Item 4E Proposed changes to the Outdoor Lighting (Ordinance 693-C) Item 4E Purpose/Background Strategic Alignment C1 Achieve the highest standards of safety & security B6 Optimize use of technology Southlake 2030 Goals and Objectives - 7.2- Promote public awareness and education on such sustainability issues as public health, energy and water conservation and overall environmental stewardship. Southlake 2030 recommendation: As development continues, light pollution is an increasing problem in North Central Texas -- Evaluate options for addressing and reducing light pollution City Council Ordinance Priority Schedule C4 Attract & keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic & sustainable economic environment March 20th – Work Session Proposed Ordinance Changes Define color temperature ranges Permit LED luminaries on poles over 42” in height and exterior wall mounted light fixtures (4,300K) Variance criteria Shielding next to residential Color Temperatures Color Temperatures over 4,301 K are called cool colors (blueish/white) Color Temperature at 3,000 K – 4,300K are called neutral colors   Color Temperatures below 3,000K are called warm colors (yellowish white through red). Temperature Ranges Kelvin Temperature Examples of Fully Shielded Fixture Examples of Fixtures Not Fully Shielded Variance (2) Upon finding that an outdoor light, or system of outdoor lights required for a particular use cannot reasonably comply with the standard and provide sufficient illumination for safety or security, as determined by recommended practices adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North American for the particular use or other evidence submitted by a professional engineer or other professional organization.   (3) Upon finding where a literal application or enforcement of the regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest or the intent but do substantial justice and be in accordance with the spirit of the regulations and this Ordinance. Ken Baker 817-748-8067