2012-07-09 CI TY O F S OUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: July 9, 2012 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — City Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board Members present: Chairman John Slocum, Secretary Sherry Berman and Board Members Elaine Cox, Gregg Formella, Lori Palmer and Chad Patton Parks and Recreation Board Members absent: Vice - Chairman Tina Wasserman Staff present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Assistant to the Director Candice Edmondson Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. Chairman Slocum called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:11 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Consent A. Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting held June 11, 2012 — No corrections to the minutes. B. Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members — There were no absences for the Board to consider at this meeting. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion: Cox Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton and Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6 -0 Motion Carried. Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum. No one was present during Public Forum to address the Parks Board at this meeting. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the July 9, 2012 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item No. 4. Consider: A. Election of Officers — The Board considered nominations for Park Board chair, vice -chair and secretary positions. A motion was made to elect John Slocum chairman, Tina Wasserman Vice -Chair and Sherry Berman Secretary. Motion: Slocum Second: Cox Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton and Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6 -0 Motion Carried. B. Recommendation to renew a lease agreement for grazing on approximately 4.5 acres of undeveloped City property -- Director Tribble presented the proposed lease agreement for the undeveloped City property that has previously been leased for grazing. Leasing of the property for grazing provides a cost effective method of maintaining the City's unused property. The Board discussed the lease and would like public notice for future lease opportunities. A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed lease agreement with Tommy Keeton for grazing on approximately 4.5 acres of undeveloped City property. Motion: Berman Second: Cox Ayes: Berman, Cox, Palmer, Patton, Slocum Nays: None Abstain: Formella Approved: 5 -1 -0 Motion Carried C. Recommendation on proposed FY 2012 -2017 SPDC CIP and FY 2013 Capital Budget -- Director Tribble presented the Capital Improvement Plan and budget, highlighting the proposed expenditures and projects. The Board discussed the CIP and budget and commented the SPDC Matching Funds budget would continue to be budgeted at $200,000. A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed FY 2012 -2017 SPDC CIP and FY 2013 Capital Budget as presented. Motion: Formella Second: Cox City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the July 9, 2012 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton, Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion Carried D. Recommendation on proposed Bicentennial Park Master Plan -- Director Tribble combined a presentation for the Bicentennial Park Master Plan with the Phase 2 Site Plan (Item 4E). The purpose of the Master Plan, a recap of the Phase I and design elements of Phase 2 of the Park were presented. James Williams, Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, presented information about the master plan and site plan improvements. The Board discussed both plans. Staff responded to the Board's questions concerning features of the master plan and site plan, specifically regarding security in the park, lighting in Liberty Garden, and timelines. A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed Bicentennial Park Master Plan as presented. Motion: Formella Second: Cox Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton, Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion Carried E. Recommendation on proposed Bicentennial Park Phase 2 Site Plan — This item was presented with the above agenda item. During discussion of the site plan, the Board requested consideration be given to connection of the trail behind Tom Thumb to the parking lot. A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed Bicentennial Park Phase 2 Site Plan. Motion: Cox Second: Palmer Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton, Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion Carried City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the July 9, 2012 Parks Board Meeting Page 4 of 4 Agenda Item 5. Discussion: A. Construction Management Report — The Construction Management Report was accidently omitted from the meeting packet; however, Director Tribble was able to provide an update about current projects. Staff will confirm date for grand opening for North Park (September 8 or September 15) and advise the Park Board. B. Southlake 2030 Plan Components Update — The Board was updated on meetings of the Mobility Plan committee by Sherry Berman and Lori Palmer. C. Miracle Field Update — Chair Slocum updated the Board on developments with the Miracle League and mentioned an upcoming motocycle rally and Southlake Rangers ball game in support of the Miracle Field. Local resident and former Park Board chairman Mike Mills was present in support of Miracle Field. Staff will check dates in September or October for a tour of park facilities. Agenda Item 6. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Motion: Cox Second: Berman Ayes: Berman, Cox, Formella, Palmer, Patton and Slocum Nays: None Abstain: None Approved: 6 -0 Motion Carried Joh Slocum ir, Parks & Recreation Board •• i T 1.'le Director, Community Services Dept. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork