2012-03-13 Ur' CITY OF
3 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting:
4 March 13, 2012
6 LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center
7 307 Parkwood Dr
8 Southlake, Texas
10 Members Present: Chair David Baltimore, Vice Chair Dick McCauley; Secretary Nancy
11 Sporn; SAC members Beverly Blake, Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd, Pat Burnett, Marge
12 Kyle and Jeanette Gossage
14 Commission Members Absent: None
16 Staff Members Present: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services and Nancy
17 Brown, Senior Services Coordinator
19 Guests: CARS chairman Neal Perkins, MMOW representative Darla Fowler and
20 Southlake Steering Committee representative Bernie McCauley
22 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman
23 Baltimore at 1:05 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion
27 A. Guest Presentation — Director of Community Services Tribble recapped
28 the City's plans for a multipurpose facility and SAC's role as it is
29 developed in the 2030 Parks, Recreation & Open Space /Community
30 Facilities (PROS -CF) Master Plan. SAC will be informed of upcoming
31 public meetings that members can attend to provide input and feedback
32 as the project develops.
34 B. Metroport Meals on Wheels Report — Darla Fowler did not give a MMOW
35 report at this meeting, but two reports will be provided at the next meeting.
37 C. CARS Report — Neal Perkin provided the February CARS report and
38 distributed the monthly statistical report. The statistical report showed an
39 increase from last year of qualified users and also that while medical trips
40 have dipped, trips to the senior center increased. Also the number of
41 volunteer drivers has increased over last year. A new CARS brochure is
42 available at the center and CARS is working on distributing it in the
43 schools to reach multi - generational households. CARS will host the 3
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the March 13, 2012
Page 2 of 3
1 Annual Volunteer Driver's Appreciation dinner next week at the Timarron
2 County Club. Each year at the dinner, a special CARS user is recognized
3 and this year's recipient is one of the CARS' original drivers which makes
4 the recognition very special.
6 D. Southlake Steering Committee — A brief report was provided by Jeanette
7 Gossage. The Committee has discussed a money- raising committee but
8 has postponed further discussion on that topic until new board members
9 are appointed.
11 E. Facilities Update — Current & Future /New — A report was not provided.
12 Staff was asked about having the car stopper bumpers in the northwest
13 corner of the senior center parking lot painted bright yellow. Staff will
14 follow -up on the leaning Tight pole in the parking lot that has been reported
15 to Oncor for repair.
17 F. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. — SSFI report was covered in other
18 discussions. It was noted that SSFI was set up to raise funds for projects
19 and could be tapped into for identified unfunded projects in need of
20 financial assistance. Opportunities for SSFI participation, such as
21 replacement of the chairs in the main lobby, may be investigated.
23 G. City Manager's Office — Communications & Website Manager Pilar
24 Schank was not present to provide a report.
26 The "go live" date is March 22 for the City's new website. SAC member
27 noted at the last SPIN Standing Committee it was mentioned there is not
28 consistent advertisement of the time and programming aired on the Cable
29 channel. The public works department is working on a study to identify
30 impact and concerns with the thoroughfare medians (ie. U -turn incidents
31 and accidents) and SAC members were advised to contact the public
32 works department for information and questions. Director Tribble will pass
33 this concern to Director Bob Price. Staff was commended for posting lane
34 closures on Facebook.
36 H. Guest Schedule — Traci Bernard, president, Texas Health Partners
37 Resources (Harris HEB) is the guest speaker for the April SAC meeting.
38 City Council member Martin Schelling will be the guest speaker May 8,
39 2012 and Director of Public Works Bob Price on June 12, 2012. It was
40 suggested to have the chairman from the Parks Board or Planning and
41 Zoning Commission as a guest speaker at a future SAC meeting. Council
42 candidates may be personally invited to attend the senior center luncheon,
43 however, not as guest speaker or as a guest speaker to SAC meetings.
44 SPIN will host a candidates' forum prior to Election day. Consult the City's
45 website for the exact date and time.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the March 13, 2012
Page 3 of 3
1 Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Senior Advisory
2 Commission Meeting February 14, 2012 — Corrections were made to the attendance
3 sections of the minutes to indicate Dick McCauley and Charlie Boyd were absent at the
4 February meeting and to Item 2D- Southlake Steering Committee report to indicate SSCI
5 has formed a committee to raise money for projects within the current center.
7 A motion was made to approve the minutes.
8 Motion: Sporn
9 Second: Gossage
10 Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle and Sporn
11 Nays: None
12 Abstention: McCauley and Boyd
13 Vote: 7 -0 -2
14 Motion carried.
16 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — No one was present to address the Commission
17 during Public Forum.
19 Agenda Item No. 5. Consider — There were no items for this meeting.
21 SAC was informed Linda Study submitted her resignation effective March 22, 2012.
23 SAC member Boyd requested an item to placed on the next SAC meeting agenda to
24 discuss the hiring process for the senior coordinator position.
26 A motion was made and seconded to put a discussion item on the next meeting agenda
27 regarding the interview process for the coordinator position. There was one unidentified
28 "nay" to the motion. The majority vote carried.
30 Agenda Item No. 6.Adjournment.
32 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
33 Motion: Burnett
34 Second: Blake
35 Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and
36 Sporn
37 Nays: None
38 Abstention: None
39 Vote: 9 -0
40 Motion carried d/{,//77--
42 /� A� /,`)
43 David Balt ore,' hair Kari Hap Deputy Director
44 Community Services
46 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation ♦ Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet
March 13, 2012
Senior Activity Center
David Baltimore i ( '
Beverly Blake
Jean Boland
Charles Boyd
Patricia Burnett li L
Jeanette Gossage W' /� '
Marge Kyle 4744,
Richard McCauley (4,L %0
Nancy Sporn
*( --Kar' .-�
Nancy Brown
Pilar Schank
Neal Perkins (CARS) -�
Darla Fowler (MMOW) t&t "�
Bernie McCauley (SSC) . 410, - -