City of Southlake, Texas
LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas
City Council Chambers of City Hall
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Administrative Comments.
4. Consider: Case #90, a request for a Special Exception Use
Permit for Petroleum Operations per Section 44.12
(pp), Ordinance No. 480. The tract is zoned
Industrial-2 Zoning District.
Owner/Applicant: Conoco, Inc./CITGO Petroleum Corp.
Location: Highway No. 26, across from Grapevine High
School, being legally described as 33.626 acres out
of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438,
Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B.
Continuation of the public hearing.
5. Consider: Case #91, a request for a site plan approval for the
issuance of building permits for two (2) projects:
(1) the shroud surrounding the thermal oxidizer
("flare") and,
(2) a 9'X181, 10,000 gallon above ground
additive tank.
33.626 acre tract of land out of the Harrison Decker
Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B.
Owner/Applicant: Conoco, Inc./CITGO Petroluem Corp.
Continuation of the public hearing.
6. Consider: Case #93, request for a Special Exception Use Permit
for a concrete batching or transient mix plant per
Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (jj).
The proposed location is 403 and 404 Bosque Court,
being legally described as Block 2, Lots 3 & 4,
SouthRidge Lakes, Phase II.
Owner: Southwind Partners, L.P. (Arvida Company)
Public Hearing.
City of Southlake, Texas
Board of Adjustments Agenda
May 29, 1990
page two
7. Consider: Case #94, a request for a variance for a five (5')
foot encroachment into the front yard setback as
required by the filed Final Plat of SouthRidge
Lakes, Phase I.
The property is located at 305 Gregg Court, being
legally described as Lot 12, Block 4, SouthRidge
Lakes, Phase I.
Applicant: Jeff Mercer dba Concept Homes.
Public Hearing.
8. Consider: Case #95, a request for a variance to the corner
setback requirement for the Single Family-lA zoning
district. The property is located at 775 Wildwood,
Lot 7, Phase III, Lakewood Acres.
Owner: Morris Stewart.
Public Hearing.
9. Meeting Adjourned.
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official
bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,
Texas, on Friday, May 18 JQ0 , at 5:00 p.m. pursuant to the Open
Meetings Law, Article -+1(7;JP',' A.S.
andra L. LeGrand
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City Secretary