2002-01-22 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM January 16, 2002 TO: Board of Directors, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ) FROM: John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager (817 481 -1433) SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments — Board of Directors Meeting, January 22, 2002 The Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Town Hall Building. Please note that Early Voting for the Crime Control District Continuation Election will be ongoing in the Executive Conference Room until 5:30 p.m., so please enter the Council Chambers through the main entrance. The meeting is intended to inform you of the financial status of the reinvestment zone and present the annual report to the Board of Directors, and to take care of annual administrative items relating to the Board. Agenda Item No. 2, Temporary Appointment of Chair — Gary Fawks was appointed by the City Council to serve as chair for 2001, however the position became vacant in May 2001 due to changes on the City Council. After researching the Vice -Chair appointment, the position became vacant in January 2001. The purpose of this agenda item is to temporarily elect a Chair to facilitate this meeting. Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the December 5, 2000 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors Meeting — A copy of the minutes is included in your packet for review. If you have corrections to the minutes, please forward them to me in advance of the meeting, or you may make changes as part of your motion during consideration of this item at the meeting. Agenda Item No. 4, Approval of the 2001 Annual Report for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One — Included in your packet is the TIRZ annual report prepared by Director of Finance Sharen Elam. Section 311.016 of the Tax Increment Financing Act establishes an annual report requirement for the TIRZ, and a copy of this report must be sent to the State Attorney General. Please contact Sharen with questions regarding the report at (817) 481 -1713. Agenda Item No. 5, City Council Appointment of Chair for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors for 2002 — Included in your packet is a staff report outlining the legal requirements for the City Council appointment of a Chair for a one (1) year term. A copy of Resolution 02 -002 appointing the TIRZ Board Chair is also included for review, this resolution is scheduled for City Council consideration at their January 22, 2002 meeting. Agenda Item No. 6, Appointment of Vice -Chair for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors for 2002 — The Board is asked to consider the appointment of a Vice -Chair at this meeting, the By -Laws designate that the term for this office is for one (1) year. This is consistent with the appointment of other city board officers. Agenda Item No. 7, 2002 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule for the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One — The By -Laws stipulate that the Board shall meet in the fourth quarter of each year, otherwise meetings may be scheduled as desired by the Board. In order to make meetings more convenient for everyone to attend, staff is asking the Board to consider a desired meeting schedule for 2002 at this time. If you have questions or comments in advance of the meeting, please feel free to contact me at (817) 481- 1433. SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas) SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 ANNUAL REPORT (Unaudited) Prepared by: Sharen Elam. Director of Finance SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas) COMBINED BALANCE SHEET -ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 September 30, 2001 Governmental Fund Types Account Group General Special Capital Long -Term September 30, ASSETS Revenue Projects Liabilities 2000 Cash and investments $ 467,679 $ 2,519,255 $ - $ 5,648,266 Accounts Receivable 1,794 Amount to be provided for retirement of long -term liabilities 19,165,036 15,535,036 TOTAL ASSETS $467,679 $ 2,521,049 $ 19,165,036 $ 21,183,302 LIABILITIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS Liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ - $ 284,349 $ - $ 2,580,996 Bond payable 19,165,036 15,535,036 Total liabilities - 284,349 19,165,036 18,116,032 Fund Balances: Unreserved, undesignated 467,679 223,833 Reserved for capital projects 2,236,700 2,843,437 Total fund balances 467,679 2,236,700 - 3,067,270 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 467,679 $ 2,521,049 $ 19,165,036 $ 21,183,302 1 • y • SOUTHLAKE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas) COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 September 30, 2001 Governmental Fund Types Special Capital September 30, Revenue Projects 2000 REVENUES: Property taxes $ 1,262,466 $ - $ 731,789 Donations Interest 6,217 185,301 231,099 Total revenues $ 1,268,683 $ 185,301 $ 962,888 EXPENDITURES: Professional, engineering and construction cost 4,313,832 11,184,978 Other operations 709,110 421,582 Total expenditures 709,110 4,313,832 11,606,560 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 559,573 (4,128,531) (10,643,672) Other financing sources (uses) Bond proceeds 3,521,794 11,612,642 Operating transfers out (315,727) (230,930) Operating transfers in - Total other financing