(A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas)
SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
Prepared by:
Sharen Elam
Director of Finance
(A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas)
SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Governmental Fund Types Account Group
Special Debt Capital Long -Term September 30,
ASSETS Revenue Service Projects Liabilities 1999
Cash and investments $131,682 $ 96,549 $5,418,192 $ - $ 2,469,194
Amount to be provided for retirement
of long -term liabilities 15,535,036 3,610,000
TOTAL ASSETS $131,682 $ 96,549 $5,418,192 $ 15,535,036 $ 6,079,194
Accrued liabilities $ - $ - $2,175,113 $ - $ 143,382
Bond payable 15,535,036 3,610,000
Total liabilities - - 2,175,113 15,535,036 3,753,382
Fund Balances:
Unreserved, undesignated 131,682 96,549 131,510
Reserved for capital projects 3,243,079 2,194,302
Total fund balances 131,682 96,549 3,243,079 - 2,325,812
AND FUND BALANCES $131,682 $ 96,549 $5,418,192 $ 15,535,036 $ 6,079,194
(A Component Unit of the City of Southlake, Texas)
SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
September 30, 2000
Governmental Fund Types
Special Debt Capital September 30,
Revenue Service Projects 1999
Property taxes $ 310,207 $ - $ - $ 90,563
Donations 4,600
Interest 8,040 5,986 209,061
Total revenues $ 318,247 $ 5,986 $ 209,061 $ 95,163
Professional, engineering and construction cost 10,779,096 1,305,962
Other operations 106,088
Total expenditures - - 10,779,096 1,412,050
Excess (deficiency) of
revenues over expenditures 318,247 5,986 (10,570,035) (1,316,887)
Other financing sources (uses)
Bond proceeds 11,618,812 3,500,264
Operating transfers out (230,930)
Operating transfers in 145,000
Total other financing sources (uses) (230,930) - 11,618,812 3,645,264
Excess of revenues and other
financing sources over expenditures
and other uses 87,317 5,986 1,048,777 2,328,377
Fund Balances at beginning of year 44,365 90,563 2,194,302 (2,565)
Fund Balances at end of year $ 131,682 $ 96,549 $ 3,243,079 $ 2,325,812
The Southlake Tax Increment Financing District (the "TIF ") was created on September
23, 1997. The TIF was created to encourage quality commercial development along the
Highway 114 corridor. The area is primarily undeveloped and the City intends to
capture the anticipated incremental tax revenue increase to apply to targeted public
improvement projects that benefit all the overlapping taxing jurisdictions. The TIF is
governed by a twelve member board of directors consisting of the seven City Council
members, one member appointed by City Council and one member each appointed by
Carroll Independent School District, Tarrant County, Tarrant County Community
College, and the Tarrant County Hospital District Board of Directors. The termination of
the TIF is set as either December 31, 2018 or the date when all project cost are paid
and all debt is retired, whichever comes first. The boundaries of the TIF were expanded
in accordance with Texas Code Section 311.007 by ordinance #682 -A on December 2,
1997. The expansion of the TIF boundaries will result in benefits to the City, its
residents and property owners. The TIF is a blended component unit of the City under
the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 14.
The accounting and reporting policies of the TIF conform to generally accepted
accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary
of the more significant accounting and reporting policies:
(a) Fund Accounting
The accounts of the TIF are organized on the basis of funds and account
groups. The operations of the TIF are accounted for in the following funds
and account groups:
The Special Revenue Fund -used to account for the operational cost of
the TIF
The Debt Service Fund -used to account for principal and interest
The Capital Project Fund -used to account for financial resources to be
used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities
The General Long -Term Debt Account Group -used to account for the
TIF's long -term liabilities
(b) Basis of Accounting
The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is
determined by its measurement focus. The Special Revenue, Debt Service
and Capital Project Funds, governmental fund types, are accounted for using
a current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement
focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the
balance sheet. Operating statements of this fund present increase (i.e.,
revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and
other financing uses) in net current assets.
The Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Project Fund are accounted
for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized
when they become measurable and available as net current assets.
Expenditures are recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting
when the related fund liability is incurred, with the exception of principal and
interest on long -term debt, which are recognized when payable from current
available financial resources.
Investment earnings are recorded as earned, since they are measurable and
(c) Budgets and Budgetary Accounting
An overall project budget was included in the Project and Finance Plan to
create the TIF and approved by all parties involved.
The cash and investments policies of the TIF mirror the City of Southlake's policies. City
policies governing bank deposits require depositories to be FDIC - insured institutions,
and depositories must fully collateralize all time deposits in excess of FDIC insurance
Deposit -At September 30, 2000 the carrying amount of the TIF's deposits at banks was
$232,218. These balances were completely covered by federal depository insurance or
fully collateralized.
