2012-07-10 CITY O F SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Meeting: July 10, 2012 LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center 307 Parkwood Dr Southlake, Texas Members Present: Chair David Baltimore, Vice Chair Dick McCauley, Secretary Nancy Sporn; SAC members Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd, Pat Burnett, Marge Kyle and Jeanette Gossage Commission Members Absent: Beverly Blake Staff Members Present: Kari Happold, Deputy Director of Community Services and Nancy Brown, Senior Services Coordinator Guests: Public Works Director Bob Price; Randi Rivera, Land Planner with G &A Consultants and David Keener, owner, MDJ Texas Realty Holdings, and Keith Kithsiri and Nancy Gomes on behalf of SilverRidge Assisted Living Facility Liaisons: Southlake Steering Committee representative Bernie McCauley; and CARS president Neal Perkins. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman Baltimore at 1:01 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion A. Guest Presentation — Randi Rivera, Land Planner with G &A Consultants, David Keener, MDJ Texas Realty Holdings, Keith Kithsiri and Nancy Gomes, Silver Ridge Assisted Living, presented information about the assisted living facility proposed in Southlake and responded to Commission questions. B. Guest Presentation — Director of Public Works Bob Price updated the Commission on all the construction projects in and around Southlake. C. Senior Advisory Commission Written Report to City Council — SAC members reviewed the written report and supported moving forward with the report for the August 7 City Council meeting. Future written reports City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the July 10, 2012 meeting approved by SAC 8/14/12 Page 2 of 3 may be enhanced and in newsletter format. The next report will be October 2; SAC will preview it in September. D. Senior Advisory Commission Bylaws adopted March 2010 — Commission members Nancy Sporn and Jean Boland reviewed the current Bylaws that were adopted in March 2010 for potential revisions and updates. Several proposed changes are recommended to Section 2.4 Quorums, 2.6 and 2.7 Vacancies and an addition of Section 2.8 Alternate Commission Member. (attached to minutes). Although this item was listed as a discussion item on the agenda, the Commission made a motion and voted in favor of adoption of the proposed changes. A motion was made to proceed with the proposed revisions to the Bylaws as presented and to recommend the changes to the Community Services Division. Motion: McCauley Second: Boyd Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and Sporn Nays: None Vote: 8 -0 Motion Carried. Agenda Item No. 2A. Consent: Approval of the June 12, 2012 regular Senior Advisory Commission meeting minutes — There were not corrections to the minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2012 meeting. Motion: McCauley Second: Kyle Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and Sporn Nays: None Vote: 8 -0 Motion Carried. Agenda Item No. 4. Reports A. Senior Center Coordinator — This is a standing item to update the Commission. Senior services coordinator Brown reported about senior center activities including a new contest called Seniors Support Southlake and senior center staffing needs. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the July 10, 2012 meeting approved by SAC 8/14/12 Page 3 of 3 B. Metroport Meals on Wheels Report — This is a standing item to update the Commission; however, there was not a report this month. C. CARS Report — June CARS report was distributed by CARS president Neal Perkins. June registered the highest one -way trips this year. Volunteer drivers are needed. D. Southlake Steering Committee — A report was given by Committee liaison Bernie McCauley. E. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. — Dick McCauley reported on recent SSFI activities. F. City Manager's Office & Community Services — Communications & Website Manager Pilar Schank provided a report. FY2012 -13 budgets are being finalized for presentation to City Council. The Stars & Stripes celebration was a great success. Tickets for Southlake Night at the Ballpark are available in the Community Services Department. G. Guest Schedule — Upcoming guest speakers are Southlake City Council member Jeff Wang for the August 14 meeting and Texas House of Representative Giovanni Capriglione for the September 11 meeting. Other possibilities include a representative from area hospitals to provide their perspective on new healthcare law. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — No one was present to address the Commission during Public Forum. Agenda Item No. 5. Consider — There were no items on the agenda. Agenda Item No. 6.Adiournment. