1985-09-17 I - I I I I I I I , I I I I I I b I II CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17,1985 WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Fiscal Year 1986 Budget and Tax Rate Increase. Public Hearing. Consider: 3. Consider: Resolution 85-33. Traffic congestion problems in the area of Loop 820, State Highway 121, State Highway 26, FM 1938 and Highway 183. 4. Consider: Resolution 85-31. To authorize the construction of the 20" water main north to White Chapel Road water tower site. 5. Consider: Resolution 85-34. Home Rule Charter. 6. Consider: Department Reports. 7. Consider: Bills for Approval. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 6,1985 at 4 p~ ~ ~~;(d I Ci y Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE . 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING--SUPPLEMENT TO THE AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17,1985 8. Consider: Resolution 85-35. Authorizes modification of over-head water storage specifications. 9. Consider: Resolution 85-36. Authorizes engineering related to upgrade of certain substandard water lines. 10. Consider: Resolution 85-37. Authorizing Mayor to conduct discussions with Trophy Club MUD concerning fire and ambulance dispatch service. 11. Discussion: Improvement of FM 1709 (Southlake Blvd.). 12. Consider: Site Plan approval for Woodland Hights Shopping Center. . I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, September 13,1985 at 4 p.m. ~~tt~ ( . City Secretary . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, - I 10 I NAME OF ~COUNC fLPERSON - ~ C/) ;J;> < <: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ;J;> tI1 txI 0 0 t::l n C/) >-i >-i MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL tI1 0 >-i tI1 t'J1 Z ;J;> t::l t::l MEETING. ~ t::l H ::c tI1 Z ;J;> 'T.l DATE: September 17,1985 tI1 t::l tr1 G') 0 TIME: 7:30 p.m. t::l > ::t:l 3: 3: H PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 0 0 z ~ >-i C/) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTH LAKE H H >-i 0 0 TEXAS. z z PAGE: 1 INDEX I' I I I Westerholm 'radley cCombs ubanks I. I I I I I I I P I I COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd Latta, Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny Wester- holm, Bruce McCombs, Davis Bradley, Loyd Eubanks. COUNCILPERSON ABSENT: Marion Bone. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER: Bill Stoner. x INVOCATION: Johnny Westerholm. x x The Minutes of the September 3,1985 x City Council meeting were approved. x, as corrected. x MAYORS REPORT Mayor Latta invited the citizens to Southlake to a Farwell Reception for Wallace and Ozelle Cline, who are retiring from the city after approximately 18 years as Water Superintendent. The gathering will be held on September 30, at 7 p.m. at city hall. Councilperson Westerholm ask that a Proclamation be written in their honor. The West Beach Addition was discussed in regards to water service. The area is located in Southlake's water district as outlined in our Certificate of Convenience and Necessity. Eddie Cheatham, City Engineer, stated they have once again ask for water service by Southlake. Mayor Latta ask for the aurhority to allow Cheatham to proceed with discussions and give Council a chance to study the issue. e NAME OF COUNCfLPERSON ::s:: (J) )> rr:l t::l n rr:l 0 Z o-i t::l :c rr:l rr:l t::l :3: :3: o 0 o-i o-i ...... ...... o 0 z z )> ~ (J) o-i )> ...... Z tn t::l <: o o-i rr:l t::l )> G') )> ...... Z (J) o-i <: o o-i tTJ t::l 'T1 o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. OA TE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular CITY COUNCIL I September 17,1985 7:30 p.m. I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE,SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. Bill Smith, City Attorney is to ask for an extension of time before a~ answer has to be given. (A copy of the notice of application is hereby a part of the minutes of this meeting) The Mayor announced that he will be going to a TRA meeting for a report on the Big Bear Basin Study. Cheath~ will be going with him. x x x x Agenda items approved under a consent agenda include: * Resolution 85-37. Authorizing Discussions on Dispatch Services For Trophy Club Fire & Ambulance. * Resolution 85-33. Traffic / Congestion on Loop 820, SH 121, SH 26, FM 1938 and SH 183. * Bills for Approval. * Department Reports. PAGE: 2 I INDEX Westerholm Bradley McCombs .banks Westerholm Bradley McCombs _bankS x x x x A public hearing was held concerning the FY86 Budget. During the public hearing, the following persons spoke: Bill Stoner Jim Wooll Rex Peteet Charles Curry Ron Gielow Jerry Black x x x x Mayor Latta announced that the second public hearing will be held on September 26, at a Special City Council meeting. Resolution 85-31 was approved. The action was to proceed with the con- struction of the 20" water main on North White Chapel Road, going down the center of the roadway because the city does not have any other choice. City engineer stated that he feels the city should go down the center of the roadway because we have run out of time, and as city attorney, I I I I I I FY86 I BUDGET I I I RESOLUTII 85-31 I I I . I Ie NAME OF I,COUNC fLPERSON I I I I I Westerholm Bradley McCombs I Eubanks e I I I I I I I 10 I Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks . ~ en )> tTl l::' n tTl 0 Z ""'"i l::' :c tTl tTl l::' ~ ~ o 0 ""'"i ""'"i H H o 0 z z x x x x x x )> <: t:d 0 en ""'"i ""'"i tTl )> l::' H Z )> t11 G') l::' )> H Z en ""'"i <: o ~ tTl l::' 'T1 o " CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Regular MINUTES OF THE MEETING. PATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL Septe~ber 17,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 3 INDEX Bill Smith stated,"it is very difficult getting easements. " x x x x Resolution 85-35 was approved, modify- RESOLUTIOI ing the speculations on the overhead 85-35 storage tank bid. Base bid was: $808,838. Net changes are $28,260.06 making a new price of $837,098.06. Changes include: Hand rails around the top of the tank, sand blasting the surface of the tank, antenna base, second floor, to be added 12' above the other. The colors of the tank are to be white with green. x x x x Resolution 85-36 was approved, authorizing the Mayor to charge Eddie Cheatham with the engineering on the line upgrade/looping on Jellico Circle and to complete East Southlake Blvd. For a cost of approximately $25,000. RESOLUTI01 85-36 A discussion was held concerning the improvements to FM 1709. Mayor Latta read a letter from J.R. Stone of the State Highway Department. The letter is attached to the minutes x x x x Charles Curry reported that he had spoken to Mr. Stone who indicated they plan for a four lane, 130' right-of-way on FM 1709, straightening out East Southlake Blvd. Resolution 85-34 pertaining to South-RESOLUTION lake going Home Rule was tabled 85-34 until the information can be confirm- ed and the public can be properly informed. Davis Bradley gave a presentation on Home Rule Charters and answered questions for the audience. :""::!:: (J) ;p. <: <: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS > tTl b:l 0 0 t=' n en -J -J MINUTES OF THE Regular CITY COUNCIL I tTl 0 -J tTl tTl Z ;p., t=' t=' MEETING. -J t=' H ::c tTl z > 'Tl DATE: September 17,1985 . tTl t=' tTl G') 0 TIME: t=' > ::t' CIWOof .fuuTHLAKE, COUNCI L CHAMBERSI :s:: :s:: H PLACE: 0 0 Z -J -J (J) 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE NAME OF H H -J TEXAS. 0 0 I COUNCfLPERSON z z PAGE: 4 INDEX Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks x x x x x The final site plan Qf Woodland Heights Center was approved. x The meeting Latta. Mayor I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . c .