1992-02-20 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 10, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commissioners FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 92 -01 Concept Plan REQUESTED ACTION: Concept Plan Approval for Pleasant Hill Advent Christian Church per Ordinance No. 480, Section 8.6. LOCATION: 1300 -Block of North Carroll Avenue, being legally described as Block 1, Lot 1, Chivers Park Addition OWNER /APPLICANT: Pleasant Hill Advent Christian Church; Roy J. Stacy, Trustee. CURRENT ZONING: "CS ", Community Service District LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use (Commercial /Residential; No Industrial) NO. NOTICES SENT: Five (5) RESPONSES: None STAFF COMMENTS: Attached please find the First Plan Review Summary dated February 14, 1992. A Development Site Plan must be approved by City Staff Mfr prior to the issuance of a building permit. KPG City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 92 -01 REVIEW NO: ONE DATE OF REVIEW: 2/14/92 PROJECT NAME: Pleasant Hill Advent Christian Church Lot 1, Block 1, Chivers Park Addition OWNER /APPLICANT: ENG /PLANNER /ARCHITECT: Roy J. Stacey, Trustee George A. Peterson Co. 320 N. Shady Oaks Drive 116 Cliffside Dr. N. Southlake, Texas 76092 Burleson, Texas 76028 Phone: Phone: (817) 295 -7828 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 1/27/92 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481 -5581, EXT. 744. * We find the applicant has met all the concept plan requirements of Section 41 of the Zoning Ordinance. * Denotes Informational Comment cc: Roy Stacy George Peterson City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M February 10, 1992 TO: Planning and Zoning Commissioners FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZA 92 -02 Specific Use Permit REQUESTED ACTION: Specific Use Permit for Petroleum Operations per Ordinance 480, Section 45.1 (26). LOCATION: 2201 Highway No. 26 West, being 16.48 acres, Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tract 1B1A; C.B.McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, Tracts 4B and 4C; and P.R. Splane Survey, Abstract No. 1453, Tract 1B. OWNER /APPLICANT: Explorer Pipeline Company CURRENT ZONING: "I -2 ", Industrial -2, Heavy Industrial District LAND USE CATEGORY: Industrial NO. NOTICES SENT: Seventeen (17) RESPONSES: None STAFF COMMENTS: Attached please find the First Plan Review Summary dated February 14, 1992. M"k KPG City of Southlake, Texas S.U.P SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY CASE NO: ZA 92 -02 REVIEW NO: ONE DATE OF REVIEW: 2/14/92 PROJECT NAME: S.U.P. - Explorer Pipeline Co. 2201 W. Highway 26, Southlake, Texas 76092 OWNER /APPLICANT: ENG /PLANNER /ARCHITECT: Explorer Pipeline Company Bryan Young 6846 S. Canton Avenue Explorer Pipeline Company Tulsa, OK. 74136 6846 S. Canton Avenue Tulsa, OK. 74136 Phone: (918) 493 -5100 Phone: (918) 493 -5100 Fax: Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 1/28/92 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT (817) 481 -5581, EXT. 744. Li The third call from the end does not show a distance on the boundary. 2 Show typical pavement width for Continental. On the portion of Continental east of existing S. Kimball, label as "R.O.W. dedicated, no road improvements ". 3/ On property to the east, Lots 3 -11 are zoned "MH" Manufactured Housing, and the L.U.D. = Industrial. Lots 1 and 2 are zoned j "I -1" light industrial. 