1991-10-15 City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: OCTOBER 15, 1991 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall WORK SESSION: 6:30 P.M. 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's Regular Council Meeting Agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. 1. A. Call to order. Invocation. B. Executive Session Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252 -17 V.T.C.S., Section 2(e) 2(f) 2(g). Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. C. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the October 1, 1991 Regular City Council Meeting. 3. Mayor's Report. 4. City Manager's Report. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Council member or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business, and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consider: A. Permission to advertise for bids for Lift Stations to be located at Bicentennial Park and on East Southlake Blvd. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum. City of Southlake, Texas City Council Agenda October 15, 1991 page two 7. Consider: Ordinances, second reading and related items. A. Ordinance No. 480 -59, 2nd reading. (ZA 91 -52) Zoning change request for 128.33 acres out of the W.E. Crooks Survey, Abstract No. 295, Tract 2 and Hall Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1038, Tracts 2, 2A, and 2B. The current zoning is "SF -20A" Single Family -20A Residential with a requested zoning for "PUD" Planned Unit Development. Amended request is for 126.94 acres (excluding the "C -1" lot on the corner). Owner /Applicant: Charles Young and Larry Cole dba The Hills of Monticello. Public Hearing. 8. Consider: Ordinances, first reading and related items. A. Ordinance No. 544, 1st reading. Landscape Ordinance. Continuation of the public hearing. B. Ordinance No. 545, 1st reading. Relating to Burning Permits. C. Ordinance No. 547, 1st reading. T.M.R.S. Updated service credits on an annual basis. D. Ordinance No. 548, 1st reading. T.M.R.S. Providing for increased municipal contributions. 9. Consider: Resolutions (no items for this agenda) 10. Other items for consideration. A. Participation in Keep America Beautiful. B. Agreement for a utility billing audit. 11. Other items for discussion. A. Sign ordinance. B. Weed Lien. C. City Council Procedures. D. Continental Park Estates Sewer. E. Southwestern Bell Franchise Agreement. City of Southlake, Texas City Council Agenda October 15, 1991 page three 12. Meeting Adjourned. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, October 11, 1991 at 5:00 p.m., pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Article 6252 -17 V.T.A.S. iii i ow " iiiiiiiiiiiii andra L. LeGrand =o • k = City Secretary v ?- AV x / c t• "''a�„ ** ��a��` �,````.