Investments - Statutes and the City's Investment Policy authorize the City and the TIF to
invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. agencies and instrumentalities,
repurchase agreements and the State Treasurer's investment pool. As of September
30, 2000, the TIF's investments consisted of the following:
Market Value
State Treasurer's investment pool ( "Texpool ") $5,414,205
A summary of the TIF's long -term liabilities is as follows:
Tax and Tax Increment Revenue Certificates
Of Obligation, Series 1999, due in annual
Installments through August 15, 2019, 4.75% to 5.6% $ 3,610,000
Tax and Tax Increment Revenue Certificates
Of Obligation, Series 2000 -B, due in annual
Installments through February 15, 2018, 5.0% to 6.8% $11,925,036
The annual requirements to amortize the Tong -term debt as of September 30, 2000, are
as follows:
Fiscal Year
2001 191,555
2002 491,555
2003 711,555
2004 911,555
2005 1,051,555
2006 and thereafter 26,993,223
Total payments required 30,350,998
Less interest (14,815,962)
Total principal $15,535,036
A summary of appraised values for the TIF are as follows:
Tax Year Base Year Captured
1999 Taxable Appraised Appraised
Value Value Value .
City of Southlake $53,601,808 $23,267,804 $30,384,004
Tarrant County Hospital 53,626,808 23,217,804 30,409,004
Tarrant County Community College 53,626,808 23,217,804 30,409,004
Tarrant County 53,626,808 23,217,804 30,409,004
Carroll Independent School District 53,626,808 23,217,804 30,409,004
ri . Cit y of Southlake
Dut a
November 21, 2000 Administration Offices
Dr. Ted Gillum 0 pky
Mayor: Carroll Independent School District
Rick Stacy 1201 North Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Mayor Pro Tem:
Gary Fawks
Re: City of Southlake Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem: Meeting, December 5, 2000
Ronnie Kendall
Councilmembers: Dear Dr. Gillum:
Rex Potter
Keith Shankland Section 311.016. of the Tax Increment Financing Act s tates the following: "On or
Greg Standerfer owg
Patsy DuPre before the 90 day following the end of the fiscal year of the municipality, the
governing body of a municipality shall submit to the chief executive officer of each
City Manager: taxing unit that levies property taxes on real property in a reinvestment zone created
Billy Campbell
by the municipality a report on the status of the zone." The report must contain the
Assistant City Manager: following elements:
Shana Yelverton
City Secretary: • The amount and source of revenue in the tax increment fund established for the
Sandra LeGrand zone.
• The amount and purpose of expenditures from the fund.
• The amount of principal and interest due on outstanding bonded indebtedness.
• The tax increment base and current captured appraised value retained by the zone.
• The captured appraised value shared by the municipality and other taxing units,
the total amount of tax increments received, and any additional information
necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan
adopted by the governing body of the municipality.
A copy of this report additionally must be sent to the State Attorney General.
In order to meet the December 31, 2000 deadline, the City would like to schedule a
Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting for Tuesday,
December 5, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. This meeting is scheduled to take place in the City
Council Chambers at the Southlake City Hall, located at 667 North Carroll Avenue.
The approval of the annual report will be the only agenda item for this meeting.
If you are unable to attend, please contact Director of Finance Sharen Elam at (817)
481 -5581, extension 716 or myself at extension 806. Thank you for your attention to
this matter.
Jo n EagY
Assistant to the City Manager
1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092
(817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 329 -1747
_._. _
. ..
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gut a -
Administration Offices
November 21, 2000
Ms. Jane Sanford --�
Tarrant County, �
Mayor: 645 Grapevine Highway No. 6 1'
Rick Stacy Hurst, Texas 76054
Mayor Pro Tem:
Gary Fawks Re: City of Southlake Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors
Meeting, December 5, 2000
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem:
Ronnie Kendall Dear Ms. Sanford:
Rex Potter Section 311.016. of the Tax Increment Financing Act states the following: "On or
Keith Shankland 90
beore the ` day following the end of the fiscal year of the municipality, the
Greg Standerfer y g Y
Patsy DuPre governing body of a municipality shall submit to the chief executive officer of each
taxing unit that levies property taxes on real property in a reinvestment zone created
City Manager: by the municipality a report on the status of the zone." The report must contain the
Billy Campbell
following elements:
Assistant City Manager:
Shana Yelverton • The amount and source of revenue in the tax increment fund established for the
City Secretary: zone.
Sandra LeGrand • The amount and purpose of expenditures from the fund.
• The amount of principal and interest due on outstanding bonded indebtedness.
• The tax increment base and urrent captured appraised value retained by the zone.
