1999-12-02 City of Southlake, Texas
LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas.
City Council Chambers of City Hall.
1. Call to Order.
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the Council
and Commission may meet in executive session to consult with the City Attorney regarding matters
authorized by Section 551.071, including matters posted on this agenda.
A. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney
1. Receive legal advise related to conflict of interest
2. Receive legal advise related to Specific Use Permits
3. Legal issues relating to liability arising from Planning and Zoning decisions
4. Avigation Easements
5. Carroll /1709 LTD. vs. the Board of Adjustments of the City of Southlake
6. Legal issues related to site plan consideration
B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session.
3. Discussion: C.I.S.D. Development Applications / Issues.
4. Discussion: Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments as recommended by the Planning and
Zoning Commission and Staff, including site plan approval, district uses, and SP-
1 & SP -2 Zoning Districts.
5. Discussion: Ordinance No. 480 -HH, Outside Storage and Screening regulations.
6. Discussion: Ordinance No. 480 -II, Carport and Parking Garage regulations in non - residential
7. Discussion: Potential City- initiated Rezonings based on 1997 Land Use Plan ( "LUP ") Update.
8. Meeting Adjourned.
City of Southlake, Texas
Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission Work Session
December 2, 1999
Page Two
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at the Administration
Building, 1725 E. Southlake Blvd., and City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on
Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
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4 ,40. Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary ***"• �,...
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If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481 -5581
extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
BC Notes
Joint Meeting - City Council /P &Z
December 2, 1999
Executive Session: Allen Taylor will take the lead on each issue. Conflict of interest
will include a discussion of issues related to church membership and SPIN conflicts.
Specific Use Permit discussion - does there need to be a time limit imposed on SUPs
for alchoholic beverage sales? 3. EAT will address legislative immunity (a follow up
discussion from previous CC meeting. 4. EAT will inform the Commission /Council
of our dilemma with an invalid avigation easement. 5. He will bring the group up -to-
date on the issues surrounding the ZBA appeal. 6. Finally, he will discuss issues
related to site plan consideration (i.e., Children's Courtyard, Walgreen's, downzoning,
CISD Development Applications /Issues: This issue is being driven primarily by
Ronnie Kendall, who would like the two groups to discuss how to work more
effectively with the CISD. KPG has a recommendation re: how staff will process the
items that she can bring forward if needed. It is her impression that RK wants to
communicate to the P &Z that they need to work better with the CISD.
Proposed Zoning Ord. Amendments /Re- write: Karen will kick off this discussion
with a presentation showing the issues identified by staff, as well as those identified by
the P &Z. After showing the list, the focus of the discussion will need to be: do we
want to make incremental amendments and if so, how do we prioritize the items? Or,
do we prefer to tackle a master re -write of the ordinance. Allen will come prepared to
discuss different zoning concepts that would be available to pursue, if we want a new
ordinance. Should leave the meeting with clear direction from both bodies.
Outside Storage and Screening Regulations /Carport and Parking Garage
Regulations: Both of these ordinances have proposed revisions included in the packet.
Karen will kick off the discussion by presenting the proposals and the group can then
tell us what they think.
Potential City - Initiated Rezonings: Karen will present the material included in the
packet, make brief introductory remarks. It is hoped the conversation will be general,
focused on philosophy and practical approach. How does this fit in with proposed
zoning ordinance changes? Timing? Probably need a work group to develop a plan of
attack and prioritize issues. There is no way to resolve everything tonight. A
workgroup could tackle the specifics.