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting around 4:00 p.m. Motion: Boyd Second: Boland Ayes: Baltimore, McCauley, Sporn, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Kyle and Gossage Nays: None Abstain: None V. - • 8 -0 o I Mty tio Carrie.. ( h Alair Ar ffrik U i • . ,, is :alt Y :fair Kari Happcild, a silty Director Commun0 .. i es A tape recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet July 10, 2012 Senior Activity Center frft David Baltimore (Place 4, Chair) / AIELA Beverly Blake (Place 9, Alt. 2) Jean Boland (Place 1) Charles Boyd (Place 3) Patricia Burnett (Place 2) • Jeanette Gossage (Place 8, Alt 1) ,nk" Marge Kyle (Place 7) ` '7 -e ' Richard McCauley (Place 6, V- Chair) ( f , Nancy Sporn (Place 5, Sec) Y STAFF Kari Happold 3/.\, Nancy Brown Pilar Schank } r GUESTS Neal Perkins (CARS) Darla Fowler (MMOW) Bernie McCauley (SSC) �� /� „ • / Bob Price (Public Works) (Guest Speaker) Aibmaara „ �_ - Randi Rivera (Land Planner, G&A Consultants, LLC) (Guest Speaker) / David Keener (Owner, MDJ Texas Realty Ho ' ' • - - (Guest Speaker) r - Milton Blake 9.ia - Item 3D - Attachment to 7/10/12 Minutes PROPOSED CHANGES TO BY LAWS DATED MARCH 2010 Section 2.4 QUORUMS Four members of the commission including alternates, when regular member(s) are absent shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business of the Commission. 2.5 - As is Add 2.6 VACANCIES if the number of Commission members is less than seven, the Commission will make a request to City Council for vacancies to be filled as soon as possible. Alternate members will fill vacancies. Alternate positions shall then be considered vacancies to be filled by City Council appointments. Present 2.6 becomes 2.7 Add Section 2.8 ALTERNATE COMMISSION MEMBER The commission shall include two alternate members who are citizens of the City of Southlake and shall be appointed by the City Council, in the same manner as regular appointments. The alternate members shall attend and participate in all Senior Advisory Commission meetings, and may vote on items only when there is a regular member absent. The Senior Advisory Commission may move alternate members to regular members when vacancies occur. /01e-e‘ Nancy Sporn Jean Boland Draft 2 Item 3D - Attachment to 7/10/12 Minutes OFFICIAL RECORD REVISED BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF SOITI ELAKE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION ARTICLE I PURPOSE AND POWERS Section 1.1 jEgEm The Southlake City Council established the Southlake Senior Advisory Commission to act as an advisory board to the City Council in all matters pertaining to senior programs and issues. Section 1.2 goneea In fulfillment of its purpose the Southlake Senior Advisory commission ehdl be governed by and shall have all the powers set forth in The Sonthlake City Code and other applicable law. ARTICLE 11 COMMISSION MEMBERS Section 2.1 Nam ber ha Elam. gfaMee (a) The Commission shall consist of seven (7) residents of the City of Souttrlake, Texas and shall be appointed by the City Council. (b) Members shall be appointed for two -year terms. Members shall save without compensation. All appointments for regular and/or alternate members to fill unexpired tams shall be filled in the same manna as regular appointments and shall terminate as per the orlghal term being filled. Section 2.2 MisligsuaktCamaiitain The Commdssion shall meet regularly the second Tuesday of each month. Members not able to attend a regular meeting or special meeting shall notify the Community Services staff liaison or the Chairman of the Commission at least two hours prior to the posted meeting. Any member with (3) consecutive =excused absences from regular meetings shall be reported to the (Sty Council, which may at its discretf�on, remove the commission member and appoint a replacement. AdI meetings and deliberations of the commission shall be called, convened, held, and conducted, and notice shall be given to the public, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Local Government Coda Section 2.3 puecial Meetiaa Upon the request of any Conunfsaion member, the Chairman shall call a special meeting of the Commission. The Chairman shall fix a place and time for such special meetings of the Commission subject to posting public notice is compliance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Local Government Code. Section 2.4 Onerum Four (4) mambas of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business of the Commission. Section 2.5 Conduct of Beea (a) At the meeting of the Commission, matters