2012-02-14 CITY O F
3 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting:
4 February 14, 2012
6 LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center
7 307 Parkwood Dr
8 Southlake, Texas
10 Members Present: Chair David Baltimore; Secretary Nancy Sporn; SAC members
11 Beverly Blake, Jean Boland, Pat Burnett, Marge Kyle and Jeanette Gossage
13 Commission Members Absent: Charlie Boyd and Vice Chair Dick McCauley
15 Staff Members Present: Kari Happold, Deputy Director of Community Services and
16 Communications & Website Manager Pilar Schank
18 Guests: Emergency Management Coordinator /Assistant to the Director Kyle Taylor,
19 CARS chairman Neal Perkins, Darla Fowler, MMOW representative and Milton Blake
21 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman
22 Baltimore at 1:05 p.m.
24 Deputy Director Happold announced the new senior services coordinator, Nancy Brown,
25 has been hired and will probably start to work the first week in March.
27 Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion
29 A. Guest Presentation — Assistant to the Director /Emergency Management
30 Coordinator Kyle Taylor was the guest speaker and reported on
31 emergency preparations in the City and recommended that each person
32 own a NOAA weather radio. A Southlake Safety Fair will be held February
33 25, 2012 at Bob Jones Park.
35 B. Metroport Meals on Wheels Report — Darla Fowler presented the MMOW
36 report. Upcoming luncheons include gumbo to celebrate Fat Tuesday
37 February 21 and corned beef for St. Patrick's Day in March.
39 C. CARS Report — Neal Perkin provided the CARS report and distributed the
40 monthly statistical report.
42 D. Southlake Steering Committee — A report was provided by Jeanette
43 Gossage. The Steering Committee pardoned the balance of the money
44 owed by SSFI and is forming a committee to raise money for projects
45 within the current center.
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the February 14, 2012 Meeting
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2 E. Facilities Update — Current & Future /New — A report was provided by
3 Deputy Director Happold. Traffic issues on White's Chapel Boulevard
4 were discussed and it was noted that White's Chapel is scheduled to be
5 widened beginning 2013. Members were encouraged to send a letter to
6 City Council regarding their desire for the senior center to be a part of a
7 new community center and include the letter in their quarterly SAC report
8 to Council.
10 F. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. — Milton Blake provided the SSFI report. In
11 the absence of available funding for a stand -alone senior center, SSFI
12 supports the center becoming a part of a multi - purpose facility. The Mayor
13 and several members of City Council toured the facility in Euless. Another
14 trip to the Euless facility was made by members of the senior center. A
15 suggestion was made to plan a trip to the new NRH senior center.
17 G. City Manager's Office — Communications & Website Manager Pilar
18 Schank provided a reminder about the May 12 General Election and
19 distributed literature about Section 6001 of the new Health Care Law. The
20 email address of the City traffic sergeant was provided to report problems.
21 A traffic timing study will be conducted on FM 1709 following completion of
22 the medians.
24 H. Guest Schedule — Community Services Director Chris Tribble is the guest
25 speaker for the March SAC meeting. Traci Bernard, president of Texas
26 Health Partners Resources will be the guest April 10 and City Council
27 member Martin Schelling on May 8, 2012.
29 Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Senior Advisory
30 Commission Meeting January 10, 2012 — A correction was made to the minutes.
32 A motion was made to approve the minutes.
33 Motion: Burnett
34 Second: Boland
35 Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle and Sporn
36 Nays: None
37 Abstention: None
38 Vote: 7 -0
39 Motion carried.
41 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — No one was present to address the Commission
42 during Public Forum.
44 Agenda Item No. 5. Consider — There were no items for this meeting.
46 Agenda Item No. 6.Adiournment.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the February 14, 2012 Meeting
Page 3 of 3
1 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 p.m.
2 Motion: Sporn
3 Second: Kyle
4 Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle and Sporn
5 Nays: None
6 Abstention: None
7 Vote: 7 -0
8 Motion carried.
15 ,
16 r : *i Baltimore, Chair n Hap d , Deputy Director
17 Community Services ��
19 A 19 of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. /�t ^I"
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet
February 14, 2012
Senior ' ity Center
David Baltimore /a, .
Beverly Blake V. 0.10W4- i
Jean Boland
Charles Boyd
Patricia Burnett i
Jeanette Gossage , r / ' 1
Marge Kyle
Richard McCauley
Nancy Sporn
Kari Ha old //, / Ag
pP Senior Services
Pilar Schank . e. ::A. _
GUESTS /; Neal Perkins (CARS)
Darla Fowler (MMOW)
Bernie McCauley (SSC)
- O R 4