2003-12-16 (2) City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 9, 2003 TO: Board of Directors, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas FROM: Billy Campbell, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments — Board of Directors meeting, December 16, 2003 The Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Town Hall Building. The meeting is intended to inform you of the financial status of the reinvestment zone and present the annual report to the Board of Directors, and to take care of annual administrative items relating to the Board. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the Minutes from the August 19, 2003 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors Meeting — A copy of the minutes is included in your packet for review. If you have corrections to the meeting minutes, please advise Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen (481 -1433) in advance of the meeting, or you may make changes as part of the motion during consideration of this item at the meeting. Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of Recommendation to the City Council for the appointment of the Chair for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, for 2004 — Included in your packet is a staff report from John Eaglen that outlines the legal process for the City Council appointment of a Chair for a one (1) year term. The Board of Directors recommended, and the City Council appointed Ralph Evans to serve as Chair for 2003. A copy of the Resolution appointing the TIRZ Board Chair is also included for review. This resolution is currently scheduled for City Council consideration in January. Agenda Item No. 4, Election of Vice -Chair for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, for 2004 — The Board is asked to consider the election of a Vice -Chair at this meeting, the Bylaws stipulate that this term is for one (1) year. The duties of this office include those assigned by the Board, and to serve as Chair due to absence of inability to act. The Board elected Dr. Larry Darlage to serve as Vice -Chair for 2003 at the January 21, 2003 meeting. Agenda Item No.5, Approval of the 2003 Annual Report for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas — Included in your packet is the TIRZ 2003 Annual Report prepared by Director of Finance Sharen Elam. Section 311.006 of the Tax Increment Financing Act establishes an annual report requirement for the TIRZ, and a copy of this report must be forwarded to the Office of the State Attorney General, and to chief executive officer of each taxing unit that levies taxes within the zone. Please contact Sharen Elam with questions regarding this report at (817) 481 -1713. Board of Directors, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas December 9, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item No. 7, Approval of Resolution No. 03- 001- TIRZ1, amending the Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas, Article II, Section 3: Regular Meetings; and Article II, Section 6: Conduct of Business — The City Council adopted the Bylaws on February 15, 2000. The Bylaws serve to assist the City Council in the management and control of the property and affairs of the Zone. Furthermore, the Bylaws provide guidelines for the Board of Directors. At your August 19, 2003 meeting you approved a recommendation to the City Council that authorizes you to amend the Bylaws. At the subsequent City Council meeting on the 19` authorization was given by the City Council to proceed with the following amendments to the Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Southlake, Texas: • Article II: Board of Directors; Section 3: Regular Meetings — There are two points to this proposed amendment. One is amending the requirements for designating a regular meeting schedule by the standard of a minute order versus passing a Resolution. The second proposal inserts verbiage into Section 3 that is present in Section 4: Special or Emergency Meetings. This establishes a consistent and standard notification practice for all meetings. • Article II: Board of Directors; Section 6: Conduct of Business — This proposed amendment would make the City Secretary of the City of Southlake the Board of Directors Secretary. These amendments become effective upon your passage of this resolution. The TIRZ1 was added in order for the City Secretary to efficiently track your action. Please contact John Eaglen with questions relating to this agenda item. Agenda Item No. 7, Board of Directors Meeting Schedule for 2004 — The Bylaws stipulate that the Board shall meet in the fourth quarter of each year, otherwise meetings may be scheduled as desired by the Board. In order to make meetings more convenient for everyone to attend, staff is asking the Board to consider a desired meeting schedule for 2004 at this time. Agenda Item No. 8, Southlake Town Square Project Status Update — This is a standing agenda item that provides the Town Square developer the opportunity to brief the Board of Directors on the Town Square project and items of interest. As always, we appreciate your commitment and service to the community. If you have questions or comments on the meeting agenda or any of the packet materials in advance of the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at (817) 481 -1420 or the referenced staff.