2003-06-20 OFFICIAL RECORD City of Southlake CITY COUNCIL JUNE RETREAT MEETING DPS WEST FACILITY - COMMUNITY ROOM DAY TWO — JUNE 20, 2003 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Andy Wambsganss, Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Rex Potter (arrived at 12:00 p.m.); Councilmembers: Carolyn Morris, Greg Standerfer, and Tom Stephen. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Keith Shankland. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell, Assistant City Manager Sham Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen, Community Services Director Malcolm Jackson, Planning Director Bruce Payne, Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Interim Fire Chief Bobby Finn, Deputy Director of Administrative Services Garland Wilson, Director of Human Resources Kevin Hugman, Manager of Technical Services Gary Gregg, Assistant to the Public Works Director Valerie Bradley, City Manager's Office Intern Kim Springer, and City Secretary Lori Farwell. Agenda Item No. 1, Opening Comments: Mayor Wambsganss called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m. City Manager Billy Campbell welcomed Council and guests. Agenda Item No. 2, Discussion: North DPS Facility, Capital Improvement Project. Director of Public Safety Rick Black presented information to Council regarding the proposed North DPS Facility. He stressed that personnel needs are not driven by the building; they are driven by whatever needs are in the community. The Department of Public Safety facility concept plan was adopted in 1997 with the passage of the Crime Control Prevention District. One of three components of the plan included the building of a West DPS facility to provide emergency services access to the highly populated western portion of our city. That facility opened in March, 2002. The second component of the facility concept plan includes building North DPS headquarters facility that would also serve as the Emergency Operations Center for the city. A replacement for the current East facility makes up the third component of this plan. There is a critical need for both a hardened Emergency Operations Center and a hardened Emergency Communications Center to ensure continued emergency operations during a disaster. Past planning for this facility is now a clear reality. There is also a critical need for a new holding facility to reduce liability, expand Criminal Investigation facilities, and patrol operations facilities. Administrative offices can greatly improve the productivity and efficiency of present staff. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE RETREAT DAY TWO, JUNE 20, 2003, PAGE 1 OF 4 Councilmember Standerfer said he has no problem spending Crime Control money on the proposed building, but he wants to be extremely careful when discussing the addition of new personnel. Disaster Notification Program. Director of Public Safety Rick Black presented information to Council on the Disaster Notification Program and its goals. In 1997, the Department of Public Safety developed and adopted an Emergency Response Plan for natural disasters. Upon approval by the State of Texas Department of Emergency Management, staff became concerned about effectively communicating an impending storm to the community as a whole. Staff researched this issue and developed a plan of communications. Staff has since extended the scope of this project to include natural disasters, hazardous materials, and terrorist incidents. A plan to notify the community of such threats has been prepared. Director Black discussed the various areas of warning classification - indoor, in vehicle, and outdoor. He informed Council of tools used to notify residents of an impending threat; focusing on one means of effectively communicating to the outdoor community through the purchase and installation of outdoor emergency sirens. Such sirens would be strategically located throughout the city where large outdoor populations exist. It was also discussed with Council the funding for this program and its phased implementation. A break was called for at 9:46 a.m. and the meeting was called back to order at 9:54 a.m. The topic of "Roundabouts" was removed from the agenda and not discussed at this time. Drainage Master Plan and Storm Water Drainage Utility District. Deputy Director of Public Works Charlie Thomas presented information to Council regarding the Drainage Master Plan and the Storm Water Drainage Utility District. Due to rapid growth, increased storm water run -off and the adverse impact on the environment, rules have been developed as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA) to prevent excessive amount of pollutants entering the state and the U.S. waters. A master plan will set forth the Council's direction for compliance with the NPDES as well as the priorities by the Council for funding the necessary drainage improvements in Southlake. Mayor Pro Tem Evans said a big problem in Southlake that needs to be taken