LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas
City Council Chambers of City Hall
1. Discuss all agenda items.
1. Call to order. Invocation.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the March 7, 1989 City Council Meeting.
3. Mayor's Report.
4. City Manager's Report.
5. Consider: Presentation from the Park and Recreation Board
concerning advertising signs on Ballfield #1.
6. Consider: Resolution 89 -21. Authorizing the Mayor to enter
into a land lease agreement with E- Systems for park use. A
9.870 acre tract of land on the corner of White Chapel Road
and FM 1709.
7. Consider: The request for a variance to the Sign Ordinance
No. 350 made by the Carroll Athletic Booster Club.
8. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -49, 2nd reading. (ZA 88 -40).
Zoning request for a 65.0 acre tract of land out of the W.W.
Hall Survey, Abstract 687. To be known as "Chapel Downs"
from Agricultural and Single Family -1 to Single Family 20.OA,
Single Family 20.OB and Single Family 30.OA. Owners: Gene
Upshaw, Neil Delka, Raymond Bridgewater, Burger &
Eakins Custom Builders, Inc. LaBaron Properties, Jane
Walker Hardwick, Sonny Hastings. Concept plat attached.
Continuation of public hearing.
9. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -50. 2nd reading. (ZA 89 -01).
Zoning request for a 20.84 acre tract of land out of the A.A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract 522. Current zoning is Single
Family -1 and Agricultural, the request is for the Retail -2
Zoning District. Owner: Belgian American Investments and
Trade, Inc. Applicant: Arvida Communities. Concept plan
included. Public Hearing.
City Council Agenda
March 23,1989
page 2
10. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -51. 2nd reading. (ZA 89 -02).
Zoning request for a 245.402 acre tract of land out of the
A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 533, the T.M. Hood Survey,
Abstract No. 706, and the L.G.B. Hall Survey, Abstract
No. 686. Current zoning is Single Family -1, Agricultural,
Retail -2 Zoning District. Request is for the Single Family -
20.00 Zoning District. Owner: Belgian American Investment
and Trade, Inc. Applicant: Arvida Communities. Concept
plan included. Public hearing.
11. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -52. 1st reading. (ZA 89 -03).
Request for a zoing change for a 1.118 acre tract of land
out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present
zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Retail -1 Zoning
District. Applicant: Highland Group.
Public Hearing.
12. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -53. 1st reading. (ZA 89 -04).
Request for a zoning change for a 4.00 acre tract of land
out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present
zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Retail -1 Zoning
District. Applicant: Selwyn School.
Public Hearing.
13. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -54. 1st reading. (ZA 89 -05).
Request for a zoning change for a 13.864 acre tract of land
out of the A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present
zoning is Agricultural, request is for the Retail -1 Zoning
District. Applicant: Highland Group.
Public Hearing.
14. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 - 55. 1st reading. (ZA 89 - 06).
Request for a zoning change for a 4.95 acre tract of land
out of A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299. Present zoning
is Agricultural, request is for the Community Service Zoning
District. Applicant: Pleasant Hill Advent Christian
Church. Public Hearing.
15. Consider: ZA 89 -07. Preliminary plat of Chivers Business Park.
A 23.935 acre tract of land out of the A.H. Chivers Survey,
Abstract No. 299. Applicant: Highland Group, Selwyn
School and Pleasant Hill Advent Christian Church.
16. Consider: Ordinance No. 334 -56. 1st reading. (ZA 89 -08).
Request for a Special Exception Use Permit for the additional
of two (2) portable buildings to be located at Countryside
Bible Church. Location: 1325 North White Chapel Road.
Public Hearing.
City Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 1989
page three
17. Public Forum.
18. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article
6252 -17, Section 2E, under the provision
dealing with Litigations and Personnel.
(Refer to the posted list of Personnel and
A. Discussion: Any pending or contemplated litigation.
(Refer to posted list)
B. Discussion: Any personnel matter, including Boards and
Commissions. (Refer to posted list)
C. Return to public session.
19. Consider: Any action necessary in regards to any pending or
contemplated litigation (Refer to posted list).
20. Consider: Any action necessary in regards to personnel, including
Boards and Commissions (Refer to posted list).
21. Meeting adjourned.
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official
bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,
Texas, on Friday, March 17, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. pursuant to the Open
Me ings Law, Artcl 6252 -17 V.T.A.S.
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Sandra L. LeGrand -' ;_ "..' ..
City Secretary ‘. ,' 74'
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