2012-01-10 CITY OF
3 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting:
4 January 10, 2012
6 LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center
7 307 Parkwood Dr
8 Southlake, Texas
10 Members Present: Chair David Baltimore, Vice Chair Dick McCauley; Secretary Nancy
11 Sporn; SAC members Beverly Blake, Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd, Marge Kyle and
12 Jeanette Gossage
14 Commission Members Absent: Pat Burnett
16 Staff Members Present: Kari Happold, Deputy Director of Community Services and
17 Communications & Website Manager Pilar Schank
19 Guests: Chief of Police Steve Mylett, Lts. Ashleigh Douglas and Cindi Tripp, CARS,
20 Darla Fowler, MMOW representative, Bernie McCauley, Southlake Steering Committee
21 Liaison and Milton Blake
23 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman
24 Baltimore at 1:12 p.m.
26 Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion
28 A. Guest Presentation — Chief of Police Steve Mylett was the guest speaker
29 and reported on DPS operations and programs impacting senior citizens.
30 Chief Mylett related his background and goals for the department. Lts.
31 Cindi Tripp and Ashleigh Douglas also were introduced.
33 B. Metroport Meals on Wheels Report — Darla Fowler presented the MMOW
34 report. Upcoming luncheons include Mardi Gras February 21 and
35 Valentine's Day on February 14 and St. Patrick's Day luncheon.
37 C. CARS Report — Dick McCauley provided a CARS report in Neal Perkin's
38 absence. Ridership continues to rise and is ahead of last year's numbers.
39 CARS is exploring a possible partnership with Keller.
41 D. Southlake Steering Committee — A report was provided by Bernice
42 McCauley. On December 13 gifts were given to Linda Study, Jeanne
43 Defferari and Darla Fowler. The Steering Committee has discussed a new
44 plaque for the deceased members, a Karaoke machine and another day of
45 bingo on Saturday.
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the January 10, 2012 Meeting
Page 2 of 3
3 E. Facilities Update — Current & Future /New — A report was provided by
4 Deputy Director Happold. The Center will be getting new carpet.
5 Additional chairs are also needed as there is a shortage for the Tuesday
6 luncheons.
8 F. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. — Dick McCauley provided a report.
9 General Motors cannot support SSFI endeavor for a new center due to
10 financial issues it currently has with a bankruptcy, however, Classic
11 Chevrolet may. Mike Tilbury and Dick McCauley met with Council member
12 Jeff Wang about a new senior center.
14 G. City Manager's Office — Communications & Website Manager Pilar
15 Schank provided a report about construction of the bridges into Grapevine
16 and Kimball and FM 1709. A traffic study on FM 1709 will be conducted
17 once the medians are complete.
19 H. Guest Schedule — Kyle Taylor, Assistant to the Director /Emergency
20 Management Coordinator is the guest speaker for the February SAC
21 meeting. There is not a speaker confirmed for March meeting however the
22 Commission suggested a Park Board member or Matt Jack. Traci
23 Bernard, president of Texas Health Partners Resources will be the guest
24 April 10 and City Council member Martin Schelling on May 8, 2012.
26 Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Senior Advisory
27 Commission Meeting December 13, 2011 — A correction was made to the minutes.
29 A motion was made to approve the minutes.
30 Motion: McCauley
31 Second: Boland
32 Ayes: Boland, Boyd, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and Sporn
33 Nays: None
34 Abstention: Baltimore and Blake
35 Vote: 6 -0 -2
36 Motion carried.
38 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — No one was present to address the Commission
39 during Public Forum.
41 Agenda Item No. 5. Consider — There were no items for this meeting.
43 The Commission discussed having someone from the Forest Park Hospital to be
44 constructed at SH 114 and North White Chapel Boulevard, management speak at a
45 future SAC meeting. SAC is also interested in becoming more involved in SPIN
46 meetings and noted that Mr. Baltimore is the senior representative on SPIN.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission
Minutes of the January 10, 2012 Meeting
Page 3 of 3
3 Agenda Item No. 6.Adjournment.
5 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:35 p.m.
6 Motion: Sporn
7 Second: Kyle
8 Ayes: Baltimore, Blake, Boland, Boyd, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and Sporn
9 Nays: None
10 Abstention: None
11 Vote: 8 -0
12 Motion carried.
16 // 17 -r , Awe,
18 L L _ iz
19 David Ba imore, Chai Kari Happo • !i - c uty Director
20 Community " ces
22 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity • Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork
Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet
January 10, 2012
Senior Activity Center
David Baltimore ,
Beverly Blake
Jean Boland
Charles Boyd t dWdall
Patricia Burnett
/7 1
Jeanette Gossage `"_ - („fr ^o ��
Marge Kyle f
Richard McCauley 4/6 A4(64i,6
Nancy Sporn / arkMir •
STAFF . , � {, r- J
Kari Happold 11,f
Senior Services
Pilar Schank . -
Neal Perkins (CARS)
Darla Fowler (MMOW) Lam ,...
Bernie McCauley (SSC)r-77-
i el'WUCJ ' / 4 1 11)