2012-09-20t Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids, IAMM A. ,or Thv is A PAX011 0 +4�L vul Cafen�ar, ��"�e The - ark You r ti "g Ci f The Ye ar ao c�r�ar�t � �'� No w jlmw- JJ rpe M Important J •� r Engage, Educate, EnfibKe. A TOWN HALL MEETING ABOUT DRUGS, ALCOHOL & THE REALITI OF OU R KI WORLD September 20th, 2013 Carroll High School 7:30pm - 9:00pm JOIN COACHES, PRINCIPALS, COUNSELORS & COMMUNITY LEADERS The Meeting Wili Feature An Open Discussion & A Resource Center To Answer Aft Your Questions Any Questions, Contact, Laura K. Hill - 817- 787 -0782 lhill@downeypuhlishing.com CARROLL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL. DISTRICT C1i� 0(_ SOUTHLAKE 1 3 ti . o vol I r SOUTH LAKE DPS 0