2010-02-23 ro-,-- ‘,. (7) ____ '''''7,7_.,, /' -1( 4 5 I If I II IF . • .._.\ / " . c ) ‘ 1 _ ) Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids ., S V W ) lit Irou en n g T o e ftci , , . ..f. ...., ''''''\ ■ vited! ..____ .... 410 46 . • 44 l 1: aCr°er nn tr nsRHuean°ciTuet '" -Yeri sveSe r t r: esr '-'11 ni , WHRT le 7 71 :A 4 :::24'16'1;111'11 0 _ guy ; , 1 , ___ Febru .„„,„ YOUNG _,,,... NOW TO _pH .., 0,..„•, • DEAL WITH AGGRESSIVE 11,:7 irr I ( , - - DRIVERS Mt If LOCA TION „,,,r • CELL PHONES -''' ... . ;„ Come See The _ a ■ TEXTING... Z., . - New B So ll u il t d h i l ll a g ke DPS a - 0 = - THE RISKS! osw ,1 I 4 - ;. it . Ash A *„ ' ., r. /,11. ,---- ._,...,. _ 1 -,.... • .., Thanks 1- to our friends at Location: Carroll Ave. - New DPS Building Thanks Park To The Right Of The Building Park Place Lexus v ' " ,...,, As You Enter Off Carroll to „.... • V. _0 Southlake ,h ;.. , A _. • ' ,, , , , .' * 71 Enter Th rough The Main Entrance DPS A -. ,,p,,',.:!.. 4, ' , \ Above The Bronze Statues 21 . :, ,, / ,, \, ,il:::9: .:-1",.., -no- N Any Questions, Contact Council Member - Laura K. Hill - 817-980-5011 or email her at place1@ci.southlake.tx.us Sponsored By Carroll I.S.D., The City Of Southlake, and S.P.A.R.K.