1985-08-06 - I D I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I b I ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 6,1985 WORKSESSION: 6:45 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Mayors Report. 2. Discussion: Water usage. 3. Consider: Moritorium on Building Permits until water resources are identified. 4. Amendment to Ordinance No. 211-2. National Electric Code. Consider: 5. Consider: Annexation of Lot 1, Block 1, Jim Daniels. Ordinance No. 314. Loma Vista Estates. 6. Consider: Resolution 85-31. TAD Five member governing board. 7. Consider: Request for variance to Ordinance No. 311. Dr. Michael Tate. 8. Presentation: County Cable T.V. Jim Tucker. 9. Consider: ZA 85-36. Zoning request for a 2.99 acre tract of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525. Current zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owner: Reeder A. Cummings. Location: North Kimball Avenue, north of church. Public Hearing. 10. Consider: ZA 85-38. Zoning request for a 1.969 acre tract of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525. Present zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. IDwner: J.D. Robbins Location: East Southlake Blvd. at South Kimball Ave. Public Hearing. 11. Discussion: Home Rule Charter. Davis Bradley. 12. Discussion: Proposed Ordinance on Exotic Animals. 13. Bills for approval. 14. Discussion: Public forum. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin ~~~~da~t4c~:~.hall, 667 N. Carroll Av~ue, Southl~e~ on Friday, July 26, nAl~A... I ., Ib~ _ ~ rt.; ~~~ C<~~_~~n_TT ~ . I hereby certify that the above supplement to the City Council Agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, August 2, 1985 at 4 p.m. ~ ti.,~ . . City Secretary [ t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE o 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUPPLEMENT TO THE AGENDA August 6,1985 CLOSED SESSION: 6:30 p.m. Closed Session as per V.T.A.S. Article 6252-17. 1. Police Personnel. REGULAR SESSION 7:30 p.m. 15. Consider: Developers Agreement. Miron Addition. 16. Consider: Petition from Summerplace Residents. 17. Consider: Adopting State Standards for Construction of Private Sewage Facilities. D ~ , - I " lAME OF OUNCILPERSON I I I .esterholm ~radley McCombs ubanks one iSterholm radley cCombs ubanks ~~~~erholm l;iradley McCombs lIEubanks ~one I I I I I.'.. terholm dley McCombs IEubanks Bone -.-- ~ t::l tr.l ~ ::c tr.l ~ o ~ 1-1 o Z x x x x C/l tr.l n o z t::l tr.l t::l 3: o ~ 1-1 o Z x x x x > b:l C/l ~ > 1-1 Z tr.l t::l <: o ~ tr.l t::l > G:l > 1-1 Z C/l ~ _ __~ i <: o ~ tr.l t::l 'Tl o ::0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES_DE uTHE.. Regular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL August 6,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 1 INDEX COUNCILPERSONS PRESENT: Mayor; Lloyd O. Latta Jr. Mayor Pro Tern; Johnny Westerholm. Davis Bradley, Marion Bone, Bruce McCombs and Loyd Eubanks. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney; Bill Smith, City Engineer; Eddie Cheatham, Director of Public Works; Louis Johnson, Police Chief; Ted Phillips and Fire Chief; Bob Steele. INVOCATION: Loyd Eubanks. x x x x x The Minutes of the July 2, :Special City Council Meeting were approved as presented. x x x x x x x x x x The Minutes of the July 2, Regular City Council Meeting were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Emergency City Council Meeting of July 24, were approved as corrected. MAYORS REPORT During the Mayors Report, Charles Curry gave a progress report on the status of the street lights being installed at selected intersections in Southlake. Improvements are now being made to North Carroll Avenue by the county as agreed upon by the city council. North Peytonville Avenue will be re- paired ata later date as umaterials are available. x x x x x The following agenda items were approved as a consent agenda. #4. Amendments to Ordinance No. 211-2. National Electric Codes. e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON e Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks Bone :I- terholm ley Mc ombs Eubanks Bone f...----...,_........._ ~ ~ t::1 n to nO :z: 0--03 t::1 ::c tr:1 tr:1 t::1 3: 3: o 0 0--03 0--03 H H o 0 :z: :z: x x x x > 0; en ...., > H :z: tr:1 t::1 . . < o 0--03 tn t::1 > c:;) > H :z: en 0--03 . CITY COU:NC:IL..I I I <: o 0--03 tn t::1 'T1 o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regular .;,~. i.__ . ... _.._ _,_. August 6,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 2 #6. Resolution 85-31. TAD Five Member Governing Board. #13. Bills for Approval. #17. Adopting State Standards for Construction of Private Sewerage Facilities. A report was given by Johnny Westerholp on the progress of the City of South- lake Water System over the past 10 years. He also informed the audience of the plans for future expansion and improvements to the system. Mayor Latta indicated that City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham is looking at the surrounding area to see what the average household water use is. The Council is looking at our system in an attempt to equalize the system. They are looking at a water resource fee and a surcharge fee. It was determined that if each family uses 25,000 gallons per month, Southlake will still be able to serve an 'additional 600 families on our current water system. x x x x x After a continuation of the discussion in which several citizens participated motion was made that Southlake not consider a moratorium at this time. Motion was approved. The annexation of Lot 1, Block 1 of Lorna Vista