• The captured appraised value shared by the municipality and other taxing units,
the total amount of tax increments received, and any additional information
necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan
adopted by the governing body of the municipality.
A copy of this report additionally must be sent to the State Attorney General.
In order to meet the December 31, 2000 deadline, the City would like to schedule a
Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting for Tuesday,
December 5, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. This meeting is scheduled to take place in the City
Council Chambers at the Southlake City Hall, located at 667 North Carroll Avenue.
The approval of the annual report will be the only agenda item for this meeting.
If you are unable to attend, please contact Director of Finance Sharen Elam at (817)
481 -5581, extension 716 or myself at extension 806. Thank you for your attention to
this matter.
Sinc rely
Jo n Eagl
Assistant to the City Manager
1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092
(817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 329 -1747
+� = City of Southlake
p -- Administration Offices
November 21, 2000
Ms. Drenda Witt
Director of Public Relations
Mayor: John Peter Smith Hospital
Rick Stacy 1500 S. Main Street - f
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Mayor Pro Tem:
Gary Fawks
Re: City of Southlake Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem: Meeting, December 5, 2000
Ronnie Kendall
Councilmembers: Dear Ms. Witt:
Rex Potter
Keith Shankland Section 311.016. of the Tax Increment Financing Act states the following: On or
Greg Standerfer 90th g
Patsy DuPre before the 90 day following the end of the fiscal year of the municipality, the
governing body of a municipality shall submit to the chief executive officer of each
City Manager: taxing unit that levies property taxes on real property in a reinvestment zone created
Billy Campbell
by the municipality a report on the status of the zone." The report must contain the
Assistant City Manager: following elements:
Shana Yelverton
City Secretary: • The amount and source of revenue in the tax increment fund established for the
Sandra LeGrand zone.
• The amount and purpose of expenditures from the fund.
• The amount of principal and interest due on outstanding bonded indebtedness.
• The tax increment base and current captured appraised value retained by the zone.
• The captured appraised value shared by the municipality and other taxing units,
the total amount of tax increments received, and any additional information
necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan
adopted by the governing body of the municipality.
A copy of this report additionally must be sent to the State Attorney General.
In order to meet the December 31, 2000 deadline, the City would like to schedule a
Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting for Tuesday,
December 5, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. This meeting is scheduled to take place in the City
Council Chambers at the Southlake City Hall, located at 667 North Carroll Avenue.
The approval of the annual report will be the only agenda item for this meeting.
If you are unable to attend, please contact Director of Finance Sharen Elam at (817)
481 -5581, extension 716 or myself at extension 806. Thank you for your attention to
this matter.
i `�W
J n Eagld
Assistant to the City Manager
1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092
(817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 329 -1747
C it of Southlake
out C1 - Administration Offices
November 21, 2000
Mr. Larry Darlarge
0 CD y.
TCJC - Northeast Campus
Mayor: 828 Harwood Road
Rick Stacy Hurst, Texas 76054
Mayor Pro Tem:
Gary Fawks Re: City of Southlake Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors
Meeting, December 5, 2000
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem:
Ronnie Kendall Dear Mr. Darlarge:
Rex Potter Section 311.016. of the Tax Increment Financing Act states the following: "On or
Keith Shankland before the 90` day following the end of the fiscal year of the municipality, the
Greg Standerfer
Patsy DuPre governing body of a municipality shall submit to the chief executive officer of each
taxing unit that levies property taxes on real property in a reinvestment zone created
City Manager: by the municipality a report on the status of the zone." The report must contain the
Billy Campbell
following elements:
Assistant City Manager:
Shana Yelverton • The amount and source of revenue in the tax increment fund established for the
City Secretary: zone.
Sandra LeGrand • The amount and purpose of expenditures from the fund.
• The amount of principal and interest due on outstanding bonded indebtedness.
• The tax increment base and current captured appraised value retained by the zone.
• The captured appraised value shared by the municipality and other taxing units,
the total amount of tax increments received, and any additional information
necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan
adopted by the governing body of the municipality.
A copy of this report additionally must be sent to the State Attorney General.
In order to meet the December 31, 2000 deadline, the City would like to schedule a
Tax Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors meeting for Tuesday,
December 5, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. This meeting is scheduled to take place in the City
Council Chambers at the Southlake City Hall, located at 667 North Carroll Avenue.
The approval of the annual report will be the only agenda item for this meeting.
If you are unable to attend, please contact Director of Finance Sharen Elam at (817)
481 -5581, extension 716 or myself at extension 806. Thank you for your attention to
this matter.
.'i •�
J • n Eaglen
Assistant to the City Manager
1725 East Southlake Blvd. • Southlake, Texas 76092
(817) 481 -5581 • FAX (817) 329 -1747