41,1 Label the Green Meadows Addition (V. 388 -96, P. 45) on Tracts 3 and 4 northeast of this site. Both R.O.W. within this addition are 84' in width. 5 ✓ Show and label the "Future 84' R.O.W." line on Continental. This should be approximately 42' from the center of the existing R.O.W. (* The applicant may wish to shift fence and berm to reflect this future R.O.W.) 6. The following bufferyards should be shown on the site plan. (Clockwise from Continental) ,Mbrth along Continental: 20' Bufferyard 'D' ti/ East: 10' Bufferyard 'A' orth along 331' dimension: 10' Bufferyard 'A' South along S.H. 26: 20' Bufferyard 'D' Wst along drive: 10' Bufferyard 'A' - ftuth along 959' dimension: 10' Bufferyard 'A' West along 598' dimension: 20' Bufferyard 'E' * If the applicant would like to request a variance to these bufferyards, please note this on the plan. v' Tract 3 of Green Meadows is currently zoned 'I -1'. Also our records show a different current owner. (See attached mark -up). City of Southlake, Texas 8. Note the percentage of site coverage. (i.e. buildings, tanks, etc.). Note area of open space as percentage. (i.e. grass, natural ground). 10.. Show and label a 50' building line along the railroad frontage and a 30' B.L. along the future 84' R.O.W. on Continental, a 25' side yard along the west, a 15' side yard along the east, and 10' rear yard along the 959' dimension. 11. Label height and size of the existing lighted sign at the entry. * Fire review personnel are currently out of town. Staff will confirm their comments prior to City Council. * The applicant should be aware that any revisions made prior to City Council must be received at the City by February 24 , 1992. All revised submittals should be folded 6" x 9" and include an 8.5" x 11" reduction. * Denotes Informational Comment cc:. Explorer Pipeline Company Attn: Marked -up plan. • """"° 51 VICINITY MAP . m CONTINENTAL MM. $ . "6" % N rje Y R5 Y a S BUILDING LOCATION DETAIL q.4.-- 4RPCT • 4 // s ,R15T,,10 POLO CS3S 50' VC" OD 10. V / J J N) Ta' � __ � Vi i=,_ i G • I4- Ov `" 74 EAST CONTINENTAL BLVD. F • TR Mom I E - 1019.34' .(m- . w \ I . FIN OLL CHEMICAL CO.. UN. r :el. P o. BOX 7159 ma 3 3 � DALLAS. TEXAS 75771 Z01E0:'1 -Y HUNT OVUM. WITH A 1510[ O T =��_ ��- • SPECIAL COMMON USE TO . P[1RO121M rp 5 E x ...ss, PA...... 4.----.....„ i ll Ali ,d. r .-.---__-- $ _ 1 I ♦ III � ti M. IR w �L 1 �� � �, ►�� I /1' J _ +T - ' �i� �� ��X ,.. .. o W n N IQ) 1B1E 8 N N 89'45 W - 95921' `. 7 .1--V ck c- F - = O \O iR . ? m. 101 O �I P� 9r74179. 9r74179. 9 CONOCO. NC.. ETN. . S' ? Q. _� _ P.O. 003 lie] PONE CUP. OK1A 74403 , %y 1� m feu ' 0 . 208310 S 16.654 ACRES N © P I L _ t D s' ZO'ED - FY HOW NO (00 WITH O NM. 'ofloo DICE,. old TM A P!TPONN 1 . I OPERATION (LUO 3.5.DL1 ••-••- t, I li • - 4 (. 34 r . 0 EON OL L CHEMMICAL CO.. E1M Z PO. BOX 2159 • DALLAS. TEXAS 75221 ils. &Ck 7 CONTAINS 17.02 ACRES J p SCALED: - I -Y NOW N A OUSPL WIN } 1 OP[RATION (1w 0./...) .4Q" gi p. P� N _ m.4 / OL t ENEMICAL CO.. CUL CA ST: Y.1r.100. 00 w PO. BOX 7159 0 50 I W 0D 200 100 . j.1 0004015 2 2(0(10 7' N ZONED - 1 -t 1WAW 94MTRPL Wm. I b 0 A SPEC. EXCm0O.. USE MN A „ PIO•pRt 0/m7MIt . i DPFAATpI (ILO NO1SmY1) / 07( 4 43 ^R PM 300 CE. OP 1 L15 0 MO ECM SITUATED N M ECR N. OER 1R.OV. Y ® 331.0' R. 5RA20 AMR. NV M CL 1000.00 RIND M 0. SIRACT 0 430. 