at 130' ROW will include curb and gutter. Comments were heard from citizens owning property on FM 1709. Jerry Black, Lloyd Martinson and Jim Martin Mayor Latta polled council for their reaction on signing an agreement. ~ All councilpersonspresent agreed to take the first step. At that time, the city secretary telephoned Mayor Bowman of Keller, informing him of Southlake's poll results which were in favor of signing an agreement. I I I STATE I HIGHWAY DEPARTME I I I I I I I I I I Ed Walts gave a presentation on be- I .H.M. half of the IBM/McGuire Thomas Projec . He stated that IBM.. hopes southlake and Westlake will share in. an . agreement concerning the over- lapping extraterritorial jurisdiction shared by the cities. . I III lAME OF OUNCILPERSON I I Lesterholm McCombs Fubanks Fone I I'sterholm McCombs Eubanks rone I I I I I laterholm McCombs IEubanks Bone . 3: ~ t::l tT.l >--'3 ::r: tT.l 3: o >--'3 H o Z x x x C/) tT.l n o Z t::l tT.l t::l :3:: o >--'3 H o Z x x x ~ to C/) >--'3 ~ H Z tT.l t::l <::: o >--'3 tT.l t::l ~ C) ~ H Z C/) >--'3 x x x x x x x x x x x x <::: o >--'3 tT.l t::l 'Tj o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular CITY COUNCIL October 1,1985 7:30 p.m. C I TX.OF S OUTHLA.l\EL_C.Ol1NC ILCtLl\.MJ3pRS .' ... 667 NORTH,'CARR. dL1/AVENUE-:csIJljTH.L. AiK.E::C: i'. . . . . .' .. . . ., '. .. . TEXAS. PAGE: 3 They are proposing to accomplish by annexation, to bFing all land on the north side of Highway 114 into Southlake and all of the land on the south side of Highway 114, owned by IBM be annexed into Westlake. They would like the land to come into Southlake as Heavy Commercial Zoning. Motion was made to go of annexation for the as presented tonight. was approved. the next step LB.M. property Motion I.B.M. is planning a 1988 occupancy in Westlake, for Phase 1 of their project. Resolution 85-39 was approved as discussed, relocating Sam School Road and T.W. King Road. A discussion was held in regards to the Big Bear Basin Study. Eddie Cheatham reviewed the report for Council answering questions. Mayor Latta proposed to direct the Citizens Advisory Group and the P & Z Commission to come up with recommenda tions for solutions. They are to include the options and how to fund it. ZA 85-28. The preliminary plat of Chivers Business Park was reviewed. John Moore gave a presentation and answered questions for the commission He indicated the project is intended to be low ih density~ During the public hear~ng, the following spoke: Aloa Payne, Barry Johnson, John Underwood and Gary McGrafe. After discussion, motion was made and approved to approve the preliminary plat. INDEX RESOLUTION 85-39. BIG BEAR BASIN STUDY ZA 85-28 CHIVERS BUSINESS PARK 3:: en ::>> <: <: ::>> t"11 tJj 0 0 t:::l n en ~ ~ t"11 0 ~ t"11 t"11 Z ::>> t:::l t:::l ~ t:::l H e ::r: t"11 Z ::>> 'T:l t"11 t:::l t"11 G') 0 t:::l ::>> ;;tl 3:: 3:: H 0 0 Z ~ ~ en H H ~ NAME OF 0 0 COUNCILPERSON z z e . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL MEETING. DATE: October 1,1985 ~t~~~: lif~.8FmSOUTHLAKE,.C()UNCIL CHAMBE~S 66 7N6RTH""CARROLt~AVEr'mE,-soutHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 4 Brad Bowen of Henry S. Miller Company came before council asking for a good faith resolution stating that council will designate their land as a "Development Area", allowing the firm to qualify for Industrial Development Bonds. Bowen stated that the company will install whatever the city has the authority to ask for, in the way of facilities and roadway. No action was taken on the part of the council. PUBLIC FORUM: Southlake was notified as receiving four votes in the selection of the 1986 Board of.Directors for Tarrant Appraisal District. When polled, Council agreed to go wit the. recommendation of the Carroll 1. S.D. With no furthe was adjourned the meeting I .1 I INDEX HENRY S. MILLER COI I I I I I I I I I I I I I .