2005-11-02 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, November 2, 2005 700pm. MINUTES Location: Southlake East DPS Facility, 667 N. Carroll Ave REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling, Stuart Spencer, Craig Sturtevant, Lou Ann heath, Bob Mundlin and Richard Sandow Board Members Absent: Frank Pitman Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Smith, Chief of Police Wade Goolsby, Chief of Fire Services Robert Finn and Police Services Assistant Diana Green. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7.03 p m. Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session No Executive session was held Martin Schelling announced that the tour of the Keller Police facility will not take place under the executive session. The tour will be moved to after the discussion of the Matrix recommendation. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments Richard Sandow, new Board Member, was welcomed Richard gave a brief biography Congratulations were offered to Director Smith for accepting the permanent position of Director of DPS Agenda Item No. 4. Consent Approval of minutes from previous Board meetings July 6t" and Aug 17t" were discussed but no action was taken. Not all Board Members had a chance to review the minutes so the consensus of the Board was to wait to approve the minutes of these two meeting until next meeting. Director Smith gave a brief update on the Matrix Study recommendations The biggest issue which concerns the Board is how the facilities planning will be handled Utilization of the West facility was discussed. The Board was informed of the personnel moving to the West The Director of DPS and his Administrative Assistant, CID (detectives), and the Professional Standard's Officer will be moving and that move is scheduled for November 11`" Records and Property & Evidence will also be moving to the West facility sometime in the near future A position for a records administrator was approved in this year's budget and the Department is in the process of hiring for that position. Director Smith reminded the Board that this is an interim solution until the Board makes recommendation for the direction on what needs to happen for a central facility A brief tour of the East facility will be given to the Board Members to allow them to observe the working condition DPS personnel are subjected to at the present time Director Smith informed the Board that good progress is being made on other recommendations, operation issues, which the Executive Staff are addressing. Question What will staffing be when Property & Evidence relocates to the West9 Answer- About twelve personnel will have moved to the West facility when records and property & evidence moves to West Just about every office will be filled Traffic Officers will relocate to the East facility to be closer to Patrol Question Will prisoners be processed at the West facility9 Answer- No, prisoners will still be processed at the East facility Expenditures for moving Property and Evidence were discussed. Question What opportunities will be created at the East facility by moving people to the West facility" An.siivr- Personnel will be moved around to facilitate better working areas Director Smith noted that Fire personnel will be considered in the reconfiguration of the East facility Question. Will Communications remain at East facility9 Answer- Yes because moving Communications is a major process because of communication lines and computer equipment Combining Southlake Communications with Keller Communications was discussed A meeting with Keller is scheduled to start discussion Date of next meeting scheduled for December 7, 2005 A tour of the West facility was offered for those Members who have not yet toured the West, contact Chief Goolsby to schedule a tour Board Members decided to adjourn form Keller PD All left for the tour of Keller Police Department facility Board Members and Staff met Keller Police Chief, Mark Hafner who guided the tour of the Keller facility i M Agenda Item No. 5. Adjournment. At the end of the tour of Keller PD a motion was made to adjourn the meeting Motion. Mundlin Second Heath Ayes Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant, Heath, Sandow, Mundlin Nays None Approved 6-0 Meeting adjourned from Keller PD at S 40 p m. Martin Schelling, President AT EST Diana Green