1453. MO .011 CC.. OE 173 O 7080. STATE OP DCVO. N 5(403 TORE 01 0)A/AO DOOMED • � N1 9[c9N9G .T A IOM: SLD PONT KNC M M0051(1DN 01 M NOIDIW(StOCT ° N 89'37• E #' . 01C- 0r -WA7 LINE M E V ST. L01W5 APO 9231.1:T10N R.LROM MOM PEST n � TR. 35 N. 4 ' NE OF M P.R. SPAAN SU5K0 340. 453. NO1S SOWN 34 OECREIS 3 15PUTS ' +ALL- 1 W m � I 4 1� •EST A OIOICE CT 73.77 ME1 (2630 5.751: O N OTCE NORM 0 0EORSS 73 NU0E5 PEST _ 5i• •5 050 (15522 00175) 1 O 34000E DM NORrm 67.31 MET (241.10 03005)4 MCNCE NO1M N •w` _ - -_ // �// , I 1 O M 34 CLIS 45 4907(5 PE50 95521 MR (3454 0iMST ICE DIRE 000 555.14 RR _- V . C 71519 mt.): MIRE SOON h 1010(5 45 N0N16 EAST 101934 FEET (3887 MOM) 7 . r'J r ! . 11) �/ ' n' .� °')M 5,0 PONT LTNC 71.81 MET (5S ?PAM) NIOP M 0 0 0 111675 0 COMER V M N / S DECKER 5455507 D N 0005 C TI DUE SORT. ALONG M UN LAST E UK V N BEGINNING 0 b u ,4 y 'r '' 9. :,CKER 7 0(1 NO. 4 35 . 051M10E 0P 121783 MT (455.3 03048 M 50 ); NCE (04 0 oCcAus POINT OF 08.. - ES EAST 7.0.17 TER; NOCE NON Re OINCES 37 WWII EAST 3110 FEET 7 3/S MON PIN 'K (T © � v NCO'.. INcH1 -0F -WAD Or M ST MI5 Mm SODIMPCSRHN RAU., THE L SOHN \Z { ,A 4441• l J- `. )s NNOtEZ TEST ALa8 345 SAM NORM pl Rl- ar -WLV LNE 4039 II M ET t0 , C, / // ••• '.10 U Qr. •IN (1 70 K RECNP/M. CONIANNC 1844 16 ® / l` ExaeG r 7000C., OC. •I -z. H 9OilfTRDI DISTRICT. 7. ,. .4 ,e, P1' PROV050 S20/114. • 1 -Y HOVE 00)SmIA1 RIM , y -(.'. 1 `�0 4 1‘," SPECDL 01055000 USE FOR A 0EmgEIM T OPERATION . S .' ,l's LEGOO wlo • • (1) 04134E AEA 01514N'E1.CE 6 =AMEIED (2) NO TRASH 150315101 ON 511( �.. !(1(1)) 1111 (3) N 1(020 D MS 6 15605 (ORRMSPKE) CRR4t( PRCNEM (T) NO 0)1Sa S1GR0S d SOT ■ P'F' 0011061 'EL SITE PLAN A _F Ler1 LDRNC 0 EOM% ND0. 14' K 1t K. . SMNO. PETAL ROOF. CIT ON 5(51 Sa OF 1DC It NIX FUTURE EXP3050N TO BLDG 1 OQ 4 L1 7 ARC005081AND 112 110E •OD SO. R V 505 1 SOUTHLAKE METER STATION AND TERMINAL O HpRLOQ N/IIN • SPFNIOI mflll2Tp6 ND. TR 0 70 ONCR[1E Rao.. WTM Roof T RR T COUNTY. TOGS EXIT ON NORM 515E Ce 1000 t NIX CM OF SOUIMMKE, IFJ(AS © FME 01741020 ® SNa1 1DC. 79' X 75 1EMM 1DO.. WILL RON. 0 TN[ Nr155NT CM 1034 SCAM 553E V IYDC m Hex (NV USED 1 70Ei'i11TTB I =IN p POIALE 8100. 0 X 10 NET* NUN ROOF Ir1YYYlh9 �tlYYrYJ111Y cP R .�u PROTECTION EXIT ON SOWN 5a 4( 000 MIT NON. 6846 SOUTH- CANTON AVE. c ® 400 Co002. 310x. 5 8 5 NEMN. Nu. NEPAL Roof. TULSA. OKLA. 74136 0R 1534 PEST Sa 0f 134... E -7' TALL 080'0 TOPER 6 7t TALL (918) 493 -5100 Q 34' 3 30RN NON. MP 0(20 4(1105 S9WN TERM DIAL PHONE NO. (017) 401 -4040 0000 1431( (NCX0 MOLop 0055640. PDC. (1) 5207000 NR.9 SEE OETAL 480.0 Ton ■M. LOOTDNS. LO(AL CCHTACTS: 4CNNEN RA1LY- CENTRAL 067RIOT SWEIMPIENDENT V40 5090500 O 1 RICHARD ALLEN 0/113.11.1 MO JV05'6CW MT Au. 0031 517 -]lfl 0E5QORD 'PEA S.50 ACRE5 - 330 15340 4 0T: 51. 511873455E Enos c\rntew4Aa UO1N2070 715 0 57 1060 ACRES - 435 -i0 -4l Stephen and Karen Apple IL - 2819 Rainforest Court - ET-2 " ' ' 1992 -- Y Southlake, Texas 76092 -8782 , V J February 16, 1992 Mr. Joe Wright Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Dear Joe: Please accept my resignation from the Planning and Zoning Commission effective immediately. I am filing for candicacy for City Council Place 4. I have enjoyed working with you and the other commissioners and look forward to working with you again in a new capacity. (At least I HOPE so!) Sincerely, Stephen W. Apple cc: Sandra LeGrand City Secretary