2011-09-28 OFFICIAL MINUTES September 28, 2011 Approved by the Southlake Library Board CITY OF )( SOUTHLAKE 1 2 3 Southlake Library Board Meeting: 4 5 September 28, 2011 6:00PM 6 7 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall 8 1400 Main Street, Room 3A 9 Southlake, Texas 10 11 Members Present: Vice Chair Brenda Flores and Library Board members Sally 12 Biersmith, Lori Burr; Emily Galpin; Ayako Miyazaki; Kim Roberts; Cheri' Ross and 13 Michelle Spradlin. 14 15 Members Absent: None. 16 17 Staff Members Present: Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services — 18 Library; Jennifer Tucker, Library Operations Manager. 19 20 Guests: None 21 22 REGULAR SESSION 23 24 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order — The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair 25 Flores at 6:10 p.m. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments 28 29 A. City Librarian's Report — 30 31 Director McGeath told the Board that the Library now has digital content for 32 the Nook and Kindle. Ms. Tucker noted that the digital collection was 33 added in April 2011. The Library now has downloadable ebooks and 34 eaudio books. All of our previous purchases have recently become 35 compatible with Kindle bringing the total available Kindle titles to 225. The 36 Library staff will be doing a big marketing push to promote the digital 37 library. We have added 369 titles since the collection started about six 38 months ago. To date we have had 1100 check outs of those materials 39 from 217 customers. 40 41 We have also added 34,000 free public domain titles for ebooks. Although 42 they are not the new popular titles, there are many classic titles now 43 available. None of these titles will count toward the customer's checkout 44 limit. 45 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork OFFICIAL MINUTES September 28, 2011 Approved by the Southlake Library Board 1 2 The Library had 1420 page views of the blog last month. 427 people like 3 us on Facebook and 47 people checked into us. 4 5 We upgraded our automation system about 2 weeks ago. The IT 6 Department moved our server to a virtual server. Customers now have 7 many additional capabilities including renewing books from a phone. 8 9 Cynthia Pfledderer debuted the Learned Reader series this month. The 10 purpose is to go beyond a book talk to discover knowledge that is 11 personally relevant. It is specifically designed for those who seek 12 understanding of life on a deeper level. 13 14 The Harvest Hike is scheduled at Bob Jones Nature Center (BJNC) for 15 October 16 This program is in conjunction with BJNC and a group of 16 parents of gifted and talented students. There will be story tellers, a petting 17 zoo, face painting, music, hot cider, candy apple slices, bat and turtle 18 programs and, of course, hiking. We are anticipating 500 attendees. 19 20 A storyteller will be here on October 31 for an afternoon Halloween event. 21 22 Thursday night at the movies has started. Each month the first Thursday 23 will be a documentary movie, the second Thursday will be a family movie 24 and the third Thursday will continue with International Film Night. There is a 25 core group of attendees for the International Film showing. The group 26 brings food corresponding to the country of the film being shown. 27 28 TumbleBooks, digital interactive picture books for children, are now 29 available for our customers. 32,000 books have been "checked out ". The 30 CISD schools are no longer subscribing to TumbleBooks, but directing 31 students to use us instead. 32 33 In another collaborative effort, the CISD librarians loan us books during the 34 summer when we are extremely busy and the school libraries are closed. 35 We no longer have to buy as many Bluebonnet books since we are 36 borrowing CISD copies. 37 38 A suggestion was made to provide more information about Volgistics (an 39 electronic web -based volunteer management system) on our Facebook 40 page with a link to the site. All volunteers now have to sign up with 41 Volgistics before they can volunteer. 42 43 The State Library has had a budget cut of 88 %. This has been passed 44 down to us in the loss of a grant that paid for two part time staff working 45 nights and weekends. We are furloughing the remaining part time staff 4 46 hours each month. Recovered hours will help to provide staff for nights and 47 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork OFFICIAL MINUTES September 28, 2011 Approved by the Southlake Library Board 1 2 Saturdays. Full time staff will also be working more nights and weekends 3 along with the week day part time staff. 4 5 A suggestion was made to obtain sponsorships from the community to help 6 with part time staff payroll. The Finance Department is upgrading the City's 7 financial software system so that citizens may pay utility bills with 8 debit /credit cards. Once that process is completely automated, the Library 9 donation option will appear on the utility bill. 10 11 B. Library Statistics — Director McGeath reported that circulation checkouts 12 have increased 7 %. He anticipates a yearly total of 350,000 checkouts as 13 compared to 2003 when the Library had 70,000. Traffic year end totals are 14 projected to be 175,000 people. Programming numbers are projected to 15 be 35,000 attendees. 16 17 Our checkout rate is number one in the state for a city of our size and our 18 programming attendance is number two. The electronic content will bump 19 the checkout number by about 30,000 to 380,000. In the summer we 20 logged over 400 hours per month of volunteer help. We have several CISD 21 special needs classes that come to shelve during the regular school year. 22 23 Agenda Item 3A. Consider: Approval of the minutes from the May 25 and July 28, 2011 24 Southlake Library Board meetings. 25 26 All minutes were approved by a majority vote. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum — There was no one present to address the Library 29 Board during the Public Forum. Public Forum was opened and closed at 6:39p.m. 30 31 32 Agenda Item No. 5A. Discussion: Advocacy program Update — 33 34 Mr. McGeath will approach SABRE to ask for funding help. He will also review the 35 suggestion for an individual donation program and an Eagle Scout project. There was 36 discussion of other areas of opportunity. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5B, Discussion: Board Opportunities Update. 39 40 There was discussion of other areas of opportunity including lectures, author visits, and 41 other programs. Since there will not be a new library, the Board will not visit area 42 libraries. 43 44 45 46 47 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork OFFICIAL MINUTES September 28, 2011 Approved by the Southlake Library Board 1 2 Agenda Item No. 5C. Discussion: North Texas Regional Library Partners (NTRLP) 3 Update -- 4 5 Mr. McGeath stated that the State Library funding cuts will shrink NTRLP. NTRLP has 6 some funding sources apart from the State Library, but the organization will exist at a 7 different level. 8 9 10 11 Agenda Item No. 5D. Discussion: Friends of the Library (FOSL) Update — FOSL 12 donated $2,200.00 to the Library for DVD purchases. They received a grant from the 13 Southlake Women's Club to fund the purchase of the The Great Courses. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 6. Adjournment. 16 17 Vice Chair Flores adjourned the meeting at 6:59 p.m. 18 19 20 21 22 k 23 Brenda Flores, Vice Chair 24 25 26 27 28 29 Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director, Southlake Public Library 30 31 32 A recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. 33 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork