2010-04-27 0 , \ ,.. , - Moms, Dads, k & Daughters 5," / � . fr — II In Receive Community Aid :,.>----.,/, "� y�`� ,,, Service Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids Hours!! Not Choices! .., AT , i , ,_., .. ..- , ii ,, ,,„,.. , .. . ,:.„:„, . , , ,,,,,..„.„,., _ k WIN f - y l e S e ri .us Life-threatening ,,,,,,i0 e d to 0.. 1 eating disorder professionals.who ar rde and the „ookt AMP Come hear from loca g dangers surrounding eating diso X raising awareness of the a a i need for early intervention and treatment . �� . ,, UNDERSTAND ' ` . � -: . - � I S THE GE April 2 ■�; HOW TO RECOSNIEE ��� � Y �, , Zo 1 o THE PRESSURES S A .00 pm _ $ ; 3 0 �r ATTITUDES AND .������� ,,,,, a 4,� Spe . ( � I lillllll� � ,4 P , RTS 0 AEHRYIORS O n �� DeVj jbi tancess . Ti mberline Kn oll rs s Outre asr TI4RT SHAPE. „ GIRL . .„ b erlmeKn ollsiso ne of th e le°din e� h ,� treatment cen for eotin 9 prrv residential TH E DISORDER" tr aum a ondm oo � dd � ord obsabuse FAT with o r wit hout ° . gi , ° �,, _ BEING FA . dis or co a 44 . �." de r ad diction Eating Disorder Hope � , A , www.eatingdisorderhope.com ` Location: Carroll Ave. - New DPS Building , The Elise Protect ,' , P ark To The Right Of The Building D r.Sandra Lotan, MD www.theelisaproject.org As You Enter Off Carroll Susie Hair, LGSW ____ �, „,,,ii _ Shannon Herman LPG Enter Through The Main Entrance Jennifer Pereira, RE? /LD Above The Bronze Statues Any Questions, Contact Council Member Laura K. Hill - 817- 980 -5011 or email her at place1@ci.southlake.tx.us Sponsored By Carroll I.S.D., The City Of Southlake, and S.P.A.R.K. i