into account in this discussion is the over - irrigation of properties. Deputy Director Thomas provided an overview of citywide basins and watersheds, the general scope of Master Plan, the Drainage Utility System (DUS) as a possible source of funding, and steps necessary to adopt this source for implementation. He discussed the possibility of creating regional detention ponds and suggested the location of North Carroll Avenue on the Westerra property. Project Prioritization by City Council. Director of Economic Development Greg Last reviewed the current project rankings with Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE RETREAT DAY TWO, JUNE 20, 2003, PAGE 2 OF 4 Councilmember Morris expressed concerns regarding turning projects over to committees and thinks Council should be providing policy direction instead. The items discussed were: Emergency Preparedness Notification Program. Councilmember Standerfer expressed concerns about spending a great deal of money on emergency sirens. He would like a measure of support and suggested turning it over to the voters for feedback. Hotel/Motel Regulations in Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Wambsganss suggested looking at hotel regulations in areas that have quality hotels to determine what their formula is. Sign Ordinance Revisions. Councilmember Standerfer understands that Council grants a lot of variances to this ordinance but would rather the City have a tight ordinance and require applicants to come before Council so that Council gets to look at what is being proposed. He does not particularly want to change the sign ordinance. Councilmember Morris stated her concern regarding back lighting and LED signs. Councilmember Stephen agreed with her. Mayor Wambsganss asked staff to review the last couple of year's worth of sign variances to determine the specific types being requested and granted. Right -of -Way Management Ordinance. Council agreed for staff to bring a draft ordinance with corresponding financial data and legal parameters for them to discuss. Comprehensive Plan Update. Planning Director Bruce Payne indicated he will have the draft plan from the 2025 Committee to Council by way of a work session by September 2003. Underground Utilities Ordinance. Council agreed for staff to look at legal parameters and to look at the subdivision ordinance. Tree Preservation Ordinance. Councilmember Morris would like to look add Hackberry trees to the list of protected trees. Councilmember Standerfer does not like Hackberry trees. Director of Community Services Malcolm Jackson agreed to review the current list to determine if Hackberry is on it, but he thinks it was added to the list already. Amortization of Certain Non - Conforming Uses. Director Payne agreed to bring Council a list of non - conforming uses to consider. Zoning Supermajority Issue. Councilmember Stephen is not in favor of this proposal. Councilmember Standerfer suggested that Council could put controls into future zonings, such as "SP" districts as opposed to straight zonings. Public Art Master Plan. Mayor Wambsganss suggested encouraging the public to make donations and creating a process whereby they can make donations. Councilmember Stephen said the meetings have been very poorly attended. Councilmember Morris would like to revisit the entire issue and encourage more participation. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE RETREAT DAY TWO, JUNE 20, 2003, PAGE 3 OF 4 Director Last suggested that staff add a page on the Public Art Advisory Committee on the City's website informing people about it. Ethics Ordinance. Mayor Wambsganss would like the ordinance reviewed for disclosure provisions. He would like some mechanism for Council to report potential conflicts. Councilmember Stephen said Council needs to disclose everything and put it on the record. Councilmember Standerfer said he does not mind looking at this ordinance but thinks that there are a broad range of disclosures that Council ought to make. He thinks if a Councilmember has met with an applicant prior to a meeting, it should be disclosed. Residential Lighting Standards. Councilmember Morris stated her concerns about tennis court lights and flood lights in residential yards and would like the standards to be reviewed. For prioritizing future projects, Council suggested there should be better, more thorough, descriptions on the Project Advocacy Forms. They agreed it was difficult to understand exactly what some of them were regarding. City Council broke for lunch at 11:40 a.m. and reconvened at 12:38 p.m. Closing comments were given by City Manager Campbell. Agenda Item No. 3, Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss on Day Two of the Retreat, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. C Andy Wambsganss Mayor ATTEST: co i&4 a -(-4.frwev_e faf .466,6„‘ t r-• Lori A. Farwell ; City Secretary v CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE RETREAT DAY TWO, JUNE 20, 2003, PAGE 4 OF 4