2003-06-19 REGULAR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING June 19 2003 LOCATION; 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall WORK SESSION: 6:00 P.M. 1 Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. EXECUTIVE SESSION: If a need arises seek the advice fr posted subje matter of this to om Planning and Zonin ct the City Attorne be discussed in executive session. g Commission meeting, the issues or matters y as owthe ill 1. Pursuant to Section 551-071, Texas session to consult with the C- Government Code, the Commissi ty Attorney on ma me including matters posted on this agenda. regard, Y et in executive g matters authorized by Section 551.071, 2. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discusse d in executive session. REGULAR SESSION: 6:30 P.M. 1 Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning 2003. and Zoning Commission meeting held on June 5, 3. Administrative Comments. CONSENT AGENDA; 4• Consider: ZA03-041 side 3- Rid g PLAT FOR g Crest Drive OAK PO1NTE on approximate) ' approximately 1200' property located on the west y 27 acres. Current Zoning: north of East Dove St. and being Development District. SPIN Neighborhood # R PUD Residential Planned REGULAR AGENDA; Unit 5. Discussion: ZA03-0291 ZON PARC on ING CHANGE AND CONCEPT PLAN property described as Tracts 3L, 3N FOR ST 2, Hira T Granberry Survey, Abstract No. 3M 3N1, and 3 the west side of South Wh- 581, being N2, Hiram West Southlake Boulevard lte Chapel Boulevarrdoximately 14.6 acres located on District and " (FM 1709 'approximately 600' south of SF-1A" Single Famil Current Zoning: "AG" 20A" Single Famil Y Residential District. Agricultural PUBLIC HEARINGS1T~tialBEistrict. Sp Requested Zoning: IN Neighborhood # 14, "SF_ RESCHEDULED TO JULY 17, 20033, PLANNING AND ZONING June 19, 2003 COMMISSION AGENDA PAGE 2 PLANNING AND NOTIFICATION ERROR. ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DUE TO A 6. Discussion: ZA03-040, PRELIMINARY described as Tracts 3L PLAT FOR 3N STRATFORT Abstract No. , 3M, 3NI, and 3N2 PARC °n property 581, being approximate) 14 6 Hiram Granberry South White Chapel Boulevard, y acres located on the west side of Boulevard (FM 17 el , approximately 600' so Single Famil 09). Current Zoning. "AG" Agricultural uth of West Southlake District and " y Residential District. Proposed Zonin Residential District. Sp SF-lA" PUBLIC HEARING IN Neighborhood # 14. g "SF-20A Single Family PLANNING AND TO BE RESCHEDULED NOTIFICATION ZONING COMMISSION TO JULY 179 2003, ERROR. MEETING DUE TO A 7• Consider: ZA03-030, ZONING CHANGE AND SITE PLAN FOR Property described as a portion of Tracts 2E2 WESTGATE PLAZA the T. Easter Survey , 2E5, 2E6, 2E9B ``~ZA on located on the north side o bSt tet No. 458, i nd bein and 2E14, situated Boulevard in g approximately 0.972 acres Requested Zonnrapevine. Current Zonin y 14' approximately 860' west of park g: "S-P-2„ g: «C-3„ General Commercial District. PUBLIC HEARING General Site Plan District. SPIN Neighborhood # 6. 8• Consider: ZA03-031 described as a PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR portion of Tracts 2E2, 2E5, 2E6 2E9B ATE PLAZA on Easter Survey, Abstract No. 458 ,and 2E14, situated in the T. the north side of State Highway ' and being approximately 0.972 acres located o in Grapevine. Current Zonin : 114' approximately 860 west of Park Boulevard Zoning: "S-p-2" General Site Plan District. SPIN Neighborhood District. Proposed PUBLIC HEARING # 6. 9• Consider: ZA03-043 REVISED SITE PLAN FOR HARRIS 01 property located on the south side of East Southlake Boulevard (FM 1500' east of Carroll Avenue. Current Zoning: SPIN Neighborhood # 8. d (FM 1709) and "S-P-2" General Site Plan District. PUBLIC HEARING 10. Consider: Meeting Adjournment PLANNING AND ZONING June 19, 2003 COMMISSION AGENDA PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above a e Main Street, Southlake, Texas, onaFriwas dPosted on the official bulletin boards at Town Government Code, Chapter 551. Y~ June 13, 2003 Hall, 1400 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to `~"0VTH +Lqk'''•., the Texas ~F ' • = Lori = L) Farwell City Secretary ' If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, 48 hours in advance at 48 , and reasonable accommodations please advise the City will be made to assist you.