2011-10-11 OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Activities Commission 11/08/11 'EN4' CITY OF 1 SOUTHLAKE 2 3 Senior Advisory Commission Meeting: 4 October 11, 2011 5 6 LOCATION: Southlake Senior Activities Center 7 307 Parkwood Dr 8 Southlake, Texas 9 10 Members Present: Chair David Baltimore; Vice Chair Dick McCauley; SAC members 11 Beverly Blake, Jean Boland, Charlie Boyd, Pat Burnett, Jeanette Gossage and Marge 12 Kyle 13 14 Commission Members Absent: Secretary Nancy Sporn 15 16 Staff Members Present: Kari Happold, Deputy Director of Community Services; 17 Communications & Website Manager Pilar Schank 18 19 Guests: State Representative Vicki Truitt and assistant Mitzi Long; and Darla Fowler, 20 MMOW 21 22 Liaison: Bernie McCauley, Southlake Steering Committee Coordinator 23 24 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Chairman 25 Baltimore at 1:00 p.m. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion 28 29 A. Guest Presentation — State Representative Vicki Truitt addressed the 30 Commission about the Constitutional Amendments and available grant 31 sources and responded to questions from the Commission. 32 33 B. Metroport Meals on Wheels Report — Darla Fowler presented the MMOW 34 report. Attendance for the luncheons has been very good. The Harvest 35 luncheon will be October 25; Thanksgiving to be held November 15 and 36 the senior luncheon on November 22 will not be held due to the holiday 37 that week. The Christmas lunch will be December 13. There will be no 38 luncheon on-November-20. There will be a New Year lunch December 27. 39 . befo R - 40 C. CARS Report — Mr. McCauley gave the CARS report. Participation is 41 climbing and CARS now has 21 drivers with many new riders. Mr. 42 McCauley's replacement, Neal Perkins, to CARS will attend next month's 43 SAC meeting. There may be opportunities to advertise the CARS program 44 in the local magazine, Southlake Style. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Activities Commission 11/08/11 1 2 D. Southlake Steering Committee — Bernie McCauley presented highlights 3 from the last meeting and updated the Commission on Southlake Steering 4 Committee current activities. 5 6 The Teen Court Can Drive was discussed briefly. Commission members 7 would like to investigate opportunities where the senior center may benefit 8 from the program to fill its needs. The program coordinator will be invited 9 to make a presentation at the SAC meeting and to discuss the program. 10 11 E. Facilities Update — Current & Future /New — Several operational items 12 have been purchased for the Center with the remaining budget funds. 13 14 F. Southlake Senior Funding, Inc. — Dick McCauley provided a report to the 15 Commission. SSFI will make a presentation to City Council on a proposed 16 new senior facility at an upcoming meeting as soon as it can be arranged. 17 18 G. City Manager's Office — Communications & Website Manager Pilar 19 Schank reported on the construction projects on Kimball Avenue and Main 20 Street in Town Square and other upcoming City programs as well as City 21 Council actions at their October meetings. 22 23 Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approval of the minutes from the regular Senior Advisory 24 Commission Meeting September 13, 2011 — The were no corrections to the minutes. 25 26 A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. 27 Motion: McCauley 28 Second: Kyle 29 Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Gossage, McCauley and Sporn 30 Nays: None 31 Abstention: Blake 32 Vote: 7 -1 -0 33 Motion carried. 34 35 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — No one was present to address the Commission 36 during Public Forum. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5. Consider — There were no items for this meeting. 39 40 There was discussion about inviting Kristin White, Teen Court Coordinator, as guest at 41 a November SAC meeting. Another alternative would be Council member Martin 42 Schelling. 43 44 Agenda Item No. 6.Adjournment. 45 46 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 p.m. City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork OFFICIAL MINUTES Approved by the Senior Activities Commission 11/08/11 1 Motion: Boyd 2 Second: Gossage 3 Ayes: Baltimore, Boland, Boyd, Burnett, Gossage, Kyle, McCauley and Sporn 4 Nays: None 5 Abstention: None 6 Vote: 8 -0 7 Motion carried. 8 9 / 10 _/ 11 1 A.1, l/L Aoir il i 12 !avid B: imore, Chair ari Hap d leputy Director 13 Community ervices 14 15 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork • Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet October 11, 2011 Senior Activity nter David Baltimore / yea-- • Pr; • Beverly Blake Jean Boland /6-et--04 Charles Boyd t', Patricia Burnett, )6 L:. Jeanette Gossage � %' ` ( � I. Marge Kyle � . Richard McCauley 4/4 i4l fL et Nancy Sporn Absent STAFF /.7 2 K Kari Happold Guests: IL / AA. 1 - ----�- MMOW