sources (uses) (315,727) 3,521,794 11,381,712 Excess of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other uses 243,846 (606,737) 738,040 Fund Balances at beginning of year 223,833 2,843,437 2,329,230 Fund Balances at end of year $ 467,679 $ 2,236,700 $ 3,067,270 2 NOTE 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Southlake Tax Increment Financing District (the "TIF ") was created on September 23, 1997. The TIF was created to encourage quality commercial development along the Highway 114 corridor. The area is primarily undeveloped and the City intends to capture the anticipated incremental tax revenue increase to apply to targeted public improvement projects that benefit all the overlapping taxing jurisdictions. The TIF is governed by a twelve member board of directors consisting of the seven City Council members, one member appointed by City Council and one member each appointed by Carroll Independent School District, Tarrant County, Tarrant County Community College, and the Tarrant County Hospital District Board of Directors. The termination of the TIF is set as either December 31, 2018 or the date when all project cost are paid and all debt is retired, whichever comes first. The boundaries of the TIF were expanded in accordance with Texas Code Section 311.007 by ordinance #682 -A on December 2, 1997. The expansion of the TIF boundaries will result in benefits to the City, its residents and property owners. The TIF is a blended component unit of the City under the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 14. The accounting and reporting policies of the TIF conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the more significant accounting and reporting policies: (a) Fund Accounting The accounts of the TIF are organized on the basis of funds and account groups. The operations of the TIF are accounted for in the following funds and account groups: The Special Revenue Fund -used to account for the operational cost of the TIF The Capital Project Fund -used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities The General Long -Term Debt Account Group -used to account for the TIF's long -term liabilities (b) Basis of Accounting The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. The Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Project Funds, governmental fund types, are accounted for using a current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operating statements of this fund present increase (Le., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (Le., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. The Special Revenue and Capital Project Fund are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Expenditures are recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred, with the exception of principal and interest on long - 3 interest on Tong -term debt, which are recognized when payable from current available financial resources. Investment earnings are recorded as earned, since they are measurable and available. (c) Budgets and Budgetary Accounting An overall project budget was included in the Project and Finance Plan to create the TIF and approved by all parties involved. NOTE 2: CASH AND INVESTMENTS The cash and investments policies of the TIF mirror the City of Southlake's policies. City policies governing bank deposits require depositories to be FDIC - insured institutions, and depositories must fully collateralize all time deposits in excess of FDIC insurance limits. Deposit -At September 30, 2001 the carrying amount of the TIF's deposits at banks was $286,417. These balances were completely covered by federal depository insurance or fully collateralized. Investments- Statutes and the City's Investment Policy authorize the City and the TIF to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. agencies and instrumentalities, repurchase agreements and the State Treasurer's investment pool. As of September 30, 2001, the TIF's investments consisted of the following: Market Value State Treasurer's investment pool ( "Texpool ") $2,700,517 NOTE 3. LONG -TERM LIABILITIES A summary of the TIF's long -term liabilities is as follows: Tax and Tax Increment Revenue Certificates Of Obligation, Series 1999, due in annual Installments through August 15, 2019, 4.75% to 5.6% $ 3,610,000 Tax and Tax Increment Revenue Certificates Of Obligation, Series 2000 -B, due in annual Installments through February 15, 2018, 5.0% to 6.8% $11,925,036 Tax and Tax Increment Revenue Certificates Of Obligation, Series 2000 -E, due in annual Installments through August 15, 2018, 4.75% to 5.3% $ 3,630,000 $19,165,036 4 The annual requirements to amortize the Tong -term debt as of September 30, 2001, are as follows: Fiscal Year 2002 818,866 2003 880,185 2004 1,221,741 2005 1,408,548 2006 1,602,623 2007 and thereafter 29,215,546 Total payments required 35,147,509 Less interest (15,982,473) Total principal $19,165,036 NOTE4: APPRAISED VALUES A summary of appraised values for the TIF are as follows: 1997 Tax Year Base Year Captured 2000 Taxable Taxable Taxable Value Value Value Entity City of Southlake $74,190,796 $23,217,804 $50,972,992 Tarrant County Hospital 74,215,796 23,217,804 50,997,992 Tarrant County Community College 74,215,796 23,217,804 50,997,992 Tarrant County 74,215,796 23,217,804 50,997,992 Carroll Independent School District 74,205,796 23,207,804 50,997,992 5