1989-05-08 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Special City Council Meeting May 8, 1989 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor Pro Tem, Betty Springer; Councilmembers: Jim Wooll and Ralph Evans. Absent: Mayor, Johnny H. Westerholm, Pamela Muller and Sally Hall City Staff Present: City Manager, Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand. Invocation: Ralph Evans Mayor Pro Tem Springer, called the special city council meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. SHe explained the purpose of the meeting is to canvass the General Election held on May 6, 1989. Agenda Item #2. Resolution 89 -27 Canvass Resolution 89 -27, the official canvass, was read aloud by Springer. She asked if there were any challenges to the canvass. Motion was made by Councilmember Wooll to approve Resolution 89 -27, based on the fact that there were no challenges to the canvass. Motion: Wooll Second: Evans Ayes: Wooll, Evans, Springer Nays: None Approved: 3 -0 vote Agenda Item #3. Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Evans Second: Wooll Ayes: Evans, Wooll, Springer Nays: None Approved: 3 -0 vote. A ._e6, 4 ,...L.L____. Mayor Pr•' Tem 1 etty 6>ringer AT // ST: /���j ` -- 14-- / { ��::� ,.�s ,,, „ andra L. LeGrand ;` c-3... � ��', City Secretary S� ; �, f" ., 4. ''' ,''`���IOltl il Il l*ll t,,\` \`