Addition was discussed in conjunction with Ordinance No. 314. Mr. Jim Daniel was present for the disctissTbfi. x x x x x Motion was made to approve the annexation with a dedication of land for 15' from the corner of the house on the North Randol Mill Road side and with an amended plat showing metes and bounds. INDEX I I I WATER I I BLIDG. PERle' MORATORn. DISCUSSION I I I I I ORDINANct NO. 314 -I I I . _.. . ..In II) IrAME OF ~OUNCILPERSON ~ t::l tr:l .., ::I: tr:l :s:: o .., ...... o z en tr:l n o z t::l tr:l t::l :s:: o .., ...... o z > tl:I en .., > ...... Z tr:l t::l <: o .., tr:l t::l > c;') > ...... Z en .., <: o .., tr:l t::l 'Tj o ::0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES OF MEETING, DATE: TIME: PLACE: THE Regul.ar CITY COUNCIL August 6,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: INDEX 3 lesterholm radley McCombs ,Ubanks one I I I {' I I I I I Westerholm Eradley cCombs ... ubanks Bone 10 I I. --_._ x x x x_ . x x ... x x x x x x x A discussion was held in regards to th~ request for a variance to Ordinance No. 311, Masonry Requirements, for Dr. Michael Tate, for his medical/ dental building. The project is locat~ ed on the service road to Highway 114. The request was granted for wood siding. A presentation was given by Mr. Jim Tucker, for Country Cable Television. Mr. Tucker expressed his interest in serving Southlake with his cable television. He indicated that as long as we have an overall count of 40 homes per mile, it would be profitable for him to do business in our city. ZA 85-36. The zoning request for a 2.99 acre tract of land out of the S. Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, was considered. The property is currently zoned Agricultural, request is for the Light Commercial Zoning District. Owners of the property, Mr. and Mrs. Reeder A Cummings, were present and answered questions for the council. ZA 85-36 DENIED Mayor Latta reminded the council that a unamious denial vote was made by the P & Z and it would take a 3/4 vote of council to over rule. Public hearing resulted with three persons speaking in favor of the request. They include: A.D. Ryles, Rita Cannella and Charles Curry. x Motion was made to concur with the recommendation of the P & Z and deny the request. The zoning request was therefore denied. Mayor Latta explained that the request was denied because of lack of definitive information on the future use. They may reapply in six months from this date. e NAME OF COUNCILPERSON Westerholm Bradley McCombs Eubanks .e anks McCombs Westerholm Bradley ,-..............-...,.... ~ t:l tT:I ..., :t tT:I :3: o ..., ~ o z x x en tT:I n o z t:l tT:I t:l :3: o ..., ~ o z x x )> txl en ..., )> ~ Z tT:I t:l < o ..., tT:I t:l )> G) )> ~ Z en ..., < o ..., tr.I t:l 'Tj o ~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS MINUTES uOFTHE~egular MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: CITY COUNCIL PAGE: 4 ZA 85-38. The zoning request made by J.D. Robbins for a 1.969 acre tract of land out of the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, was discussed. Request was for the Light Commercial Zoning District. The current zoning is Agricultural. The owners were present for the meeting as was the potential buyer, Gary Fickes. x x x x x After discussion, motion was made to table the action until the site plan information is prepared and reviewed by city engineering. The motion was approved. A discussion was held concerning a Home Rule Charter for the City of Southlake. The discussion was led by Davis Bradley. During the discussion, Charles Curry stated that the Citizens Advisory Group are in support of a Home Rule Charter whenever we are large enough to go Home Rule. John Moore stated as president of the Chamber of Commerce that they are in support of going Home Rule as a form of government for Southlake. Richard Eakins stated he fully supports Home Rule Charter for Southlake. An ordinance on Exotic Animals was discussed by council. City Attorney, Bill Smith is to prepare a draft of an ordinance and present for discussica at the next meeting. Bob Miron was present for the meeting and ask council to consider his site plan for an area of land within the Miron ltddltton. x x x x x (Councilpersons recessed for a closed session) Motion was made and approved to table the Developers Agreement for Miron Addition. INDEX ZA 85-38 TABLED I I I I HOME RULI CHARTER DISCUSSI1 I I I I I I I I . I ~ en ~ <:: <: tn to 0 0 t:l n en ~ ~ tn 0 ~ tn .. .!T.l Z ~ t:l t:l ~ t:l H = tn Z ~ 'Tj . tn t:l tn G') 0 " t:l ~ :;t:l :3: :3: H 0 0 Z ~ ~ en H H ~ tAME OF 0 0 OUNCILPERSON z z I I I I I , I I I I I I 10 I . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS , - , .uMINUTES OF MEETING. DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular CITY COUNCIL THE August 6,1985 7:30 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE TEXAS. PAGE: 5 Miron is to meet in worksession on August 20, at 6:45 p.m. Mayor Latta received a petition from Summerplace Addition residents, reques ing action from the city in regards to cleaning out the drainage easement that runs through the addition. They indicated they had ask the county for help but were told that the county did not have proper equipment to clean out drainage easements. Mayor Latta charged City Engineer, Eddie Cheatham and DPW, Louis Johnson with the task of arriving at costs to accomplish the clean up project. They are to report to the mayor as soon as possible. Jerry Black spoke during the public forum, objecting to the widening of FM1709. The meeting Latta. INDEX SUMMERPLACl ADDITION PETITION