Item 4ICITY OF SO THLAKE MEMORANDUM (December 6, 2011) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Subject: Approve agreement with Facility Solutions Group to upgrade the remaining decorative fixtures at three intersections of State Highway 114 in the amount of $57,512 Action Requested: Approve agreement with Facility Solutions Group to upgrade the remaining decorative fixtures at three intersections of State Highway 114 in the amount of $57,512 Background Information: When State Highway 114 was reconstructed about 10 years ago, the City of Southlake chose to upgrade the signal poles and lighting at the major intersections. Because the decorative signal poles and light fixtures at the street crossings do not conform to TXDOT standards, the City is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the intersection lighting at these street crossings. The original fixtures have plastic globes that melt on contact with the bulb contributing to premature failure of the fixture. The photos below show that the clarity of the globes has diminished as well. Last year the light fixtures at the Carroll /114 intersection were replaced to evaluate the new fixtures. The pictures below illustrate the old and new fixtures. On the surface the new fixtures look similar to the original but the new fixtures have an induction light source instead of metal - halide and the globes are made of glass rather than plastic. There are thirty -six (36) remaining light fixtures to be replaced at the Dove, White Chapel, and Kimball intersections along state highway 114. The proposal from Facility Solutions Group provides for the purchase and installation of all the light fixtures at these intersections through the Buy Board cooperative purchasing program in the amount $57,512. The replacement of these light fixtures will provide long term solution to the maintenance issues we have had with the old fixtures. Financial Considerations: Funding for this project is available from in the FY 2012 operating budget of the Street Division. Strategic Link: The award of this service contract links to the city strategy map relative to the focus area of Infrastructure. The specific corporate objective is investing to provide high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: None Alternatives: The City Council may approve or deny the agreement to replace the light fixtures at the Dove, White Chapel, and Kimball intersections on State Highway 114. Supporting Documents: Proposal from the Facility Solutions Group for lighting replacement Staff Recommendation: Approve agreement with Facility Solutions Group to upgrade the remaining decorative fixtures at three intersections of State Highway 114 in the amount of $57,512 Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director Chuck Kendrick, Deputy Director of Public Works — Operations Original light fixtures at the Kimball /114 intersection New light fixtures at the Carroll /114 intersection ArArrr orlhom 0 Arlo FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP November 2, 2011 lighting> electrlcal> energy technology ? signs Mr. Joe Walsh City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76042 Reference: Street Lighting Upgrade Buyboard #382 -11 FSG Electric respectfully submits the following amount for the requested electrical installation as outlined below. Price Includes: Labor, Materials, Equipment and Supervision Inclusions: • Remove and Recycle Thirty Six (36) existing street fixtures • Furnish and install Thirty Six (36) 85 watt induction fixtures Model # GVU- 085QL -MT- B-5-N-S • Furnish required lift equipment Proposal Amount: $57,512.00 Exclusions: • Sales Tax (if applicable) Clarifications: These fixtures will be installed at the intersections of 114 and White Chapel, Dove, and Kimbell. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information or if you have any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business, GIenn Peeples 5532 Midway Road #7 Fort Worth, Texas 7017 (817) 834 Fax (817) 834 -0126 Vendor Contract Information Proposal Documents $ ' F Vendor: Facility Solutions Group Address: 610 West Powell Lane Austin, TX 78753 Phone: (512) 835 -4971 Contact: Mike Heins Email: mike h(o7fsg.com Website: www.fsgconnect.com Federal ID: 74- 2942835 Accepts RFQs: Yes Contract: Outdoor Street Lighting #382 -11 Effective Date: 9/1/2011 Expiration Date: 8/31/2014 Payment Terms: Net 30 days Delivery Days: 60 Shipping Terms: Freight prepaid by vendor and added to invoice Freight Terms: FOB Shipping Point Ship Via: Common Carrier Quote Reference Number: 382 -11 Regions Served: All Texas Regions States Served: Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Vendor Exceptions: Orders over $5000.00 will be FOB Destination Return Policy: 35% restocking fee on standard items, no returns on custom orders. Additional Dealers: San Antonio TX, Shawnee KS, Placentia CA, Perth Amboy NJ, Denver Co, Albuquerque NM, Phoenix AZ, Dallas TX, Houston TX, Corpus Christi TX, Ft. Worth TX, Bensenville IL, Indianapolis IN [ Lost out ] @1996.2411 TASK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED https:// www. buyboard .con-/contract,asp ?dbc_vendor _ id= 2160 &dbc_ contract id= 516 &13A... 11/2/2011 OU 1 LJVtAf%" - OCclIU11 1XUNU11S Search Results: Narrow Search by Keyword(s): 1'dgG 1 V1 1 Part #_/ Vendor Description Qty Unit Price Catalog 10% Discount off www,chmindustries.com, EA $0.00 Facility Solutio RTS Poles for Round Tapered Steel Poles Catalog 10% Discount off www.chmindustries.com, EA $0.00 Facility Solutio SNT Poles for Square Straight Steel Poles Catalog 20% Discount off www.stresscrete.com, EA $0.00 Facility Solutio King J42027 Cast Iron Poles for Cast Iron Decorative Poles Catalog 50% Discount off Greengate Pricelist for EA $0.00 Facility, Solutio Hard -wired and Distributed Lighting Control Systems Catalog 20% Discount off Vista Professional EA $0.00 Facility Solutio Outdoor Lighting Pricelist for Decorative Specialty Landscape Products Catalog 0% Discount off FSG Electric Pricelist for EA $0.00 Facility Solutio Street and Area Lighting New Construction Installation Services Catalog 0% Discount off FSG Electric Pricelist for EA $0.00 Facility Solutio Wireless Monitoring and Control Systems New Construction Installation Services Catalog 0% Discount off FSG Electric Pricelist for EA $0.00 Facility Solutio Street and Area Lighting Retrofit Catalog 20% Discount off www.stresscreete.com, EA $0.00 Facility Solutio King J42027 Aluminum Poles for Aluminum Decorative Poles Catalog 10% Discount off EA $0.00 Facility Solutio www.gelightingsolutions.com, Salem Series for Lantern -style Decorative Historical Luminaires 51-60 of 86 Items I « Previous [ Next >>j Search Criteria: Vendor: Facility Solutions Group [ Lou Out ] 01996.2D11 TASK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED https : / /www.buyboard.coin/searcii results. asp ?NScrollAction — YES &PageNo =5 11/2/2011