pertaining to the business of the Commission, as posted on the agenda. shall be considered in accordance with the ricks of procedure as from time to time prescribed by the Commission. Comausity Services —SAC Bylaws Page 1 of3 AP L0 Item 3D - Attachment to 7/10/12 Minutes (b) At all meetings of the Commission the chair hall preside. In the absence of the chair, the Vice chair shalt preside. (c) The Chair shall be a voting member of the Commission. (d) Minutes of the Commission meeting shall be flied with the City Secretary and distributed to members of the City Counell. Section 2.6 Ex-officio Members The commission may, as it deems appropriate, appoint ex-officio members to the Commission if such is determined to be in the best interest of the Commission. Coesideratfon shall be given to appointing individual ea- officio members or individuals who represent organizations whose purpose is to promote the health, safety, and well being diallers. Such ex-ofllolo members shall have no voting authority for senior advisory matters. The tams for ex- offloio members will be at the disaction of the Commission. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 3.1 OMeen and Terms of Office (a) The Olfleers of the Commission shall be a chairman, vice- chairman and secretary. (b) At the first regular meeting following the annual appointment of new commission members by the city council, the commission shall elect by majority vote from the members, a chair, vice - chair, and secretary, each to serve two year terms or until their successors me elected. (c) Any officer shall be subject to removal from office at any time by a vote of the majority of the Commission. (d) A vacancy in the office of any elected officer shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the commission members at the next regular scheduled meeting, following the eithetive data of the vacancy. Section 3.2 Powers of the Chain's' The Chaimtan shall set the agenda for and preside at all meetings of the Commission. The Chairman shall perform all duties incident to the office of Chairman including the appointment of all committees and subcommittees of the Commission and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission and the City Council. Section 3.3 Yi In the absence of the Chairman or in the event of inability or refusal to act, the Via-Chairman shall perform the duties ofthe Chairman, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairman. The Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairman ofthe Commission. Section 3.4 Secretary The Secretary shall ensure that the minutes of each Commission meeting shall be filed with the City Secretary and in general shall perform an other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Chairman of the Commission. In the absence of the Chafnaan and Vioe - Ugdrman or In the event of their inability or retinal to act, the Secretary shalt perform the duties of the Chairman, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairman. In the absence of the Secretary, the Chairman or acting Cladrrnan shall designate a Commission member to pertbrm the duties of Secretary. ComeststlyServkes —SAC Bylaws Page of3 Item 3D - Attachment to 7/10/12 Minutes Section 3.5 Comoensa l= Officers who are members ofthe Commission shall not receive any salary or coneideretion for their services. ARTICLE IV ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TM SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION Section 4.1 Roke of the Senior Advisory Commission (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to senior programs and issues affecting senior citizens. (b) Recommend policies to improve senior services and improvements. (c) Recommend senior related programs for development of recreational Dielitiess. areas and improved recreation services. (d) Review and madder recommendations from the Southleke Seniors and other senior organizuions regarding senior related programs and activities. Develop recommendations to the City Council regarding programs that have beading, safety, or thcility implications. (e) Submit recommendations to the City Council regarding contractual agreements that impact senior related services, including, but not limited to, the congregate lunch program and home delivered meal program and transportation services for seniors. (f) Prepare and submit to the City Council an annual report of senior related programs and services. Such review shall be submitted in May, prior to the election of new officers. (g) Review and provide input on budget items related to senior services, activities, and programs. sl Cnareirabne Mord Comma" Serfs -&IC Dylan' Page 3of3