1996-07-11 (2) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING July 11, 1996 7:10 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Sorenson, Vice Chairman; Karen Cienki, Ron Troy, Sally Hall, William Kemp, Alternate #1; John Smart, Alternate #2. MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Joyce, Chairman. STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jean Bryson, Secretary; Stephanie Sarakatis, Asst. to the Zoning Administrator. Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made to approve the minutes of June 27, 1996 as presented. Motion: Sorenson Second: Hall Hearing no objection the minutes of June 27,1996 were deemed approved as presented by the Chair. Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported two board members would not be present for the next regular meeting on July 25, 1996. Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #257 Variance. ZBA Case #257, a Variance to ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5 (b), requiring lots in "SF-20B" Single Family Residential to have front yards no less than thirty-five feet (35'). The original setback per Ordinance 161. "A-2" One-Family District, allowed for a minimum front yard of twenty-five feet (25'). The applicant is requesting a front yard of fifteen feet (15'). The location is 3120 Peninsula Drive, being legally described as Lot 58, Block 2, Dove Estates. The owner is Linda Morgan and the applicant is Duane R. Heiner. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that a letter was received from Duane R. Heiner, applicant, requesting that ZBA Case #257 be tabled to the next board meeting, July 25, 1996. A motion was made to table ZBA Case #257 to the next meeting July 25, 1996 as requested. Zoning Board of Adjustment page 2 July 11, 1996 Agenda Item #4 continued. Motion: Troy Second: Hall Ayes: Kemp, Hall, Troy, Cienki, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to table Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case #258 Special Exception. ZBA Case # 258, a Special Exception Use Permit for Family Quarters per Ordinance No. 480 Section 44.12(1). The proposed quarters will be approximately 968 s.f. The location is 2079 North Carroll Ave., being legally described as Tract 4C, F. Throop Survey No. 1511 and being approximately, 1.379 acres. Owner\Applicant is Richard Bartholomew. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that six (6) notices were sent to property owners within 200 feet and three response were received, (2 in favor and 1 opposed to the request) . Public Hearing. Richard Bartholomew, owner\applicant, said he is wanting to add an additional 2600 s. f. to the existing structure that is approximately 968 s. f. to be attached by a breeze way only. The additional area would be the primary structure and the existing area would be occupied as family quarters only. There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request. Public Hearing Closed. After a lengthy discussion the board amended the request. The requested exception is specifically permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, as set forth in Section 44.12 (1); and a motion was made to grant ZBA Case #258 a Special Use Permit, the primary structure will be separated by ten feet (10') from the family quarters. Motion: Kemp Second: Hall Ayes: Kemp, Hall, Troy, Cienki, Sorenson Nays: none Vote: 5-0 to grant Board of Adjustment Meeting page 3 July 11, 1996 Agenda Item #6 ZBA Case #259 Variance. ZBA Case # 259 a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5 (b) requiring lots in "SF-20B" Single Family Residential to have front yards no less than thirty-five feet (35'); Section 14.5 (c), requiring side yards to be no less than fifteen feet (15'); and Section 14.5 (d), requiring rear yards to be no less than forty feet (40'). The original setback per Ordinance 161, "A-2" One Family District allowed for a minimum front yard of twenty-five feet (25'), a minimum side yard of ten feet (10'), and a minimum rear yard of twenty-five feet. The location is 1320 Burney Lane, being legally described as Lot 3, Block 2 Dove Estates. The owners are Wayne W. and Roberta L. Dinsmore and the applicant is J. P. Gresham, Jr. A presentation was by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Ms. Gandy reported that eighteen (18) notices were sent to property owners within 200 feet with three (3) responses, (two (2) in favor of the request and one (1) in opposition). Public Hearing. J. P. Gresham, Jr. was present and said he is asking the board to grant a variance to Ordinance No. 480 "SF-20B" and the original setback requirements of twenty-five (25) feet as per Ordinance No. 161 "A-2". There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request. Public Hearing Closed. The finding were stated by Mr. Sorenson. Pursuant to the finds set forth in this case, a motion was made to Grant ZBA Case #259 a variance to Ordinance No. 280, Section 14.5 (b) as requested. Motion: Sorenson Second: Hall Ayes: Kemp, Hall, Troy, Cienki, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5 - 0 to grant as requested Agenda Item #7 Meeting Adjourned. With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned. Board of Adjustment Meeting page 4 July 11, 1996 Agenda Item #7 continued. Meeting Adjourned 9:00 P. M. Fred J e Chai an an Bryson Attended the meeting and prepared the minutes ATTEST; ~0 +80 v andra L. LeGrand City Secretary BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK DURING THE MEETING DATE NAME , ADDRESS PHONE AGENDA ITEM 1