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SPIN2012-09 Email from SPIN Representative - Meeting RecommendationLori Payne From:Alison Ortowski Sent:Friday, January 20, 2012 6:12 PM To:Lori Payne Subject:FW: SPIN #9 Inquiry - Timarron Country Club Renovations For Laserfiche – SPIN Rep Recommendation Alison Ortowski Assistant to the City Manager (817) 748-8261 - Office From: [] Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:13 PM To: Subject: Re: SPIN #9 Inquiry - Timarron Country Club Renovations Alison; I have contacted Patrick Hazard and discussed the need to have a SPIN Meeting concerning the modifications to the Timarron Country Club. Mr. Hazard will be forwarding the request for a SPIN Meeting for February 27th. Ray Tremain 214-912-3981 On 01/18/12, Alison Ortowski<> wrote: Ray, I received an inquiry today from Patrick Hazard regarding a SPIN meeting for renovations to the Timarron Country Club. He should be calling you to discuss. The next available SPIN Meeting dates and corresponding submittal deadlines are: Meeting DateSubmittal Deadline February 27, 2012February 2, 2012 March 12, 2012February 16, 2012 March 26, 2012March 1, 2012 April 9, 2012March 15, 2012 SPIN EC – you are copied as an FYI per the SPIN meeting guidelines. Thanks, 1 Alison Ortowski Assistant to the City Manager 5LJKWFOLFNKHUHWRGRZQORDGSLFWXUHV7RKHOSSURWHFW\RXUSULYDF\2XWORRNSUHYHQWHGDXWRPDWLFGRZQORDGRIWKLV SLFWXUHIURPWKH,QWHUQHW 'HVFULSWLRQFLGLPDJHMSJ#&%)$$% (817) 748-8261 - Office Follow The City: 5LJKWFOLFN KHUHWR 5LJKWFOLFNKHUHWR GRZQORDG GRZQORDGSLFWXUHV 5LJKW SLFWXUHV7R 5LJK 7RKHOSSURWHFW FOLFN KHOSSURWHFW W \RXUSULYDF\ KHUH \RXUSULYDF\ FOLFN 2XWORRNSUHYHQWHG WR 2XWORRN KHUH DXWRPDWLF GRZQO SUHYHQWHG WR GRZQORDGRIWKLV RDG DXWRPDWLF GRZ SLFWXUHIURPWKH SLFWXU GRZQORDGRI QOR ,QWHUQHW HV : WKLVSLFWXUH : 2